moonlight-fox · 2 months
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moonlight-fox · 2 months
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moonlight-fox · 2 months
UBI alongside living wages would be incredibly useful, as well.
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'Tough on crime' should mean proactive policies, not reactionary punishments.
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moonlight-fox · 2 months
"Art doesn't have to be good to be fun" is the one of the things that keeps me happy writing, no matter if it doesn't feel like I'm getting better. But also... "Art doesn't have to be good to be exactly what the person who sees it needs."
I know it's not the worst thing about capitalism. But I do think there's something really *bad* about the fact that between lack of leisure time, lack of disposable income, and "hustle culture" mindset that for many, many, many people the primary/only way they are able to express their creativity and artistic aesthetics is through consumer culture. Buying stuff and displaying that stuff.
When like...making stuff. Drawing, painting, weaving, crafting, sketching is like, baked deep deep into our bones as humans.
But I know so many adults who haven't like...drawn a picture since they were children.
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moonlight-fox · 2 months
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moonlight-fox · 2 months
So, you want an RPG where your companions can party when they're not in the party?
Every contemporary video game RPG wants to give me a party of emotionally dysfunctional weirdos and then bends over backwards to ensure that none of my interpersonal decisions cause any intractable conflicts or have any lasting consequences, which just feels wrong to me – like the latter is actively undermining the former. I want to see an RPG that goes full early 90s dating sim. I want an RPG where organising my party composition is like that logic puzzle about getting a fox and a duck across a river.
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moonlight-fox · 3 months
...The... The question wasn't if walruses or fairies are more realistic. It was which was more likely to knock on your door. And that is a vastly different question.
"Maybe it swam" - We know the range of Walruses. Unless you're around the latitude of Iceland it's dead before it reaches your coastline.
Walruses are more realistic than fairies. They're real, fairies aren't. But... Walruses aren't going to come knocking, we know how they work. We know how they operate. We know where they're found and what they do. There are parameters for which Walruses exist within and knocking on my front door isn't part of them. We understand Walruses. You know how the phrase "When pigs fly" exists for "that will never happen?" That's less impossible than a Walrus knocking on my door, because a Pig can fly if you strap it to a helicopter for some ungodly reason (I dunno, maybe it's getting an air-lift to a vet?). I can conceive situations for which a pig would be in flight. I can't conceive of a situation in which a Walrus would be knocking on my door.
By comparison, something I know doesn't exist turning out to exist is more likely than a Walrus knocking on my door.
people not realizing the extreme rarity of captive walruses is k i l l i n g me dear god. Just any old zoo does not have them! They are hard to transport, hard to care for, and hardly ever successfully breed in captivity so zoos only get them when an injured or orphaned individual gets picked up by a rescue in the arctic and is deemed unreleasable. That’s not a frequent occurrence! This isn’t a tiger king situation with backyard breeders all over the place!
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moonlight-fox · 3 months
Fourth-wall-breaking video game setting whose inhabitants are aware that only cutscene death is permanent, and have thus developed an elaborate system of customs and taboos to avoid accidentally triggering cutscenes in their daily lives. People have some intrinsic knowledge of whether the cutscene flag has been set, but they don't necessarily know why, nor are they automatically aware of whether they're one of the focus characters or whether they just happen to be in the vicinity, allowing for a wide variety of murder-mystery bullshit.
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moonlight-fox · 3 months
I'm not even fairy agnostic - I believe they don't exist. Maybe not a staunch atheist - I acknowledge it's possible I'm wrong - but... Yeah, I'm happy to put them into the mythical creature bucket that I don't need to worry about because they don't exist.
...I still voted Walrus because me being wrong about fairies not existing feels more likely than the sheer quantity of things I'd need to be wrong about for a Walrus to knock on my door.
I think the tags on my “do you people not realize how rare walruses are in captivity” post has illuminated for me the true source the the debate: most people voting walrus don’t believe in fairies but are fairy agnostic, while the people voting fairy are staunch fairy atheists. And that’s why many of them are getting so worked up, they don’t recognize agnosticism as a position one CAN have on fairies, so they seem to think everyone voting walrus is a True Fairy Believer(tm), which is certainly not the case from what I’ve seen.
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moonlight-fox · 3 months
I'm old enough to remember the anger from some quarters at Mr Ratburn's wedding in Arthur (and I vaguely recall there being some conservative backlash against And Tango Makes Three when it released). So it's great to hear the genie is out of the bottle in this prominent a way.
One thing that's likely not visible to all younger queers is that little kids shows have gotten radically queerer in the last 10 years.
I'm not just talking about Owl House, Kippo etc, much as I love them.
I mean like stuff for kindergardners.
Characters in Strawberry Shortcake and Superhero Girls and more have gay parents just unremarkably in the background. That was unthinkable 15 years ago.
But the thing that shocks me utterly is the casual inclusion of nonbinary characters.
Dee and Friends in Oz, Polly Pocket, Craig of the Creek...it seems like half the shows my daughter watches have nonbinary characters just seamlessly included. Not even a Very Special Episode. Just...here's the scarecrow in charge of scarecrow village who uses they/them pronouns that everyone just uses without comment.
I was almost 30 before I found the word nonbinary. For my kid to just grow up with this is astonishing.
Conservatives are so mad because it's INCREDIBLY hard to just put this kind of inclusion back away. Once something is normal, and clearly not causing anything bad to happen, it's hard to convince people to be scared of it.
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moonlight-fox · 3 months
I mean, hell, my husband once took me to a student concert he'd heard about that the uni's music department was putting on because the students needed to perform in that setting to pass - I forget the specific reason we were in the area.
(One of the pieces was a suite of music inspired by game theory composed 'for c64 and piano'; the other was a suite played on a bespoke 1 bit synthesizer created in collaboration with someone on an engineering course. Both were fascinating to listen to, I forget which he took me to hear.)
One of the benefits of making your school AU specifically a university AU is that there are so many ways to justify a particular character seemingly always being on campus which don't require them to be a student or teacher. "Middle-aged alumnus who hasn't taken a class in decades but still hits the student cafeteria every day because they live nearby and it's cheaper than fast food" isn't merely plausible, I literally knew that guy.
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moonlight-fox · 3 months
Walruses are certainly real, while I don't believe in fairies, but...
...Walruses being real doesn't make a Walrus at my doorstep more likely. I'm no where near their natural habitat. I'm not sure there's a zoo with Walruses within twenty miles of me? And I'm up a lot of stairs.
As I saw pointed out elsewhere, I have to be wrong about one thing for a Fairy to knock on my door. I have to be wrong about a whole lot more stuff for a Walrus to do so.
I've asked this question before and been surprised by the results, now I have access to more weirdos it's your problem:
It is the middle of a Sunday afternoon. You have nothing on, and aren't expecting visitors, deliveries or post.
Unexpectedly, there is a knock at the door.
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moonlight-fox · 3 months
Reminder for artists and writers to OPT-OUT of Tumblr giving your posts to companies to train AI programs
Each of your side-blogs has to enable the "Prevent sharing" setting. It's not account-wide
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moonlight-fox · 3 months
hi everyone please pay attention to this
a fellow black trans mutual of mine, @rulerofpurple was terminated today for criticizing tumblr's unjustified banning of trans women and black people on their platform. @rulerofpurple 's partner was banned as well.
here are the screenshots of his cohost post discussing it.
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please spread this around! @rulerofpurple was terminated and wants his mutuals to know!
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moonlight-fox · 3 months
I'm just amused that they're specifically picking out _england_ rather than going with the UK.
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hand in unlovable hand
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moonlight-fox · 3 months
I already have a cohost. I kind of accidentally started using tumblr again recently because I was checking a specific blog regularly, so I'll probably see if I can get into the habit of using that thing.
So, why didn't I come back when the ... Well... It was made very clear that tumblr didn't have conviction in being a place where lgbtqia+ folk could exist and were only temporarily doing so until apple decided we're porn categories again. Plus I'm always a bit suspect of "artistic nudity is fine, pornographic nudity isn't" policies because they kind of have a habit of being differently enforced for different groups.
And gosh golly look at what's currently happening here.
Mostly asking because it seems like my dash is about 50/50 split between cohost and bluesky rn, would kinda like to know what the actual numbers are. rb for sample size etc etc
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moonlight-fox · 3 months
I'll stop saying legos when the lego group start paying me to help them maintain their trademark.
I like it when Americans pluralise things that are already plurals.
Like they will say things like "Playing with Legos", "Catching Pokemons" and I swear I heard one say they were going to "make some spaghettis" but maybe they were trolling at that point.
Either way, it is an adorable English language quirk.y'all got there, and I rarely hear it from anyone else, and I just wanted to say I'm a big fan.
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