moon-luhan · 11 years
{` breaks into a relieved smile, forehead against hers inhaling that familiar scent that he finds nothing but alluring } Thank you, Sulli.. {` wraps his arms around her slender waist, pulling her closer to him, no intentions of letting go in fear that if he does she'd be gone for good; his expression doesn't betray the surprise he felt after hearing the confession, soon pulling himself together with a wide grin } You do? {` gives her waist a squeeze } ...you have no idea how happy you just made me.
/`heaves a deep breath and weakly smiles at him — at this moment, she has forgotten many things: their difference, their race, her purpose, everything`/ just keep going. /`she encourages him, which was quite surprising for herself to, but regardless, her actions took over her mind — she presses her lips onto his with a slight force, then pulling away to keep a firm look/ i-i like you too.
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moon-luhan · 11 years
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Luhan in a suit
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moon-luhan · 11 years
{` palm cups her cheek gently, soft strokes done to her cheek by his thumb before lowering his head, his forehead bumping onto hers, gaze never leaving the other's } Sulli.. {` sighs softly, closing his eyes for a moment } I like you...maybe more than I should. {` eyes flutter open, uses his hand to tilt her head, pressing his lips lightly on hers ) You can tell me to stop, if this is all too confusing for you. But.. {` hopeful eyes lands on hers } ..if not, then allow me to continue.
/`slowly brushes her hands down his arm, playfully hooking a few fingers with his — she nibbles on his lower lip, then finally departs from his lips - a moment that seemed forever to her`/ uh… /`she bites down to her own lip, not knowing how to react to the situation — gradually, she began averting her eyes to align with his to only receive an electrifying feeling that became addicting to her`/ luhan. /`leans in deliberately for a gentle, tender peck/
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moon-luhan · 11 years
{ ` doesn't turn to look at her after he felt the sting of her slap, eyes lowered, not able to meet her gaze as she spoke, confusion only rising up at her words, specially when he felt those sweet, soft lips press against his, that's when he lost it -- he cradled her in his arms, pulling her body closer to his, moving his mouth slowly with hers, force aggressive-like and doesn't pull away until after a few seconds, but after, he connects their lips again, taking in the moment, afraid of it to end }
Hey, what are you doing? —tries to pull her hand away from him - stares at him for a moment; … —at this point, she wasn’t exactly sure if she had misunderstood him or if it was just some sort of trickery, but her head hurts from just taking in anymore; No. —gulps and shakes her head; You were supposed to drink my blood… —slaps his back; You’re a confusing son of a bitch. Why… —begins breathing and coughing heavily - walks in front of him to face him; But… you know. I’m confusing myself even more… I’m seriously going crazy. —hooks her arms around his neck and pulls him down to her height and crashes her lips more aggressively than she normally did her previous times; 
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moon-luhan · 11 years
{ ` frowns upon receiving a reaction opposite to what he expected, leaving him disappointed and hurt once she started spatting out words, each one like a dagger stabbed to his heart -- he was well aware of how she can be, but it was part of the reason why he had grown quite an attraction towards her -- his eyes widen at her words, about to stop her, but was too late, a puncture has been made -- his instincts, as expected, did get triggered, though he tried not to let it get the best of him -- instead, he grabbed onto her hand, wiped the blood with his suit, and sighed, releasing her } I'm saying the truth. If you don't trust me, even if I try, a future relationship won't be good for us. { ` it was hurting him, the words he's saying } I'm sorry to have bothered you. If you wish to forget about me, then I'll oblige. { ` bows his head, tears slowly escaping his eyes, though try as he may to hold it back, and with that, he turned his back on her, planning not to ever look back }
—startles by his action, quickly tries to shrug him off; Are you crazy? Why are you laughing? I said th- —shakes her head and rubs her neck - eyes widen feeling his lips pressing against hers almost having her believe that she had escaped from all of her troubles; … —after the lost of his touch, she instinctively leans in and slowly opens her eyes - not wanting to say a word, she just stares at him mindlessly, still intaking the moment their lips were attached with each other; Wh- —before she could finish a word, his lips rained upon hers - she just stands there, feeling her eye sight becoming faded from her tears; Don’t lie… —pains strikes her from saying those two simple words; One moment, you’ll peck your lips at me - secretly manipulating me, teasing me, humiliating me… The next moment… your fangs will dig right into my neck and leave a scar… Like this one. —points to where she was bitten; Just leave me alone… If you just wanted my blood, take a quick bite and leave me alone. —pulls her hair to the side for him to get easy access; Actually, take it from my arm. I don’t want your face near mine. I’ll even pre-bite it for you to get your instincts going. —slightly take a sharp small bite on her arm, just enough for a little blood to come out; Here. Make it quick.
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moon-luhan · 11 years
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moon-luhan · 11 years
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moon-luhan · 11 years
{ `blinks as she repeated what Jinyoung has told him, arms wrapping around her fragile body and keeps her close to him, his free hand reaching to stroke her hair, trying to calm her down with his gestures -- lips curve upwards, trying not to laugh since it was inappropriate with the situation, but in the end he couldn't hold it in as small bits of laughter escape his lips } A huge misunderstanding, Sulli. { `pulls back so he could look at her in the eye, leaning down to press his lips lightly against hers } I'm sorry if I hurt you, unintentionally. But what that stupid guy was referring to was my sister. Can't blame me for teasing him. Did you see how he reacted? { `chuckles, fingers gently trailing down her cheek to wipe away some tears, hand cupping her cheek with care as he leaned down once more to kiss her lips } I would never betray you, princess. { `was surprised by what he called her, eyes widening slightly and pull away with a clear of his throat }
—feels burden when he had grabbed her hand; Can you not? —turns around, facing him with a face full of fury that soon dropped; .. —can literally feel her heart being jabbed by a knife from seeing his tears nearing; I… —mindless reaches her hand out to his face, then mentally slaps herself to stop; No. —tries to pull her hand away from his but his hand grips on to her even tighter; I heard it. Okay. I know. Just let go of me. I know that there’s someone else. —pouts and bites her lips to try to hold back her tears again; I’m not wrong. I know what I heard. “Just because she clings to you doesn’t mean I’m not as important as you, Luhan. Keep that in mind.” Now, doesn’t that sound familiar? Let’s not forget about what you said. —shakes her head in disbelief with her tears streaming down her cold red cheeks; It hurts. You stupid bloodsucker. —walks closer towards him and buries her face in his chest; It hurts a lot. —weakly hits his chest; Stupid. 
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moon-luhan · 11 years
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rejected Lu Han
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moon-luhan · 11 years
{ ` couldn't possibly think of a time when he's felt his heart thump, not in a good way, harder than how it is now -- her words punched holes in his chest, her tone daggers on his body, everything about the scenario unfolding wasn't pleasant to him -- needless to ponder, he grabbed on her hand before she could walk away, his eyes nearly breaming with tears as well, breathing heavy as he was out of it, no clue as to why she was suddenly acting this way } Sulli.. { ` pants out, his grip on her tight, already assuming she would pull away from him } What did I do? { ` mentally curses for the dumb question } What did you hear from our conversation? You must've misunderstood. Whatever it is that's in your head-- you've got it all wrong. If there's one person I like, it's you, Sulli. { ` was surprised by his confession, but doesn't show it through expressions. all he wanted was her to believe him } 
You did everything and I hate it. Everything you did, I hated it. Everything comfort or kindness I ever showed you, I hated it. —shakes her head and slides her feet further from him; Don’t pretend like you don’t know. I don’t even know why I care so much. Why this hurts so much. Why my brain can’t even function properly. I didn’t know how much meeting a person could be so bothersome until I met you. —shakes in disapproval; No. I don’t want to hear you out. I don’t want to listen anymore. I’m done. Taemin is probably is waiting for me. —purposely using her ex’s name, not knowing exactly why she did; I’m going back. I wasn’t nice meeting you. —turns away and walks off, hoping that he would stop following her;
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moon-luhan · 11 years
{ ` blinks in surprise at her actions, much less her words - every word spat to him was like daggers stabbed onto his heart - she left him silent, jaw agape, not believing the scene that was being unfold in front of him } What did I do? { ` he asked, unsure of why she was acting this way, for earlier the day they were just kissing and even planned out a date, now this } Sulli-- { ` remembers his talk with Jinyoung, wonders how much she's heard and if she misunderstood it } Wait, what are you on about? { ` takes a step closer to her, eyes scared and worried for her, not wanting to lose her that easily } Hear me out here, Sulli. Please.
—not wanting to face him one bit, she just sits there; Go away. I don’t want you here. —shrugs his grip from her as she gets up; You’re so annoying. It’s funny. —looks at him with the same untrusting eyes as she did when they first met; You’re all the same. Assholes. Rude. Manipulative. Selfish. I hate you. —holds her tears back as much as she could; I wonder how long you could’ve played this joke, because it’s not funny. Ugh! You would’ve been dead right now if I didn’t miss those bullets on purpose. Should’ve killed you when I had the chance. —runs her fingers through her hair in frustration, not caring about any pains, weaknesses she has at the moment; I wish I never met you.
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moon-luhan · 11 years
{ ` gives up on looking inside, for he has searched the whole area and found no sight of the huntress, curses under his breath for getting himself into the past conversation but knows it's his own fault for being careless with his words and for being a jerk towards the vampire - licks his lips anxiously, eyes catching a glimpse of someone outside, quickly makes his way towards the figure, sighing in relief when he got the right person } Sulli! { ` voice slightly crack from nervousness, stepping behind her and winces at the sight of the marks on her neck } Sulli... { ` whispers her name softly, arms wrapping around her body from behind, face buried on her back as he inhaled her sweet, familiar scent }
Stupid. He’s stupid. This is stupid. All of it is stupid. —wipes away her tears, as she continues to sob; I should’ve never spoken to him. I should’ve never replied to a thing he ever said. —walks out of the ball room to get some fresh air and exhales slowly; Should’ve killed him when I had the chance. —rips the scarf off her neck, since she was sick of hiding it - not caring about her white dress one bit, she sat down on the ground, outside of campus nearby a tree;
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moon-luhan · 11 years
{ ` looks back at Jinyoung, who doesn't seem to care about his situation, his expression quickly changes and runs off to follow Sulli, fully aware that she heard something and misunderstood } { ` groans when he lost sight of her, but still goes inside the ball room, head shifting from left to right, chest heavy from anxiety, trying not shout out her name even if he wants to }
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moon-luhan · 11 years
 I don’t? Oh, believe me, Gaeun tells me /everything/ { ` false, has actually no clue on what his deal with his sister is } Alright, if you see it that way. Just don’t get your hopes too high. You’re just nothing but a servant to her { ` scoffs, turns away and starts walking off - eyes widen when he spotted Sulli } What are you doing here..?
News travels fast when they come to the unexpected. /purses lips in a grimace; then don’t spit things like you also know everything as well. You don’t know my story. /scoffs and his gaze turns to luhan; Just because she clings to you doesn’t mean I’m not as important as...
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moon-luhan · 11 years
No, I just didn't know it'd get to you that fast. { ` frowns at him, eyes turning icy } I've always cared for her. Don't spit words as if you know everything, Jinyoung. { ` turns his gaze away from him, knowing his words were right , scoffs } And you think she appreciates your existence as much as she does to mine? 
Was it ever a secret? /chuckles and shakes his head; oh dear, why so bitter now? Before you didn’t even care that she clung to you, and now you’re being overprotective? Make up your mind. /snorts and waves a hand dismissively; was that supposed to be an insult? Because for all I know, I’ve taken care of my lady far better than you have. Treat her better than you could ever have.
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moon-luhan · 11 years
Someone spilled the beans, huh? { ` scoffs, crossing his arms } Just to let you know, I'm not going to hand my sister to someone who couldn't even take care of himself.  
/smiles and chuckles; Why are you even here again? /laughs lightly shakes his head; Like I said, you don’t have to worry about things like this. You go on your merry way with this special someone, shall you?
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moon-luhan · 11 years
I'm her only reason of coming here, you're right. { ` answers, tilting his head with slight amusement } You're not? Ah, I'm betting someone still hasn't gotten his feelings straightened out, am I right?
But you know she will follow you, right? /chuckles and eyes twinkle in amusement; Oh, I think so. It’s probably her only reason why she’s here. /smiles and crosses his arms over his chest; I’m not how I used to be, Luhan, so you don’t have to worry yourself about it.
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