monochromosomal · 4 years
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Na’Kia Crawford’s life was stolen on Sunday June 14, 2020. Spread her story. Fight for justice.
Please help place pressure on Akron Mayor Daniel Horrigan, Akron Police Department and Ohio Governor Mike DeWine on Twitter if you are able to.
@AkronOhioMayor - Twitter
@Akron_Police - Twitter
@GovMikeDeWine - Twitter
Please help demand Justice for Na’Kia Crawford. They need to know we are paying attention and are demanding her murderer be found, arrested, charged and convicted.
If anyone has information on other ways to help or petitions, please add on. I’m sure there are posts already circulating but tumblr keeps blocking links from search results.
Fight for, support and lift Black girls and women everywhere.
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monochromosomal · 4 years
Just popping in to say hellooooooo
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monochromosomal · 4 years
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Take up space!
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monochromosomal · 4 years
I like how no one has pointed out that it is not a wolf spider. Much less that no one has pointed out it is more likely a brown recluse (or some form of recluse--I can't make out with 100% certainty the fiddle, but it has the right body proportions and that creepy af look), which will try and murder you in your sleep. Ask me how I know :D
why the FUCK is there a big spider on my bedroom wall it doesn't look like any spider i've ever seen in my entire life what the fuck
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monochromosomal · 4 years
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daily reminder that there is absolutely nothing normal about being expected to waste a majority of your life at a corporation to survive instead of indulging in better life experiences ✨
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monochromosomal · 4 years
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monochromosomal · 4 years
brazilian government thinking abt leaving the world health org in the middle of a pandemic……………… deleting the deaths/infected numbers from official websites…………. pretending brazil isnt the #2 country w the most infected rn………………. 600k+ ppl infected……. nearly 1k deaths A DAY!…….. i’m gonna cry
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monochromosomal · 4 years
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No male WWI pinups exist yet so my gay ass decided to change that at 1 AM and I ended up looking like a propaganda poster with homoerotic undertones so
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monochromosomal · 4 years
This is a reminder that if it doesn’t hurt anyone else?
It’s not cheating if it helps you function.
Need to set up reminders to eat? Drink water? Take your meds? Not cheating.
Can’t swallow pills but you can eat gummi vitamins? Not cheating.
A sticker chart so that you can feel accomplished when you get chores done? Not cheating.
Multiple planning apps/alarms/reminders so you get to places when you need to? Not cheating.
Need company when you fold laundry, or need to toss clean clothes into an open basket so you’ll wear them? Not cheating.
I feel like I held myself up to impossible standards that just exhausted me and left me so much lower functioning because the structure or accommodations I needed to get things done were “cheating”.
Just because I need to accomplish the same tasks different ways from someone who’s ablebodied or neurotypical doesn’t mean that I didn’t still get those things done.
We all deserve to give ourselves credit for the good work we do!
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monochromosomal · 4 years
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monochromosomal · 4 years
I keep saying it but it bears repeating, especially since white allies arent listening:
Stop trying to give credit to people on the front lines of these protests.
I need to stress this, you are doing the cops job for them.
Those masks you're wearing at these protests? They're not just to keep you from catching the rona. Its to conceal your identity.
And that entire purpose is destroyed the second you try to take or give credit for being on the front lines.
Cops are monitoring social media. The second you name someone on the ground, that person is now a target.
Now is NOT the time to be taking credit for your actions.
Keeping each other safe means keeping your mouth shut.
Do not name ANYONE on the front lines. Do not name ANYONE at the protests.
The ONLY exception to this rule is when you are outing a white supremacist or undercover cop trying to instigate more violence.
Do not name your fellow protestors. Don't even discuss who may have done what. Stop doing the cops job for them.
Filling their snitch lines and apps with junk is great, but if you're simultaneously going around and naming protestors, you're not helping at all.
Stop. Bragging.
White allies, this is not the time to be taking credit.
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monochromosomal · 4 years
Finding love as a transgender person
Marianne Oakes has shared an amazing collection of transgender love stories over at GenderGP. 
Here are a few of them. 
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Marianne wrote:
The myth that trans people struggle to find love is damaging to our future generations, if trans youth or worse still, their parents believe this, then the impact can be loss of hope. My experience is pretty much like all the lovely comments here, let’s stop the myth, xx
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More here!
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monochromosomal · 4 years
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monochromosomal · 4 years
If you have a couple minutes, let me tell you a story about something I learned a few years back—something I’ve been trying to share with pretty much anyone who will let me talk ever since.
I used to have the “if I can do it, anyone can do it” mentality. I grew up poor. I grew up chronically ill. I faced so many struggles growing up. And yet I was still INSANELY privileged.
I realized this my senior year in college. I worked as a peer-tutor in the writing lab, where my job was to help students write their papers without crossing the line into plagiarism (and let me tell you, there is very little a writing tutor can do that does not cross that line).
The type of student I saw the most was English Second Language students. These were students who had fought to come here from another country, managed to learn enough English to be fully admitted to the college, and were desperately trying with everything they had to complete their classes and obtain their degrees. They would bring me papers that I had absolutely no problem understanding, but that would have grammatical errors throughout. They would BEG me to help fix their papers so they didn’t fail their classes merely because they didn’t fully grasp Academic English—grammar that even I still don’t fully understand, and I grew up constantly exposed to Academic English both inside and outside the classroom. But I was not allowed to help them keep from failing their classes, because that constituted “plagiarism.”
You want to know the other types of students I worked with while I was a writing tutor?
Students who grew up here in the US, but in poverty. Students who didn’t have the constant exposure to Academic English while in K-12. Students who grew up with teachers who were too busy trying to maintain order in the classroom to adequately teach, or with teachers who were just too burnt out to even care anymore. Students who didn’t have parents with the ability to continue their education outside the classroom while growing up, or who just straight up didn’t have parents. Students who spent their time after class in high school working to help their family make ends meet, and were then too exhausted to adequately pay attention during class. And there were so many single moms that I worked with as well, trying desperately to pay their bills and their tuition, successfully raise a family, and build a better future for themselves and their children. To all these students, Academic English was still a second language that they were frantically trying to learn.
Every single student I worked with was trying desperately to succeed in their education, because that was their ticket to a better future. They were working SO hard, and they were still being held back. NOT because they couldn’t successfully communicate their ideas—because they did that just fine—but SOLELY because they could not do so according to an insane, archaic set of rules. Yet they continued to fight through this system designed to “weed them out,” and they did so despite their being constantly shamed for their effort and constantly threatened with failing/expulsion.
As a former “Grammar Nazi,” let me be the first to tell you: Academic English is a fucking scam. Plagiarism is a fucking scam. There is not one type of Academic English. There are about a dozen, each with their own finesse set of grammatical rules that are impossible to know even if you have dedicated a good portion of your life to learning them. These rules are also constantly changing/evolving because THAT’S WHAT LANGUAGE DOES. Academic English is designed and put in place SOLELY to elevate those who have had the ability to receive near constant exposure to our language. And plagiarism is no better. Accessing outside knowledge INCLUDING the on-campus, in-person tutoring services, or EVEN online instructional videos from content creators other than the instructor CAN be considered plagiarism by the instructor. Plagiarism is designed to elevate those who have already had adequate, prior exposure to the content utilized in the class, and to erase those who need extra help and/or who learn in other formats.
It just makes me so mad, because this one thing ("Academic English") is such a huge factor in how we define intelligence / worth. It's how we decide who gets the chance to try and improve their life (who gets admitted to college), and who gets to survive (who receives employment).
The ability to communicate is important. The expectation of following pages of rules to the T is just insane. I have wasted so much of my life formatting and proofreading even my own papers, papers that don't mean anything outside of the class. And as someone in an MBA program who has had a handful of internships, people who are actually in the professional world don't even really care about Academic English or grammar 99.9% of the time.
It's just batshit.
We call our education system the great equalizer.
Call me when that’s actually the fucking case.
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monochromosomal · 4 years
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I’m here for these tweets
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monochromosomal · 4 years
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This is why it’s important to SAY HER NAME OUTLOUD!!! Black women are dying and deserve justice too.
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monochromosomal · 4 years
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my tweet lowkey doing numbers so here y’all go
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