may 27 2017
But mutant techno is not an ahistorical phenomenon, meaning that the Feral Grind strain of “technoise” is not an isolated one. As mentioned above, power electronics were key to the development of American noise music as we currently know it. If indeed power electronics-- industrial music's degenerate nephew-- seemed to have disappeared in the last decade-and-a-half, it was likely just holed up in the some basement. In fact some power electronic outfits never relented, instead getting more brutal. Spain's Esplendor Geometrico never stopped turning out record after record of complex factory beats, and Whitehouse never stopped making the proverbial veins on its temple bulge.
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may 15 2017
The other night was a perfect example. I had to do that a little bit. Maybe with the crowd, they have ear fatigue and physical fatigue, and this keeps the set interesting. Because if it's just a standard count, and you just swap the bass, and you lower the track, I feel like it might become this flat rhythm. Rhythm's not the right word—the room is just flat, moving in a certain way. When it becomes that, you can see the crowd is kinda like, "OK, alright," and they might leave, or they might go to Panorama Bar. So, you know, I wasn't doing it on every single mix, but when I felt like I needed to grab them I'd pull them in and do some stuff. Another technique I picked up on was that often at the peak of your mixes, you'd have the bass completely killed on both tracks. I don't necessarily drop both basses. Sometimes one's up. See that's the thing, you may not realise it, but I'll cue the track and I'm pulling this sub mix, which is the low-mid. So there's the low, the low-mid, the mid and the high. So the bass is the bottom one, the one right above it, if I quarter turn it, I'm pulling the sub out, the bassline out. But the kick is still there. And then what I do, the other track that's presented is up, and then I'll slap it in. And I give it this power, like a power presentation almost, like a womm! sound. And that's become a staple of mine.
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may 6 2017
I was raised Seventh Adventist, I believed as a child. And there were a couple of different bible verses that basically say that god knows your thoughts before you think them. So that’s always been a primary question in the life of my mind, and I’m reminded of it when I go to Muslim countries because of the call the prayer. I think about how the call to prayer is a sound, is in the air, and there’s a pervasiveness of the ideas, they can reach you anywhere, wherever you are.
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may 6 2017
Colonialism and imperialism have not settled their debt to us once they have withdrawn their flag and their police force from our territories. For centuries the capitalists have behaved like real war criminals in the underdeveloped world. Deportation, massacres, forced labor, and slavery were the primary methods used by capitalism to increase its gold and diamond reserves, and establish its wealth and power. Not so long ago, Nazism transformed the whole of Europe into a genuine colony. The governments of various European nations demanded reparations and the restitution in money and kind for their stolen treasures. As a result, cultural artifacts, paintings. Sculptures, and stained-glass windows were returned to their owners (…).
At the same time we are of the opinion that the imperialist states would be making a serious mistake and committing an unspeakable injustice if they were content to withdraw from our soil the military cohorts and the administrative and financial services whose job it was to prospect for, extract, and ship out wealth to the metropolis. Moral reparation for national independence does not fool us and it doesn’t feed us. The wealth of the imperialist nations is also our wealth. (…) In concrete terms Europe has been bloated out of all proportions by the gold and raw materials from such colonial countries as Latin America, China, and Africa. Today Europe’s tower of opulence faces these continents, for centuries the point of departure of their shipments of diamonds, oil, silk and cotton, timber, and exotic produce to this very same Europe. Europe is literally the creation of the Third World. The riches which are choking it are those plundered from the underdeveloped peoples.
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