montell70 · 4 years
Hello everyone welcome to Reaching Out Radio International, we are a ministry team working together in love and unity, in one mind one accord sharing the love of Jesus, Gospel into the world. We are excited to kick off a new program God has led Christian Licensed Psychotherapist, Susan Brozek & Evangelist Montell Fields in, 'Hope & Healing Broadcast.' God has given them a love and boldness to address topics others have a fear in addressing in our world today. Their first topic is 'Hope & Healing from Physical and Mental Abuse.' Although the topics of physical and mental abuse are often difficult to address, we believe that this broadcast, ?Healing Hope? is meant to address issues that others shy away from. Tonight‘s program will look at abuse, define what it is, offer biblical perspectives on the value of people and relationships, look at the issues of domestic violence/abuse and intimidation, and explain the importance of establishing healthy boundaries in relationships. We will also attempt to look at some root causes of abusive behavior. Susan & Montell are excited to see God use these broadcast to bring Hope & Healing! We appreciate you listening, sharing the broadcast. May God Bless You All!!
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montell70 · 4 years
Hello everyone welcome to Reaching Out Radio International, we are a ministry team working in love and unity in one mind one accord, sharing the love of Jesus the Gospel into the world. Tonight's program is 'East Revival Ministries' with host Brother Roy Wenman, Co-Host Brother Samuel Terry, special guest Brother Ron-(Revival Cafe). They have an on fire message tonight titled 'Resurrected Visions' They will be teaching on Proverbs 28-18 -Where there is no vision the people perish! We are excited to see how God is going to move thru these on fire-power house men of God! You do not want to miss the broadcast tonight! We thank you for listening for your continued prayers and support, we would greatly appreciate you sharing our programs. May God Bless You All!!
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montell70 · 4 years
Hello everyone welcome to Reaching out Radio International, we are a ministry team working in love and unity in one mind one accord sharing the love of Jesys and the Gospel into the world! Tonight's program is 'God's Hour of Truth' with host Prophet & Evangelist Edward Franklin Eberly. His message title tonight is 'THE REALITY OF BEING IN JESUS' As a Christian what does it really mean to be in Jesus? How do we get to the place that we are to be in Jesus in a working reality and not just words? How does it affect our personal lives and ministries? This message is about God's Plan and the way that we need to have a mindset or focus on as well as what we need to do to come to the place which that is a working reality in our lives. Unless we are moving towards this mark or goal and maintain it, we can never have the degree of peace, boldness, confidence, stability, and live an abundant and fruitful life in Jesus Christ that God teaches us in His Word. This message must be taken to heart especially in this season of God shortly before the return of Jesus if we are going to receive and do the Greater things that God has for us. We thank you for listening, for your continued prayers and support as we share the Gospel into the world. May God use us to prepare the world for the coming of the LORD that all will be found ready!!
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montell70 · 4 years
Hello everyone welcome to Reaching Out Radio International, where we are reaching out to be the hands and feet of Jesus Christ sharing the Gospel and the message of the cross into the nations. Tonight on 'The Way of Healing' with host licensed Christian psychotherapist Susan Brozek. Join Susan for her rebroadcast of Part 1 of a 2-part series called: ?When You're Struggling Spiritually: How to Deal with Strongholds and Bondages?. We will take a close look at areas of spiritual struggle that can occur in our lives, clarify the Biblical perspective on how to address issues such as strongholds and addictions, and learn how to develop spiritual disciplines and relationships that offer hope for continued spiritual growth in our lives. We appreciate your continued prayers and support in helping share the Gospel and the message of the cross into the nations! Thanks God bless!!
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montell70 · 4 years
Hello everyone God Bless You, welcome to Reaching Out Radio International, we are a ministry team with servants hearts, working together in love and unity, in one mind one accord sharing the love of Jesus the Gospel into the world. Tonight's program is, East End Revival Ministries, with host Brother Roy Wenman, his message title is 'Are You Standing Firm Immovable on the WORD for Revival and Miracles?' As children of God in times like these we need be standing firm on the word of god, focused on eternal things not things of this world! When we anchor ourselves in Jesus becoming immovable, God can use us for signs wonders and miracles! We need to be lights shining into the dark we need to be shouting from the roof tops telling the world about Jesus! May He use us to start a revival fire from every corner of every nation! We thank you for listening for your continued prayers and support as we share the Gospel into the world.
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montell70 · 4 years
Hello everyone welcome to Reaching Out Radio International, we are a ministry team working in love and unity in one mind one accord, as the body of Christ sharing the love of Jesus the Gospel into the world. Tonight's program is, 'God's Hour of Truth' host Apostle & Prophet Edward Franklin Eberly, His message title tonight, is 'The Road to Salvatiion.' Today there is a false form of salvation that doesn't begin with true repentance. People think that they can live the way they want and they are saved. In truth we are who we yield our members to. Rom-6:16 Know ye not, that to whom ye yield yourselves servants to obey, his servants ye are to whom ye obey; whether of sin unto death, or of obedience unto righteousness? This message is for the lost. the backslidden, and all to get people back to the basics and be effective bringing others to Christ. It will bring you to an understanding of the salvation plan and how Jesus paid the price by succeeding in the area that Adam and Eve failed and enabled us to live a successful and fruitful life in Christ. It lays out God's Plan and you will be able to use it as a tool to share the salvation message to the lost. I encourage you to invite the lost to listen to this program so they can understand about what salvation really is beginning with the born-again experience. We thank you for listening for your continued prayers and support as we share our hearts for Jesus, the Gospel...
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montell70 · 4 years
Tonight's program is 'Pioneering the Frontier' with host Jennifer Butler, Christie Roe Pride. They welcome on Kimberly Ferebee, Seeking His Face Ministries. Dr. Kimberly Ferebee was born in Pasquotank County, to Carolyn and Michael Chatman. She was reared by her grandparents, George H. Perkins, Jr. and Shirley Harris Perkins (deceased). Dr. Ferebee is the oldest of four children. She was educated in the Currituck County Public School System. At the age of 12, she became a member of Samuel Chapel Pentecostal Holiness Church in Moyock, NC, under the leadership of the late Elder Little Joe Powell, Sr., in the care of her aunt, Mother Janie Harris (deceased). It was during this time, she sought the Lord at a youth revival, and was filled with the power of the Holy Ghost. She recalls many nights where she was carried out of services, not knowing where she was, due to the endowing of the power of the Holy Ghost. Throughout the years, she has served in many capacities, within the church and community. In 2006, Dr. Ferebee sensed the calling upon her life to preach the Gospel. Although, she ran from the calling for about a year. Also, in 2006, God birthed a ministry, within her spirit, to pray and encourage others. As the years progressed, she now has a ministry entitled, ?Seeking the Face of God Ministries.? (http://seekingthefaceofgod2.weebly.com/ and http://seekingthefaceofgodministries.wordpress.com). On May 20, 2007, Dr. Ferebee p...
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montell70 · 4 years
Hello everyone welcome to Reaching Out Radio International, we are a ministry team working in love and unity in one mind one accord sharing the love of Jesus the Gospel into the world. Tonight's program is King of Glory Ministries, with host Pastor Barb Smith. Her message this evening is titled 'War Cry!' So many children of God are bound in fear worrying about offending others when it comes to sharing truth in regards to sin biblical perspectives. The word of God teaches us in Isaiah 58:1 ?Cry aloud, spare not, lift up thy voice like a trumpet, and shew my people their transgression, and the house of Jacob their sins.? King James Version (KJV) As children of God we need to be going forth as warriors with our war cries into the world, not bound by fear, with the boldness and victory we have in Jesus Christ! Pastor Barb wants to encourage you children of God rise up go forth roaring with your war cry!! This is going to be an on fire on time message you do not want to miss!! We thank you for listening for your continued prayers and support as we share our heart for Jesus into the world! God bless you all!!
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montell70 · 4 years
Hello everyone welcome to Reaching Out Radio International, we are a ministry team with the servants hearts, our passion is to share the love of Jesus, the message of the cross, the Gospel into the world! We want people to be healed delivered and set free! We believe in working in one mind one accord in love and unity as the body of Christ. Tonight's program is King of Glory Ministries, with host Pastor Barb Smith, her message title is 'Lethal Weapon.' She is going to be teaching on the power we have thru Jesus Christ how we stand in VICTORY! How the same power that rose Jesus from the grave, the same power that commands the dead to wake, the same power that calms the raging sea, the same power that moves mountains when He speaks lives in us! We need to learn to tap into the power operating in the power of the Holy Spirit, when we do we become'Lethal Weapons!' The sick will be healed in Jesus name, the dead will wake in Jesus name, nothing shall be impossible glory to God!! We hope this word is planted in your heart you receive it in Jesus name!! We thank you for listening for your continued prayers and support God Bless you all!!
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montell70 · 4 years
Hello everyone welcome to Reaching Out Radio International, we are a ministry team with servants hearts with fire and hunger to share Jesus and the Gospel into the world. We work together in love and unity in one mind one accord as the body of Christ. Tonight's program is East End Revival Ministries, with host Brother Roy Wenman, his message title for tonight is 'Pressing In and Pressing On Towards the Mark of the High Calling of God in Christ Jesus!' Sceipture reference Philippians 3:14 14 I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus. As children of God we are not to focus on things of this world for we are sojurn, passing through are citizenship is in heaven! We need to set our minds not of carnal things of those of the spirit that we may obtain our prize! A person cannot move ahead if their thoughts and vision are focused on the past. Paul has a clear goal: being in heaven with the Lord. He looks forward to the ultimate reward for his faithful service. This prize is to be with Christ, though there is some uncertainty about what he specifically meant, in the context of this remark. This is going to be on time, on fire anointed word, you do not want to miss it!! Together we can encourage one another to keep pressing until we obatin the prize! We thank you for listening for your continued prayers and support as we share the Gospel into the world, God Bless You All!!
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montell70 · 4 years
Hello everyone welcome to Reaching Out Radio International, we are a ministry team with servants hearts with fire and hunger to share Jesus and the Gospel into the world. We work together in love and unity in one mind one accord as the body of Christ. Tonight's program is East End Revival Ministries, with host Brother Roy Wenman, his message title for tonight is 'Pressing In and Pressing On Towards the Mark of the High Calling of God in Christ Jesus!' Sceipture reference Philippians 3:14 14 I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus. As children of God we are not to focus on things of this world for we are sojurn, passing through are citizenship is in heaven! We need to set our minds not of carnal things of those of the spirit that we may obtain our prize! A person cannot move ahead if their thoughts and vision are focused on the past. Paul has a clear goal: being in heaven with the Lord. He looks forward to the ultimate reward for his faithful service. This prize is to be with Christ, though there is some uncertainty about what he specifically meant, in the context of this remark. This is going to be on time, on fire anointed word, you do not want to miss it!! Together we can encourage one another to keep pressing until we obatin the prize! We thank you for listening for your continued prayers and support as we share the Gospel into the world, God Bless You All!!
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montell70 · 4 years
Hello everyone welcome to Reaching Out Radio International, we are a ministry team working together in love and unity in one mind one accord as the body of Christ sharing the love of Jesus the Gospel into the world. Tonight's program is God's Hour of Truth with host Prophet & Evangelist Edward Franklin Eberly, his message title is 'God's Way of Recovering All' This is about how we are to face violent attacks that even sometimes take from us and come out of it victoriously. We look at the challenges David faced and how he handled his situations. What he did back then is applicable today and will bring forth the results that he got. Many times Christians don't face challenges the way the Bible teaches us and come out losing as well as their faith diminished. Our challenges are stepping stones to becoming fully mature and fruitful men and women of God. This message will teach God's way to face our challenges and come out better and not bitter and downtrodden. The message is uplifting and encouraging to all of us as we go through life in the answers to how we can walk an overcoming and fruitful life in Jesus. It is time we walk in the VICTORY we have thru Jesus Christ, realizing our trials are just stepping stones elevationg us to our next level! We thank you for your continued prayers and support as we go forth in the call God has placed in our hearts and lives, we want you to have victorouis fruitful lives!! God Bless You!!
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montell70 · 4 years
Tonight's program is dedicated to all the unborn children that do not have a voice to let the world know they are a life not a choice! Our program title tonight is 'Cry Out For the Child.' We are not here to condemn anyone, to offer love, hope and encouragement, to be a voice for the unborn! The wise understand, ?There are six things the Lord hates, seven that are detestable to Him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood (Proverbs 6:16-19). As we turn through the pages of Scripture, we learn about a God who consistently stands ready to come to the aid of those who are in need. He is on the side of the weak and powerless. Israel sang songs declaring God to be ?a father to the fatherless? and ?a defender of widows? (Psalm 68:5). A person who has no voice is defenseless. A person who cannot protest is powerless. The unborn child has neither , God desires His people to follow His lead defending the weak and the fatherless. Join Evangelist Montell Fields as she welcomes three amazing women with a bold voice to raise awareness, a baby is a life not a choice made for living not throwing in the grave! Tammy O'Connor Leader, 40 Days for Life, Glendale, AZ Sidewalk & Post-abortive counselor www.40daysforlife.com Lisa Richardson City Director, NYC Church Activation, LoveLife www.lovelife.org Sidewalk Counselor Pearl Corbin Leader, 40 Days for Life, Bronx, NY Life Team NY, Founding Member Board Member ...
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montell70 · 4 years
Hello everyone welcome to Reaching Out Radio International, we are a ministry team working in one mind one accord in love and unity, as the body of Jesus Christ sharing the Gospel into the world. Tonight's program is 'The Way of Healing' with host Christian Psychotherapist Susan Brozek. Her program title tonight is 'Encouragement for Seasons of Trials.' So many are going through a season of unprecedented trials in their lives right now, whether rooted in the pandemic or its consequences, or perhaps for other reasons that are entirely personal and individual. Join Susan as she looks at encouragement for getting through suffering and difficult times in our lives. We will also explore why we go through them, some Biblical ways to cope with and address trials, and how to hold onto inner peace and joy in the midst of of challenging seasons. We thank you for listening for your continued prayers and support as we share the Gospel into the world. May God Bless You and keep you!
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montell70 · 4 years
Hello everyone welcome to Reaching Out Radio International, we are a ministry team working in one mind one accord, in love and unity as the body of Christ sharing the Gospel into the world. Tonight's program is, In The Word With Sister Pearl, your host is Sister Pearl Corbin. Her message title tonight is, 'Christ: Our Only Hope.' In a world that is rife with offering confusing advertisements for quickie 'fixes' for anything from a growing bunion, all the way to a balding head, one has to wonder, 'how in the world do I know what is really going to work?' On a much deeper level, however, there are multitudes of ideologies, philosophies, and sages claiming to know the answers most important to human beings, all around the world. These universal questions are: 'who am I?', 'What is my purpose in life?', 'How do I successfully navigate the most difficult journeys in my life?' and finally, 'With all the many paths available to me, how do I know which one to choose?' There was a time, recorded in the New Testament, where many of Jesus' wider family of followers decided to leave Him. Jesus turned to His handpicked 12 disciples and inquired of them, 'Do you also want to go away?' Peter, being one of the closest to the Master and a spokesman for the group replied, ''Lord to whom (or where) shall we go. You're the only One who has the words of eternal life.' Tune in this evening, as ...
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montell70 · 4 years
Hello everyone welcome to Reaching Out Radio International, we are a ministry team working in love and unity in one mind one accord as the body of Christ sharing the Gospel into the world. Tonight's program is East End Revival Ministries, host Brother Roy Wenman, C0-Host Sister Evelyn Wenman, their message title is'Freedom Fighters Youth Warriors Arise!' They will be teaching on their Freedom Fighters Youth Warriors manual, teaching on how the youth are being spirit led not man led. Going to be a great spirit led teaching we hope you will join us grow in the word together. We thank you for listening for you continued prayers and support God Bless you!!
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montell70 · 4 years
Hello everyone welcome to Reaching Out Radio International, we are a ministry team working in love and unity in one mind one accord as the body of Christ, sharing the Gospel into the world. Tonight your host is, Pastor Barb Smith, King of Glory Ministries, her message title tonight is, 'Shake It Off You Have The POWER, ' scripture reference is out of the book of Acts 27: 10-43. We are all going to thru trials and storms in life, our vessels being shook to our inner core, many times feeling like we shipwrecked never to be found or recover! That is where walking by faith not sight praising God and trusting Him even in the storms! We have a choice to stay down, or tap into the Power of the Most Hight and SHAKE IT OFF! This is going to be a powerful message we hope you will join Pastor Barb let God feed you on the word and renew you! We thank you for listening for your continued prayers and support as we share our hearts for Jesus taking the Gospel into the world. God Bless You All!!
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