moonfroggos · 2 years
the only god i answer to is my own hubris
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moonfroggos · 2 years
i always try to make a statement with my fashion...thats why today i wore a crop top with a pic of richard nixon captioned: kiss horses
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moonfroggos · 4 years
(flopping around on the mossy forest floor) i dont WANT to destroy lizards
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moonfroggos · 5 years
hello this is the popsicle police. yes sir youve been stopped today because you keep trying to use your popsicles to do the lords work
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moonfroggos · 5 years
if i were stranded on an island i would probably engage in heated debate with the sun.
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moonfroggos · 5 years
im not a person. im a robot and i blog about brumbpo tungus
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moonfroggos · 6 years
It’s important
Friend: hey will you com to this party with me??
Me: are they serving macaroni??
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moonfroggos · 6 years
i’m a jaded teenage girl. i’ve been through shit that you wouldn’t even dream of. i only care about peperony and chease
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moonfroggos · 6 years
dont be sad! youre a small leaf and its ok to want to get along with others despite differing opinions about leafs
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moonfroggos · 6 years
in times like this i ask myself... what would a dog do?
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moonfroggos · 6 years
the difference between crows and ravens is that crows support the void
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moonfroggos · 6 years
(chewing on a branch) i understand fire
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moonfroggos · 6 years
i only know how to serenade mud
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moonfroggos · 6 years
*points to a huge boulder* this is my beautiful wife...together we disobey everything good in the world
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moonfroggos · 6 years
i long for the day when i can finally battle mysterious unsourced meat
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