moon-angel-on-earth · 4 years
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moon-angel-on-earth · 4 years
For those who don’t deserve freedom
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moon-angel-on-earth · 4 years
Dealing with Disassociation as a Witch🌙
Hello all. As someone who struggles with disassociation on the regular, and with everything going on in the world, I thought I would come over here and offer a few things that have been helping me. Some of them may seem very simple, but grounding truly can be simple. I hope these can offer some peace of mind if you are struggling during this time.
This is probably my most used method. I use chants on the daily and affirmations as well. You can write them down and tuck them in your pocket, you can chant them to yourself in the mirror or in the shower. One I especially like to use is “I am here, alive, and present”.
Simple repetitive tasks🌙
This one may seem strange, but it truly helps. Something like kneading dough, making a friendship bracelet, or knitting helps me keep myself grounding. I find feeling the textures of materials especially helpful. For example, yesterday I made cinnamon rolls and spent time kneading and rolling out the dough. It made me feel a lot more present. 
Even things like moisturizing help me feel my body and feel present. Simple things like that can be immensely useful grounding techniques. You don’t need to go through complicated ritual all the time to get some peace of mind. 
Go outside🌙
Obviously with the whole quarantine thing this has to be done safely. But even just sitting on your patio or backyard if you have one can be helpful. Even just open your window. There is truly miraculous power in an open window. Seize that.
This one may seem silly but I honestly get so much joy from it. Put on one of your favourite tunes and just dance! Close your eyes if you feel weird, feel the ground beneath you and move your body. Listen to the music, allow yourself to laugh if you feel silly. This one is my favourite! It always seems to lift my moods. 
I hope some of these are helpful. I know it can be hard right now. Sending you all the love and blessings.
Blessed be.
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moon-angel-on-earth · 4 years
An arlequin is even better without her master but the legend says the opposite
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No one is like me. If you wanted to even come close you would have to go to medical school, become a psychiatrist, work in an asylum, fall in love with your patient, break said patient out of said asylum, begin a life of crime, jump into a vat of chemicals to prove yourself to a madman, get arrested by the Batman, go back to jail, get out of jail with a bomb on your neck, save the world, go back to jail, and break out of jail before breaking up with the aforementioned madman and going out on your own
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moon-angel-on-earth · 4 years
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You only can go to the top if. You fell to the girl pppppp
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moon-angel-on-earth · 4 years
Love this
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moon-angel-on-earth · 4 years
So do I, they’re everywhere while loyal seems to be a race that will no longer be there as soon as I imagine.Too hard for real to fake
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moon-angel-on-earth · 4 years
How cute
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moon-angel-on-earth · 4 years
Barbados after a sea bath
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moon-angel-on-earth · 4 years
It’s not only a way of surviving it’s a part of our life that could not be apart!
Art is everywhere if you find the time to see it
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moon-angel-on-earth · 4 years
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moon-angel-on-earth · 4 years
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moon-angel-on-earth · 4 years
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134K notes · View notes
moon-angel-on-earth · 4 years
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moon-angel-on-earth · 4 years
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Raised by the best father and brother ever.They never stopped believing in me more than a second and still do.They made me a woman early but it’s a gift.I had already wasted my time too much.Thanks for having been there through the worst storms ever.We created some roots between us even stronger.
I’m blessed
So many blessings coming my way,It’s time to catch the train of truth and make them prouder than they even dared cause I know I already have myself in the train
We all deserve it and will get to the higher level together
No more playing small
Knowing my worth
Surrounded myself with amazing friends who cares enough to take care of the emotional side...
I have so much space to be loved that you guys know your place in my life even if you never met
Thank you
If you don’t leave me I won’t leave you
If you are not with me you are against me
Such a feeling I couldn’t imagine but that Happened....end of a real nightmare for almost 6 years
Feeling like a slave without her chains who can start over whenever wherever
How could I be possibly more loved and lucky
My thanks will never be enough but I love to say them
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moon-angel-on-earth · 4 years
I think the hardest kind of breakup is when two people are meant to be together, but something won’t allow them to be at the moment
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moon-angel-on-earth · 4 years
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