moonchaserssss-blog · 6 years
tell these girls they don't need men to feel like women !!!!!!!!!!!
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moonchaserssss-blog · 6 years
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she was worth it
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moonchaserssss-blog · 6 years
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Boss up and love yourself
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moonchaserssss-blog · 6 years
Be loyal behind my back, that’s how you’ll impress me.
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moonchaserssss-blog · 6 years
The sun loved the moon so much, he died every night to let her breathe.
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moonchaserssss-blog · 6 years
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"the kind of love you can only dream of"
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moonchaserssss-blog · 6 years
Ajo cka arrin me kuptu nfund asht se ishte thjesht humbje kohe.
Fakti qe ti bane tpamujtunen qe ai tbëhej ma i mir per tjert, fakti qe harrove se kush ishe, familjen edhe shoqnin per nji njiri qe kishte harru vedin; fakti qe perpiqeshe me ken e fort para tjerve kur skishe asnji mbeshtetje; fakti qe ti prite e shpresove per nji gja qe skishte me ardh asnjiher.
konkluzioni i tan ksaj: Hajde maj vajz shijo jeten boll ndenjte me ftyr nga e shkuara boll shfletove at librin e vjeter qe nuk t'jep asnji mesazh nfund..
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moonchaserssss-blog · 6 years
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"the reason that I wake up in the morning"
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moonchaserssss-blog · 6 years
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moonchaserssss-blog · 7 years
“some girls our age make me wanna go hug my mom and thank her for the way she has raised me”
— @sexual-texts (via sexual-texts)
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moonchaserssss-blog · 7 years
duhet me pas ma teper perqafime tngrohta se sa sms me fjal tmdhaja, duhet tket ma teper shtrengime dursh se sa komente tbukra ninstagram duhet ma teper dashni e jetume se sa nji qe mbijeton nepermjet fotove e "romaneve" me fjal boshe, prandaj njerzt po ndihen bosh e pa lumturi sepse ndjenjen magjike qe i thojn dashni qe per tcilen kan nevoj vetem e shohin e nuk munden me e prek.
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moonchaserssss-blog · 7 years
Blloqe te pafund akujsh qendrojne ngrire ne zemren tone…
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moonchaserssss-blog · 7 years
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34K notes · View notes
moonchaserssss-blog · 7 years
Nuk ka gje me kanceroze per shoqerine se kta tipat ke tavolina ngjitur ne kafe qe kur ka femra afer flasin per 800 mije Eurosha!! #Tobenestrafkullah
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moonchaserssss-blog · 7 years
what would you do if I died before you
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moonchaserssss-blog · 7 years
"When I was a kid, I always hoped the alien who found my balloon was happy."
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56 notes · View notes