monochrome-chaos · 5 months
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"It gets me in trouble more often than not." He kept a good few arms reach away from the student. He was weary, even more so now with that show of teeth. He wasn't about to let her much closer to him, he already didn't know much about the individuals at this school, but he'd seen enough of them manipulate and use the people around them to meet their goals.
What ever those were, and he wasn't about to just allow her to do what she wanted. Hell no!
If this had been back home, it would have been easy enough to take care of. A muttered incantation, summoning one of the seven brothers to his side to swat off someone who got too close for comfort.
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"Ain't happenin' lass." Alacai immediately shot her down. Not only was he not into girls, but this was making him quite uneasy. So much so he took a cautionary step back, as if he was more than ready to haul ass at the right moment.
"Ye' keep yer' hands away from me, I dinnae like bein' touched in tha' first place." He wasn't about to entertain her bizarre idea, let alone for what purpose. He.. admittedly didn't pay too much attention in the classes he had to take. He wasn't trying to take much in since he was not exactly planning to STAY in this world once a way home for him was found.
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“Hmm… You’re clever, not to mention direct. I like those qualities~…” the girl replied, giving him a smile that flashed her sharp teeth. Of course, he was right about her intentions. Aria didn’t care about the information itself. This confrontation was partially to learn more about this strange magic, true, but most of all...she wanted a taste. Could she even take in some of this foreign magic? If so, what abilities would such power grant her?
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Her grin was replaced by a seemingly sweet smile as she folded her hands behind her back. “As for what I want… A simple kiss would suffice~” Aria doubted he knew about a siren’s magic-stealing ability, and if he did pay attention to that detail in class, he might not realize that she was a siren herself. Regardless, she wasn’t going to take all of his magic. Aria wanted just a nibble of that power, just to see what it was like. What it could do. After that… Who knows?
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monochrome-chaos · 6 months
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He usually left most people alone.
More often than not, it was other students that approached him when ever something was needed; much to Alacai's introverted disdain. But in this rare moment, he couldn't help but notice a particular student that seemed to be in a rare moment of.. contemplation?
Was that the right word to use?
Either way, Alacai had to cross the courtyard to get to his next destination. He could have used magic to get to where he was going.. sure. But with too many students around, it wasn't safe for him to do so without getting seen. Surprisingly, he was without the usual cat-monster that often hung on his shoulders. A rare moment when the human wasn't with the other half of their student identity.
But, of course when addressed, he stopped, almost a brow raised in Kristian's direction.
"Goin' tae' be honest lad. But I didn't peg ya' as the 'stared intae the void' type." He was usually good at reading people. It was why he exercised extreme caution around pretty much every student. Especially if they had a track record of using people.. Like Azul.
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But so far Kristian hadn't given him a complete reason to do just that.
"Somethin' botherin' ya'? People don't just sit in the courtyard n' stare at nothin' for no reason." The Prefect kept his eyes on Kristian, even if others may have glanced at them then went about their business. And with how he's already had to solve countless problems AND overblots?
At this point asking if someone was okay when they seemed 'off' became second nature.
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Kristian sat alone in the school's courtyard, a serious expression upon his freckled features. He appeared to be deeply lost in thought, especially since he never looked so serious. But given that no one else was around, he didn't worry.
Out of the corner of his eyes, he noticed Ramshackle's prefect approaching him. He had met Alacai before, but he couldn't say that he knew too much about him--and vice versa. Regardless, now that he had an audience, he pushed his previous thoughts to the side and gave the other student a sheepish smile. "Hey, sorry, I didn't see you there," he said with a chuckle. "Alacai, wasn't it? Do you need something?"
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monochrome-chaos · 6 months
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Ever so quietly, the Prefect slides a slim, but nicely wrapped gift riighhhtttt on the desk behind Idia while he's occupied. It's one of those super comfy mouse pads with a character from one of the gacha games the bluenette plays.
All before sneaking away. No hello or 'hi'. Just a silent acknowledgement with the tag of...
'Happy Birthday Idia, from Alacai~
Maybe update the password on your door this year. I cracked it too easily. -Gremlin emoji-'
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'plz leave me alone'
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monochrome-chaos · 6 months
❛  i would like to know what i can do to help.  ❜ (big brother trey mode: activate)
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"Aa-.." Alacai was frozen on the spot. The entire kitchen of Ramshackle was coated in flour. Mainly from an all too enthusiastic cat-monster. Of whom wanted to try a new spell that could 'totally help the magic-less student' with making something for the holidays to hand out to other dorms. It was no shock that anyone could drop by the dorm, especially with the Guest Room having been fixed up in such a way.
But he didn't expect one of the third-years from Heartslabyul would be the one to drop by.
Of course the fact Alacai was literally holding Grim over his head in the moment to try and control the chaotic little beast, didn't help.
"Oh.. Oi' Trey. Didn't know you were around. Uh.. I swear it's not always this messy!" Grim wiggling in the Prefects hands, demanding for his 'henchmen' to let him down. In which the young man obliged with an unceremonious plop onto the floor.
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"I.. uh-" He rubbed the back of his neck.
"I was tryin' tae' make something from my own home with tha' closest ingredients I could get, n' Grim thought he could use a spell tae' sift the flour 'better'." That would explain why it looked like a flour bomb went off.
"Help? Uhh.. I'd.. appreciate it. Grim.. why don't ye' go clean up." Naturally, the cat-monster protested but not before stomping off, leaving tiny paw-prints in the powder. The Prefect looked a touch crestfallen as he started about cleaning up the scattered flour and likely sugar and baking powder mixture from the countertops and floor.
"But.. If ye' really willin'.. I'm tryin' tae make 'Linzer' cookies. I dinnae if that's a thing here in Twisted Wonderland. Thought it'd be nice tae' make different shapes for each House."
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monochrome-chaos · 6 months
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He wasn't about to go into every single gritty detail. Not about how one of the Demons he held a pact with originally killed him. Nor about how his own ancestor had brought him back to life by transfering her power to him. Then the whole shenanigans of him replacing his dead self with Barbatos' influence.
It was a mess and a half, one he still failed to wrap his head around, even if he tried. All he knew, was that he was now in a world.. that wasn't his own, and he wanted to leave and go back to his home. Away from this weird place.
That was clearly not happening anytime soon. Not with Crowley being a laze-about.
But Alacai still kept an almost hard glare at the other student. Her tone rubbed him all the wrong ways. If it had been any other student, no doubt they would have been blabbing to just about anyone that would listen.
The 'magicless human Prefect' was not-so-magicless.
Suffice to say, he was keeping a healthy arms length from her.
"Tha' so..." Suspicion laced his words. It'd likely be the worst if someone like Azul caught wind of this. But again, he doubted anyone would believe this student.
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"No one in this damn school is jus' 'curious' about somethin'. They're always out tae' get something out for themselves. Wot's yer' game, lass." He wasn't buying it, not one bit. If it went south, he knew a way out.
A simple incantation he'd used frequently to get around campus. Quiet, small, enough to never set off any alarms from anyone near by.
Unlike the mages here, he didn't need some dumb pen to cast the spells he knew.
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That was actually quite believable. Aria could tell that his magic was too immense to come from one single source. Most magic in Twisted Wonderland was generational--just on occasion it skipped a child. And everyone knew from the tales of the Sea Witch herself that magic can transfer to others in the forms of various deals. A talented mage could make a deal with a non-magic human and give them a piece of their power, likely for a hefty price.
Regardless, the human's explanation for the origins of his magic wasn't absurd. They actually made some sense. And if it made sense to her, she had no doubt it would make sense to the rest of the student population.
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"I disagree... Your magic does make sense, just as it makes sense as to why the mirror didn't recognize it. I think your story is quite believable~ Ah, but I digress... I don't actually plan on telling anyone your secret." What good would that do? "I'm just curious about it..." She wanted a taste of it...
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monochrome-chaos · 6 months
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[Random idea I wanna draw.. Alacai coughing up a splatter of blot. Cause as much as he doesn't realize he does, in fact.. accumulate blot in Twisted Wonderland.]
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monochrome-chaos · 7 months
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It was a natural defense. To harden up, to stare his opposition in the face. And this other student certainly was squaring herself up to be at least a mild annoyance, or even a threat. The tension coming from Alacai was.. palpable.
No one else in the school had noticed a single thing. Even what he thought were powerful mages couldn't even so much as sense anything off about to so called 'Magicless human'. Not even Crowley asked questions... Not even Malleus.
Either these people had no means of sensing magic, or no one seemed to care. Brushing off things with ease, or as this student just said. They would have thought it to just be Malleus with how much the human hung around the princely fae.
But with her asking questions, Alacai's brow raised. Not as if anyone would believe her if she went and babbled. As if she'd even believe where he got his 'magic'. In a way.. he was almost glad to divulge how he 'got' magic.
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"Not like you'd beleive me.. But, tha' way anyone else does. Born with it. At least.. one facet o' it is. Magic tha' stems from me bloodline." His kept his voice low as he slowly crossed his arms over his chest. A defensive stance.
"Another came directly from me' own ancestor, but tha's a long story I dinnae feel like tellin' ya. Tha' other.. well it ain't workin' right here. N' tha's the pacts I've made with creatures called 'Demons' back in my world. Eight of them, tae' be exact." So three different facets of magic in this human. He could easily prove the pacts too, due to the tattoos on his back that marked them.
"In my world, magics fuckin' rare. N' it's kept a secret outside of tha' realms o' tha' Angels and Demons. None o' tha' shit like here in Twisted Wonderland." Naturally, Alacai kept an eye out around them. No one snooping. He almost expecting Rook to have an ear to the ground at all times when something big was being revealed. But it was just the two students here.
"Still, ye'd think in a fuckin' school filled with 'mages' someone would have said somethin' by now. But now you.. well. I'd say keep ye' mouth shut, but no ones goin' tae' believe ye'."
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Everyone has different reactions when they realize they’ve been trapped. Some fear what they know will come… Some harden up, facing the situation head-on despite knowing that there was no escape. She missed seeing the thoughts dart across her prey’s eyes when she hunted back at home… But this was close enough. That sinking feeling when you realize you’re ensnared, that there’s no way out… It was almost as delicious as the actual meal.
“It’s a special ability of mine,” she replied with a chuckle, choosing not to actually go into any of the details. To be fair, she wasn’t the only one with this power. All merfolk of her type had this ability. It just so happened to work very well with her signature spell… She had been singing in her choir class one day and noticed Alacai’s presence. He heard her voice…so she sensed his power. But she didn’t actually care to tell him all of that.
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She crossed her arms over her chest, tapping her long, dark nail on her lips in thought. “I can tell your power is overwhelming… At first, I thought I was getting it confused with that Draconia fae. But no, it was definitely your own… I have never felt anything like it before. What is it? Where did you get it?” Because a human like him couldn’t possibly have such powerful magic without taking it from somewhere else…
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monochrome-chaos · 7 months
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Happiness really was a key thing in all of it, really. That wasn't something Alacai really could help with. Everyone in this damn school had some serious problems, and not a single councilor in sight. So much magical power, some of the most greedy and terrifyingly selfish individuals..
It was like a melting pot of bad vibes and even worse ideas. And damn, he'd thought Vil's Overblot had been bad.
Idia's had taken the cake so far. Not only had lives been in danger, but the whole world itself. Was something straight out of a Fantasy Final game back home. Except it wasn't a god they 'killed' but a really strong bunch of Phantoms and one massive Overblot.
Still, it did not take an empath to note that although Idia could easily complete the in-game tasks they had to carry out for the event. There was a distinct hiccup here or there. One could easily blame latency, but Ignihydes' Wi-Fi was some of the most cracked around.
So perhaps his fellow gamer was distracted.
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Alacai waited for a moment after they turned in the egg collection quest. Only another day before they could turn in the last quest for their holiday dragon mounts.
Alacai opened the chat window.
MSG -> Hey, you okay?
MSG -> We can go do some duo dungeons if somethings' bothering you.
MSG -> Maybe do Extreme mode, see if we can beat the last time we got?
Something to help the other focus, help get their head out of what ever rut it was sinking into. At least it was what Alacai was thinking.
MSG -> If not we can call it early if you need some time to rest.
He knew Overblotting caused the victims to be rather out of it for a few days to even weeks afterward. He couldn't imagine what physical strain Idia was under, even worse.. Mental.
But at least in the Prefects way, he was showing he cared.
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Yeah, he guessed it was a good thing no one died. That would have meant a bunch of extra work… Of course, that would be his dad’s problem, not Idia’s. He was the genius who dispatched a bunch of Charons to a school of all places. But still, he guessed he should be happy no one died.
As for Ortho...
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MSG-> yeah
MSG-> i’m just glad he’s happy tbh
It was a lot for Idia to grow used to, especially since this Ortho was definitely not his brother. He looked like him, he was modeled after him, but they weren’t the same. He needed to stop comparing the two and accept this new Ortho for who he was. After all… He decided to remain Idia’s brother by choice. Even if he wasn’t the same as the original, he was still Idia’s brother.
MSG-> cool, heading up there
Idia closed his chat log and focused on the actual game. One would assume that would be as easy as breathing for him, but with so much on his mind…he found himself getting distracted here and there. He must be going nuts. Regardless, he put his attention on the game, getting up to the egg spawn’s location with relative ease. Even with his thoughts being otherwise occupied, he was incredibly skilled at gaming.
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monochrome-chaos · 7 months
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Things seemed to only be escalating, at least according to Alacai. First it had been basically a few royal temper tantrums and now things have gotten so out of control that many lives were on the line. If these Overblots were so dangerous, why was nothing being done to prevent them?
Alacai didn't know, he felt the longer he spent in this world that he was no better for understanding it. Part of him hoped that this was just some really lucid, long dream. That he'd gotten sick back home and this was all the result of a fever.
But the pain, the exhaustion, it was all too real many days.
Malleus' words weren't really a comfort. If anything, he was glad that another had his back in these times. Someone he could just idly speak with and not care too much about what was happening around them.
Even if.. such a way those words were worded almost sounded like a threat. A threat to whom.. Alacai didn't know. He'd heard such a tone from Lucifer back home more than a few times. Always directed at someone else when in relation to him.
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"Thanks Mal.. Hopefully it doesn't happen again, n' some focus can be put on gettin' me home." Speaking of, he finally caught that picture of Mickey. Which meant he needed to show the other First Years. And hell.. maybe with Ortho now, there's be another set of eyes, another idea in all of this.
Maybe they'd finally find a lead.
"Plus I imagine all you third-years have a lot tae' start plannin' for too."
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Ah yes, that feline-esque companion that Alacai shared his dorm with... Maybe that was the main reason the human did something so brazen. Malleus had no doubt that Alacai cared an awful lot about his companion, so of course he would go through something so dangerous to bring him back.
The prince wasn't sure if he could relate... There were very few things in the world that could possibly pose a threat to his safety, after all. But if Alacai was abducted like that, Malleus believed he would likely go to save him no matter what dangers it posed. He had more than enough power to do so... And besides, Malleus cared about Alacai. He wouldn't let him die, even if it wasn't the first time.
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"You needn't fret; I will make sure you are never placed in such a life-threatening situation ever again~" Malleus replied with a smile. Maybe his words seemed vaguely threatening, but he really only meant the best. He had enough power to keep his friend safe, so he will. Even if another student were to overblot, this time, Malleus will be sure to protect him.
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monochrome-chaos · 7 months
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He'd froze.
For a good while, he stood there in ice cold silence. Right, the weird bitch he met inline in the cafeteria a good while ago. He thought he'd seen the last of her. Sure, he'd caught her in passing but never paid the other student much mind. Caught her.. singing or something once. Not sure why she was doing that but he never bothered to care...
But now, he was simply looking at her from the corners of his eyes. Not so much as a deer caught in headlights look, but a more.. intense look. One that was rare to see in the Prefect.
"How the fuck did ye' find out." He spoke in a harsh, almost terrifyingly toned whisper. He'd always been careful when using it. Utilizing his magic when backs were turned or no one was paying attention to him. After all, everyone 'knew' he had 'no magic'. Why correct them, why make them ask questions.
Questions this other student had chosen to start asking.
His magic was alien, but it was immense. A cacophony of at least two types with the faintest of a third. Human, Celestial and Pact. The later was the weakest, with it being stretched so thin due to the fact the Demons he was pacted to were not in this 'reality'. All held in check with the ring on his finger.
Like a dam holding back an entire ocean.
If anything, he was baffled no one had noticed till now.
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"I didn't hide shit." Alacai grumbled out, his usual crude way to speaking. But he kept his voice incredibly low, that intense stare from his monochrome eyes never leaving the other student.
"It was everyone else who interpreted wot it said wrong. It said I confused it, that it couldn't identify my soul. Everyone immediately jumped on Crowley claiming it meant I had no magic. Instead of what it really meant, that it didn't know the magic I have. It's alien, thus.. unknown." And no one would believe him even if he said anything.
It's all they believed now.
"And I don't give enough of a shit to correct em'. If'n anything, means they'll focus more on sendin' me home, gettin' rid of me." Which was his goal after all. To go home.
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@monochrome-chaos inquired: ❛  do i have something on my face or why do you keep looking at me like that ?  ❜ (Any of your Twst OCs~)
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⁕| First Meeting Prompts |⁕
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“You have magic.” The whispered statement was made with a coy smile, as if the mermaid held a secret that no one else knew. And she did. It was amusing, wasn’t it? The prefect was known throughout the school as the one person at Night Raven College who didn't possess any magic. His very existence at this school was founded on Crowley's decision to let him stay.
But for some reason, this human didn't let anyone know that he actually did have magic. Why was he keeping that a secret? Why didn't he tell people the truth the moment they started to assume he had no magic in him? It was certainly a strange situation. The only reason Aria knew the truth was because he happened to hear her singing in passing, allowing her to sense the magic in the prefect. Now, she was finally confronting him about it.
Not that she really cared either way. However... This new information was pretty interesting. This human was the talk of the school, but they didn't know the truth about him. "So, how did you do it~? How did you hide your magic from the mirror~?" And why?
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monochrome-chaos · 7 months
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It felt nice to finally just get a chance to relax for once.
Sure, his entire dorm was wrecked.. his life and so many others threatened and who knows what other untold chaos will come from their actions just a week or more ago but..
Alacai was finally enjoying the calm after all of it. The heating worked in Ramshackle, the wifi was updated, and he even got to replace his computer after everything was completely leveled by the Charons. Though if he had to be mad about anything, was he lost a lot of data on his old hard drive and had to reinstall SO MANY THINGS.
Oh.. and lost progress on what he'd been programming but.. eh, that wasn't so much of an issue.
REPLY -> I mean, could have been worse? No ones dead, soooo.. that's a plus.
REPLY-> And Ortho's formally enrolled in NRC too. Plus the whole.. self-sustaining soul thing? That's pretty cool.
REPLY -> Oh- Egg spawn above us. I think there's a parkour to get up there.
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At least it seemed Alacai was focused on seeing the silver lining to it all. And really.. he couldn't stay mad at the Blunette. Especially since they were the only other student in this whole school that he actually could tolerate being around.
Plus, who else would he get to do the in-game holiday dallies with and not want to ram his head against a wall. Still.. was a bit odd that he wasn't playing with his other friend, usually he noted Idia did these events with another player.
Maybe they were busy?
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@monochrome-chaos ❤'d~
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MSG-> btw, srry about the whole wrecking your dorm thing
Idia and Alacai were playing online together from their respective dorm rooms. It wasn't often that Idia could find someone that he actually enjoyed playing with--so many others only slowed him down, but Alacai could keep up with him fairly well, surprisingly--so he enjoyed getting to play with the prefect.
Especially after the whole deal with Styx... Alacai now knew the truth about Idia, but he still wanted to play with him. Idia didn't understand why... His Charons completely destroyed Alacai's whole dorm--not by Idia's command, of course, but still. He had every right to hate him. But...he didn't.
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monochrome-chaos · 7 months
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"Eh?" Alacai couldn't help but blink at the question. Why? Why had the human so brazenly gone along with his classmates to a dangerous place? Why had the human descended down into the depths of the Island to drag Idia back kicking and screaming? Why did he have to deal with yet ANOTHER Overblot situation, but this one had the fate of this whole world at stake?
Honestly, not even Alacai knew. He always seemed to get himself into such situations so.. it almost seemed normal to him. A bit of normalcy to his life in an alien world.
"Well. Mean the others went too, ya' know? N' they kind of kidnapped a bunch of students we know.. and then there was the whole thing with Idia overblottin' and tryin' ta' let lose every single Phantom into tha' world." Alacai shrugged his shoulders.
"Plus.. Grim was there, and I wasn't about tae' jus' abandon him, eh?" Even Alacai had to admit, it had been a bit of an emotional reunion when Grim snapped out of it and collided with Alacai after his weird state of being faded. Of course, only those present saw the cat-monster creature break into tears. Everyone agreed to keep it to themselves.
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"Not tha' first time I've been in a deadly situation, if'n anythin'.. Crowley keeps puttin' me into those. N' well.. wouldn't be the first time I've died." He spoke it so.. casually. Especially infront of Malleus. No doubt Sebek would be screaming at how crude the human was acting, how careless he was speaking so normally.
Then again, Alacai didn't know if he'd be brought back to life a.. second.. third time? He stopped counting. The first after Belphegor strangled him to death, then.. the Night Dagger incident.
He didn't know if his ancestors 'blessing' would keep him alive here if he did wind up kicking the bucket.
"Honestly should be grillin' Crowley over it. I've had to handle every overblot this school's had this year, each was worse than the last. N' wot's he done? Nothin'..." The human grumbled, raising a hand to rub the back of his head a bit.
"But.. dinnae worry about it Mal.. Probably won't be the last time either."
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@monochrome-chaos ❤'d~
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“Why did you go to the Island of Woe?” There was no accusatory tone in his voice despite how direct his question was. No, he was merely curious of the human’s intentions. Malleus heard from Silver and Sebek about the robot invasion on the campus, but Alacai was there to witness it firsthand. Surely he knew how dangerous such a trek would be… But why? Why go when humans are so frail? He could have easily died… It was a thought Malleus didn’t like thinking about.
The fae prince observed Alacai with a slight tilt of his head. Was his actions a result of bravery or stupidity? No, he had more faith in his friend than to assume the worst. Even so… How could a mere human want to risk everything for a group of people who were hardly his friends?
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monochrome-chaos · 7 months
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"That's kind of the purpose of such questions. To make ye' think. It's a question my Mentor poised to me once.. I still think about it." He had to wonder what all of them were doing back home, had any time passed since his disappearance? If so, how much time? Were they working on tracking him down?
He knew at the least, Solomon, his mentor.. the one who had asked him such a question, would no doubt be adamantly working to find his lost student. Lucifer no doubt close behind, with Satan hot on his heels, criticizing his methods. The rest would be trying to help how they could, and finding means of destressing how ever they did without their little human around.
He missed his home, he missed Devildom.
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"I find it a question that changes as time goes on. As ye' grow as a person. How things ye' once enjoyed lose their luster, or your tastes change. And those moments ye' pause ta' think about how far ye've come.. or regressed." Alacai mused, arms crossed over his chest. Hell, it was weird looking at himself now. Trapped in some weird world of magic and 'wonder'. Pulled from his home, and still not knowing why.
Even so, he wasn't exactly sure why he gave the question to this visitor to the guest room in Ramshackle. It was a place that was open for everyone, true.. but it was odd seeing people who weren't from the usual group of students he knew that came to visit.
He'd just been tidying up before relaxing on one of the chairs, and well..
The best way to break the silence, was often with a philosophical question.
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@monochrome-chaos inquired: "Do you ever suddenly find it strange to be yourself?" (Any of your TWST muses~)
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⁕| Stuff From The Old Blog |⁕
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"How do you mean?" the icy young man replied in response to the other's question. There were many different ways Isfrid could interpret the question, and a variety of answers to go with each version. In truth, he mainly asked the other to clarify because he feared over-answering the question. Because he did feel as if it was strange to be himself at times.
There was so much he kept hidden from the world, so many details that only he knew. Humans didn't truth fairies, so he couldn't let anyone know about what he was. And of course there was the truth of his past...how he destroyed everything he held dear like some monster of ice and cold... Looking at who he was now as opposed to who he was then, he did feel strange to be himself. After all, was he really himself? Or did he lose so much of him the day he lost his home to his own bitter cold?
He lightly shook his head when he realized he had zoned out. "There is a lot to think about with a question like that..."
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monochrome-chaos · 8 months
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"Well.. ain'tcha a bitch, a right ol' hackit if I've ever seen one." The Prefect was also known for possessing little to no filter and odd dialect that only confirmed how 'alien' he was. But if she was going to be huffy and rude, well there was no holding back then with him.
'Treat others how ye want to be treated.' his Pa always drilled through Alacai's arguably thick skull. And of course, that has gotten him into trouble. Both here and even back home.
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"Well wait for em' out of line, all ye doin' is gettin' in peoples way." He huffed, almost going out of his way to shove his way past her, while avoiding touching in any way.
"Damn spoiled bastards fill this whole fuckin' place. Like none's been disciplined or humbled." More or less muttered once he made it past the other student. Of course humbling eventually came to such people, as he witnessed with those who had OverBlotted but.. This student was just rude.
Grim owned him double for this once he finished getting the food the cat-monster.. thing wanted.
As at this point, Alacai's lost his appetite.
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Her smile fell away to reveal almost an annoyed look at the other student's response. Usually she got at least a bit of fluster from such a direct tease... Was he just not attracted to women? Ugh, how annoying--that rendered her skills practically useless.
"I'm waiting for someone. If you really cared, just go around me," she replied as she looked away, disinterested. Video game women being more aesthetically pleasing... How stupid was that.?? However, another glance towards the young man caught her interest once more. His monochrome attire... He must be the one student in that ramshackle dorm. The supposedly 'magicless' human... But she wasn't interested in magicless people.
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monochrome-chaos · 8 months
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There is a long.. very long pause. The Prefect is just, standing there. Baffled mostly. He wasn't expecting people to just.. move out of the way, no.. that'd be rude. But this other student was literally standing.. in the way of the rest of the cafeteria line. So of course he stared at her.
He wasn't normally a.. confrontational sort. He was better at making someone uneasy and they just moved away before he started breaking out being sassy. He had a low enough social battery as it was. The fact he even showed up to lunch was already half a miracle.
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"No, you're blockin' the rest of the line lass." Since she wasn't simply moving, he figured he'd shook down what ever normie weirdness she had with cold, hard fact.
"N' honestly, the ones I see in video games are more aesthetically pleasin'." Women weren't his 'thing' really.. Even then, he tried to be standoffish and cold on purpose in this place. He didn't need to go around making unnessicary 'connections'.
Uhg.. he should have gone back to his dorm and made lunch. He chose one hell of a day to be lazy.
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"You're staring~... What is it? Have you never seen such a beautiful woman before~?"
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monochrome-chaos · 8 months
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[ Getting around to reworking Alacai's reference after a million years... aaaa- ]
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monochrome-chaos · 8 months
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The laugh certainly got a rather incredulous blink from Alacai. That was not exactly the reaction he was expecting. But he still was not quite used to calling someone a mer-whatever it was that he was. It wasn't exactly something that existed outside of fairytales back in his world, so he had a hard time still wrapping his head around it all.
Most of the time the Ramshackle Prefect was convinced this was some ever too lucid, and vivid fever dream. And than eventually he'd wake up back home in the House of Lamentation, as if nothing happened.
He certainly kept hoping.
"Glad ye' get some humor out of it. Thin's like you dinnae exist where I'm from. Still wrappin' m' head around that kind of concept." Even though it's been months since he was dragged into this world against his will.
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Though seeing Floyd basically go into 'thousand-yard stare' mode at his question certainly didn't make matters simpler. He was.. just sitting out here? In the rain? Just.. for no reason?
Was that a normie thing to do here? He didn't recall anyone he knew back home just standing in the rain. Even when it rained in Devildom so many were quick to flee indoors or hide under cover.
This place was weird.
"Uh.. sure I guess? I was jus' gettin' thin's from Sam's shop for dinner tonight. Well.. Dinner for m'self, Grim doesn't like the spicy food I make." He figured the other might get bored on the way there, so he guess it couldn't hurt?
“Sea… thing?” Floyd echoes, eyes widening as he speaks. Soon, a laugh escapes him- lips stretching into a toothy grin. “You’re hilarious, Shrimpy!” Digging his elbows into the ground, the merman lazily props himself up to a sit. “Can’t really blame ya since you’re from another world, but hearin’ ya say stuff like that just cracks me up!”
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whatcha even standin' out here alone for?
At this, Floyd’s face flattens into a deadpan, the sophomore leaning back- putting all the weight on his arms.
Why… is he out here?
“Dunno,” Is his simple answer, the merman shrugging. “Don’t really remember why I came out here.” A small silence. “Ya mind if I tag along with you to your dorm?”
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