My little sister's new boyfriend got a tattoo for her about a month ago and he wanted matching tattoos so he decided to get uh. The tattoo on her ankle of her ex boyfriend's name that she hasn't gotten covered up yet
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You can tell when someone’s frame of reference for “normal people” is more “people at the church sponsored ice cream social” and less “people on the bus”
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good bye
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Happy International Museums Day to the following people:
The guy who called me the Whore of Babylon for teaching kids about Ancient Egypt as I stood there and nodded.
The woman who was deeply incensed that staff wouldn't open the cases so she could touch the organic objects.
The one guy who made me translate hieroglyphs on a stele for him, then was mad because it didn't say what he wanted it to say, and reported me for 'lying' to the public.
The parents who objected to the taxidermied animals having taxidermied genitalia because it was unseemly.
Those kids on a school trip who got on the floor in front of a mummy and started chanting 'we worship Ra' as their teacher desperately tried to get them to leave.
That one guy who...uh...really liked geodes. No, they were not a special interest. He really, really liked geodes.
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Why the FUCK did the brazilian government ban Twitter/X from Brazil and why, surprising absolutely no one, that's Elon Musk's fault:
Okay so I didn't proofread this post, so if there's anything I got wrong please tell me but I really felt the need to explain this to the usamerican website:
Yesterday Twitter got banned from Brazil. Like, "government banned it" kind of ban. If you are caught using a VPN to access Twitter, you'll have to pay a fine worth of R$50.000 reais, or U$ 8911,94 dollars. Is the ban going to last more than, like, two weeks? Proooobably not, but what matters is that it got BANNED.
Is the brazilian government censoring Twitter? Only if you consider making Grimes' ex, aka Elon Musk, suffer consequences to his own actions censoring. AKA, no, it's not a censorship, this is just law being followed.
Okay, what the fuck did Grimes' ex do to get it banned? Not following brazilian law. But, loooong story short: You know how Twitter gave a permanent ban to certain people from the alt-right thanks to them disseminating racist, sexist and antivax propaganda, amongst other extremely dangerous things and fake news? This has happened in multiple countries (remember when Trump got banned from Twitter?), including in Brazil. Normally, this happens thanks to the government of said country giving out orders for Twitter to do so. The same thing happened in Brazil previously, except that this time, Musk decided to throw a tantrum, accusing the brazilian government of censorship, ignoring the fact that the same fucking thing happens all the time all around the world.
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image id: a photo of Alexandre de Moraes giving a speech. end image id.
So, brazilian government says "ban these guys". Twitter goes "OK". Elon then goes "actually no", and unbans these accounts, going against direct government orders. Now, enters another guy in this story: Alexandre de Moraes, nicknamed "Xandão" by brazilians, also known as "just" the guy in charge of the brazilian Supreme Court (who I'll refer as "STF" from now on!). He's the one who told Musk to keep up the ban. Musk accused him of censorship, despite the fact that these profiles were spreading EXTREMELY DANGEROUS MISINFORMATION. Moraes is now being the face of the brazilian "censorship", but by all means and accounts, he's doing his job. What he is doing is not illegal, and also correct. He's NO SAINT, mind you, but he's doing the right (or at least the better) thing here.
So Moraes goes "what you're doing here is illegal". Musk goes "uhm actually I'm above the law, you see. Because I own Twitter". Moraes goes "no, you're going to get punished by this, Twitter is going to court". Musk goes "no", and SOMEHOW, MAKES THE SITUATION WORSE. NONONONONO. LEMME TELL YOU WHAT THIS GUY DID.
For Twitter to go to court, it needs a legal representative, right? WELL. WHAT IF IT DOESN'T HAVE A LEGAL REPRESENTATIVE, THEN?
"This doesn't make any sense, companies need to have these people", unless you fire everyone from your company and then closes it doors. "What". That's what Elon decided to do: Fire everyone working at Twitter's brazilian office and then close its doors. There's no company in Brazil anymore! Thereby, no one needs to go to court!
So, still insisting on keeping literal nazis unbanned from Twitter, and now having NO people in Brazil working for it, there was literally nothing else for Alexandre de Moraes to do. Twitter already had to pay huge fines before Musk decided to close its doors! He kept on escalating the conflict! Moraes KEPT TELLING HIM to get his shit together and RESPECT BRAZILIAN LAW. So, two days ago, there's the last thing he could have done:
Gave Twitter - and Musk - 24 hours to appoint a legal representative, or have Twitter banned from Brazil.
Once again, this is not censorship. Whatever you hear about Moraes censoring people or abusing his power, that's a lie. This. Is. Not. Censorship. The procedure (asking the company to ban the harmful accounts, have them pay fines, make them go to court, ban the app) is what it is in brazilian law, and I know that because I studied this law! It's literally part of the only two laws that I know about!
Anyways, Musk still thought he was above law, and now brazilians can't use Twitter anymore. We aren't expecting Twitter to actually die here, and we aren't too worried about it for now. However, there's another important part of this plot.
You see, there are many news sources that are either accusing Moraes of censorship, or that WILL accuse him of doing so. These guys are wrong. If a gringo like Musk thinks they're above brazilian law, they will have to pay for the consequences. The USA has a history of fucking up with brazilian politics as recent as during our 2018 and 2022 elections, and Musk fucking around and finding out is just another added level to this. If you want to know more about how the USA fucked us over, I recommend studying the brazilian military dictatorship (lasted during 64 to 85), which was sponsored by the USA!
In the end, brazilian artists that used Twitter to get art and writing commissions are going to suffer a lot thanks to this, so if you see a brazilian artist around with open commissions, consider helping them out! One dollar is almost six reais, which is HUGE. Imagine being able to multiply your money almost six times over? And yes I'm brazilian, my writing and art commissions are also open, please consider taking a look around, okay byeee <3
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Twitter is about to be banned in Brazil, why?
Have you seen the news about Twitter (now X, but I refuse to call it that) being banned in Brazil? Have you been wondering why that is? I’m Brazilian, and here I am to explain things to you.
You’ve likely noticed that since Elon Musk took over the social media network, hate speech on the platform has skyrocketed. White supremacist and Neo-Nazi groups have been using Twitter to disseminate racist propaganda and hate speech. And although the United States might not be doing anything about this, other countries are not so indulgent. Brazil being one of them.
Racism and incitement of hate (including speech) are crimes in Brazil. So is political disinformation, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, and ableism. Hate speech of any kind is a CRIME in Brazil.
The Brazilian Supreme Court ordered Elon Musk to do something about the political fake news and hate speech on his platform, and Elon responded by shutting down all offices in Brazil.
The Brazilian Supreme Court (STF) then ordered Elon Musk to appoint a legal representative in Brazil, as NO BUSINESS can operate in the country without a legal representative that can be held responsible to crimes and answer to them in a court of law. The STF gave Elon 24 hours to appoint this legal representative, and now that the deadline has passed and Elon has not complied, it seems that Twitter will be shut down in Brazil.
TL;DR: Elon is salty that he’s not above Brazilian law.
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“I think he was under the assumption that I wasn’t going to say anything and I would just let this go unchallenged,” Wilson said in a phone interview. “Which I’m not going to do, because if you’re going to lie about me, like, blatantly to an audience of millions, I’m not just gonna let that slide.” 
The interview is amazing. SHE is amazing. Holy shit.
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elon it’s me, your guardian angel. taylor swift has endorsed a political candidate you don’t like—you have to tell her you will make her bear your child. use the social media website you paid 40 billion dollars for. tell her you’ll put a baby in her goddamn belly. that’s normal behavior and it will definitely get everyone on your side
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why haven’t I seen anyone posting about that giant fucking baby penguin in Melbourne that’s bigger than some of the adults already
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obsessed with cats that bark
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woke up this morning, rolled over, and very confidently tried to blow out my alarm clock like a candle. absolutely no precedent for that.
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