monkeygal25 · 26 days
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It's my 14 year anniversary on Tumblr 🥳
People come and people go .. But Tumblr is a thing that's a constant thing that stays the same.
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monkeygal25 · 3 months
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So here's the thing .. it's come to my attention that someone has created an A.I. of Nick Wheeler from THE ALL-AMERICAN REJECTS. The person has sent me 2 voice mails through telegram from Facebook. It's ridiculous someone would actually do this & possibly makes the real one look a bit clingy and creepy.
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monkeygal25 · 4 months
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Have any of you out there noticed this ? It's like the kid is trying to milk it that their cousin is dating Brian Bell?
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monkeygal25 · 1 year
"Being honest may not get you a lot of friends, but it'll always get you the right ones." - John Lennon
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monkeygal25 · 1 year
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Did you know that hotels will take bands clothing & won't return it ? I have recently found this out by one of weezer. The band mate told me he left it in the hotel by mistake and couldn't get the shirt back due to the hotel staff kept the shirt. 😳😱
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monkeygal25 · 1 year
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You know you have every right to be furious when your birthday has been hijacked by your best friend. They originally wanted to make it about their husband and son. Then they decided to bypass it all together and make it about your other best friend in June. While then choosing to make it fit for them by picking your mother's birthday to use for the date for the get together to celebrate your supposed birthday. You have every right to be furious on it all also when your other best friend who's birthday in June makes it about herself too. By saying "if I can't bring ___ I'm not going" when you said all you wanted is to get together with your 2 best friends for drinks out for your birthday. While the one who fully hijacked it said "we've always done it this way where we bring the kids & all & make it about everyone else" when this is actually not true at all. Which means she wants to fit the situation for her. That same then best friend decides to make up an excuse after excuse on why they didn't call me to wish me a happy birthday and then decided to do another full excuse upon excuse again. 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️
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monkeygal25 · 3 years
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You know you're starting to quote Hank Hill when you're at the point where you could literally kick your foot up someone's ass in regards to their pets escaping and terrorizing your dog.
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monkeygal25 · 5 years
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Welcome to TACKY VILLE .. POPULATION 80 .. Where children scream outside to their parents "I HATE YOU" & where the parents scream back "I HATE YOU TOO" .. Where people think it's ok to feed and breed stray cats. To find those stray cats roaming the neighborhood & people think it's ok to have their goats fornicate in their neighbors yards .. Where people find it ok to have their dogs wander the streets and neighborhood unattended and unleashed & have their pets do their business on other people's properties & never clean up after them. Welcome to TACKY VILLE #MERRYHAPPYWHATEVER FOLKS
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monkeygal25 · 5 years
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When you're raising the next generation .. The only way to do better is to face your inner demons .. Unfortunately most people can't seem to do that. #WiseWordsOfWisdom #MyOwnQuote
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monkeygal25 · 5 years
the best is yet to come
sometimes .. the greatest things seem to occur when we least expect them to. 
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monkeygal25 · 5 years
When 1 of your favorite people finally returns back to IG. Welcome back BEERIO 😜😜😮😮💕💕😎😎
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monkeygal25 · 5 years
Happy Father's Day .. You May Be A New Dad, An Old Dad, A Great Dad, A Bad Dad, A So So Dad, A Dog Dad .. The Skies Your Limit .. Hope All The Dad's Out There Enjoy Your Day ..
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monkeygal25 · 5 years
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Karma is a mysterious thing .. What you put out into the universe always finds a way to return back to you. If you find yourself as a kid being the bully. Unfortunately you'll find the same behaviors in your child.
The truth of the story is pretty accurate to say the least. The girl who bullied me & their husband who was also a bully or as he says it "a little hell raiser". Have had a child who is exhibiting the same behaviors.
I actually have heard their child was punched in the face by a older child on his school bus but the thing is this .. Their child was probably teasing and egging the other older child on.
Which that behavior of course provides right there the reason why the older kid probably punched him. In the end run this is what we would call KARMA in its finest.
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monkeygal25 · 6 years
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Like if you save♡
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monkeygal25 · 6 years
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I feel like it's time to come forward on this .. As a kid we all do some stupid shit .. It has been 17 years since .. So here goes nothing .. As a kid we all think playing with the Ouija Board is all fun and games .. Like nothing BADDD is going to happen .. WRONGG .. THINK AGAIN .. Back in the day a group of people and myself once played at a sleep over the "OLD FRIGHTFUL GAME" .. TRUTHHH BE TOLD .. What comes next in the story is the reason WHYYYY I've never dabbled in the game ever since .. While playing the game the group of girls and I asked in general who would die first .. We didn't think anything of it .. We just thought of old age first .. NOPEEEEE .. Turns out that it pointed / said this 1 girl's name in the group at the sleep over .. Next thing you know we find out she died right before we all were supposed to be JUNIOR'S in HIGH SCHOOL .. Turns out she had an asthma attack on her plane ride back from INDIA visiting her relatives .. I've kept this secret for too long .. I know I didn't kill her but it felt like in a way I did due to being at that party with the group of other girls who asked the question ..
This is clearly why I don't play or even watch anything dealing with the Ouija Board.
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monkeygal25 · 6 years
& that's how it's done using kids toys & the band THE ROOTS ..
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monkeygal25 · 6 years
What we're told ..
As kids we are told at first you don't succeed try, try again. Oh brother to that.. That is just total bullshit. The older you get the truth is if something doesn't work the 1st time or 2nd it's never going to workout. We're told to forgive and move on. While being told that we're the problem when in REALITY it's really the other person. The truth is folks we all get to the point when we will feel fed up with being treated that way & will feel NO REMORSE, NO SYMPATHY, NOTHING. We allow ourselves to be hurt & abused & misused. We need to take a stand & finally say NO. For myself it's clear that people who think it's ok to lie to others non-stop don't realize they are even telling the lie. Because when they do they eventually get caught in the lie they're actually telling people. I know this first hand by my cousin. She used her mother as an excuse. Which the excuse was she had to do stuff around her house to help her mother out & turned out they instead were in a car on the way shopping and out to lunch in Annapolis. You know how I know this .. I had a very important doctor's appointment & found out in the car coming home that's where they were.
You would think calling the person out on the behavior would actually do something. Turns out if anything it probably makes the situation even worse. While the other part to this folks is why are we rewarding this behavior in people ?? As a kid if a child does this we do something we try to correct the issue. However for an adult we do nothing. Seriously what's the matter with this situation people??
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