monstersunderneath · 7 months
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The Lost Boys (1987)
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monstersunderneath · 8 months
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miserable hurt Hoffman stumbling around
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monstersunderneath · 8 months
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🩸  ――――         TIFFANY  SPUN  AROUND  WHERE  SHE  STOOD  AND  HER  JAW  DROPS  TO  THE  FLOOR,  UNABLE  TO  BELIEVE  WHAT  HER  EYES  ARE  WITNESSING.  she  lets  out  a  delighted  and  surprised  gasp,  eyes  sparkling  with  joy  and  welling  up  with  tears  of  happiness.  it  was  like  her  dream  had  just  come  true.  she  squeals,         ❛      sweetface     !!      is  this  a  dream     ?!      ❜     she  states  through  a  breathy  tone.  she  steps  forward  and  touches  her  barbie's  face,  skin  soft  and  flawless.  a  tear  flows  down  tiffany's  cheek,        ❛      it's  really  you     !!      i  can't  believe  it,  you're  here.  oh  doll,  we're  going  to  have  so  much  fun   –      ❜
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as  the  doll  comes  to  stand  in  front  of  the  little  girl  who  owned  her  who  played  with  her  who  made  her  exactly  who  she  was  ,    the  barbie's  grin  is  wide  excited  to  be  here  staring  with  beautifully  warm  eyes  to  her  child  .        ❝    oh  my  god  ,    hi  !    ❞   she's  of  course  excited  .        ❝    i  don't  know  what  i'm  doing  here  ,    but  it  is  so  nice  to  meet  you  !    ❞
@crownedhopelesss asked for a starter from serial killer barbie !
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monstersunderneath · 8 months
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Saw (2004) dir. James Wan
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monstersunderneath · 8 months
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90. Child's Play (1988)
Dir: Tom Holland My Rating: ☆☆☆½/5
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monstersunderneath · 8 months
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monstersunderneath · 8 months
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SAW VI (2009) dir. Kevin Greutert
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monstersunderneath · 8 months
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The Lost Boys (1987)
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monstersunderneath · 8 months
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Jennifer Tilly as Tiffany Valentine in BRIDE OF CHUCKY (1998) dir. Ronny Yu
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monstersunderneath · 8 months
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endless list of my favourite male horror characters:
Christian Bale as Patrick Bateman AMERICAN PSYCHO 2000 | dir. Mary Harron
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monstersunderneath · 8 months
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🩸  ――――         LAWRENCE  NEVER  THOUGHT  HE'D  SEE  THE  DAY  WHEN  HE  WOULD  SEE  ADAM  AGAIN  AFTER  THAT  DREADFUL  NIGHT.  every  day  since  his  miraculous  escape,  he  had  thought  about  what  he  was  forced  to  endure  and  the  victim  that  was  forced  to  do  the  same.  for  months,  in  the  beginning,  he  tried  his  hardest  to  not  think  about  it  and  attempt  to  leave  it  in  the  past,  but  the  more  he  fought  it,  the  more  it  began  to  consume  him,  and  before  he  could  really  come  head  to  head  with  his  trauma,  john  had  scooped  him  up  and  seduced  him  into  the  way  of  life  that  is  jigsaw.  he  was  a  part  of  this  now,  and  he  saw  the  good  that  john  was  doing   —   in  his  own,  little  sadistic  way   —   and  lawrence  really  didn't  particularly  agree  with  his  methods,  but  he  did  this  because  he  owed  it  to  john.  now  he  owed  it  to  adam  to  help  him  find  some  peace.  even  though  they  have  only  spent  a  few  short  hours  with  each  other  in  their  lifetime,  adam  was  the  only  person  that  lawrence  could  relate  to;  the  only  person  that  could  possibly  understand  the  weight  of  their  shared  trauma.
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HE  NODS  AT  HIS  WORDS,  PRESSING  HIS  LIPS  TOGETHER  GENTLY  AS  HE  LISTENS  TO  HIS  FRIEND.        ❛      i'm  sure,  i  wouldn't  doubt  it.  i  think  i'd  rather  stay  here.  i'm  glad  you  found  your  way  back,  though      ❜     he  responded,  offering  adam  a  half  -  hearted  smile.  he  looked  around  the  room,  seeing  everyone  was  beginning  to  flood  in  for  the  next  session  of  saw  victims  anonymous.  he  looks  back  at  adam,        ❛      that's  a  good  first  step,  adam.  i've  dealt  with  it,  too.  i  had  a  drinking  problem  for  a  while  after  it  all  first  went  down.  my  wife  couldn't  take  it  anymore  but,  here  i  am,  good  as  new      ❜     he  told  him,  lying  through  his  teeth.  sure,  he  didn't  lie  about  the  alcoholism  or  his  wife  leaving  him,  but  he  sure  as  hell  wasn't  good.  he  had  a  long  way  to  go  before  he  achieved  that  status.  he  nods,        ❛      they  have,  really.  it's  nice  to  know  that  there  are  other  people  out  there.  you're  not  alone   [   .  .  .  .   ]   are  you  going  to  share  tonight     ?     you  don't  have  to,  if  you  feel  you're  not  ready.     ❜
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Adam wouldn't say he held any sort of resentment towards Lawrence for never seeing him once he dragged himself out of the bathroom, trying not to bleed to death. They had been strangers before it all, and had only spent six hours of their entire lives together. And that time together had been nothing short of a nightmare. He couldn't blame Larry for not wanting to have anything to do with that experience. And it wasn't like Adam had reached out to him, either, and given that Lawrence was a doctor and Adam was a shady photographer he was the easier one to find.
Of course he has no way of knowing that now Lawrence has access to all the same information that had been gathered about Adam before the bathroom.
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"New York. That's where she lives. Never thought I'd stay in an apartment smaller than the one I had before, but New York's are borderline criminal."
The observation is made without an air of judgement but Adam is still a little embarrassed anyway. He knows he's a mess. Known for a long time. He had just hoped it wasn't so obvious at first glance. Maybe it's just the residual affects of drug withdrawal.
"I mean, I've been better. Obviously. But, you know, the fact that I can actually be sober now is a big improvement." Adam plays with a rogue thread from the sleeve of his shirt to keep his hands busy while he looks back at Lawrence. "How've you been doing? These meetings really helping you?"
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monstersunderneath · 8 months
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🩸  ――――         WHEN  AMANDA  DISTURBED  THE  ATMOSPHERE  BY  YANKING  THE  LARGE  METAL  DOOR  OPEN,  A  SMALL  BEAM  OF  LIGHT  FROM  THE  HALLWAY  REVEALS  A  YOUNG  MAN  CROUCHED  IN  FEAR.  he  looked  awful,  but  being  stuck  in  a  bathroom  with  no  food  or  water  for  weeks  would  do  that  to  you.  john  wanted  to  leave  him  here  for  dead,  to  rot,  because  he  didn't  win  the  game  or  attempt  to  play  it  by  the  rules,  but  amanda  wanted  to  give  adam  another  chance.  she  had  convinced  john  to  let  her  try.  she  knew  what  the  consequences  would  be  if  she  were  to  fail  at  her  attempt  in  birthing  him  in  a  new  way  of  life  but  she  was  willing  to  try.  he  reminded  her  of  herself,  before  all  of  this;  before  all  the  games,  and  jigsaw,  before  she  knew  john.  if  she  deserved  a  second  chance  at  life,  why  didn't  he?  she  approaches  the  fearful  man  slowly,  crouching  down  to  level  with  him  and  reached  out  to  affirm  that  she  was  only  here  to  help  but  he  scrambles  away  from  her  touch.  she  didn't  blame  him.  who  knows  what  was  going  through  his  mind  at  this  moment?         ❛      shhh   —   it's  okay.  i'm  here  to  help  you.  you're  getting  out  of  here,  adam   [   .  .  .  .   ]      ❜     she  assures  him  with  a  serious  expression  painting  her  features.  she  pulls  out  a  water  bottle  for  him,  handing  it  to  him,  as  she  began  to  unchain  what  bound  his  ankles.  his  ankle  was  bruised  and  bloodied,  possibly  even  fractured  or  broken,  but  she'd  get  that  taken  care  of.  he  was  her  responsibility  now,  and  john  made  sure  she  knew  that.  she  gulped  thickly,        ❛      come  on,  put  your  arm  around  me,  i'll  get  you  up.      ❜
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@monstersunderneath inquired ; [CHECK] from Amanda
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Adam is teetering on the edge of death, and so it takes a bit for him to register that someone is in the bathroom with him after days on end alone and in the dark. His mouth is so dry from dehydration that his lips are stuck together and his mouth feels heavy. He struggles to open his eyes, which haven't had to do so in a while considering he's been in the pitch black. He startles a little once he is able to process that there's someone in there with him, pressing his back against the wall and weakly trying to push them away. "Le'me alone," he manages to mumble, assuming that whoever has disturbed him in his tomb has done so to put him out of his misery early. And while he'd prayed for this very thing, now that he thinks it's in front of him he suddenly wants more time in this bathroom.
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monstersunderneath · 8 months
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William being (slightly) changed by John
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monstersunderneath · 8 months
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🩸  ――――         JOHN  STILL  HAD  DOUBT  IN  ADAM  AND  HIS  LOYALTY.  considering  how  angry  he  was  when  amanda  went  back  for  him  and  his  reluctant  attitude  into  becoming  one  of  his  apprentices.  john  wanted  to  keep  a  close  eye  on  him,  because  of  his  history  with  the  game,  but  that  didn't  mean  he  didn't  have  hope  for  adam.  he  wanted  to  see  adam  appreciate  his  life,  and  even  though  he  survived  his  game   —   after  being  locked  in  that  bathroom  for  days  and  nights   —   it  still  didn't  seem  like  he  was  fully  enlightened.  what  would  it  take  to  get  him  to  see  how  wonderful  life  can  be?  john  canted  his  head  and  looked  at  adam  intensely,  thoughts  roaming  his  head,        ❛      i  suppose  you're  right,  adam.  they're  here  to  see  and  appreciate  what  life  is.  we  must  make  them  see  that      ❜     he  told  him  firmly,  leaning  but  never  breaking  eye  contact  with  the  boy,  pointing  a  finger  in  his  face,        ❛      are  you  prepared  to  do  what  it  takes  to  get  them  to  see  the  light     ?      ❜
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@monstersunderneath ❛ i don’t really do regret. no point in looking back. ❜ / from john kramer to adam
Adam has the urge to roll his eyes of mock John while he has his back turned to him, but with John you can never be too safe so he decides it's better to keep his mouth shut. He believes the first sentiment, he's yet to see any kind of regret or remorse in anything John does the entire time Adam has been his reluctant apprentice. But the second one is utter bullshit, and now that he's confident he's useful enough to John that they're no longer waiting for a reason to kill Adam, he feels a little more brazen like he does with everyone else he knows.
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"I mean, you gotta look back for all this stuff, right? Not like any of this stuff they're being tested for just happened yesterday."
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monstersunderneath · 8 months
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🩸  ――――         EVERY  MOVE  HE  MADE  AND  EVERY  SOUND  HE  UTTERED  ONLY  SERVED  TO  BOIL  HER  BLOOD  EVEN  HOTTER.  she  needed  to  destroy  him;  fuck  him  up  so  good  and  so  completely  that  he  would  never  come  back  and  reign  hell  on  earth.  what  he  had  done  to  her  brother  and  her  mother;  it  was  unforgivable  and  irredeemable.  this  was  no  human  that  she  was  messing  with,  he  was  a  supernatural  being  of  some  kind,  and  she  would  use  every  power  she  had  to  defeat  him.  her  teeth  bared,  and  she  snarled  when  all  he  did  in  response  to  her  hitting  him  with  the  shovel  was  LAUGH.  how  dare  he?  he  fueled  her  fire  like  no  other,  and  she  was  ready  to  take  him  down,  but  what  would  that  take?  she  had  no  idea,  but  she  was  willing  to  do  whatever  it  takes  to  find  out.  she  steps  closer  and  smacks  him  hard  from  underneath  his  chin,  hoping  to  send  him  flying  onto  the  ground,  and  screamed  out  of  pure  frustrated  vex.  she  stood  above  him,  gripping  the  shovel  tightly  as  she  stared  down  at  him,         ❛       what  the  fuck  are  you  laughing  at,  huh     !?     what  the  fuck  do  you  have  to  be  laughing  about     ?!       ❜     she  screamed,  feeling  her  throat  become  hoarse.  she  took  in  heavy  and  deep,  open  -  mouthed  breaths  as  she  stood  there.  she  suddenly  sends  the  shovel  towards  his  throat  but  stops,  the  sharp  edge  scraping  at  his  neck  but  not  penetrating,         ❛      i  could  end  you  RIGHT  HERE.  would  you  still  be  laughing  then     !?      ❜
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Disgusting. A wide grip spreads on his black-painted lips, revealing teeth that- along with the general rot they always have- now have a thin layer of blood. He claps his hands together a few times before holding them together under his chin. The complete and utter hatred with which she calls him this makes it even higher of a compliment for him, because he knows that it's so much more than disgusting, but it's all she can come up with for now. Being the only one of his victims that's had any sort of prolonged involvement with him she hates him more than anyone else. Not without good reason. and he loves it. Loves that he can feel it radiating off of her, as well as smell it and nearly taste it, when he gets close enough.
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He stumbles back a little bit when she hits him with the shovel, making his brain bounce around in his skull a little, but he's otherwise unharmed. He points at the shovel before letting out a silently laugh, one that has him holding his gut and slapping his knee with the other hand. For someone who wants to hurt him so bad she's picking really shitty weapons.
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monstersunderneath · 8 months
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you think you will walk away UNTESTED?
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monstersunderneath · 8 months
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🩸  ――――         CHUCKY  LOOKED  AROUND  AND  BREATHED  IN  THE  GLORIOUS  MESS  THAT  HE  AND  TIFFANY  HAD  BATHED  IN.  it  was  beautiful,  absolutely  breathtaking;  the  way  the  blood  painted  in  the  floor  and  shimmered  against  the  dimmed  lights,  the  way  his  bride  was  dressed  all  in  black  coated  in  splatters  of  crimson  color.  he  couldn't  feel  more  lucky  than  at  this  moment.  a  maniacal  laugh  booms  out  of  the  doll  as  he  yanks  out  his  classic  butcher  knife  from  their  fallen  victim,  looking  up  at  his  woman,        ❛      yeah,  looks  like  we  fucked  him  up  enough.  just  when  i  was  starting  to  feel  at  home,  ya  know     ?     fuck  these  stupid  pigs,  always  ruining  a  good  fuckin'  thing   —      ❜      he  replied,  annoyance  dripping  from  his  tone.  an  evil  smirk  graced  the  doll's  lips  and  his  brows  scrunched  together  as  he  spoke,        ❛      why  don't  we  have  a  little  blast  from  the  past,  tiff     ?    why  don't  we  see  how  my  bestest  friend  'till  the  end  is  doin'      ?     i  heard  he's  been  havin'  a  rough  fuckin'  time  and  i'd  love  to  surprise  him     [   .  .  .  .   ]       ❜
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@crownedhopelesss liked for a starter!
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"It looks like we might have to consider moving on to the next town, Chucky...I think the cops are starting to catch on. It's a real shame, this place was starting to get comfortable." Tiffany murmured, glancing out the window just in time to see another cop car passing through. They had gotten away with quite a lot of killings lately, leaving the officers and agents quite literally baffled. There was a thrill of excitement that came with it. The rush of having someone tailing them. But they had to be careful. Heels stepped over the most recent corpse they had dismembered, crimson pooled on the floor. "Where do you wanna go next, sweetface? Or better yet...Who do you wanna go after?"
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