moonlit-ivy-writes · 7 months
LEVI FIC (will title later ig)
Levi x non binary (female anatomy) reader
Mulan -ass plot line but AOT world. Reader is a cadet. Smut with a little plot.
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"It’s 4 in the god damn morning. What is with all the commotion?" Jean is sluggishly rolling out of his bunk above you.
"Ow what the fuck man!?" He steps on Connie’s shoulder as he climbs down from above. Connie grumbles to himself as he hastily tugs on his boots.
The pounding, outside their door to their dorm, abruptly startles everyone. The incessant banging rushes everyone out into the common area.
You barely had any time to get ready, tucking in your night shirt into your pants, quickly realizing you forgot your binder and jacket back in your room, sweat beads of panic drip down the back of your neck, it’s a natural anxiety. When your binder is as to a child’s security blanket or stuffed animal, something about yourself feels vulnerable, you hold your arms infront of your chest as you line up with the other cadets. Who are seemingly just as confused as to why you are being woken up at this ungodly hour,
A distinct, sharp, sound of boots firmly shuffle down to corridor. One by one, cadets backs straighten and voices silence. captain Levi’s presence alone has the ability to quiet a whole army. A frown accompanies his furrowed brows. He speaks calmly and just loud enough even the stragglers down the hall can hear him clearly.
"There is a reason for this surprise drill, and know that this is not a punishment, but an opportunity to right the wrongs that have come to my attention this evening" He haults his march right infront of Eren jeager. Turning on the back of his heals to face him. A stoic judgemental expression painted his face. The captain seemed to had already caught his culprit.
"Someone has desiccated the late Commandar Greenes grave tonight. With. Vomit." His words spat at Erens face.
You wince in disgust imagining the vomit caked gravestones.
“There are strict rules about alcohol on campus, and I know no one was strolling through the grave sights … with a sick tummy…" He turns his glare to Jean, who was trying to avoid eye contact.
You knew it wasn’t Jean. He was in the dorms with you, all night, playing cards with Connie and Sasha. It had to be Eren and buddies. Had to be.
"I will give you all the benifit of owning up and cleaning up your mess," he said this to everybody even though we all knew who he was reffering to. Levi continues his stride stopping to turn around scanning the faces of his subordinates. Trying to scope out the guilty expressions on everyone’s tired dull faces as if to find accomplisses to Eren's blatant disrespect. Eren wasn't drinking alone thats for damn sure, Levi thought to himself.
Everyone was putting on a good show.
"If no one takes the blame-" his words staccato'd with his steps,"-everyone-here-will be cleaning the graveyard from sunrise-until-the-sun-sets." Levi stopped his stride once more. "Do I make myself clear?"
He pivots again and faces you. He notices the sweat glistening on your forehead. You freeze, in fear, by his cold glare. He looked at you as if you had caught of him off-guard and he was ready to attack. You feel his eyes burn into you like he is trying to read your mind, you swallow hard, and pray to God your brutal captain doesn’t find you guilty of a crime you didn’t commit.
“Uhm sir?” You spoke so meekly, only a mouse could hear you, the sound of your heartbeat grew loud in your ears awaiting his response.
Levi’s POV
“These god damn brats.” Levi holds his handkerchief up to his nose, flies swarm the late commander greenes gravestone. A mixture of alcohol and stomach acid glistens on the course rock formation.
He was just out on a strole, usually in the witching hour captain Levi finds solace amongst his fallen comrades… these hours remind him that he is truely alone. despite his superior Ervin and his acquaintance with Lutenate hange. He found himself thinking about how he really doesn’t have anyone left in this world anymore. Choosing to pay respects for his friends. But this… this is the most disrespectful thing he has ever seen. Immediately he knew who was responsible for this
"Jeager…" he groaned in annoyance under his breath. He tried to calm himself with a breathing technique Hange so graciously forced into habit for him, but it was too late, the fury was already unleashed, and he wanted to make an example out of Eren. He knew just how to do it. He strutted straight to Ervin’s office to report on the incident and to get the green light to mentally torture his cadets.
Look at these teenage scumbags, barely adults in this world looking like toddlers shimmying out of their rooms, half asleep and confused.
After giving his brief speech, he decided to play dumb, allowing Jaeger the opportunity to do the right thing and not bring his whole unit down with him. Eren was Ervin’s pet project, and he saw potential in him that Levi surely couldn’t understand, but Ervin had a knack for seeing what others couldn’t. Just like what he saw in Levi back in the underground. He huffed to himself. Too much nostalgia tonight. Fighting back the urge to yawn, He skimmed the brats faces. He could tell what they all were thinking. It was Eren, the whole Corridor knew, but the solitary of the squad kept their mouths shut. For the fear of a titan being your enemy was worse than their captains… understandable.
Back and forth Levi slowly marched through the hall. He noticed movement aside of Jean, he walked forward to turn on his heal. They straightened their posture once his eyes met theirs. Suspicious… they’re sweating… and nervous… could I be wrong about the situation. He goes through the list of names in the cadet roster in his head and can’t quite pinpoint their name. He looks down, no jacket no I’d number, he judges the dichevals mess of their hair. Why can’t he remember who this cadet is… no one new had joined his unit recently, he studied their facial expressions closely.
“Uhm sir?"
"Announce yourself cadet." He used their nervous demeanor to his advantage.
"Yes sir Y/N L/N uh sqaud 6 sir." They saluted him for formalities.
Squad 6 was in his last mission outside the walls, flashing faces of his squad members cross his mind…L/N? He thought he was going crazy. Normally L/N has their hair pulled tight into a cap, so he hardly recognized them. Levi examined their features, soft feminine facial structure and their cheeks are plumper and more blushed from just waking up, fairly small shoulders. No this can't be right; he was for sure that he only had males on the last mission. Infact, he insisted on it with Commander Ervin. Saying the only solid girl cadet in the unit was Miss Mikasa. Hange had almost jumped Levi after the meeting for being a "Sexist Pig," what they referred to him as. Which was not the case. Levi recognizes strength not gender. If this cadet was telling the truth, then. His gaze fell below their shoulders. His ears flush with pink color as he notices the stiffened buds of their nipples, after they drop their arms from their salute. The fabric of their night shirt is transparent enough to expose just enough of their breast to the captains' eyes. He quickly disciplined his stare to their face once more. They were now both staring at each other in a burnt red hue of embarrassment.
"Sorry sir.. I didn't have time to fully-" She spoke so softly. He cut her off to avoid others from noticing what had just occured.
"Very well then-" He choked on his sentence and presumed his strut down the hall. Ignoring her for the rest of the time being.
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moonlit-ivy-writes · 1 year
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I love the light in your eyes and the dark in your heart
You love our permanent chase and the bite of our bark
We know we're classic together like Egyptian gold
We love us
“I’m sorry baby I’m not going to be there...” Jeans voice was soft through the phone, he always delivers bad news in a whisper…
“What do you mean? You’re not coming up for the week? What-what about Valentine’s Day?” You were in shock that your boyfriend wasn’t going to be able to take a break from work for a holiday with you, he’s been gone for nearly 6 months.
“I know- I know it sucks, but I should be able to get free time the following week, or- uh, no maybe sometime in March. Sweet heart I’m really sorry but I have to go now. I’ll call you when I get home okay? I love you.” He hung up the phone before you could even say it back.
You fell into your bed and screamed your frustration into your pillow.
A bunch of texts spamming your phone made you look up for a minute, expecting to see texts from your boyfriend. Instead, they were just a bunch of memes from Eren.
You sent back a frowny emoji, watching him type for a while and the bubble disappeared. Eren decided to FaceTime you instead.
“Wow, what happened to you,” he must of been referring to the black streak marks of mascara smudged down your cheeks. You rub your face, trying to remove the black gunk. “What’s wrong?”
“Jeanie isn’t visiting this week and I was looking forward to spending my first Valentine’s Day with a boyfriend.” You sighed.
Eren rolled his eyes, he never cared for your boyfriend. Always thought he was stuck up, and bragged about his job too much. “Well don’t worry about it YN, If you want we can rent that slasher fic Mikasa recommended and I could possibly get Armin too…”
You sighed dramatically, “I know it’s cliche, but i was looking forward to roses and chocolates.” Even though a night surrounded by your best friends does sound comforting.
“Well, no movie then, I’ll take you out.” You looked to stunned to speak so he reiterated as “just friends” but it cut a bit inside to say that out loud. Eren has always liked you, and has done a pretty good job at hiding his feelings. Although he did kiss you once at a party, the next morning you didn’t even remember. “Cheer up, i dont like it when your sad.” He gave you a cheeky grin and hung up the call.
Fresh out of a hot shower you paced your bedroom in your underwear, what do you wear on a valentines date with your best friend. You looked at the dress you had saved for Jean, no way, you thought. Opting for a typical outfit of yours instead.
“Hey i let myself in if you...what are you wearing.” Eren stood in the door. He was all dressed up.
You turned around from your vanity, your hair still wet. Framing pieces stuck to the side of your face, shit… is he early or are you running late. Eren stepped forward, raising his hand and tucking your hair behind your ear. A small tingle sparked in your stomach, but you were probably just hungry. “What? Is this not nice?” You pouted a bit kinda hurt from the reaction he had.
“I said i was taking you out out, were not going to the library...” He eyed you up and down, before spotting the dress hanging on your closet door behind you. “What’s that?” He pointed.
“Oh, that’s what I was going to wear...”
“Put it on, I’ll wait for you in the living room… oh and hurry Ive got an eventful afternoon planned.” He left your room before you could even fight him on wearing the dress. You stared at it for a few minutes and shrugged to yourself. Someone might as well see you in this. After rushing through getting ready you snapped a pic, contemplating even sending it to Jean, why did you suddenly feel a bit guilty…
Eren waited impatiently outside your bedroom, he had brought flowers for you, and decided to place them in a vase on your kitchen counter. He nervously arranged the roses. Fidgeting with the tiny baby’s breath that accented the bouquet.
“Oh Eren those are beautiful, you didnt have to-“ you startled him a bit and you held back a laugh.
His cheeks heated up once he caught sight of your dress, discreetly, he scanned over your outfit, starting from the black paten leather heals with a cute dainty strap at the ankle. Cautiously gazing up your beautiful bare legs, to mid thigh where this cruel red satin dress ended. Quickly he focused onto your face, hoping you didn’t catch him gawking.
Your make up was subtle, though the red lip was nothing but. He noticed the black choker on your neck, and lost his breath. He looked for words to describe how beautiful, no, gorgeous, no stunning. “You look-“ he starred at you, “wow..” he shook his head, embarrassing himself. You just giggled and stuck your nose into the roses. A little note laid in between some petals.
To my valentine with love.
By now all of your dejection about your boyfriend not being here was gone, you were far too excited to see what Eren had in store for you.
Sitting in his passenger seat, you let him take you wherever he had planned. Turns out the plan was the beach. You two strolled down the dock. Other couples were out having fun, playing fair games and sharing funnel cakes. Seeing couples enjoying each other made you remember you weren’t here with Jean… You looked over at Eren who must have just noticed the disappointment on your face. Shoving cotton candy into your mouth as an attempt to keep those pesky boyfriend thoughts from filling your head and ruining his scheme. His true intentions… showing you how you should be treated, and being here for you when that stupid prick wouldn’t even bother to. “Come on YN,” he grabbed your hand and led you to the best date of your life.
Watching the people on the beach at the top of the ferris wheel you held on tightly to the stuffed octopus Eren had won for you earlier in the evening. You leaned your head on his shoulder, and smiled to yourself,“I’m having fun Eren, thank you.” Your hand fell to your side, and softly grazed against his. You two hold hands all of the time, but for some reason, the slightest touch made you get goosebumps. You pulled your hand away and shyly held the plushy up to your face.
“Hey anything for you YN, I love you.” Eren says he loves you from time to time,but this time ….hearing it made your heart jump. “Are you hungry? I’d hate to end your fun but our reservation is in an hour, we should get going after this.”
“Reservation? I thought we’d just have chili dogs at the stand down there,” He laughed like you said a joke, you just stared at him dazed and confused.
“Don’t look so dumbfounded,” He pinched your cheek, “the dates not over, I’m gonna take you somewhere nice.”
Of course it was a “date” but when you accepted Eren’s invitation initially you didn’t completely view it as a romantic word, more so a platonic date… but now… things are starting to feel a bit too … complicated. You left the beach full of thoughts and feelings swirling through your head.
“Eren!?” You gasped, pulling up to the valet of one of the finest restaurants in your city. “Eren we can’t eat here…”
“Why not, you think I don’t have the money?” he teased you and you tried to combat his reasonings, but just like the beginning of the day he was gone before you could argue with him. Dropping his keys into the hand of a stranger and walking over to your side, opening the door for you. His chivalrous behavior made you question who you really were on a date with today. This is a side of Eren you had never seen before and you were starting to fall for it.
A hostess guided the both of you to a table that was tucked behind a privacy wall and with full view of the city scape. With a now setting sun disappearing behind buildings. You glanced at Eren who wasn’t even enjoying this outstanding view with you. He eyes caught yours and a heat radiated through your chest. Fluttering butterflies in your stomach conveniently covered the vacant feeling of guilt that sat in your belly. No, you’re just hungry… yeah that’s it.
Jean not even crossing your mind once, the two of you laughed together about old memories over steak and wine. You immersed yourself in his charm, even if you were constantly catching yourself from falling for your best friend. He’s was just being a good friend, you thought. Don’t over think things.
“Would you care for dessert this evening?”
“No,” Eren cut you off and you gave him a death glare. “I have something else planned for dessert, thank you for the great meal.” Watching him use his natural charm on the waitress brought you back to reality. He was just being nice and comforting his pathetic friend. The guilt was back on, how could you even entertain whatever silly fantasy you had convinced yourself was happening. This date was definitely all in your head.
Eren saved a favorite of yours for last. Fro yo.
You two would meet up here every Saturday to gossip and complain about each others lives. Well not so much anymore, since you started seeing Jean. Eren stood inline to get you your favorite flavor as you waited in a corner booth for him, checking the notifications on your phone. To your surprise you had no notifs from Jean. A bitter taste not even fro yo could recover coated your mouth. Not even a ‘Happy Vday’ text. Did he seriously forget?
“Remember when that old lady slipped and fell and she spilled her cherry berry all over herself.” Eren came back with yogurt in hand. Tears stung your waterline. Almost dropping the cups, he quickly sat next to you.
“What’s wrong YN?”
“I just realized I’m having the best date of my life and it’s not even with my own boyfriend,” you let out a genuine chuckle. Laughing at your own pathetic relationship.
“You have such an ugly laugh,” Eren sucked on his spoon.
“No i dont, shut up,” you playfully pushed his shoulder, but he moved closer to you.
“I mean it, its cute.” He took a spoon full of pink delicious yogurt and pressed it to your nose, leaving melted fro yo on the tip. You scrunched your face up, and tried to wipe it into his shoulder.
“Hey! Hey! This is my nicest jacket you’re gonna ruin it” He pulled back, but you refused to let him get away with his crimes. Playfully pushing him but in his haste to get away from you, he lost balance. Grabbing onto your arm for support he managed to pull you closer to him. Your nose, still pink, now centimeters from his face. Eren spontaneously licked the yogurt off of your face.
Time froze colder than the freaking yogurt. It felt like you were buffering a response. You honestly didn’t know how to respond to that, verbally…but your body decided to respond for you.
Closing the gap between you quickly and kissing him. You didnt know what overcame your morality in that moment but it felt good. Your heart now beating out of your chest.
“Uh-Er,” you tried to make any excuse as to why you kissed him, but sadly couldn’t come up with anything other than. “Sorry-“
“Don’t be sorry, YN,” his hand firmly gripped your waist and pulled you back in to kiss you again.
You zone out one hand on the doorknob the other holding your house key. “Is it weird that I feel weird about inviting you inside.” You laughed. “You practically live at my house.”
“You know i think this time, it’s just different,” his words not matching the intense feeling that flooded into your core. “I don’t have to come in, I had a really good time YN, I-“ he caught himself before he said anything. Not wanting to say it and then have you regret everything in the morning, just to get hurt. Nothing would hurt more than that. So he chose not to say it.
“I love you Eren,” shocked by what you so effortlessly said, you examined his reaction. Trying not to misinterpret his expression. His face lit up, as if he had never heard you say it before, not like this, this time he knew you felt it the way he did.
It don't matter, be combative or be sweet cherry pie
It don't matter just as long as I get all you tonight
At that moment, Eren took a risk, kissing you this time with a hint of lust. Patiently, he waited for your cue deepening the kiss and slightly moaning in his mouth. That was it. He knew he had you. His efforts of today paying off by the sweet aftertaste of fro yo on your lips.
You blindly unlock your front door, Eren hungrily placing kisses over your neck and shoulder. You led him back into your living room, kicking off your heals while still managing to tug and pull his bottom lip in between your teeth. Guiding him all the way to your bedroom. Where this date originated from just hours ago.
So deep, your DNA's being messed with my touch
Can’t beat us
So real, fueling the fire until we combust
Can’t touch us
Eren fell to his knees the moment your dress slipped off your body and onto the floor, he peppered kisses up your thigh, worshipping your body. Chills fell down your spine as the warmth of his breath closed in on your inner thighs. He dug his face in your sex, pulling the lace fabric that was in his way to the side. Kissing softly at your exposed skin. His fingers snuck behind you, feeling your curves, before hooking and pulling off your panties entirely. He looked up at you, grinning, before diving back into your flesh. Kissing and sucking gently on your skin.
His tongue dipped between your folds, his fingers moved from your thighs, now spreading you further open for him to devour your pussy. You gasped and moaned, finding balance with a fist full of his hair, making it a disheveled mess. You found yourself grinding instinctively on his tongue, chasing the growing pleasure in your core. Fuck.
The guilt that you let take a backseat behind your lust made the high of your orgasm sinfully better.
You watch him lick you up, through fluttering lashes. You’re now coming fully undone for him. Eren smiles, growing cocky. If he can get you coming just with his tongue, he can have you screaming for him at the end of the night. He stood up ,“You taste fucking amazing YN,” Ushering you to the bed, you laid back putting on a beautiful display for him, spreading your legs proudly. Inviting him back in, he leaned down devouring you once more. Sucking gently on the bundle of sensitive nerves earning sounds of praise from you.
He took care of your pussy so well, being mindful of what you liked and didn’t. Paying attention to your moans, you got louder and more breathy when his tongue dipped inside your entrance. You found yourself coming again for him, singing his name instead of Jeans. A newfound guilty pleasure erupted from your core along with a flow of juices. You gasped never have experienced a climax like this before. Eren relished in your wetness, soaking in your arousal.
“Can you do that again for me Valentine?” He sounded so eager, it made your knees weak. Blush painted your cheeks, he was quick to pull you back into his mouth. Fleeting feelings of embarrassment and guilt floated away. Your body listening to his pleas, unraveling waves of pleasure onto his tongue again and again.
Part two mayhaps, It’s bedtime - Ivy
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moonlit-ivy-writes · 2 years
hawks x reader
tw: violence & mentions of suicide
editor: @herp-an-derp
(prologue) (chapter 1) (chapter 2)(chapter 3)(chapter 4) (chapter 5)
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Want me to hold onto you tight…
You crumpled up the piece of paper into your fist, the feeling of butterflies erupting in the pit of your stomach. Oh wait.. that’s last night's liquor greeting you a good-morning. You held your stomach before darting for your bathroom. Last night certainly was…. something.
It’s been a couple weeks since that night, you haven’t been on top of that building since as well.
You’ve run into Hawks a few times, between bars and clubs.. He always seemed to end up at your house. Not that either of you minded. You got a sense of comfort in his being there, and Hawks? Well, he got a whole heaping handful of feelings. He couldn’t figure out why he felt this sudden attraction, it was as if you put a spell on him. You consumed his waking thoughts, and on the nights he ended up in his own cold bed, you were certainly there too.
You both started to lose yourself in your work as the weeks carried on. Hawks was busy being a top pro hero, and you took those soft words to heart. You started working with the kids again. It certainly wasn’t easy, if it was you wouldn’t be sneaking your way into a dingy back alleyway.
Dee Lear was an old friend, he helped take the edge off. You were a valued customer and never caused trouble, which is probably why he agreed to meet you right after you got off shift at 7pm. Normally he wouldn’t even look at his phone until the moon’s nightly reign was well established.
Working with the kids took a toll on you and you needed an escape from reality; and Mr. Lear was more than happy to provide.
You made quick work of the small plastic bag as you shoved it into your purse. Mr. Lear had already left and you were about to work from his example. You held your purse close and wrapped an arm around yourself for comfort. The eerie walls gave off a bad vibe as you trekked back towards the main road.
I’m alone now… right?
The harsh sound of footsteps disagreed. You half-turned, expecting that maybe Mr. Lear had forgotten to mention something.
“Is something wrong, sir-” You started to greet him only to be met with a wall of blue flames.
Your body reacted and pushed yourself away from the heat, but your escape was cut short by the feeling of rough bricks scratching your back. A scarred hand made its way around your throat. You bit your lip to bite back a pained yelp and you tasted blood. Your breath was cut off and you struggled to focus your vision.
Your breath was suffocated out of your lungs before your vision ran clear again, blue eyes encapsulated your fear. You choked out incoherent words “who-what are, h-help,”
You may have wanted to die, but not like this.
“Looks like I caught a little mouse,” He hissed in your ear. Your hands swung up to grip his forearms, trying to relieve the pressure he had on your esophagus. This is it, you thought to yourself, this is what you wanted right?
Suddenly your quirk went off, Images of a family flashed in your brain, and then a lot of fire, orange and blue, you screamed as your imagination engulfed you in his past… “Please let me go,” sheer terror struck you as you relived his experiences. You babbled through cries “Let. me. go.” you pleaded.
It was horrifying. He was so young, so innocent. His distorted memories only served to monsterize the abuser. As each painful recollection slid past your eyes, you began to question whether the searing heat was just from the outside.
Suddenly, a shout caught what little attention you could muster.
“You heard the girl! Get your hands off her!”
The sound of knuckles meeting jawbone resonated through the alley and you dropped to the ground. You couldn’t catch yourself and your face met the cement. Tears sprung to your eyes as your nose collided with the ground and you felt your lip split. The pain caused you to gasp and your lungs burned as they finally filled with air again. You spit out the blood that was pooling in your mouth from your nose and lip and covered your ears to block out the sounds of fighting in front of you.
The silly little voice in your heart told you that it was him, your savior with crimson wings, but you paid him no mind. You were far more occupied with trying to calm your quirk.
Remember that tune… Remember the cherry tree… remember your mother…
Who cares if she even was your mother or not? Any good memory to replace the nightmarish ones that immersed your mind right now. You focused on her. Humming the tune she sang quietly to yourself.
Your body was jerked up and you were carried into flight.You gasped and looked up at him. His face was smeared with blood, hopefully not his, and he had a crazed, adrenaline powered look in his eye. Despite that, he held you close as you buried yourself into his shoulder.
“Hawks,” you sighed.
You leaned back to make eye contact with him and he gave you an endearing look.Your heart fluttered and you weren’t sure if it was from your next request. His brow furrowed as he looked at you with apprehension.
“yes y/n?”
He studied your smile, trying to make sense of your sad, teary eyes that paired with a sadistic grin.
“Drop me…”
Your wish was his command.
He let you go.
Gravity took hold and he watched as you closed your eyes tightly and smiled with all your might. You laughed as you fell, a manic sort of joy, and you relished this feeling. Those horrific memories were ripped from your mind, forced out by the adrenaline rushing through your veins. Your panic response kicked in and you extended your hand upwards, an unspoken cry, not for help, but for closeness. You wanted to feel him next you, wanted to share this feeling of elation.
He dove after you.
His strong arms cradled your body a split second before you could hit the ground
Cars honked as his wings carried you both across the city. You wrapped your legs tightly around his waist and you laughed into his shoulder. What a rush!!!
He held you so close in his arms and in his mind he swore to never let you go after that. Never again.
His hands found your face, cupping your cheeks, before planting a feverish kiss to your lips. It took you by surprise, the feeling of his mouth attacking yours, but you took control of the pace. Kissing him back, letting him sink his teeth into your bottom lip.
He dove down. Your heart jumping into your throat, remembering you two were still flying through the sky. You gasped into his lips, “Take me home,”
“Already there,” He grinned into another kiss, before landing on your balcony. He kept your thighs pressed against his hips as he carried you into your bedroom, kicking the doors shut behind him. His lips never left yours.
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moonlit-ivy-writes · 3 years
hawks x reader
tw: mentions of trauma and suicide i swear this will end in smut
edit: currently editing this chapter and then chapter 5 will be posted, uh… chapter 6 will be mainly smut.
edit: im writing this at work will edit later
(prologue) (chapter 1) (chapter 2) (chapter 3) (chapter 4) (chapter 5)
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You risk it all to feel alive
“Why’d ya do it?” Hawks asked curiously as he watched you transform your couch into a makeshift bed for the night.
You casually ignored the question as you tossed the last pillow onto the cushions.
You moved away from him, seeking asylum in your bathroom. Flicking on the light, you started your nightly routine, his question still unanswered.
Sitting on the couch you had so thoughtfully put together for him, he pondered his next words. He wasn’t used to the uneasy tension that spread between you and he considered trying to change the subject, but his train of thought was cut short and he stiffened as you exited the bathroom. His eyes followed your figure as it crossed the room and settled into a much more comfortable looking bed. Taking those few precious moments to properly look at you, he started to see just why those sleazy men hit on you at the club.
While your face was already stunning, seeing those true emotions storm and bubble underneath the surface gave a new sort of life to you. His eye trailed lower to take in the light pajamas you changed into, soft cotton shorts and a faded tee-shirt covering smooth skin that disappeared beneath the fabric as his eyes traveled up your exposed leg. Your shirt rode up at the bottom as you pushed the soft blankets from where you wished to lay, and his breath hitched. Such a beautiful form was now hidden mere meters from him underneath a bedspread that looked familiar…
His eyes widened in realization. He had that exact bedspread at home. A surge of possessiveness crashed over him as the two sides of his consciousness bickered. It's just a coincidence. There’s no way such feelings developed that quickly was quickly tuned out by thoughts of soft satin sliding against warm bodies.
It was your sigh that snapped him from those thoughts.
You had since gotten comfy in your bed, unaware of the internal battle happening across the room, and had decided to break the heavy tension by answering the question that still floated in the air.
“Y’know… I was terrified at first,” Your eyes were glued to the plastic glow-in-the-dark stars you placed on the ceiling above you.
He cleared his throat. “Of what?”
He asked softly. He was careful and treaded lightly in his attempts to urge you to open up. He tried not to sound overly concerned, knowing you’d never be honest to him if you saw him as pushy. He leaned back onto his pillow, his arm cradling the back of his head, he shut his eyes and listened to you speak.
“It took me forever just to stand along the edge… Every night I’d go back…Every night I was able to go farther; to the point where it didn’t scare me to stand there … so freely. I kept chasing that feeling every time. It was always just out of reach. I’m kinda addicted to it now.” you chuckled, “Ya know, it’s funny. I never knew that I wanted to die until I stood so tall above the world. I was terrified of heights.” you made yourself laugh, “Can you believe that?”
Hawks gave a sympathetic laugh for you.
“The night I finally decided to jump, I… well I was treating a little girl… she,” Hawks heard sniffles coming from you “She was so scared… she couldn’t tell the police what had happened while she was in their captivity. So they called me, I was on sabbatical… but I felt the need to help her the moment I heard about her situation. She was being abused by the Hassaikai clan, I'm sure you were aware of this, you being a pro hero n’ all…”
You let out a few tears for her as you continued to open up to Hawks about how your quirk worked and what you had seen, and how it made you feel.
“I just have so much pain stored inside of me, I’m not a hero, I’m just some girl with a bittersweet quirk…helping them isn’t enough to soothe the torture of those memories. And I feel more like a piece of shit knowing that those children have to live with those memories as well…” you start to sob feeling the pain and empathy for those kids…especially Eri. “I’m not strong enough to continue to exist with what I have seen…”
“I’d beg to differ,” Hawks cut you off, “I think it makes you unbelievably strong. I remember that case, you helped gather a lot of evidence against that clan. We were able to arrest more people because of the information you gave us. That’s hero work.”
You chuckled sarcastically and rolled your eyes, he makes it sound so cliché to you.
“Yeah yeah..” You composed yourself, “Don’t get too comfortable I can still kick ya out of here, I’m only letting you stay cause I felt bad for you and your childhood.”
He bursted out laughing, it startled you a bit, “You saw my memories huh? Wow I’m sorry for that,”You just knew he was giving you that stupid pretty grin of his. “Ya know I didn’t have to stay, I could have walked back home, although I do prefer to fly. Or I’m sure I could have caught a ride from Endeavor… but… you sounded so sweet when you offered me your couch I couldn’t resist.”
Heat pooled into your core again and a shade of crimson embarrassment flushed your cheeks. That’s right, why did you, ugh, and now he’s flirting with you. You tossed a pillow blindly through the dark. The gruff sound he made determined your successful aim. “Go to sleep.”
“Alright,” he whispered, “Goodnight Y/N”
Truthfully he stayed because he wanted to make sure you were okay…After seeing you fall for the first time he couldn’t keep thoughts of you out of his head. The way you smiled so brightly while trying to end your life… Why was it so beautiful to him? He vowed he’d save you though…as many times as he could. He held onto the pillow that just assaulted his face. It smelled like you.
The next morning you woke up to an empty room, and a neatly folded assortment of sheets and blankets on your couch. A small note sat atop of the pile.
“Catch ya later ;)”
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moonlit-ivy-writes · 3 years
hawks x reader
tw: mentions of suicide de, and trauma
edit: ill edit this later just had to get this out before i fell asleep enjoy
editor: @herp-a-derp
(prologue) (chapter 1) (chapter 2) (chapter 3) (chapter 4) (chapter 5)
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you said you do this all the time
“I was so close!” you groan in frustration, picking feathers out of your hair. Who knew these things had minds of their own.
My life is a joke, you laugh at yourself. “Failed attempt number two,”
You laid in the grass of the nearby park his feathers so graciously brought you to. He stood over you, patiently waiting for you to curse him out more, but you were defeated. He stretched out a friendly hand, helping you to your feet. “Come on, let's take you home.” he insisted.
“Can we fly there?” You cocked your head to the side, questioning his capability with his now tiny baby wings.
He looked at you as though you offended his ancestors, turning his shoulders to look over at his wings, “I can still fly,” he smiled at you.
Why does he keep doing that? You rolled your eyes.
He didn’t give you a chance to deny him as he tossed you over his shoulder like a helpless doll.
“Hey! Watch the hands!” you barked at him, his palms grasped your thighs way too close for comfort.
Your bloodstream is too full of alcohol, it’s fueling the heat you now feel in your core. It could also be the aftermath of jumping from a 10 story building. Yeah that too. You weren’t going to let your body react this way towards him. In fact, you could probably say you hated him-
Hawks took your breath away in one sweep, taking off suddenly with no warning. The sweet feeling of your heart leaping in your chest just like it did before. It felt amazing. The rush. You contemplated how many times you would feel that sensation before you finally ended it all.
“Where to?” He shouted. Holding onto you firmly as he flew you over the nightlife.
“A few blocks that way,” you hesitated, it suddenly dawned on you that you’ve never had to navigate your drunken self home from the sky. “Yeah, that's it, right there,”
He swooped down to your balcony, letting you gain your balance in his arms, before slumping himself down on the patio furniture. Clearly his wings have had enough of tonight.
You suddenly remember the scene of his memories that played in your mind, earning him a little empathy from you before you denied the feeling to take over your heart. You let out a soft sigh, rubbing your face trying to sober yourself up and talk yourself out of what you were about to say “I uh, if you need - I have a couch.”
His golden eyes searched yours, as if he was trying to see if you were truly sincere. “You don’t need to, uh-“ He now just realized he doesn’t even know your name.
“Y/N,” you answered him as you leaned up against the double french doors that led to the bedroom. “It’s not a big deal… you did bring me home and …. even though I didn’t want it.. you did-“ gesturing towards his battered wings , “ya know.” you weren't going to let yourself be grateful for his ‘heroic’ behavior, but you couldn’t help yourself. Seeing what you saw in his memories reminded you of all those other children you had helped with your quirk.
For the longest time, you would treat trauma patients, mainly children 3-15 years of age. You helped parents find closure and worked with police to gain access to evidence of … horrible, horrible things that would happen to these kids. So horrid their own minds, out of sheer trauma, would block out memories they had. That’s where your quirk worked perfectly. Until the stress of your job wore you down…
So many awful memories invaded your own. To the point where they took over most of your own childhood. You now shared the traumas of every single patient you’ve ever helped. Every person who accidentally set off your quirk. Ex lovers, friends, family. It all took over every precious memory you thought you had.
You couldn’t even tell what was really yours anymore.
If anything was truly yours.
Thats why you jumped.
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moonlit-ivy-writes · 3 years
hawks x reader
tw: mentions of suicide
edit: im posting roughly so ignore mistakes they will be fixed later or not hsjsj
editor: @herp-a-derp
(Prologue) (Chapter 1) (Chapter 2) (Chapter 3) (chapter 4) (chapter 5)
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i saw the fire in your eyes
You didn't see him again until next Friday night. You were now three shots in, dancing with a random person whose name they’ve mentioned three times but you can’t seem to retain.
Your eyes wander, hovering up to the v.i.p. loft; to all the ‘somebodies’ of this god awful city. You lock eyes with a familiar face, golden irises reflecting the club lights. He had been watching you for sometime now. He had noticed you earlier as you got hit on by some loser at the bar when all you were trying to do was get yourself a drink, but Mr. Pushy’s face was just begging to be baptized in tequila and lime. He grinned to himself, admiring your bold rejection.
You saw that cocky smirk. Even from afar it still took up most of his dumb features. You rolled your eyes and tried to ignore the way his gaze taunted you. Not giving him the pleasure of watching you any longer, you made your way to the exit. Shifting your way through the stifling crowd, you intended to gain some fresh air from the cold outside.
You lit a cigarette once your feet hit the sidewalk, taking in a deep inhale to calm your nerves. Collecting your drunken thoughts together for a decision, either try a different club or go home. No, you knew exactly where you wanted to be.
He lost sight of you in the sea of intoxication. He leaned forward in his chair, as if moving slightly closer would help him focus on your silhouette.
“What's got your panties in a knot, pigeon?” He was questioned by his friend sitting across from him. Tall, scarred, handsome, and looking like he wanted to be anywhere else, he was starting to get annoyed from watching Hawks watch you for half the night. Annoyed that Hawks had called him to this stupid club for a meeting and is now wasting his time fawning over some bitch.
“None of your business Dabi,” Hawks returned his attention to him.
“You’re absolutely fucking right, Pigeon,” Dabi chuckled to himself, leaning towards Hawks to make sure he kept his attention this time. “Here’s my fucking business,” Dabi slid an envelope on the table in between them. “Don’t forget your end of the deal.”
“I won't.” Hawks locked his jaw, shoving the envelope in his jacket pocket and looking back out to the crowd. “Now if you’ll excuse me,” Hawks stood up, making brief eye contact with Dabi, before turning to leave the club
It took you longer to gain access to the rooftop than expected. Must be the drinks. You stumbled your way across the roof seeking therapy from that familiar ledge you threw yourself from last week.
Stopping dead in your tracks when you heard that irritating sound of giant wings slapping the air.
Not him again.
“Here to kill my vibe?” you didn't bother to turn and face him, smirking to yourself.
“Just making sure you don’t do anything stupid, princess,” his voice was soft and kind. Not at all matching the energy you were giving.
Here he goes again, pretending to be ‘heroic’, you thought to yourself.
“Oh?” You turn your head aside to look at him, flashing a coy smile. Your eyes caught his and, in a fleeting second, tossed him a look that screamed test me. “You mean like this?”
You took off in a dead sprint, straight for the edge. You pushed yourself as fast as you could, willing your legs to go even further beyond their limits. You had to move, had to escape before those damned false memories could return, before he could grab you.
Before your doubts csught up to you…
You dived over the edge.
This time, he couldn’t react fast enough.
Hawks stumbled forward before leaping into flight. Reaching out his hand to attempt to grab your ankle, just seconds out of reach.
That feeling of fear and excitement has overtaken your body again.
The wind stung your open eyes, as you watched the cars and people below grow larger as you fell faster. Your hands extended desperately, willing yourself to reach your desired goal.
so close
You were almost there….
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moonlit-ivy-writes · 3 years
tw: mentions of suicide
hawks x reader
edit: Im so glad people are enjoying this story
editor: @herp-a-derp
(prologue) (chapter 1) (chapter 2) (chapter 3) (chapter 4)(chapter 5)
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You’re way to young to end your life
“wha-what's happening?”
You search the sky for answers. Darting your eyes around, looking for the reason why you are now soaring above the city lights.
“Don’t worry,” a voice came from above, “I gotcha.”
You turn your head to try and see who has captured you, only getting a glimpse of red, silky feathers fluttering through the breeze.
“Hey- HEY! Put me down!” you shout at the stranger.
This wasn’t supposed to happen. You were supposed to be dead right now, not being rescued. You weren’t some damsel in distress, you had no reason to be alive right now. What gives this person the right to save you!?? “Put. Me. Down!” you commanded.
“Alright alright,” they said smoothly. Flying you to the nearest rooftop. Gracefully landing and plopping your butt onto solid ground, you look up to finally see their face. Scruffy, dirty blond hair was getting pushed back by rugged hands. He was out of breath, his chest bobbing up and down, he had a smile on his smug face. So he was proud of what he did, huh?
“There, all safe now.” his eyes pinched as his smile grew across his chiseled cheeks.
You bursted out in manic laughter, unable to react in any other way.
“Safe?” There was so much sarcasm saturating that word. “I didn’t ask to be ‘saved’,” you spat at him.
The smile on his face quickly fell into confusion. “Well, you don’t need to thank me…”
“Thank you? for what? ruining my suicide?“ you scoffed. “Thanks for nothing, I had finally had the guts to do it“ your words became spastic “ten fucking weeks, I’d climb up there” you pointed to the building you had just yeeted yourself off of “…. ten fucking hhhh and you! who do you think you are flying around saving fucking people who don’t need to be saved!?” you had gotten in his face, pointing back at his chest as you accused him of taking away your happiest moment in life. He just looked down at you in shock, before his eyes relaxed and to look soft and comforting, like he was trying to empathize with you and how you felt.
It was annoying.
He firmly grabbed your shoulders, shaking you a bit. “Listen here chicky- I don’t give a rats ass how long you’ve been planning to jump off that building; cause if you were to do it again, I’d save ya again. Cause I’m a Hero.”
He said that word with so much pride that it made you sick. “Like I said, you don’t have to thank me.” he glared at you for a moment before stretching out his massive wings and took off without another word.
You stared off into the night sky long after he vanished from view. As memories that played like an old movie filled your mind, you fell onto your knees.
H-his memories!
Weak from the mental torture that was overtaking your thoughts, you cupped your ears and sang that comforting tune… Pulling the images out of your brain, replacing them with your own memories again… real ones… The cherry tree… your mother… her smile… the book she was reading? No, that's not right. Who is this woman? She is not your mother…
Tears struck your waterline as you sorted through images in your brain, struggling to regain control of your quirk. Not again… you sang the tune your mother used to sing, then suddenly your mind was clear, and the memories faded away.
You were still staring blankly into the night sky.
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moonlit-ivy-writes · 3 years
tw: mentions of suicide:
editor: @herp-a-derp
(Chapter 1) (chapter 2) (chapter 3) (chapter 4) (chapter 5)
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There you stood;
Overlooking the night life, the busy streets, the bustling crowds all blissfully unaware how small, how insignificant, they all were. You stepped closer to the ledge.
one more step…
and it was over…
one more step…
You gazed out at the city, taking in the void of lights and stars… it was blissful to see such a beautiful view before your sweet death.
one more step…
you we’re falling.
you’re breath stolen from the top of the skyscraper.
you were unable to scream.
the rush of gravity took over your entire body
the feeling of adrenaline pumping viciously through your veins
you closed your eyes…
the end must be coming soon.
then all those bad memories…
will disappear.
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moonlit-ivy-writes · 3 years
Yoongi x Reader
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The sun is setting
And you’re right here by my side
And the movie’s playing
But we won’t be watching tonight
Every look, every touch
Makes me wanna give you my heart
I be crushin’ on you, baby
Stay the way you are.
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Yoongi stretched out his back before settling his sleepy self between your legs, using your thighs as a pillow. It had caught you a bit off guard, you two would cuddle often…but not like this. This felt different.
You wrapped your arms around your best friends shoulders, laying your hands on his chest tracing calligraphy into his slightly toned pectorals. He’d shift under your touch.
You could feel his back rise and fall with every carless breath he took. He was calm, but you were no where near that.
Every time Yoongi would get really close to you, an empty void would absorb your stomach and a hunger for something would fill your bloodstream. A buzz of energy would bounce across your nerves every time he touched your skin. It was becoming more and more apparent that you were attracted to him. But that’s a secret for now.
He’d laugh at the comedy that was playing ever so often, and mumble commentary under his breath. You were too busy starring at his porcelain face reflect in the moonlight seeping through the window. He looked so angelic.
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‘Cause I never knew, I never knew
You could hold moonlight in your hands
‘Til the night I held you
You are my moonlight
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Uncontrollable nerves struck your core, as you caught yourself falling deeper into a fantasy playing on a loop in your head. I love him.
“Do you need anything to drink?” You asked, forcing your brain to change subject. You nudged him up off you, he replied with a whine not liking being disturbed from his comfortable position. He pushed you back down onto the couch.
He let the weight if his body fall down onto you so you couldn’t move, laying his head down on your chest. “Youre so comfy YN, I don’t need a drink, don’t move please.” He looked up at you under a soft gaze. It made your heart jump into your throat. Suddenly you could use that drink.
His brows furrowed noticing your expression. “Are you okay? Do you not like the movie? We can do something else.” He reached his hand up to your face, cupping your jawline, letting his thumb caress you’re cheek. Now stained with blush.
You swallowed the lump in your throat, succumbing to the intrusive thoughts that littered your mind with all of the different ‘activities’ Yoongi and You could do at the moment, in this position. Heat pooled in your stomach. No it was lower.
‘I-I just wanna be here with you.” You whispered somehow out of breath. There’s a spark in his eyes, and a shift in the way he looked at you. He gave you a coy smile as he traced his fingertips over your lower lip. Was he teasing you?
You bit down on your lower lip, trying to hold in the lust thats taking over your body. His thumb pulled your lip back gentility, pulling down and forcing your lips to open, sliding his index in your mouth. You bit again, this time on his finger, testing the waters, before sucking on the digit. Yoongi just spoke softly, “I love you.” For the first time your body was as calm as he appeared to be.
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I kiss his fingertips
As I’m wishing he’s all mine
He’s giving me Elvis
With some James Dean in his eyes
Puts his lips on my neck
Makes me want to give him my body
I be fallin’ for you, baby
And I just can’t stop
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You couldn’t believe it, your best friend was peppering love bites into your neck. His tongue trailed up and down your shoulder blade. The way his breath absorbed into your skin, made you greedy. You craved
He impatiently pulled at your hips, rutting his down into yours so you can feel how desperately hard he was. Yoongi was showing a new side of himself you had never witnessed before. His demeanor was no longer calm.
“Why don’t we turn the movie off, yeah?” He cleared his throat, before standing up and pulling you with him. He twirled you around by your hand, taking in his new found vision of you, he had never looked at you in this light before. “The moonlight, makes you look so beautiful YN,” He spun you around one more time, before pulling you in for a deep, eager kiss.
Yoongi palmed the back our your head, locking your lips onto his, he was never gonna let this moment go.
He led you into his bedroom, never leaving your captivating lips, not wanting to break for a second. You two were entranced in each others desire. He gracefully stripped you down. Where as you were struggling with his belt, the nerves from before raging in your hands causing them to shake. This was really happening right now.
Yoongi took the lead and helped rid himself of these inconvenient clothes. You settled your hands into your chest, taking in a deep breath and distracted your apprehension and admired his beautiful bare skin. He looked so ethereal.
His fingertips grace your curves. That first touch sent chills chasing through your core. You tried to grasp onto the feeling, squeezing your thighs together. You were floating.
“My moonlight,” he whispered in your ear. Ascending into the stars.
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Sweet like candy
But he’s such a man
He knows just what it does
When he’s holding me tight
And he calls me “Moonlight” too
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