moonagedaydream16 · 8 months
Hello, Mister Gaiman 🩷
Have you heard that Our Flag Means Death got canceled this week? We as a fandom are devastated and have created a petition in order to bring it back for one final season. I know a lot of the audience of Good Omens are also familiar with this show, so could you please share the link to our petition?
Thank you 🙏
Of course!
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moonagedaydream16 · 9 months
I know a lot of people are in both fandoms but if you are a good omens fan who has not watched OFMD, please help us. Remember the feeling of getting renewed for a third season, the feeling of knowing that we will see the end of the story the way it was meant to end, that Neil Gaiman will get to see his vision to the end, that David and Micheal and the rest of the crew will get to say a proper goodbye to those characters and help us do the same for other creators.
They deserve to finish their story, this cast and crew has poured so much love into this story and they deserve to see its completion.
This is about so much more than a silly pirate show. It's about unapologetically queer stories. Queer stories that deserve to be told. It's about letting queer joy prevail over the greed of corporations!!! This show had the ratings and the viewership. Look up the numbers, they speak for themselves, it never should have gotten canceled. If Our Flag is getting canceled than no show is safe and you should care. It's about preserving creativity and art over capitalism.
If this gets to you and you care about queer people, queer joy, community, queer stories, art, please sign it, please share it around as much as you can. We can make a difference if we are loud enough and we will not stop screaming.
Don't let their greed win!
Let queer joy prevail!
Queer stories deserve to be told!
Petition to renew Our Flag Means Death! ❤🏴‍☠️
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moonagedaydream16 · 9 months
thinking about how ofmd took blackbeard, a historical (almost mythical) figure that has pretty much always been depicted in media as a super hypermasculine white cishet man, and turned him into a gay man of color who wears crop tops and silk gowns, paints his nails and pines for his boyfriend
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moonagedaydream16 · 10 months
Honestly for all the lip service people pay to other problems with the show every time there's a new poll it becomes abundantly clear that the actual reason people hate OFMD is because Ed and Stede had the audacity to be an interracial gay couple in their late 40s who lead in a popular rom com and don't even have the decency to look like Ryan Gosling. Like keep calling them ugly girl and pull up your pants while you're at it because you're showing your whole ass
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moonagedaydream16 · 10 months
The more negativity about OFMD s2 I see going around, the more I commit to loving it with my whole entire heart.
I don't ask any piece of media I consume to be perfect, but OFMD is DAMN close and what Samba said about what they had to cut only really confirms that they tried their absolute level best to give us the best season of television they could under the restrictions they were working with. I'm pissed at HBO but I'm so glad we have this show.
OFMD is so obviously a labor of love on every level. It was made for us, by people who seem to love it as much as we do. It's the prefect definition of a comfort show and every day I'm grateful we have it.
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moonagedaydream16 · 10 months
guys... ed 'burnt the toast but added some twine as a flourish' teach and stede 'towels? what is this? are these jobs?' bonnet are going to try to run a customer service based business.
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moonagedaydream16 · 10 months
appalled but also not surprised at the amount of people who think ed is textually izzy’s domestic abuser and their problem with this is that in the season two izzy dies and apologizes to ed in his final moments. but they apparently are fine with the entire premise of the show being a relationship between a white man and an indigenous man and the indigenous man is written to have had a violent and abusive father and who then continues the “cycle of abuse” with his first mate/subtextual wife. i can’t imagine watching and supporting this show while thinking that the entire foundation of ed’s character was reinforcing such shitty racist stereotypes abt poc.
if we wanna talk about ed and being an abusive boss to his crew that’s one thing. but when it comes to izzy, from 1x10 to 2x02 we are not seeing an old, routine pattern of behavior from ed where he uses violence to control izzy. we’re seeing izzy’s attempts to push ed back into being blackbeard (we’re seeing izzy’s attempts to control ed) backfire on him, we’re seeing izzy feeding this poison and then getting the poison turned back on him. and it has been sooooo incredibly predictable to watch a huge chunk of this fandom reframe the intended reading of this show to victimize the white side character and demonize the indigenous protagonist.
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moonagedaydream16 · 10 months
This is gonna sound corny as hell, but I think the thing that still makes me so fucking obsessed with OFMD isn't just that it's a great queer story, it's that everyone involved takes so much pride in telling a queer story.
The time when the cast and crew would openly mock fans who wanted to see queer storylines in their work was not long ago at all. The way mainstream shows like Supernatural and Sherlock talked down to queer fans who wanted to see themselves represented in their work was not unique. It used to be common for the cast and crew of these shows to talk about queer fan works as something shameful.
And in OFMD, the queerness isn't just part of the story, it's a major point of pride. The cast and crew never, not once, talk down to queer fans. Ed and Stede's love story is the point of the show. Characters do drag and it's beautiful and joyous. There's a canon nonbinary character whose gender isn't made into their only personality trait.
And our cast and crew love this show and take pride in it. Rhys says Stede was the role he was born to play. Taika talks about how he loves being a "gay icon" and how he's chuffed to find fan art of Ed and Stede. Vico talks about how Jim's story resonates with them. Samba is on set to film bts of scenes he's not even in, just because he loves the show so much. The queerness is an integral part of the show and everyone loves it.
It's just so, so special.
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moonagedaydream16 · 10 months
no no you don't understand they literally worked so hard on this season, with the budget cuts and the fan pressure, and everything before (and after) and now they can actually sit back and bask in it? They can enjoy possibly the best times of their lives where people tell them they did a good job? Like they can share those blurry bts they took that no one except core fans would appreciate and they get to watch us lose it, praise them, give them all the credit for a great season all round? I'm genuinely so happy for them
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moonagedaydream16 · 10 months
stede rubbing his legs against ed’s in bed like a cricket, mostly to warm ed’s legs up faster but also just because they’re bare and he likes the feel of ed’s skin and wiry hair against his fuzzier hair. it just feels really nice and he’s never had that before.
ed idly playing with stede’s fingers while stede reads a book with his free hand, he’s just spinning the rings on stede’s fingers like ye olde stim toy and stede lets him and occasionally kisses his head or wiggles his fingers against ed’s without warning which makes him giggle.
stede hugging ed and swaying them on the spot for no particular reason, just humming a little tune and stroking ed’s back and enjoying getting to hold the man he loves. ed appreciates the few minutes of warmth and physical touch and his brain is always less buzzy when he tucks his face into stede’s neck. if stede does this on a bad day, it always means stede turning the hug into a silly little impromptu slow dance, grabbing ed’s hand and moving them together, singing his tune a bit louder, until ed is laughing.
them <3
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moonagedaydream16 · 10 months
people watching a romantic comedy about pirates, who are all murderers, full of slapstick violence and the presentation of said violence as a standard part of the job
yet somehow holding the indigenous male lead and only him to real world standards of morality so that they can paint him as an unstable abusive monster victimizing poor unsuspecting white men
but it's totally not bcs racism tho!!!!
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moonagedaydream16 · 11 months
I've been able to put a finger on what's really been annoying me about the current discourse surrounding Izzy's death, and it's the claims that the show "suddenly" isn't happy anymore or about queer joy and how that's a betrayal.
And my thing there is...OFMD has alway been the queer joy show, yes, but it has also never shied away from dark topics, and depicts topics such as the domestic abuse Ed suffered as a child and Stede's childhood trauma and the resulting PTSD from those events very realistically. OFMD is a kind show, at its core, and it never makes jokes that punch down. At the same time, though, this season began with Ed in a self-destructive mindset and actively planning his suicide, culminating in an attempt that was very nearly successful. This is heartbreaking. We've seen Ed sobbing - both at the end of last season and the start of this one - and last season we saw Stede absolutely shaken and traumatized by watching Chauncey shoot himself, right after Stede agreed that it was best he just die. It's heavy stuff, and I'll be the first to admit that it's honestly a bit hard for me to rewatch the first three eps of s2 just because of how hard Ed's suicidal arc hits, but I don't think it detracts at all from OFMD as the queer joy show - it adds to it, because the story is about coming out of these dark places through the power of queer love and community!
In contrast, Izzy started this season in a very rough place, and grew through the power of accepting queer community. His death was narratively important to Ed's arc, and he said himself he was satisfied and wanted to go. Why is this where you draw the line?
It's okay to be sad if a character you like died. That's the point, deaths in fiction are rarely supposed to make us feel happy. But it really just sounds like a lot of people are upset the narrative isn't centering around their favorite yt side character.
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moonagedaydream16 · 11 months
There are so many little physicalities in the reunion scene that overwhelms my soul.
It’s not just the kisses. I mean, it’s mostly the kisses let’s be real, but it’s the glances, the soul seeking, the hand placements, etc etc…
I’ve been replaying this scene over and over, probably an innumerable amount and each time, I’m filled with those little butterflies in the pit of my stomach. 🥹 it’s akin to kicking my feet and giggling.
I wanted to show zoomed in clips of each of their perspective because Rhys and Taika have incredible ways of storytelling through their physicality.
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Rhys is a fantastic actor. Unbelievably emotive. Outrageously funny. But he’s also wonderfully honest during moments of tenderness. There’s so much that can be said of his perspective looking at Taika. It’s the way he allows Stede to keep his eyes open right before locking lips with Ed. It’s the way he grants permission to Stede to study Ed’s face in admiration while he’s talking. Rhys hits the mark on every beat of that scene.
The generated heavy breathing having just run on the beach. The gentle swaying in Ed’s arms after riding that high. The nuzzling into Ed’s hand pressed against Stede’s face. It’s all there. And it’s intuitive and beautiful.
For Taika, he shows us what Ed could be like without the presence of any piracy and general swashbuckling. His character development in this season was astoundingly emotional for me and I think it’s because Taika allowed himself to “live truthfully under imaginary circumstances.”
Click the link to read about Meisner technique and how it informs authentic acting.
Taika is also intuitive with his roles. He brings a certain level of familiarity and that’s evident in Ed. Not the whole ‘feared pirate legend’ bit, but the bit where Ed is a man that fell in love.
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Now I don’t know about you all, whether some of you that read this have had acting experience, but for someone who does, it is quite an undertaking to act a scene like this. The vulnerability can only be achieved if your partner meets you halfway. Meisner believed acting is doing, right? There’s no talking when it comes to acting. Acting is action.
These scenes are incredibly difficult for not only the logistics/planning of the kiss, but the before and after said kiss. That one kiss needs to be built into a storyline, and if you aren’t able to bounce off that stimuli to your acting partner, it falls flat and appears clunky and irregularly timed.
But Taika and Rhys went above and beyond to present something that’s honest, tender, and not at all uncomfortable, out of place or inauthentic. It was as real a kiss as could be in a gay pirate show lol!
Taika inhabits the reality of Ed’s world by resting his right hand against Stede’s neck. His physicality is compelling. The furrowed brows. The hands grasping Stede’s face. The hand resting against Stede’s chest, almost as a way to fully feel present. Or maybe it’s a way to hold onto Stede after the delirium inducing kiss.
But my favorite part of this entire scene?
“I love you. I love you.”
Ed pulls away mid kiss to let Stede know he loves him. As if Stede didn’t already know, though I’m sure grateful for the spoken affirmation nevertheless. It’s the fact that Taika made a choice to say ‘I love you’ in an abrupt way. To the audience, it could be interpreted as his inner monologue springing forth to be heard. As if he’d been saying ‘iloveyouiloveyouiloveyou’ while his lips were desperately clinging to his lover’s.
He says it twice. The first time it’s quick and in an attempt to make Stede understand. The second time he’s willed it into existence. Taika also makes a choice to say the second ‘I love you’ while maintaining eye contact.
It’s the kiss we all wish we truly could experience.
It’s a kiss of acceptance.
Unconditional love.
It’s a kiss that says everything they’re unable to say.
It’s everything. This reunion was everything.
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moonagedaydream16 · 11 months
Crowley is a romantic. And they stole his love confession from him.
The confession we saw was rushed. I think Crowley could tell something was different. It was now or never. And that’s why he started to confess then. But
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his original plan was to take Aziraphale to the Ritz. They would get into the Bently, yellow tulips on the backseat, like we can see. Because yellow is pretty, like the angel said before. And A Nightingale Sang In Berkeley Square would play, he had put it on queue, we heard it. And they would get to the Ritz, have a wonderful breakfast. He would give him the flowers, take him back home, give him a lift, like in the movies, and then he would confess. And they could kiss at the door before they went inside.
But instead his confession was rushed and desperate and not at all like what they show in the movies. It was painfully real and unmagical.
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moonagedaydream16 · 11 months
ppl acting like izzy didn't get to experience true happiness when he got to look the british empire in the face and call it a rancid, syphilitic cunt, what more could you possibly want
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moonagedaydream16 · 11 months
it’s so fucking hard being an ed stan first and foremost when making posts like “i love how compassionate and kind they are to ed’s struggle and how they underline that his awful behavior comes from suicidal hatred of himself, he continues to be one of the most unflinching portrayals of fucked mental health that does not stop itself from showing how badly his own self hatred hurts other people as well yet doesn’t make him an irredeemable monster” gets people who think that ed didn’t even hurt the crew at all really they were just used to stedes management style and complaining for no reason and izzy getting his leg amputated is just comedic relief we’re supposed to laugh at and ultimately we should all be focused on condemning izzy for making ed upset in the first place in your notifs. like y’all make it actually impossible to praise the show bc you don’t even think the show is doing what it is doing
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moonagedaydream16 · 11 months
Yeah given that the OFMD team gave us s2 with a 40% budget cut, I think I'm done nitpicking and complaining about s2 actually. That's not to say that any show is above criticism, just that all of my complaints now seem incredibly trivial given that they pulled off a fucking miracle to give us such a nice season not only with incredible fan pressure but such a massive cut.
And there were so many incredible things in s2! Ed and Stede's story was always written very well, and we got technically very impressive things like the mermaid scene, and every shot was always filled with so much care. They gave us so much to love.
Thank you @davidjenks and crew, you wrote us a lovely season of television!!
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