monstersliveamongus · 5 years
The Family Trip (Kai Anderson)
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A/N: Thank you so much for 200 followers :) since I’ve been listening to a lot of Manson lately, so here’s a Manson inspired imagine.
Song which inspired this: Prelude (The Family Trip)- Marilyn Manson
“Theres no earthly way of knowing which direction we are going...”
We were on a boat. A row boat to be exact, it was Kai’s idea, along with any of the other plans he has made, as he is the leader, and we will follow him no matter what happens.  This time it was different though. He wasn’t being his usual self, who would usually take this time to yell about what we’re going to do once we get there.  No, this time, he just stood at the edge of the boat, whispering words to himself.  Nobody knows where we are, or what direction we are going in. It was pitch black, sort of cave-like, but not. 
“There’s no knowing where we’re going, or which way the wind is blowing..”
Everyone was trying to figure out what was up with Kai, and where he was taking us to.  “Kai, I’m okay if you don’t tell us, but where exactly are we going?” Speedwagon asked Kai a question nobody else would be stupid enough to ask, besides Speedwagon.  Kai turned around, made eye contact with him, and then brought his hand up, which had a pocket knife in it, to Speedwagon’s throat, and proceeded to slit it. He left him on the ground behind him, and turned back around, and continued to whisper to himself. Nobody could even tell where the wind was coming from, everyone thought the wind was blowing from a different direction then the other had thought. Everyone was confused, and if not slightly scared, they were terrified.
“Is it raining? Is it snowing? Is a hurricane a-blowing?”
Sounds started to get louder than they were before, faint distorted circus music was playing, the drops of water were getting louder, Kai’s whispering was getting louder. You could hear the words he was whispering now, they seemed to be complete bullshit, but what he was saying, made everything oddly eerie, as it infact, was true. None of us knew if it was raining, or snowing, or if there was a hurricane. None of us know where we are. None of us can see eachother. None of us can process what’s going on. All of us knew not to ask Kai what was going on. All of us knew we were safe with Kai. All of us didn’t dare say a word.
“Not a speck of light is showing, so the danger must be growing...”
Darkness. All we could see, was darkness.  All we could hear were the word’s Kai was scream-whispering, and the sounds of distorted music, with cave noises. We all believe we were in a cave, but wouldn’t everyone need to be able to see something, and wouldn’t Kai warn us? Everyone was terrified, and confused.  The words Kai spoke at the end are the ones that scared me the most.  The danger is growing, according to him, but what is the danger?  I can’t tell at this point if he had given us some sort of drug, or if this was actually going on. More frightening noises started to play, cats meowing, animals roaring, water dripping even more, the sound of water moving as the rower’s rowed the boat.
“ Oh, the fires of hell are glowing, is the grisly reaper mowing? “
The room started to get a dim light to it, the source flickered, which showed that it was by a flame, or something of that nature. We were in a cave, but we still had no idea where, or what is going on. Some started to panic, some just accepted the fact of what was happening.  Kai turned around again, and made eye contact with another person, with his knife in hand, he said “is the grisly reaper mowing?”, while he proceeded to stab the person who he had made eye contact with, to death. This made us all panic more, we couldn’t tell what was happening, or what was running through Kai’s mind.  Kai looked at all of us, before he turned back around, to where he was.
“yes! The danger must be growing! For the rowers keep on rowing!”
Everyone that wasn’t panicking started to chant “faster,” at the rowers, and they did as they were told. They rowed faster, as the danger got closer, and closer. 
“And they're certainly not showing! Any signs that they are slowing!”
The room went dark, wherever we were went black, and the boat kept speeding more as we went on. Kai knew what he was doing, he was seeing who was strong to stay in the cult.  He finally turned around, and said something, once it had quieted down.
“Stop the boat.”
requests are open :)
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monstersliveamongus · 5 years
Dandy Mott’s Playlist
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A/N: These playlists are really fun to make! Expect more :)
The Murder Mystery- The Velvet Underground Strawberry Gashes- Jack Off Jill Dead Man’s Party- Oingo Boingo SAY10- Marilyn Manson Bodies- Drowning Pool Bloodbath & Beyond- Ice Nine Kills Helter Skelter- Rob Zombie & Marilyn Manson The Gun Song- Ayria The Devil in I- Slipknot Down with the Sickness- Disturbed Psycho Killer- Talking Heads Freak on a Leash- Korn Kill Everyone- Hollywood Undead
a link to the Spotify playlist; fancy freak (dandy mott)
requests are open! :)
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monstersliveamongus · 5 years
Meeting Jimmy Darling
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A/N: finally am getting to finishing these :) (feel free to put characters you want a playlist and/or meeting headcanons for that I haven’t done yet)
-going to the freakshow with two friends of yours
-you buy tickets, you’re the only one interested in it
-you find this interesting, you go to meet him afterwards
-your friends look at him funny, but you don’t
-”I don’t like the way you guys look at me.. I’m not a freak”
-”that’s the name of your show, you are quite obviously, a freak..”
-you like them, and accept them for who they are, so you take jimmy’s side
-your friends leave you there when you take his side instead of their’s
-”I’m sorry, they’re not the most accepting people...”
-he tries to charm you, and calm himself down
-he wonders if you’re bothered by how they look, and if you’ll be back
-”I didn’t get your name?”
requests are open :)
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monstersliveamongus · 5 years
Twisty the Clown’s Playlist
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A/N: I’m finally back!! I have so many ideas, and so much catching up to do, I’m so sorry for such a long break. I had a lot going on, and forgot completely about this Tumblr page!  -Lily
Dirty Night clowns- Chris Garneau  The Carnival- Amanda Jenssen  Such Horrible Things- Creature Feature When You’re Evil- Audrelio Voltaire Killer- The Ready Set The Greatest Show Unearthed- Creature Feature Blood- My Chemical Romance The Dismemberment Song- Blue Kid Bad Bad Things- AJJ An Unhealthy Obsession- The Blake Robinson Synthetic Orchestra Bloody Nose- Jack Conte I Come With Knives- IAMX Hit and Run- LOLO
Link to the Spotify playlist; freaky clowns (twisty the clown)
Requests are open! :)
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monstersliveamongus · 6 years
Your blog is SO awesome, just discovered it since I cant find out right away I very much hope you’re still super active !
Thank you so much! And yeah, I’m still active, I just haven’t been able to write much lately due to some personal issues, and being busy with school. 
Thank you again!
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monstersliveamongus · 6 years
Lazy Day In with Kai Anderson
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A/N: I’ve been writing quite a lot in the past few days, working on a full sized fanfic, along with headcanons, requests, and imagines :)
-watching crime documentaries together
-probably about The Manson Family/Charles Manson
-while cuddling on the couch in the basement
-”(Y/N), do you think I’ll be like him someday? Notorious?”
-he keeps asking you questions to do with the cult, and the murders
-Him not actually taking more adderall than he needs for the day
-he tries to convince you to go on 8chan with him
-“come on... it’ll be fun.”
-you guys eat many snacks
-after seeing a lot of weird images and videos, you close the laptop
-he reopens the laptop, and makes you watch videos about murderers
-keeps you awake no matter what, he doesn’t care if you’re tired
-”(Y/N), have you ever heard of Jim Jones?”
-He tells you all the facts about cults that he knows of, and why he thinks the idea of them is great until he gets tired 
requests are open :)
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monstersliveamongus · 6 years
Spending The Day With Tate Langdon
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A/N: none
-It was a weekend, and he had to go to his stepdads work, so he invited you
-both of you drink coffee as it’s early for a weekend
-his stepdad would ask you two to do things he needed to be done, with some struggle from Tate, but not much because he was in public and with you
-”I already have to spend the day with you. Why do I have to do your shit for you?”
-mostly just sat on a couch in the lobby
-”Did you hear Nirvana’s new album?”
-Talking to him about books, music, and drawing mostly
-He vents about everything wrong in his life (his abusive mother, stepdad, depression, etc.)
-Going outside of the building for a smoke with him
-”Do you have the note from Friday? I forgot it.”
-Finishing some homework together
-His stepdad finishing, and won’t let you guys listen to music
-Going home, and hanging out with Tate in his room, to listen to music and draw with him
requests are open :)
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monstersliveamongus · 6 years
Meeting Kyle Spencer
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A/N: FINALLY got this done, its been in my drafts since I started this account in September.
To add on to this quickly: I won’t be active much tonight, my friends are forcing me to go to semi-formal with them
-You were in the tattoo shop that his fraternity went to get tattoos at
-He argues with his frat brothers about getting a tattoo, since he doesn’t want a stupid one
-You thought all the guys in fraternities were complete douchebags, so you sigh
-when Kyle walks over from the group of them
-watches you get your tattoo
-”What are you getting? It looks cool”
-he sings along to any Toto song that came on the radio
-”you’re so gay, it’s funny” - his frat brothers to him
-he knows literally every song from the 80â€Čs and 90â€Čs
-starts to ramble about his college classes to you
-”oh, I’m Kyle, by the way”
-his frat brothers tease him about talking to you
-walks over to look at the tattoos they’re getting
-his frat brothers showing off their shitty meaningless tattoos
-”So, what tattoo are you gonna get, Kyle?”
requests are open :)
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monstersliveamongus · 6 years
Helter Skelter: Recreation of August 8, 1989 (Kai Anderson: 1/10)
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Kai was pacing around his basement, we knew he was going to order the cult to carry out a murder of a known person that lived in the area.
He had been getting almost all of his inspiration for them from the Manson Family lately, not just his mind. It was always scary when he’d do this, but we all knew we would in fact, kill for him.
He sat down in the chair infront of us, and spoke quietly, but the words he spoke, scared everyone.
“it’s Helter Skelter, it’s coming, the war is coming”
Some tried to leave, they just got shot by who seem to be, brainwashed body guards.  
“Now, if you try to leave, the exact thing that just happened to them, will happen to you. Anyone else going to try to leave?”
The room grew silent. Some started to cry, but nobody else tried to leave, neither did they think about it.
“Okay. Tonight, we’re going to d- stop crying, its not going to help anything.”
“To continue my sentence, we’re going to be recreating one of the Manson murders. Of course, not with the same people, as they’re already dead, as known by all of you, you can’t survive a murder. Murder is the act of killing someone.” He continued to speak about the Sharron Tate murder, and who the people we were going to do the same thing to were. He described every detail he wanted done.
“I’ll be coming with you, but not helping you do this. I’ll be watching.”
“(Y/N), Ally, Meadow, Harrison, you all, are going to be the ones committing this murder. Beverly, you have been left out, as it is a spark of Helter Skelter, the race war. We’re white people, murdering other white people, to spark Helter Skelter.” He spoke carefully, but sure of himself. This is what he was going to do. This is what he wanted to do.
He escorted the 4 of us, and himself, out to the car. He made sure to have some materials, but not many, just enough to recreate the Tate murders. He decided to be the one to drive, as he was the one that knew the address, and he could trust himself, he didn’t have full faith in the people he was making carry out these gruesome murders, only some of them.  
Once we got there, he ran out of the car, with wire cutters, and cut all lines he could see at the gate that lead into the house, and opened the security gate. The similarity to the actual event was unreal. 
They killed anyone in the house/on the property at the time, including the pregnant woman. Kai watched them do this, and instructed them to write certain things on the walls, including “Helter Skelter” and “pig”, in the victim’s blood. 
After that, they cleaned up, to make sure no prints were there that could get them arrested, and left. We all left, and they threw the weapons out the windows of the car as we drove, just like the original murders. 
“Good job, can’t wait for tomorrow night.”
Hearing Kai say these words, was utterly horrifying.
requests are open :)
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monstersliveamongus · 6 years
Winter Anderson As Your Babysitter
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A/N: none
-seems to be the perfect babysitter when anyone besides the 2 of you are around
-but she’s actually far from the perfect babysitter
-”Do you want to do Pinky Power, (Y/N)? You can only tell the truth, and nothing but the truth.”
-She asks you some fucked up questions, not gonna lie
-Playing a game of hide and seek after, as an attempt to distract you from the questions she just asked you
-”I want to show you something..”
-at one point, she makes you go on the gore thread on 8chan, and won’t let you look away
-”this is real, (Y/N), it’s the real world. You need to get used to it.”
-makes you some pretty good meals to be honest
-”Thank you, Winter”
-”It’s my job, buddy.”
-She hugs you goodbye after she’s done babysitting you
requests are open :)
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monstersliveamongus · 6 years
Date Night with Constance Langdon
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requested by anon :)
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-has a quieter, more rhythmic knock on the door
-walks around the place, usually running her fingers along a surface
-“it’s nice to get away from Tate, and Adelaide.. they’re a real pain in my ass”
-Doesn’t like listening to what you have to say much, but will tell you her full life story
-Eats little bits of her meal at a time, mostly distracted by talking to you over the meal 
-”What a lovely meal, did you make it, or was it order out or something along those.... lines...” 
-She will get up at any point, and ask you about things in your house, even if she cuts you off while talking, she likes history of things/objects
-asks “Can I smoke in here?” as she lights a cigarette
-Asking her about Tate and Adelaide, and how they’re doing 
-”Tate is getting okay grades, but he worries me sometimes, the boy has something wrong but he wont let me know about it. Adelaide on the other hand, is the same as usual. She doesn’t like the house, and plays with seemingly nothing, it’s strange, don’t you think?”  
-Seems upset or angry by being asked, she feels like she’s being challenged as being their mother 
-slow dances with you to quietly playing older music 
-Grabs her belongings from where she had put it down, seeming to be in a rush  
-”I’d like to do this again, whenever, if you feel like it, of course.”
requests are open :)
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monstersliveamongus · 6 years
headcanons for date night with Constance Langdon please ?
Yes! I actually just finished it, and it is queued to be posted right now :)
(im pretty sure I do requests weirdly, but I post the ask/request first, and then post it seperately. Here’s the link: https://monstersliveamongus.tumblr.com/post/180318181830/date-night-with-constance-langdon )
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monstersliveamongus · 6 years
I’m Not Okay (Tate Langdon)
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A/N: none
Trigger warning: self-harm
Tate was coming over to your house, as you had invited him over earlier that day at lunch break. You finished cleaning your room as you waited for him, and put on Nevermind by Nirvana, as both you and Tate love Nirvana.  As you looked down, you caught a glimpse of your wrists, slitted, you knew Tate would be dissappointed if he saw. 
As you heard a knock on the door, you ran down the stairs of your house, while putting a blue and black oversized flannel on over top of the shirt you were wearing, a grey tank top, to block him from seeing your wrists. 
“Hey Tate!”
“Hi, how are you?”
“I’m okay, thanks for asking, you?”
We countinued the normal conversation as we made our way up to my room. I closed the door once we were in the room, and Tate had sat on my bed, readin the back of the CD cases of the Nirvana albums I had. 
“This is Nevermind, right?”
I nodded, as he skipped through the CD to track 3, Come As You Are, his favourite song. He smiled as he listened to it play through.
We started to talk about school, and music, for a while. I took off the flannel I was wearing, as my room was unusually warm, and I was starting to sweat.
“Wanna listen to In Utero, or Bleach?” I asked him, as the album had just finished playing through.
I reached to grab the cases from my bed, and opened the case for both Nevermind, and Bleach, to put one back, and the other in. 
“Hey (Y/N)? How are you doing?” It was a weird question for him to ask you, as he eyed your arm.
“I’m o-”
“Bullshit. Look at your wrist” You completely forgot that there was a reason as to why you put on the flannel. 
He looked away, it looked as if tears were coming to his eyes, as he looked back at your arm, and grabbed it. He ran his thumb over each cut, at a slow, soft pace.
“Lets try this again, how are you doing?”
“I’m not okay, Tate. Everything is going wrong in my life.” 
You continued to tell him everything that was going on in your life that made you feel the need to cut yourself. It took quite a while.
“You know you can talk to me whenever you need to, right?” He told you, as he hugged you, and handed you a cigarette. “Take it, you need it”
requests are open :)
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monstersliveamongus · 6 years
Smoke Break With Violet Harmon
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A/N: none
-her lighter burning out so you have to light hers for her
-finding a secluded space, so that you wont run into any assholes, or parents
-”It’s nice having someone to talk to out here, y’know?”
-having music faintly playing in the background from her phone (violet’s playlist)
-she rants to you about whatever is going on in her life
-accidentally getting ash on her hat somehow
-looking around to check that you don’t see anyone, and to just enjoy the view
-“did you see someone?”
-“stop worrying so much”
-her panicking, thinking she saw her dad, and puts the cigarette out, only to realize it was just someone who looks like her dad
-”shit... can you relight it for me?”
-Relighting it for her, while laughing because she put it out so quick when she thought she saw someone that she made it go crooked
-She throws the butt on the ground and squishes it into the ground with her foot
-”well, time to go back I guess....”
requests are open :)
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monstersliveamongus · 6 years
Going to School With Tate Langdon
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Author’s note: N/A
-usually early or right on time to class
-takes woodshop, art, english, and math
-he’s the quiet one in class
-doesn’t tend use his locker much, only does if he needs to put a coat away
-hands his homework in as soon as he gets in
-him taking breaks between classes for a smoke
-reads during lunch break outside under a tree or in the library
-doesn’t eat with others if he does decide to eat, he usually won’t eat at school though
-sometimes he gets caught drawing and daydreaming in class
-”Tate, are you with us?”
-”huh? I mean, sorry, I didnt hear you..”
-doesn’t raise his hand much in class, but he’s usually right when he does
-only a select few people get to know him, only the ones that he knows he can trust, and is sure he can trust
-hates going home at the end of the day due to Constance and his stepdad
-hangs out in the school library for as long as he can after school
-“Tate, it’s time for you to go home”
requests are open :)
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monstersliveamongus · 6 years
Zoe Benson’s Playlist
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A/N: I love making these playlist posts so much
Secret- The Pierces
Witch- the bird and the bee
Missed Me- The Dresden Dolls
The Zombie Song- Stephanie Mabey
Small Town Witch- Sneaker Pimps
Walking With a Ghost- Tegan and Sara
Don’t Mess With Me- temposhark
Season of the Witch- Donovan
Special Death- Mirah
Pagan Poetry- Bjork
Cold Cold Cold- Cage The Elephant
Strange Magic- Electric Light Orchestra
Small Cuts- The Brobecks
Link to spotify playlist; witchy ways (zoe benson)
Requests are open :)
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monstersliveamongus · 6 years
Being One of Ben Harmon’s Patients
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A/N: None
-going to him due to having severe issues with depression and anxiety, along with some family issues you have
-him not believing some of the things you tell him
-getting prescribed medicine, but you refuse to take it because you’ve had it in the past and it didn’t work
-“look, if you refuse to do at least one of the things I say, I don’t know if I can help you.”
-he gets scared when you say something questionable/slightly crazy
-him calling your parents to tell them to make sure you take the medicine he perscribes
-“I’m scared. I don’t know what they’ll do to me.”
-gets concerned enough about you that he starts to record your sessions
-“you don’t mind, do you?”
-“I think I’m going to do something bad.”
requests are open :)
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