montevans · 1 year
"I would love to see a little bit of mischief tonight. Don't worry, I won't tell anyone that you weren't exactly on your best behavior after just getting here." As straight-laced as Monty seemed with his profession and academic career, Monty loved breaking some rules and going against the grain. He always enjoyed spending time with people who were like-minded in that way. "Oh, don't worry. I have a very charming bedside manner and ensure my patients are cared for. Sometimes I even crack a joke or two." There was a good amount of burnout that came with being a doctor, but he wouldn't trade it for any other job."
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"I like the way you think. I'm down for a little moon-based bribery while up here, especially for some special treats." Monty hung back as Avery was preparing the drinks, thinking mostly about how he was looking forward to drinking it by the pool. He leaned in to take a taste off of the spoon when offered, smiling as he pulled back. "That tastes perfect. Besides bartending, what other secret talents do you have?" Monty shrugged, "I will never say no to a splash or two more of tequila, though."
"Oh you want to see me get a little bit pranky? I am trying my best to be good right now since I just got here, but when the opportunity arises I will have to take it." Avery was more than open and friendly, everyone always wanted to share their lives with their barber. He knew so many secrets he was practically bursting with them most of the time, even if he didn't know all the people involved. "Nobody wants a doctor void of all compassion Monty. We like to feel like you care, though I could see how hard that could be for you, having to connect with so many people each day."
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"Oh with enough money I am sure that you can get almost anything brought up. Money makes the world go around right? Or the moon in this case I guess." Avery laughed at his stupid little joke as he pulled the soon from the pitcher and took a lick to make sure the drink was the right balance of boozy, sweet, and tart. "Mm here taste this." he said holding out the spoon for Monty to taste from. "I can add more tequila if you think it's too weak." though Avery liked his drinks strong he knew everyone didn't so he had held back a bit.
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montevans · 1 year
"I can get behind a little bit of mischief. I hope I get to see that side of you sometime soon," he smirked. Monty had a bit of a mischievous side himself, though, for the most part, he had to keep things professional. When he was off the clock, he liked to let loose. "I have to try not to care too much about my patients because it can get in the way of me treating them. Unfortunately, I haven't mastered being able to stop caring like that in real life. Maybe one day."
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"You see, that works in theory, but as a doctor - I know what would happen to me if I ate cinnamon rolls for every meal. That would be an absolute dream, though." He stepped back as the others started rummaging around the bar, making sure to be out of the way. "I think I was just buying some pretty expensive coffee that they didn't spring for on the base. Maybe I can bribe someone to bring it up for me?" Monty smiled, pretending to give Avery's question some thought. "Underwear is perfectly acceptable -- I was planning on doing the same thing. I would normally opt for skinny dipping, but I want to make a good impression."
"What can I say I get a bit mischievous from time to time. Pranks are fun, so long as nobody gets hurt by them." That wink made Avery's heart beat just a little faster, but it was hard not to be charmed by a handsome man who was also a doctor. "I bet you are a big softie, you have to have a lot of compassion to help other people like you do. I don't think I could do it. I think it's good to care though."
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"Monty. I hate to break this to you so late in life but um you can eat whatever you want for any meal you want. You are an adult." Avery laughed as he began rummaging through the bar to get the things he would need, including an empty pitcher. "Really? I wonder what is making it taste off. Are you like just a sugar person or you like the flavored syrups you get placed as well? Because that might be it." Avery hummed in thought as he went through the motions of cutting limes, juicing them and pouring tequila. "I don't have a swimsuit do you care if I just swim in my underwear?"
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montevans · 1 year
"Trouble, hm? You don't seem like the troublemaker type, but I guess I shouldn't judge a book by its cover," he teased, winking playfully at Avery. "You have a point. I could be very successful at the serial killer thing if I wanted to be. Under these muscles, I'm a huge softie, though. So, I wouldn't be able to hurt anyone. It's probably my biggest weakness, actually." As much as Monty tried to be a chill and uncaring person, the reality was that he had always cared a little too much. It led to him getting his heart broken a few times and was ultimately the catalyst for him leaving Earth.
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"Any meal where I can eat cinnamon rolls and pancakes with syrup is the best meal of the day. I'm also a big fan of coffee, though I need that to be sweet too. I haven't been able to get it to taste right since I've been up here." Once the two of them were in the bar, Monty went behind it to pull out a few bottles. "I'd love to try your margarita if you feel like making them. It's a great pool drink."
"Well I can't say I haven't used them to get things I wanted in the past. They have also gotten me in a fair share of trouble in the past you know. You seem far too sweet to kill anyone. Though that might be how you get them. Though regardless, I'd probably fall for it. You have a nice smile and great hair. What more could a guy ask for." Avery wasn't the smartest of guys, and though he tried hard and was practical he would be the type to fall for a charming serial killer. Though he felt he was plenty safe with Monty.
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"Ah so you are a breakfast person. I am certainly a morning coffee person. Though I am not snobby about it so long as it has caffeine I am content." Avery followed behind easily a smile on his face. "Oh I get that. Safety rules and all of that. I can do that. Um as for drinks. I can mix a mean margarita if you want. I am partial to tequila but that is just me. I can also make a decent dark and stormy if you like rum better."
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montevans · 1 year
"Your forgiveness means everything on this really important matter. I promise it'll never happen again. Having an all-meat wedding would exclude any vegans on the base, but that might be safer for all of the plants involved if they aren't present." Monty secretly wondered if anyone would actually lose their minds up here and try to marry an inanimate object. He felt like in that moment, he would have to be supportive. "I actually know a pretty cool ficus who is ready to start dating again after a rough breakup with a succulent. I think I should try to set them up."
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"Some people would rather die than look scruffy and unhygienic, honestly. I am very much hoping I don't have to treat any near-death experiences while here, so if you see anyone doing something stupid - please make them stop," he joked. "What if we have the best of both worlds and take something from the bar to bring to the pool? I could go for a swim, myself."
"It's ok I forgive you. I mean it's not like that would be the first thing one would think of when marrying grass. I think the entire banquet should be all meat. All strictly carnivorous." Avery laughed at the very absurd mental image of someone marrying a plant, let alone grass from a space station. He really had just wanted to know how much like earth grass it was. "Somehow I think it will be able to move on and gather it's dignity. Find some nice house plant to be with. Maybe a ficus if it plays it's cards right."
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"Literally you have like the most impressive and useful job on earth and the moon, like without you people die. Without me, people look scruffy and unhygienic. Not the same thing." Taking Monty's hand Avery hauled himself up onto his feet. "A pool? I love pools. Or a bar sounds fun. I dunno whatever you want to do sounds fun to me."
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montevans · 1 year
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MATTHEW DADDARIO as Scooter “Scene of the Crime” — Why Women Kill (2.04)
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montevans · 1 year
Monty took a second to consider his point before responding. "You're right. I hope you'll accept my apology for suggestion something so grusome at your own wedding. Please extend that apology to your lovely bride as well." He patted the grass gently as a form of condolences before laughing along with Avery. "I'm quite the fan of human guys myself and it seems like we're in the perfect place for that. I bet the grass is devastated it's missing out on both of us, though."
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"It's a lot easier being a doctor up here than it was on earth -- so far. Fingers crossed that you all keep your injuries on the mild side. To be honest, being a barber seems much more useful in a place like this." Monty stood up, offering his hand to the other man to help him up as well. "I'm still exploring myself. What kind of things do you like to do? So far I've seen a movie theater, a pool, and the bar area. We could also raid the kitchen."
"Monty it is a pleasure to meet you! Though if you think about it, having alcohol made from plants would be kind of tone deaf to drink, it would be like drinking my wife's family. So really only honey mead would be safe I think." Avery laughed and shrugged his broad shoulders as he sat up and drew his knees up, hugging them. "Surprisingly I think grass isn't really my type when it comes to romance. I like them more human, and a guy, and my height normally."
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"Oh wow you are a doctor!? That's impressive. I'm just a barber. Which is not impressive at all compared to a doctor. Though fun historical fact, back in the day barbers were surgeons and dentists." Avery scooted closer to Monty and perked up at the idea of doing something else. "What do you have in mind? I'm new here so I am not really sure all the things we have at our disposal here."
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montevans · 1 year
Monty smiled as the other laughed, happy that he was able to tolerate his bad jokes. Reaching forward to take his hand, Monty gave it a firm shake before settling back. "I'm Monty," he said, laughing, "You're right. I would want to be the most valuable guest, though. Since I knew about your love before anyone else. I also know where they keep the stock of alcohol, so I'd be able to supply the champagne for such a beautiful event."
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"I wouldn't judge you even if you did sniff plants regularly. I've been a doctor for over a decade now, so I know that there are much stranger things out there. Also, I'm not very normal myself," he reassured the other. "You can definitely join me, though I wasn't doing anything all that exciting. I'm happy to spend the night doing something else if there's something you're looking to do or smell next."
"It bites?" Avery asked his eyes going wide as he pulled his face back from the grass for a moment, the dawning of realization on his face as he caught on to the fact that Monty was joking. He laughed and sat up a bit more, crossing his legs under him as he stared back at the other man with a bright smile, offering his hand. "I'm Avery, and I would absolutely invite you to me and the grass' wedding but I think it would be rude to not invite everyone in the colony, it's not that big and it would be pretty awkward to pass out invitations and skip people I would have to see, you know?"
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"I don't normally sniff grass or like put my face in plants you know. I am mostly normal. I promise. You uh mind if I join you? It might be more normal if I'm with someone."
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montevans · 1 year
Monty had taking a liking to reading under one of the trees in the bases's park. It reminded him of one of the few things he enjoyed about home - nature. He had been brushing up on some procedures that could be useful in Space. Should he had realize that practicing medicine in space would be completely different than how it was on earth? Definitely. But, at least he had half a dozen books on space medicine brought up to the base and he was more than halfway though reading them.
His book had been captivating enough for Monty to only now be realizing that there was another man in the park crouching in the grass. At first, he wondered if he was hurt; everyone on the base seemed to wait until Monty was off duty before injuring themselves or getting sick. Once he realized that the man was just admiring the grass, he figured it was safe to approach them.
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"The grass up here actually bites you, so I would be careful putting your face so close to it," he joked, smiling at the other man. "Sorry, I shouldn't ruin this beautiful moment between you and the grass. I've just never met someone so attracted to a plant before." Monty sat down near him so we was on his level. "If I tell you my name, will you invite me to the wedding?"
Avery was not ever someone people would consider smart, it's not that he was inherently stupid, he learned well enough, he just had the attention span of a fly if not on medication, and really enjoyed following his frivolous fancies more than he did doing what needed to be down. Like now he was meant to be unpacking his bag and getting settled into his room, but instead he had read somewhere that there was grass and trees. Grass in space? How could he resist.
That's how he ended up there laying in grass, smelling it and rubbing his hands over the soft blades looking ridiculous. "I would say this isn't what it looks like but it very much is what it looks like."
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montevans · 1 year
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I've already given up on myself twice Third time is the charm, third time is the charm Threw caution to the wind, but I've got a lousy arm And I've traced your shadows on the wall, now I kiss them Whenever I'm down, whenever I'm down Figured on not figuring myself out
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montevans · 1 year
"You have a point," he shrugged, leaning against wall as he spoke, "I just don't know too many people who are willing to try hard enough to do all of that with a spoon. I prefer to use mine for ice cream." Monty sensed that the other man might not be the type for corny jokes, but he couldn't help himself in that moment."
"Worried about us? I wouldn't hurt a fly. I think we're all a little bit nuts, but not in a scary way," he reasoned, his smile widening. "Don't come crying to me when the aliens attack and you've spent all of your time worrying about us."
Monty nodded as though he knew what the other was talking about. As someone with an intricate job himself, he at least understood the practical aspect of it. "We wouldn't want poor handling now, would we?" he asked, putting out his hand to shake Alexei's. "I'm Monty. I'm the doctor on the base. So, if you hurt yourself or anyone else with that thing, I'll be able to stitch you up."
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“Anything is dangerous if you try hard enough. In the hands of a trained assassin, a spoon is a deadly weapon.” Cue a forced, awkward smile. Given his history, it was easy to play the straight man, too serious for his own good. But he was trying to socialize more, be less of a killing machine and more of a... real person. 
“I’m less worried about aliens and more about you all.” A raised brow, offering a gentle shrug in response. “I’m applying a scope and altering the barrel. Better range, more accurate.” He works quickly, securing the adhesive around the grip. “Better grip means better handling.”
With a sigh, Alexei steps back, wiping the sweat from his brow. “Alexei.” A hand is extended, giving the other a once over.
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montevans · 1 year
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montevans · 1 year
Monty was relieved that the other man seemed cool with being approached. He had been interested in getting to know him and he also didn’t feel like getting shot down tonight. Not that he ever really liked when that happened, but he was feeling a little starved for attention as of late. Monty’s efforts to turn casual acquaintances into something more had yet to be successful - but he wasn’t yet deterred. 
It was endearing when Robbie showed him what was in his notebook. Did he understand it? No, but he liked that the man chose to spend his time that evening doodling and writing. “No need to apologize, “ he said, offering a reassuring smile, “I can appreciate putting your work before everything else. I did that back on earth and I’ve been doing it here since arrival. I have just recently decided to switch to less work and more play because the whole reason I came here was to become a new version of myself.” 
“Being as I am the doctor on the base, I promise I will switch back to a serious mentality if there’s a medical emergency,” he joked. “It’s nice to meet you finally, Robbie. I’d be honored to share my evening with you.” Monty’s lips curled up into a smile once more, happy that he had someone to spend some time with. “Do you have anything in particular that you would like to do? I was going to go watch a movie in my room, but I’m really up for anything.” There was more than enough to keep the two of them entertained on the base and whatever they chose to do - Monty was sure it would be fun.
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It's been some time since Rigoberto has arrived at the lunar colony, and although his options on what do on his leisure was limited, he has not explored any of the things that it does have to offer. And even then, after he was done with his duties for the day, Robbie decided to just spend his time at the one of the lounges. Still, it was a big step for him since he recognized that he needed a break and needed to take a step back from his work.
It was peaceful. Robbie brought a notebook and began to sketch and write out elaborate ideas of what he can make for the colony. Nothing meant to be taken seriously, but he did dream about going in space and now he lived on the moon, so anything could be possible. Regardless, he was lost in his own world like usual but was eventually tethered back to reality by the voice of someone unfamiliar. The scientist stopped what he was writing and looked up to a tall and dark haired man.
"Hi," Robbie replied before allowing the other to continue talking. "Uh... not necessarily, just doodling and writing some rather farfetched thoughts," he admitted before showing his notebook to the other, which might have appeared more like alien text than anything legible. But he smiled at him for a moment, and realized that he did not introduce himself. "Sorry," he chuckled. "I'm Rigoberto, but you can call me Robbie. And I apologize for not introducing myself since my arrival, I tend to prioritize my work above all else." Perhaps a little too much. "But I guess I have given myself some time off and I wouldn't mind some company? If you're available of course."
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montevans · 1 year
While Monty was never the biggest fan of authority, playing along as he loved it with a man in uniform might turn his night in the right direction. The fact that Anders had been entertaining him this far was a sign that he might be interested in that as well. If he wasn’t, at least Monty could get a drink out of it, which would be fine for now. 
Monty obliged the other man by taking his arm as they headed down to the bar area. He was already forgetting whatever had been clouding up his head and instead decided to focus on the other man. It had been working so far. “Admittedly I was never that great at following orders,” he mused, “but I think I just needed the right person and the right circumstances to encourage me to do so.” He nudged the other man slightly as they walked, “And it seems to me like you’d be that kind of person. So, yes, I’d definitely follow your orders. “
It wasn’t a particularly long walk to the base’s bar and Monty was already ready to have a drink to loosen up a little bit more. The recreation area where the bar was located was pretty empty at that time of night - which Monty figured could be an advantage for the two of them. He separated from Anders to take a look at what the bar had to offer, pulling out a couple of glasses soon after. “What’s your poison?” he asked, flashing a playful smile at the man, “I’m not particular, but I think it’s a whisky kind of night for me.” Monty grabbed a bottle and poured himself a generous amount as he waited on Ander’s drink order.
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Can't blame you, Doc. I really get it, personally. Intimately. A man in uniform is truly something else. Stern authority, grace, discipline. Sense of responsibility. Good bet on where to start exploring these surprises the lunar colony were going to be faced with in the coming days.
What could go wrong is the question that stops scaring you after a while. Heroics are derived from disasters, men don't become distinguished in peacetime. Surgeons don't save lives that weren't critical to begin with. So, yeah... close calls, heartbreak, heartache, lives at stake. A whole lot could go wrong but emergencies are dealt as best you can with what you have and who's at hand. And their hands--this symbol of capacity, dexterity, talent--are present. Anders concurs, and would like to believe Monty gets it.
The Captain raises his goddamn right brow, hold up now, smirk that's just so at home--this kind of talking being really his alley. Anders would never disagree that he's the kind of guy that gets people to do as they're told, but "Y'know you would? Ah, fuck, Doc." He's laughing now, walking alongside Monty to the bar, shaking his fucking head in disbelief. The things you hear around here. Tales from your local space station. He likes what he's hearing, of course, it's very promising. Anders extends his arms out for Monty to take in a very gentlemanly fashion, if he would. Now it's a formal walk to station's bar, make it a date, he's interested. "Well, then, Dr. Evans. If you'd please. Shall we?"
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montevans · 1 year
After a long day of work, Monty’s head was a little all over the place. He had more patients than ever - all with mild symptoms that he attributed to either adjusting to the base’s food or homesickness. Nevertheless, he snapped back to reality when he walked in on the other man handling a weapon. “This looks dangerous... is now a good time to say that I come in peace?” Monty joked as he made his way over to the table Alexei was pointing at. 
“Either way, if we ever get alien invaders here, I’m hiding behind you. In return I can offer lots of moral support during your battle.” Monty brought him the adhesive, setting it down on the table in front of him. “I’m always a big fan of a little tension,” he said, smiling brightly over at him. “What exactly are you doing to this?” 
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"Hey, you." Alexei stands tall, strong as he tightens a bolt on a weapon he was repairing. His upbringing had taught him a couple of valuable lessons, one being 'waste not, want not'. He wasn't as adept as an engineer in weapon repair and modification, but he'd learned how to MacGyver a thing or two in his time.
"That strong adhesive," He nods toward to the table nearby. "Bring it here, I need to keep the tension."
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montevans · 1 year
As time on the base progressed, Monty found himself starting to get to know the men around him. To be fair, he had grown to like some more than others - but figured getting to know everyone was crucial to his happiness. Being stuck on the moon forever came with social challenges, but he hadn't faced too many of them yet.
When he had noticed a man walking around the base that he hadn't seen before - it piqued Monty's interest. Not just because the man happened to be very attractive, but he also seemed to be keeping to himself whenever Monty would see him. He could take lots of guesses why the man would want to be reserved in the weeks after his arrival, but he also couldn't help but wonder what would happen if Monty tried to make friends with him.
Monty had always been more of a man of action rather than contemplation. Sometimes that got him in trouble, but he thought it might be useful in this situation. When he was walking back to his room from the medical suite late at night and passed by the man in one of the lounges, he let his curiosity get the better of him. He approached him, settling in close enough next to him for him to notice -- but not close enough to be alarming. "Hi," he said, flashing a bright smile at the other man, "I'm Monty. I've seen you around but haven't properly introduced myself, so I thought now would be a good time to do so. Hopefully I'm not interrupting anything too important."
Even if he had been a bit distracting from whatever had the other man occupied, he hoped that he was a welcomed distraction. Having no plans himself for the night, maybe befriending a stranger was a good way to spend it.
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montevans · 1 year
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montevans · 1 year
“You didn’t watch the sunset much? It was definitely one of my favorite things,” he shrugged, “I’m sure they’ll have something just as cool to see in space to make up for all the sunsets you didn’t watch.” Monty nodded, “Unless you want to be carrying me back to my room tonight, that’s probably best. I’m a lot heavier than I look.” He took a bite of his food as he waited for the other man to settle in, smiling in appreciation for his cooking. “This is really good, thanks again for making it for me. I definitely owe you one.” 
Monty grabbed the bottle and poured himself a glass of the wine as well. “I promise that I won’t get so buzzed that I float away… tonight at least,” he joked, “I’m glad that you’d want to help me, but if I’m ever floating away, I don’t expect you to chase after me. Those are the kinds of consequences I have to deal with on my own.”
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"The sunset...I didn't think about that one." Xavier took a second to rub his chin, "I don't think I watched it much while I was on earth. There's a lesson in there somewhere." He chuckled, "Hmm, something that'll give you a buzz..." Xavier spun around, "Nothing too strong?" He questioned more to himself before walking off a bit. There was a large cooler towards towards the back. He had been gone for a moment before he came back with a bottle and two cans. "Wine or beer, I'll be having the wine."
He grabbed two cups, pouring himself a glass before setting the bottle down. "Whichever you'd like and thank you, it might seem strange but it's good, promise." With that, Xavier started in on his food, fixing Monty with a look. "Just don't get too buzzed and do something you can't do on earth...like trying to float out in space. I would want to help you but I would be of no help."
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