When you have yearly reviews for yourself and act like a Developer who trying to auto balance for that patch hoping it makes the game play smoother in life.
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Working over night sometimes leads to just a large amount of over thinking, but it is apart of who I am.
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Wormwood w Dragon Mom
We smoked for about a hours worth with some wormwood and feel greatly better and read to just do some gaming..... and maybe some artwork....
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The ways of life and so much more.
Relaxing and enjoy the conversations of others can make a day go by so fast. As well as just enjoying the sounds of music.
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Off to the Shadows
So dark, so sad, but death and pain are not the way for me. Let the mists heal me over time for I am nothing more then a tool to the human race since I am not what people want in life for love cause I'm to good.
I ask you Goddess and Loki, has Karma had its due against me or how much more must I endorse til I have paid back for my youth of mistakes.
I ask for love but seems I am always been given to good to be true line or cheated on cause I'm to faithful... Am I that Shadow Born that I must embrace what I know best to help my friends and protect self from my own blind emotions to be loved.?
I wanted to be a Donor but at this moment feel I need to wait til I am not in the shadows to be focused and truthful to myself to be at best possible condition to help another person.
Beyond this may the Goddess and God bless all those with pure thoughts to help others out with a truth beyond their words. 
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In the shadows you must wait til the light reveals what is finally here for you. One may ponder upon this line.
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Self stupidity and reasons I hide
Things that people dont understand is I dont have a large filter on things I say and my past of my life which I dont share everything with even those I am in love with. I do it to protect myself and avoid things that repeat time and time again. I avoid trying to repeat making someones left a mess or ruin a persons day. I dont wake up and be like I'm going to ruin that persons day or a group of people's day.
I avoid humans cause of the filter that I do not carry with my conversations that I sometimes happen.
As the way of the windwalker I carry my shame with me as I leave a place hiding and in a manner running mentally in shame from my own stupidity. It is not about who I am or what I do, Why I feel most of the time I do best alone away from the human world most of the time. 
I do make piss poor choices in life and that will happen but I refuse to let the world suffer from my words at least I try not to effect those close to far.
I have ran many times from things but that is due to my lack of spirit to fight with people I care about. Mentally I rather just lay down my arms and just give up cause I do mentally stupid things more often then most can see.
So in general if I have hurt you in some way I am sorry and I know words do not mean much to most cause they are only words and actions at a different rate can make things worst but on that note may those who read this have a blessed be day,week,month, and life with , or without me.
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Dream 7/19/2014 630AM-730AM
Was on a bus looking out the window to see a penguin. The penguin noticed me as that I have seen it before and open its flippers waddling after bus. I gotten off the bus shortly after this happen to be greeted by the penguin to it hugging my leg. I patted its head and we went along our way.
The location was unknown to me throughout the whole dream.
After a short distance found a wounded crow bleeding as it started to rain. Two more crows flew down beside the penguin all watching me as I held the crow crying.
A hearse pulled up which had Meatloaf as the driver and five other people. He saw me cry and stopped to ask if everything was all right. I said that this crow wise dying as I cry to clean some of the blood off of it. He told me to hop in with my feathered friends and then the dream ended.
I don't know what to make of this dream besides my passion for both birds that I have.
Wiki links to each.
Meatloaf (singer)
Reading thought each of these seems they all fit oddly together Hearse is normally used for funerals which crows have been known to mean death of some kind. Penguins being so well dressed as joked about which means being well dressed at a funeral.
Only part that is a bit off is Meatloaf beside a Bat out of Hell albums which in generally left field for escaping from a dangerous situation.
A lot about crows do not know or understand.
I have in my left had crows follow me a few street blocks in Florida when I worked at a hotel during the years of 2007-2011. I have a tattoo of a crow on my left forearm with a circle for they bring life to me in many ways.
Now with my new kitten in my life named Shadow Moonlight I am see more things within a spiritual contrast then I ever did before. Feelings that she is my familiar are strong and with each passing day visions that I have become stronger.
As I type this Miss Shadow lays on her back willing on my lap.
Beyond this dream has something powerful in it and I have not gotten the grasp of it yet, Another day of thinking of the mystical effects of dreams and creatures that have symbols of meaning beyond it. 
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Stopping the stress
Ginger ale & peach gin to end my night. I know what I'm willing to do and why, beyond that who cares. May love and greater things make sense of matters on their own.
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Words of widsom : I
This not against any religion but all in general, die and you go to a place of a fire dormant.
Some state that many sin, but then again it was stated some where some how just thinking it makes you a sinner.
Why not use what you where told as a kid if you have nothing nice to say keep it to yourself.
What others do is not your business, so stop brown nosing and move along.
I say this cause I have tattoos so do many others of many professional professions, be police, er medics, doctors, firemen, military.
States some where that we have sinned but yet these people put their lifes on the line for others, without questioning others faiths or sins, they may do it cause its their job but they choose the job cause they cared in the first place.
So beyond that words of wisdom of keeping your thoughts to yourself when judging others for it is not your place nor are you, yourself perfect.
We are here as a community and if we don’t work together things don’t get done so stop being rude to others and give praise where it is due to be given.
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Blood type O Stage 1
Stage 1 complete, time for stage 2 on June 17.......
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The world wants more fries :p.
reblog if you are into bondage or if you like french fries
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Funny joke
I'm a undercover officer of Philadelphia according to a few people yesterday, ha ha. Ya if I was undercover many people would be in trouble plus in general my life would be different with different people as my friends. Plus current relationship may of never existed due to previous relationships. Always a good laugh.
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Mind of Minds
My heart knows what it wants and what to do in many many manners.
I pray to the goddess and gods for this series of events not for my benefit but for those of others.
My life is very much at a confusing part of how to live due to money,but what I want is to help another beyond what I have always done which is heal.
I ask the powers above to grand me this once chance to show a group of people that I am different then anyone else since most can be selfless.
I understand that some people can't help others due to own health problems within their families and that they don't match up to be a donor for other reasons.
Knowledge is power and for me I need no reason as to why I am willing to do this, but to show those around and around that I don't need anyone to support me in my actions even if some people think my actions are foolish.
My life has a greater meaning inside then most know and that's the way I will keep living life and so forth.
Beyond that rock on people and live your dreams. 
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Which Superhero Should You Hook Up With?
Wolverine is the ultimate swaggering bad boy, and definitely up for an uncomplicated good time. Just don’t take it too personally if he disappears on you, or seems a bit hung up on someone else.
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Which Supervillain Should You Hook Up With?
Bane is a big burly dude with some… extreme political views. But he’s super loyal, ultra buff, and eager to prove himself. That can work out pretty well for you.
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Storms of Mind
The feeling of the unknown of wondering where to be and where to go upon the riveting emotions that this world says we should feel. Deep breaths to keep mind flowing and the blood pumping within the body. Fresh wounds and images sit dormant on the mind. People I have a hatred come to me in flashes, and in these flashes they want to love me when they didn't in real life. Like a nightmare. Yes at one point and time with each person it would of worked out but I know where I am is for the better of my mental health. Today's been a very heavy flow of images so I don't dodge them for if I do they only come back stronger and heavier. Lucky I have work for a few to distract me and then maybe a light nap before some gaming on pc, online. The weather is fair atleast plus being picked up this evening helps since buses are run once every hour. Sit here waiting for a trolley, thinking of what to do with days off. Knowing the simple things help. A bit sleepy but need to push light nap on trolley will help. Well trolley be here soon and so forth. Well as time goes on I am glad where life is knowing it will get better and I control my own future.
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