monizilla · 2 years
Back on tumblr just to say that the new Jurassic World better tell me who the father of Blue’s baby is.
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monizilla · 3 years
Went to see the Eternals today. There was this family of 4 adults and 4 kids sitting in front of me, and when Phatos kissed his husband, 1 of the adult stood up and was like: “Urgh! Everyone let’s go, we’re not sitting through this!” and 8 of them stood up and left. The funniest thing was that the kids were absolutely confused and reluctant =)))) Like, bruh, if you’re homophobic just leave alone, let the kids enjoy the movie. 
Good for me though because the whole row in front of me is now empty and my sight is clear =))))) I hope those kids will get to see the rest of the movie somehow, best wishes to them =))
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monizilla · 3 years
by @mozu_hayanie
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monizilla · 3 years
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monizilla · 3 years
Not to be emotional but there was a scene in the breakfast part where Venom retrieved mails for Eddie, then used a tendril that looked like 3 tiny fingers to tenderly nudge Eddie’s cheek and face to look at the letters :”It’s for you”
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monizilla · 3 years
God forgive me but this love story between Cletus and Francis is absolutely beautiful and heart-warming
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monizilla · 3 years
I really want cinematic Venom to stay an anti-hero. NEVER make them a villain >”< !! The movies stated clearly that Venom loves human now. They’re like: 
“Yes, human is food, but I like some of them: My host boyfriend Eddie, Anne, her fiancé who is now kinda likable, Mrs. Chen, maybe even if she does not stock up chocolate. Those random colorful humans at that one noisy party. Yes yes, I like them. I want to protect them.”
I don’t mind Venom fighting Spidey but DO NOT throw their whole char dev and personality out the window!!
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monizilla · 3 years
THIS SCENE walked straight out of a AO3 fanfic. The way Venom jumped to back Eddie *cheff kiss*
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Venom attacks Cletus for insulting Eddie
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monizilla · 3 years
Oh man... That art gives me sadness and crying (Hank having Alzheimer Art) and also David Cage is on twitter. He posed your art on his twitter today!
Ok I said I won't be able to find it, but it found the tweet. Much too late but thank you everyone for informing me ; v ;~~
I just retweeted it but I don't dare too reply tho, it's much too late for that lol =))
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monizilla · 3 years
david cage tweeted about the alzheimer’s AU, congrats!
Yo waht
There's no way I can find the tweet now, it's probably lost in the depth of the internet. But if it's true, I'm honored ; v ;
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monizilla · 3 years
My head canon for Venom2 is that Venom was so weak compare to Carnage because they were starving for months. Venom’s diet seems to consist of only three things: 
Eddie’s ass
And only 2 of those were actually tasty to the symbiote. While Carnage out there making buffet out of everyone.  
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monizilla · 3 years
Absolutely a nice surprise that Venom was such a gentleman in Venom2
Considering that Klyntar (Venom species) is instinctively violent, moralless, and would eat everything, Venom is adapting so well to human standard just for Eddie.
Consoling your bf when he’s sad, not eating human ‘cause bf will be mad, saying sorry when you did something that bf told you not to, taking care of bf when he’s reckless or stress?? Many times Venom talked to Eddie in such gentle tone, I was shocked?? Couldn’t believe I got to see that in theater.
And the rave scene?? Venom left Eddie to be alone and could have done whatever they want, eat whoever they want now, but they chose to chill with a bunch of human?? Probably cause those were not bad guys and Eddie told them we only eat bad guys??
This movie’s crew really said: We’re going with Gentle protective boyfriend Venom and we’re not going back!
Note: Venom’s aggression in the whole movie is just because they’re hungry, and I can’t blame them lol. 
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monizilla · 5 years
Beastars Theory
So I have some thoughts about Legosi. Remember this very early scene? This creepy shadow was telling Legosi to unleash the carnivorous instinct in him and eat Haru.
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It’s supposed to be Legosi’s inner voice that he buried, I guess? But I always find it odd. Like, That is not a wolf. There’s no ears. That does not look like a wolf at all. But I kinda forget about it as the story progress.
However, Paru’s design for human Legosi reminded me of it again.
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Haru and Louis was pretty much expected for me, but Legosi throws me completely off guard. You would not expect a wolf to have a human form like this. It looks reptile-like. I bet Gosha in human form will look exactly like this, maybe with shorter hair. And this makes perfect sense because many animals in the manga have been saying how much Legosi resembles his grandpa, especially the face. So when we shred off the outer appearance of a wolf, Legosi is innately more of a Komodo dragon?
What this tells me is that, Paru had always been very conscious about the Komodo blood in Legosi. This opens up another topic. We know he has a rough past of seeing how his mother passed away, and generally being discriminated for his grandpa being komodo, but that does not convince me of how much he’s afraid of his carnivore self.  He’s too timid and careful compared to any other carnivores we’ve seen. It’s like he’s traumatized of how strong and blinded he can get as a carnivore.
So, I’m guessing the shadow from the early chapters is actually the Komodo in him talking, most likely himself when he was very young, before he met Jack for sure. His Komodo self is a lot more violent than his wolf self and when he was a child, he lost control at some point and something horrible happened, which resulted in him associating his carnivorous-self to a more reptile appearance. I’m thinking deep down, he thinks he’s more easily losing control than other carnivores because he’s a hybrid. This discouraged him to talk to Gosha for 5 years once he left home, but at the same time he’s fascinated by Melon for the exact same reason, he’s conscious of the fact he’s hybrid. 
There’s a theory going around that Legosi will grow his fangs back with venomous glands, and with this line of thinking, it’s pretty possible. I’m sure he will grow his fangs back, but I truly hope it doesn’t come with venom bc holy hell he already has a hard time getting with Haru. Venoms will make this 100x worse. He hasn’t even kissed Haru on the mouth!
If this manga is well-planned, we should see the earless shadow again at some point, and I’m hoping to have a clear explanation.
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monizilla · 5 years
character in a fight scene: *restrains their opponent by pinning them against the wall by their wrists*
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monizilla · 5 years
Beastars 151 Spoiler
Melon easily becomes 1 of my fave character aside Legosi and Louis. From the get-go I could tell he’s a great villain that will split the fandom, you either hate him or love him. I was indifference at first, I only appreciate his potential as a character. But now I really come to root for him. I mean, if I have to eat sand for 20+ years of my life, I’ll grow psychopathic too, very understandable. And the way he was bullied? Holy sht those kids almost killed him, what if he can’t land like a leopard?? I have no sympathy for them. Kids can be cruel.
I won’t excuse for all the crime he did. Even if it’s understandable, it’s still terrible, and it’s his own choices. If Legosi were half and not 1/4 komodo and got bullied the same way, I bet he won’t turn out a murderer. Cause he has more good boy blood in him I guess. But I don’t think Melon is born evil either. If he was protected and well-loved, he’d have turn out fine. Oppressed yeh, but not villainous. I wonder what his parent were doing when he was young. Anyone bullying Legosi would’ve caught some hands from grandpa Gosha.
Now I just want Melon to get the taste he deserves T A T Maybe not from Haru or any live animal but like, ANYTHING. He also deserves love, give him all the hugs T A T I know he killed lots of animal, so he’ll either go to jail or get killed along the way. But I’ll tell you, which is a theory but can be a spoiler. If this type of character survives and gets what they deeply want (not their evil deeds. In this case, it’s Melon ability to taste), they’ll become at least antihero and a great force in the future for the protagonist. He’s already pretty chummy with Legosi as they’re both hybrid, the potential is there. Also, I would categorize him as a pretty villain. This type rarely dies or stays villains for long. If he does die, I hope he at least go with peace. My baby T A T.
Oh, I wonder if Kopi Luwak can awake Melon’s appetite and taste. But it can’t be that simple can it hahahaha.
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monizilla · 5 years
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monizilla · 5 years
Beastars Spoiler - Louis’ Past
I usually have random thoughts when I read manga. For ex, this page right here is quite freaking scary.
If you read the manga up to this part, you already knew that Louis was raised in cages as livestock and only got out because Oguma (his now adopted father) bought him. But there was another red deer in the building. A healthier, more frequently preferable one. It was extremely close that Louis would not get chosen and got eaten later on.
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But on the other hand, he got chosen. Then what became of the other red deer, who was also very close to getting out alive??
I’d say among all the dark things this manga has brought up, the idea of this livestock market is the only one that keeps haunting me. If you think about how sexual desire is frequently intertwined with feral carnivorous instinct in this manga, this market very much resembles child trafficking and child prostitution.
I mean like, poor little Louis. Look at that.
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On another note, I always thought Louis looks quite small for a deer. He’s well proportionate with a small head, which gives the false impression that he’s decently tall but no. He’s quite small even for a deer. Like, look at him vs his dad.
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Him. TINY.
And this is Legosi next to a couple of deers, who’s around his shoulder height
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And this is Legosi next to Louis. And up to the recent chapters I’m pretty sure Legosi got bigger so Louis’ head can barely reach his chest now.
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My point IS: Louis is most likely smaller than the average deer cause he suffered malnutrition when he was young and never really grew out of it. He probably can grow a bit taller, but nowhere near his father size for sure. Once you notice how small Louis actually is, you can never unseen it.
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