moonblcst · 4 years
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        “Not that hard of a concept to grasp really, yes the initial shock of learning you have alternates is there, however. you grow just as used to it as seeing your own reflection.  Having a large gathering of us to just sit and talk is actually quite relaxing you might find.” (that is, if no alcohol is involved.)
        “As for our pokemon it’s quite hard to mistake them for another’s, at least in my case, you’d have to ask the others for their point of view on it.  But I see my bond with my team as something like family, no two are alike.  Not to mention you must not think I could go waltzing off with another of my reflection’s Hatterene without my own causing an uproar?  Unthinkable, not that I would do that to my dear Blair, of course.”
        “You’ll come to learn in time, don’t worry.”
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moonblcst · 4 years
@destinycaught​ whispered:  ⏳ extends hand expectantly
You must be a LV 1 friend(apparently) to unlock my tragic backstory | Accepting
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        “I remember the first day I received Blair, my Hatterene...of course she was a Hatenna in an egg at the time, but, I was overjoyed.  I finally had something to care for, someone that depended on me instead of me trying to cling to others.  I could be alone with her, speak without being judged for my thoughts, and she would comfort me.”
        Slim fingers trace over the red edges in that Great Ball, fondness brimming in lavender eyes, he could feel it, the connection and bond the two had from the very beginning.  She was happy too, a faint shake coming to that ball as if to nuzzle his palm.
        “Even when Blair was small she would protect me, I didn’t have to worry about bullies or adults who made me wary, she would scare them away no matter how intimidating.  It got me in trouble a few times, but I didn’t let it bother me, she was only trying to keep me safe, just as I had done for her while she was still inside that egg.”
        “I love her like family, and I could never pull her from my team.  I lucked out with becoming part of a fairy gym, if she had evolved into any other type I don’t know if I could have gone through with being Ms. Opal’s successor.”
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moonblcst · 4 years
Anonymous whispered: ⏳
You must be a LV 1 friend(apparently) to unlock my tragic backstory | Accepting
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        “The more I think about it..I don’t have any real memory of my family.  I was so young when I lost them that all I could remember was the last name that I was pinned with upon arrival.”
        “Bede Vidal, I don’t know why I cling to it so tightly when I could have taken the Chairman’s last name, but with how things unraveled it was probably for the best.  I’ve tried to research the name in the libraries and records of the orphanage, I was caught plenty of times and punished for it, but it didn’t deter me.” He sighs under his breath, hand absently fiddling with the hem of his oversized uniform, a nervous tick he never cared to train himself out of.
        “I was too nervous to ask for help from the Chairman during our time together, I didn’t want him to think I was trying to run back to them, if they are still alive, that is.” The thought made him recoil a bit, shoulders lowering, “I hope that..maybe someday I can meet them, even for just a moment.  It’s frustrating, missing something that was never present in your life, and at some point I would like to put that feeling to rest.”
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moonblcst · 4 years
@cottonthumb​ whispered:  ⏳ ovo!
You must be a LV 1 friend(apparently) to unlock my tragic backstory | Accepting
        Lips purse into a thin line, that bitterness bubbling up within the back of the fairy trainer’s throat.  But at the same time he could not hold back that urge to speak.
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        “I don’t enjoy reveling in the past, it’s riddled with mistakes that still burn in my mind to this very day.  I suppose though, if I have to talk about something...it should be a moment of positivity.”  He pauses, a slow breath taken to calm those nerves, “I remember the day I was taken in, a reckless, wild, and ruthless child that the chairman had taken a shine to for whatever reason.”
        “I had fresh wounds on my heart most never knew about, and that made me intolerable among most families, I had honestly dedicated myself to the thought that I would never find a home, that I would grow up in that place.  But he...chose me, for reasons to this day I am unaware of.” Lavender eyes set low, hands raised to his chin in thought, “I remember feeling..cautious, as I did with most adults, yet happy.”
        “Our time together was short, and I feel because of that he wasn’t able to get as close to me as he had hoped.  I certainly didn’t help the matter with how snappy I was around anyone older than me, but I don’t feel guilt over that, I had my reasons.  Perhaps...in time I can gather the courage to see him in person again.  Maybe then I can rest without such a heavy heart.”
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moonblcst · 4 years
For every “⏳” I receive, my muse will openly talk about a bit of their backstory.
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moonblcst · 4 years
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Maybe in time when were both better at life
        Daylight can open my eyes, and you’ll still be by my side ―
▶ Rules | Callisto Region Intro | About
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moonblcst · 4 years
Haha shortie
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        “I will personally rearrange your molecular structure to that of a poffin and feed you to the jaws of my Mawile.”
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moonblcst · 4 years
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        He’s still growing, sod off!
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moonblcst · 4 years
I love him
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he loves u
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moonblcst · 4 years
@champiowned​ whispered:  🌻
Mom said it’s My Turn to Scream | Accepting
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i used to be a purely dog person growing up bc thats mainly what my family had, we would adopt a variety of breeds and i loved them dearly!  but that also came with a general negativity towards cats
yes i was the generic “cats are evil” person..i hate looking back on it
then i rescued a stray back in october, his name is basil!  hes a siamese and maine coon mix and my little baby bastard man.  hes a trouble maker bc he was probably feral before but, i got him to the vet, did a bunch of checkups and shots, got him neutered, and now he’s fine and healthy.
the last few nights hes been super cuddly..just crawls on my bed and smushes his face into my neck before falling asleep, probably knows ive been feeling bad with the quarantine and is trying to cheer me up
i love him a bunch
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moonblcst · 4 years
Anonymous whispered:  🌻
Mom said it’s My Turn to Scream | Accepting
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uhhh leaning back into pokemon related things sword and shield was actually the first game i finished!  i started off with saphirre, went backwards to fire red, then to emerald and followed in the proper order from there
i think i just for completion anxiety and didnt want the fun i was having to stop?  plus i never did shiny hunting so i had nothing to lose really with deleting and starting over
finishing my first pokemon game felt really good tho, maybe in time i can go back and finish the others?
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moonblcst · 4 years
@fracturedhues​ whispered:  🌻🌻🌻 :o
Mom said it’s My Turn to Scream | Accepting
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Spicy take, or rather well known fact but uhhhh cringe culture is dead do what you fuckin want!!  
I see a lot of people dropping passion projects bc ppl worry about being cringy or unoriginal, sorta same goes with canon x oc shipping?  Fuckin let your muse smooch Gordie, Leon, Rai, anyone you fuckin want as long as your roleplay partner is fine with it!!  There’s a difference between forcing ships and having a consenting relationship between the two, people, calm down.
TLDR we were all embarrassing at one point, ocs are good content, and the world sucks right now, okay?  Costs 0 dollars to be fuckin nice
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moonblcst · 4 years
new ask game send me a 🌻 and ill just tell you whatever the fuck i want
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moonblcst · 4 years
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Maybe in time when were both better at life
        Daylight can open my eyes, and you’ll still be by my side ―
▶ Rules | Callisto Region Intro | About
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moonblcst · 4 years
herradea started following you
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moonblcst · 4 years
things i like to know about my rp partners !
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i like to be called: Moon | Lapin | Bun
my favorite color is:  mint
gender: who knows, probably a boy (they/them)
one thing you should know about me:  i am either hella fucking spaced out or hyperfocused and on my bullshit, no in between
one thing you should know about my muse(s):  bold of you to assume anyone is straight
first language:  English
second language:  Studied French for three years yet I cannot hold a convo, probably need to pick it back up
age range:  under 13 | 14–17 | 18–22 | 23–25 | 26–29 | 30+ | 70+
am I okay with NSFW?:  yes | no | depends on the type of NSFW content | selectively
my favorite/most common thing to RP is: angst | fluff | smut | crack | action | other
OC friendly?:  yes !!! | no | depends
blog:  does / doesn’t contain OOC posts (it’s tagged)
stolen from: dash
tagging:  @intelligentskull​ @teamyellboss​ @dragcncrowned​ (if yall havent done it)
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moonblcst · 4 years
@everstcne​ ▶ continue?
        In the moment his breath hitched, wanting to answer truthfully to his elder brother and not bury anything down.  He knew it was safe to be weak around Rick, the other was much too caring to take advantage of him, and yet, his throat felt tight.
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        Lavender orbs dart from his face then to the floor, his fists tightening and relaxing a moment before he could finally form words, “If..it wouldn’t be too much trouble ― may I stay with you for a few days?”
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