monkeytieistaken-blog ยท 6 years
I've been thinking about this for a while so let me introduce to you...
Pidge and Keith: Conspiracy Theorists/ Cryptid Hunters Headcanons
Keith is the one who wants to fight everything
"Keith we're not here to kill Medusa"
"Shut up Pidge or you'll ruin the trap"
"You set up traps?! "
Pidge is, of course, the genius
She really wants to make a scientific discovery; she's always thought monsters and legends were real
She teamed up with Keith because he had something very crucial to her research; his blade
Keith knew that knife was strange from the start, and that's why he partnered with Pidge
They're just people who want to know what the hell is going on
Shiro, Keith's brother-like figure takes the bullet and drives them around everywhere
*in the car, driving to who knows where*
"I really hope you guys aren't doing anything illegal"
"Only on Wednesdays, or if we feel like it"
Hunk sometimes tags along
Pidge and Hunk try many times to make some sort of machine that can sense magical rifts in the atmosphere; usually signalling something in that area
And how could we forget Lance?
Well it's pretty easy to, since he was banned from all hunting expeditions after "the incident"
*in the middle of an enchanted forest*
"I can't find anything. Pidge?"
"Nothing here!"
Lance, holding the relic that was specifically made to cause disaster when a mortal touches it with their bare hands: "What are we looking for?"
Lance helps with mapping and general ideas now, in the safety of Shiro's home
The gang uses Shiro's attic as a base
Hunk decorated the entire area to make it somewhat habitable (Pidge and Lance swear they helped)
Keith would sometimes sit in there for a while, close his eyes, and wonder if they'll ever find anything out there in this world. His knife pretty much represents his determination to be a theorist and hunter.
Their main theory is the disappearance of the Altean and Galra empire 10,000 years ago
They've concluded that the empire wiped each other out
Pidge is proud of that; it's part of her determination
They call themselves: Team Voltron
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