monowatt · 5 months
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monowatt · 10 months
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monowatt · 10 months
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monowatt · 10 months
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monowatt · 10 months
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Artist: guy billout
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monowatt · 10 months
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a little broken but there’s still life in there
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monowatt · 1 year
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~You & I are the same. We shall be a limitless source of love & creation… forever!~
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monowatt · 1 year
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You're too late to click Y2K
As tulip stairs into the oil painting behind the counter. Trying to think of her next sentence. Jesse walks in the door and says you must be thinking a mile a minute with 14 cups of coffee she closes her laptop and just stares at him with a blank expression
What she doesn't know is that he wants to buy her coffee
When he tries to say it she takes her computer and heads back to her mansion
There is a horrible thunderstorm when she reaches her mansion as she's walking up the stone stairs she slips dropping her laptop. She thinks too herself. My months of hard work are gone. She rushes to grab her laptop and runs inside when she goes to start it. All it says is 1999. She's so frustrated that she throws it against the wall
The laptop screen is completely destroyed and she is now thinking great my only laptop is now broken so she gets the laptop storms out her door and shuts the door rembering she forgot her keys and open the door grabbed her keys and got into the red 1979 Ferrari 308 GTS she has and went to circuit City
As she's sitting at the traffic light. Jesse pulls up beside her. She rolls down her window and says what do you want. He says why do you look so disgusted? She picks up the busted laptop and shows him that all it says is 1999 and she says my entire story is gone. I'm headed to circuit City to get my Osborne laptop repaired and maybe start a new story. He says let's just go see a movie followed by I heard inspector gadget was good she rolls her eyes and says circuit City closes in a 2 hours. We can go do something after that and drives off
He follows her to the store and gets out of his car.They walk into circuit city and look at the computers and he said why don't you by a whole new laptop. She said I don't want a new laptop I want my old laptop instead to work.They go to the desk and ask Luke can we get this laptop fixed Luke said I can try but I won't make any promises that it will be fixed.tuilp said fix it now nerd.Jessie said calm down it will be OK tuilp so she calms down waiting for Luke to fix it.after a hour Luke tells them that he tried everything but couldn't fix it. Tuilp said then I will buy a new one and try to get a new story I guess tonight she turns to Jessie and said sorry I guess I can't do tonight. Jessie said that's OK I will stay here with you. Luke goes in the back and gets the computer at that same time lightning strikes the transformer and has the whole building blacked out and there is no way to open the door's. Tuilp being more mad calls out Luke but he doesn't response she goes to look in the back and there is no one there.
Tulip comes back and says to Jesse. Let's go try to get those automatic doors open and get out of here as they're walking down. The TV aisle. They all start glowing and say 1999 and a green RIFT in front of them appears and a older version of Jesse and tulip walk out of it
present Jesse and tulip both say what the crap future tulip and Jesse hold up what looks like a Polaroid. A green flash goes off and then the present Jesse and tulip are gone
future Jessie and tulip go back through the portal they came from. Jesse says that was so easy I wish they were all that easy. tulip says I know sometimes they can be quite difficult
once they've made it back to their own timeline, Jesse takes the Polaroid and plugs it into a jail cell and then the 1999 version of Jesse and tulip appear and then the future version of Jesse says it'll take them a while to wake up let's go see if there any more stray versions loose
after a few hours, Jesse wakes up in the jail cell. he can't remember how he got there or why he would even be in jail. he sees tulip but she looks a little different. he asks her what's going on. tulip says you want to talk to your version Jesse says what does that mean? tulip just stairs off
as Jesse is trying to recall what happened, future tulip walks in and says to him, you're finally awake. now we can deprogram you Jesse is freaking out. what is deprogram mean? tulip says, unless you're one of the few human versions remaining, you're a machine you need to be deprogrammed there's so many of you scattered across hundreds of years. it's a bit much to explain to a machine that's going to be shut off in a few minutes and used for spare parts
future tulip goes in the cell and grabs him walks him over to an operating table and says lay down. she grabs this weird looking pen pokes it between his eyebrows and she says well. look at that. you're a human Jesse says of course I'm a human. what are you talking about? future tulip gist grabs his wrist takes him outside of the building and says go live your life. Jesse says what about tulip tulip_20 says we need her a little while longer
meanwhile, tulip_99 is tied up being interrogated by Jesse_20 jesse_20 says I'll ask you again where is your laptop? tulip_ 99 says i have no idea the nerd in circuit City took it for repairs. Jesse_20 says of course yet another thing that started Y2K tulip_99 says Y2k is real jesse_20 says of course Y2K is real. that's why we need your laptop so we can stop it from happening. the future we live in now is very very grim. they had to shut down Burger King tulip_99 said you're just as stupid as my Jessie jessie_ 20 gets frustrated and grabs a USB he walks over to tulip goes behind her grabs her long red hair brushes it out of the way and puts the USB in her neck. he says there now. I don't have to ask anything. I can just see it on MY PC tulip_ 99 has powered off after a few minutes. jesse_20 takes the USB and plugs into his computer and looks through everything she knows but the memory of where the laptop is is corrupt. jesse_20 says of course
meanwhile Jesse_99 is standing outside the futuristic police station as he's walking away. he sees a parked DeLorean taxi service he asks if he can get a lift to his old apartment on evergreen terrace the man inside says sure, hop in. that'll be $300 Jesse_99 says crap. I left my wallet at home. I can pay you when we get there the taxi driver grudgingly let's. Jesse_99 in and on the ride there his favorite band blink-182 is playing Adam's song
after he leaves the DeLorean and goes up the flight of stairs to his apartment. he knocks on the door and jesse_21 says how can I help you?Jesse_99 just gets a blank expression on his face and faints. Jesse _21 thinking to himself. I seen in a movie once where they got some ice water and just dumped it on a fainted person's head and they came right out of it. he goes and gets some splashes it on jesse_99 which shocks him to wake and Jesse _21 says what's up. you must be starving. want to come in and get some pizza? and jesse_99 says sounds great. I haven't eaten in what feels like an eternity and I have so
many questions as he's walking in. he just ignores the taxi driver screaming and shouting at him well he's standing in the living room he asks jesse_21 what do you think they'd be doing with tulip_ 99 and why are there multiple versions of me? jesse_21 says they probably have her in the bottom of the police office interrogating her when they're done. they'll probably just incinerator jesse_ 99 panics and runs out the door as he's stepping off the last step. he falls in a green hole
jesse_99 has slipped into a pocket dimension caused by there being so many multiple versions of the same person he looks around and almost everything looks identical. he walks up the flight of stairs again and opens the door and sees jesse_22 and luke_22 and tulip_ 25 and jesse_99 freaks out and passes out again. this time badly injuring his head when he comes to they all help him up and walk him over to the couch and ask him if he wants a big Texas cigarette. jesse_99 says yes. maybe it'll help my stress while they're all smoking. they start feeling kind of weird after a few minutes. they've all stopped breathing. luke_22 then contacts. Jesse and tulip_20 and says it's done. he leaves the pocket dimension through a green rift with everyone inside luke_22 is now back in the police station basement and tasked with taking care of tulip_ 99
tulip 99 is in a wooden crate being pushed by luke_22 in to a incinerator before the heat touches her head. she busts out of the crate and grabs. Luke_22 and throws him in to the incinerator and she watches the plastic peel off of him and sees that he is just a complex machine tulip_ '99 has connected with all the machines and now nose everything that's happening
meanwhile tulip_20 and jesse_20 are preparing to go back to 1999 tulip_ 20 says let's finish what we started jesse_20. agreed. once they arrive in 1999, they're just outside the city limits. they approach a decaying sign that says shay town jesse_20 we're going to need to find a vehicle approaching on foot. they come across the local bar. they see a orange and white 1980 Volkswagen Vanagon they approach the van and a knock on the window. waking up the hippie inside jessie_20 punches out the window, pulling the hippy out, throwing him to the ground tulip_ 20 grabs the Polaroid and with a green flash he is gone. jesse_20 says get in It takes a moment to hotwire the van and they're off on their way to circuit City. they are pulled over by the local chief he says. are you aware that you were speeding license and registration? they pull out the Polaroid and with a green flash he is gone. they remove the film pack thrown in front of the van and run over it and continue to circuit City once they have arrived to circuit City they use the van to drive-thru the automatic doors smashing their way into circuit City. they rush out of the van frantically looking for the The Osborne 1 laptop with the original Y2K virus what they don't know is Luke has contacted the authorities
Jesse_20 has spotted Luke rushing over to him faster than any known creature pushing Luke against the wall he says. Where is the Osborne laptop? Luke is confused. Weren't you just in here last night? I thought you left with the laptop. Jesse_20 screams lies. I know you have it
Jesse_ 20 violently throws Luke against the debris surrounding the Volkswagen impelling him tulip_ 20 says I don't know why we ever used that humans skeleton to build our artificial humans
That move unknowingly will change the future in time
As circuit City is surrounded by the police, the vans radio has picked up a signal and starts blaring Metallica for whom the Bell tolls
Jesse_ 20 has spotted the laptop
Jesse 20 lunges for the laptop. Once it is in his possession he says we need to get to the nearest radio station to broadcast. The virus shots were fired hitting tulip_20 revealing that she is just a machine as the two race for the Volkswagen, the Volkswagen is struck by a stray bullet causing a small but powerful explosion
Before circuit City goes up in flames. Tulip_20 has scanned the laptop making a copy of the virus The cops are prepared for anything to come out of the fire after a few minutes. They say there's no way anyone could have survived but just then too chrome skeletons emerge from the fire
Then the cops shout open fire but nothing is phasing the chrome skeletons they just let out an ear wrenching scream in bolt for the nearest cop car busting through the windshield Meanwhile, back in the year, 3030 tulip_99 is noticing many changes to the surrounding areas
Tulip_99 is terrified as she is watching what she thought was a modern counterpart of her destroy the year 1999, but in a second she is also relieved. She has seen the location of jesse_99. She pulls Luke 22 out of the incinerator who is now just a chrome shell and demands. He take her too jesse_99 when he says why would I ever do a thing like that? She shows him that if he is not assisting. Jesse and tulip_20 he is useless to them
With luke_20's last bit of strength, he tells tulip that there is a rift camera on the nearby shelf, but there's only enough power to save. Jesse or go back into 1999. She thinks him and says I guess you're not that bad. Once she has the camera and it has charged, she uses it to enter the pocket dimension when Jesse_99 is back in there. Dimension she attempts to perform CPR but no luck using her newfound capabilities. She makes a scan of his mind and current thoughts to place in a new body
tulip_99. leaves the basement when she has made it to the holding area. she spots tulip_ 30 and asks her if she has any ideas on how she can get back to 1999 tulip_ 30 says use the phone on the wall and contact the 24s tulip_ '99 says who's the 24s tulip_30 replies and says they nominated themselves to be the the multiverse protectors but they have to be the dumbest bunch I've ever seen. tulip_99 releases. tulip_30 from the cell and thanks her then contacting the 24s who are eager to help they use there one step Polaroid they enter tulip_99s dimension and then tulip 99 meets. Jesse tulip and luke_224 before much time has passed. future is
decaying. tulip_99 says we're going to have to work fast but need a word with you. jesse_224 he walks over and asks. what do you need? she grabs him by the wrist taking him over to an operating table and says lay down. jesse_224 is like okay but why tulip_99 says it won't take long as her arm opens revealing a needle full of a mystery green substance. she pulls it out. Jesse 224 is like whoa. that's pretty big. what are you going to do with that? tulip_99 places her hand on his chest and says just hold still and then the needle is stabbed in his skull pumping. the green fluid in his head tulip_ 99 picks up. jesse_224 bolting for the door and stealing the 24s Polaroid before they can comprehend what happens. tulip_99 has rifted back to the year 1999 with jesse_99 mind in jessie_224 but tulip_ '99. realizes she lost her silver tree necklace that had been in her family for generations, but there's no time to worry about that. now she needs to stop. Jesse and tulip_20
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monowatt · 1 year
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monowatt · 1 year
Watch "Billie Eilish - all the good girls go to hell" on YouTube
Is it just me or does this song make you think of Jordan?
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monowatt · 1 year
Vaporwave if you like this, check my youtube channel
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Recently found content for Kid Kirby, cancelled SNES game (1990s)
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Legend of Zelda Artwork made by Luis Melo
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monowatt · 1 year
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monowatt · 1 year
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monowatt · 1 year
Vaporwave if you like this, check my youtube channel
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monowatt · 1 year
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