moodswingz · 7 years
Start reblogging the money blessings post…
If you haven’t already done it…. Go hit that reblog button. Do what you have to, just do that too.
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Like seriously. Just find one and reblog it real quick. I post a couple yesterday and put into the universe that I actually wanted it
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Only been at work for a couple and I get this at as a tip! (tips ain’t normal at ALL in here)
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Come on now!!
Let it work for y’all too
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moodswingz · 7 years
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moodswingz · 7 years
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Watch: Regular women and celebrities, many of whom have survived sexual assault or harassment, are banding together to tell Trump “It’s not okay”
In the cases of all the women who spoke out in the video, there was no justice. Their assaulters and harassers walked free because either nobody believed them or there was nothing they could do. The Trump tape was one of many final straws. "We’re not gonna take it any more,“ Amber Tamblyn said. “Like, for real, we’re not.”
Gifs: Humanity for Hillary
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moodswingz · 7 years
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moodswingz · 8 years
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Happy black history month y'all. 😁😊😊😊
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moodswingz · 8 years
When your human won’t stop fluffing your floof.
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moodswingz · 8 years
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moodswingz · 8 years
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UNC rape survivor Delaney Robinson comes forward with brave statement
Delaney Robinson, a sophomore at the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill alleged Tuesday that a football player at the school raped her in February and that UNC has done nothing about it. In a powerful personal statement she explained how “she did everything a rape victim is supposed to do.”
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moodswingz · 8 years
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I can’t fucking believe that a cartoon predicted this
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moodswingz · 8 years
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moodswingz · 8 years
i keep thinking about that tribe of baboons where all the alpha males died from eating poison garbage and then the baby boy monkeys were taken care of by the lady monkeys and never got socialized to be aggressive so they all just live peacefully and groom eachother instead of fighting and killing eachother and its been generations of that, it only took 1 wipeout of the aggressive males to change the whole social order of the species i am crying they must be so much happier
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moodswingz · 8 years
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President Obama, aka the Dad Joke POTUS, just released the most glorious seven minutes of bad Thanksgiving puns you’ve ever heard
President Obama explained that after last year, his daughters decided they couldn’t put up with his dad jokes, so he was joined at the pardon by his adorable two nephews! President Obama is clearly letting his full nerd hang out now. (Yes he cran!) The full video of jokes is truly worth the click.
Gifs: whitehouse.gov
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moodswingz · 8 years
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moodswingz · 8 years
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moodswingz · 8 years
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moodswingz · 8 years
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moodswingz · 8 years
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