monroe-theunknown · 11 years
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We barely know each other for me to give a judging look, but then again you were kind of a weirdo. No offense. 
Because you give me…this judging look…then again everyone does…so that shouldn’t matter. 
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monroe-theunknown · 11 years
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And why is that? 
Shit shit…I don’t want to see you
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monroe-theunknown · 11 years
Payton felt her go back but then she felt the knife go into her chest. She gasped out in pain feeling herself go over. "Over a Jacket, bitch." she said in anger. Seeing her turn around and try to walk back. Payton pulled the knife out breathing heavy at the pain, that was beginning to heal. "Oh hell no." she said raising her hand focusing on the dirt, as she flung some at the vampire's Jacket. "Oops. I ruined your coat." She said rolling on her back and lifting herself with her telekinesis. "Probably looks better on someone that's pretty." She said chanting a simple teleportation spell. "Oh you'll see me again. Trust me princess." she said before disappearing with the wind, continuing to heal her wound.  
Full Moon|| Open
Some of the vervain hit Cassandra in the face and it was at that point that she was officially done playing nice. She took a step back, hissing almost animalisticly, and the knife getting stabbed into her stomach was just the final straw. She took a second to gain her focus, letting the fact that her face currently looked red and scalded full her anger, as she roughly ripped the knife out of her own stomach and into the other girl’s chest. She looked down to examine her healing wound only for the sake of checking the status of her clothes. “You’re so lucky you didn’t stab through my jacket,” she told the girl, speaking as if it was a totally normal situation and she didn’t have a knife in her chest, “If you’d ruined that I would have stabbed you a bit more to the side,” she added motioning to where the witch’s heart was. “Anyway,” she finished, smoothing her clothes down to try and make them appear normal even though her shirt had quite the serious blood stain, “I guess I’ll see you around… Maybe,” she added with a slight smirk before she turned to walk back off towards town.
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monroe-theunknown · 11 years
"That's a joke." she said seeing her disappear and come back biting against her neck. Letting out a sound of pain. She wasn't that hurt but enough given she bit into her neck. She dug in her pocket for a small bag full of the vervane plant as she opened it and threw it on the vampire and then gripping her hunters knife and stab the vampire in her stomach and turned the knife.
Full Moon|| Open
“Come on now, I never said that I would kill you,” Cassandra had replied before moving to attack the witch once again. This time she had succeeded and within moments her teeth had made contact with Payton’s neck leaving an obvious bleeding bite. However the problem now was that Payton was still armed and highly dangerous, especially with Cassandra now being within range of the knife she had been wielding earlier. The logical part of Cassandra knew that she should push Payton away and try to find easier prey but now that the scent of blood had filled her nose it was quite distracting to say the least and she wasn’t ready to pull away just quite yet.
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monroe-theunknown · 11 years
Here I Am | Nicki Minaj
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monroe-theunknown · 11 years
Payton laughed. "Oh I'm sorry, you're right. I should just let you feed and kill me." she said as she looked at her. "Why because you're a vampire? Please. You don't scare me." she said gritting her teeth as she saw her move away from her looking around before feeling her come up behind her although she did not have enough time to react to the girl to her attack.
Full Moon|| Open
Cassandra was used to witches fighting back with magic but with physical attacks was a whole different story. It wasn’t that she was unable to block the punch that was sent at her, she just wasn’t expecting it, and thus it made contact and stunned her for a moment. It didn’t necessarily hurt that badly, especially with how fast her body healed, but she was more just shocked that someone who was practically human had just actually punched her in the face. Cassandra’s eyes darkened as her fangs descended, “Trust me witch,” she spat, “you really do not want to piss me off.” Her eyes narrowed as this time she moved faster than the eye could see again however this time instead of going towards Payton, she moved around behind her before attempting this time to go directly for her neck hoping that the witch wouldn’t have enough time to both turn around and defend against her attacker.
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monroe-theunknown · 11 years
Payton looked surprised as she saw her usual ability that even to an older vampire such as Dameon, was not effecting her as she assumed it would. Although, maybe she had more tolerance to pain or was much older than even that of Dameon and Nicolas. She knew the vampire didn't have a bracelet cancelling magic, so it was pure strength. "Who said I was nice?" she said seeing the vampire charge at her. She chanted a spell quietly, a spell to enhance her strength and speed. Tying the spell to the full moon for it to work as she charged back at the vampire sending a punch to the vampire's face.
Full Moon|| Open
Going through quite a number of witches throughout her many years and ending on negative notes with basically all of them, Cassandra had grown quite used to witchy spells over the years (especially ones meant to cause her pain). Luckily as she had grown older the spells had seemed to have less of and less of an effect on her, they still hurt but she usually wasn’t completely crippled. What took her by surprise however was how strong the spell was. It wasn’t enough to keep her down, not completely, but for a moment or two she did grasp her head as she tried to focus and move through the pain. Rising back to her proper posture after a moment or two she looked at the girl, who she had now determined was obviously a witch, “Well that wasn’t very nice,” she growled before charging at her again.
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monroe-theunknown · 11 years
Payton kept her act up. "You weren't?" the witch said as she backed up holding her knife out. The blonde kept closing in on Payton when she kept backing up. Seeing the vampire run full force toward her as she tried to grab her knife. "Like taking candy from a baby." she smirked as she held her hand pushing energy forward focusing on the vampire.
Full Moon|| Open
Cassandra smiled, surprised that in the situation that the girl had enough logic to remember that they weren’t in fact on a trail and rather just randomly in the woods. Usually most people got to a point where they were freaked out that even super obvious facts like that escaped their minds. “Fine, you caught me, I wasn’t just out for a walk I suppose,” she admitted although her humored tone showed that she certainly wasn’t embarrassed. She glanced for a millisecond at the knife before she looked almost sympathetically at the girl, “the thing about knives though is that they’re only helpful when you’re up close,” she reminded the girl, before she rushed forward with vamp sped in an attempt to grab it out of the girl’s hand before she even realized what was happening.
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monroe-theunknown · 11 years
"You aren't? then why are you behind me when we aren't on a trail." she raised an eyebrow and smiled. She saw the blonde press forward to her. "I needed a walk to clear my head." Payton said seeing her try and close the gap as she backed up, not out of fear but to test something. She kept her eyes as she gripped her hunter's knife. "I-I got a knife." she said in a feared voice to appear scared, but she was far from it.
Full Moon|| Open
“Trailing you? No offense sweetie but you flatter yourself,” she took a few steps forward casually to shorten the distance between herself and the other person. She seemed human, arrogant and overconfident, but human none the less. Then again though it wasn’t like Cassandra could really tell since she was pretty much awful at differentiating between species. She continued to move forward attempting to use the fact that she was speaking as a distraction to how quickly the distance between the two blondes was shrinking. “So why are you out here walking then?” she questioned, “You’re all alone, it’s dark, it doesn’t exactly seem like the safest plan in the world.”
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monroe-theunknown · 11 years
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ruby 1.0 caps - [1-3/?]
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monroe-theunknown · 11 years
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monroe-theunknown · 11 years
Payton turned around to face the other blonde. She let out a slight chuckle. "Not a creepy walk sweetheart, I'm walking. You however are the creep if you're trailing me." she said sensing her energy low, barely a hum. She couldn't tell, usually vampire's had a lack of energy to them but then again everyone's different but given her actions she assumed either wolf or vampire. Given the town's major population was wolves and right behind it was the vampire's. She kept her eyes on the vampire, hard. She didn't really expect to run into anyone unfamiliar but it was fair game tonight.
Full Moon|| Open
Cassandra knew that it was foolish to go out during a full moon, the one night a month where it seemed like every other species became more dangerous except for herself, but she was hungry (and bored) so she decided to go out exploring for a bite. She did always have the option of blood bags, which she certainly utilized on occasion, but drinking straight from the vein was still her favorite and the hunt itself was really the reason for that. She was a vampire, a vampire with pretty much no humanity, and her strongest instinct was that she was a predator. Predators stalked and then captured their prey, they didn’t get their food out of prepackaged and refrigerated plastic.
There weren’t many people out in the town but Cassandra knew that it was better to be patient than anything else. She sat on a bench towards the end of town expecting a random person to leave a business after closing or something but instead she heard the sound of movement in the woods a hundred or so yards from her instead. She stood and began to make her way, just faster than a human, towards where she heard the figure moving until she was far enough away that she was sure nobody was looking at her before she vamp sped into the woods to see her prey for the first time. It was a woman, blonde, but before Cassandra could pounce the other figure whipped around. Cassandra wasn’t scared or startled, more just impressed that the other girl had sensed her. “What?” she questioned with a slight smirk, “You’re allowed to go for a creepy walk in the woods but I’m not?” she asked with a tilt of the head.
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monroe-theunknown · 11 years
Full Moon|| Open
It was the full moon tonight, which meant once again her magic was at it's strongest. Although it kind of put her on edge at the moment and she needed a walk. She packed her long hunter's knife and put on her Jacket deciding to walk through the wood's to kind of just ease her nerves. She didn't feel afraid considering she had the power to knock down an alpha during the full moon. The perks of being a witch with a huge magical background. She was walking when she felt an energy of someone. She smirked. "Stalker much?" she said turning to face the follower.
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monroe-theunknown · 11 years
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I don't want to even imagine. Not really a surprise since the wolf population grew more than when I was here. Nicolas, we both know I'm not afraid of some mutt with a tendency to bite. They clearly haven't met me or they'd put the fangs away now. Back to my hometown, and the neighboring states. Went back to, well reconnect with someone I lost contact with to find out he moved and went on about his life, and well...Just traveled to just random states seeing what's going on there and boom. Ended up back here. 
Surprised how much more people are in this town.
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monroe-theunknown · 11 years
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Good, was hoping your age wasn't catching up to you. Bored? You? I've been...better. Not really much to say other than Traveling. 
Surprised how much more people are in this town.
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monroe-theunknown · 11 years
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You, it was the nickname I called you. Nevermind. How've you been Nicolas? 
Surprised how much more people are in this town.
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monroe-theunknown · 11 years
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Somewhat glad to be back. How's the old man been?
Surprised how much more people are in this town.
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