moodymarkcrusaders · 8 years
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Page 52: Party Perks
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moodymarkcrusaders · 8 years
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Page 51: Party Pony
(OMG I know, an actual update! WTF right?)
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moodymarkcrusaders · 9 years
This artist died in a plane crash
Your worst fears have been realized! Naw, I'm kidding, but I'm sure a lot of you were thinking it. Well this is awkward. It's 2016 now and it feels like I've gone through a time warp. Fandoms dissipate, priorities change. Life happens. And next thing you know, almost an entire year has passed. I'd seen it happen to other artists before, but never realized it would happen to me until it was too late. Oh well. So my life shifted (in a good way), but I've been bogged down with RL projects, and all the stuff that comes with finishing school and entering a career in the animation industry. It's been a fun time, but my interaction with the world of pony kind of took a huge backseat to the point where I almost forgot about it entirely. I considered going back to my fanart a few times, but the longer I waited, the more afraid I became of showing my face around these parts and decided against it. But it's finally time to mare up and make my inevitable return (do people even still use pony-lingo these days?). Concerning that silly ol' Moody Mark Crusaders comic I made once upon a time, rest assured it's still alive. I once said to somebody that no matter what, I would eventually finish it, even it took years and years. This is mostly because I actually had a pretty big plan already mapped out for the comic when I started it, and all I really need to do is put it onto the page. Contrary to (probably) popular belief, I didn't make it up as I went along. So that's still a thing. But I can't really say for sure when it will be finished, or how often it's going to be updated. Because as the past year has certainly demonstrated, stuff happens. There's also a lot to re-assess now too - like the new show canon that's been established over the past year, of which I know next to nothing about. There's a lot of catching up I have to do, although at the same time, I never intended the comic to be too directly based on the show's events, so I might just ignore the new canon entirely. *shrugs* Anyway, I hope to get back to this account soon, I really do. But only time will tell how often I'll be able to. Things are a-changing. Now excuse me as I go sift through 9 months worth of comments. Yay~ (posted this earlier on my DA, but forgot to post it here, sorry)
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moodymarkcrusaders · 9 years
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Forgot to upload this here yesterday. Hope everypony had an awesome 4th of July! :)
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moodymarkcrusaders · 9 years
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Page 50: Chosen
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moodymarkcrusaders · 9 years
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Page 49: Parental Approval
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moodymarkcrusaders · 9 years
What did you think of "Tanks for the Memories"? Did it make you cry like most of the fandom did? I'm honesty surprised the writers touched on the subject of loss but in a different way.
It didn’t make me cry, although I did appreciate that they touched on the subject of loss. The thing that kind of irked me about the episode though, was that Rainbow’s reaction to Tank’s “hibernation” was essentially a reaction to him dying, which, given the context of the episode, made little sense, and made her seem a bit out of character. I think that if they had actually killed off Tank the reaction would have felt less out of place, and suited the episode better.I guess that’s only natural coming from the mod of a comic like mine, but I can still dream, right? It’s a kid’s show though, so I understand why they’re never going to do something like that.
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moodymarkcrusaders · 9 years
Wow, and evil has enteed the room. Glad to see ya back. Are you gonna bring back the "Ask a Moody Mark Crusader" thing again. Talking to fictional characters is cool, That's a thing, I'm pretty sure.
Thanks! Not sure, I might in the future if I have more free time for it, but I was getting a lot of questions that I didn’t want to reveal the answers to just yet. I felt bad not responding to them all. ^^;
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moodymarkcrusaders · 9 years
Just another anon saying that it's good to see this back! ^_^
Thanks Anon! It’s nice to be back. :)
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moodymarkcrusaders · 9 years
is it derpy time yet?
Indeed it is!
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moodymarkcrusaders · 9 years
Are you enjoying season 5 so far? Any thoughts on it?
I am! I thought the opener was interesting, and the episodes since have been pretty entertaining. I just wish they’d give the CMC their cutie marks already, enough with all the teasing! Oh well, I guess they’re destined to be blankflanks forever.
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moodymarkcrusaders · 9 years
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Page 48: Alterius
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moodymarkcrusaders · 9 years
Will Apple Gloom still be important to the story in any way?
Very much so, yes. ;)
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moodymarkcrusaders · 9 years
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Page 47: A Novel Idea
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moodymarkcrusaders · 9 years
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Page 46: The Game Continues
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moodymarkcrusaders · 9 years
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Page 45
At long last the series continues!
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moodymarkcrusaders · 9 years
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I disappeared because College. But fear not! The MMC’s return will be soon...very soon.
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