montezphillips · 1 year
MONTEZ 📲 REALM | @mixahrexlm
Montez: hey...i haven't seen you much during the ball, you doing good?
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montezphillips · 1 year
to put it simply, the news had shook montez to his core. his bestfriend is dead, along with remy and luka, and that just proves the fact that the shadow is ruthless this time, as if the last time wasn't merciless enough. he had been quiet the whole day, pacing around his home as the sound of the news from the living room just kept going on repeat. carmen was so happy the last time they spoke...things were starting to get better for her. as he was deep in his thoughts, tatum's voice snapped him out of it. "i...if i asked you to come with me, tate, would you?" he stared back at her with fear in his expression. "i know...i know we have people we love here, our friends, family...but..." i don't know if i can handle most loss, he continues in his head.
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Tate had let herself into Monty's home, dropping her bags to one side as she made her way into the kitchen to get herself a glass of water. She was stressed after making the mistake of visiting her parents, something she did very rarely and every time she did she regretted it. She hadn't said a word yet, her thoughts running wild as she tried her best to calm her frustrations. "Should we just leave Hidehill? Like why are we even here still?"
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montezphillips · 1 year
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tagged: @carmenreyes
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montezphillips · 1 year
perhaps there were some things turning out for the better for him and carmen, and for a moment, they've both forgotten this town's predicament. it was what's important, right? "it takes time taking in things." he knows it so well, with memories lost, there were still ones taking their time coming back to him. "look at you growing, carmen. i'm so proud of you." maybe it does sound like a little bit of teasing, but montez meant it, he was so proud of his best friend. he couldn't help but smile at carmen's question though, glancing towards where tatum stood. "yeah, i...i forgot to catch you up on things." he was supposed to tell her, but carmen's dilemma that day was more important than anything else. "tate and i...we're starting over with things. i still don't remember the time we dated before the accident, but...what's important is now, right?"
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It felt good to hear Monty say that he was happy for her. His opinion meant so much to her, more than he even knew. Even though half the time she never took the advice that he gave her, she was happy that she had at least listened this time. "Yeah, you and me both." She laughed lightly, "It was really kind of a lot for me.. it still is. But I'm.. I don't know, I'm just learning to be happy with who I am." She stated, proud of herself. It had taken a lot for her to show up tonight with Dallas, to have people see that maybe she was human underneath her bitchy attitude. "What about you though, Monty? You seem awfully happy tonight, I'm assuming you have a date here?"
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montezphillips · 1 year
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montez couldn't quite put a finger on what could be running in stephanie's head right now, but he decides against poking into what it may be, assuming that it's potentially a good idea to do so. "all the money and these people don't know how to eat--i may have gotten a plate of every single thing for me and my girlfriend to try--" he pauses, smiling to himself as he mentions tatum in that manner to stephanie. though, he still doesn't know if switching the topic to food talking to stephanie is a good idea. "i mean this with no offense, but...are you doing alright though, steph? i'm just asking because--it's hard to not erm...hard to not notice?"
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There were a number of reasons for Stephanie to be all over the place right now. From simply not being used to attending these super fancy events, to running into Ben and now talking to Monty when she was best friends with Tatum. It was all kind of a lot. She had to put up a front through all of this though, because she was known as the strong friend. There wasn't much that could break her or make her express exactly how she was feeling. If being in the army taught her nothing else, it was to shut the fuck up about feelings. No one cared to hear them. "Yeah real nice..." her eyes than traveling to the appetizers with a soft shrug. "I mean... I guess? Isn't that how rich people eat? That's why Tiffany was so damn tiny.."
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montezphillips · 1 year
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papi chulo
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montezphillips · 1 year
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montez quickly had picked up on a different vibe from the other, but it was one that could be shared with a few people attending this ball. it was understandable though, with how different people's ways to cope from each other. he understood how others took offense of the masquerade ball, how others are worried that the killers may strike at this event, but at the same time if the conrads wanted to grieve tiffany this way, not one person should stop them from doing so. "yeah, i'm chill...this place looks beautiful, and the party..." his eyes then lands on the appetizers. "you think those are the only things they're gonna serve us?"
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montez couldn't help but be in awe of the conrad suites as he finds his eyes roaming around the place whilst he stands by the bar, ordering drinks for himself and for tatum. he was planning to maybe dial it down for the both of them, given that they've both suffered through a hangover together after the fourth of july party, though he wasn't going to completely stop them for having some, and just having fun at this masquerade ball. the deaths that has been caused by the shadow as of late...it has really proven the point that nobody, regardless of their status, is safe. two members of femme fatale found dead...it has been the news the town has been thinking, talking about nonstop. perhaps this is the thing that would pay respects not just for the two, but simply everyone who suffered under the hands of people who thought they could play gods and decide who deserves to live and die. his thought were immediately cut off by a woman rushing, almost stumbling to the bar. upon instinct, montez readies himself, just in case stephanie falls. "no--my lips are zipped, i promise." he chuckles lightly. "of course." he takes a glass for himself, looking around once more to see where tatum was. "are you...are you alright, steph?"
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montezphillips · 1 year
"didn't want to disappoint you, carmen." montez gives carmen a playful smirk, proud of the choice of suit he was wearing tonight. he usually didn't mind about fashion that much, but the teacher felt like dressing up for the night, well not only for that, but also that it was the first party him and tatum were attending together, not as just friends. "i'm happy for you carmen, i'm happy seeing you happy." he says as he gives his best friend a genuine smile. "i hope our conversation helped--i was a little bit taken aback that day, you know?" he admits with a nervous smile.
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Her brown eyes fell over Monty when he walked up to her. It always felt so funny to see him all dressed up, never failing to take her back to the days when they were kids. All the times she'd force him to play dress-up with her, standing there together felt like they were doing it all over again. "You don't look too bad yourself, Phillips." A natural smile gracing her lips, "Everything's... it's great, Monty, it really is. I thought I'd feel sick and I didn't think I'd be able to walk in here with her, but it felt... I'm happy, I'm really happy."
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montezphillips · 1 year
closed to: tatum keller! ( @tatumxkeller ) location: conrad masquerade ball
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"i...am sorry i took longer than i should. i couldn't decide which appetizers i should bring back and...i got one or two of each?" montez says as he finally got back to their table with a plate of different sorts of appetizers for him and tatum to pick. he's already gotten the champagne for them beforehand and went back to get something for them to snack on. "should i really have both of us slow down a little bit of champagne, or...we should join along like the last time?" he couldn't help but tease the other, wiggling his eyebrows. "i promise to nurse you back to health?" he sits down, moving his seat closer to tatum's, and taking her hand to hold. it really feels like he was on the right track, right page, this time, even though his memory was still mostly blank. tatum never left his side throughout it all, and he could only imagine the pain that it caused her when he had forgotten about them. "you just...i'm just grateful for you, tate. i..." i wouldn't know where i'd be without you.
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montezphillips · 1 year
closed to: carmen reyes! ( @carmenreyes ) location: conrad masquerade ball
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"there you are--woah, you're looking good." montez greets carmen with a smile on his face as he was walking over. he had spotted her from a distance, and as all the attendees for this ball were all wearing masks, he first made sure it was her. last time they hung out was when carmen asked him about a situation he didn't expect would come up for the both of them to talk to. "how's everything been...with you and your date?" he asks, wiggling his eyebrows at his friend.
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montezphillips · 1 year
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montez couldn't help but be in awe of the conrad suites as he finds his eyes roaming around the place whilst he stands by the bar, ordering drinks for himself and for tatum. he was planning to maybe dial it down for the both of them, given that they've both suffered through a hangover together after the fourth of july party, though he wasn't going to completely stop them for having some, and just having fun at this masquerade ball. the deaths that has been caused by the shadow as of late...it has really proven the point that nobody, regardless of their status, is safe. two members of femme fatale found dead...it has been the news the town has been thinking, talking about nonstop. perhaps this is the thing that would pay respects not just for the two, but simply everyone who suffered under the hands of people who thought they could play gods and decide who deserves to live and die. his thought were immediately cut off by a woman rushing, almost stumbling to the bar. upon instinct, montez readies himself, just in case stephanie falls. "no--my lips are zipped, i promise." he chuckles lightly. "of course." he takes a glass for himself, looking around once more to see where tatum was. "are you...are you alright, steph?"
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There were a number of stupid ideas Stephanie had over the past few weeks. Even attending this event, knowing where all events in this poorly managed town went in the first place. On top of that, she came with Percy of all people. Though, she didn't quite see that as a stupid idea, he was nice. Well, okay she wasn't that dumb. She knew he wasn't nice, but he was pleasant enough to her. She didn't want to go solo and look stupid in front of Ben, so she went with someone that quite literally no one would expect.
Nate had bought her this red dress and while she looked damn good in it, she was uncomfortable as all Hell. It had been years since she had to attend stuffy events like this and the moment anyone laid eyes on her and looked for a little too long, she just nodded her head a few time with an awkward grin.
Her escape was to rush toward the bar, nearly falling along the way but somehow stabilizing herself with grace. Eyes immediately going to the person she knew saw the entire thing.
"Don't... say it.." she uttered with a soft laugh, reaching out to grab a glass of champagne. "Drink with me?"
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montezphillips · 1 year
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montezphillips · 1 year
Dakota: I agree but as much as I want to take things into my own hands considering the police apparently don't, I don't even know where to start. Dakota: It could be our neighbour, or our best friend. There's just no way to know anymore, and I don't know if a nightly patrol is really going to change anything considering people are getting murdered in their homes. Dakota: Sorry, I'm just freaking out I guess. Dakota: I don't want to die. [unsent] Montez: the fact that it could be anyone we know either for our whole lives or someone we're close with is something that's been keeping me up at night Montez: you don't have to apologize for anything, koty. you can tell me anything, i promise. if you need someone to talk to, i am here, alright? Montez: door's always open for you.
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montezphillips · 1 year
Jordan 📲 Monty
Jordan: tatum, huh Jordan: don't let me drink at this fucking thing Jordan: heather is on my ass about drinking because shes on her period or something Jordan: so I just have to stay sober for this Montez: mhmm...tatum Montez: i'll hand you so mocktails then, i had to avoid alcohol for a bit after the you know Montez: maybe she's got good intentions, man...you never know
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montezphillips · 1 year
even though montez has already came back to work for summer school, it still somehow feels different as he prepares to be official on the job again. he was grateful to have realm around while they assisted in doing so, but the teacher couldn't help but sit down to go through the things that has remained untouched for months ever since he was last there. there were some things that aren't familiar to him at all, due to his memories still not being back, but it felt like those would be one of those things he'd have. he has just picked up the waffle maker he's used whenever he was making snack for himself when his friend spoke up, snapping him out of his own thoughts.
"those were gifts from what i can recall, you know, those faculty christmas parties, and some would assume what kind of books you like to read and the assumptions don't hit it right." he then turns to look at the dan brown books at his mini shelf. "i've been re-reading my old stuff--and ones that i don't remember having, but..." he trails off, now walking up to the shelf and running his fingers along one of the books. "i'm always taking recommendations from you. i need something new to read. what have you been reading lately, realm?"
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Location: Hidehill High Who: @montezphillips
There was just something about Hidehill High. Maybe it was the alliteration? Maybe it was his own horrid memories of his time spent growing up there? Or maybe it was just the general vibe of the entirety of Hidehill, that was sending shivers down his spine everytime he glanced out the classroom window. Dark brown eyes taking in the view of the same quad he'd spent so much time in, barely existing to the rest of the world. It was the kind of place he swore he'd never come back to. Walked away from and truly never really looked back. But Monty was kind.. And he was the kind of person that reminded Realm of his mission to at least try and make some friends.
The very same Monty that Realm had been doing a piss poor job of helping in the setting up of his classroom for the upcoming school year. Instead he found himself leaning back in one of the chairs that for whatever reason felt smaller than he recalled as he shifted his foot in it's position against the desk. "So I'm going to be totally honest with you Monty, when I agreed to help you with the decorating process a little heads up that you had Dan Brown books on some of your shelves would have been a nice warning. Today's youth deserve better than Dan Brown. It's like filling their heads with cotton candy. Not that there's anything wrong with cotton candy, but with the minds of today, too many of them are going to mistake it for salad."
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montezphillips · 1 year
Dakota: so did I... but now that I think about it, if it could have been harrison and we didn't realise, it could be anyone Dakota: I guess I should have known that by now but I don't know, maybe I was feeling stupidly optimistic or something. Dakota: I'm not sure, I haven't heard anything about them since they were first mentioned. Dakota: But what if you ended up on patrol with the shadow? I don't know if patrols are the solution either. Montez: some people really aren't who they seem to be... Montez: we're running out of options to keep ourselves safe with how slow the authorities are, koty Montez: and don't tell us much either, but that's understandable. still...i couldn't help but look at it like they're not doing anything at all
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montezphillips · 1 year
Jordan 📲 Monty
jordan: listen man jordan: you're going to this stupid ball right? jordan: i need your help with something Montez: yeah, i'm going with tatum, why? Montez: and sure, ask me anything, bro
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