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“I understand saga I’ll.. I’ll keep on practicing so I can get better and better! After all you know what they say, practice makes perfect.” the goat smiled before putting a paw on his chin and thinking before giving off a casual shrug sagas way. “Well I think that’s enough training for one day. For now I just wanna practice the moves I just learned from you. Then we can continue learning knew ones another day! Does that sound good to you saga?”
Saga nodded and seemed pleased with what they’d gotten done. Asriel was a smart kid. He knew his limits and when he needed to pace himself and just practice something. He’d be really something in the future. Heck he was formidable now. “Yep, that sounds pretty good to me.”
Hey Asriel! It's time to do some training!
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“Now? Aww but–I was gonna play some video games! Oh well..I guess it can wait..”
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“So..how are we gonna do this then saga? What are we training?”
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*What is this place? What is it's purpose, do you run this place?" (@alienbunbun)
Saga was a little surprised to see a new creature. How many monsters had he yet to even see? Oh well, game face, time to get a new customer. “Hello there! This is a passage parlor, but I suppose a more apt term would be a relaxation center, because you come inside and I shall perform services that will get your body relaxed and release any and all tension it might have inside it. I am the owner and main masseuse.”
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“Oh..w-Wow..okay saga I understand..geez.. I never thought I’d be learning such advanced magic though..or rather dangerous magic.” asriel admitted as he rubbed his neck sheepishly. “I’ll do my best in our training.”
Saga nodded firmly. “These might not be things I should be teaching but you’re a good kid...and I need to give you everything you could need so you can handle any situation because there is nothing worse than being helpless.” He let out a low sigh. He didn’t mean to get so intense but he needed to be upfront with him. “Well you have Blitz and Beatdown. Practice on your own time and find what works for you. Anything else interesting you?”
Hey Asriel! It's time to do some training!
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“Now? Aww but–I was gonna play some video games! Oh well..I guess it can wait..”
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“So..how are we gonna do this then saga? What are we training?”
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“I won’t share with anyone…but if they’re trying to force you into something you don’t like, I promise you here and now, they will not get to you because they’d have to get past me first.”
He did understand that he didn’t know enough about this group to judge…he had been part of some secret groups in the past that made certain their members wouldn’t speak for their own safety but this didn’t feel like the same thing.
*[The young prince turns his head to meet the masseur’s eyes. He knew he meant business but he shook his head once more.]
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*…They’re not gonna take me. I’d have to go, myself. This is their struggle and… they will see to it that they try their best with what they have. With or without me. 
Saga let out a small sigh of relief...but this didn’t seem to be resolved still.
“Sorry, I got carried away...I’m just worried. You worry about them don’t you? Do you want me to help them?”
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“Okay the I..I see then..” asriel was honestly a bit surprised. He knew saga was clearly more powerful being older and having years of learning new magic and perfecting it but he never thought of it in such a way.
Saga nodded. He...probably shouldn’t teach him anything in that category though. Not yet anyway. “Listen. I’m probably one of the strongest monsters you’re going to find in the underground...but that’s because it’s my job to fight and destroy. Not to protect. As such, to be able to fight any opponent, I’ve had to make these techniques. They sound simple on paper but they’re all valuable. Different elemental strikes, status ailments, moves with high and low accuracy, and then the unrecoverable moves I mentioned earlier. There are some scary things out there...what do you do against someone who heals faster than you can damage them? You damage their maximum HP. It can’t be healed. That’s not something you can take back later...but it’s probably the only thing you can do to win.”
Hey Asriel! It's time to do some training!
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“Now? Aww but–I was gonna play some video games! Oh well..I guess it can wait..”
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“So..how are we gonna do this then saga? What are we training?”
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Some things had finally clicked for him…he was understanding more his current struggles and his possibly conflicting or uncertain feelings towards him. He slowly stepped forward and hugged the prince from behind, embracing him tightly.
“What do you want to do then? I can help if you want…but it sounds like this is a fight you never wanted to be part of in the first place.”
*[Asriel lets out a shaky sigh before he’d reach his hands up and rests them over Saga’s arms around his own body. He would think about Saga’s question for a moment.]
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*…The fact I’m telling you about this is… breaking lots of pacts… they want to be hidden from realities that are outside their own… If I can have you promise not to share…. this conversation with anyone first….
“I won’t share with anyone...but if they’re trying to force you into something you don’t like, I promise you here and now, they will not get to you because they’d have to get past me first.”
He did understand that he didn’t know enough about this group to judge...he had been part of some secret groups in the past that made certain their members wouldn’t speak for their own safety but this didn’t feel like the same thing.
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“What!? If I would’ve not reacted I..I would’ve been blind!? I.. I hope that curse only last for a little bit and not forever..r-right?
“Of course. If I wanted to blind you I would have used a MUCH more nasty magic...but those are off the table. Trust me, I have a LOT of moves that do damage that you can’t take back but I’m only going to teach those to you for when you’re backed into a corner.”
Hey Asriel! It's time to do some training!
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“Now? Aww but–I was gonna play some video games! Oh well..I guess it can wait..”
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“So..how are we gonna do this then saga? What are we training?”
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Excuse me... Ralus, do you give more erm... Intimate massages?
“I’ll say yes, but details are not for darling little anons like yourself. Ask me again without a mask and don’t worry...I’m very open-minded. It will be in private if you’re shy.”
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[Dimitri lays on his fiance's chest and rubs his arm, trailing his paw down until he just holds Ralus' hand in his own.]
Ralus held his hand gently. He loved his little lover...and these small, quiet, wordless little moments were lovely.
He had a life. A family...a bigger family now. He had Dimitri, Asriel, Umber, and now he had Saga and Kaza as well. Asriel and Kaza practically pounced on eachother when he had brought him back and DImitri was happy to have his father. He wouldn’t worry about the future...well, except for digging out more space to make more bedrooms and rooms for just general comfort.
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God damn Ralus you're one sexy mofo~
“Baby you know it!”*Que double fingerguns
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She…really had no idea how to deal with this guy.It was almost like someone was flipping a switch to make him either super confident or super bashful,it was so different than everything she had to deal with so far..
Was this awkward? Probably not …for him,but she had to do…or say something until it becomes too awkward for her.
She had to…say something… nice,something…charming?
“…Y-you know..you have a really nice smile.”
…Nailed it.
However, despite being a somewhat weak return complement, his cheeks were as bright as apples and he looked away.
“Uhhh...hehehe...you really think so?”
Christ he was like a bashful teenager now! What the heck was going on? Had...had he not been flirted with before? Had he always been the one doing the flirting?
“Ahhh, I mean, thanks! I know! And your hair is great!”
Alright that seemed a little rushed. He didn’t seem to have everything together at the moment but that probably meant he was being completely genuine.
*steps into Grillby's, picks up Xate, and then leaves with her*
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“Wh- …S-Saga? What are you doing?”
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Asriel almost immediately smacked his hand away once it for close enough as he opened his eyes up with a raised brow. “What was that? I felt some weird magic there.”
“Hmmmmm, not bad! You detected it right away.” Saga said with a small grin. “that was curse magic. It would have inflicted a status ailment on you if I had made contact with you. In this case it would have been blindness.”
Hey Asriel! It's time to do some training!
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“Now? Aww but–I was gonna play some video games! Oh well..I guess it can wait..”
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“So..how are we gonna do this then saga? What are we training?”
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“My name is Ralus Meridian! It’s nice to meet you Ronan.”
He was back into his professional mindset. This was fine. This was a customer and since they weren’t the usual newcomer who came at him in the name of their ridiculous gods. This was just someone in need of treatment. Treatment that he would be providing.
“Now, as for the treatment options, we are known as a massage parlor, but if you would like, there is a full relaxation treatment, and even options for an extended stay.”
❧ A full relaxation treatment with extended stay sounded like heaven to Ronan at the moment. He knew it would be costly but his body started to ache, urging him to give into what he wanted instead of the needed. He could always forage for the necessities later. He reached to the back of his belt, pulling off a small leather bag of which he kept the extension of his wealth in.  
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“And how much would that be? For the full treatment and extended stay?” 
“Well you would be in luck. First time customers get half-off on their first order. However this is actually a fairly cheap establishment. It’s five gold per limb and twenty gold for a full-body massage. The Facilities are thirty gold each, such as the sauna and hotspring, however once you pay for access, you have unlimited access to it.You also seem to be of a reptilian nature so I can recommend the sun room.”
Saga seemed to have gone into sale mode and now he sounded like a proper business owner.
“Also during your stay, you can order food so you don’t have to leave this place, but you will be paying for the cost of it, as well as delivery fees, but since everything will be half off the final payment, you are encouraged to indulge yourself.”
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*N-No, Saga… please don’t. I…
*[The young prince had rushed right up to Saga and placed his hand on the masseur’s chest. Realizing how awkward he had made this situation, he looked away and removed his hand off of him and lets out a sigh]
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*… I chose to work for them first… out of the goodness of my heart and it’s.. helped them triumph through many of their obstacles but…
*[The young prince would turn away from Saga, gazing at his hind legs distorting beneath the fizzling spa water. ]
*… They just… appear to be in a downhill battle  from how I’m reading things...
Some things had finally clicked for him...he was understanding more his current struggles and his possibly conflicting or uncertain feelings towards him. He slowly stepped forward and hugged the prince from behind, embracing him tightly.
“What do you want to do then? I can help if you want...but it sounds like this is a fight you never wanted to be part of in the first place.”
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*waves* Just saying hoi. Cuz it's been months
Saga grinned and patted the goat boy’s head with a smile.
“Heya you little demon god! Man I missed you too!”
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Saga, the current owner of the parlor, was a little surprised that someone had come today and hastily set aside his book, forgetting to mark the page, and sat upright, clasping his hands together and trying to look at least somewhat professional.
“Ahem! Yes, hello! I am quite fine. How are you? I don’t believe I’ve seen you before.”
❧ Ronan rubbed the back of his neck for this was awkward for him to ask.
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“Yes, that would make sense considering im not local. I am weary, thus I have come to this establishment to relax. Oh and pardon me, my name is Ronan, what might yours be good sir?”
“My name is Ralus Meridian! It’s nice to meet you Ronan.”
He was back into his professional mindset. This was fine. This was a customer and since they weren’t the usual newcomer who came at him in the name of their ridiculous gods. This was just someone in need of treatment. Treatment that he would be providing.
“Now, as for the treatment options, we are known as a massage parlor, but if you would like, there is a full relaxation treatment, and even options for an extended stay.”
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