moon-mcther · 4 years
//Hi all! Sooo sorry for becoming inactive as soon as I made this blog, but life got really busy and then I got down with a cold and some severe headaches. My hope is that as soon as my new medication gets in and I get back on a proper sleep schedule, then I’ll be able to get back onto a proper schedule and get to replies! Thanks for your patience all! <3
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moon-mcther · 4 years
//Replies will be a bit slow; but please know that I appreciate your patience and will get to everything as soon as I have enough time and mental energy! I appreciate all of you and all the new followers I’ve gotten!
Life has been busy and I’ve been working on some maintenance in the house with my family. as soon as things slow down a bit and I can function normally again without having to parkour my way through the house-I’ll get to drafts!
love ya’ll!
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moon-mcther · 4 years
Della giggled softly, her smile growing. “Oh really?” She raised a brow, hands on her hips. She blinked in surprise at the returned boop before looking back up at him with an amused glint in her eyes.
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“Then how about we head over to one of the nearby bars and you can show me?”
@moon-mcther​ continued from here 
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Really that was cute? People from earth sure find some pretty damn odd stuff cute.-
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Well, Avocato didn’t really mind that either! the ventrexian traveled around so much he barley had time for any conversation outside the Crimson light, besides the rest of the crew. If having some free time meant talking to a pretty lady then so be it.~  “I can get a lot cuter then that if you give me the opportunity.” He said in return lightly booping her beak with his paw. 
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moon-mcther · 4 years
She handed him the beverage as well as a small napkin with a cookie, giving him a soft smile. She slid into the seat across from him, drumming her fingers on the table in thought. “Fourth, actually. But the treasure ended up being a chest full of apples so Huey most likely didn’t count it.” She shook her head in fond amusement.
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She clasped her hands together behind her head, leaning back and resting her feet on the table casually. “So what have you and Huey been up to lately? I’m sure you have quite a number of adventures together.” She smiled over at him with the smallest of grins. “Y’know, Huey talks alot about you.” She glanced up as Beakly walked past the doorway, stopping to give her one of her patented death-glares. Della sheepishly slid her feet off their table and straightened upright in her seat with an apologetic nod to the woman.
Clearing her throat awkwardly, she rest her elbows on the table and spoke again, giving Boyd a wink. “How’s about we go on a little adventure of our own? Give Huey something to be jealous about when he returns?” She suggested, voice low and eyes darting side to side as if sharing a secret scheme.
Starter for @babyboydbaby​
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Della was used to seeing the young boy around the mansion quite often and was more then pleased to see that Huey had such a good friend now. She knew that her oldest oftentimes struggled to make friends like his younger brothers, and she happily encouraged the two kids to meet up more often. However, Scrooge had decided to take the boys out on an impromptu adventure -without her nonetheless!- and Boyd had taken that moment to arrive at the mansion’s doorstep, requesting entry to see Huey.
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She smiled softly down at the younger, kneeling down to be at eye level as she explained the situation. “Uncle Scrooge just took the kids out. They shouldn’t be gone for too long, though.” She assured him, straightening and holding the door open with a friendly nod.
“Would you like to come in and have a seat?”
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moon-mcther · 4 years
Error.404. Della.exe has stopped working.
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“Oh my goodness, you are so adorable.”
[ boop ] from @moon-mcther to Avocato because Della sees catman and must boop the nose XD
send  one  of  these  in  to  see  my  muse’s  reaction (  add “ +reverse”  for  my  muse  to  do  the  action  to  yours ) .
[ boop ]  for  your  muse  to  boop  my  muse  on  the  nose .
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The Boop just made him sneeze and a little confused. But Avocato didn’t mind it, it kinda reminded him of something Gary would do.
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moon-mcther · 4 years
“No need to thank me, kiddo.” She smiled, nodding in response as she beckoned the other inside, closing the door as he entered. 
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“Yup. They’re following some kind of ancient treasure map.” She explained, leading the younger to the kitchen and gesturing to one of the many chairs around the comically large table. Despite such a large family living in the mansion, they truly didn’t need such a large table. But it was expensive and Scrooge refused to get rid of or sell it.
She strode over to the counter, opening the fridge and pulling out a pep for herself before glancing back at the boy with a smile. “Would you like anything to drink?” She hesitated after she spoke, suddenly worrying that she might have potentially upset him. He was technically a robot, despite her seeing him as a real boy. So...could he even drink anything? Still, she felt it was polite to have asked anyways.
Starter for @babyboydbaby​
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Della was used to seeing the young boy around the mansion quite often and was more then pleased to see that Huey had such a good friend now. She knew that her oldest oftentimes struggled to make friends like his younger brothers, and she happily encouraged the two kids to meet up more often. However, Scrooge had decided to take the boys out on an impromptu adventure -without her nonetheless!- and Boyd had taken that moment to arrive at the mansion’s doorstep, requesting entry to see Huey.
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She smiled softly down at the younger, kneeling down to be at eye level as she explained the situation. “Uncle Scrooge just took the kids out. They shouldn’t be gone for too long, though.” She assured him, straightening and holding the door open with a friendly nod.
“Would you like to come in and have a seat?”
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moon-mcther · 4 years
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A small laugh escaped her as she watched her son bounce around her excitedly. She nodded along to his many suggestions, trying to understand all he was saying. It was hard to pick out all of his ideas, as he was rambling along quite quickly. She rested her hands on her hips as she watched the kid slowly come to the realization that he was beginning to sound like Huey. She chuckled quietly once more, kneeling down to rest a gentle hand on his shoulder to quiet him down. “It’s alright, sweetie. Being responsible is nothing to be ashamed about.” She said with a hint of playfulness in her voice.
“What if we went outside to take a walk? I don’t think I’ve left the mansion in days.” She suggested, her hand absently rubbing soothing circles into Dewey’s shoulder. “Oh! Or perhaps we could try to find an adventure of our own to go on. Just the two of us-how does that sound?” 
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@turbotastic​ asked: “You’re too weak to stop me from stopping you.” ( From @turbotastic )
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Della sighed heavily, giving a strained smile to her son before nodding reluctantly. “Alright. I’ll take a break.” She finally gave in, wincing as she stood up from where she had been working on researching the latest artifacts they were attempting to locate.
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She held a hand out to him with a softer smile. “Why don’t you come take a break with me? We’ll do whatever you like.” She knew he could never turn down an opportunity for mother-son bonding time. And any chance she could glean to catch up on lost time with her children was a blessing and delight.
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moon-mcther · 4 years
Perfectly Platonic Starters
“You look like you could use a coffee.”
“Is that something you want to talk about?”
“Come on, sit down. It’s break time.”
“I needed that, thanks…”
“Here’s a blanket. You looked cold.”
“Thank god you’re back, I need to rant.”
“Is my sweater ever going to be returned?”
“Bad day? Emergency plans are in order.”
“Alright your ride has arrived, where to next?”
“I’m brushing your hair, it’s a mess.”
“You happened to go get lunch and ‘bought too much’ huh?”
“Your hugs are the best.”
“Hey. Hey. Heeeeeey. Come on. We’re gonna be late, get up.”
“I’m late, yes. You should be used to that by now.”
“How long as it been that we’ve known each other? Feels like ages.”
“There was something on your face, I had to get it off.”
“You’re sure people think we’re dating?”
“I think it’s hilarious people assume they’re dating just because they’re nice to each other.”
“I need to hang out with someone I like, can we pretend to be working for an hour?”
“Tea and coffee? What happened?”
“Here you go, one forgotten, left it at home in a rush, lost item!”
“I’m going for a walk, you want anything?”
“… sorry I took a nap on you.”
“I suppose I am now requisitioned to being a napping spot.”
“We could pretend we’re dating, but that might confuse your significant other, and then that might be a waste of petty effort for the sake of rumors.”
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moon-mcther · 4 years
Starter for @babyboydbaby​
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Della was used to seeing the young boy around the mansion quite often and was more then pleased to see that Huey had such a good friend now. She knew that her oldest oftentimes struggled to make friends like his younger brothers, and she happily encouraged the two kids to meet up more often. However, Scrooge had decided to take the boys out on an impromptu adventure -without her nonetheless!- and Boyd had taken that moment to arrive at the mansion’s doorstep, requesting entry to see Huey.
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She smiled softly down at the younger, kneeling down to be at eye level as she explained the situation. “Uncle Scrooge just took the kids out. They shouldn’t be gone for too long, though.” She assured him, straightening and holding the door open with a friendly nod.
“Would you like to come in and have a seat?”
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moon-mcther · 4 years
Della: I'm sick of people saying that i have to "go to the hospital" and that I've "lost a lot of blood." Its my stab wound not yours! Stay out of it!!
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moon-mcther · 4 years
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(( A Halloween icon as requested by @moon-mcther :^D ))
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moon-mcther · 4 years
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//Welcome new followers!! Go ahead and give this a like for a one liner~
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moon-mcther · 4 years
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Astronaut Space Traveller Lockscreens Edits made by me :)
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moon-mcther · 4 years
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“Sorry, mom. I let you down.”
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moon-mcther · 4 years
01:  A memory from your character’s childhood
02:  A memory from your character’s teenage years
03:  A memory from your character’s career
04:  A memory that your character cherishes
05:  A memory that your character wishes to erase  
06:  Something that makes your character angry
07:  Something that makes your character happy
08:  Something that makes your character laugh
09:  Something that frightens your character
10:  Something that turns your character on
11:  Describe your character’s childhood friend
12:  Describe your character’s parents
13:  Describe your character’s former lover
14:  Describe your character’s present best friend
15:  Describe your character’s worst enemy
16:  What your character does on a day of
17:  What kind of books your character reads
18:  What kind of music your character likes
19:  What your character does when they wake up
20:  What your character is like at social events
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moon-mcther · 4 years
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//Howdy all! Heading off to bed at last, but go ahead and give this a like for a starter in the morning!
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moon-mcther · 4 years
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@turbotastic​ asked: “You’re too weak to stop me from stopping you.” ( From @turbotastic )
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Della sighed heavily, giving a strained smile to her son before nodding reluctantly. “Alright. I’ll take a break.” She finally gave in, wincing as she stood up from where she had been working on researching the latest artifacts they were attempting to locate.
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She held a hand out to him with a softer smile. “Why don’t you come take a break with me? We’ll do whatever you like.” She knew he could never turn down an opportunity for mother-son bonding time. And any chance she could glean to catch up on lost time with her children was a blessing and delight.
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