mood-to-the-max · 4 months
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On February 8th, this nonbinary child was violently beaten by three cis girls. The school did not call them an ambulance after the beating was stopped, and they later died in the hospital from head trauma. They have also been deadnamed and misgendered in their obituary and in the news. As the author of the article puts it:
How is that not national news? A 16 year old beaten to death in a public school bathroom? By other students. All these unanswered seemingly obvious questions about what transpired, and how the adults involved acted. That should be every headline. In fact, almost every local outlet covering the story misgender and deadnames Nex, using their same assigned at birth. The indignities pile on. We don’t yet know if Nex’s nonbinary identity is directly tied to this incident. But, my God, it sure matters to me that this would happen to any child. A nonbinary kid assaulted in a girl’s bathroom. That outcome from the narrative of anti-trans rhetoric these past years. Still why wasn’t this story breaking news? It involves a nonbinary student in a public school. And school violence and school police resource officers. It involves the deep fear so many trans youth have shared with me about their schools.
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mood-to-the-max · 4 months
Death to all israeli occupation soldiers. They are responsible for the bomb that tears a child's body in half. They are responsible for the destruction of the entire gaza landscape. They are responsible for the orphaned children for the disabled children. They are responsible for every parents tears. They are responsible for making hospitals battle grounds. They are responsible for the starvation and for the disease. There is no sympathy for people who commit these acts of absolute inhumanity. Netanyahu cannot do anything without willing happy murderers and an apathetic and hateful society. And worst some fucking zionist will screenshot this and talk about how "u need to have sympathy for iof bc they're drafted" they are the reason I see the limbs of my people all over the ground like torn pieces of clay.
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mood-to-the-max · 4 months
there are still people in the notes of that thread failing to grasp that this isn't a hypothetical for me. I know trans people up here who had their front door covered with 'I ❤️ JKR' and 'adult human female' stickers. there are active terf groups who harrass queer cafés and bookshops and use her name as an in-group identifier on signs and t-shirts at protests and at pride. she actually personally funded a trans exclusionary women's crisis centre in edinburgh, after her followers hounded and harrassed an inclusive service into shutting down. she is a tangible threat to trans people here.
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mood-to-the-max · 4 months
meowth team rocket will go episodes forgetting he himself is a pokemon and his main hobby will be breaking the law, attempting to ruin a childs life, and generally being an asshole and thats cool but then hell curl up on a table to go to sleep and im like OHHH... HES A KITTY.. hes just a little cat. a little kitty cat meow meow meow. mrow
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mood-to-the-max · 4 months
please spread this so that it can actually be funny instead of just 1 person voting
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mood-to-the-max · 4 months
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mood-to-the-max · 4 months
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mood-to-the-max · 4 months
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Clothing representing the 11,500 Palestinian and 36 Israeli children who have been killed in Gaza were laid out on Bournemouth beach this week.
The 5km line of second-hand clothes was created by activists were laid out to illustrate the scale of child deaths in Gaza.
Each set of clothing represents a child who had been killed.
So urce
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mood-to-the-max · 4 months
"Somebody needs to do something about Sephora 10-year-olds...these i-pad babies are so rude and don't do what they're told....oh my God, these kids can't read and have no social skills...Ugh, look at these little consumers and their Stanley Cups."
I am, in fact, actively worried for these children and I refuse to hate them for the ways that society, as a whole, has failed them.
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mood-to-the-max · 6 months
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inspector gadget if he slayed
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mood-to-the-max · 6 months
games (mostly text-based) about houses and places-- exploring them, haunting them, feeding them:
childhood homes (and why we hate them) - after a decade, you return home.
return - a text-based horror game about coming home.
singing from the far side of the hill - about a trans woman, homeless after a bad breakup, who rents a stranger's spare room. it's a decision she comes to regret.
anatomy - Explore a suburban house, collect cassette tapes, study the physiology of domestic architecture.
leave house - leave house
the open house - We at Northtree Real Estate (in partnership with Optix Dynamix Labs) are proud to present our new, state-of-the-art, open house simulator!  Come and take a quick tour of 15615 Hollow Oak Lane, a familiar and comfortable showcase home in one of our premier developments!
what girls do in the dark - This little game is based off one of the greatest fears they had as a teenage girl: showing up late to a stranger's slumber party.
unbecoming - a sonically-textured interactive horror fiction exploring cycles of trauma and unspeakable forces of nature in a mythic rural American landscape.
13 laurel road - an interactive fiction game about the relationships we have with places and reconciling with trauma. You play as a young man named Noah who has been tasked with picking up some things from his cousin’s old house.
domvs - a gothic mystery game in which you rely on your environment to uncover the truth.
flesh, blood, & concrete - you find yourself in a vast, empty apartment complex.
i am still here - a short, unconventional ghost story and vignette reflecting on the end of a long lockdown.
vacant - Film a ghost-hunting show.
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mood-to-the-max · 6 months
why is “get ___ed idiot” one of the funniest sentences in the english language
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mood-to-the-max · 6 months
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mood-to-the-max · 7 months
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“pick up the spatula spongebob” is SENDING me 😭
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mood-to-the-max · 8 months
hey guys i-
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mood-to-the-max · 8 months
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mood-to-the-max · 8 months
As a transgender man who is going to be having a baby, I am so glad that by technicality my child will be able to fulfil the prophecy and defeat Macbeth.
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