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Person first language
Just remember. The person always comes first. Person WITH Down syndrome Person WITH autism Person WITH a disability
You would never say ā€œthat cancerous kid.ā€
They are people first and foremost.
The only time this doesnā€™t fit is with Deaf people. Deafness is part of a culture and not regarded as a disability.
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This is what I want to go to college for SLP. It is such a challenging but rewarding career!
Speech-Language Pathology (sorry for the novel- I'm just really passionate about linguistics and SLP)
Hey, so Iā€™ve seen some posts about jobs/applications of linguistics on a few different linguistics blogs now. One field I think many people donā€™t consider is speech-language pathology. Granted, itā€™s an entirely different degree; however, I was fortunate enough to attend a school that allowed me to get a bachelors in both linguistics and speech-language pathology. SLP deals a lot more with treating language and speech issues, but still requires a vast background knowing about language.
In undergrad, half of my linguistics courses and SLP courses were cross-listed/the exact same class. So getting an extra bachelors took just one extra semester and was very manageable. Often what I was learning in one class was reinforced in another. If Iā€™m being 100% honest, linguistics is my passion. I could study nothing but languages for the rest of my life and be totally happy. However, another one of my passions is being able to help people and make a difference in their lives. And thatā€™s where SLP comes in.Ā 
Almost everyone (that Iā€™ve met) in the SLP field has pretty much stuck to SLP/communication sciences and disorders (aka CSD), and will know a lot about language acquisition, articulation, various disorders, etcetera. However, having a linguistics degree/background (like I do) has provided a whole different level of depth to my understanding of the SLP field. Having studied phonology, syntax, and language change in not only English (my native tongue), but in also other languages, has given me insight to working with my clients that a lot of my peers donā€™t have. Often, CSD focuses on the language you plan on working with (in my case, English) and doesnā€™t always look at language as a whole. Like, why does /t/ become a glottal stop at the end of the word? Well, when youā€™ve taken a semester of phonology as a linguistics major, itā€™s easier to see and notice subtle nuances that most individuals in the field just donā€™t recognize. Having a background in linguistics has been nothing but beneficial to me in this field.
Speech-language pathology is a growing field (itā€™s still relatively new, compared to a lot of other fields), and it offers a TON of different opportunities. As a clinician, a speech pathologist can literally work with a person from the time theyā€™re born (literally as an infant) all the way up until a person is on their deathbed. Granted, most people pick a certain specialty to focus on (e.g., stuttering, aphasia, autism, accent reduction, etc.), thereā€™s always the opportunity to change things up and start working with a different population- that way, you never get bored. Currently, Iā€™m working with a 3 year old and a 47 year old. So, as you can imagine, my therapy is very different. Not only is each day a new day with that client, but one day Iā€™m crawling on the floor laughing and singing, and the next Iā€™m working with a gentlemen on spelling his kidsā€™ names.
With your bachelor degree in SLP, you can work as a speech-language pathology assistant (and it pays pretty well). With your masters degree (a couple more years of schooling and passing a national certification exam) you can do anything from work in a hospital, a school, or own your own private practice. Like I said, the possibilities are limitless.Ā 
All in all, Iā€™ve seen such improvements in my clients. Iā€™ve laughed with them, Iā€™ve cried with them. Iā€™ve had parents thank me while wiping the tears away from their eyes because their child has accomplished things they were once told they would never be able to accomplish something.
This field has been tremendously rewarding. I wake up every day looking forward to the differences I can make in another personā€™s life, another personā€™s language. As linguists, Iā€™m sure we all recognize the vital role that language and communication plays in our day-to-day lives. As a speech pathologist, you get to help improve the quality of life for others via language and their communication.Ā 
I would highly, highly encourage anyone looking for a job/career path thatā€™s passionate about languages to look more into speech-language pathology. Not only does one get to apply something theyā€™re passionate about (i.e., language), but thereā€™s an opportunity to make a difference- even if itā€™s just in one personā€™s life. And the field is constantly growing, with tons of different opportunities out there, across the entire spectrum of a personā€™s lifespan.Ā 
TL;DR- If you love linguistics and also want a nice paying job, you should really look into speech-language pathology.Ā 
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This will be me in college
Pretty much everyone ever: What's your major?
Me: Speech pathology
Pretty much everyone ever: What's that?
Me: I'd help people speak and stuff.
Pretty much everyone ever: ...But you don't talk.
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High school is like the free trial of education. Once youā€™ve graduated, they say ā€œif you want to continue, pay $50,000.ā€
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AP Writing Your Research Paper At 5:30 Am
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Me in AP Govt and College Physics....
You know you're an AP student when:
You have mental/vocal conversations with your testsā€¦
A decent grade:
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Ā  A good grade:
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Ā  A bad grade:
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So want to visit this beautiful library!!!!!
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This library moved me to tears.
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who you are in high school is not who you will be in college and who you are in college is not who you will be when you are 30.
when you accept that you are malleable and ever-changing, you will be less resistant to new ways of thinking and being and you will grow into the beautiful person you are meant to become.
resist the urge to remain stagnant. there are always things to learn about the world and yourself. let yourself learn them.
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I think showchoir should count as AP Gym or something because we have to sing, dance, breath, have facials and do a 2 minute costume change in 25 minutes which is half of 1 gym class.
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Laura Osnes and Jeremy Jordan in the Broadway adaptation of Bonnie & Clyde.
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Banks should allow you to have a second pin, in the case that someone came up to rob you and forced you to enter your pin. You enter the second and it shows your bank statement as less than $50.
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#AP probs
That moment when you charge your laptop to charge your graphing calculator.
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