moonpascaltoo · 4 hours
FREAKY FRIDAY | Body Swapped Steve Rogers x f!reader.
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Pairings: Johnny Storm Possessed Steve Rogers x f!reader Themes: Body Swap. Sexual Themes. Funny? Horndog Johnny, for an unknown reason, body-swapped with Steve. Summary: You woke up with Steve suddenly out of character and having an overflowing amount of rizz. A/N: It's comedy central in my blog this week. . . I can't help but insert one particular meme lmao
taggies: @mrsevans90
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Like you did every morning, you woke up to the gentle warmth of Steve next to you, but there was something different about the way he was looking at you today. His eyes twinkled mischievously as he leaned in close, brushing a strand of hair from your face. 
"Morning, gorgeous," he murmured, his voice smoother than usual. You blinked in surprise. Sure, Steve was affectionate, but this was... new. 
You smiled back, albeit a little wary. 
"Good morning?" Before you could say anything more, he captured your lips in a kiss that was how to describe it-more confident, more playful than his usual gentle morning kisses. You pulled back slightly, looking at him with raised eyebrows.
“Wow, someone's in a good mood today,” you said, trying to shake off the weird vibe. 
Steve just grinned and gave you a little wink. "What can I say? I'm just appreciating my girl." 
You squirmed under his intense gaze. You couldn't help but notice how his hand casually trailed down your arm, lingering a little longer than usual. You weren't sure if you should feel flattered or... flustered.
“Should we stay in bed a little while? You know…” he asked, his voice dropping suggestively as he wiggled his brows.
But this time, he didn’t stop there. As he leaned in closer, he slowly stuck out his tongue and wiggled it playfully, making his intentions blatantly clear.
Your face immediately turned bright red.
“Steve!” you exclaimed, quickly pressing your hand to his lips and pushed him away to stop him before he got any closer, utterly flustered by the suggestive gesture.
He chuckled against your hand, his eyes twinkling with mischief. For a second, you felt him wiggle his tongue against your palm, teasing you further before you jerked your hand back with a mix of shock and embarrassment.
“Unbelievable!” you muttered, feeling your face heat up even more.
He gave you a devilish grin, clearly enjoying how flustered you were.
“What? Just offering some ideas, sweetheart,” he teased, giving you a playful wink.
“No, Sam’s going to be here soon for your morning run, so go prepare.”
The excitement drained from his face, “I do?” 
Johnny—or rather, the man you thought was Steve—let out a low chuckle, clearly unfazed by your refusal. This wasn't like Steve at all. Steve was always respectful, sweet, and… well, a gentleman. But today? He seemed like a different man entirely.
“Guess I forgot,” he said with a smirk, sitting up slowly and stretching. His tone was casual, but the grin he gave you was anything but innocent.
As he shifted in bed, he leaned back casually and gave a quick, deliberate glance downwards before gesturing toward the noticeable outline in his sweatpants. The fabric clung snugly, revealing the distinct, firm shape of his dick pressing against the material, enough to leave little to the imagination.
“But if you change your mind about staying in bed…” he said, his voice low and teasing, “you know where to find me.”
You blinked in disbelief, your cheeks burning as he got out of bed and strolled toward the bathroom. He threw one last playful wink at you before disappearing behind the door, leaving you there in a state of complete confusion.
"What the hell is going on with him today?" you muttered to yourself.
You climbed out of bed and started to get ready for the day, you tried to shake off the feeling that something was… off. Maybe Steve was just in a playful mood? Maybe he was testing out some new approach to your relationship, though you couldn't help but wonder where it had come from all of a sudden.
But, soon enough, you heard the front door open and Sam's voice echoed through the apartment. "Yo, Rogers! Are you ready for our run?"
You peeked out from the bedroom just in time to see "Steve" step out of the bathroom, giving you another grin before heading out to meet Sam. He greeted him casually, as if everything was perfectly normal.
Sam looked over at you with a quick nod. “Hey, Y/N. Morning.”
“Morning,” you replied, though your voice sounded more distant than usual. You couldn’t quite bring yourself to look directly at Sam, worried your face might give away just how weird the morning had been.
As they left for their run, you were left alone, still wondering why Steve was acting so differently. But then, you shook your head. Maybe it was all in your head. Maybe he was just feeling particularly confident today. Either way, it was Steve, your Steve, and you trusted him.
× × × ×
You made breakfast while ‘Steve’ is out on a run. You tried to shake off your confusion by busying yourself with making coffee. It wasn't helping. The memory of Steve's unusually bold behaviour lingered in your mind. 
And just when you were about to pour yourself a cup, you felt a sudden smack on your ass. You yelped in surprise, nearly spilling the coffee. Whipping around, you saw Steve standing there with a smug grin on his face, looking very proud of himself. 
"Steve!" you gasped, your heart racing for all the wrong reasons. "What are you—" 
"What?" he said with an innocent shrug, though his mischievous grin betrayed him. "Just saying hello." 
You narrowed your eyes at him. “By smacking me on my ass?”
“Can't help it, you look too cute when you're all focused," he teased, stepping closer. 
His hands slid around your waist, and before you could protest, he lifted you effortlessly onto the counter. Your breath hitched. This was not the Steve Rogers you knew. But as much as his behaviour was throwing you off, you couldn't deny the butterflies his actions stirred in your stomach. 
"Steve, what's gotten into you?" you asked, trying to keep your voice steady. 
Instead of answering, Steve leaned in with a mischievous glint in his eyes, peppering kisses all over your face—your forehead, your cheeks, and your nose—until you were giggling uncontrollably.
“Steve, stop it!” you laughed, trying to push him away, but he was relentless, his arms wrapping around your waist, pulling you closer to him.
Your laughter was cut short as his lips trailed lower, brushing down to the side of your neck. The playful atmosphere shifted instantly, your breath hitching in your throat. His kisses became more deliberate, slow and teasing, sending sparks of heat through your skin.
“Steve…” you whispered, but your words melted into a quiet gasp as his lips found that sensitive spot just below your ear. He lingered there, pressing soft, lingering kisses, making your pulse race.
His warm breath fanned over your skin, and without warning, his lips latched onto your neck, sucking gently but with enough pressure that you knew he was leaving a mark. A deep, guttural hum escaped him as he continued, his grip on your waist tightening as he pulled your body against him.
The sensation of his lips and the gentle tugging of his teeth made your head spin, and you instinctively tilted your head, giving him better access. 
“Steve,” you gasped, your fingers tangling in his hair, your body arching into his.
“Can’t help it,” he muttered against your skin between kisses. “You drive me crazy.”
His voice was low and rough, sending a fresh wave of heat coursing through you. He sucked on your neck again, his tongue flicking over the spot before he pulled back slightly to admire his work.
"You’re gonna have to explain this one," he murmured with a grin, his lips ghosting over your ear, still hovering close enough to keep you breathless.
× × × ×
For the next hour, you tried to regain some composure, but it was hard with the heat of Steve’s kisses still tingling on your neck. Every time you moved, you could feel the slight sting of the mark he’d left behind, a not-so-gentle reminder of how wild this morning had been.
After making the bed and tidying up, you decided to head to the living room to relax for a bit, hoping that "Steve" had calmed down from whatever flirty streak had taken over him. You still couldn’t shake the feeling that something was a little… off. He's been too quiet.
You stepped into the living room, you stopped dead in your tracks, your jaw practically hitting the floor.
There, casually sprawled on the couch, was Steve in his birthday suit. Stark naked. The only thing covering him was your guitar, strategically placed across his lap. His posture was relaxed, one arm draped along the back of the couch, while his free hand strummed lazily at the strings.
He looked up as if nothing was out of the ordinary, a casual, half-lidded grin spreading across his face. 
“Hey,” he said, as if this was the most normal thing in the world.
You blinked. Once. Twice.
“Steve… what the hell are you doing?” you finally stammered, struggling to form coherent words as your brain scrambled to process what you were seeing.
He shrugged nonchalantly, still strumming the guitar. 
“Just thought I’d serenade my girl.” His eyes sparkled with mischief as he tilted his head. “You know, I think I’m getting better at this guitar thing.”
Your cheeks flamed red as your gaze flickered between his shamelessly exposed body and the guitar that, frankly, wasn’t doing the best job at covering much.
“Put some clothes on!” you squeaked, your face burning from the sight in front of you. “What if someone walks in? Sam might—"
“Sam’s gone,” he cut in smoothly, winking. “It’s just you and me, babe.” He tilted his head, clearly amused by your reaction. “Besides, you weren’t complaining this morning.”
You could feel the heat rising to your face again, this time in full force. "That doesn't mean you get to... to do this!" 
He just smirked, lazily leaning back on the couch, the guitar still resting against him. “Come on, don’t act like you don’t like it.”
“Steve, for the love of everything, PLEASE, just put some clothes on,” you muttered, rubbing your temples as if that would somehow erase the image from your brain.
Instead of listening, he suddenly stood up, the guitar still barely covering anything, and with the confidence of someone performing at a sold-out show, he started singing. Loudly. 
“And you're kissin' on my neck, I'm like, “Oh”, Got your hands up on my chest, I'm like, “Oh”” he belted out dramatically, grinning ear to ear as he took a step toward you, his voice echoing through the room. 
You panicked. 
"Oh my God, Steve! No!" you squealed, immediately clamping your hands over your ears, turning away from him as fast as possible
“Kiss me 'til there's nothin' left, Oh my god, oh my god!” he sang even louder, walking toward you like some rock star, his guitar still precariously covering him as he inched closer. 
You darted behind the coffee table, creating a barrier between the two of you, your face blazing red. 
“Lalalalalalalala!” You covered your ears tighter, trying to block out the sight and sound of your naked boyfriend serenading you. “Lalalalalalala! I can't hear you.”
But he wasn't stopping. If anything, your reaction only encouraged him further. 
“Why are you running, baby?”
He grinned wickedly, circling around the coffee table like a predator playing with his prey. "You could really tear me apart, but- I love you like that, Everything you do just turns me on, I love you like that, Body on my mind like all night long.” 
You squeaked and moved in the opposite direction, keeping the table between you, but Steve—guitar still precariously positioned—was unstoppable, matching your every move. It was ridiculous, like a slow-motion chase scene in a rom-com, but you couldn’t help but laugh through your embarrassment.
"Steve! Seriously, stop!" you cried out, ducking and weaving as he chased you around the table, his singing never faltering.
"I love you like that!" he belted, reaching out with one hand as if trying to grab you. You yelped, dodging him by moving to the other side.
"Lalalalalalalala!" you cried, your hands clamped tighter over your ears as you rushed toward the door, desperate to escape.
His laughter echoed in the living room, the sound of his voice-and that ridiculous guitar performance following you as you fled to the safety of the kitchen. Behind you, you could hear him laughing even harder. 
"Alright, alright, I'll stop!" he called after you, his voice still tinged with amusement. 
You leaned against the kitchen counter, taking a deep breath to steady yourself, your face still burning red. Today was officially out of control. 
And this wasn't the Steve Rogers you signed up for.
× × × × 
As the day finally wound down, you were still trying to recover from the whirlwind of events that had unfolded earlier. After a long, flirty, and borderline chaotic day with “Steve,” you were just glad it was almost bedtime.
You had managed to avoid another musical performance from him after the whole guitar incident, but the playful energy hadn’t completely faded. As you stood in front of the bathroom mirror, brushing your teeth, you could feel his eyes on you from across the room, watching your every move.
“Don’t even think about it,” you mumbled through a mouthful of toothpaste, meeting his gaze in the reflection of the mirror.
He was lounging on the bed, shirtless now, with that same mischievous grin you’d been seeing all day. 
“What?” he asked innocently, though the glint in his eyes said otherwise.
You rolled your eyes and spit out the toothpaste, rinsing your mouth. “You know exactly what.”
He laughed, the sound low and smooth as he got up and sauntered over to you, his bare feet padding quietly against the hardwood floor. Before you could react, he was behind you, his arms sliding around your waist as he rested his chin on your shoulder.
“I was just admiring how cute you look in your pajamas,” he murmured, his breath warm against your neck.
You sighed, trying to ignore the way your body reacted to the heat of his skin against yours. 
“Steve, it’s been a long day,” you said, your voice weary but laced with affection. “Can we just... go to bed? Without any more surprises?”
He pressed a soft kiss to your neck, lingering for just a second before pulling away with a grin. 
“Alright, alright,” he relented, raising his hands in surrender. “I’ll behave.”
You gave him a playful glare, narrowing your eyes as you turned to face him. “You said that earlier today, and then I walked into the living room and—”
“Okay, this time I’ll behave,” he interrupted with a laugh, holding his hands up defensively. “Promise.”
Shaking your head, you couldn’t help but smile. He may have been driving you absolutely crazy today, but this version of Steve—or Johnny, whoever he really was—was still undeniably charming in his own chaotic way.
Once you finished up in the bathroom, you both crawled into bed, the covers cool against your skin. Steve—or, well, Johnny—rolled onto his side, propping his head up with one hand as he gazed at you with that playful smirk.
“You sure you don’t want a little bedtime serenade?” he teased, his voice low and suggestive.
You groaned and pulled the blanket up over your head, burying yourself beneath the covers. “No!” you said, your voice muffled. “We’re done with that for today!”
He laughed again, the sound warm and contagious as he settled down beside you. The teasing faded, replaced by a softer, more familiar warmth as his arm slipped around your waist, pulling you close to him.
“Goodnight, Y/N,” he murmured, his voice gentle now as he pressed a soft kiss to your temple.
You peeked out from under the covers, smiling despite yourself. “Goodnight, Steve.”
As you closed your eyes and drifted off to sleep, you couldn’t help but wonder how long this flirty version of Steve would last—and whether or not you were ready for whatever tomorrow would bring.
× × × ×
The next morning, you stirred awake, the early light filtering through the curtains, and you felt the familiar warmth of strong arms slipping around your waist. Instinctively, you leaned into the embrace at first—until the events of the previous day rushed back to you. Your eyes snapped open, and before you could stop yourself, you jumped slightly, pulling away from the arms that had suddenly felt different, your heart pounding.
“Whoa, hey—what’s wrong?” Steve's voice came out soft, laced with confusion and concern. You turned over to face him, and instantly, you could tell something had changed. His eyes weren’t twinkling mischievously, there was no sly grin or playful wink. Instead, his brow was furrowed in concern, his hands hovering over you like he wasn’t sure if he should touch you again.
“Steve?” you whispered, your voice hesitant, scanning his face. He looked… like himself again. That quiet, gentle warmth was back, the one that had been missing yesterday.
“Yeah, it’s me,” he said, still looking concerned. “Are you okay? You jumped like I startled you.” He reached out to brush a strand of hair from your face, his touch soft and careful, nothing like the bold, confident gestures from the day before.
You blinked at him, your mind racing. The contrast between today and yesterday was stark. Yesterday, he had been all cocky smirks and teasing touches, constantly riling you up. But now? Now, Steve seemed completely aware of what had happened, but wasn’t letting on.
“I—uh, I’m fine,” you stammered, still trying to process it all. “You just… caught me off guard.”
Steve frowned, clearly still confused by your reaction. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to,” he said softly, his thumb brushing gently over your arm as he studied you. “Are you sure you’re okay?”
You nodded, but your heart was still racing. "Yeah… you’re just… different from yesterday."
His brow furrowed further, but now there was something else behind his eyes. He looked like he was holding something back. “Different? What do you mean?” he asked, though you could sense he already knew.
You hesitated, biting your lip. “Yesterday, you were just… more… flirty,” you said carefully, watching his reaction. “Like, a lot more. You were… singing to me. Naked. With my guitar.”
Steve’s eyes widened in shock, his face turning red almost instantly, but there was something else—recognition. “What? I—I did that?” He didn’t seem shocked by the words, more by the fact that you were telling him.
You nodded, your own face heating up at the memory. “Yeah. And you were… really, really bold. Smacking my butt, picking me up, kissing me all over…"
Steve's gaze drifted down, and before you could even say another word, his fingers gently brushed against your neck, right where Johnny had left that bold mark. His touch was tender at first, but the moment his thumb traced over the small bruise, his entire expression shifted. 
"That motherfucker! I'm going to kill him!”
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moonpascaltoo · 12 hours
The Scriptorium
Summary: After a harrowing journey through Slytherin's Scriptorium, Ominis helps MC recover from being subjected to the torture curse. After all, he has personal experience dealing with its effects.
Ominis Gaunt x GN!MC
A/N: The fact that I haven't written and posted an Ominis one shot before this is a crime, honestly. Almost as much of a crime as it is that after the trauma that is the scriptorium, both boys just walk away at the end of the mission. So, I fixed it. Also, the first 2.4k of this is a description of the scriptorium mission. Most of the events/dialogue are straight from the game. So, feel free to skip ahead to the middle of this (once they're out of the scriptorium) if you don't need the refresher.
Warnings: angst, hurt/comfort, talks of child abuse, descriptions of being crucio'd, awkward teenagerness in general, MC is naked for part of it but it's not sexual (they just needed a bath, okay?), Sebastian is a walking red flag in this mission but that's not my fault
Word count: 4880
You wound down the dark staircase, descending into Slytherin’s scriptorium. Sebastian entered in after you.
“Dark ominous corridors. My favourite,” he quipped.
“No comment,” Ominis replied coolly as he followed you both.
“Come on, that was a good one,” Sebastian said jovially.
You held back a snicker.
The ancient corridor at the bottom was littered with shattered stone and ended in a sealed door. You found a note left by Noctua Gaunt. She had been here. You repaired the stone into a relief, which Sebastian pointed out showed a person facing a snake.
Ominis shifted anxiously on his feet. He explained the sinister voice he heard telling him to speak to it. He told you how he was a Parselmouth – someone who could speak to snakes. He was certain that speaking to the door would open it, but he was hesitant.
“I’m hoping you’re having second thoughts,” he admitted.
“I see no reason we should stop now,” you replied, unaware of how much you’d come to regret those words.
Ominis breathed out a defeated sigh. “It’s ironic. When I left home, I vowed to leave the Dark Arts behind. And yet, here I am…Stand back.”
You took several steps backward, and Ominis turned to face the door. “I can’t believe I’m doing this,” he muttered to himself.
You stared in awe as a low hissing came from your friend’s lips. The eyes of two of the snakes carved in the door illuminated with green light, and they slithered up around the frame. The door opened.
“It worked!” you said, stunned. “Ominis, you possess a rare ability indeed.”
“Between the two of you, I’m starting to feel left out,” Sebastian whinged light-heartedly.
Ominis’s brows drew together. “Between the two of us?”
“I – never mind,” Sebastian stuttered, realizing his slip.
You weren’t sure yet if you could trust Ominis with your secret. Professor Fig had asked you not to share details with anyone, and you’d already gone against that advice with Sebastian.
You entered into the next room and were met with a locked gate. Next to it was a dial with a statue of a snake atop it. Once you were all inside, the door you’d come through shut behind you. That was the first moment where you thought this might be a mistake. Sebastian pointed out another sealed gate. Ominis suggested inspecting them for clues on how to proceed forward.
You ducked through a half-opened gate and found another note from Noctua. Her description of feeling unwelcome in the scriptorium didn’t inspire confidence in you. Nearby was another dial. You lit the torch beside it and turned one of the large metal discs. A hissing emitted from the statue as it began to rotate. You flicked through the dial, studying the symbols. Both discs had the same pattern.
In a flash, the snake lunged at you, biting your jaw as you stumbled backwards.
“That didn’t sound good,” Ominis said.
“It’s fine,” you asserted, frustration edging into your voice as you wiped the blood from your face with your sleeve. You really should’ve expected something like that.
“Salazar Slytherin didn’t make this easy,” Sebastian observed.
Obviously, you thought as you rolled your eyes. You’d be more than happy to let him take a stab at the dial.
You returned to the other dial. The gate next to it had symbols carved into it, as well. You illuminated your wand and saw that they matched some from the dial. You wished you’d noted that earlier.
“I think matching the dial to the symbols on the gate will open it,” you said.
“It seems Slytherin liked to play games,” Ominis said thoughtfully.
“Must run in the family,” Sebastian quipped.
“Look in a mirror, Sebastian,” Ominis replied irritably.
You quickly aligned the symbols on the dial to the ones sealing the doorway next to it. The serpents on the metal gate shifted, and it raised automatically.
“Matching the symbols did open it,” you said, relieved. You had half expected to be bitten again.
“Was about to do that myself, but you got to it first,” Sebastian said.
You just shot him a waspish look.
He coughed awkwardly. “Nice work,” he said.
You shook your head before continuing forward. In a pit at the end of the corridor, you found a third dial along with another note from Noctua.
I failed the dial, and it struck my face as if it were a real serpent, she started. You scoffed to yourself. Yeah, thanks for the warning, you thought sarcastically as you dabbed at your stinging jaw. She continued on in her letter to decry the way their family forced dark magic on their children.
“Ominis, your aunt wanted to change your family’s traditions,” you said.
“She did,” he confirmed in a wistful voice. “And she was my favourite person in the world for it.”
You felt a pang of sorrow for your friend. He’d lost the only member of his family that had ever been decent to him. You hoped for his sake that this adventure would provide answers as to what happened to her.
You went back to the main room, checking the symbols on the other gate that was still sealed. You went back to the dial that’d bitten you. Adrenaline pumped through your veins as you shifted the discs. There were two dials and only one door. You couldn’t be certain which went with it. You were relieved when you heard the metal clanking of the gate opening, letting out a breath you hadn’t realized you were holding.
“That sounded promising,” Ominis said.
“Another dial solved,” you replied gleefully as you searched for another door.
“Impressive. Nice work,” Ominis’s silky voice called out almost reverently from the dark.
You chuckled at how similar yet distinct the two Slytherins were, complimenting you with the same words but in entirely different ways.
You entered the newly opened archway. You read yet another note left behind by Noctua, warning of painful challenges but telling of rewards, as well. You relayed the information to your companions.
“Painful – that’s the part I’m wary of,” Ominis said, sounding nervous.
“All I heard was rewards. Keep going,” Sebastian replied with a flippant fort of confidence.
Sure enough, there was another gate at the back of the new room. You wound your way back to the remaining dial and shifted it to match the final gate. Once you aligned the discs, the gate opened with a hiss. You downed a wiggenweld to heal your gashed chin now that you weren’t likely to be bitten again. Hopefully.
“Excellent work,” Sebastian said brightly. “We’re another step closer to the scriptorium.”
Sebastian was just outside the archway when you made it back. “I spotted something ahead,” he said, fear edging into his voice for the first time. “Looks troubling.”
“This whole place is troubling, but, for my aunt’s sake, we cannot stop now,” Ominis replied.
You noted privately that you couldn’t really stop even if you had wanted to. Having only one way forward, the three of you crept into the newly revealed corridor. You had a sinking feeling in your stomach as you stepped inside.
Curiously, the torches lining the space were already lit. More clanking rang out behind you.
“The gate!” Sebastian said in a panicked tone. “I think we’re locked in. Again.”
“Then Salazar Slytherin is not yet finished with us,” Ominis said dismally.
You were inclined to agree. You couldn’t help but think that Noctua’s optimism about the Hogwarts founder was misplaced. You approached the door at the end of the corridor, feeling a cold wash over you like walking through a ghost.
Your heart dropped as you spotted the bones lying in front of the door, right next to the word ‘crucio’ in glowing letters. On the other side of the skeleton, you found another note. With shaking hands, you reread how to proceed. You looked again at the remains of Ominis’s aunt. You felt like you were about to be sick.
“Ominis. A skeleton…And Noctua’s last journal entry. She mentions being trapped here – blocked by an Unforgivable Curse,” you said, unable to bring yourself to put it more directly.
Ominis looked shattered. “This…is where she died,” he said in disbelief. He began pacing in anger. “This is where we’ll die. I shouldn’t have listened to either of you.”
His words struck harder than you would’ve expected.
“Ominis, I’m truly sorry about your aunt,” Sebastian said. “But, I know what to do. It’s going to be difficult.”
You raised an eyebrow at the brunet. You discussed the matter with him. He voiced aloud what you already knew. The only way out was casting the cruciatus curse. Something only one of you had done before. Sebastian implored you to talk to Ominis.
You had already convinced him to go into this despicable place. You couldn’t ask him to cast an unforgivable, too. Sebastian steeled himself to confront him.
“Ominis, I know this is the last thing you want to do–” Sebastian started.
“Yes! It is! I thought you knew me better!” Ominis spat back.
“But this is different,” Sebastian insisted. “Whoever you cast it upon will have agreed to it first. It wouldn’t be an innocent ‘victim.’ We have to open the door.”
“The spell won’t work unless you mean it,” Ominis said. “That’s true of all unforgivables. If it must be done, then one of you must cast it.”
“What do we do now?” you asked Sebastian. “Ominis is not going to cast the cruciatus curse again.”
“Ridiculous!” Sebastian groused. “As if dying in here is a better option than casting a damned spell.” He sighed, running a hand through his hair. “It’s up to us. I can teach you crucio, or I can cast it on you.”
Your eyes widened. “Wait – you didn’t say you knew how to cast crucio,” you said.
Sebastian pursed his lips. “Because I’m not sure I do,” he replied. “Ominis knows that, yet he’s left us no choice. I don’t yearn to follow in Noctua Gaunt’s footsteps.” He glanced down at the remains. “I think I can cast it if I have to.”
Your stomach twisted at the thought of casting the curse. The hatred required. “I don’t want to learn the curse, but I can handle the pain,” you said more confidently than you felt. “It’s fine. Cast it on me.”
“I shan’t forget this,” Sebastian vowed. He swallowed thickly. “Ready?”
You nodded. “I’m ready,” you said, though your trembling voice betrayed how untrue that was. How could you be ready for such a thing?
Sebastian raised his wand. “Crucio!” he said quickly, before he could lose his nerve.
A red bolt erupted from his wand and struck you. You crumpled to the floor as blinding pain flooded through your whole body. You cried out. It was like molten shrapnel had exploded out from within you, shredding your muscles, tearing apart your organs, and splintering your bones.
“Are you all right?” Sebastian asked, his voice was scared and distant.
You could barely make sense of the words as your senses were overtaken. The red jet arced from you to the door, and it melted away. Jolts of pain still crackled through you as you pushed yourself onto your feet. You struggled to pull air into your lungs.
“A-are you all right?” Ominis asked, clearly shaken.
“That pain,” you groaned. You looked at Ominis’s horrified expression and felt guilt stab into you at the trauma he must be relieving. You couldn’t imagine going through that so young. “It was excruciating, but I’ll survive. Let’s keep moving.”
You just wanted out of there.
Sebastian was enraptured as he entered the room – as if it were sodding Honeydukes and not the lair of a dark wizard. Ominis edged cautiously inside, as well. For once, the door didn’t slam behind you.
You found an old tome and informed Sebastian and Ominis.
“You found something?” Sebastian asked excitedly.
“You two go ahead – let me know what’s in it,” Ominis said, voice still quavering. “I’ll wander around a bit.”
You were about to check on him, but Sebastian appeared at your side. “May I have a look?” he asked, gesturing to the book in your grasp. You handed it over.
“What do you think?” you asked.
“Looks like a spellbook of some kind,” Sebastian replied eagerly. “This is incredible! A Hogwarts founder’s possession – what an honour.” He shook his head. “Still can’t believe Ominis never told me about his aunt and what she found.”
You could. In fact, you wished he’d never brought it up – and that you’d never pushed him on it. “What will you do with Slytherin’s spellbook?” you asked, aiming for a casual tone. Really, you were nervous about his intentions.
Sebastian gave you a playful grin. “What I do with every book – read it! Having professors as parents ingrained that habit early on,” he said lightly. “But I can do that later. For now, I say we explore this room. It’s breathtaking.”
You didn’t feel the same eagerness Sebastian showed – perhaps because he wasn’t the one who had just been tortured. Still, it was a bit shocking to see him so chipper after casting an unforgivable on you mere minutes ago.
“I’ve been getting an uneasy feeling about this place,” Ominis called anxiously up to you both. “We shouldn’t linger here. Let’s find a way out, please.”
Sebastian chuckled. “I don’t want to leave, but I owe you – both of you,” he said. “Without both of you, we’d never have made it this far.”
“We were lucky – we could have died!” Ominis said seriously. “We must swear never to do this again.”
You saw Sebastian roll his eyes. You picked up a note lying on the desk as you tried to shove down your irritation with the boy.
“I see a way out!” Sebastian announced.
“Best news I’ve heard all day,” Ominis replied, breathing a sigh of relief as he climbed the stairs.
You all exited through the hidden doorway.
“Ominis, about your aunt–” Sebastian started as he emerged from the wall back into the dungeon corridor.
“Please, Sebastian,” Ominis cut him off. “I meant what I said before. We swear right now never to engage in anything to do with dark magic again!”
“Understood,” Sebastian replied immediately, much to your surprise. “I’m truly sorry about your aunt, Ominis.”
“I suppose, after all this, I am grateful to know what happened to her,” he said quietly. He turned to you. “Thank you.”
You didn’t know what to say. Sebastian hurried off, probably to go delve into the book. Ominis leaned against the wall, tilting his head back and closing his eyes as he tried to process the night’s events.
You chewed your lip. “Ominis, I’m so sorry I dragged you down there. I hadn’t imagined we’d end up trapped like that,” you said sincerely.
He pushed off the wall, stepping toward you. “Salazar Slytherin did,” he replied darkly. “He’s to blame for many unimaginable things.”
You felt a new wave of fear at Sebastian having his spellbook.
“I’m just glad we made it out of there,” he continued. “How are you doing? The cruciatus curse is pure torture – I would know.”
You nodded. “I’m fine. Sebastian told me a little of what happened when you were young,” you said. “Sounds as if you had no choice.”
Ominis sighed. “Should’ve known he would’ve told you,” he muttered. “And one always has a choice. I’m as guilty as the worst of my family. Like I said, unforgivable curses won’t work unless you really mean them. I had to want to cause pain, and for that I shall never forgive myself. I will regret casting it forever.”
You flinched as you thought of the pain that had surged through you less than half an hour ago. Sebastian had wanted you to feel it. You couldn’t imagine feeling that way toward him or Ominis, especially now that you knew what it was like.
Warm fingers slipped into your hand, and you looked up to see Ominis’s brow furrowed in concern. “I’m sorry,” he said softly. “I should’ve insisted we found another way out. Really, I shouldn’t have told Sebastian about the scriptorium in the first place. I am glad to know what happened to my aunt, but…not at your expense.”
You swallow thickly as you stared up at his kind face. “I’m all right, really,” you said.
He arched a brow at you. “Don’t lie to me,” he said firmly. “I can feel your hand shaking.”
You realized he was right. Your muscles were twitching with aftershocks from the curse. You suspected they had been since Sebastian’s curse released. You were just so out of sorts that you hadn’t noticed. “Oh,” you said dimly.
Ominis laced his fingers with yours. “Let’s get you some tea and a blanket. You must be freezing,” he said.
You were freezing, you realized. Ominis led you into the Slytherin common room. You just followed him numbly. It was like your body had reacted to the pain by shutting off your senses. Your mind had been overwhelmed. You felt like you were moving through fog now.
Before you knew it, you had a hot cup of tea in your hands and a blanket wrapped around your shoulders. Ominis rubbed slow circles on your back. His touch grounded you, keeping you from slipping into the recesses of your mind.
“Is this how you felt after?” you asked, turning your glazed eyes toward Ominis.
He stiffened, his hand freezing in place, as his features contorted in a grimace. You could see his throat bob as he swallowed.
“Sorry,” you said quickly. “I didn’t mean to pry.”
Ominis shook his head. “I expect so,” he said thoughtfully, answering your question. “I would have a tremor and feel a numbing cold. One of our elves tended to me after the first time. My mother locked me in my room, and he brought me tea and tucked me into bed with extra blankets even though she’d instructed them to leave me alone. He…He also knew how it felt.” His jaw tensed. “My family distributes their cruelty quite generously.” He spat out the last sentence like venom.
You felt tears prick your eyes. “I’m sorry you both went through that,” you said.
He just nodded.
“The numbness wears off after a while,” he said as he resumed the languid circles on back. “Then it’s like…your senses are frayed. Everything is just…too much. Noise. Scents. Everywhere is too hot or too cold. Even clothes are…Well, you get the idea.”
His cheeks were coloured pink.
“How long until that starts?” you asked. It sounded dreadful.
“Maybe an hour from now?” he said. He cleared his throat. “I found that a warm bath in a quiet room helps. Not hot but body temperature. It’s almost like floating in nothing. I expect you’d want the room dark, as well, but I really wouldn’t know.”
He chuckled, and you couldn’t help but laugh, as well. You sipped your tea, and you felt yourself relax slightly as the warm liquid slid down your throat. A shiver ran through you, and you tucked into Ominis’s side, resting your head on his shoulder.
He was caught by surprise, but he quickly wrapped his arm around you, holding you tightly to himself. He even rested his head on top of yours.
You stayed like that for a long time. Ominis traced his wand down a schoolbook with the hand not holding you. He checked in every once in a while to make sure you hadn’t run out of tea, casting a charm to refill your cup when needed. Slowly, your tremor subsided and your body warmed. The cold nothingness that had enveloped you was eventually replaced by a sort of static. It was barely noticeable at first, but it grew more and more grating. You felt stifled between the fire, blanket, and Ominis’s warm body next to you. You had to set your tea down because it was scalding. Your uniform scratched like sandpaper over every inch of your skin. The crackling of the flames and students speaking in low voices grew louder until the noises pounded in your ears. The dim common room seemed blindingly bright. Even the usually calming scent of Ominis’s cologne was an attack on your senses.
You groaned as you curled into yourself. Ominis scooted away from you, and you felt a pang of guilt at the relief it gave you.
“Let’s get you that bath,” Ominis said quietly as he tucked his book into his bag.
He grabbed your sleeve and tugged you to the lavatory. You cast a charm to block the windows. Only the faintest light filtered through. You sagged against one of the sinks, holding your frazzled head in your hands. Ominis filled a tub with a water-making charm, knowing the rush from the taps would be deafening. He heated the water with another spell, dipping his hand it to ensure it was the right temperature. He even set out a towel for you.
“All set,” he said gently. “I’ll relock the door on my way out so no one disturbs you.”
“Could you…stay?” you asked sheepishly.
You could just make out Ominis’s eyes as they widened. “Oh,” he squeaked. “Erm, yes, I suppose so. Are you sure you want me to?”
“I’d rather not be alone,” you admitted, wincing at your own voice as it seemed to boom out from you. “And, well, it’s not like you can see anything…right?”
He chuckled softly. “You’re correct,” he whispered.
He moved to a window seat on the far wall, and you slipped out of your robes. Despite the fact that he couldn’t see you, your cheeks flushed as you stood naked in a room with Ominis in it. The cold air was like ice on your skin. You quickly climbed into the bath. It was like applying a balm to a sunburn. You really did feel wrapped in nothing as you were surrounded by water exactly the same temperature as you. You closed your eyes, shutting out the last bit of light.
You felt the tension that had been mounting melt out of your body. The only sensations aside from the cool air on your face were the sound of your own breathing and occasional turn of a page as Ominis read. You couldn’t even hear his breaths from where he sat.
With time, your breathing stopped seeming so loud and you stopped noticing the temperature of the room as much. The water in your tub was exactly as warm as it’d been when you slipped inside. You realized Ominis must’ve charmed it to stay that way. He was quite a talented wizard.
You sat up a bit in the tub, leaning your head back on the edge of it, but you kept your eyes closed. You weren’t ready to take in visual stimuli again just yet. “Ominis?” you asked, pleased when the word didn’t ring in your ears.
“Yes, MC?” he replied quietly.
“Thank you. For helping me. It…it would’ve been awful to go through this alone,” you said.
There was a pause before he answered. “I’m sorry you have to go through it at all.”
You opened your eyes to look at him. “It’s not your fault,” you said. You turned, hooking your elbow over the side of the tub as you faced him. “I’m the one who convinced you to go down there.”
“Yes, but I should’ve known better,” he said sadly. “I just…I was so consumed by the need to know what happened to my aunt. I went against my better judgment. It won’t happen again.”
“Same here. I have no interest in investigating anything to do with Slytherin again,” you replied. “I hope Sebastian meant it when he said he’s done.”
“He’s never lied to me before,” Ominis said confidently. “But…if he does mention anything to you, tell me, okay?”
“I will,” you promised. To be honest, you felt like you could tell Ominis anything.
“Good,” Ominis said with a small smile, but it was quickly replaced with a look of concern. “How are you feeling?”
“Much better,” you said truthfully. “Is there another phase after this?”
Ominis pressed his mouth into a thin line. Even when upset, his features were as handsome as ever. It really wasn’t fair. “No, but this one tends to linger. You’ll feel on edge for a few days. Maybe a week, even. It tends to last longer the more times you’ve been cursed, so hopefully it’s just a few days for you,” he said, forcing a hopeful smile onto his lips.
You blinked rapidly as a thought struck you. “Did your family curse you multiple times?” you asked, aghast.
He turned his face back toward his book as he schooled his features. “Yes,” he said in a barely audible voice.
“Oh, Ominis, that’s awful!” you said. You wished you could give him a hug, but as you were naked and sopping wet, it wasn’t exactly an opportune time.
He gave a mirthless laugh. “That’s the Gaunts for you. We specialize in ‘awful.’”
“Not all of you,” you argued. “Not your aunt. Not you.”
“Recent evidence would suggest otherwise,” he said. He hung his head. “Not to mention my past mistakes.”
“But that’s just it. It was a mistake. It doesn’t define you, Ominis,” you insisted. “Do you think the rest of your family would’ve cared enough to help me?”
He scoffed. “Certainly not.”
You just waited, letting him consider the facts for himself.
He sighed as he turned back toward you. “I suppose you have a point.”
You smiled. “I know I do.”
Ominis chuckled, and it was a beautiful sound – if a bit loud at the moment.
You decided you’d soaked long enough and got out of the bath. You cringed as you patted yourself dry. The towel wasn’t quite sandpaper like your clothes had been before, but your skin still felt raw. “How long until clothes feel normal again?” you asked, hoping the answer was soon.
“It all progresses together, so it’ll take a few days,” Ominis said with an apologetic grimace.
You let out a groan. “I was afraid you’d say that.”
He held out his hand. “Here. Give me your clothes.”
You wrapped the towel around yourself before scooping up your uniform and padding over to him. You set the outfit in his open hand.
He cleared his throat. “Thank you,” he said. Standing so close now, you could see the blush spread over his cheeks.
Your face flushed, too, when you realized you could’ve just levitated the clothes over. You cringed again, but at yourself this time.
Ominis waved his wand as he uttered an unfamiliar incantation. He handed your outfit back to you. It was silky smooth against your skin. It took what was left of your good sense not to drop your scratchy towel and change immediately. You shuffled off to the other side of the room to get dressed.
“That’s so much better!” you gushed once you’d donned the silk ensembled. “Thank you, Ominis.”
“Of course,” he replied. “I’m happy to help you with anything. I mean, anytime! I’m happy to help anytime.”
As you walked back over to his window seat, you could tell he was still blushing. You couldn’t help but chuckle. “I’ll help you with anything, too,” you replied.
“Yeah?” he asked with a hopeful expression.
You chewed your lip, butterflies fluttering in your stomach as you looked down at him. You raised a hand to cup his cheek, and his chin tilted up slightly as his eyes drifted shut. You leaned down, brushing your lips softly against his. In your current state, his lips felt a bit rough but pleasantly warm on yours. Nevertheless, the tender kiss sent a jolt of excitement through you. “Yeah,” you replied.
His tongue flicked out over his lips, and he smirked up at you.
The door rattled as someone tried to enter the locked lavatory. The sudden noise made you jump back.
“Ugh! This is the second time this week!” a muffled but clearly frustrated voice grumbled from the other side.
“Come one, let’s use the one upstairs,” another, much more defeated, voice replied.
“We should probably get moving,” you said, unable to stop the grin that graced your lips.
Ominis chuckled. “Yes, I suppose we should,” he agreed.
You both made your way toward the door. Ominis was much more graceful in the dim lighting than you were, and you almost stumbled right into one of the empty tubs. Fortunately, Ominis either didn’t notice or politely pretended not to. He turned to you right in front of the door, his fingers resting on the handle. He shifted nervously between his feet.
“Once you’re feeling like yourself again, would you like to get dinner with me at the Three Broomsticks?” he asked with an endearingly anxious expression.
You beamed at him. “I’d like that very much.”
He grinned as he pulled the door open for you. “It’s a date, then.”
Of all the things you’d thought you might find in Slytherin’s Scriptorium, a budding romance hadn’t been one of them. Not that you were complaining. Not one bit.
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moonpascaltoo · 12 hours
Fluffy Ominis x MC!Reader drabble [G-rated, 800 words]
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"Fitting, isn't it?" he murmurs, so quiet his voice blends with the song's deeper notes. "The verse speaks of how we wear masks to pretend all is well, but only in moonlight do our true feelings arise." "Shall we promise, then, to leave the masks behind tonight?" "I’ll promise that," he says, offering a hand, “if you'll honour me with a dance.”
In search of distraction from Ranrok's rebellion, you dance with Ominis in the Undercroft.
[read on AO3]
A/N: I originally wrote this for @yoshitsuno's #Hogtober challenge last year, but I've since made some edits. Very short and sweet, no use of Y/N (just you/yours) and MC is gender neutral. Enjoy. <3
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The music lilts up the lift shaft, reaching your ears long before it clunks to a juddering stop. When the grille slides up, you tiptoe into the Undercroft. It’s a classical tune you don’t recognise, a poignant operatic with a melody that evokes a sense of sadness and beauty – and you know immediately which Slytherin will be enjoying it.
Eyes shut, Ominis is reclined against the furthest pillar. He’s dressed down today, in an unbuttoned waistcoat and loosely knotted tie. You could almost believe he was asleep if not for his wand, gently mimicking a conductor’s baton against his thigh, tapping perfectly in time with each beat.
“It’s a lovely song.”
He doesn’t stop. “From Gabriel Fauré's Clair de lune. I particularly like its message, comparing the human experience to rays of the moon.”
He gets to his feet as you drift closer. The voice swells dramatically; he flicks his wand, and the gramophone quietens.
“No, no, don’t turn it down on my account,” you say; Ominis’ hand hangs in air. “I don’t want to interrupt.”
“Why did you come?”
“To find something to do. To… distract myself. All this business with Ranrok…”
You don’t need to say anything more. He knows.
The corners of his mouth tug upwards. “There’s always homework. I believe we have eight inches to write for Defence Against the Dark Arts.”
“Already finished it.”
“Naturally. Don’t tell Sebastian though, he might want to copy.”
“If he doesn’t I’ll assume someone hexed him.”
Ominis smiles more warmly and takes a tentative step closer; in the light of the braziers, shadows writhe and bend against him, sharply cleaving his features, and it makes him look like he could set fire to the world.
"Fitting, isn't it?" he murmurs, so quiet his voice blends with the song's deeper notes. "The verse speaks of how we wear masks to pretend all is well, but only in moonlight do our true feelings arise."
"Shall we promise, then, to leave the masks behind tonight?"
"I’ll promise that," he says, offering a hand, “if you'll honour me with a dance.”
“You can dance?”
“A little. And you?”
“No,” you admit, yet you breach his space, close enough to smell his cologne, “but it might be nice to learn.”
“It’s simple.” He guides your hand to his shoulder, and clasps the other gently in his own. “If a blind man can do it, you are more than capable.”
“Don’t put yourself down like that.”
“I’m only trying to make you feel comfortable.” His tone is lighter, laced with teasing. “Follow my lead.”
His free hand goes to your waist, and the touch dizzies you as he coaxes you back, to the left, forwards again and around. Ominis commands you so well you wouldn't believe he wasn’t born to play the role of the dutiful heir of Slytherin, born to lead his pure-blood family to its inherent greatness. Were it not for his virtuous beliefs, his unwavering loyalty and kind heart, perhaps it would be true. It was that compassion that drew you to him in the first place, so long ago – and it's the small ways he continues to prove his compassion that keeps you there, a stalwart presence at his side.
With him, leaving the mask behind is easier.
“Let the music show you the way,” he says, when you curse after a misstep. “Feet position doesn’t matter so much as the reason we're dancing.”
You step in again, basking in his scent. “What are we dancing for?”
“That depends on you.”
“To peace, then.” You smile at him though he cannot see. “We dance to carve out a moment of peace.”
“I like that.”
He leads, you follow. The Undercroft becomes your stage, Ominis the prince that sweeps you away. There is no rebellion, no school, no expectation of society, responsibility, or real life. All you see is him, all you feel is his compassion, the shadows that yield to him giving you room to breathe. He may have darkness at his beck and call, and you the tumult of an incoming storm, but together you make something brilliant and beautiful. Together you make the lone ray of the moon that lights the way through the everlasting night.
“You see?” he says, with that inexplicably captivating softness. “You're a natural.”
You squeeze his hand.
“I have a good teacher.”
A loud cough jerks Ominis back, out of your grip.
The grille closes, and Sebastian strolls inside, robe thrown over his shoulder, looking terribly smug.
“Interrupt something, did I?”
“No,” Ominis barks at once, that softness replaced by calloused edges and walls. He steps a polite distance away, but doesn’t turn his back. “You presume too much.”
“Or I don’t presume enough?”
You sweep down your robe, fixing Sebastian a glare. He only wiggles his brow at you. Ingrate.
“Either way, stop that racket. I need absolute silence to copy your Defence Against the Dark Arts essays.”
Moment dashed, masks on, Ominis makes a weary grunt and goes to turn the gramophone off… but you don’t miss the smile that lingers on his face.
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Please like and reblog if you enjoyed <3
[read on AO3] [Gabriel Fauré's Clair de lune on YouTube] [Divider credit]
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moonpascaltoo · 1 day
In the Middle - Ominis' Ending
Word Count: 1.3k
Summary: In the Middle - Ominis’ Ending
Warnings: read this first so this makes more sense
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Y/N slipped through the doors that lead to the Defence Against the Dark Arts Tower, knowing she would always find the man she was looking for here - that she would always find both of them here. It wasn’t long until she found the familiar mop of brown hair walking in her direction, a charming smile falling on his face as he noticed her. Sebastian turned to say goodbye to the Ravenclaw student he was walking with and made his way in her direction, his arm winding around her waist to pull her into a hug as she neared. 
“Hey you. Done avoiding us?”
“For now.” Y/N pulled away and offered him a sheepish smile, her eyes darting over to the group of students who were sitting nearby. “Can we go somewhere to talk?”
“Depends. Will I like where this is going?”
“Sebastian.” She let out a quiet sigh and shook her head, but the smile was evident on her face. 
“Alright, alright,” he chuckled and titled his head to the left, signalling she should follow him. Y/N thought he would lead her to the Undercroft but instead he led her up a flight of stairs and towards Professor Fig’s old classroom. His position teaching Magical Theory had been filled the following year, but Y/N still avoided the class as best as she could. Sebastian gently pushed her along until they were sitting in the alcove across from the classroom and glared at the figure in the portrait until he left the frame with a loud, disgruntled sigh. “You have my undivided attention.”
“I’m sorry for avoiding you both.”
“It’s fine,” he shrugged nonchalantly and leant back in his seat. “We dropped a lot on you. Anyone would need a moment to think after that.” His eyes roamed over her, taking note of how she was avoiding his gaze and instead focused on her fingers which were currently being twisted together anxiously. “You’ve picked him, haven’t you?”
“What? How - ” Y/N looked up at him in surprise before exhaling slowly. “I’m sorry.”
“Why are you apologising, you walnut?” Sebastian chuckled and came to sit next to her, his shoulder pressed against hers for comfort. “What we said in the Undercroft stands. You’re my best friend - you both are - and you’ll both continue to be after this. I won’t let this come between us.” He reached over to squeeze her hand gently.
“You’re my best friend too. I…I won’t blame you if you need some time.”
“Don’t be daft,” he nudged her with his shoulder. “Who else is going to put up with all my shit?” Y/N laughed quietly at his words, her eyes darting to the side as a couple of students left the Magical Theory classroom. “Have you told him yet?”
“No,” Y/N watched Ominis as he walked out of the men’s bathrooms, unaware of their presence. “I thought it would be fair to speak to you first.”
“Well, what are you waiting for?” Sebastian rolled his eyes at her before letting out a low whistle. Ominis stopped in his tracks and turned slowly, a frown of confusion on his face. “Over here, Ominis.”
“Hello, Sebastian.” He walked in their direction, the wand guiding him towards the archway for the alcove. “I should have known it was you that whistled; only you would summon me like a dog.” Y/N laughed at his dry comment and watched as he turned in her direction, a breathtaking smile coming over his features when he realised she was there too. “Hello, love.”
“Hi.” Y/N felt her stomach flip pleasantly at the term of endearment, ignoring Sebastian as he playfully pretended to retch. 
“I’ll leave you two alone, now.” Sebastian clapped Ominis on the shoulder and sent Y/N a cheeky wink as he stood up and walked away, his hands tucked into his pockets as he whistled a cheerful tune.
“Subtle.” Ominis’ lip twitched as Sebastian walked away, his heart thumping as he heard Y/N laugh quietly. “How have you been?”
“Oh, you know. Same old drama, different day.”
“Oh?” he smiled slyly and leant against the pillar for the archway and crossed his arms over his chest. “Anything good?” 
“Would you believe both of my best friends admitted to having feelings for me?”
“Well, can you blame them?” Ominis played along. 
“No, I suppose not,” Y/N faked a sigh, a smile playing on the corners of her mouth as she openly stared at the man in front of her. “I’m pretty remarkable.”
“I wholeheartedly agree.” They both chuckled quietly, a comfortable silence falling over them as Ominis shifted so that he sat beside her on the bench. “Have you made a decision?” 
“I have.”
“I see.” He pocketed his wand and turned his head in her direction, his features void of any emotion. “And you’ve told Sebastian already?”
“It was only fair,” Y/N murmured, reaching out to brush the back of his hand. He turned it over without a thought and caught her fingers in his and tangled them together.  “I didn’t want him to find out through the rumour mill that I had chosen you.”
“Me?” Ominis’ cloudy blue eyes met hers with startling precision, his eyebrows raised in surprise. “I thought…”
“You thought I’d choose Sebastian?”
“I mean…well, yes.”
“Ominis Gaunt, for someone who takes so much pride in their intelligence you can be really thick sometimes.” Y/N leant over to press a gentle kiss to his cheek, knowing very well that he did not like public displays of affection. “How could you not tell that I am completely entranced by you?”
“It’s not every day a beautiful woman would pick me over my best friend,” he said quietly, his fingers tightening around hers fractionally. Y/N felt her heart crack in her chest at how despondent he sounded and gently ran her finger over his cheekbone, tracing the beauty marks as she turned his head to face her again.
“Their loss.”
“Are you sure? Would you be able to handle…” Ominis trailed off and gestured to his face, his cheeks tinged pink.
“You better not be about to ask me if I can handle you being blind.”
“It’s not easy to deal with.”
“Maybe not,” Y/N shrugged and turned her body so that she was facing him completely. “Believe it or not, being able to see was not on my list when I made my decision.”
“You made a list?”
“Metaphorically, yes,” she rolled her eyes and let go of his hand to cup his face. “I want to be with you, Ominis. I don’t care that you can’t see.”
“Do you want me to shout it from the rooftops?”
“As entertaining as that would be,” Ominis paused to chuckle and raised his hand to touch Y/N’s face. He trailed his fingers down her cheek gently and traced his thumb over her lips. “Is there anyone around us?”
“Can I kiss you?”
“Please.” Y/N felt her heart thud in her chest as he leant in and pressed his lips to hers briefly before pulling away and resting his forehead on hers. 
“You have the most beautiful soul I have ever had the pleasure of knowing,” he murmured before leaning in to kiss her again. Ominis decided he would speak to Sebastian later, in private, to ensure he didn’t harbour any resentment towards Y/N’s choice. The three of them had some things to discuss on how they would proceed from here, but that could all be done at a time when Y/N wasn’t running her hands through Ominis’ hair in a way that set every nerve of his alight. He reluctantly pulled away from her and took her hand in his, pulling her to her feet so he could walk her to their next class with a wide smile on his face that he couldn’t quite seem to shake.
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moonpascaltoo · 1 day
In the Middle - Sebastian's Ending
Word Count: 1.1k
Summary: In the Middle - Sebastian’s Ending
Warnings: read this first so this makes more sense
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Y/N found Ominis just inside the doors that lead from the Transfiguration Courtyard to the Defence Against the Dark Arts Tower. He was sitting on the floor in the corner, looking deep in thought as he twirled his wand. She walked over slowly, noting the signs of recognition on his face as she took a seat next to him, her knee pressed against his as she curled her legs underneath her. Ominis continued to weave his wand in between his fingers expertly as he waited for her to speak first.
“I’m sorry for avoiding you,” Y/N said after a while.
“It’s alright,” he tilted his head in her direction and offered her a small smile. “We put a lot on you, I expected to be waiting longer.”
“Yes, well…I realised while speaking to Imelda and Poppy that I wasn’t being fair to you - to either of you - by dragging this out.”
“You told them?”
“No, they figured it out. They don’t know everything.” Y/N shuffled on the floor nervously as she recalled his kiss before sighing quietly. “Can we go somewhere else? The floor is rather uncomfortable.” Ominis stood silently and offered his hand out to her, his fingers slightly cold due to the perpetual chill that lingered in the castle walls. He led her outside to the Transfiguration Courtyard, murmuring something about it being a nice day, and let Y/N pick a spot that was secluded enough for their conversation. “I don’t know how to go about this.”
“I assume you’ve made a decision?”
“I have.”
“You picked him.” It wasn’t a question, so much as a statement.
“I did.” Y/N looked over at Ominis, who nodded thoughtfully at her words, his head turned down to face the grass at their feet. “I’m so sorry.”
“You needn’t apologise,” he offered her a rueful smile and held his hand out for hers, which she took without a second thought. “I knew this was coming.”
“You did?”
“You’d have to be blind to not see how much you and Sebastian care for each other.” There was a beat of silence between them before Ominis laughed and shook his head. “Well, maybe blind and deaf.” 
“You’re not upset?” Y/N fiddled with the sleeve of her robe nervously, not meeting the eye of the man next to her. 
“No,” he squeezed her hand gently. “I won’t pretend I’m not disappointed, but I always knew you would end up with him.”
“I wouldn’t blame you if you needed some time.” It hurt her to think of not speaking to Ominis every day, but if he needed to take some time to himself she wouldn’t hold it against him. “I want you to know that I meant everything I said in the Undercroft; you are still my best friend and I don’t want this to come between any of us.”
“I’ll be fine. Anyway, it’s not like I have to actually see you both together,” Ominis chuckled. Y/N nudged him gently but still let out a quiet laugh at the poor joke. “Have you told him yet?”
“No, I didn’t want you to hear this from anyone else. You deserved to hear this from me first.”
“Thank you.” Ominis squeezed her hand one last time before letting go and a comfortable silence fell over the pair. “What are you still doing here? Go and find him.” Ominis all but pushed Y/N off the bench they were occupying. Y/N knew he couldn’t see the middle finger she offered in reply, but considering he knew her better than anyone else at the school she wasn’t too surprised when he repeated the gesture back to her. It didn’t take long to find Sebastian, his back to her as he strode away in the direction she was walking.
“Sebastian!” Y/N quickened her steps to catch up to him, her heart racing as he slowed to a stop and turned to face her. “Hi.” He returned her breathless smile - although his was a little more strained - and stuffed his hands into the pockets of his trousers as she caught her breath.
“I hear you’ve made your decision.”
“Already? How?”
“I saw you and Ominis talking outside.”
“Oh.” Y/N wrung her fingers together nervously, unable to pinpoint why Sebastian was speaking to her so tensely. “I thought it would be best to tell him first.”
“He’s going to make you happy, I’m glad for you both.”
“You were holding hands as you spoke. I’m not stupid, you’ve chosen him.”
“Sebastian Sallow, you idiot,” Y/N laughed and tugged gently at his robes, pulling him down so she could meet him halfway and press her lips to his. She didn’t care that they were in the middle of a hallway or that a couple of students stopped in surprise at the very public display of affection. “I was telling Ominis I picked you. It’s always been you, Seb.”
“You…picked me?” He looked confused by her words and blinked as he tried to process them. “Over Ominis?”
“I will always care about Ominis, but you…” she broke off, her face burning as she took note of the students who had stopped to stare at them. “Do none of you have classes to get to?” she snapped. The students quickly dispersed, much to Sebastian’s amusement, leaving them alone in the corridor once more. 
“You picked me.”
“I did.”
“Why?” Y/N pulled away to glare at him. “So help me, Sallow, you are not asking me why I picked you.”
“I mean…Ominis is clearly the better choice.”
“Do you want me to go back to him and say I’ve changed my mind?”
“No! Merlin, no,” he grabbed her waist and tugged her towards him. “I just don’t understand. He can offer you so much more than I can.”
“You better not mean because he’s a Gaunt and he has money.” Y/N narrowed her eyes at Sebastian and flicked his shoulder. “Quit while you’re ahead, Seb. I chose you. Don’t make me regret it.”
“Duly noted.” Sebastian leant down to press his lips back to hers, his hand tugging hers gently to lead her away from prying eyes. He grinned down at her as he led them towards the Undercroft, his heart thumping wildly in his chest. Later, he decided, he would speak to Ominis to make sure there were no hard feelings between them, but at that moment all he could focus on was making up for lost time with Y/N and showing her just how grateful he was that she chose to spend her time with him.
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moonpascaltoo · 1 day
In The Middle
Word Count: 5.4k (this got away from me, whoops)
Themes: love triangle, pining, angst if you squint. Fem!Reader
Based on this request: Please could I request a Sebastian x Slytherin!reader x Ominis based during HL. After a few months of knowing the reader the boys suddenly realise one day they are falling in love with the reader and start to become a bit bitter towards each other and very jealous if another guy gives her attention. 
Warnings: Potential spoilers for HL. I’ve also aged them up to 7th year (all 18+) so it’s been a few years instead of a few months. Also like two swear words?
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Sebastian pretended to read from the book he was holding, but in reality he was watching Y/N and Ominis as they sat on the couch opposite him. His eyes narrowed as Y/N leant in to point to something on the textbook Ominis was holding, her fingers trailing over the braille words slowly. She was too busy trying to decipher the little bumps on the page to notice Ominis move a little closer to her, his face taking on a barely perceptible shade of pink as he brushed his hand against hers. Sebastian wouldn’t have noticed himself if he hadn’t been watching the pair so closely - if he hadn’t been watching Y/N so closely.
“Is that the time?” Y/N looked up at the clock above the fireplace and jumped up. Sebastian bit back his grin at Ominis’ disgruntled expression and looked at the words in front of him, feigning that he had been reading all along. “I promised I would meet Poppy ten minutes ago! Sorry boys, I’ve got to run.” She squeezed Ominis’ hand in apology before pausing in front of Sebastian, her head cocked to the side curiously. 
“Do you want to hold my hand to say goodbye as well?” Sebastian asked dryly. Y/N laughed quietly and shook her head before reaching out and turning Sebastian’s book the right way up. His face burned as her hand lingered on his before she gave them both a sweet smile and left the common room. Ominis turned back to his book, his fingers moving along the page to read what was in front of him.
“Just because I can’t see doesn’t mean I don’t know you’re staring,” Ominis looked in his general direction. “What’s the matter?”
“Do you like her?” Sebastian asked.
“You’re going to have to be more specific.”
“Y/N, you prat.”
“She’s my closest friend after you and Anne, of course I like her.”
“Don’t play dumb, Ominis. You know what I mean.” Sebastian rolled her eyes at his best friend, not that he could see. “Do you have feelings for her?”
“I…I suppose so. Yes.” Ominis’ pale face flushed and he began to fiddle with the corners of the pages of his book. “Do you?”
“Well, indeed.” They both sighed loudly, a slight uncomfortable silence falling over them. Ominis drummed his fingers on the arm of the couch anxiously, his mind reeling with the information. He wasn’t stupid, he knew Sebastian had felt a certain way about Y/N ever since their fifth year. He hadn’t been able to talk about anything but her for weeks until Ominis finally met her sneaking out of the Undercroft, and had done nothing but flirt with her ever since. Sebastian was charming and (if the female population of the school was to be believed) quite attractive. He had heard Y/N laugh breathlessly at his best friend’s advances and even flirt back on occasion. How was he supposed to compete with that?
Oblivious to his friend’s internal turmoil, Sebastian skimmed the page of the textbook he was holding, not really absorbing anything as he went through the motions. As if he wasn’t nervous enough about trying to pursue Y/N, now he had to contend with his best friend. Ominis was smart, funny, and rich; he could offer Y/N so much more than Sebastian ever could and then some. How was he meant to go up against him for her affections?
“What are we going to do?” Ominis asked quietly, his focus still on the book he held.
“I don’t know,” Sebastian sighed again and closed his book. “Should we tell her?”
“You want to tell her?”
“What’s the worst that could happen?”
“Any number of things, now that you’ve said that.”
“You’re free not to say anything,” Sebastian said. Ominis couldn’t tell if Sebastian was being sly or serious without seeing his expression. 
“Am I to believe that after two years of pining you’re finally going to tell Y/N you have feelings for her?” Ominis raised an eyebrow as he looked at Sebastian (or at least, he hoped he was) and closed the book he was holding. 
“Who says it’s been two years?”
“Sebastian, we’ve been friends for longer than I can remember, I know you better than you know yourself.”
“So you think I don’t have the guts to tell her?”
“I never said that.”
“You said after two years I’m finally going to tell her.”
“Sebastian,” Ominis sighed and carefully made his way around the coffee table to sit next to his friend. “Why are you trying to pick a fight?”
“I’m not! I’m just…” Sebastian ran a hand through his hair and turned in his seat to face Ominis. “What if we tell her and she chooses you?”
“Ah, so you’re jealous and insecure,” Ominis smiled without humour and nudged Sebastian. “What if we tell her and she chooses neither of us?”
“That’s not helping, Ominis.”
“I’m just showing you there are worse alternatives.”
“How can you be so calm about this? Would it not kill you if she chose me?”
“It would hurt for a while, sure,” Ominis shrugged. “But I think at the end of the day I just want Y/N to be happy - whether that’s with you, or me, or neither of us.”
“So we’re telling her?”
“Yes, I suppose we are.”
Y/N made her way to the Undercroft, clutching the note from Sebastian and Ominis had sent requesting they meet there. Why they had sent her a note was beyond her - they had all been sitting together at dinner and had left moments before her, only to send a first year to deliver the message. She glanced around to make sure no one was around to watch her and tapped her wand on the entrance to the secret passage before ducking inside. Sebastian and Ominis were both standing in their usual corner, talking in hushed, hurried voices. They stopped suddenly when they heard the gate close behind Y/N and turned to face her.
“Hi,” Y/N felt her stomach flip nervously, but wasn’t quite sure why. There seemed to be a lingering tension in the air that she couldn’t quite put her finger on and it set her on edge.
“Hey, you,” Sebastian grinned at her as she neared, his hand reaching out to brush the back of hers.
“What’s with the secrecy? Why couldn’t we discuss this at dinner?”
“Sebastian and I had something to talk to you about and thought it would be best to do it in privacy,” Ominis said.
“Okay…” Y/N looked between them both hesitantly. “Why does it look like you guys are about to tell me that someone stole from the repository under the castle?”
“It’s nothing that bad,” Sebastian chuckled. “We promise.”
“We hope,” Ominis muttered. Y/N looked at him with raised eyebrows (not that he could tell) before turning the expression on Sebastian.
“I’m starting to get nervous.”
“We both like you,” Sebastian blurted out. Ominis exhaled slowly and faced his friend with a look that seemed to say are you fucking serious?
“Well, I should hope so,” Y/N laughed awkwardly and tucked a stray hair away. “You’re my closest friends.”
“No, Sebastian means we like you. We both have feelings for you.”
“Oh…oh.” Y/N felt her heart stutter in her chest before it started to beat a little faster. “You…both of you?”
“Both of us,” Ominis confirmed with a nod. “We realise this isn’t exactly ideal but that’s why we asked you to meet us here so we could discuss it.”
“How - I mean. Why? I don’t - ”
“I think we might have broken her, Ominis.”
“The first time she’s ever been speechless and it’s when we actually need her to speak,” Ominis rolled his eyes, but there was a small teasing smile on his face.
“It’s a lot to take in!” Y/N protested. “I never thought one of you would admit to having feelings for me, let alone both of you.”
“Are you saying you’ve imagined one of us admitting we like you?”
“Don’t put words in my mouth, Sallow, that’s not what I said.” Y/N pressed a hand to her chest to try and calm her heart, which was hammering away painfully fast. “How can you both…?”
“Is it so hard to believe?” Sebastian murmured. He itched to take her hand in his, to try and ease some of the anxiety she was feeling, but instead crossed his arms and leant back against the wall. He watched Ominis’ fingers twitch and knew he was thinking the same thing. Y/N fell silent, an uncertain expression crossing her face.
“Has she got a look on her face I’m going to be annoyed at?” Ominis asked.
“Without a doubt. What’s running through that pretty head of yours, Y/N?”
“How long?”
“Since fifth year,” Sebastian answered. He watched her eyebrows shoot up in surprise as her face flushed. “If you want full honesty I was entranced by you from the moment you beat me in our first duel in Defence Against the Dark Arts. I never really realised it until after everything went down with my Uncle though - you were the only one who stood by my side the entire time. I don’t know what I would have done without you.”
“It was last year for me,” Ominis answered before she could turn to him. “Around the beginning of sixth year. I can’t really pinpoint when I realised, but it was when we began spending more time together when I wasn’t talking to Sebastian. I woke up one day excited to be alone with you and that’s when it clicked.”
“So you’ve both had feelings for me for at least a year and you’ve chosen now to tell me? Together?”
“I mean, it took us a while to figure it out. You’re the smart one between us.”
“Speak for yourself Sebastian, I’ve known how you’ve felt for a while now,” Ominis rolled his eyes at his friend before turning his head in Y/N’s general direction. “Have you ever thought of us in that way? Either of us?”
Y/N would be lying if she said no. She had spent the majority of her fifth year pining after Sebastian, dropping everything the minute he sent her an owl requesting to meet up. She never realised he felt the same. After everything that happened with his uncle she decided to push her feelings aside and focus on being his friend, which was exactly what he needed.
Ominis on the other hand…she found herself drawn to him in their sixth year, and much like him started to relish the time they spent together away from prying eyes. She loved his dry, sardonic humour. She started to learn braille for him, mostly as a benefit for them both but also because she got to spend that much more time with him as he taught her.
“Has she run away?”
“No, she’s still here. It’s a shame you can’t see the blush on her face, she’s turned the most enticing shade of red.”
“I can imagine,” Ominis chuckled quietly. “She’s nervous, her heart is beating so fast.”
“Never took you for the shy type, Y/N.”
“It’s a little charming though, wouldn’t you agree?”
“Okay, can we please stop talking about me as if I’m not right here?” Y/N snapped.
“Are you going to answer our question?” Sebastian asked, a hint of amusement dancing on his features. Shy Y/N was a rare sight (one he enjoyed immensely) but the girl who had just snapped at them was his favourite version of her. The one who wasn’t afraid to say what she was thinking and often cut people into pieces with her sharp tongue. He may have been on the receiving end of it more times that he could count but he adored it. He adored her.
“No? Darling we’re both putting our hearts on the line here.”
“I meant no I haven’t thought about either of you that way.”
“You’ve always been a bad liar.”
“Shut up, Sebastian.” She rolled her eyes at him and crossed her arms over her chest. “I still don’t understand why.”
“Why? Surely you don’t mean why do we both have feelings for you?” Ominis looked at her sharply, a frown on his features. He couldn’t see her shrug uselessly or Sebastian send her a scathing glare, but the silence was answer enough. “Are you aware of how extraordinary you are?”
“I mean, the ancient magic is great, don’t get me wrong but - ”
“No,” Ominis shook his head, his voice rough as he interrupted her. “I don’t mean your abilities, I mean you. You didn’t know anything about magic - ancient or not - for the majority of your life and yet you’ve taken to it like a fish in water. You caught up on five years worth of schooling in less than a year. You’re hardworking, determined, ambitious - ” Ominis paused to take in a deep breath and ran his hands through his hair.
“Not to mention, you did all of that and more. You juggled catching up on school around helping everyone and their cat in the Highlands, on top of having your life constantly threatened,” Sebastian continued. “And that’s just the tip of the iceberg, we haven’t even gotten down to how beautiful you are - inside and out. You’re fucking stunning and you don’t even know it.”
“I can’t say much for your outer beauty, I’m afraid,” Ominis gave her a sheepish smile, “but Sebastian is right about you being beautiful on the inside too. You have the kindest soul I have ever met and I will forever be grateful that you came into my life, no matter what happens after this.”
“Do you really mean that?”
“Of course I do,” Ominis held his hand out for hers. Y/N slipped her hand into his after a brief moment of hesitation, her stomach fluttering pleasantly as he squeezed it gently. “You’re one of my best friends and that won’t change, regardless of what you decide today.”
“You’re my best friend too,” Y/N murmured. She caught Sebastian’s eye as he shuffled on his feet and couldn’t help but laugh quietly and grab his hand as well. “Don’t worry Sallow, you’re one of my best friends too.”
“Kind of hoping to be more than that, darling,” he winked at her and brushed his thumb across her knuckles, “but you’re one of my best friends too.”
“Have we made things better or worse?” Y/N asked quietly, looking between both of the boys.
“I’m not quite sure yet,” Omjnis chuckled and shook his head. 
“Imelda and Poppy would have a field day with this,” Y/N let go of both of their hands and wrapped her arms around her waist. “I can’t believe they were right,” she groaned and ran a hand through her hair.
“Hold on. You’ve spoken to Reyes and Sweeting about us?” Sebastian asked.
“Not technically,” Y/N grimaced and Sebastian watched as that beautiful blush rose to her cheeks again. “They’ve just been telling me for a while that you both have feelings for me.” She decided to keep to herself that Poppy was firmly on Team Sebastian while Imelda was Team Ominis, although it would have been wildly entertaining to watch Sebastian protest that Imelda was only Team Ominis so she could stand against him. “They keep pressing me to pick one of you.”
“Does that mean you have thought of one of us?” Sebastian asked. Y/N narrowed her eyes at him playfully and nudged his shoulder.
“Thought about strangling you, maybe,” she teased. They all shared a quiet laugh before Y/N looked between them thoughtfully. “In the spirit of honesty I should probably tell you guys I lied.”
“You don’t say,” Ominis gave her a sly smile. 
“I don’t know about you, Ominis, but I’m appalled.”
“Alright you two,” she rolled her eyes at their behaviour, “don’t make me regret saying anything.”
“I mean, technically you haven’t said anything yet.”
“Yes, care to enlighten the class on your abhorrent behaviour?”
“Well, I was going to tell you which one of you I’ve thought about but now I might just leave you both hanging.”
“You wouldn’t.”
“Wouldn’t I?” Y/N asked innocently. The boys both let out quiet groans at her mocking tone and Y/N laughed quietly as they simultaneously ran their hands through their hair. She looked between the pair, from Ominis and his now dishevelled appearance to Sebastian as offered her a soft smile when she caught his eye. “I’ve thought about both of you.”
“You have?”
“I mean,” her face burned as they both turned to her with surprised expressions, “physical attributes aside, you’re both two of the best people I have ever met in my life - before and after Hogwarts. My life quite literally would not be the same without either of you in it and that makes all of this so much harder. I don’t want to lose either of you because of this.”
“You won’t lose us, love.” Ominis reached in her direction, his fingers running down her arm until he could take her hand again. “No matter what we decide - what you decide - we’ll still be right here. Right, Sebastian?”
“Right.” Sebastian took Y/N’s other hand and kissed her knuckles gently. “You’re stuck with us for life, darling. You won’t be getting rid of us that easily.”
“I don’t want to come between you two either.”
“You won’t,” Sebastian reassured her. “Ominis said to me earlier that it might hurt for a while if you pick the other, but all he wants is for you to be happy, and he’s right. We’re both grown men, we’ll get over it. You could pick neither of us and we would respect that and move on. We just want you to be happy - to have a chance to be the person who makes you happy.”
“I don’t…I don’t know how to decide though.” Y/N pulled both of her hands out of theirs again and took a couple of steps back until she could lean against one of the pillars in the room. “This isn’t exactly something we can flip a coin on.”
“I do have an idea,” Ominis offered, his face flushing slightly. “It’s a very Sebastian one though.”
“I don’t know what it is and I’m already offended.” Sebastian nudged Ominis gently, who just grinned and nudged him back.
“What is it?” Y/N asked apprehensively.
“You could always kiss us?” he muttered, his face burning as he said the words aloud. Y/N felt her own face flame as she processed his words and blinked a few times in surprise. Sebastian looked just as shocked at his friend’s idea (and a little disgruntled that he hadn’t thought of it first).
“I - both of you?”
“It’s not the worst idea,” Sebastian said slowly, “and it wouldn’t be at the same time.” He chuckled to try and ease the tension in the room and tried not to sound too excited at the prospect of kissing the girl he had been completely enamoured by for the better part of two years.
“And only if you wanted to,” Ominis added quickly. He looked down at the floor and willed the cool air of the Undercroft to get rid of the blush he knew was on his face. 
“It sounds highly inappropriate.”
“No one would ever have to know,” Sebastian assured her. He stuck his hands in his pockets to try and fight the urge to take her into his arms to try and quell the anxiety she was feeling. “Again, we don’t have to do anything you don’t want to.”
“I…” Y/N broke off and looked between them both again as she chewed thoughtfully on her lower lip. A part of her had wondered what it would be like to kiss them both, although she never thought it would be like this. “Okay.”
“Do you want me to take it back?” she raised an eyebrow at Ominis, who seemed to have turned a permanent shade of red.
“I don’t want you to feel pressured into this. Especially if this will be your first kiss.”
“Who said it was?”
“I don’t kiss and tell,” Y/N shrugged, a coy smile on her face. “How are we going to do this?”
“That depends; who would you like first?”
“I’m not picking which one of you kisses me first.” Y/N rolled her eyes and leant back against the pillar for support. “Flip a coin for all I care.” She watched as Sebastian dug into his pockets and pulled a sickle out, his shoulders tight with tension. Y/N couldn’t tell if it was because of the situation they had found themselves in, or because he was desperate to go first. “I do need to add for the sake of my sanity, whoever goes second needs to leave while this happens. I’m not having either of you watch like a hawk while I kiss the other.”
“I mean, technically I can’t watch, but if it makes you feel better.” Ominis shrugged, a small smile on his face as he heard Y/N laugh quietly. 
“You call it then, Ominis,” Sebastian flipped the coin in the air and caught it before covering it with his other hand. 
“Heads.” Sebastian uncovered the coin and Y/N could have sworn none of them were breathing as he took a look at which way the coin landed.
“Heads.” He looked between Ominis and Y/N and took a deep breath before sticking the coin, and his hands, into his pockets. “How long do I…?”
“Fifteen minutes?” Y/N suggested.
“Fifteen minutes?”
“Want me to make it thirty?”
“I’ll take a lap and see you both in fifteen,” Sebastian nodded and left the room quickly, sending Y/N a grin as she laughed at his reaction. The gate for the Undercroft echoed loudly as it slid shut behind him, leaving Y/N and Ominis on their own. She felt her stomach flutter nervously as he walked slowly over to her, his wand pulsing to lead him in the right direction.
“You don’t have to do this, you know?” Ominis murmured as he stopped in front of her. 
“I know. I just…” Y/N took a deep breath to try and fight the anxiety simmering in her veins and turned her head to look up at Ominis. “You both mean everything to me; this isn’t a bad idea. It’s the quickest way for me - for all of us - to work this out.”
“We could always raid Sharp’s potion store for some Amortentia and see what you smell.”
“I already know what I smell,” Y/N muttered shyly. Ominis gently reached for her arm and trailed his fingers up her shoulder and neck until he was cupping her jaw. “You both wear cologne that is too distinctive.”
“So, back to Plan A?”
“Plan A,” Y/N nodded and placed her hand on Ominis’ chest, right over his thundering heart. “Nervous?”
“Just a little,” Ominis admitted.
“You know this works both ways, right? You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to either.”
“My love, without sounding too brash, there is nothing else I would rather be doing.” Ominis met her halfway, his lips brushing over hers gently. Y/N felt her breath get caught in her throat as she kissed him back softly and slipped both of her hands up his chest to rest on the back of his neck. Ominis wrapped an arm around her waist to pull her closer, his movements unhurried as he kissed her sweetly. He was kissing her as if this would be the first and last time and he wanted to take his time to savour and commit it to memory. He pulled away too soon for her liking and placed his forehead on hers as he caught his breath.
“I need you to know that you mean everything to me, too,” he muttered. “I don’t care if you pick Sebastian after this, you will always be my closest friend, and I will never let this come between us.”
“You don’t need to say anything, love,” he pressed his lips to hers again, his hands tightening on her waist as she wound her fingers into his hair. He let a small noise slip as she tugged at his hair gently and Y/N couldn’t help but repeat her actions to draw it from him again. “Vixen,” he groaned and rest his head on her shoulder. 
“I’m not sure what you mean,” Y/N ran a hand down his back and pressed a kiss to the side of his head. “I quite like this dishevelled look on you.”
“I quite like you,” Ominis replied, placing a chaste peck on her neck. Y/N stilled at the sudden action and tilted her head unconsciously to grant him more access. 
“Ominis,” Y/N bit back a moan as he pressed his lips to the pulse point on the crook of her neck. He kissed the spot again, a little more firmly this time, and let his lips linger there as Y/N tightened the grip on his hair. 
“Your heart is racing,” he muttered against her skin. 
“It’s entirely your fault.” He grinned at her words and slowly ran his hands up her sides until his fingers were tracing the features on her face with a look of pure concentration. “What are you doing?”
“Seeing you.”
“How does it work?”
“A lot of imagination and practice.” The corner of his mouth twitched as he ran his fingers over her cheekbones. “Sebastian was right, you are stunning.”
“So are you,” she replied shyly. The sound of the gates for the Undercroft made them reluctantly pull apart, although Ominis’ hand lingered on her jaw gently as he stepped away. Sebastian came into view, his gaze going to how close they were standing. Something akin to jealousy flashed behind his eyes, but he shook his head and plastered a charming smile on his features as he neared the pair.
“Well, you certainly look like you enjoyed yourself, Ominis.” He reached out and ruffled his friend’s hair playfully. Ominis swatted his hands away with a mock glare and began to brush his hair back into its usual slicked back style. 
“I guess it’s my turn.” He squeezed Y/N’s hand gently before making his way out of the Undercroft, the gate sliding shut behind him.
“Dare I ask how that went?” Sebastian asked quietly.
“Do you really want to know?”
“No, not particularly.” Sebastian hooked his thumb under Y/N’s chin and tilted her head up so she could meet his gaze. “I guess the downside to going second is Ominis has already told you that we don’t have to do anything if you don’t want to?”
“He did.”
“Did he tell you how beautiful you are before he kissed you?”
“He did after.”
“Well, while I wish I could’ve said it all first, you should know that you’re breathtaking.” Sebastian leant in and gave her a soft, sweet kiss. “I’m head over heels for you, darling.” He muttered before pressing his lips back to hers. The second kiss was more frantic, his lips moving desperately against hers as he caged her against the wall. Where Ominis was trying to savour the moment, Sebastian kissed her with a fierceness that lit all of her nerves on fire. Y/N was aware of every part of his body that was pressed against hers as he tugged her lower lip between his teeth gently and couldn’t help but to let out a low groan.
“I’m here,” he pulled her tighter against him, his skin searing hers where they touched. Kissing Ominis made her feel warm inside, like climbing into a hot bath after a cold day, or sipping on a glass of firewhiskey. Sebastian, on the other hand, made every nerve ending feel electrified as he held her close. Y/N could feel the fireworks Poppy had once mentioned from a book of hers. Y/N found herself losing track of the time as Sebastian’s movements slowed, his kiss losing some of its desperation in favour of leaving her breathless. 
It wasn’t until she heard the gate for the Undercroft slide open that she jumped, pushing him away from her reluctantly as Ominis came back into the room. He seemed to pick up on the tension in the air as Y/N smoothed her hair and Sebastian fixed his tie, both of their faces bright red. The three of them stood in an awkward silence, none of them knowing how to continue through the uncharted territory they had stepped into. 
“So…” Y/N rocked back on her heels nervously and shot Sebastian a glare as he started to chuckle. “Shut up, Sallow.” He raised his hands in mock defeat, his eyes darkening as they roamed over her swollen lips and rumpled uniform. Y/N felt her blood boil at the gaze and quickly turned away from him. “I think I need some time to think.”
“Take all the time you need,” Ominis nodded slowly, oblivious to the scowl Sebastian shot her. He clearly didn’t believe that she needed time to think this over, to decide which one of them she was going to pick - if any.
“I’m pretty sure you’ve already decided for yourself.”
“No, I haven’t, I just…I just need a little time,” Y/N lied. She turned and started to make her way out of the Undercroft before they could question her further, ignoring them both as they called her name as the gate slid shut on her retreating figure.
Y/N had managed to successfully avoid both Sebastian and Ominis in the days that followed - a task that wasn’t the easiest, considering they were all in the same house. Luckily for her, boys were not allowed in the girls’ dorms, so Y/N had taken to hiding out in her rooms as soon as classes were over. Imelda and Poppy didn’t know exactly what had happened in the Undercroft, but had managed to piece together that both of the boys had admitted to having feelings for her. Needless to say, Imelda wasn’t too pleased at Y/N hiding out to avoid speaking to them but she still glowered protectively if either of them walked a little too close to her.
“How much longer do we have to watch you snivelling like a Gryffindor?” Imelda asked nonchalantly as she polished her broom.
“Imelda! We said we would be thoughtful about this,” Poppy gave the Scottish witch a reproachful look before turning to offer Y/N an apologetic smile. 
“Actually that was pretty nice for Reyes,” Y/N rolled her eyes and plucked at a few blades of grass. “I expected her to tell me at least a Gryffindor would be brave enough to face this head on.”
“Your words, not mine,” Imelda offered her a saccharine smile and laughed as Y/N flicked grass in her direction. “Look, we all know you’ve made your decision. Why can’t you just go tell them?”
“It’s not exactly easy telling one of my best friends I like the other better.”
“Sure it is. I tell Poppy I like her better than you all the time.”
“You’re insufferable.”
“And you’re a coward.”
“Didn’t they say they wouldn’t hold it against you?” Poppy cut in, trying to keep the peace between the two Slytherin girls. “They’ve both already prepared for the worst, Y/N.”
“I agree, if anything you’re just dragging out their misery.”
“That’s not what I meant, Imelda!” Poppy turned to her with a frown. Imelda laughed at the horrified expression on her face and reached out to pat her hand. 
“No, but it’s the kick Y/N needed to get moving, isn’t it, Y/L/N?”
“…yes,” Y/N groaned and stood up, brushing the grass from her robes before she bid her friends goodbye and walked away in search of one of the boys.
“Five galleons says she’s picked Ominis?”
“Imelda.” Poppy shook her head, but there was a smile playing on her face. “Make it ten, and my money is on Sebastian.”
Sebastian's Ending
Ominis' Ending
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moonpascaltoo · 2 days
Selfless {Sebastian Sallow x GN!Reader}
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Introduction: Follow up to Pretty Thoughts. (I tried to write in a way you could follow what’s going on without needing to read the last part though, so jump in if you’d like!) Sebastian isn’t waiting for your permission to help you with your assignments anymore. He knows what he wants, and he’s going after it. Takes place after MC meets Anne and before Seb’s final quest. Your Hogwarts house is up to you.
Word Count: ~ 1,700
Warnings: Kissing
Author’s Note: If he wanted to, he would is the fanfic lesson of the day. This one’s a bit shorter than my others, but I feel like so much more happened! I finished up this one quicker than I thought, so I’m going to be sneaky and edit here and there if I see any typos (my worst nightmare). Hope everyone’s having a good day 🙂
Songs (if interested):
Run Away to Mars - TALK
Greek Tragedy - The Wombats
Mr. Rager - Kid Cudi
The World - TeZATalks
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moonpascaltoo · 2 days
Pretty Thoughts {Sebastian Sallow x GN!Reader}
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Introduction: Sebastian is down bad for you, my dear reader. But a lot of overthinking on your part makes you blind to it. So, his only option is to keep chasing after you. Takes place after MC meets Anne and before Seb’s final mission. Your Hogwarts house is up to you.
Word Count: ~2700
Warnings: Kissing, Teen Angst
Author’s Note: This is an (un)official Part 2 to Pining in Potions Class. I like writing one shots that could go together if you’d like, but you definitely don’t need to read any other stories to know what’s going on. I love the idea of a clingy Sebastian. Teens finding their first love can feel amazing but they also don’t know how to act. All they know is they want to be with that person at all times.
Songs (if interested):
Kill the Director - The Wombats
Whatever You Like - Single Version - Anya Marina Cover
Wallpaper - Matt Watson
How Long - TALK
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moonpascaltoo · 2 days
Pining in Potions Class {Sebastian Sallow x GN!Reader}
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Introduction: Sebastian Sallow is forming a huge crush on you, and it’s hitting him all at once in a very annoying way. Something as simple as not being partnered with you in potions class eats away at him. Gotta love some jealous Sebastian. Takes place after MC has met Anne and before completing his final mission. Some levity to enjoy being students with crushes.
Word Count: ~ 2,600
Warnings: None really, just some Hogwarts students crushing on each other from afar.
Author’s Note: You ever get in trouble with a teacher in class and look at your friend who’s trying not to laugh then you struggle not to laugh? That’s exactly the experience I was thinking of writing this haha. Come on, Sebastian Sallow and MC are the next Ron and Hermione, you can’t convince me otherwise. (Though I really head cannon over Sebastian and a hufflepuff) I wrote this so it was gender neutral and non house specific.
Songs (if interested): 
Hold Me Tight - Berlinist
She - dodie
WACKY - Matt Watson
Lady May - Tyler Childers
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moonpascaltoo · 2 days
Violets and Verbena
Word Count: 3k
Themes: fluff
Summary: Two years have passed since the events in Hogwarts Legacy, in which Y/N has drifted away from Sebastian. What happens when she has to spend some time in the hospital wing and he comes to visit?
Warnings: Potential spoilers for HL
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Noreen Blainey, hospital matron at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, stood in front of the two witches, holding the curtain partition open slightly and blocking the view of the hospital cot and its owner.
“Someone’s here to see me?” Y/N shared a confused look with Poppy, who sat next to her bedside. “Do you know who it might be?”
“Natty and Garreth both have Charms right now,” she shook her head in confusion. “Maybe it's Amit or Adelaide?”
“I’ll see them,” Y/N agreed, still sounding uncertain. Nurse Blainey nodded once and left, the curtain fluttering closed behind her once more. “I wonder who it could be.”
“Maybe it’s Imelda, come to apologise for knocking you off your broom,” Poppy suggested. Y/N let out a quiet laugh and shook her head. 
“You know it was an accident, and she’s already apologised more than enough.”
“Chocolates make for a good apology.”
“I don’t come bearing sweets, but I could come back with some, if you want?” a deep, masculine voice came from the other end of the partition, before Sebastian stepped into view. He fiddled with his robes nervously and gave them both a small smile. “Hi, Y/N…Poppy.”
“Sebastian?” Y/N’s eyebrows shot up slightly in surprise. After everything that had happened in their fifth year Y/N and Sebastian had drifted and stopped talking to one another, with the exception of the occasional hello as they passed each other in the halls. She still spoke to Ominis at times, but they didn’t spend as much time together as they used to. She knew he missed the man that stood in front of her, but wasn’t sure how to approach him after the death of Solomon Sallow. “You know you needn’t bring anything,” she shook her head with a small smile and gestured to the seat next to Poppy. “Come and sit.”
“So there was no need for me to stop and steal these from the gardens?” He produced a small bouquet of wildflowers from behind his back, and Y/N picked out some violets and different colours of verbena clusters among the bunch that would definitely get him into trouble with Mr Moon. Poppy jumped up to get a vase for them, shooting a look at Y/N behind Sebastian’s back as she went.
“These are beautiful, Sebastian. Thank you,” Y/N reached over to squeeze his hand in gratitude as Poppy returned and set them by her bedside. “Are these forget-me-nots? A happy coincidence, or…?” Y/N trailed off slowly and picked out the different flowers she could see. 
“You told me they were your favourite once, I hoped they would help cheer you up.”
“How thoughtful of you Sebastian,” Poppy commented lightly. She turned the vase slowly as she took note of the flowers scattered within the bouquet. “Did you know one of the meanings for verbena is protection and healing?” Poppy touched the petals, her eyes sparkling with mischief as she looked over at Sebastian. “Amongst other things.” A faint pink dusted his cheeks and he rubbed the back of his neck.
“Yes, well. The quicker Y/N gets back on her feet, the quicker she can get to doing better than me in almost every class,” he played it off with a nervous chuckle and avoided Y/N’s gaze. “It's getting a little boring being on top.”
“It’s been three lessons,” Y/N laughed quietly and turned to look back at him. “I didn’t think you would miss me so much, Sallow.” Sebastian didn’t have a response to this, and went silent. Y/N couldn’t read the look on his face; another testament to how long it had been since they really spoke. Ominis once joked she was a Legilimens, because she could practically read Sebastian’s mind and predict what he was going to say before he actually said it.
“Is that the time?” Poppy jumped up from her seat and grabbed her bag. “I’m going to be late for Potions, Professor Sharp is not going to care that I was on the opposite end of the castle.” She dug into her bag and pulled out a herbology book before handing it to Y/N. “Here’s the book I said I would lend you, you’ll find what you need in chapter seven.” With a quick wave at a confused Y/N and a still-quiet Sebastian, Poppy turned and left.
Y/N took a moment to study Sebastian, who didn’t seem to be in a rush to get to class. He had always been attractive, that much Y/N would admit to herself only, but he had really grown up in the past two years. The last of the baby fat had disappeared from his cheeks, and his jawline had become far more pronounced. His muscles had filled out as well. He had once mentioned to her, shortly after the death of his uncle and Anne had left Feldcroft, that he had taken to fixing up the house and garden there, and she couldn’t help but appreciate how he looked.
“You’re staring,” he murmured, breaking Y/N out of her train of thought. She felt her cheeks heat up and looked away from him as if he could read her thoughts plainly on her face. 
“Don’t you have class to get to?”
“Not one I care to attend,” he moved to the chair closer to her, the one Poppy had been occupying and leant back to stretch. “Not without you, anyway.” He shot her a cheeky grin and crossed his arms across his chest. 
“I didn’t realise you would miss me so much,” Y/N let out a quiet chuckle to mask the strange feeling in her chest. This was the Sebastian she remembered, the one who made her constantly question if he was flirting or not. “It’s not even been a day.”
“It’s been longer than that, Y/N,” he said seriously. “Far too long.”
“Sebastian, I’m so - ”
“You better not be about to apologise to me,” he shook his head with a dry laugh. “Not after everything I put you through.”
“You didn’t - ”
“I crucio’d you,” he interrupted once more, near hissing the word out as he leant forward. Y/N sucked in a breath at the sudden reminder of the excruciating pain. “Not to mention the path I started to lead you down. My uncle…” he trailed off, his eyes going glassy. “I didn’t - and still don’t - deserve your kindness. Anyone else would have reported me and let them send me to Azkaban.”
“Sebastian…” Y/N reached forward hesitantly and took his hands in hers. “I forgive you. I forgave you before you even raised your wand. I told you to cast the spell on me.”
“You have to mean it to cast an unforgivable, Y/N. It wouldn’t have worked - I wouldn’t have been able to hurt you if I didn’t mean it.”
“If you hadn’t we would have been dead a long time ago. You, me and Ominis. You did what you had to in order to get us out.”
“How can you still defend me after everything that I’ve done?” his grip tightened before he let go and leant back in his seat once more. “I came here to make sure you were alright and here you are, making sure I’m alright.” He let out another humourless chuckle and looked at the cards and chocolates by the bedside. “Looks like our whole house has stopped by to see you.”
“Sebastian…” Y/N trailed off, unsure what to say to him. His sudden change in topic signalled he didn’t wish to continue the previous conversation, but she couldn’t let him keep blaming himself for everything that happened.  
“Has Imelda stopped by?” He continued as if she hadn’t spoken and plucked one of the cards from the table. 
“Between you and Poppy you would think Imelda tried to actively kill me,” Y/N rolled her eyes and settled back against her pillows. “It was an accident, and she did stop by. The hamper is from her.” She gestured to the largest present on the table, a giant basket from Honeydukes. 
“Maybe I should let Reyes knock me off my broom, if that’s how she says sorry,” Sebastian let out a low whistle and picked up another card. “Is this from Ominis?” his eyebrows shot up in surprise. “I didn’t realise you two still spoke.”
“Not as often as I’d like, but we chat occasionally when paired together in class.” She watched as he read the message on the card and cocked her head to the side slightly. “Have…have you spoken to him recently?”
“No. Not in a way that matters, anyway.” He sighed and placed the card back down. “I wouldn’t know what to say to him.”
“I find hello is always a good place to start,” Y/N offered. Sebastian laughed, a real laugh and leant forward once more so his elbows rested on his knees. “He misses you, you know.”
“I know. I miss him too. I miss you both. But like I said, I didn’t know how to approach you both.”
“All it took was me falling fifty feet to get us here,” she remarked dryly. “I missed you too. More than I realised.”
“More than you realised, eh?” he raised a single eyebrow and there was a coy smile playing on his lips. “Old feelings resurfacing?” he teased. Y/N’s jaw fell open and her face flamed.
“What? No,” she spluttered. “I never - I don’t - did Ominis say something?”
“No…but you did. Just now,” he grinned widely and took in her red face. “Did you used to have feelings for me, Y/L/N?”
“Shut up, Sallow,” she muttered, feeling utterly embarrassed. “You can go now.”
“No, don’t,” he laughed quietly and reached out to squeeze her hand gently. “Believe it or not, I used to have feelings for you too.”
“No you didn’t,” Y/N scoffed and pulled her hand out of his. Her heart leapt at the confession, even though she refused to believe he wasn’t just saying that to make her feel better.
“Yes I did. I thought I was so obvious about it. Ominis used to joke about how he was glad he couldn’t see because he didn’t have to watch me pine after you.”
“You’re not serious.”
“Y/N,” he sighed, but there was still a small smile on his face. “You’re hopeless. Give me that book Poppy passed you.”
“The herbology book. I recognised it immediately. Turn to chapter seven like she said.” He set the book between them and let her flip through until she reached the right page. The chapter was titled Flowers and their meanings. “Do you recognise any of them?” he nodded towards the bouquet he had given her earlier as she pulled the book closer. 
“Some. The Forget-Me-Nots, verbena, dwarf sunflowers…” Y/N trailed off as she made her way down the page in front of her, reading the meanings behind the flowers he had picked for her.
“Now, I will admit, the forget-me-nots were because they are your favourite, but that doesn’t mean I respect you any less,” he leant forward, face tinged pink as he read respect and true love next to a picture of the small blue flowers. 
“I didn’t think…I thought you had just given me whatever you could grab from the gardens.”
“You didn't think I would put effort into something I gave you?” He gave her a teasing smile and watched as she found verbena on the list. Admiration and respect next to an image of the red clusters that sat in the vase next to them. 
“I’m sensing a recurring theme here.” That strange feeling had returned to Y/N’s chest in full force, the one she thought had disappeared with time and distance. Dwarf sunflowers, adoration & admiration. “Sebastian…” She looked up at him, catching sight of a flicker of emotions across his face. “Are these…do you still…?” Y/N wasn’t sure how to finish the question. 
“Do I still…?” he repeated quietly. His fingers brushed against the back of her hand gently and Y/N felt her heart stutter in her chest. “Have feelings for you? Yes.” He admitted, finally catching her gaze. “Unless you don’t think you could feel the same after everything that happened. Then no.” He added quickly. Y/N let out a breathless laugh, one that seemed to relax him. “I thought they went away some time last year, but when I heard you fell today…” he stopped and grimaced. “I felt like my own heart had stopped inside my chest. I couldn’t breathe until I heard from Poppy that you were okay.”
“It seems everyone knows how I felt - feel - about you. Except for you of course,” he paused to laugh and shake his head. “I thought you were meant to be smart.”
“When did you…how long?” To say Y/N was surprised was an understatement. She never would have thought Sebastian saw her as more than just a friend. To find out he returned her feelings from before - that he still felt the same - had left her speechless.
“I’m assuming you’re oh-so-eloquently asking when I first started to have feelings for you?” his eyes sparkled with more life than Y/N had seen in a long time, and she felt her heart swell for him. “I’ll only answer if you do as well and if you go first. I can’t keep putting my heart on the line without knowing anything in return.” His fingers brushed her hand again, a little more firmly as he gained confidence. 
“That night in the library. When you took the fall for me.” Y/N watched as he gave her a surprised look. 
“That soon?”
“You didn’t know me,” she defended her decision. “You had no need to get yourself into trouble and lie for me like that. I didn’t realise it until later, but that was the catalyst.” He mulled over her words for a few moments before standing and sitting on the bed, turning so he could face her.
“If I’m being fully honest, from the moment you walked in late to your own sorting I was intrigued. I needed to get to know you.”
“Is that why you were so snappy the first night in the common room when I introduced myself?”
“Not my finest moment, I’m sure we can agree,” he looked abashed. “I feel it's safe to assume I made up for it, though?” He watched as she nodded in agreement, a breathtaking smile coming over his face. “Looking back I started to fall for you when you beat me in our first duel in class. I didn't realise until later though, like you.”
“What do you think would have happened if we told each other back then?”
“Honestly, I don’t think it would have ended well. I think I needed to do some growing to become worthy of you.”
“You were always worthy,” Y/N took his hand in hers again and laced their fingers together. Her heart jumped as he squeezed her hand affectionately. “We both needed to do some growing, I think.”
“You still haven’t answered the most important question.”
“What’s that?”
“Are old feelings resurfacing? Can you get past everything I’ve done?”
“Sebastian,” Y/N used her free hand to gently cup his face, her thumb running over his cheekbone. “I already told you, I forgave you a long time ago.”
“That doesn’t answer my question, Y/L/N. If it's alright with you, I would love nothing more than to kiss you right now, but I won’t unless I know you feel the same.” He turned his head to kiss the palm of her hand and leant towards her slightly. “And if you consent, of course.” His eyes darted to her lips briefly before locking back with hers. Y/N felt her heart stutter in her chest as her hand slipped from his face to rest on the back of his neck. It wasn’t even a question she needed to think about. She thought her feelings for the man in front of her had disappeared, but if her thundering pulse was any indication, they had just lay dormant until now. 
“It's okay with me,” she said quietly. He muttered a quick thank Merlin under his breath and let go of her hand to reach up and cup her face in his hand. He closed the gap between them slowly, giving her more than enough time to pull away if she wanted to, and paused right before his lips met hers. She looked into his eyes and saw he was already staring at her, a small smile playing on his features. “What?” 
“Nothing,” he shook his head gently, his nose bumping hers. “I just…I adore you,” he said quietly, before leaning in and pressing his lips to hers gently. Y/N felt her heart leap out of her chest and wound her hand into the hair at the back of his head as he kissed her sweetly. He was right earlier, she realised, when he said they wouldn’t have lasted had they started seeing each other in their fifth year. They both had to go through some much needed growing. It hadn’t been their time back then, and as he pulled away from their kiss, Y/N could only hope that now was. 
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moonpascaltoo · 2 days
Hello! Could I offer you a prompt? I often see fics about Ominis experiencing sight for the first time, but how about Slytherin!MC being the one afflicted with a temporary blindness, and now having to rely on Ominis for guidance, 'seeing' the world from his perspective? Maybe as a result of some unruly student's potion experiment? Thank you for your time and work!
Hello, nonny!
Thank you so much for an Ominis prompt! I love to write about this sweetest boy. And sorry this took so long, my dear 💚
Oh my though, I guess I don't read fics with him often enough, because I haven't noticed that many where he experiences sight. Not sure how I'd feel about those, because it... takes away from his character, sort of. I don't know.
Anyway! I have a fluffy little fic for you ���� Hope you enjoy it!
I wrote it that it was all Garreth's fault, because of course.
— PAIRING: Ominis Gaunt x F!MC
— WARNINGS: none
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She cursed Garreth all the way to the Hospital Wing. The classroom was left in deathly silence after the Gryffindoor’s latest experiment had literally exploded in her face. Professor Sharp seemed… worried, but not very shocked. Clearly, things like that had happened before — especially since Garreth had started studying at Hogwarts. For his part, the boy seemed horribly contrite, or so he sounded as he fretted over her. She suspected at least half of his regret was due to the inevitably harsh detention he had to look forward to — perhaps something even worse, if the damage to her eyes proved permanent.
As she made her way through the castle, leaning on Sebastian and Natty — who both insisted to go with her, the sweethearts — she could think of nothing else. She couldn’t see anything. The last thing she had seen was Garreth’s smouldering cauldron where he was pointing out the way a particular piece of snail shell was melting, and then a great big flash of green, then blackness. She had thought for a moment that she’d fainted, but then she realised her eyes were open. By the time they reached the Nurse, her heart was still pounding at such a frantic rate she thought she was going to be sick.
“Well, she’s blind alright,” said Nurse Blainey after performing a few charms.
“What did you think? That I was lying?!”
“I will wring Garreth’s scrawny little nec—”
“Watch your tongue, Mr Sallow.”
“Can you fix it?” asked Natty in the most politely-frustrated voice she’d ever heard.
There followed a long discussion about what had caused it, which required them to bring Professor Sharp there — who, to his shame, hadn’t exactly been aware of what his students were doing — then Garreth — who also wasn’t sure what had happened with his potion, but he could at least list the ingredients he’d used.
All the while, she waited there in silence, hearing voices all around, footsteps echoing close and far, and tense, worried conversations. The Nurse had placed her in one of the beds in the corner while they decided what to do with her. Natty and Sebastian stayed by her side, quarrelling over what potions they could brew to cure her until she had to tell them to shut up.
By the time classes were done for the day, the Nurse had reached the conclusion that Garreth’s failed experiment, while exceedingly dangerous, would not affect her sight for long. Only a few weeks.
“A few weeks?!”
“Yes, two or three. Four if you’re unlucky.” She could hear the woman shrug.
“What am I supposed to do for three weeks? How can I study? How—”
“If I’m not mistaken, you’re not our only blind student. I’m sure Mr Gaunt can be of some help to you during this time.”
She recoiled at hearing it. “I don’t want to be a burden to—”
“Nonsense,” said Sebastian from somewhere behind her. “Ominis would do it happily!”
“I would,” said the boy. A pause followed as everyone else realised he’d entered the room. From the sound of it, he was standing a few feet in front of her.
The Nurse was happy with this arrangement, which meant fewer responsibilities for her. Professor Sharp breathed a sigh of relief, after which he promised to write to her parents and inform them. Sebastian and Natty, meanwhile, were disgustingly supportive, trying all the while to cheer her up. She shunned all of them, and would only go back to the Common Room with Ominis.
“Do you wish to have dinner first?” he asked quietly as they walked out of the Hospital Wing arm in arm.
“I’m not hungry,” she mumbled. “…Wait, are you?”
Ominis chuckled. “Could send Sebastian out to the kitchens to bring us something… He would do it. Careful, stairs.”
They went down step-by-step, and all through the castle, and after what felt like too long they finally made it to the Slytherin Common Room. She knew she was slowing them down, and Ominis didn’t deny it, but he was supportive the whole way — and not in that fretful, exaggerated, compensatory way Sebastian and Natty were, and not in the anxious manner of Garreth…
If Ominis was worried about her condition, he didn’t show it. As cool and calm as the lake, as sturdy as the rock Hogwarts was built on, he was by her side from the first moment.
The first order of business, while Sebastian fetched them a late dinner, was for her to learn the echolocation spell Ominis used to walk around.
“No, don’t hold it pointing down,” he said as he guided her hand. “Straight forward is better.”
“But what if I stumble onto something?”
“The spell will detect it in time.”
“Well I’m not feeling anything yet…”
“Just… try to cast it harder.”
“Cast it harder? You’re terrible at teaching spells. I want Sebastian back.”
“Yes, well, Sebastian can’t cast it,” mumbled Ominis.
“What can’t I cast?” asked the boy as he dashed into the Common Room.
She could already smell ham and cheese and the salty-sweet aroma of cold sausages. Two plates clinked as Sebastian placed them on the table by the fireplace, where she and Ominis were standing.
“My echolocation spell.”
“Ah yes, can’t cast that,” he said, followed by the soft floof of him plopping on the sofa.
They didn’t make much progress on that first night. His wand was far more accustomed to performing it than hers — but the promise of being able to learn it helped her sleep that night, after an hour or so of crying in fear and anger.
Waking up the next day was disorienting. She felt herself wake, she felt her eyes open, but not seeing anything seemed so… unreal. She nearly panicked all over again. Being in the dungeons, there was no sunlight to feel on her skin to let her know whether it was even morning, but then she heard the other girls shuffling around the room.
Imelda led her to the washroom, and later helped her dress — and for once, she didn’t have a snarky thing to say.
“Must be quite a nightmare,” the girl commented in what she perhaps imagined to be a sympathetic tone. “Can’t imagine flying in this state…”
“Yes, well, thanks Imelda, neither can I…”
She was relieved to hear Ominis’ voice again when she came downstairs.
“Over here!”
“How did you know it was me?” she asked, arms stretched in front of her in what she was sure must’ve been comical.
“You have a distinctive magical echo.”
“Do I…?”
“And Sebastian told me.”
“Morning,” the boy grinned from behind his friend.
Still, Ominis must certainly have been good at detecting where she was, because she felt his hand cup hers within seconds.
“How do you do that?” she asked.
“Just followed the sound of your voice,” he smiled.
“It all sounds the same to me…”
“You might think it does now, but eventually you’ll find it’s easy to tell distance by sound… The whole castle has very good acoustics for this sort of thing, in fact.”
“You make it seem so easy,” she smiled, her eyes tearing up at the sheer scope of all she had to learn to just survive the next few weeks.
“I promise you’ll find it easy too,” said Ominis, placing his warm hand on top of hers as she held his arm. “Open fields, now that can be an issue. But inside, here? You’ll get used to it in no time.”
Sebastian followed them for breakfast, but walked at a bit of a distance, letting Ominis explain things. Going to the Great Hall was a bit faster today than going to the dungeons had been the day before. She walked a bit more confidently already…
Breakfast was spent learning more about judging distance by sound.
“Here, now you try,” said Ominis, handing her a jug of pumpkin juice and an empty glass.
He’d just demonstrated how easily she could guess when a cup was close to filling by the sound the liquid made as it was poured — from a deep sound to a high one. She filled it just the right amount.
“That’s very good!”
“Really?” she grinned.
Feeling around the plate with the cutlery was done easily enough, but finding out what each pile of food held relied more on her sense of smell…
“Ah, I… wouldn’t recommend that.”
“What did I just pick up in my spoon?”
“What does it smell like to you?” asked Ominis with a little smile.
“Mashed potatoes…?”
“Well, I just hope you like parsnip porridge.”
And getting food onto her plate presented another difficulty… A few sausages rolled away before she gave up and picked them up with her hands rather than the fork, her knife kept slipping and clanging loudly on the plate whenever she cut into something, and her fingers landed in mustard sauce more than once.
After a little trial and error and a bit more cursing, she finally managed to get something she really liked. She moaned with pleasure, but it was cut short by Sebastian’s giggling.
“Whot?” she asked with her mouth full.
“Nothing,” he said with an obvious smile.
“What did you take?” asked Ominis curiously.
“It’s a seed cake,” she said defensively. “Just a little syrupy, that’s all.”
Sebastian laughed into his fist.
“Nothing!” he said again. “Just… always thought you hated spotted dick.”
By the time breakfast was over, she was more angry than upset. Ominis considered it an improvement — at least she wasn’t on the verge of crying anymore. He supported her elbow with his hand as they walked out together. When the sounds of students passing by got louder, he felt her clinging to him more.
“Don’t be nervous…”
“Oh,” she said, her hand relaxing, “sorry.”
“It’s not just that,” he chuckled. “I could hear your breathing pick up, and your footsteps too, as if you were stomping on the ground.”
“It’s that obvious?!”
“It is,” he nodded. “For instance, how do you think I feel now?”
She sighed, feeling completely at sea as they walked together to class, in a direction she couldn’t tell, surrounded by noisy students — and Ominis was testing her.
“I don’t know… Calm, I suppose.”
“Why is that?”
“Your voice is low, and your arm is steady, and… and I can hear you smiling when you speak.”
“That’s quite good,” he chuckled.
What Ominis didn’t say was that he also felt worried about her, and worried about how useful he could be in these following weeks, how good of a guide or a teacher… He thought that it was obvious from his clipped tone and his lingering silences, but was glad to be proven wrong.
The first class of the day was, predictably, horrible. They had Charms, and the girl could scarcely follow the instructions on wand movements, had no idea whether the egg she was given had been shrunken and enlarged according to instructions, and was left feeling around for it awkwardly in order to tell where it was.
“How do you even know where to point your wand?” she sighed frustratedly.
“That’s where the echolocation spell will come in useful,” said Ominis from beside her. “It’s not just the direction, but the depth as well, how far something is from you.”
“We have to practice that more,” she grumbled, waving her wand uselessly. “Undercroft, after class.”
They ended up spending every break in their schedule that day in their secret room, with Ominis placing random obstacles in front of her while she tried and tried and… finally succeeded in making her wand cast the spell. It was just before they had to go to dinner.
“I did it!”
“Not bad,” said the boy — and she could hear his voice approaching, could hear his steps resounding in tighter and tighter echoes. “The cast is still pretty weak though…” She could tell he had his hand in front of her wand, judging the strength of the pulse for himself.
“It’s such a strange sensation… I can feel the shape of your hand in mine, through the wand, but it’s…”
“It’s a bit blurred, isn’t it?” he smiled.
“Yes, as if… as if through a fog.”
“Well, I’ve never seen fog,” Ominis chuckled, “but I’ll take your word for it.”
They went to dinner together and this time she walked on her own, holding her own wand in front. She grinned at being able to sense Ominis’ own echolocation spell, like rings on the face of a lake meeting each other.
“Can you feel people’s features with this spell?” she asked quietly as they entered the Great Hall.
“Not particularly… The size of someone, perhaps, but it is not so fine as to tell you what somebody looks like.”
“Can you tell the difference between, for instance, Sebastian and Garreth?”
“Naturally,” he laughed. “Garreth smells of toxic fumes. Sebastian smells of Confringo.”
Although that dinner was still speckled with splashes of sauce and spilt pumpkin juice, each meal got easier as the week progressed. Her echolocation spell, as well, got stronger. She wasn’t exactly confident enough to run through Hogwarts’ halls, but she found it easier to avoid running into people — and not get bumped into either, as her hearing became better at picking up all motions around her.
Attending class was easier too. She soon learned how to take notes on her own, although she wasn’t sure when she’d get the chance to read them. Ominis taught her a neat trick of holding onto the inkwell and use her fingers to precisely dip her quill in it. To tell whether she’d taken enough ink, she could test it on her finger first and see if the tip felt wet.
“You’re sure you don’t want a self-writing quill?” he asked.
“I want it,” she said, but first I want to do this on my own.
Ominis smiled. “And keep track of the parchment too. Find something as a placeholder for where you left off. Don’t want to write on top of what you’ve already written.”
With his guidance, she mastered a fairly simple system of holding onto the parchment with one hand, finger poised on her last line, and then cupping the inkwell with the other before dipping her quill.
What she still had trouble with well into the second week was spellcasting.
“How… just… how?” she hissed, smacking her wand up and down during a particularly troublesome Transfigurations class.
She heard a subtle laugh, and knew that it was Ominis. “Having trouble?”
“How am I expected to transform this damned ferret into a feather duster when the damned thing keeps moving?!”
Ominis had mastered the spell quickly, she thought, as she could hear no more animal squeaks from his side. About half the class had finished, judging by the mix of sounds from satisfied students and ferret trills.
She felt a warmth approach her from the side. Ominis took gentle hold of her wrist.
“Here,” he said, “maintain the location spell, and do the motions of the transfiguration spell from your wrist.”
She tried it a few times, his hand constantly around her wrist.
“Listen to where the animal is too, don’t lose track of him in case he runs away.”
She grit her teeth and frowned, ready to give up, but with Ominis’s help, she finally managed to do it just before the class was done.
“Bloody annoying,” she sighed, dropping her wand to the desk and wiping her sweaty palm on her robes. “Thank you, Ominis,” she mumbled. “Doubt I could’ve done it without you…”
“You could have,” she heard him smile. “Just would’ve taken you longer.”
To help calm her nerves, the boy suggested they go for a walk around the lake.
They walked and walked until the sun set. They could feel it as the air cooled all around them, as the evening grew loud with nightbirds, as the grounds became silent with all the other students gone inside the castle…
It felt strange to walk beside Ominis like that, without a word, without a touch, only the quiet sound of his footsteps in the grass. The water of the lake lapped on the shore beside them in lazy little waves, stirred perhaps by the creatures underneath or the light breeze. It set her senses on fire to feel how different it was to have that large, cold body of water on one side, and the warm shape of Ominis on the other — because she could feel it, could feel every detail. Even the wet earth underfoot and the grass, the dead leaves and dry branches, they all had a scent of their own that filled her mind more than the mere image of them ever could. Although she missed her sight very much, she could not deny that she felt more connected to everything around her in this way…
Her hand reached out and took Ominis’s arm — his right one, where he held his wand. Not even needing to ask, he switched it to the other hand and held her palm in his.
“Is something wrong?” he asked, but from his tone, she could tell he wasn’t worried.
“No,” she said. “Just wanted to feel your hand.”
“Well, there it is,” he chuckled. “Bit clammy… Sorry about that. Always gets that way when I hold my wand too long.”
“Mine too,” she smiled.
Their fingers interlinked as they kept their slow walk around the edge of the Black Lake. A thought kept swirling in her head, and she was torn between giving voice to it or keeping it to herself. She didn’t know if Ominis could tell, but —
“What’s on your mind?”
— of course he could.
“How did you know?”
“I swear I can hear you thinking sometimes. It’s the same with Sebastian.”
She laughed, but said nothing.
“So?” he asked again. “What is it?”
Her hand tightened slightly around his. “I was wondering if you might seem to the touch the same way you look. The face, I mean, and all that…”
“Ah,” he said, his tone teetering somewhere between amused and nervous, “you want to try to… ‘see me’ with your hands?”
“Could I?” she asked, her face turning slightly toward him as if she could better detect how he was reacting to all of this.
“Only if I could do the same,” said Ominis with a tight smile.
They reached as far around the lake as the grounds permitted and sat together on one large, smooth rock. Beneath them, they could hear the lapping of the water, quiet and gentle, and owls hooting far off in the woods. It felt almost as if she were floating on air, cross-legged, far from the ground, with nothing surrounding her but the cool night.
They tucked their wands in their pockets and fiddled their thumbs, both too timid to start.
“Well, you asked,” said Ominis after a prolonged nibbling of his lips, “so you go first.”
“Alright,” she sighed, her mouth pulled up into a nervous smile.
She stretched her hands before her gently and was almost startled when they reached his chest. His school uniform was much like hers, a little rough, but well tended to. Moving upwards, she reached his neck, and quickly skipped it until she felt the smooth line of his jaw with both her hands. For no reason at all, her eyes closed. Perhaps it felt more peaceful that way…
His chin was delicate and pointed, leading up in soft angles to his ears. Moving inward, her thumbs traced his high cheekbones, his temples, his arched brows, then dipped delicately over his eyes — his were closed as well. She smiled as she tickled the surface of her fingers with his long lashes.
“Well?” asked Ominis. “Is there a resemblance?”
“I think so,” she smiled. “You look the way you feel.”
“Oddly poetic of you,” he chuckled.
Her hands slid slowly down his face, framing his slightly long nose, falling then to his lips, soft and full. She gasped at feeling them, noting things she never realised before: how delicate they were, how defined, and slightly dry… She traced down to his chin again when she felt them part.
“Yes, I suppose that’s you,” she joked. Her giggles filled the tense air around them. She could feel him smile against her fingertips.
“My turn now,” said Ominis.
She squeezed her hands in her lap as she waited, and then the boy surprised her by cupping her face and slowly bringing them together, covering her like a mask.
He felt her from chin to forehead, taking in the full plains of her features, before he began to touch them each in part. He brushed her eyebrows upward, traced the shape of her eyes, ran his finger delicately down her nose to the tip, and brushed his thumb against her lips while his other hand caressed a broad path from her forehead to her jaw. She felt very thoroughly known after this…
They walked back to the castle in silence, hand-in-hand. As they did, she noticed in herself a feeling of… peace, of not caring anymore that she couldn’t see. She missed the colours of everything around, of course, the beams of light, the peaceful glow of the Slytherin dorms, the star-filled sky at night, but she didn’t feel like she lacked anything anymore.
That made it all the more shocking when, three and a half weeks into her blindness, she began to see vague shapes of light. Ominis’ thin face bloomed into a smile when she told him. She could see it in spite of the cloudiness of her vision.
She still used the echolocation spell to get around, and breakfast became easier, but the blending of shapes and colours so overwhelmed her senses that often she would close her eyes when she wished to concentrate.
It was probably for the best, as she fell behind on her coursework and had never gotten to practice reading Braille with Ominis. Her notes, she now could tell, were atrocious, and her fingers were horribly stained even now.
As the days passed, her vision gradually improved, and by the end of the fourth week, she was almost back to normal. Her eyes teared, unused to all the details.
“Come now, no need to cry over it,” said Ominis with an awkward laugh. They were returning from another visit to the Hospital Wing, where the Nurse had checked her progress.
“I’m not crying,” she sniffled. “How could you tell, anyway?”
“You mean aside from your voice being all choked up and your breathing irregular? Just a lucky guess.”
“I’m just feeling… too much, I think.”
Ominis took her hand in his. “I know,” he said with a small smile. “I’ll miss it too.”
And she didn’t need to ask what he meant.
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moonpascaltoo · 3 days
Amorous Tension
Summary: Poppy is quite sure her best friend has feelings for our favourite heir of Slytherin. MC is quite sure she doesn't, despite abundant evidence to the contrary. When Ominis asks MC to help him study for an upcoming potions exam, she jumps at the chance. TL;DR: Two idiots in love brew amortentia together.
A collab with the lovely @darch7995, who created the audio version of this story. Listen to the first part here and the second here.
Ominis Gaunt x F!MC
Warnings: the mildest of hand kinks, kissing, a surprising amount of schoolwork, stressing about exams, failure to communicate
Word count: 4185
You tapped your quill anxiously on the edge of your parchment, forming an ever-growing blot of ink in the margin. You were re-reading a paragraph in Flesh-Eating Trees of the World on a South American anteater-eating shrub. The words made as little of an impression in your mind as they had the first time.
A hand settled on top of yours, startling you.
“You’re going to put a hole in the table if you keep that up. And I doubt Madam Scribner would be pleased,” Poppy said teasingly.
You sighed, setting down the quill before dropping your head onto the table. “I’m going to fail. I know nothing. Less than nothing, even. Garlick is going to laugh me out of the greenhouse,” you said hopelessly.
Poppy rubbed your back comfortingly. “No, she’s not,” she assured you.
You let out a frustrated groan. “I’m never learning the difference between Jacaranda muscipula and Delonix geogalinivorae. They’re both just bloodthirsty ferns.”
A smooth voice came from behind you. “Jacaranda muscipula is native to South America, and its diet consists largely of deer mice. Delonix geogalinivorae is found in Madagascar and feeds exclusively on tenrecs.”
Your head shot up off the table. “Ominis,” you said in a higher pitch than you’d intended. You twisted in your chair to see your aristocratic classmate standing there looking effortlessly flawless.
“Hello, MC, Poppy,” he said with a pleasant smile. “I take it you’re dreading Garlick’s exam as much as Sebastian is.”
You scrunched your nose. “More, probably,” you said dismally.
“Well, I had come to see if you might be able to help me study for Sharp’s exam on Monday,” he said. “I could help you with herbology after. Of course, I’d be happy to help even if you don’t have time for potions practice.”
You gaped at him. He was asking you for help? Amit and Sebastian both had top grades in potions. You’d taken to it quite well, but the two boys had several more years of experience than you did. Garreth knew every ingredient and recipe inside and out, though he almost never stuck to the instructions – you could see why Ominis wouldn’t have asked him for help.
Your stomach leapt at the idea of spending time at the bench – just you and Ominis, brushing elbows at the cosy workspace. It was always dizzying being in such close proximity – the effect of his expensive cologne, surely.
Poppy would probably argue differently. She’d just been pestering you just that morning about your alleged feelings for the sarcastic Slytherin.
“You’re the biggest flirt I’ve ever met, MC,” Poppy said, rolling her eyes as you walked to the Great Hall.
Garreth had just been talking to you out in the courtyard about needing to acquire Thornback Matriarch venom for a new potion he was working on. You had told him he’d probably be better equipped than you were at charming the ladies into giving him what he wanted.
“I think you’re jealous and just need to ask the Gryffindor out, already,” you argued, shooting her a quelling look. “I was just being funny.”
“Mhmm,” she replied sceptically. “Well, I think it’s funny how I’ve seen you flirt with Garreth, Leander, Sebastian, Amit, and even Imelda, but when a certain serpent with stormy eyes and chiselled cheekbones comes around, you turn into a frightened little puffskein. You go all ruddy-faced and start stammering.”
She was poorly suppressing a smirk as she looked at you.
You scoffed. “I do not stammer!”
“Yeah, and I don’t fancy Garreth,” she replied sarcastically. “Admit it, you’ve got a crush on Ominis.”
“That’s ridiculous,” you asserted, glaring at her.
She raised a hand to her lips to stifle a giggle. “Then why’s your face match Garreth’s luscious locks right now?”
“Oh, shut it!” you said, increasing your pace so that Poppy fell behind.
She just laughed at you. “You’re only proving my point, you know!” she called after you.
Poppy elbowed you sharply between your ribs. You’d gone far too long without replying. “Ow!” you hissed at her.
Ominis had a nervous look on his face. “Sorry?” he asked.
“Oh, no, that wasn’t at you,” you said quickly. “I mean, I’d love to study with you.”
His expression immediately brightened. “Wonderful! When are you free?” he said.
“How about now?” you suggested as you began to pack up your things.
“Oh, I don’t want to interrupt,” Ominis said.
“No, it’s fine,” you insisted. You shot Poppy a reproachful look. “I’m suddenly feeling unsafe here in the library.”
Poppy stuck her tongue out at you. “Yes, I need to go help Professor Howin feed the thestrals, anyway. You two have fun,” she said much too giddily.
You sent her one more glare as you slung your bag over your shoulder. “So, shall we use the Room of Requirement?” you asked Ominis.
“That sounds perfect!” he replied brightly.
You led Ominis out of the library and started the long climb up to the 7th floor of the astronomy tower. You were glad to stretch your legs after sitting in the library for so long.
“I don’t know how you can keep those carnivorous trees straight in your head,” you commented as you strode down a long corridor. “They look exactly the same to me when they’re not in bloom.”
“Do they?” he replied, sounding intrigued.
For a moment, you wanted to sink through the floor. Obviously, the fact that the two trees looked alike was of little consequence to him. “Sorry, I wasn’t even thinking.”
Ominis chuckled. “It’s all right,” he said, clearly amused. “It’s strange to think that they seem so similar to you. They feel quite different. The jacaranda tree has very rough bark, and the geogalinivore has waxy leaves. Plus, it has a sweet smell – sort of like oranges.”
“That’s actually very helpful. Thank you,” you said.
He smiled softly at you. You couldn’t help but notice how one of the beauty marks on his left cheek disappeared into his dimple when he smiled. “I’m glad to be of service,” he replied.
You could feel your face flush, though you had no reason to be blushing. You were relieved when you reached the 7th floor and the door to the Room of Requirement appeared. You cleared your throat. “Right, well, we’re h-here,” you said, cringing at yourself for tripping over the words.
Ominis held the door open for you as you entered the Room of Requirement. “I appreciate you helping me practice. Sharp’s class was hard enough when I knew what I’d be expected to brew. Having to prepare to make any one of four potions has been quite stressful.”
“It is a bit ridiculous,” you agreed as you started pulling ingredients out of your cabinet.
“Honestly! It’s hard enough keeping the ingredients for one potion straight – let alone for the Elixir to Induce Euphoria, Draught of Living Death, Veritaserum, and Amortentia,” he said.
“It is a lot,” you said. “Where should we start?”
“Hm…Well, I don’t think I would be very productive after testing potions for sleep or euphoria. We’d best leave those for later,” he replied. “What do you think? Amortentia or Veritaserum?”
“Amortentia’s easy enough to test. We can tell if it’s right just by how it looks and smells. Let’s start with that,” you suggested.
Ominis smirked. “You just don’t want me getting you to spill all your secrets,” he teased.
You chuckled. “You’re right; I don’t,” you agreed honestly. You weren’t exactly a secretive person ever since you didn’t have to hide your ancient magic anymore. However, the thought of not being ableto hide anything if you wanted to was terrifying.
“Amortentia it is, then!” Ominis said. “It’s the one I’m best at, anyway.”
He lit the flame to heat the cauldron before beginning to grind the moonstone with a mortar and pestle.
“So, what does Amortentia smell like to you?” he asked, chatting as he worked.
“I’m not sure,” you admitted as you leaned a hip against the bench.
“What do you mean you’re not sure? Were you holding your breath when we brewed it last week?” he teased. He cracked two ashwinder eggs into the cauldron before adding the powdered moonstone and stirring it together.
“No! I just…Well, I guess it’s that it doesn’t smell like anything to me,” you admitted.
“You must be joking. Surely you smelled something,” he replied incredulously.
“Just the usual musky dungeon,” you joked. “I thought I’d just brewed it wrong at first, but yours didn’t smell like anything to me, either.”
His brows drew together. “That is curious. I know I made mine right, because it…Well, it worked for me,” he said, his cheeks colouring a bit. “Do you just not find anyone attractive, then?” he added casually as he began cutting the thorns off of some rose stems.
“I don’t know. I mean, I used to think I did, but…now I’m not so sure,” you replied. “I don’t know what could be wrong with me to not smell anything if I did like someone.”
“I’m certain there’s nothing wrong with you, MC,” Ominis replied.
You sighed. “I hope not,” you replied before biting your bottom lip anxiously. “I thought maybe everyone was lying about smelling different things, and it’s really just an odourless potion. But I checked three different texts in the library, and they all said the same thing Professor Sharp did about the smell being unique to what each person finds attractive.”
“It’s definitely not odourless,” Ominis replied with a smirk. He shook his head as if to snap himself out of something before clearing his throat. He turned his attention back to the potion.
He added the thorns to the cauldron before beginning on the petals. You watched his hands as he plucked the petals off the stems, stacked them neatly, and rolled them together before slicing them into thin, even strips. He was quite skilled in his technique. Despite sharing a bench in potions all year, you’d never really noticed how fluidly he worked. There was an almost entrancing nature to the graceful movements.
“So, what does it smell like to you?” you inquired as you forced yourself to stop staring at the veins winding over his wrists and across the backs of his hands out to his slender fingers. You had always thought there was something nice about his hands.
“Oh, there is no way I’m admitting that,” he replied.
“But I told you when you asked,” you argued.
He rolled his eyes at you. “Nothing doesn’t count as an answer.”
“But it’s the truth! I can’t help that I didn’t smell anything,” you argued.
“I’m still not telling,” he insisted. He added the rose petals to the potion. His brow furrowed as his fingers skimmed over the fronts of several bottles. “Which is the pearl dust?”
“Third from the right,” you said before letting out a laugh as a realisation struck you.
“What?” he asked a bit defensively. “Did I grab the wrong one?” He shook the sealed bottle by his ear to listen to its contents shift within.
“No, that’s the pearl dust. I just…” You giggled again, and his scowl deepened. “I just realised that’s the last ingredient and the first thing I’ve helped you with. Seems like you barely need me here.”
He relaxed almost instantly, even laughing a bit himself. “Well, it’s much easier to brew here,” he explained. “I know which ingredients are which when they’re in my own containers – and even most of yours at this point – but almost all of Sharp’s bottles are identical. I have to figure out what’s in each one every time I pick it up. Sometimes it takes four or five tries to find what I’m looking for. It wastes so much time.”
“That sounds extremely frustrating,” you said sympathetically.
“It is,” he lamented as he added a spoonful of pearl dust to the cauldron. He stirred it clockwise three times before lowering the flame. “There! It should just need to simmer for a bit, and then we’ll see how it turned out.”
“I’m sure it’s perfect,” you said as you settled into a high-backed chair, kicking your feet up on the ottoman in front of it.
“I appreciate your confidence in me,” he said. “You know, I was even worse at potions when I was younger. I tried summoning the ingredients to myself in the early years, and it was usually a disaster. In first year, we had to brew a burn salve during our exams, and I simply could not find the dittany, even after sifting through all the ingredients on my bench three times. I gave up and summoned it, and it knocked over all the bottles in front of it on its way to me. They rolled all over the bench, and I had nearly plunged my hand straight into my cauldron trying to put them back in order. During another exam, I tried to summon flobberworm mucus, and all the bottles of the stuff came flying towards me at the same time.” He laughed. “It was all over me, my bench, the floor. Amit nearly slipped in it trying to come over and help. Professor Sharp was livid, but I think he felt too badly for me to give me detention.”
You couldn’t help but laugh, as well. “Oh, I’d have died on the spot!” you said.
“I nearly did. It was utterly horrifying,” he said. “I pretended to be sick for three days after that because I couldn’t stand the thought of facing everyone. I even had Sebastian bring me food so that I didn’t have to go out to the Great Hall. But I’ve learned to bounce back from my Blind Boy Moments quite quickly since.”
“Could Sharp not just label the ingredients for you?” you asked.
Ominis scoffed. “No, he insists that every good potions student should be able to identify the ingredients on their own,” he said, exasperated. “He wouldn’t even let me come in beforehand to label them myself because other students might see them. He also won’t let me use my own containers because it’s all got to be ‘standardised’ so it’s fair.”
“Well, that’s quite the opposite of fair! He’s putting you at a disadvantage,” you said. You could feel yourself getting angry on Ominis’s behalf.
“I am perfectly capable of identifying the ingredients. Just because I can’t see them doesn’t mean I’m incompetent,” he said bitterly.
You were taken aback as his ire turned toward you. “I wasn’t trying to imply that you are, Ominis, I swear!” you said earnestly. “It just seems unreasonable that he won’t accommodate you at all. It’s so frustrating. I have an uncle who’s blind. He wasn’t born that way – he had an accident. And he’s a Muggle. So…it’s a bit different, obviously. But he’s worked in kitchens all his life. When he first went blind, he couldn’t cook anymore. But his boss’s wife, Marjorie, was blind, too. She taught him how to navigate the kitchen again without being able to see. They made adjustments to things so he could keep working there.”
“You have a blind uncle?” he asked, seeming shocked.
“Almost all my life. He married my aunt when I was just a baby,” you explained. “He cooks even better than a house-elf, too! Don’t tell Feenky I said that, though. Or Deek, for that matter.”
“I can’t believe you have a blind uncle,” Ominis said, still stunned.
“Really?” you asked. “Why not?”
He shrugged. “I’ve never met another blind person,” he said.
“Never?” you said, surprised.
“Not once,” he confirmed. “My parents weren’t exactly looking to find me a support group. It’s exceptionally rare in the wizarding world, anyway. So, they sort of just kept me hidden away until school. They hadn’t even expected I’d get a letter even though I clearly had magic. It wasn’t until I figured out how to navigate by wand that they stopped treating me like a doll instead of a child. Even my Aunt Noctua was rather overbearing. No one ever believed I could do something myself until I showed them I could.”
“I can’t imagine how difficult it was going through all of that on your own,” you said.
Ominis gave a haughty huff. “Yes, well, I think I’ve done all right for myself,” he said firmly, crossing his arms protectively over his chest.
“You’ve done more than all right, I’d say,” you argued. “Which reminds me, you still have to tutor me in herbology after this.”
He chuckled. “Don’t worry; I haven’t forgotten,” he said.
“You’d better not have,” you said sternly. Your severe expression didn’t last, though. You couldn’t help but smile around him. “Wait, so, if you didn’t have anyone to help you figure things out, did you invent the spell that lets you read books?”
“Ah, well, I suppose I wasn’t entirely on my own. Sebastian found that spell in an old tome in the library. Some languorous 17th-century scholar grew weary of having to keep his eyes open whilst reading,” he replied. “It worked quite well in my favour.”
“If there’s one thing Sebastian excels at, it’s research,” you replied.
“Yes, and it’s been both a blessing and a curse in my life,” he said irritably.
“I feel the same,” you said wearily.
Ominis spun back toward the potions station. “It smells like the potion’s ready,” he announced.
You got up and walked over to inspect it. “Mother-of-pearl sheen. Perfect spirals of steam. Excellent work, indeed, Ominis.”
He blushed at your praise. “Any essence of musky dungeon emanating from it?” he joked.
You laughed. You leaned over the cauldron and breathed in deeply to play along. “Oh,” you said, caught off guard by the smell. “Yeah, actually. It…” You took in another breath. It was masked beneath the cologne Ominis was wearing, but you could distinctly smell the cool, earthy scent that permeated the lower levels of the castle. “It does.”
“Merlin, MC! You don’t have a crush on Professor Sharp, do you?” he asked, aghast.
“Gods, no!” you replied immediately. “It’s not the dungeons, anyway. It’s different. But…familiar.”
You tried to smell it again, but it was still too hard to tell. You hadn’t realised earlier just how strong Ominis’s cologne was that day. Usually, you found the scent rather pleasant, but, currently, it was making it extremely difficult to smell anything else. You grabbed a phial and poured some of the potion into it. “I can’t tell what it is. I need to smell it in fresh air.”
“Are you trying to tell me that I smell foul?” Ominis demanded as you walked away from him.
“No, not at all,” you said before taking another sniff of the potion. “It’s just that your–”
Your voice died in your throat as two realisations struck you simultaneously. The first was that the earthy scent you had identified was the exact smell of the Undercroft. The second was that you still smelled Ominis’s cologne just as strongly even though you were on the opposite side of the room from him. The phial slipped from your hand and shattered on the wood floor.
“Are you all right?” Ominis asked, rushing over to you in a panic. “Did the potion burn you? I heard glass break. Did you get cut?”
He took both of your hands in his to feel for any injuries. The tips of his fingers brushed gently over your skin, and it sent a shiver up your spine.
“Sorry, no, I’m fine. I just–I hadn’t realised…something,” you said. You heart felt like it was beating out of your chest. Poppy had been right. You did fancy Ominis.
Ominis released one of your hands to raise his to your cheek. “Are you certain that you’re okay, MC?” he asked.
Your skin burned hot under his touch. “Y-yes, of course. I was just surprised when I placed the smell,” you said.
He tilted his head in interest. “Oh? What is it?” he asked.
You bit into your lower lip, keeping yourself silent as you wavered on whether to confess. He did seem to be rather doting at the moment. You wondered if he might return your affections.
“Perhaps I should’ve brewed the Veritaserum first, after all,” Ominis joked. “Maybe then I could finally get you to tell me what you smell.”
You laughed. “That’s not necessary. I just…Well, I’m pretty sure it’s, um…the Undercroft,” you said. Your nerves increased with every word, but you felt a flood of relief after getting them all out.
“Oh,” Ominis said uncomfortably. His whole body went rigid before his hands dropped away from you. “I…I see.”
“Ominis, I…” you started, trying and failing to figure out how to take the words back. You imagined the mortification you were experiencing was similar to how he had felt standing covered in flobberworm mucus in front of his peers.
“Well, I suppose I should still tell you what I smell, since you told me what you do,” he said sombrely. “Though, I can’t imagine it will be all that surprising.” He took a steadying breath. “It smells like old parchment, like those dusty pages Professor Weasley had you collecting last year. And I smell the mallowsweet you always carry around with you. And your shampoo. I always smell it when you hug me or fall asleep with your head on my shoulder.” He cleared his throat. “So…there you have it.”
“Are you upset about this?” you asked, bewildered by his tense reaction.
He forced a laugh. “What? No, of course not!” he insisted, but it wasn’t quite convincing. “I’m happy for you.”
“Happy for me?” you repeated, even more confused.
“Both of you, I mean,” he clarified, giving you a pained smile. “Although I’ve never asked Sebastian about his feelings toward you, with the way he flirts with you, I’m sure he reciprocates.”
“You think I fancy Sebastian?” you asked.
“Well, he’s the one who showed you the Undercroft,” he replied simply.
“Ominis, you’re the one he learned about it from. You’re the one I hang out with there. It’s rosewood and jasmine from your cologne that I smell in that bloody potion!” you said.
His brows knit together in confusion. “I thought you just smelled the Undercroft?” he said.
“Well, that’s what I thought when I was standing next to you – and in class last week,” you said. “You were right there, so I didn’t realise the smell of you was coming from the cauldron instead of…you know…you.”
His features went slack. “Oh…” he said awkwardly.
“Yeah…” you replied similarly.
“I’m a massive idiot,” he said, shaking his head at himself.
You smiled. “Yeah,” you said. “We kind of both are, aren’t we?”
“It would appear so,” he agreed. He laughed as he stepped closer and wrapped his arms around your waist. “Well, this has certainly been an illuminating study session.”
You melted into him instantly. “Indeed, it has.”
“You smell wonderful, you know,” he said as he nuzzled his nose against yours.
You giggled in response. “You smell quite nice, as well,” you replied.
“I taste even better,” he said cheekily.
Your gaze immediately dropped to his lips. “Is that so?” you asked, your voice coming out husky.
“I can prove it if you’d like,” he said. His breath fanned over your lips as he spoke.
“Yes, I think you should,” you replied. “For…educational purposes.”
Ominis’s lips brushed against yours almost tentatively before he leaned in to interlock them. His heat sank into your body as he held you firmly against his chest. You snaked your arms up behind his neck as you kissed him back. Being held by Ominis – and kissed by him – felt right. You wanted to stay wrapped in his arms forever. If you could’ve, you would have fused into him so you never had to be apart again.
You didn’t know how long it was before Ominis broke the kiss, but you knew it was too soon. “I still have to return the favour for you helping me with potions,” he said.
“Yes, right. The herbology,” you replied, still breathless from the kiss. You had forgotten about those bloody shrubs altogether.
“Actually, I was thinking we should work on divination, instead,” he said innocently, but there was a hint of a smirk on his lips.
You arched a brow at him. “Oh?” you asked. “Are you even taking divination?”
“No. I can’t exactly read tea leaves or look in a crystal ball,” he stated. The smirk spread on his lips. “But if I could, I’d see me in your future.”
You laughed. “You’ve been spending too much time with Sebastian,” you chided. “His terrible jokes are rubbing off on you.”
“You’re absolutely right, darling!” he said with a false gravity to the words. “I’d like to fix that as soon as possible by spending more time with you, instead.”
“I’d like that,” you said, unable to stop beaming at him.
“Me, too. Especially if it involves kissing you again,” he said.
You blushed. “I think that could be arranged,” you replied.
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moonpascaltoo · 3 days
The Polyjuice Ploy - Ominis x FemReader
Well... this got out of hand. This was a request made by this lovely person -> @mentosanu and here is the original post/request
Hopefully I have not gone too crazy and this is somewhat what you wanted lol. if not... my b.
Shoutout again to @isolight for reading this over <3 you da best
Music to enjoy -> Flight of Dragons
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Summary: Sebastian and Ominis, after reading through an old textbook, get the idea of Ominis drinking a Polyjuice Potion to enjoy a day of sight and surprise a certain special someone ;)
Word Count: ~7,8-, (checks word count again... omfg) ~7,800 words
Warnings: angst/hurt, slightly heated kissing, comfort/fluff
Credit to the Harry Potter website and JK where I basically stole *cough* rewrote the description of what a polyjuice potion does and the affects of the polyjuice when ominis transforms
Read my other Ominis Fics Here
Ominis rests his head into his palm with a sigh. His quill writes out the last sentences he needs for his essay and he couldn’t be happier to be nearly done. Footsteps echoing on stone catch his attention, followed by the gate of the Undercroft rattling open. 
“Ah, was hoping to find you here.” Sebastian greets. 
“Looking for me, were you?” Ominis spares Sebastian a grin in greeting. “I’m busy at the moment, but if you don’t mind waiting-,”
Something heavy drops onto the table Ominis is using, sloshing his pot of ink. Ominis frowns as he feels over the object in front of him. 
“Why… what is this?” Ominis questions, tracing over the worn cover of a leather tome. He runs his other hand along the spine. The bindings of the book are exposed and he can feel the bumps of worn cords holding the loose pages together. Even the leather is peeling on the corners and edges. Whatever the title of the tome was, it’s long since faded as his wand can’t find a legible letter to decipher.
“Some light reading I need help with.” Sebastian states while he takes a seat next to Ominis.
Ominis sighs, “I don’t have time for this, Sebastian. I must finish this report for Profess-,”
“That can wait. This is far more pressing.” Sebastian shoves away all of Ominis’ writing utensils. 
“Ominis, you were the one saying I needed to find other ways to cure Anne. Well, this could be it. Now, are you going to help me, or sit there and complain?” 
Ominis lets out a deep breath while he flips the book open, “Fine. But only for a little bit. Then I must finish my report.” Ominis stresses with a glare aimed towards Sebastian. 
“Thank you, my friend. I won’t soon forget this.” 
Ominis skims through the pages. Seems Sebastian procured an archaic textbook dated back to the first few years of Hogwarts - detailing the more illicit potions you could make. Elixirs ranging from the mundane boil remover to the far more deadly Eternal Sleep Draughts. Ominis doesn’t find much in the book to help Anne, not even a remedy to help with the pain. He flips to another page when he pauses. 
It enables the consumer to assume the physical appearance of another person, as long as they have first procured part of that individual’s body to add to the brew. The effects of the potion are only temporary, and, depending on how well it has been brewed, may last anywhere from ten minutes to twelve hours. You are able to change age, sex, and race by taking the Polyjuice Potion, but not species.
The more he reads, the more his thoughts stray from searching for a cure for Anne. To take on the physical appearance of someone else and to change… 
“Find something?” Sebastian questions, glancing over Ominis’ still wand digging into the page.
“No.” Ominis states and tries to turn to another section of the book, but Sebastian snatches the tome from Ominis’ grasp. He examines what has caught Ominis’ attention and Sebastian’s brows furrow at what he finds.
“Polyjuice Potion?” Sebastian looks over to Ominis. 
“I’m sorry. I got distracted. Can we please move on and go back to the task at hand?” Ominis reaches for the book, but Sebastian keeps it just out of his reach and chuckles.
“Why’re you so interested in a Polyjuice Potion, Ominis?” 
Ominis huffs with a shake of his head, “I’m not.”
Sebastian rolls his eyes, “You most definitely are.” 
Ominis crosses his arms with a snarl, “And if I am? What of it?”
Sebastian reads over the passage again, a smile forming on his lips, “I can see why you would be. If I’m thinking the same thing you are.” 
“It’s silly. I shouldn’t even entertain the thought.” Ominis dismisses. 
“Why not? Wouldn’t you want to spend the day being able to see?” 
Ominis frowns, “But, it wouldn’t be through my own eyes. It would have to be through someone else's. And I doubt anybody would be willing to give me a lock of hair for such a thing.” 
Sebastian puts his hand on Ominis’ shoulder with a slight grin, “It’s a good thing I am that somebody.” 
“You heard me. I think we should make this potion and once it’s done, you can use my hair. It’ll be perfect!” Sebastian shakes Ominis in his excitement.
“Brewing a Polyjuice Potion takes time. And, far more importantly, skill. A skill I doubt either of us possesses.” 
Sebastian leans back in his chair with a hum, “That could pose a problem. Unless, we found someone to make us the potion.” 
Ominis cranes his head, “Who would be willing to-,” the words die in his mouth. His lips thin as he nods, “I know of someone. I’ll have to reach out to them though.” 
Sebastian claps his hands together with a grin, “Excellent. This may be one of your better ideas, Ominis.” 
Ominis snatches the book from Sebastain and goes back to researching, “We shall see, won’t we?”
Two weeks pass before Ominis receives word back from his contact. The letter is brief and Ominis is filled with excited trepidation as he heads to the Hog’s Head for the meeting. Ominis is relieved the transaction is quick, with few words exchanged. Ominis keeps the potion close to his chest as he heads to the Undercroft to stash it away until the right moment. 
Three days later, Sebastian finds Ominis pacing in the Undercroft. 
“Sorry I’m late.” Sebastian greets. “Ready for this?”
Ominis shakes his head, “I don’t know. Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea.” 
“What’s the problem? You seemed sure yesterday.” 
Ominis stops, letting out a sigh, “Are you sure you’re okay with this? If you’re have any doubts, I-,” 
“I want to do this, Ominis.” Sebastian interjects. “Now, where is that potion before you change your mind.” 
Ominis reaches into his pocket and hands the potion over to Sebastian. Sebastain holds the palm-sized phial up to the fire’s light. He plucks out a few strands of his hair then he places them into the potion. A faint sizzling sound can be heard as Sebastian swirls the muddy liquid. Sebastian hands the potion back to Ominis.
“Drink up.” Sebastian grins. 
Ominis holds the potion in his hand - willing away his nerves. He raises the potion up with a slight smile, “Cheers.” 
He downs the thick liquid, refusing to allow himself to gag at the taste and consistency. 
Immediately, his insides start writhing and twisting. He doubles over, wondering if he’s going to throw up the concoction. A burning sensation spreads rapidly from his stomach to the tips of his fingers and toes. It’s enough to bring him gasping to all fours, whimpering and moaning as a horrible melting feeling begins to overtake him. His skin feels like it’s bubbling. His fingers stretch out, growing larger and longer. He hears the popping of his joints as they shift into their new positions over the rushing of blood in his ears. His shoulders stretch and he’s constricted in his own clothes. He rips off his robe, flinging it away, and his legs and feet are in agony. His shoes are now two sizes too small and he could feel his hair resting along his forehead instead of being neatly styled back. 
“Ominis! Ominis, are you alright? Answer me!” Sebastian demands, flipping Ominis over to his back.
Ominis spares him a nod, finding his tongue to be too heavy and thick in his mouth to speak. He no longer feels like he’s ripping apart and the nausea he felt has all but evaporated. 
Sebastian chuckles, “Wow. I… this is absolutely dotty.” 
Ominis’ brows pinch and Sebastian’s hands assist him into a sitting position. 
“Ominis. Open your eyes.” Sebastian urges. 
Ominis sucks in a sharp breath then slowly opens his eyes. A bright face grinning back at him is the first thing he sees. Ominis stares at the boy, taking in the sight. 
“Sebastian?” His voice is not his own and Sebastian’s eyes widen.
“Whoa! Oh, wow, Ominis. You can see.” Sebastian’s grin is contagious and Ominis matches his excitement. 
“I can see. I see you.” Ominis reaches up and touches Sebastian’s face, his eyes blurring with sharp tears burning his eyes and throat. Sebastian lets Ominis trace over his smiling face. It’s all so familiar. The bridge of Sebastian’s nose all the way down to the curve of his brows. Ominis didn’t expect his friend to have such dark eyes and dots all over his face. Sebastian’s hair is about how he pictured though - a thick mess on top of his head.
“Well? Am I what you envisioned, or have I disappointed?” Sebastian teases. 
Ominis shakes his head, “You’re nothing like I envisioned. Yet, it makes sense. I-,” he turns his attention to around them. He gets to his shaky legs and laughs as he looks around. 
The room is far less inviting than he imagined with the stone being a dull, dreary hue. The lights of the brazers and candles lures him closer. The warmth of their light takes his breath away and his hand reaches out to hover just over the flames. He turns his gaze to all the crates, boxes, and other items stored away down here. Some are covered in a fine layer of dust, while others are draped over with light colored sheets.
“This is the Undercroft.” Ominis mumbles to himself. 
“Indeed it is.” Sebastian grabs each of Ominis’ shoulders and drags him over to a cracked mirror. “And here you are.” 
Ominis stares at the two identical boys in the mirror. Ominis’ eyes widen and the boy across from him does the same. He tilts his head and so does the reflection. He touches over his cheek and drags his fingers down over the tanned, freckled skin. 
He looks over to Sebastian, “How odd indeed.” 
“I must say, this is probably the best you’ve ever looked, Ominis.” Sebastian smirks. 
Ominis laughs, “I’m sure.” 
Ominis stares at Sebastian, finding it unbelievable he can actually see his friend looking back at him with a devilish smile. He could always hear Sebastian’s smirks when he spoke, but to see how it affects his face, especially his eyes - illuminating them in a way Ominis doesn’t quite understand - makes him wonder if all people are this animated.
“Well, as exciting as being here is, there’s a whole bunch of things you ought to see before that potion wears off.” Sebastian states. 
Ominis nods, “Yes. Of course. Where should we begin?” 
Sebastian smirks while guiding Ominis towards the exit gate, “Sorry, my friend, but I’m afraid I can’t go with you.” 
“What?! Why not? This was practically your idea.” Ominis scowls. 
Sebastian raises a brow, “Oh? And tell me how good of an idea will it be for the both of us to be seen together right now? They know I’m a twin, but I doubt they’ll believe this.” He gestures over Ominis. 
“Besides,” Sebastian slips off his robe and tosses it to Ominis, “you already have plans today.” 
“I do?” Ominis shrugs on the robe, adjusting the sleeves and rolling his shoulders.
“Yep! You’re supposed to be meeting up with a certain special someone right about now.” Sebastian grins.
“What? You made plans with her?” Ominis crosses his arms with a frown. 
Sebastian rolls his eyes, “By I, I mean, you, Ominis.” 
Ominis’ brows furrow, “You mean to say you didn’t tell her what we’re doing.” 
“No. It’s better this way - trust me.” Sebastian opens the gate and motions for Ominis to go through, “Now, go to the North Exit. And have fun today. I’ll be here waiting until you come back.” 
Ominis wants to protest, but Sebastian slams the gate closed in his face and starts walking away. Ominis sighs, making his way out of the Undercroft. 
He’s met with a near blinding light once he emerges from the clock. His eyes roam all over, taking in the sights of students passing by. He grips his wand and follows the familiar vibrations towards the North Exit, but his stride is slow. The sounds he’s heard all start to merge together. The paintings, the statues, the students, the smells of certain plants - all of it forms the full picture before him. He stops several times in front of vibrant paintings of faraway places, suits of armor shining in the light, and when he takes a bridge outside, he’s completely entranced. 
The sky above is a color he finds the most pleasing. Blue. That must be the color blue, he realizes. With gentle clouds rolling by, he’s starting to understand how people can gaze up at the heavens for hours on end. Students zip by on their brooms and he laughs at how wonderful the sight is. The sun peeks out over the towering castle. He can’t believe how small the sun is - he always imagined it taking up half the sky considering how much the light reaches. He has to look away when his eyes begin to burn and dark spots blot his vision. He continues his journey to the North Exit, but as he gets closer and closer the more his nerves start to show themselves. 
Seeing Sebastian for the first time was surprising, so he can only imagine how he’ll react to seeing her. His heart won’t slow down - it keeps getting faster and faster with every step closer he gets. His hands clench and unclench themselves and he’s practically grinding his teeth into dust. He’s tempted to turn around, hide in the Undercroft until the potion wears off, just to cease this torture. He’s at the stairway gripping the cool railing as he descends. Just before he reaches the last step, the vibrations of his wand pick up a familiar aura of someone. His stomach twists. He looks over to find a girl standing by the door. 
She cranes her head and smiles with a light wave, “Sebastian! What’re you doing here?” 
Ominis freezes in place - his mind barely able to shove his wand into his robe’s pockets. His heart hammers in his chest and he can’t breathe. She walks towards him with confusion lacing her eyes. Her eyes. He can’t stop staring at them. They’re a beautiful color he’s not familiar with. They almost seem to sparkle. And how she moves is enchanting. It’s like she’s floating right over to him. Her perfume reaches his nose and a smile stretches across his face at the familiarity. 
“Sebastian? Everything alright? Do I have something on my face?” She laughs, but her brows pinch together with slight worry at the thought. 
“What? Um, no. I-, You look great. I-I mean, you’re-, It’s fine.” Ominis curses himself and decides shutting his mouth would be best for now until he regains control of his rattled mind. 
She nods with her eyes slightly narrowed, “Well, um, have you seen Ominis?” 
She laughs, “Yes, Ominis. You know, our friend? You said he’d be meeting me here to go to Hogsmeade. But, it looks like he’s running late.” 
Damn Sebastian for telling her that. He probably thinks he’s so clever, Ominis seethes to himself. 
“Well, actually…,” Ominis takes in her awaiting features, noting how much her face speaks for her - much like Sebastian’s. If only he could recognize what emotion she’s currently conveying with her pinched brows and slight frown. Perhaps Sebastian had a point about not telling her. He turns his gaze to the ground, “He said he wouldn’t be able to make it.” 
“Oh.” Her frown fully forms and she looks away, “D-Did he say why?” 
He curses himself at lying, but he can’t back down now, “He said he wasn’t feeling like himself.”
She nods, slow and disappointed, “I see. I should probably go check on him if he’s not feeling well.” 
“No!” Ominis exclaims, making her eyes widen. “I mean, we could go to Hogsmeade together instead.” 
She cranes her head, her eyes scanning over him as her mouth parts and closes several times. 
“Ominis said I should take you.” He blurts out. “You know, as to not disappoint. He feels terrible about all of this.” 
She spares him a small smile, “Ever the gentleman. Alright, if you don’t mind, I suppose it’d be nice to get away from the castle for the afternoon.” 
He can’t stop his grin from forming and he holds out his arm for her, “Shall we?” 
She raises a brow at him and he realizes all too late how odd this gesture is for ‘Sebastian’ to be making. He quickly lowers his arm and takes the lead with a hurried gait. She doesn’t follow immediately and it takes her a few long strides to catch back up. He opens the door and he’s taken back by the sight which greets him.
The lawn is a vivid pigment in contrast to the stone which cuts through it. The grass is lush and inviting. He kneels down and rests his hand on it. The grass ripples from the wind and he’s beguiled by how peaceful the motion is. He’s felt it a hundred times, but to see it actually happen as it moves in waves across the field makes his smile widen. He remembers Sebastian saying that grass is normally green. He takes in the color of green and how it paints the trees as well in a different shade - a more richer, green. 
“Everything alright?” 
He whips his head over to her, who watches him with a worrying gaze. He quickly stands back up.
“Fine. I apologize - I thought I saw something.” He walks ahead and she keeps up with him. 
Ominis tries to keep himself from staring too long at the fountain as they pass. The water trickles and rings in his ears in a pleasant way, and he wouldn’t mind staring at the rippling water, but he forces himself to keep walking. They continue along the path and when they reach the bridge, he practically slams his chest against the railing to look at the river below.
The water rushes over the different colored rocks, taking various debris of leaves and twigs down stream. He follows the river until he sees the lake shimmering in the distance. He’s aware of her standing by him and her eyes are trained at where he was staring. 
“Something caught your eye again?” She wonders.
“Yes, but it was nothing.” He dismisses. 
She nods with a slight grin, “Are you sure you haven’t caught what currently plagues Ominis? You’re being quite odd today.” 
“I’m fine.” Ominis smiles at her and she nods, but the way her gaze seems to be piercing right through him makes him feel exposed. 
Despite doing his best to keep his eyes straight ahead instead of looking around, he can’t help himself. He can’t believe how beautiful the world is. He looks above them at the tree limbs overhanging the path. The sunlight filters through the canopy and he’s in awe at how such a simple thing could be so magnificent. He could actually see the rays of sunlight - he even reaches out to grab it. Little flying creatures flutter past them towards the bright flowers growing beside the path and he can’t quell his smile as he watches. The sound of the trumpet flowers makes him pause. While the flowers themselves were dazzling, their obnoxious noise masks any notes of admiration within him. 
“You’re quiet today.” She says, bringing his attention to her. The sun illuminates her skin and hair, making her glow. He’s taken back by how captivating she is. His heart picks back up again and his stomach flutters and twists. He likes watching how her voice and lips work in tandem to speak. Then he realizes she’s said something else.
“I’m sorry, what did you say?” He mumbles. 
She stops walking, making him do the same, “Are you sure you’re feeling okay?” 
“Yes. I’m fine, I assure you.” 
She opens her mouth, but promptly shuts it. She scans over him again then resumes walking. There’s an emotion written upon her face, but he’s not sure what it is. He’s finding great difficulty in discerning anything she says, too. A task he had no trouble with before, but now his mind can’t piece together her face with what’s being said.
The path winds up the hill and as they reach the top, his breath escapes him at the sight of Hogwarts in the distance. He all but sprints towards the overlook and he lets out a slight laugh at the castle. It was grand. Truly, and utterly, grand. The lake surrounds the school - which seemingly emerged with the jagged rocks which encompasses it. The towering trees seem almost insignificant compared to the striking, massive castle. 
“Quite a sight.” She says with a sigh while she joins him at the railing. “It never fails to give me goosebumps.” 
A flock of birds fly in front of Hogwarts and Ominis nods, “Magnificent.” 
She watches him and her lips try tugging into a smile, but she refuses to let it form. She pats the railing then turns towards the path.
“Come along. We’re nearly there.” 
Ominis takes in Hogwarts for a moment longer before following after her. 
He’s looking up at a tree with leaves that were not green, but a light, almost soft color. He’s perplexed by the idea of trees being more than just green when his eyes widen at the entrance to the town. Hogsmeade is bustling with students and patrons alike - some rushing to get to where they need to be while others stroll about with not a care in the world.
She turns to him with a slight grin, “How about checking out Gladrags first? I’m in need of a new pair of gloves.” 
He nods, his eyes darting everywhere. So much is happening, it’s enough to spin his head. Hogsmeade has always been a bit overwhelming to his senses - so many smells, sounds, and people. It makes it hard for him to know what’s happening, or where he was at times. Now, he sees the chaos before him is just as he imagined. Cauldrons bubble over crackling fires, lively music plays in the distance, several conversations all happening at once - it makes him grin with how mad this whole place is.
A hand takes his and he doesn’t think twice about grasping it back, letting it tug him along as he looks around. His mind catches up to him after a few steps and he looks down to find her leading him. He’s about to take his hand back and come up with some excuse to his bewilderment, but she glances towards him with a soft smile. This smile is far different from the others she’s had. It reaches all the way to her eyes. For some reason, it makes his chest warm and his breathing choppy - he can’t possibly remove his hand now. Not if it means extinguishing this feeling.
Her pace is far easier than it was on the way here. It gives him plenty of time to take in the sights of the different shops as they pass by. He recognizes the scents of some, like Honeydukes and The Three Broomsticks, and others surprise him by their appearance, like Spintwitches. Birds fly overhead - which he figures out are owls due to the parcels they carry - and watering cans zip past to the different rows of blooming flowers. He notices the hanging lights overhead and he wonders what nighttime must look like. 
Honeydukes’ display of assorted, bright candy is what brings him to a full stop. The candy is vibrant and comes in so many designs and shapes. 
“Do you want to go inside?” She questions.
He slowly nods and she giggles - leading him into the candy shop. 
He can’t contain his smile at the vast array of colors before him. There’s more than he could ever imagine and he feels somewhat annoyed by how little everyone has told him - giving him only basic colors and denying him the plethora of shades they come in. It makes what he saw at Hogwarts seem almost muted in tone by comparison. 
They browse the vast selection of succulent candies, chocolates, and cakes until he finds his favorite - Peppermint Toad. He picks up the box with a grin. He’s always enjoyed the sharp mint taste and how the toad hops around in his stomach after. He finds the whole experience amusing - much to Anne and Sebastian’s confusion. 
“Is there anything you would like?” He asks, glancing towards her. 
She laughs, “You want to get me something?” 
He nods, “Of course. Why wouldn’t I?” 
She bites her lip with a slight shake of her head, “I wouldn’t mind a Chocolate Frog then. Since you’re offering.” 
He pays for their sweets and they head back out - making their way towards Gladrags. He stares at the toad-shaped treat, noting how the pattern swirls with two different colors which possess a slight shine, before he pops it into his mouth. He frowns for a moment at the peppermint taste not being nearly as predominant as he remembers. While the toad hops in his stomach, she’s already eaten her chocolate and is examining her card.
“Merlin’s Beard. I got Almeric Sawbridge. Again.” She huffs.
He laughs at her sour expression. Her frown melts away into a warm grin and she looks away.
“I didn’t know you liked Peppermint Toads.” She comments. “Thought only Ominis did.” 
Ominis curses himself for not thinking about such an oversight.
“I… normally don’t. I only wanted to see why Ominis enjoys them so.” He says.
“And?” She smiles. “What’s your verdict?” 
“They’re adequate.”
She giggles with a slight shake of her head.
They arrive at Gladrags and the smell of pigment and fabric greet them as they walk in. She wanders over to a dress on display. She skims over the fabric with a slight smile then looks over to him.
“What do you think of this orange?” She wonders. 
The dark, rich color is almost regal in appearance. He touches the dress, following the seam down the bodice and enjoying the stiff material. 
“It looks beautiful.” He says. 
Her eyes are aflame and a wide smile comes over her. She bites her lip then turns away towards the scarves. She looks over them until she finds one. She holds it out to inspect it before turning back to him.
“Do you think Ominis would like this?” She asks. 
The monotonous tone of the scarf doesn’t evoke anything in him until he feels the article of clothing. It’s soft and brings a smile to his face. 
“I like it.” He comments then shakes his head. “So, I’m sure Ominis would as well.” 
She laughs, wrapping the scarf around his neck, “I’m glad you think so. Mind holding on to it for me then?” 
“I-, of course.” He can feel his cheeks heating up as she smooths down the scarf on his chest. When her eyes meet his, a gasp escapes him. He feels encapsulated in a warmth he’s never experienced before. All from one single look. He’s slightly thankful he can’t see her all the time for he’s sure he would never be able to speak a coherent sentence to her otherwise. 
 She pays for the scarf then grabs his hand again, leading him outside. She turns to him with a grin. 
“What would you like to do today?”
The question takes him by surprise and he can’t form a single thought to reply back to her. 
“Well, if you have nothing in mind, then I may have something we can do.” 
He smiles, “Lead the way.” 
She squeezes his hand and his heart soars at the twinkle in her eyes. She’s up to something, but he can’t find it in himself to care. She leads him through Hogsmeade until they’re at the park. He’s heard the dragon’s rumbles from the topiary before, but he finds great amusement in seeing it. It’s far more animated than he imagined. And the dragon itself, while somewhat cute, gives him a slight shiver at how powerful of a beast they are. The colorful, flowered trees rain down their petals and he reaches out to grab one, but it slips right through his fingers. She takes them to the overlook and he can see the train station below them. Over in the distance, Hogwarts stands noblely. 
“Well,” he faces her, “what did you have in mind?” 
She has a sly smile as she gazes out over the scenery before them. The wind ruffles through her hair and he’s momentarily dizzy due to his lack of breathing. He needs to cease his staring, lest he die from self-induced asphyxiation, yet he's drawn to her and he’s unable to break away.
“It’s a fine day for some sightseeing.” She reaches into her robes and pulls out a worn, leather duffle bag. She glances around to ensure they’re still alone before she opens the bag. 
A whooshing noise, followed by a light, emits from the bag. Before his eyes, a giant beast emerges, followed by another similar beast with different colorings. The creatures chirp and scratch their sharp claws on the stone ground. His eyes widen and he’s quick to step away from them and be closer to her.
“Hippogriffs.” She states. 
“What do we need them for?” He questions - not bothering to mask his apprehension. 
She grins as she goes to one of the Hippogriffs that’s similar in coloring as the scarf she gave him. 
“This is Highwing. She’s quite spectacular, isn’t she?” She holds out her hand and Highwing bumps her beak against her palm. “And the other one is her mate. Dashmane.” 
She giggles, “Yes, because he’s so dashing.” 
The darker shade of the beast’s plumage shimmers in the sunlight. Ominis appreciates how stunning both of the creatures are. 
“First things first, you must introduce yourself to him - by giving a low bow.” She informs him.
Ominis glances between her and Dashmane before he does as she instructed. He bows, his back low and his head even lower. His eyes dart up to the creature as Dashmane bows back to him. 
“Excellent.” She grins as she goes to Highwing’s side then mounts the awaiting beast. She looks over to him expectantly. 
“But, I-I don’t know how to fly.” He protests. 
“You’ll be fine O-,” She pauses with a slight cough, “Sebastian. You’ll pick it right up.”
He gulps as he follows her movements and manages to jump then swing his leg over Dashmane. Ominis situates himself on the beast’s back. He looks over to her and she has a pleased smile. She appears relaxed - like this is natural for her to be on the back of a Hippogriff.
“Ready?” She wonders. 
He examines Dashmane, “Where do I hold on to?” 
She shrugs, “Anywhere you can.” 
He frowns, settling on grabbing a hold of a few tufts of feathers near the nape of Dashmane’s neck. Dashmane lets out a startled squawk, rearing up and nearly sending Ominis sliding off. Dashmane gallops forward and his wings unfurl as he vaults over the stone banister. With a few mighty flaps of his wings, Dashmane is soaring over the train tracks and towards the train station. Ominis’ heart is pounding in his chest and his eyes are blurring through the tears streaming past his temple. He feels like he’s close to falling off Dashmane’s back at any moment - or at the slightest movement.
A screech gets his attention as she flies in front of him. She looks over at Ominis with a wide smile. She’s truly a natural flier with how at ease she appears to be. Her and Highwing take the lead. Dashmane lets out a chirp of his own as he tries to catch up. Bystanders below, waiting for the Hogwarts Express, all stare up as they pass overhead. She curves off to the left towards a waterfall before banking back towards the arched bridge, diving below. Ominis clutches onto Dashmane as he follows, his stomach flipping and his breathing erratic. 
She turns Highwing away from the lake and over the tree line - following the lake’s shore. She spares him glances to ensure he’s still following as she takes them over the treetops. The tips shudder and move as they fly by they’re so close. She dives below the trees, with Dashmane doing the same, and they zip along the path until she takes them high above once more. His head turns every which way as he takes in the sight of the valley from above. The rivers cut through the growth of trees similar to the veins on his hands. He spots clusters of homes tucked away in the forest. 
They head towards an old castle or keep of some kind, with a blooming tree of the same vibrant, soft color from Hogsmeade, where they fly over as they turn back towards Hogwarts. He stares at the ruined estate in wonder at what it could’ve been. He turns his attention back to her and he adjusts himself on Dashmane. He lowers himself and, as if reading his thoughts, Dashmane flaps his wings harder than before.
Dashmane finally catches up to her and Highwing. She looks over to them and she laughs.
“You’re getting the hang of it!” She shouts. “Now, try to keep up!” 
Ominis’ eyes widen as she careens towards the river below. He tightens his grip then does the same. They soar across a river until they’re back over the Black Lake. He can’t stop his heart from beating wildly, but he’s finding the rush to be too thrilling to suppress. He leans himself over enough to catch his rippled reflection in the lake. He frowns at Sebastian being the face looking back at him. He focuses back on their flight.
She’s taking them towards Hogwarts, flying higher and higher as they near. Ominis can place what some of these areas are - like the boathouse where he arrived his very first year. Feels like only yesterday when he made the climb up all those steps and entered the Great Hall for the first time.
She takes them over the ramp and heads straight for the courtyard leading to the Great Hall. Ominis can make out the students below with some of them pointing up at them as they near. Highwing angles upwards before taking a dive right past the courtyard. Ominis’ eyes widen as Dashmane follows the route and dives after them. His heart is in his throat and his stomach drops. They’re heading right into a stone bridge and his whole body tenses up. Dashmane closes up his wings and zips through the archway. 
Ominis lets out a breath as Dashmane follows along the river, keeping his wingspan small enough to navigate the narrow crevice. Highwing zips through then banks sharply to the left at the divide. He emerges from the river just as she turns back towards a waterfall underneath the castle. As they turn out to trail along the embankment of the lake, she leads them towards another cascading river towards the old wooden long bridge. 
She flies them underneath and leads them up the waterfall, flying higher and higher over a stone bridge, until she turns to the left towards a plateau. She lands at a clearing with various rocks set up in a large circle around the area. He manages to bring Dashmane into a gentle landing, prancing up to be next to Highwing. 
“See. I knew you could fly.” She grins at him, her hair windblown and her face radiating. 
“I think you were trying to get us killed.” He retorts with a smile. 
She laughs, dismounting from Highwing then him dismounting as well. She brings out the strange leather bag again and opens it. The bag sucks both Highwing and Dashmane inside. She puts the bag away then motions with her head towards the edge of the plateau. She takes a seat on the rock, her legs draping over the edge. He sits next to her and he takes in the sight before them. 
The sun is beginning to set behind them, casting a pale, but brilliant, glow upon Hogwarts. Birds fly around a tower, which he realizes is the Owlery. 
“I’m glad we got here in time.” She whispers, her eyes set towards the sunset. “I wanted your first sunset to be special.” 
“It already is-,” the words die in his mouth as he pieces together what she just said. 
“I-I mean-, what do you mean my first sunset?” He tries to play off. 
Her eyes roll over to him with an amused grin playing on her lips.
“Do not play coy with me now, Ominis. I know it’s you.” 
His eyes widen and he can feel a burning heat overtake his face. She giggles, placing a warm hand on his.
“While I was irritated you did not tell me of your ploy at first, I figured you must have your reasons to keep me in the dark on this.” 
His head falls with a sigh, “No. Not a good reason by any sort of means.” 
She laughs again, “I assume Sebastian must be involved.” 
“This was his idea, if that’s what you’re implying.” He looks over to her, “When did you figure it out?” 
She hums, “I had a feeling something was wrong when you looked at the grass like you’ve never seen it before. Then again, when we got to Hogsmeade, you were completely taken away. And Sebastian most certainly doesn’t look at me the way you did today. But, what finally confirmed my suspicions, was when I asked what you thought of that orange dress. Which was very clearly purple, by the by.” 
He closes his eyes with a soft groan, “You are far too clever of a witch at times.” He looks over to her with raised brows. “Does that mean that harrowing flight was to get back at me?” 
She bites her bottom lip, “A bit. But, to also show you as much as possible before that Polyjuice Potion wears off.” She sighs, “I wish you would’ve told me. I could’ve made today special for you.” 
“It has been special.” He takes her hand in his with a smile. 
The look upon her face sends him spiraling once more. He’s not sure what it is, but he knows how it makes him feel. She’s the first to look away and she’s back to gazing at the sunset.
“You don’t want to miss this.” She says in a quiet voice. 
He looks off towards where the sun is setting behind the rolling mountains. The hills in the distance are draped in a fog and the colors begin to bloom across the landscape. 
“What colors are these?” He wonders. 
“Well, do you see there?” She points towards a large patch of a bright pigment which echoes across the sky. “That’s actually orange.” 
“Orange.” He laughs. “I see my mistake now.” 
She smiles as she points to another section of a softer color similar to some of the vibrant trees he saw, “That there, is pink.” 
His lips stretch into a smile, “Pink. I think I do like pink.” 
“And over there,” she points toward a darker color, far richer than the rest, “is purple. And there, where the sun is, is yellow, or actually, more accurately, gold.” 
He sucks in a deep breath, taking in this new knowledge. He wants to engrain this picture before him into his mind. The clouds hold a vast array of pigments like a field of flowers. And he can see so far - miles upon miles with no end in sight. It all evokes a well of emotion within him. And when he looks down at her, the sunset reflecting upon her soft features and in her eyes, he all but breaks. 
“I wish I could see this everyday.” His voice wavers. 
She looks over to him - her lips parted in concern and her smile fading. She wants to say something, the anguish is clear. His hand cups her cheek and her eyes close at the contact. 
“I don’t mean to cause you distress, love. I only mean to say - I envy Sebastian, and everyone else, that’s able to gaze upon you. I would love to do nothing more than to sing you ballads about your beauty.” He strokes her cheek, her eyes remaining close as she places her hand over his to press him closer to her face. 
“You don’t need to serenade me, Ominis.”
“I know.” He smiles. “Doesn’t mean I wouldn’t want to.” 
His other hand joins in and he feels over her face - an action he has done several times. But, to see what he’s felt, elates him. It’s almost terrifying how strong the notion is. Her eyes remain close as he traces over her cheeks and down her nose then all the way to her jawline and lips. 
“I hope I’m what you were expecting.” She whispers, her brows knitting together as she slowly opens her eyes.
He smiles as he tucks away the wild hairs framing her face, “More than I could’ve ever imagined.”
The light begins to fade away and they’re soon swathed in a darkness he’s all too familiar with. He’s amazed he’s still able to somewhat see. Hogwarts illuminates in a soft glow and a sense of coziness strikes him. She leans closer to him, resting her hand on his chest.
“Lay with me.” She whispers while she pushes him back towards the ground. 
He lets her push him, falling back onto the cold stone beneath them. He watches her as she tucks herself next to him and she faces up towards the sky. Her eyes shift towards him and she laughs.
“Look up.”
She stares at him as he obeys her command. The sky is no longer a bright blue, but a darker, far richer shade. But what catches his eyes are the shimmering dots which twinkle in various prismatic colors. A gasp leaves him and she giggles.
“Those are the stars. And over there is the moon.” She points in front of them and he follows her finger towards the most breathtaking thing. The moon, once described to him as silver, seems almost unreal as it hovers in the night sky. Its light is cold compared to the sun and he finds himself in awe at its majesty.
“It’s all so beautiful.” He whispers while he hugs her closer to him.
Something shifts within him. He lets out a gasp then looks at his hand. His fingers and knuckles are shifting before his very eyes. 
“No. No, not yet.” He curses. 
She’s about to question what’s wrong when her eyes widen, “Ominis. Your hair. It’s… the potion.” 
He sits up - her doing the same- and he looks around. He doesn’t want this to end, but already the darkness is beginning to cloud his vision. He looks to her, pulling her close to him. He cups both sides of her cheeks and she holds him closer. 
She smiles as she says, “I love you, Ominis.” 
Seeing her lips move, the genuineness in her expression, and the softness in her gaze sends him careening. He stares at her, taking in every little piece of her, while the darkness consumes more and more. 
Then, she’s gone. 
He lets out a shaky breath and a coldness seeps into him. He’s still - unable to move. 
When she presses her forehead to his, he can no longer contain himself. Tears stream down his cheeks and she’s quick to embrace him, holding his head into the crook of her neck as he sobs. She strokes down his back while her other hand soothes his hair. There’s a whirlwind of emotion raging through him and he doesn’t know how to calm himself down. He’s thankful she’s not chastising him for acting this way - so pathetic and broken. Her gentle movements ground him from fully sinking into the numbing coldness which threatens to drag him deeper into an endless abyss. 
She whispers soft words, but he’s so lost he doesn’t understand what she’s saying. All he can notice is how warm she is and how tightly she holds him. Never once letting him go.
The chaos slowly quells and he’s exhausted himself. 
“I’m sorry.” His voice is hoarse and quiet. “I-I should have better control over myself. I-I didn’t anticipate how-, how much I-,” 
“It’s okay, Ominis.” She kisses his temple. “It’s okay.” 
She kisses his tear-stained cheek then the corner of his lips. He’s practically ravenous as he hooks his fingers into her hair to guide her into a searing kiss. A whimper escapes him at the rawness of her lips against his. When she parts, he opens his eyes in hopes he would catch just a faint glimpse of her. 
But no… all he has left is the memory of today. The vibrancy of the world and the breathtaking beauty she possesses. 
He sighs, “There’s a part of me that wishes I could do this everyday.” He pauses, brushing the tip of his nose against hers and tangling his fingers further into her hair. “But, another part is glad to be back in my own skin.”
She lets out a soft hum of agreement, “I very much like you being back. It was quite odd having to hold Sebastian’s hand today.” 
He laughs, “I can imagine.” 
“I do love you, Ominis. All parts of you.” She says. 
His throat tightens, but he’s done shedding tears. He brings her into a much softer kiss this time then he whispers, “I love you, too.” 
The words feel lacking. They aren’t enough to convey the strong feelings he has for her. But, how else could he describe the way she makes him feel. How else could he even come close to explaining that she is so very precious and dear to him. So, he settles with what he can for now.
“We should head back. We’ll have to sneak into the kitchens if we’re to get any sort of dinner tonight.” 
“We should get Sebastian as well. I’m sure he’s dying to leave the confines of the Undercroft by now. Although, maybe it’s good for him to be locked away for a while.” Ominis muses with a slight smirk.
She giggles, “Certainly keeps him out of trouble.” 
They head back to the castle with her practically glued to his side as she explains all the questions he has about the things he saw today. His fingers occasionally twisting the soft fabric of the scarf draped across his neck. He smiles as he knows exactly what color it is.
It’s not until the next day when the rumors around the school finally reach Sebastian that he corners Ominis just before Charms class. 
“What’s this about ‘me’ flying a bloody Hippogriff over the school yesterday?” 
Ominis can only smirk in response. 
AN: Bruh i just can't help myself but add some flying INTO EVERYTHING!! I HAVE A PROBLEM! Like, when I saw the scene of Dany and Jon in GoT doing their dragon flight when i was searching for music, i just knew i had to do it here. LOL i even went flying around the world in game trying to find the best route as well.
You can find the plateau where this takes place below by the Merlin Trail:
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and here's my horrible, low quality, sunset pic via the pic i took of my tv from my phone lollll.
Anyways, I really wanted to capture the thought of Ominis not having a clue what the heck colors are and most def not being able to understand certain more obscure facial expressions (like suspicion). And I really liked the idea of leaving the Fifth Year in the dark about the Polyjuice Potion... idk why. i just thought it was fun LOL.
Hopefully it wasn't too weird about her holding his hand as 'Sebastian' but I was going for the 'yeah she's figured out it's ominis' type vibe. idk hopefully that's conveyed
Thanks again for reading! Feedback always appreciated <3
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moonpascaltoo · 4 days
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Baby Fever
Ominis Gaunt x Fem!MC. 11 years after the events of fifth year. Could been seen as a final part to Note Taking. But trilogy is so sweet I didn’t want to include smut.
Summary: Anne is struggling after the birth of her child, and Sebastian has too many kids of his own to give Anne the proper care she needs. Sebastian calls on you for help, but your husband Ominis insists on coming along despite his affinity for children. 13.3k long so grab some tea besties.
Warnings: 9.5k of fluff and angst and Ominis healing from childhood trauma and then about 3.5k of smut. Breeding kink but like- it’s sweet I swear. Maybe a bit of cockwarming thrown in there (Sorry, Jesus. I’ll repent later). Minors DNI!
I hate to do this while business is booming for you, or should I say blooming? Sorry. I need a bit of humor whenever I can get it. Anne is not doing well since having the baby. She’s been on bed rest and she’s a complete mess. I can imagine you ridiculing me, but I am allowed to say such things. She is my twin after all.
Her husband still isn’t back from that work trip. My wife has been asking around the Ministry for me, but no one knows anything. He wouldn’t have missed the birth of their daughter. And she’s four days old now, the cutest thing, by the way. She's starting to look just like Anne’s baby photos.
Anyway, I’m getting off track here. Sorry if this letter is scattered. I’ve got all four of my kids here with me. Their mother has to work while I’m taking off time to look after Anne. Obviously, someone has to earn money for the abundance of school robes we’ll be paying for in the very near future. They can’t be home alone with the youngest being only one. He’s walking now! Have I told you yet? Well, standing and wobbling. He’s getting there. Gonna be the next Slytherin Quidditch Captain in no time.
All this is to say, I need some help here with Anne. Helping her and taking care of her newborn is a two-person job. My kids make it a three-person job. I’m drowning a bit in diapers and screams and tears. Think everyone here has had a tantrum today alone, including me.
Needing your help desperately, my dear sister-in-law of mine. Don’t let Ominis roll his eyes when you read him that bit. He is my brother, blood be damned.
Your Most Handsome Brother-in-law
P!S! Please for the love of Merlin, bring washcloths. Between everything I’m trying to keep up with laundry and it’s simply impossible.
You glanced over the top of the letter once you were done reading it aloud. Contrary to Sebastian’s predictions, Ominis was not rolling his eyes. In fact, he looked forlorn and pale. Not only was he worried about Anne’s safety considering her poor condition after having the child, but he was no doubt worrying about Anne’s husband who was actually quite a lovely bloke. He fit in just right with Anne and Sebastian, and he very quickly grew on Ominis despite his attempts to keep the jokester at bay. In his eyes, Ominis had enough of that energy with Sebastian and Anne, who had been handling her curse greatly in the last few years and was back to her wild self, until the pregnancy complications that is.
What Ominis refused to acknowledge was that Anne’s husband didn’t have the mischief or malice of Sebastian and Anne. He was just a golden, loveable, arguably dopey guy. His love for Anne was so pure. He bawled multiple times on their wedding day. Being gone for so long during the latter days of Anne’s pregnancy was unlike him. And to miss the birth of his firstborn child, and likely their only considering the complications, was beyond excusable. Not that he would even try to excuse it because he was truly that honest of a man!
And then there was Anne, the most heartbreaking part of the letter. The doctors had her on bed rest seemingly indefinitely. She spent the last two months of her pregnancy in that dreary bedroom. When her husband was forced onto his work trip a week and a half ago, you closed up your magical plant shop and stayed by her side until the baby was born. A girl. She was born healthy with the cutest button nose. You held her for hours after she was born while the healers and Sebastian all huddled around Anne in worry.
Once Anne was safe and resting, Sebastian had tiredly collapsed on the couch next to you. You hadn’t seen him that exhausted since you were teens still in school, causing mayhem that affected yourselves more than others. His wife had been watching over all four of their kids all day so that Sebastian could spend that moment with his twin. You put the baby girl in her uncle’s arms and the two fell right asleep just like that.
It had only been a few days, but you were wanting so desperately to get back to the little girl. And while Sebastian’s kids were a handful, to say the very least, you wanted to see them as well. You had done your fair share of babysitting those mongrels, so they were quite attached to you. Their obsession with you and inclination to always come visit and run up and down the hall of your home was actually welcomed, as crazy as that sounded.
By the time you realized you loved children and wanted some of your own, you were already deeply devoted to Ominis. Because of his past, he wasn’t too enthusiastic about having children of his own. That was fine. Sebastian seemed set on having plenty for everyone.
Ominis stood from his velvet armchair and announced, “I’ll grab the washcloths.”
“Ominis, you do not have to go.”
He had stopped in the middle of the hall to ponder it. His head shook in disapproval. “I’m going to look after Anne. You’ll look after the baby. Sebastian will pack up the Quidditch team and head home so that Anne can rest in a peaceful house. Does that sound like a plan?”
You met him in the hallway and took his hands in yours. Butterfly-soft kisses were left on his knuckles. You spoke firmly and slowly to make your point. “You do not have to go with me to Anne’s. I can take care of both. It’s okay.”
“Don’t insult me,” Ominis insisted with a harsh whisper. “I won’t faint at the sight of a child, and if Anne needs me, I will be by her side. She is my sister.”
You chuckle, lightening the room for a moment, “Oh, so Anne is your sister, but you can’t admit Sebastian is your brother.”
“That’s because Anne is my sister through and through, but Sebastian can’t just claim such a title just because his kids call you Auntie. Such a thing has to be earned! Bestowed upon!”
“Okay, okay,” you giggled and smoothed his shirt across his shoulders to calm him. “You know he only says it at this point because it gets a rise out of you. And perhaps that’s why I bring it up too. You’re cute when you go red.”
“Oh, well thank you for adding to the stress,” Ominis shortly huffed in annoyance then turned to the bathroom to grab your house’s supply of washcloths.
Usually, he went along with your playful tones unless he was really out of sorts. You frown and follow right at his heels into the bathroom. “Sweetheart, we are all stressed. I’m sorry to make light of things in such dark times, but you always say you enjoy my light. I’m only trying to help you feel better.”
“I know. But right now-“ Ominis pinched the bridge of his nose. “Can I just be alone for a moment? Why don’t you go pack up those strawberries for Sebastian’s kids? You know we won’t finish them before they go bad if they stay in our kitchen.”
With your head hung low, you trudged to the kitchen and began to ransack your cupboards for potential meals. If things were really as bad as Sebastian made them seem, he likely didn’t have time to cook properly for the kids, Anne, and even himself. A few sandwiches and the berries would make a healthy enough lunch. If Ominis was truly planning to go with you, Sebastian really could head home for a break like Ominis suggested. Sebastian could no doubt figure out dinner for his kids at his own home with the stress of Anne and the newborn off his shoulders.
“I’m sorry for snapping,” that was Ominis leaning against the doorframe to your tiny kitchen. He looked exhausted as though he fought some great battle during his moments of solitude in the bathroom. He hated this side of himself, the one that could be so cruel. With his history and his trauma from his childhood, you didn’t ever fault him for being triggered.
The entire friend group was blissful until Sebastian started having kids with his wife, which was only a year or two into having your adult jobs after graduating from Hogwarts. Ominis had gotten used to them, slightly, but now with Anne having a child, he felt like he couldn’t turn in any direction without feeling an immense guilt.
“That was hardly snapping,” you kept up your light tone. It wasn’t an act. You really weren’t fazed by his behavior. These were stressful times for everyone. “You’ve bitten me before, so I think I got off a bit lucky this time.”
His cheeks turned a light shade of pink. After all these years, you could still fluster him. It was actually one of your favorite pastimes. How much teasing could Ominis handle? You were always itching to find out.
“That- that was one time. And you- you said you liked it,” Ominis straightened from his lean against the doorframe as he stammered on, “And that was different.”
“I did like it,” you reassured him. Memories of that night fluttered back. The sting in your shoulder. The cold from the blood dripping down. Tasting metallic on his lips afterward… “Maybe if you would bite me more, I wouldn’t have to keep pressing your buttons to see which one ignites that side of you.”
Ominis rubbed his face as though he was tired of your antics, but his cheeks turning a deeper shade, nearly all red now, told you all you needed to know. “You drive me crazy, you know that?”
“Didn’t I just admit to doing it on purpose?”
Ominis could hear the knife come out into the cutting board. He tilted his head. “What have you been up to in here? Thought you were going to grab the strawberries.”
“Sandwiches for everyone. Doubt Sebastian has had time to make lunch yet. I’d rather make them here than amid whatever chaos is happening there.”
Then Ominis was behind you, gently placing a hand on your shoulder to map out where you were. It glided down to the small of your back and then snakes around the front, his other joining as his body pressed into yours from behind. His chin rested on your shoulder. His chest rumbled against your back as he spoke, “Forgive me for taking my stress out on you?”
“You hardly said anything, Ominis. There is nothing to forgive.”
His lips pressed right at the back of your jaw where it met your ear. “Maybe I’m asking in advance for tonight.” Then his mouth opened. His teeth grazed your skin so lightly you thought you imagined it. And then, rather evilly in your opinion, Ominis stepped back and released his hold on you. “Hurry up with those sandwiches. I’m going to handle a few things before the trip, but I’ll be waiting by the fireplace to floo by the time you are done in here.”
Sure enough, your husband was waiting for you patiently at your fireplace after you finished packaging up the lunches. He held out a hand to steady you as you stepped up on the brick, hardly a necessary gesture, but he was being extra sweet with you while he still could.
“I put a closed sign out on the shop,” he sounded almost formal about it.
“Thank you,” you breathed out in gratitude, “I completely forgot.”
“That Alihotsy is getting a bit big for the nursery. It’s extending across the walkway. Startled me for a second.”
“Sorry. Yes. That fellow from Honeydukes is meant to come by sometime this week for it. I’ll have to write him to explain that we are looking after Anne. Maybe he wouldn’t mind if we dropped it by late at night on his doorstep?”
“Maybe tomorrow night. We’ll be too tired after this.”
You chuckled and shook your head. “You always talk me into being lazy with you. Promise you won’t talk me out of it tomorrow too?”
“I would like its leaves out of the walking path, so I promise, tomorrow night we can take it to him. I won’t drag you to bed too early.”
“But I do look forward to ending up in bed with you after.” And with that, you threw down the floo power and were transported to Anne’s bungalow in Feldcroft. Upon entering, the first thing you noticed was the noise. There was a baby crying, kids screaming, and footsteps pounding around on the hardwood floor.
“I said to get that thing out of here!” That was Sebastian, sounding exasperated.
“I can’t catch it!” His oldest child, who was seven going into eight now, whined back.
“Then chase it out the door! It can’t be in here. It- oh! Y/N. Thank Merlin you’re here. Popped in at an awful time. Sorry for the mess.” Sebastian, while cradling his youngest in his arms, a baby who was about a year old now, kicked a few toys out of the way so you could step off the edge of the fireplace.
“Auntie Y/N!” Three children trapped you with hugs from all around. Then behind you, Ominis popped up in the fireplace and the three were rushing to embrace him as well.
You chuckled and put a hand on Sebastian’s shoulder to ask, “Seb, why is there a chicken on the couch.”
“It’s on the-?” Sebastian turned and started to wave the brown chicken off of his sister’s couch. “Shoo! Shoo! You are lucky I haven’t cooked you yet!”
You rolled your eyes and pulled out your wand. “Levioso. Accio.” The brown chicken squirmed in your arm, but you held it at your hip and then turned to the three kids with an eyebrow raised. “Who brought a chicken in the house while Auntie Anne isn’t feeling well?”
None of the kids said a word, but the two oldest shoved each other while they all stared at the floor in shame. You sighed and said, “If you go and collect all the toys in the house and put them in the diaper bag, I will give you the surprise I brought.”
The kids lit up. Their guilt long forgotten.
“A surprise?!”
“What is it?”
“Ah, ah, ah. Pick up your toys first.” Then the three of them were off collecting the messing they made and putting it in their youngest sibling’s enchanted diaper bag.
You put the chicken in the backyard and came back to see Sebastian and Ominis having a chat on the couch while the baby while trying to pull itself up on the side to join in. Ominis flinched when the baby grabbed his pant leg. You were quick to dive down and pick the little one up, grunting as you did so.
“My oh my, you have gotten big! What are they feeding you? Rocks?”
“That one’s gonna win the World Cup. I just know it. Gonna be the best Beater there is.” Sebastian played with the baby’s chunky ankles while you held it. It cooed back at him as if it understood and agreed.
You laughed and moved the baby to your hip to then use your free hand to touch Ominis’s shoulder. “You wanna go check on Anne while we set up the picnic for the kids outside?”
Ominis nodded and stood up to leave. He seemed thankful to have an excuse not to join the chaotic lunch plans.
Sebastian smiled wide. “Am I hearing this right? You brought lunch?”
“Just some sandwiches and strawberries. Figured you hadn’t had the time.”
With an exasperated sigh, Sebastian leaned his head against the back of the couch and closed his eyes. “You thought right. It’s been… a lot. The baby is sleeping now, I mean, the other baby, the newborn, Anne’s baby.” Sebastian paused for a second then whispered, “That’s still so crazy for me to say. I’m so happy for her.”
“You and your cousin are going to be the best of friends!” You told the one-year-old on your hip. So close in age. How fun! They’ll only be a year apart at Hogwarts. Bet they’ll get into even more trouble than we did.”
Sebastian covered his face and groaned. “Merlin, don’t say that. They already make me crazy as it is. Can’t imagine how I’d handle them being as wild as us.”
“Sebastian, there was a chicken on the couch when I got here. You may want to mentally prepare yourself for all sorts of Hogwarts shenanigans.”
Meanwhile, Ominis was knocking on Anne’s bedroom door and waiting to hear her voice before letting himself in. Sebastian’s kids were still being rather loud, but the decibel levels had greatly depleted. Ominis shut the door gently, but firmly, hoping to trap out any further noise. Their little feet could still be heard scampering about the echoey wooden floors as they searched for their abundance of toys to put away.
“Thought you two must have arrived,” Anne sounded exhausted. Ominis’s heart immediately ripped in two. He hadn’t heard her voice so raspy since they were teens. Anne had mostly healed from her curse. At around the ten-year mark, she decided she wanted to try for a child. She and her husband were happy and head over heels in love. They just wanted one child to share the love with. The risk was great with Anne’s past, but she didn’t want some retched curse to stop her from living her life the way she dreamed.
“And it was a good thing we did. Sebastian’s kids were terrorizing your home.”
Anne laughed at that, though it was quiet and airy. “They are just playing, Ominis. That’s why kids do. Not a dull day around here lately, that’s for sure.”
“Still, I’m sure you could rest better if it was quiet.” Ominis took a step to the right, meaning to meet her at her bedside.
“Wait-,” Anne croaked out, causing Ominis to freeze. “The bassinet is on this side. Come around to the other.”
Oh, right. Ominis swallowed thickly. He had forgotten about Anne’s baby for a moment. The room was so peaceful. It was hard to believe a child was in here with them. “Right, sorry.”
“Nothing to be sorry for, Min,” Anne reassured as Ominis walked around to the other side of the bed. “Just didn’t want to bump into it and wake her. She’ll be hungry when she wakes up.” Which was Anne’s way of gently warning him that the baby was probably going to cry for food soon that way he didn’t panic when he heard it.
Ominis cautiously sat on the side of Anne’s bed and asked, “Anything I can get for you? I’m here to look out for you, and Y/N is going to look out for the baby once she feeds Sebastian and the kids and sends them home.”
“Honestly, I was dying of boredom before you came in. Just you being here is enough.” Anne placed her hand over Ominis’s and squeezed. “And how is my Y/N doing? How’s the shop coming along?”
There was a thankful sigh of relief from Ominis’s lips at the subject change. He could talk about you and the shop for hours. “We’re loving it. She put me to work though with all the upkeep. I’m regretting cutting back my hours at the Ministry. At least they didn’t make me sweep.”
Anne’s soft chuckle sounded much closer to her normal self this time. Ominis let some of the tension in his shoulders release from knowing Anne wasn’t feeling too much pain at the moment.
“You know, they would take you back full-time in a heartbeat if you offered.”
“No, no,” Ominis quickly backtracked with a smile, “No, trust me, being at the shop is a walk in the park in comparison to the Ministry’s paperwork. The half of my week there is like a vacation. Besides, it’s right next door to the house. No travel sickness. And the greenhouse smells lovely. Much better to work in than those dingy offices.”
“Hey now, don’t talk bad on those dingy offices. I can’t wait to get back to them in a few weeks. I’ve already planned on how to reorganize mine. Bit of spring cleaning.”
Whatever was going on with Anne, Ominis had assumed it was to do with the curse. Hearing her so confidently say she would be back to work soon made Ominis tilt his head in confusion. Was she being her stubborn self, or were things not as bad as Sebastian’s letter made it seem. It was always hard to tell with the twins. Anne played everything off as fine, but Sebastian acted like Anne’s paper cuts were life-threatening.
“Planning to get back there so soon? Well, don’t strain yourself. The office will still be just as meek and dusty no matter how long you wait.”
“Suppose so. Might be nice to spend some extra time just with her.” Ominis couldn’t see it, of course, but he knew Anne was referring to the baby in the bassinet on the other side of the bed.
There was a soft knock on the door, and with Anne’s approval, you cracked the door open just enough to peek your head in. “Up for a few visitors? The kids want to say goodbye one by one. I’m including Sebastian in that category too, of course.”
“Hey!” Could slightly be heard from the hallway.
Then, one at a time, you allowed the kids to give their Auntie Anne a kiss goodbye. Lastly, Sebastian went in with his youngest in his arms. Anne chuckled at the red stains on the baby’s hands and shirt from the strawberries. She could picture how it probably mashed the berry in its hand before shoving it in its mouth and likely missing its mouth entirely so that the strawberry ended up mostly on the ground. Her heart tinged a bit. She wished she could have joined them for lunch and not been forced to stay in her tiny bedroom.
“Get some rest,” Sebastian mumbled as he kissed her forehead.
“You too,” Anne replied. “Thank you for looking out for me these past couple of days, but go home and relax. Ominis and Y/N will take good care of us here.”
Then Ominis felt a hand on his shoulder. By the way it lightly massaged him, he instantly knew it was his wife. She leaned in close to whisper to him, “I’m going to walk Seb and the kids home to make sure none of them wander off. They’re a bit ornery today. Will you be okay without me?”
A pang of guilt stabbed him in the stomach. Ominis hated that he was the one you were worried about leaving while Anne was quite literally bedridden. It was embarrassing that you felt as though you needed to check in with him before taking a quick walk just a few houses down to Sebastian’s place. His…affinity to kids was bad, he knew that, he knew that you knew that and that’s why you were being overly protective. Still, it hurt his ego just a bit.
“Take your time. We’ll be okay here,” Ominis whispered back, trying his best not to sound short. If there was any uneasiness in his tone, he knew you would drop everything to comfort him. That couldn’t happen now. Sebastian might have needed your help walking the kids back, but Ominis knew that it was partially an excuse on your part to spend more time with them. He didn’t want to take that from you.
The baby, well, Anne’s baby was sleeping anyway. Sebastian’s was blowing raspberries while Anne was cooing a goodbye to it.
He waited until he heard the front door close to admit to Anne, “You asked how she’s doing… I don’t think she’s happy.”
“With the store?” There was a hint of terror in her voice as if Anne feared it was something worse.
After a moment of silence, Ominis shook his head no. “I can tell she wants more. She grew up in a big family and then Hogwarts was always just as loud and chaotic. At first, I think she appreciated the peace and quiet after we got our house, but lately… Lately, I wake up in the middle of the night and she’s gone. She goes and falls asleep by the gramophone in the living room as if she needs the noise for comfort.”
A gentle hand touched his shoulder as Anne said, “Oh, Ominis…”
“I think she would be happier if she were with someone that could provide what she wanted, but she’d never admit that.”
“No, she wouldn’t. I know you can’t see the way she looks at you, but you’re her world. Don’t ever even suggest such a thing to her. It would shatter her. She is happy with you, just you. We’ve talked about it before, she and I. She is content with being an aunt to Sebastian’s kids, and now my girl. Please don’t worry over this in the slightest.”
Anne’s comfort eased his pain, but the guilt of it all still weighed him down. They chatted for a while about Sebastian’s wife and her exciting job until you made it back to the house. You leaned against the doorframe of the bedroom and listened to the two old friends talk for a while before interrupting, “Do you want to have a bath while I change your sheets for you, Anne?”
“Is that your way of saying I smell?”
“Your hair is a bit of a mess,” you joked as you walked up to her side of the bed and gently moved the bassinet so that you could help Anne up.
At the sound of shuffling and Anne wincing, Ominis offered, “Do you want me to-“
“It’s alright,” you said, suspiciously quick. “Us girls have got this. I’ll just set Anne up in the bath. Do you want to start removing the blankets?”
Ominis stood from the bed and started to remove the covers at your request, albeit a bit reluctantly due to his confusion and frustration. Why didn’t you let him carry Anne to the bathroom? It wasn’t like the intimacy mattered. He couldn’t see.
Wordlessly, he carried the laundry to the back porch and then felt through the linen closet for another set. The two of you met back in Anne’s room at the same time. You kissed his cheek and took the fitted sheet from him to start unfolding it. That was the only covering you managed to get on before the baby stirred in the bassinet. It started to cry out, loud and demanding. Ominis flinched and clutched the blanket he was holding while you scooped the baby up in your arms.
“Oh, that sounds like a hungry cry,” Your voice was soft and unfazed by the cries. “Come on. To the kitchen, we go. I’m going to show your Uncle Omi how to make a bottle for you.”
Ominis tensed at that. “Why? I thought we agreed that I take care of Anne and you take care of…her.”
“If we really are going to be here the next few days helping out, you might as well learn.” You didn’t say anything more as you headed to the kitchen. It was up to Ominis whether or not he followed.
And follow he did with a heavy sigh. Anne’s kitchen was far more spacious than your own. He still hadn’t mapped out where everything was since it all seemed to spread apart. There was even room under the south-facing window for a breakfast nook area that had the perfect view of Feldcroft. You stared out at it wistfully. Down the way a bit, you could make out Sebastian’s two oldest digging away in their front yard. They had told you on the walk back that they had been trying to dig to the center of the earth. You had laughed and told them they would need a pretty long ladder, but you didn’t discourage their determination.
“Do you want to hold her while I grab the-“
“Just tell me where it is,” Ominis insisted, sounding a bit exasperated. His heated tone made you giggle. When you first met him, he used to always be on edge like this. There was a cold exterior about him that was snappy and sarcastic. In his defense, Sebastian was putting him through a lot at the time with his unforgiving plight to find a cure for Anne. But you didn’t mind it then just like you didn’t mind it now. Ominis was complicated, and that’s what drew you in.
“A step forward and to your left. Should be a cylinder tin on the second shelf of the cupboard.” Your direction was easy to understand and deeply appreciated.
Sometimes at work with the Ministry, Ominis would ask something like, “Which one?” Only for his coworker to inevitably reply something stupid like, “The green one.” He never had to prod you for more information. If only he could bring you everywhere to direct him like this. Though, maybe not while you held a crying baby in your arms.
“I’m putting an empty bottle right beside the tin here. But first, we need to set up the kettle.”
“Are we making tea for Anne?” This he was familiar with even in Anne’s kitchen. Ominis made quick work of taking the kettle from the stove and filling it in the sink.
“Just heating up the water a bit. Not too hot. I’ll show you how to check the temperature after we’re done. While that’s heating, you can measure the power. There should already be a scooper in the tin. Two scoops should be plenty. She’s still so tiny.” You took a moment to admire the baby girl in your arms. She really was the spitting image of Anne.
While you rocked her to soothe her cries, Ominis poured two scoops of the formula into the bottle and tried not to grimace at the sour smell of it. Now he understood why babies smelled the way they did. It was a mix of this awful powdered milk and the starchiness of baby powder. Very off-putting and unpleasant.
“Water should be warm enough now. I’ll tell you when to stop pouring. Go slow,” you directed. You stopped him just at just a quarter full and reached to touch the bottle to feel how hot the water was. “Just a splash of cold water and that should be perfect.” Ominis brought the bottle to the sink and literally just let the smallest splash into it. You giggled and prompted, “Okay, maybe two splashes.”
Next, you handed him a clean top for the bottle which he took a moment to stir on straight then asked, “Are we done here?” in a very bored tone.
You smiled as you shook your head and clicked your tongue. “Always so impatient, my love. The powder needs to be mixed in. You’ll have to shake the bottle and-“ Ominis started shaking the bottle immediately, wanting to get this over with. Formula sprayed out of the nipple and got on the kitchen floor, Ominis’s hair, and your face. He froze, realizing his mistake.
Your laughter was so intense that you doubled over, clutching the baby to your chest so that you wouldn’t drop her during your fit. Ominis was blushing, but the sound of your laughter made him smile sheepishly.
“I am an idiot,” he proclaimed.
“Yes, yes your are. You have to cover the tip of the nipple.”
“Excuse me?” Ominis sounded almost offended. You laughed harder, not being able to take much more of this.
“That’s what the rubber part of the top of the bottle is called! It’s not like I came up with it!” After taking a deep breath to calm yourself, you reached over and placed Ominis’s finger over the tip of the bottle. “Okay, now you can shake it without making it rain indoors.”
“I’m sorry,” he mumbled shyly.
“I love you,” you answered.
Once the formula was mixed up, it was time to test the temperature. “This part is simple. Hold out your wrist,” you told him. When he did, you guided his hand that was holding the bottle to dab the slightest bit of formula on his inner wrist. “Do you feel that?”
A flash of uncertainty washed over his features. “Yes, but how do I know if it’s right?”
You held out your wrist, lighting bumping it to his so he knew where you were. “Let me feel and I’ll tell you.”
The fingers of his free hand drifted across the palm of your open one, acting as if he wasn’t sure where your wrist was. You had a smug smile knowing it was all for show. You had made your movements very clear. He only wanted to touch your hand, but you weren’t about to call him out on that. The bottle dipped to let a drip fall on your wrist. It was like warm. Not too cold that the powder didn’t mix in properly, and not too hot that it would hurt the baby.
“This is perfect. You want to test it on your wrist again so you can remember this temperature for next time?”
He snorted and insisted there wouldn’t be a next time, but he tested the formula on his wrist once more and looked rather deep in thought as if trying to memorize the feeling. You kissed his cheek and thanked him while taking the bottle. A weight lifted off Ominis’s shoulders when the baby stopped crying in your arms. He let out a heavy sigh.
“Glad that’s over.”
“Well, get used to it because it’ll probably happen every four hours or so.”
That statement did not spark joy for Ominis, but you hadn’t been trying to. It was the truth. This was the reality of helping out Anne right now: a crying newborn.
“Let’s go check on Anne in the bath.” Now that was a statement Ominis didn’t mind. You followed him down the hallway and stood at his side while he knocked on the bathroom door.
“How are you doing, Annie?” He asked in a soft tone.
“Just fine, Min! I’ll be getting out soon. How’s the baby?”
“Ominis made her a bottle!” You cut in proudly.
Anne paused a moment then asked, “‘S it poisoned?”
Ominis rolled his eyes while you responded, “No! I watched him like a hawk. I promise! He did great!”
Anne’s laughter echoed in the bathroom. “Well, then thank you, Ominis!”
In the living room, you nestled in on the couch, using the armrest to support your elbow. Holding the baby in the kitchen that whole time had made you ache. She wasn’t heavy either, maybe six pounds at the most. You couldn’t fathom how Sebastian held his youngest all day. That baby was huge!
“Anything I can get you?” Ominis was hovering over you from behind the couch. His hand was resting on the back of it and his fingers were reaching up to brush your shoulder. It was clear he wanted to touch you, but you were holding a baby and that terrified him.
“Maybe turn on a bit of music? There’s a very fancy-looking phonograph sitting in the far corner on your left. It’s begging to be played.”
Your wish seemed to be his command. Ominis brought out his wand and used his sensing charm before pointing it precisely at the phonograph. The needle reset itself on the record and began to play a beautiful sonata. It started out with a feathery light piano that was quickly joined by a set of strings. You weren’t well versed enough in muggle music to know if it was a violin or cello, but its tender tones took the lead of the song while the piano supported the beat and background. There was just a hint of a wind instrument harmonizing with the main melody of the strings. It wasn’t prominent enough to tell if it was a flute, or perhaps a panpipe…
“Come sit by me,” you requested dreamily.
With the music and the airy sound of your voice, Ominis was lost in the moment. He kissed the top of your head then walked around the front of the couch to be next to you. The string instrument started to swell. His hand rested on your knee as he sat down and immediately inched higher and higher until his forearm bumped your elbow and he briefly wondered why your elbow was sticking out like that.
Reality came hurtling back like a bludger. His hand jolted off you as if your skin burned him. He had forgotten about the baby being fed in your arms.
Ominis hoped you hadn’t even noticed his slip up, that you were too lost in feeding the child. With the way you were talking to it, Ominis felt as though he was in the clear. You were commenting on how the baby’s hand was curling around your ring finger. It seemed to like the smooth texture of your wedding band.
“You trying to steal my ring, little one? Four days old and your mommy has already trained you to be her little niffler? Well, I’m very sorry. You can’t have my wedding ring. I love it too much. You can have your own if you choose to get married one day.”
“Anna and Sebastian are probably competing to see who can have the most mischievous child,” Ominis said mostly to himself since he assumed you were lost in your own little world.
“I wouldn’t put it past them,” you joked in return. “And you can put your hand on my thigh if you would like. It is not going to offend the baby.”
Sometimes he hated how in tune you were with him. Ominis put a hand back just below your knee and squeezed to show his annoyance with you, a move he often did to fluster you and keep your teasing mouth quiet.
The move was not working out in his favor while you were holding the baby, however. You gossiped to her, “Oh, Uncle Ominis is mad at me for some reason. I’m in such big trouble. He’s got the grumpy pout. I think he’s feeling a bit bashful that I called him out, what do you think?”
A loud thud sounded from the bathroom. Ominis was standing in a flash. You dropped the bottle beside you on the couch to grab him by the shirt, insisting, “You take the baby! I’ll go get her!”
A look of annoyance washed over Ominis's face and he defied your request, “Are you insane? Just let me-“
“She’s going to want it to be me, not you.”
For the first time since your school days, he bitterly reminded you, “I’m blind! It’s not like I’ll see anything!”
You were standing now, matching his volume. “She’ll just want a woman there that understands-“
“I’ve known her a lot longer than you have! She’s a sister to me, I understand her perfectly! She-“
“She’s still bleeding,” you whispered through your teeth, “You know, down there. That’s why she’s been on bed rest. They had to give her muggle stitches.”
Ominis paled and swallowed quickly. He had assumed Anne was hurting from the curse. The last thing on his mind was average birthing complications. “Oh.”
“Sit down on the couch and put your elbow on the armrest,” you insisted in a very angry tone that you only ever used on Sebastian when he was stepping out of line, which was very, very rare these days. Hearing you so angry sent a shiver down Ominis’s spine. He sat, but panic was bubbling to his surface when he realized why you told him to put his elbow on the armrest.
“My love, please, I’m sorry, I can’t- Don’t make me-“
“It’s a newborn, Ominis! She isn’t going to remember this moment! You can’t possibly do anything wrong. Just feed her the rest of the bottle!” Your screaming made Ominis snap his mouth shut.
You leaned down and put the baby, who was now crying from her bottle being ripped from her and all the commotion, into his arms with a gentleness that shocked Ominis. How you went from screaming at him to carefully making sure the baby’s head was supported on his arm just right, he would never know. The bottle was picked up from where it had rolled to the other side of the couch and put firmly in Ominis’s hand with a bit more fire to your placement this time around.
“Feed her. She can’t cry if there is a bottle in her mouth. Relax your shoulders. I’ll only be gone a minute.”
Then your footsteps were fading. Ominis couldn’t stop his entire body from shaking. The baby was still crying, and although the only other sound in the house was the soft piano and strings coming from the phonograph, Ominis was overwhelmed to the point of shock. The baby weighed in his arms, but not nearly as much as he expected it to. He had held Sebastian’s firstborn twice: once when it was a month old and then one other time when it had just started crawling. Sebastian’s baby was never as feather-light as the dainty little thing crying in his arms now. It didn’t even stretch across Ominis’s chest. Tiny little feet were kicking his right arm that had been white-knuckling the bottle. They were covered in fuzzy knit socks that felt soft and plush against his arm with each weak kick.
The baby seemed to kick some sense into Ominis because he realized it would stop crying if he would just hurry up and give it the bottle. At first, he tried placing it in the baby’s flailing hands, but it wouldn’t take it from him. Was holding a bottle not something babies could do for themselves? He was pretty sure Sebastian was able to hand his youngest a bottle and walk away. Why didn’t this one know what to do?!
Ominis was ready to give up, but he didn’t know how to move the baby properly or where to put it even if he had the nerve. The couch? Would it roll off? The floor? Surely that wasn’t appropriate.
“Fine! Fine,” Ominis grumbled. He set the bottle between his legs and then hesitantly touched the baby's chest and glided up to feel where its mouth was. The thing was so tiny, and even though Ominis was holding it, he still expected it to take longer to find its mouth. But before he could pull away, the baby sucked his pointer finger in and bit down. It might have not had any teeth, but its gums were still brutal!
“Ow!” Ominis hissed and yanked his finger away from the little gremlin. He shook his hand with a dramatic flair to lessen the hurt. The baby went right back to crying. “That was uncalled for.”
Finally, Ominis was able to get the bottle in the baby’s mouth. There was an annoying squeak from it sucking on the rubber, but other than that the living room had turned back to its peaceful state. The record on the phonograph was playing a more upbeat tune. All was well.
Meanwhile, you had sprinted into the bathroom panicked and breathing heavily. Anne was lying on her back near the sink, about a meter from the tub.
“Anne!” You gasped and hurried over to her.
“Oh, hey,” Anne laughed lightly, not acting injured in the slightest. “How was your domestic disagreement? I have never heard you two argue like that. It was quite entertaining.”
“Are you hurt?”
“Mostly just embarrassed. I slipped while I was brushing my teeth. Wasn’t even walking or anything, just tumbled over for no reason. Held onto the sink though, so it wasn’t too bad.”
“You need help up?”
“Yeah. My hip is pretty sore, as if it wasn’t bad enough down there already,” Anne always kept a light tone to not worry others. You understood the sentiment. She didn’t want to be treated like a child or hovered over. Sebastian used to do that to her constantly, he had gotten a lot calmer over the years, but Anne hadn’t learned to get rid of her coping mechanisms yet.
“Let me dry the floor then I’ll help you up. Looks like a hurricane happened in here. Were you playing with the bath bubbles?” You joked to put her at ease.
She sighed gratefully for your calm nature. “Maybe. It had been a while since I’ve had a bubble bath. Might have got a bit carried away.”
You dramatically dragged a towel along the floor at the edge of the tub and asked, “A bit?”
It took some patience, but you managed to get Anne to her bed. There was still only the fitted sheet in place, so you added the bedding around her and made a point to tuck her in so tight that she couldn’t even wiggle. She shoved your hands away, laughing at your antics. The two of you chatted for a bit about your new plant shop and whether or not you missed working at the Ministry.
In the living room, the light squeaking of the bottle stopped. Ominis frowned in confusion. He could feel that there was still a bit of liquid sloshing around in the glass. Would the baby start crying again? Why had it stopped eating? Fearing the worst, he set the bottle down on the couch beside him and then leaned his ear in close to make sure the baby was still breathing. He placed his hand over its chest to feel the rise and fall. The tip of his middle finger touched its chin and the bottom of his hand was over its stomach. How could something be so small?
The baby’s hands latched onto his, one grabbing his thumb and the other his pinky, holding Ominis against its chest. Ominis blushed at the contact. The hands were soft and oh, so tiny. It could hardly clasp his thumb properly. Its breathing started to slow. The record on the phonograph came to an end, leaving a soft scratching sound to fill the room.
“Alright then,” his voice was but a whisper so that he wouldn’t disrupt the tranquil atmosphere of the room. Having his hand cradled like that made his heart clench tightly and painfully. The baby’s little cotton clothes were slightly wet around its neck from the formula, but other than that, Ominis didn’t mind that his hand was trapped.
His own breathing started to slow for the first time since arriving at Anne’s place.
A few moments later, you had been sent by Anne to collect her child. She wanted to snuggle with the baby while they both had a nap. The fiasco in the bathroom had worn her out.
The last thing you expected to see was a soft smile on Ominis’s lips while he seemed to be resting. The baby was pulled in close to his chest and was clutching into Ominis’s hand. They both looked fast asleep. The sight filled you with warmth. Your eyes softened, and you nearly wanted to shed a tear. Instead of disrupting them right away, you turned off the phonograph that had been playing nothing and washed the unfinished bottle in the kitchen sink.
When it came time to finally collect the baby from Ominis, you felt slightly guilty for dragging it out for so long. He just looked so precious holding a child. It was doing things to you, making you yearn for things you had sworn off thinking about.
With the utmost care, you reached to scoop the baby out of Ominis’s arms. His left arm tightened around the child, drawing her closer to his chest.
“Don’t,” he whispered.
That was…odd. Was he talking in his sleep? You couldn’t recall Ominis ever doing such a thing.
“It’s just me, love. I’ve come to relieve you from your babysitting duties. Sorry it took me so long.”
You tried going in for the exchange again, but Ominis insisted, “Just another moment, please. Just one moment.” His voice was breaking. It was clear now he hadn’t been sleeping at all to begin with because a tear escaped from the corner of his eye. It had been quite some time since you had seen Ominis in such a fragile state. When he would open up about his family and his childhood, sometimes he would get quiet like this. In those times, he had held onto you like you were driftwood in an ocean of terror he was drowning in. The way he was cradling the baby so close to his chest now meant he was anchoring to her at this moment. You couldn’t bring yourself to take her from him, even if the baby’s young mother was wanting to see her.
The only thing you could do was sit beside him on the couch. Your head rested on his shoulder and your hand rubbed in soft patterns across his arm. A few moments later, you had to tell him, “Anne sent me to collect the baby.”
Ominis nodded and softly said, “We shouldn’t keep her waiting any longer then. You can- you can take her now.”
There was a tense static in the room. The last thing you wanted to do was end this moment. Even with Sebastian’s for at born, Ominis had never asked to hold them, let alone hold them longer the few times he had been forced to.
“Why don’t you just carry her to the bedroom for me, hm?”
That was not what Ominis wanted to hear. His eyes widened with fear. “I can’t I- I don’t know how to.”
“It’ll be alright,” you were already adjusting his left arm so that he was providing better support underneath her as you spoke, “Just support her bum here. You can use your other arm too if you’re unsure. Just bring that one to cover here and- There. Now you’ve got a very good hold on her. After you get up from the couch just put it right back there where I showed you. I’ll lead you to the bedroom. Come along, now.”
Before he had time to come up with an excuse, you were dragging him up from the couch and guiding him to Anne’s room. Usually, he hated being guided places unless the situation was dire or he was in a big crowd. Sometimes people at work would try and guide from around the building. He took a bit of offense to it. If he ever needed a guide, he could just use his wand!
But now he was holding this tiny little thing in his arms, and it was alive and depending on him not to trip or bump into something. Without fighting it, Ominis let you hold his elbow and guide him across Anne’s house to the master bedroom. You had him sit in an armchair in the corner of the room as you joked with Anne, “You said, ‘Bring the baby’, and I wasn’t sure which one so naturally… I brought both.”
“You two look good like that. With her,” Anne commented as you put your hand on Ominis’s shoulder.
You were thankful Ominis couldn’t see your flush or the warning look you gave Anne. Around Ominis, you tried your hardest to avoid the topic of starting a family of your own. Your mother mentioned it every time the two of you visited her. She wanted grandkids. Usually, Anne and Sebastian were safe to converse with because they knew Ominis as well as you did. A comment like that almost felt out of character for Anne, especially since she was so protective of Ominis.
“I’ll have to take your word for it,” Ominis replied smoothly.
“Have you burped her yet?”
“Have I what?”
You laughed and patted Ominis on the shoulder. “That can get messy. Why don’t we let Anne do that, hm?”
“I can do it,” he offered quickly. “Just tell me how, and I can do it.”
You draped a towel over his shoulder and directed him to lay the baby against it. It didn’t take long to burp her. Ominis winced at the wet gurgling by his ear and the pungent, sour smell of the formula coming back tenfold. You giggled at his reaction and seemed to be cleaning up the baby’s face so that Ominis could go back to snuggling her.
“I’m glad you two are getting along. I’d hoped you would. After all, she’s named after you.”
A beat of silence dragged by before Ominis was able to ask, “What?”
“My little Minnie. Cute, don’t you think?” Anne smiled softly. “You were always there for me when Sebastian and I had our falling out. I appreciate you and I’m thankful for everything you’ve done for me.”
“Minnie is such a sweet name,” you commented once you realized Ominis was too stunned to respond. “Perfect for this sweet little girl.”
A couple of hours went by while you and Anne chatted. Ominis didn’t move from the armchair with Minnie and never once complained about his arm going numb from holding her.
Went you stood up so go start something for dinner, an Apparation crack sounded from outside. All three of you were alert and tense, wondering who it could be. You brought out your wand and headed to the front door, but it burst open before you had the chance to get there.
“Anne?!” The desperate cry of her husband called through the house. His heavy footsteps sprinted for the bedroom. Blood and scrapes littered his face and his hair and clothes were in disarray and even looked a bit singed. “Are you alright?” He raced to embrace her.
“You’ll have to give her up now, my love,” you whispered in Ominis’s ear while Anne and her husband reunited.
With a heavy sigh, Ominis stood from the armchair and approached the side of the bed Anne’s husband was standing on. He tearfully took Minnie from Ominis then looked at Anne in disbelief.
“She looks just like you.”
Sebastian’s wife was standing in the entryway, looking just as disheveled as Anne’s husband. While you and Ominis left the bedroom to give the new family some privacy, Sebastian’s wife explained, “There was a dragon attack that led to a cave-in. He was trapped for nearly a week.”
“Lucky you were able to find him. You’re amazing, honestly. Are you okay? Do you need anything? The both of you look like you got in a fistfight with the dragon!” You told her.
“Nearly did! Its tail swung at me at one point. It’s been an eventful day. All that’s on my mind is getting home to the kids and Sebastian.”
“We’ll be heading home as well, I think. Stay safe.”
With her gone, you cleaned up a few things around Anne’s house. Ominis tagged along on your cleaning spree, but he was nearly silent while doing so. You worried today might have been too much for him, but you would decide you would wait to check on him until after getting him to the comfort of your own home.
“You can floo first, Ominis! I’ll be right behind you. I’m just going to throw this blanket in the laundry bin.”
He was gone in a smokey, green flash. As promised, you traveled just a moment later. You hardly had a second to focus on the blur of your living room before a pair of hands were haphazardly dragging you forward until a rather demanding set of lips landed over yours. In his defense, Ominis had warned you earlier that day that he would be taking his stress out on you.
“What a lovely welcome home,” you comment when he pulls away, thinking it would end there.
His voice was a bit raspy in your ear, “Tell me what you’ve been wanting, and I’ll give it to you.” And although the sound of his voice was arousing, you could tell he wasn’t talking about anything sexual. There was a pointed annoyance in his tone. The unspoken dream you’ve been trying to keep to yourself secret all these years seemed to be weighing down on the both of you.
“Ominis, I don’t expect that of you. Is this because of what Anne said about us looking good with a baby? She was only teasing, Ominis. You know I would never ask that if you.”
Lips started to trail down your neck, tasting you. Between kisses, Ominis was whispering, “So good to me. Trying to hide her desires. It’s okay. I want it too.”
“What do you mean?” You managed out between gasps. His hands were exploring every inch of your body as if he didn’t already have you memorized. It took all of your willpower to restrain yourself and pull away from him because he seemed as though he was going to continue on without clarifying if you weren’t going to make him.
He groaned as if he was the one losing out on pleasure by you pulling away. “Want it too. Wanna give you a baby,” he whined softly. The words shocked you enough that your hold weakened. Ominis took the opportunity to lean back in, but you put your hands on his shoulders to hold him at bay.
“I think you caught an illness while at Anne’s,” you say in a worried tone. The back of your fingers pressed to his forehead. “Yup, just as I suspected. You have a bad case of baby fever. I think a good night's rest will be just the cure.”
Rolling his eyes at your antics, Ominis insisted, “I’ve thought about this before, and I know you want one. I don’t need sight to know how you feel about Sebastian’s kids. You are always coming up with excuses to be with them longer. It’s okay. I’m not going to be angry if you admit it. I just want you to be happy.”
“I am happy. I’m happy with you. I don’t need anything more. I would never ask for anything more.”
Ominis rested his forehead against yours. “I know you would never dare to ask. That’s why I’m offering.”
“And you’ll regret offering such things in the morning,” you reminded him.
“No, I won’t.”
“I know holding Minnie was overwhelming for you, but don’t let those new emotions cloud your judgment. You’ve never wanted kids before this. Just think for a moment and-“
“I have thought about it, many times. Maybe I’ve been apprehensive to the idea, but that was before. I thought it wasn’t possible for me to connect with children, that I wouldn’t be able to care for them the way a parent should. I thought I’d be cold and distant like my parents, so I didn’t want to bring a child into this world for them to feel alone and unwanted. But now, with her, I was able to care, to- to…”
“To love?” you offered
“Please say you believe me,” he sounded so lost and broken.
Your hands cupped his cheeks as you wiped away his tears of frustration. “I believe you. I never doubted that you wouldn’t be able to love our child if we had one. I just assumed you didn’t dare to let yourself try because of your parents. I love you, Ominis. Of course I want to have your children. I want them to be just as stubborn, but just as caring as you. I want them to have your sarcastic wit but also your devoted loyalty. It’s something I’ve thought about endlessly, so don’t think I’m turning you down when I ask for you to think on it just a while longer. Let the emotions from today come back down. I’ll make us dinner, we’ll go to bed. Then, whenever you are ready to talk about this, we will.”
Ominis managed to look disappointed but grateful at the same time. “I’ll think on it.”
And think on it he did, or simmer was a closer description. While you were in the kitchen, he pretended to read with his wand. There was a moment of uncertainty when he thought about how holding Minnie had made him feel. Would he be able to connect like that with his own child? But then again, how could he not? His own child would be half you, and he loved every part of you, even the side of you that thought you knew what was best for him by making him sit with his thoughts.
After a while, you brought him a cup of tea and kissed his temple. Ominis mumbled a thank you and continued to pretend to read. He could tell by the way you lingered in the doorway as you left the living room that you had used the tea as an excuse to check in on him. Instead of clueing you into his thoughts, he remained aloof and sipped his tea without showing any emotion positive or negative. The last thing he wanted was to hear you ramble about how he wasn’t in the right headspace to know what he truly wanted.
What he wanted was to be buried deep in you as he came. He wanted to, for once, not ruin his adrenaline rush by pulling out at the last second. He wanted you to have his child. He wanted a family with you, and he didn’t want to waste another second before starting it. This was something he should have done years ago.
“Dinner is ready,” you announced. There was a tremor in your voice as though you were nervous to speak to him. You spent the last thirty minutes hiding in the kitchen and wondering if he was cross with you since he hardly spoke at all when you brought him tea.
“It smells lovely in here.” Ominis played along with you, pretending not to notice your slip-up.
“Thank you. What were you reading?”
“A book that Sebastian’s wife recommended about keeping dragons.”
“That sounds intriguing.”
“It is.”
And that was all you got out of him. Ominis finished his food before you then disappeared to the kitchen to do the dishes while you sat in silence at the dining table. The wine wasn’t strong enough to keep your mind from worrying. How long would things be like this? Usually, Ominis was easy to get through to, so your arguments never lasted long. Would this remain an unspoken thing in your marriage for years to come? Forever?
You tiptoed into the kitchen with your empty plate. Ominis had done most of the dishes except for a single pan and the plate and fork in your hands. Even though you were trying to be as quiet as a mouse, Ominis held his open hand out in your direction and said, “Your plate.”
Reluctantly, you handed him the dirty dish. “Thank you for cleaning.”
“You cooked, so I cleaned. No reason to thank me. It’s only fair.”
“You’re right,” you whispered quietly.
Ominis raised his brow. “What? No comeback? No telling me how wrong I am for not accepting your gratitude? No making me think about it before I decide I want to do the dishes?”
“So you are mad at me!” You said it like it was an accusation. “I knew it. You’re being ridiculous! I’m only asking you to think on this before you decide!”
“You think I haven’t thought about it? Nearly ten years of marriage and you don’t think I fantasize about what it would feel like to hold you while my child is growing inside you?” He dried his hands on a dishrag and then leaned against the counter, looking exasperated. His volume hadn’t matched yours yet. He was holding back.
“You don’t have to do this just because it’s something I want!”
“Just because I’m scared doesn’t mean I don’t want it too!” His yell seemed to echo in the tiny kitchen.
After a second of trying to remind yourself how to breathe, you felt horrible for letting it escalate so far. Hearing Ominis was scared just made you want to comfort him. You spoke softly, “Ominis-“
“No, don’t do that. Don’t pity me and try to comfort me. Don’t use that as an excuse for us not to do this. Either you want us to have a child, or you don’t. I need you to be fully in on this as well. I’ll need you to show me how to make a bottle a few more times, how to change a diaper, and how to hold them properly. I need you to be patient with me, but I don’t want you to pity me. Is that understood?”
“I understand.” His words started to sink in. He seemed satisfied with your agreeability and turned back to the sink to finish the last two dishes. When the water cut off, you were still frozen in the center of your kitchen and trying to figure out if this was all real or a fever dream.
Ominis was humming a melody that had been playing earlier on Anne’s phonograph as he put away the pan he cleaned last. When he passed you by, a hand reached out to touch you. It dragged across your stomach to your hip and squeezed.
“If you are feeling against the idea any sort of way, now might be your last chance to speak up,” he warned, “I won’t be able to hold back tonight with this on my mind.”
“Don’t hold back-“ Was all he needed to hear before you were backed up against the kitchen counter with his lips how and heavy on yours. His approach was usually far more gentle. The two of you could kiss for hours before he’d even cop a feel. Now his hands were unbuttoning your clothes at your waistline and tugging the fabric down with haste.
This is what you’ve been dreaming of. Only a handful of times had Ominis ever devoured you in such a way. Things were more heated when the two of you were younger, exploring each other, and having uncontrollable urges. Since marriage, Ominis had calmed in that sense. You lived together, so he had the ability to take his time and appreciate every inch of you. It was always about bringing you pleasure as many times as the night would allow. Tonight was a stark contrast to those gentle touches.
Before you knew it, he had your panties around your ankles and was telling you to sit on the counter that he had just cleaned. You hopped up as told, but your position still didn’t have his approval. His fingers hooked under your knees and yanked so that your ass slid across the counter until it was nearly hanging off the edge. He smirked at the feeling of your heated core bumping into his dress pants.
“Right there. Stay right there on the edge for me.” And then he was sinking to his knees. His hands held your inner thighs to keep you from trying to close them, not that you would have.
His mouth was everywhere except the one place you wanted it so desperately. Your clit ached for attention. It seemed like Ominis would be taking his sweet time with you after all. This was usually welcomed attention, but tonight, you wanted him inside you more than anything. You didn’t even need to finish yourself as long as he spilled inside of you.
But even though your mind didn’t need an orgasm, that didn’t mean your body wasn’t craving it. Your hips bucked slightly when his nose nearly brushed against your clit. His hands held you down on the counter as he chuckled. The vibration of his laugh made you quiver.
“Don’t fall off the counter, now. Twisting your ankle won’t get you out of taking my cock. I’d just lay you on the bed and elevate your foot with pillows before filling you up.”
“Ominis,” your voice came out like you were scolding him. He’s spoken dirty before, but never quite like that.
“Just today you admitted in this very kitchen that you push my buttons on purpose to get me to snap and bite you, yet I’m the one being told off. And for what? Making sure my wife’s hypothetical, hurt ankle would be taken care of before I give her the child she so desperately wants?”
“I- oh-,” You lost your train of thought as his lips brushed against your clit before taking it in his mouth and sucking. The feeling was too much after waiting for so long. You squirmed again, this time to get away. The feeling in the pit of your stomach always felt better releasing when things had been slow and steady. Now, you could feel the tension building alarmingly fast.
Ominis took your hips trying to move as a sign of your eagerness. His tongue lapped up your wetness that had started to seep out. Then, it dipped inside of you and his nose rubbed against your clit. Your hands were gripping the edge of the counter to keep yourself from flying off.
Now you were saying his name like a prayer. Your breathy pleas were quite the opposite from how you had just scolded him a few moments ago. Hearing you pant and mumble his name made him smirk. You could feel the corner of his mouth rise slightly against you. That action was enough to send you over the edge, almost literally if Ominis hadn’t been holding you in place on the counter. He kept his tongue in place to feel you pulse around it, though he was careful not to overstimulate you and ruin your high. Only when the pulsations slowed to nearly an end did he pull back and stand up.
“Such a good girl for me. Coming on my tongue and sounding so sweet.” He kissed you with the taste of your juices still on his tongue. You hadn’t even dared to let go of the counter while Ominis got to work unbuttoning his own pants. “Was gonna wait to have you in the bedroom, but I don’t think I can.” And then, he was lined up at your entrance and pushing in.
His movements were slow as he took you in an all consuming kiss to distract you from the stretch. Normally, you could handle whatever Ominis threw at you. This time, you were sitting nearly upright because of how close Ominis held your for the kiss. The position made it hard to take him fully, at least in an enjoyable way. You tried leaning back, and while that did help things start to feel pleasurable, your hand had landed in a stick of butter. The plate clanked against the counter. You immediately cursed under your breath.
Ominis, having heard the plate, had the audacity to laugh at your demise. He pulled out and scolded you, “You aren’t making a mess of my clean kitchen, are you?”
“It seems like you’ll have to wait until we get to the bedroom after all, and now I’ve got to wash my hand as well!”
His hands didn’t leave you the entire time you stood at the sink to try and scrub away the slimy mess on your hand. Even while walking down the hallway his hands were at work taking off your shirt and throwing it who knows where. Needless to say, you were both naked by the time you made it to the bedroom.
Vibrations ran down your neck from his voice mumbling while his lips were against your skin. “Lay on the bed.”
You had expected his hands to be all over you again the moment your back landed on the mattress. Instead, Ominis felt around for the pillows at the head of the bed. He tapped your hip. “Lift up.”
It was hard to deny his odd request because of how deeply you loved when he got a bit bossy like this. You lifted your bum so that he could slide a few pillows under you. The gesture seemed sweet, but entirely unnecessary. You’d been married for nearly nine years now, it wasn’t like you were delicate in the bedroom.
“You’re very sweet, my love, but I don’t need this to be comfortable. You won’t break me.”
Ominis stilled. His hand rested on your thigh. It looked as though he was debating something. “It’s not… for your comfort.”
“Then why are you- oh.” You swallowed your words when it set in. Your hips were high in the air like this. Gravity would make the mess Ominis was about to make stay inside you instead of seeping out.
“But are you comfortable like this?” Ominis ran his hand from your hip to your breast. His hand squeezing around you was faint and soft, more akin to a tender caress instead of anything overtly sexual.
“Yes,” you earnestly answered.
“You might have to stay like this for quite some time,” Ominis leaned closer to your ear to whisper, “Can you handle that?”
You nodded, then felt stupid before replying verbally, “I’m comfortable like this. I can stay as long as you think it’s necessary for it to… set in.”
His hand moved from your breast to lay over your heartbeat for a moment. A satisfied smirk spread across his lips. “Your heart is racing.”
“I might be a bit excited.”
“Oh yeah?” Both his hands smoothed down your body until they rested on your hips. He got on his knees between your legs. “Is that what people are calling it these days?” His thumb messily rubbed over your clit then dipped down between your folds to feel the sticky arousal that had been leaking out of you since the kitchen. There wasn’t much of a rhythm to his movements because he was just wetting his hand so that he could lubricate himself, but still, his hand touching you there in any capacity made your breathing pick up.
You were mumbling his name all desperate and breathy. Ominis chuckled at how needy you sounded. Giving you what you were begging for, he lined himself up, which caused you to whimper even more because his tip dragged across your clit a few times before he found your entrance. As he started to sink in, you sighed in relief. This angle was much better than sitting on the counter. With surprising ease, he nearly bottomed out. There was just a pinch of tightness that made him still for a moment.
His lips were leaving tender kisses across your chest and neck while he let you adjust to the feeling. You were mumbling into his neck for him to move, to take you. Your neediness made him want to give in to those desires, but Ominis wanted to memorize everything about this moment. The smell of sweat and sex in the air was absolutely vile, but incredibly mouthwatering all the same. He could go deeper than he ever had before at this angle, but that area felt tight around his tip. Ominis pulled out slightly and thrust back in slowly, being careful not to go too far and hurt you.
“More,” you were begging, nearly crying in the crook of his shoulder.
Not being able to deny you a second longer, Ominis started to thrust his hips. It wasn’t shallow, but he still wouldn’t let himself go further than the two of you were used to. Your arms wrapped around him and your nails lightly skimmed across his shoulders. He shivered and his hips stuttered unevenly, accidentally driving deeper into you. Immediately, Ominis pulled back and whispered an apology in your ear, but you held tighter onto him.
“Again, do it again.”
A tentative hand brushed the hair off your forehead so Ominis could kiss it. He pushed in deeper, but deliberately slow so he could listen for any signs of discomfort. His thumb found your clit again, hoping to give you a bit of pleasure to combat the fullness. The second his thumb grazed over you, your walls convulsed around his cock and your body shook erratically.
Ominis felt his own waves of pleasure building. On instinct, he tried to pull out to finish on your stomach. Your thighs wrapped around his waist to hold him in place.
“Please, come inside me. I want to make you a daddy.”
Your words made the tips of his ears go red. But now that he wasn’t so lost in the moment, he remembered the whole point of the evening, why he had made you rest your hips on a pile of pillows, and why he was able to reach this deep inside you in the first place.
“Stop me if it hurts,” was all the warning Ominis could give before his hips started to rut against you, hitting as deep as his length would allow with every feverish thrust. His pelvis was hitting your clit each time, Turning you right back into a moaning mess beneath him.
“There, right there.”
His breath was hot and heavy on your neck, “Gonna fill you up with my seed, sweetheart. I’m gonna fuck you just like this twice a day with your hips all high and willing to take me until we find out it worked. And then, I’m going to keep coming in you every night after to celebrate. I’ll fill you up so good, that we won’t know if it’s my come or my child growing in you that’s making you bigger.”
Talking dirty wasn’t new for Ominis, but it was rarely obscene and never, ever like this. That with how deep and fast he was fucking you made you speechless, breathless, thoughtless. You couldn’t even see straight, so you just held onto him for dear life and panted, but no breath was deep enough to fill your lungs or call you down. The tension in your entire body builds to the point that your leg was cramping. You wrapped it around Omni’s leg just to ease the pressure, but Ominis saw that as you wanting him to go harder.
So he did. His hips snapped into you hysterically. You cried out in ecstasy as another orgasm hit you like a train.
His hips faltered and he groaned as he came while your walls relentlessly milked his cock. You couldn’t stop writhing beneath him. Feeling his warm spurts of come paint your walls and add pressure made your intense waves of pleasure drag out. Ominis was on his elbows and panting, his lips right above yours. You already couldn’t breathe, but you pulled him down for a kiss regardless.
“I love you,” he gasped as he pulled away from the kiss. “Was that okay? Are you hurting? Should I get you a-“
Ominis had started to move, but your arms wrapped tighter around him and your walls clenched around his length. “Don’t move yet. Stay. Just stay.”
Seeming to understand and reciprocate your need to be close, Ominis rested on an elbow and then used his other hand to caress your body as if you were made of glass. “I’m not going anywhere, love.”
The two of you laid like that for a while just playing with each other’s hair and whispering sweet nothings. Soon, Ominis started to get hard again inside of you. He slyly shifted his hips, but his excuse of getting more comfortable didn’t work on you.
“Ominis,” you whined in an exhausted tone. How was he ready to go again!?
His kisses on your neck paused while he laughed against your skin. “Well, I did say twice a day until we’re certain, didn’t I?”
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moonpascaltoo · 4 days
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Hand Written
The final part to Note Taking and Study Habits
Ominis x fem!MC, fluff, kissing, it is just kissing but I wouldn’t say it’s safe to read at work
This is all so self indulgent but idc I write for my own entertainment first and foremost
Over the weekend, you ran into a bit of trouble. Your first trip to Hogsmeade with Natty had famously resulted in a troll battle, but most people didn’t know that the journey hadn’t ended there. During a well-deserved butterbeer at the Three Broomsticks, you were confronted by Victor Rookwood and Theophilus Harlow. One thing led to another, and now as of late, you and Natty found yourself acting as protectors of the Highlands. Whenever one of you heard of Ashwinders causing mayhem, the two of you would team up and hunt them down. This time, you may have bit off more than you could chew.
The wizards you fought against that weekend had been poachers. Not only that, but Theophilus Harlow himself had shown to the battle. By then, you had already taken a few curses and had long since exhausted your supply of Wiggenweld potion. Lucky for you, they had captured two hippogriffs, one of them being Poppy Sweeting’s friend Highwing. The killing curse was thrown, but thanks to the hippogriffs, you and Natty had made it out, narrowly.
The next morning, the two of you had joined Poppy for breakfast to ask what should be done about the two fully grown hippogriffs in your nab-sack.
“Well, I would say to release them back to their home, but with all the poachers still running about. . .” Poppy sighed heavily. Scotland wasn’t safe for any beast at the moment.
“There is somewhere I could take them,” you offered hesitantly, “I didn’t want to take Highwing there without your approval since the two of you are so close. But I can show you, both of you.” You smiled at Natty. “It’s quite extraordinary, actually. I’ve been waiting for the right time to share it with people.”
Natty returned your smile. “You have me intrigued.”
Poppy’s eyes lit up. “Is it close enough for us to go after classes today?”
“Why wait until after classes?” Then you were standing from your seat in the Great Hall to lead the girls out. Overhead, the owls had arrived to deliver the morning mail. A letter was dropped on the table for you, and you placed it directly in your robes for later. Most of the mail you received was from people asking for favors or updating you on ongoing quests they’d assigned you. Whatever it was could wait for now.
The girls followed you out of the Great Hall, giggling and unable to contain their excitement for whatever Hogwarts mystery you were about to show them.
Sharing the Room of Requirement with others re-sparked your excitement for the space. The three of you rushed in nearly late to Charms. You snatched food from the Great Hall during lunch just to run back to the Astronomy tower. Poppy took to the skies of the vivarium. Natty had fallen asleep on your couch cuddling a puffskin. You debated dozing off as well, exhausted from the weekend, but you stayed vigilant and watched over the time to know when you would have to drag the other girls to DADA.
“That. . was. . brilliant!” Poppy had an arm hooked around one of both yours and Natty’s elbows. Her balance was still off from the flight.
“Now that the two of you know it’s there, I think you should be able to find it yourselves. I’m not in the castle much these days, so the beasts would love your company.”
Natty brightened at the invitation. “I’m looking forward to exploring as my animagus form when I am better rested. Galloping around was not in the stars for today.”
“That puffskin took quite the liking to you,” you teased.
“I had an inkling you would be good with beasts, Natty,” Poppy commented, “You have a warm soul. The creatures see that.”
After classes, the three of you were yet again exploring the room. Free from needing to keep track of time, you planted yourself on the couch for a well-deserved rest. As you turned on your side, a curious crunching sounded from under you. You frowned as you sat up, digging through your robes for the parchment preventing you from sleep.
The letter from that morning! Might as well open it now and find out what sort of predicament you would be spending the rest of your weeknights solving.
What caught your eye first was how meticulously the words were placed. There were perfectly even indentations on both sides. The spacing was exact, and the lines, while ever so slightly up and to the left, were even in height. Someone had planned out what they were going to say to you. This was rare among the desperate scribbles of your usual quests. Even professors who wrote to you about assignments were flippant with their quill strokes, far too busy to even attempt legibility for a mere student.
I fear apologies are in order. Sebastian insists you’ve been distant this weekend because of my actions. Offending you was not my intentions. The touches were merely a way to express that I share the same sentiment. I think of you often. In fact, I have not been able to think of much else since you started taking my name. If I’ve misinterpreted your feelings, please meet me today after classes in the Undercroft. You are owed a proper apology face to face.
If you happen to feel the same, you know where I’ll be.
Yours Truly,
You stood from the couch so fast the room was spinning. By now, he must have assumed you weren’t going to show. How awful he must feel to think you didn’t care enough about his letter to even address it.
“Deek!” You called out, wildly looking around the room for him.
He had popped up out of nowhere, startling you. “Yes, Miss?”
Pressing the letter against your chest in shock while trying to collect yourself, you uttered, “Would you be so kind as to let the girls know I had to leave, but they are welcome to stay for as long as they’d like?”
“Of course, Miss. is everything all right?”
“Yes, for once, I’ve received a letter with good news, but I must meet with the sender right away.”
“Deek will make sure your friends are well taken care of in your absence.”
“Thank you!”
By the time you arrived at the entrance of the Undercroft, you were out of breath and only panicking worse. What if he had already given up? What if he was angry? What if your late arrival changed how he felt? You stomped down the stairs as quick as your thick boots would allow and ducked under the metal grate since it wasn’t rising fast enough.
Finding yourself inside the echoey room was like being doused in the icy waters of the sea. All the adrenaline that had been fueling your sprint over had dwindled, leaving only trepidation in its wake.
“Ominis?” You called out, hating how loud your voice seemed against the dead silence of the room. Nothing stirred. Nothing moved. You couldn’t even hear the faint sound of his breathing. You were alone.
“Ergh!” You let out through your teeth. How could you be so careless? Why couldn’t you have read the letter at any other point in the day? “Confringo!” You cast at a hanging candelabra. It swung violently from the momentum of your spell. The next victim was a tower of boxes. One by one exploding into bits, “Bombarda! Diffindo! Depulso!”
You turned on your heel, aiming at the desk in the corner that was rarely ever used for school-related revision. “Flipendo!” The contents crashed to the floor: a vase shattering, candles snapping in half, tomes scattering about. Still, the chaos didn’t feel like enough. You stormed over to the wreckage and kicked the now very sideways desk for good measure. Apparently, your steel-toe boots were a little worn down from all your adventures because you felt the impact jolt up even past your shin.
With absolutely no balance, you plummeted to the floor with a wince, grabbing at your foot in agony. “Mother of Merlin! So stupid!” You had fallen into the debris. Now that you were coming down from the rage, you frowned at the mess around you. Meekly, you uttered, “Reparo,” at the stack of boxes you’d destroyed.
Pushing yourself off the ground, you aimed at the desk next. In the blink of an eye, everything was in it’s rightful place. Even the tiny shard of glass in your palm had rejoined the vase.
You sat at the desk, exhausted from your meltdown. Your left hand landed on a folded piece of parchment. The only person who ever worked at this desk was Sebastian when he was reading something he wasn’t supposed to. Curious as to what kind of notes he was taking, you unfolded the paper to find the diligent penmanship from Ominis’s letter.
We have to leave in a hurry. Anne is feeling too ill to walk, but Solomon is traveling in Egypt. He is meeting with old friends from the Ministry, Curse Breakers. Anne needs someone to look after her for a few days, and Sebastian didn’t want to go alone. He shouldn’t have to be alone, not at a time like this.
I hope this message finds you well.
Yours Truly,
Oh, what a fool you had been. You looked up at the arching ceiling and let out a laugh of disbelief. While you were having a tissy fit about being late, Anne was suffering. Merlin, how idiotic you felt.
Ignorant, as Sebastian would so kindly say. And this time, he’d have been right.
If Solomon was away, you might have just the thing to lift the spirits in Feldcroft. All you needed was a quick trip to the Room of Requirement, and you could be on your way by curfew.
It was far too late to be knocking on someone’s door, but there you stood in the entryway in the dead of night. The air was bitter and unforgiving. The nights were always chilly this close to the sea, but this year's winter seemed to be never-ending. The moment you appeared at the floo station in the middle of town, you debated sending yourself right back to the warmth of your common room.
The front door swung open to reveal a familiar wand pointed at your face. Sebastian, looking rough from sleep, mustered up the deadliest glare he could and opened his mouth to spew out a threat. His scowl brightened to a brilliant smile, recognizing you were no foe.
“Well if it isn’t the subject of the hour herself!” He stepped aside, ushering you into the small home so he could shut out the harsh weather. “You had us thinking Ashwinders were looking for a fight.”
“Assuming they would knock,” Anne added as she sat up in her bed.
“Sorry to frighten you, and wake you. ., but with Solomon gone I thought these might be of use.” You pulled a bag of freshly picked shrivelfigs from your enchanted satchel. Ever since your first trip to Feldcroft, you had been growing them. The broken look on Sebastian’s face, when his uncle had ruined the one he had bought for Anne, was etched in your soul.
“Have I told you lately that I love you?” Sebastian mused as you handed him the fruit.
“I don’t think you’ve ever admitted you love me.”
“Hmm, very well. I’ll add it to my to-do list.”
“I look forward to it, Sallow.”
“Don’t hold your breath, Gaunt.”
“Hey now,” Anne chastised, “Did we not just discuss that at great length?
Sebastian rolled his eyes then turned to you, “I’m very sorry. Does the name make you uncomfortable?”
“No,” you admitted, braving a glance at Ominis who was sitting at the head of Sebastian’s bed. You nearly gasped at his appearance.
When Sebastian had answered the door, you didn’t take a second glance at his apparel. But seeing Ominis out of school robes was always a treat. Even those few times you had, he would still be sporting his uniform vest and button-down. Now he was wearing a long sleeve thermal that seemed too loose in every area it was meant to be tight for warmth. It was likely one of Solomon’s since the boys had to leave on the spot without having time to pack.
Ominis looked terribly endearing swimming in the giant shirt with blankets looking at his hips. His hair was still somehow in place despite the fact that they had clearly already been lying down before you came in. The space in the bed next to him was disheveled from Sebastian jumping out of bed to answer the door.
“Told you she likes him!” Anne proclaimed, talking with Sebastian as if you and Ominis weren’t in the room. Though, in her defense, with the way you were looking Ominis up and down, it may as well have been Anne and Sebastian that weren’t in the room.
“Then explain the cold shoulder!”
“She was probably busy being her usual self. You do remember her having ancient magic abilities to discover, don’t you?”
“That doesn’t explain not showing up to the Undercroft.” Sebastian refused to back down from the argument.
“But she’s here now, isn’t she?” Anne reached a hand out to you. “Come, Y/N. You can sleep with me. It’s late, and we should all be resting.”
Sebastian put his hands on his hips. “Don’t you think the married couple should-“
“Sebastian!” Ominis chastised. “Enough before I hex you. Get back to bed.”
You were timid to join Anne in the tiny bed. The old wood creaked in protest from your weight. She was quick to cover you in her warm blankets. Only then did you realize how badly you had been shivering from the cold. Anne’s head unabashedly laid on your shoulder as she hummed.
“This is lovely. Sebastian has refused to sleep in the same bed as me since we started school. We used to cuddle every night.”
Across the room, Sebastian seemed to groan in agony, “Anne, quit telling people that.”
Anne went on defiantly, “He used to be so sweet to me, but he drools in his sleep.”
You giggled. “Why am I not surprised? He drools a bit in his waking hours as well. Especially in Miss Garlick’s class.”
“Hmm, wonder why that is?”
From the boys’ side, a light slap rang out, followed by the sound of a wand clattering to the floor.
“Don’t hex them!” Ominis whispered.
“Just a silencing charm!” Sebastian said defensively.
The bed was empty when you woke up. Anne had not traveled far in their tiny abode. She was relaxing with tea at the dining table. Her plush armchair stood out between the other bare, wooden dining chairs. Ominis was awake and tending to the kettle. Sebastian was snoring. A dark spot had formed by his mouth on the pillow. You bit your cheek to prevent yourself from laughing.
Lovely blackmail material for later.
“Good morning,” Ominis said, holding out a steaming mug to you. His voice startled Anne who hadn’t even noticed you had woken up.
“Thank you.” From the smell alone, you could tell he put the perfect amount of sugar. You nearly melted into the cup yourself. What you would give to wake up every morning to Ominis. . . His hair had finally given in and fallen ever so slightly out of place due to not having its usual routine. He felt the wisps on his forehead and frowned, raising his hand to move them. You reached out, grabbing his wrist. “Leave it.”
He went from pink to red alarmingly fast. You sipped your tea and caught Anne’s watchful eye. She was smiling, despite her words, “I’m starting to pity Sebastian. He was right. This is disgusting to witness.”
Deciding it was your turn for a bit of fun, you teased, “Yes well, you and Sebastian might as well get used to it. Marriages do tend to last a while, the good ones, anyway.”
Adoring the opportunity to join in on the mischief, Anne added, “I guess so. Ominis is one of the good ones.”
Ominis had his own notes to go over on that very topic. He grabbed his coat from the hanger, shrugging it on as he asked, “Y/N, would you care to join me for a morning stroll? I thought we could pick something up from the vendor. He usually has bread ready by now, and this place is due for some more fresh food to go with those shrivelfigs. Maybe a few eggs for breakfast as well. .”
“I would love to.” You mimicked his movements to grab your coat, but he had picked it up first to hold it up for you. You couldn’t help but nervously glance at Anne who seemed very amused at the whole show behind her cup of tea.
Just one arm and then the other. It wasn’t so bad, that is, until after when he put his hands on both your shoulders and smoothed out the fabric. When you turned to face him, he held out an elbow for you to hold.
“Oh,” you murmured under your breath.
Timidly, you accepted his guide, but Ominis stayed frozen in the foyer for a second longer to ask, “I’m sorry, I’ve done it again, haven’t I? Is this arrangement all right with you?” He nodded toward where your hand was shamelessly finding its place on his arm.
“Yes, of course. You lead. I have no idea where we are going,” you assured him.
“It’s rare people ask me to lead them places,” Ominis was attempting a jovial tone, perhaps to put your budding nerves at ease.
It didn’t help much due to your mouth spewing words without a thought, “I’d follow you anywhere.”
Now it was Ominis muttering a soft, “Oh,” while mulling over the depth of your words.
Anne slurped her tea inappropriately loud, causing the two of you to jump. You offered her a sheepish smile, a silent apology for forgetting that you and Ominis were not alone.
“I want a niece or nephew named after me,” Anne proclaimed. “It’s the least you could do to make up for this.”
Throwing a look of annoyance Anne’s way, Ominis was quick to fire back, “I think Sebastian has that cover-“
“Consider it done!” You promised the girl.
Ominis quickly recovered from his shocked appearance to ask, “Do I not have a say in the naming of our child?”
“Take a moment to consider the benefits. If it’s named after her, she’ll be guilted into babysitting. Would you rather have Sebastian looking after our child while we’re away? We’d come back to a demon baby.“
“Bold of you to assume Anne is any more responsible than Sebastian. She caused quite a myriad of trouble in our early years, more so than Sebastian. Do not let her fool you. Sebastian has yet to beat her detention record. Try as he might.”
Then you were whisked away on a proper tour of Feldcroft. Sebastian had previously shown you around, but those landmarks were more about the places they had fought Goblins or where Anne had been cursed. Ominis was naming off what houses belonged to which neighbors and listing who grew what each season. He spoke as if this hamlet were his home, but you were well aware the Gaunts resided in Northern England.
Perhaps Feldcroft was more of a home to him than that place ever would be. That would make sense. Sebastian and Anne seemed more like family to him than the true family he spoke ill of. It was a fine place to call home. Quaint and quiet. There was more variety in the cities or even villages like Hogsmeade, but the hustle and bustle of those places got old. Visiting Feldcroft with Sebastian had always been a guilty pleasure. Pleasure because you craved simplicity after all your adventures, but guilty for feeling so at peace while Sebastian and Anne were struggling.
With the sun breaking through some of the clouds, today would be warmer than yesterday. By the afternoon, most of the snow would likely melt away. Days like that were usually colder than the weeks of snow that preceded them. The wetness seeped into clothes and chilled to the bone. With all the fields surrounding the hamlet, you hoped the ground would soak up the moisture quick. Either that or the four of you would be inside for the entire duration of your stay.
A while into the walk, Ominis finally took out his wand to lead the both of you toward a hay bale big enough to sit. A cart of chomping cabbages rolled by. You tried not to shiver, knowing very well how deadly those things could be. Assuming you were cold, Ominis trailed a hand down your arm to find your own placed in your lap. He encapsulated your hands in his and brought them to his lips, blowing hot air to heat them deliciously.
You had to mentally remind yourself to breathe, not wanting to get called out as you were in the library. His actions heated you up in more way than one. Your face felt overwhelmingly warm, as well as other regions of your body you weren’t quite ready to acknowledge just yet. But in truth, you greatly appreciated the notion to warm you. You hadn’t been able to find a scarf before running off to Feldcroft, probably due to your supply being mostly piled in Ominis’ dorm room.
“We should actually buy the bread and eggs for breakfast, but I must admit the point of this walk was to get you alone.” He still had your hands hostage, holding them near his chest. They stayed there a beat longer before he finally let you have your freedom, which used to be a sensation you craved before you grew used to Ominis’ affections.
“I’m sorry if coming here was not appropriate,” you spewed out. “I hadn’t read the letter in time, or else I would have met with you before.”
“After how foolishly I acted, I would have understood if you didn’t show at all. If my second letter made you worry about Anne, I’m terribly sorry. I did not mean for you to follow us here, but I am glad you did. Is that selfish of me?”
“If wanting me around is selfish, then I wish you would be selfish more often.”
“I’m selfish all the time.”
You took that as an invitation to move closer on the makeshift bench. Now with your hip and shoulder flush against his own, you were practically forced to entangle your overlapping arms. “Ominis, I should tell you. . This weekend I had not meant to ignore you.”
“It was well deserved and to be expected, only natural after how uneasy I made you feel. Just because you drew hearts around my name doesn’t mean you would want my. . . advances.” Ominis visibly cringed at his own terminology.
“I do,” you blurted. Merlin, with all the marriage references, you may as well get out your wand and make an Unbreakable Vow at this point.
Ominis tilted his head. “What?”
“Sorry, I meant to say that it’s okay. You were right in assuming I wanted. . that.”
The heavy feeling in the boy’s chest seemed to lighten. He sighed in relief. “Oh, I felt horrible thinking I had made you uncomfortable in any sort of way.”
“Nervous, but not uncomfortable.”
He lifted his wand to let the red light take in the quiet hamlet. You stiffened, suddenly becoming hyper-aware of your surroundings. Loyalists and Ashwinders were still a heavy threat, especially in Feldcroft. For a moment you had let your guard down, and now you felt terrible for not keeping watch.
Oddly, not a soul was in sight. Even the livestock that often wandered about was either off in the snowy fields or no doubt huddled up in a barn somewhere. The morning was young, you could tell from how loud the birds were chirping. Most residents were still hunkered down in their homes except for a dedicated merchant setting up their cart near the well in the center of town. They weren’t quite near enough for Ominis to pick up their sound, though, his hearing could be even better than you already assumed.
You tucked yourself close to his side to whisper, “Did you hear something?”
He shook his head no, lowering his wand. “I only wanted to make sure we were alone.” The tip of his nose had gone pink from the cold. His cheeks were rosy, too, from being out in the morning breeze.
“It’s just us,” you reassured softly. “There’s a merchant setting up in the center of town, but they-“ A hand obstructed your view. Ominis was tentatively reaching out. The light brush of his index finger against your jaw is what cut off your train of thought. The others landed on your pulse, his thumb finding your chin. It glided up, moving across your lips that were still slightly parted from the words that got left behind.
“Don’t move,” he didn’t really need to tell you. The shock of it all was enough to turn you into a statue.
Then he was leaning in. His movements were slow but deliberate. His thumb left your lips only to be replaced by his mouth ghosting over yours. That’s where he stopped. You thought he was second-guessing himself, but then you could ever so slightly feel him break into a smile.
“I didn’t mean for you to stop breathing,” he teased. “Take a breath.”
You did, a pathetically weak one that is. But as soon as you took in air, Ominis closed the distance. His lips, though soft and gentle, weren’t hesitant in any way. He still held the side of your face, guiding you to him.
Your eyes had closed on instinct, so you had become lost in the sensation of him against you. His hand was the only thing grounding you until you reached for his jacket and tugged him closer. Only then did he take advantage of your parted lips to deepen the kiss. He let his other hand explore the side of your body, finding your hip and then running up and down the side of your thigh. You couldn’t help but shudder at the sensation.
Then, all too quickly, his lips were pulling away. You followed, chasing his movements, needing more. The hand cradling your jaw held you in place, letting him put his forehead to yours and chuckle.
“You want more, but you stopped moving.”
Had you stopped? You didn’t mean to. “You distracted me.”
He hummed in approval and squeezed your thigh just above your knee. The sound of your breath hitching was all the confirmation he needed. “You really like that, don’t you?”
Your grip on his jacket was se desperate that your hands were starting to ache. “Ominis, please. .”
“Do you even know what you are asking for, my dear? I think I should take you on a proper date before doing any of that. And perhaps, not in the center of town. .”
You immediately tucked your face in the crook of his neck, far too embarrassed to face the world after that. “I’m sorry.” Your breath on his neck made him go stiff. A mischievous thought crossed your mind, and you were acting on it before you could talk yourself out of it. You brought your lips to his neck, just below his jaw. His hand instinctively tightened around your thigh as he let out a gentle gasp.
“Oh,” was all he could say, now deeply understanding the intensity you felt whenever he would touch you. At first, you peppered kisses along his skin, but when you came across his pulse your self-restraint floated away. Feeling how quick it gave you the confidence to open your mouth wider, sucking his pale skin until it went red and warm. Trickles of electricity ran down his spine. He wanted to chastise you for being so lude in public, but he couldn’t form words. His body felt limp, completely compliant to whatever you chose to do. Then his own tongue betrayed him, “Right there.”
Eager to please, you focused all your attention on that spot. Your fingers tangled in the hair at the base of his neck and tugged slightly so that he’d grant you better access. Ominis didn’t give any resistance to your demand.
It was thrilling to know you could make him experience all the things he made you feel. You pushed his limits further by grazing your teeth against him. His hand shot up your thigh to your hip, the other landing on your other side. He pulled on you as if he wanted you closer, but any closer you’d be in his lap. Although that idea was beyond tempting, the sound of someone’s front door creaking open made you pull away from his neck.
The loss of contact made him frown. He quickly cupped your cheeks to pull you in for another kiss, but you put a hand against his chest, holding him at bay with a giggle.
“Later,” you promised, “-when we’re alone again.”
Ominis tilted his head in confusion. His eyes went wide when he heard the soft chatter of a neighboring couple exiting their home behind him. Quickly, he let you go and cleared his throat. “I’m sorry. I- I didn’t hear them come out.”
You left a brisk kiss on the little cluster of moles decorating his cheekbone before standing and tugging him along. “Come on. We still need to buy breakfast.”
By the time you made it back to the Sallow home, Sebastian was moaning about how starved he was. His eyes lit up when the door opened. Anne had told him the two of you had gone to collect bread and eggs. His excitement morphed into terror at the sight of his best friend in such disarray. In all the years he’s known Ominis, Sebastian had never seen his hair so wild.
“Are you okay? Were you attacked?” He squared Ominis’s shoulders and frowned at the red marks littering his neck. Anne giggling behind him made Sebastian piece together what he was seeing. His face twisted up in a look of disgust. “Oh, are you serious? In the middle of town?! Do I need to start escorting you two everywhere?”
“That’s hardly necessary,” you insisted at the same time Ominis admitted, “I don’t think that would stop her.”
“Give me that,” Sebastian growled as he took the basket of food from you. “Unbelievable, both of you. Go sit while I cook.”
“Let’s listen to Sebastian,” Ominis whispered with a smirk forming. Curious as to what he was planning, you let him guide you to the dining table. You’d expected him to pull out a chair for you, but he sat down first and then pulled you closer, patting his thigh. “Come on, he said to sit.”
Your heart was jumping haphazardly in your chest. You sat with your back pressed to his chest. His arms wasted no time snaking around your middle and pulling you close.
“Deplorable,” Sebastian muttered.
“No, it’s sweet. Quit acting like you’re so modest, and make my eggs,” Anne demanded. “I want my yolk runny.”
Sebastian sighed heavily, giving in, but only because his twin had ridiculed him. “Fine. And how would you like your eggs, Mr. and Mrs. Gaunt?”
“Whatever is easiest,” you offered.
“Preferably not poisoned,” Ominis suggested.
Feldcroft has been absolute mayhem while you've been away. I know this work trip is necessary, but I've never been shy to admit how selfish I am when it comes to you. If you are able to sneak away a few days early, let's not tell a soul. You can hide away in the house, and I could have you to myself just until others are expecting your return.
Speaking of others, I must warn you that your primroses have been trampled by Sebastian's son. I assume I don't even have to name which one was the culprit, but he has promised to help you replant them on your return. Sebastian would have done it with him, but somehow our dear friend managed to learn absolutely nothing during seven years of Herbology despite having such a watchful eye on our professor during classes. Perhaps you can bestow a bit of gardening knowledge on all his children that way they have hobbies that don't involve destroying our home when they visit.
Until then, I will miss the smell of the flowers almost as much as I miss you.
Your Husband,
p.s. Please do consider my request that you return early. If not for me, then for the well-being of our home.
1K notes · View notes
moonpascaltoo · 4 days
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Study Habits
A continuation of Note Taking.
Ominis Gaunt x fem!MC, no specific house, 2.5k, fluff, Sorry to put Sebastian through this. Suppose he has you all to blame for wanting a part two.
To say your head was in the clouds would be a giant understatement.
Class was a complete blur after that. Ominis had kept to himself and fallen asleep as though nothing had gone on. You remained alert, not able to shake the phantom feeling of a hand squeezing above your knee. Four digits digging into your flesh, almost possessively while his thumb swiped back and forth. How he managed to be demanding while remaining breathtakingly gentle, you would never know. The things it made you feel were obscene, and in public no less!
You’d followed him like a puppy after class, though, that was no different than other days. This time you noticed your attentiveness, neediness, but despite how embarrassed and overwhelmed you felt, you couldn’t help but follow at his heels until you were forced to part ways for your last classes.
“Sebastian is going to want to see those notes in the library later,” he called over his shoulder on his way to Arithmacy.
You weren’t planning on showing. How could you, knowing what you know now? Spending the evening hiding under your covers wouldn’t be so bad. Or perhaps you could sneak out to the Forbidden Forest again and take out some of your nerves on an unsuspecting acromantula.
But by the end of your last class, you were entertaining the idea of going to the library. If you showed up late enough, Ominis would have given up and left for the Slytherin common room long before your arrival. Sebastian alone was something you could handle, and then he could report back to Ominis about how completely normal you seemed, how unbothered you were, aloof, nonchalant! All of the totally calm and not at all flustered words.
While your mind was planning the excuse for your fashionably late show, your muscles were working on instinct and memory. Just as you were coming to, you had already begun your ascent up the staircase to the second floor of the library. Classes had just ended, meaning you had gone straight there. You stopped with three steps left to go, realizing your mistake. In your defense, your mind was still a foggy mess. All the scenarios you had been playing out to prepare yourself were displayed through a gray haze of confusion. And if you dwelled on it too much, your train of thought fell off its tracks and started replaying that damned moment in class.
“What do you think you are doing, Mrs. Gaunt?”
Oh, why did he have to say it in that reprimanding tone? The one he always had whenever Sebastian, and by proxy, you were getting into things you were not supposed to. The way his voice echoed in the Undercroft when he got angry always made your knees feel weak. You were known for being quick to agree with him, too. Sebastian teased you for it relentlessly.
“If he told you to jump, you’d ask how high.”
“Shut it, Sallow.”
“You got here fast!” Sebastian commented when he finally looked up from his book. He was reading, of course, and like always it wasn’t something in the Hogwarts curriculum. Books seemed to be his escape from the scary thoughts swirling around in his head. You couldn’t judge. It was a much safer option compared to how you intended to battle a swarm of spiders to rid yourself of inappropriate thoughts.
Seeing Sebastian alone was usually a red flag for disastrous outcomes, but today you welcomed his solitude and took a seat across from him at the table he claimed nearly every day. Maybe you could leave before Ominis showed. Your plan to avoid him was still full steam ahead, it seemed.
“Yes, just wanted to drop off the notes for you. I have to meet with. .,” Quick! Think of something! “-Professor Fig!”
“Uncovering more of that ancient magic mystery?” Sebastian presumed.
“Precisely.” You took out your roll of parchment and handed it over. Today, you had been far too embarrassed to make any unnecessary doodles, so you had no qualms about Sebastian just copying the work himself.
“I can’t wait to hear about it. Much more exciting than History of-,” Sebastian cut out the moment he unrolled the parchment.
Amidst all the urgency of planning your timely escape, you forgot about the exact reason you wanted to leave. Ominis’s hand on your thigh, insistent that you cross out your last name and correct yourself. And you had done it too, almost as obedient as one would be under the imperius curse. Then, you had spent the rest of the period wishing you hadn’t listened so quickly, because as soon as your name was crossed out and his written diligently in its place, his hand was gone from your thigh. Every second of the last two hours you spent fighting the urge to replay the moment in your head. It had been futile, of course. Ancient Runes was terribly boring in comparison to your imagination. You craved to experience that feeling again, how his skin over his knuckles went taunt while grabbing you, how the fabric around your thigh bunched as he swiped his thumb, how your heart threatened to leap out of your chest.
“MC Gaunt? Surely my best friends wouldn’t have run off and gotten married without me.” Sebastian raised an eyebrow. The corner of his mouth twitched in an attempt to refrain from smirking, but you could see the gleam in his eyes. Mischief was brewing.
In a flurry, you took the parchment back from the boy and began to roll it up, insisting, “You didn’t see that.”
“What are you going to do? Obliviate me? What’s done is done. At least let me copy down the notes. Don’t worry, I’ll write my own name on mine.”
“Sebastian. .,” you hoped the use of his first name and the desperate look in your eyes would make him at the very least pity you. It backfired pathetically. Knowing how embarrassed you were only seemed to add fuel to his flame, and Sebastian was always itching to burn things.
“Is this why you were being odd the other day and reading them out?”
“Are all of your history notes like this?”
No, most of them were worse. A thousand times worse. You would melt into a puddle if he saw some of the things you wrote.
“No! Now, if you want to borrow them, you’ll let this go.”
Sebastian crossed his fingers over his chest, promising, “Don’t worry, this stays between us. Anyway, it’s been a while since you’ve been in my debt.”
“Good, now, if you’ll excuse me, Natty is waiting-“
“Thought it was Fig?” Sebastian snorted. “You really ought to study the art of deception. Dunno how you managed all the loyalist and ashwinder nonsense this far without it.”
“Think you are deceptive enough for the three of us, Sebastian,” Ominis declared as he finished the spiral staircase. “Sorry that I’m late. What have I missed?”
“Just Ranrok and Rookwood talk. The usual,” Sebastian said smoothly, shrugging for good measure before sending you a wink.
“Well then, I am not sorry,” Ominis corrected as he took a seat and then patted the chair beside him. “Have a seat, and let’s get started. I hear this goblin rebellion in particular has innovative war tactics.”
You fell into the chair beside him, avoiding the amused look on Sebastian’s face. “I already gave Sallow my notes to copy, but that Transfiguration essay is due tomorrow. Mine could use another read-through.”
“Thought you had to go meet up with, who was it. . Garreth?” He might be keeping your secret, but Sebastian could still have a bit of fun.
Ominis’s nose scrunched in disgust. “What are you meeting Weasley for?”
“I’m not.”
“Good. He is only trouble, and you get into enough of that without him singeing off your eyebrows.”
Jumping at every opportunity to heighten the insanity of this conversation, Sebastian chimed in, “How do you know he hasn’t already singed one off? MC is looking quite ridiculous as of late.”
Ominis frowned and reached out for you. The back of his fingers lightly grazed your warm cheeks before he found confidence in his placement and held the side of your face. His thumb swiped over one of your eyebrows before moving his fingers along the other to find them both intact. “Merlin, Sebastian. Don’t lie to me like that. I had half a mind to hunt Weasley down and hex him to next week.”
“What can I say?” Sebastian leaned back in his chair to stretch. “I’m a world-class jester.”
“Class isn’t a word I would use to describe you,” you quipped.
“Funny coming from somebody who is no-showing Weasley right now.”
“Enough, both of you.” Ominis put his hand on your thigh as if it was a warning. “Less bantering and more studying. I would like to pass at least a few O.W.L.s.”
What surprised you even more than the warm hand enveloping your thigh was the awkward cough across from you. The table may have been blocking his view, but Sebastian could follow the line of sight and make an educated guess on where Ominis had placed his hand. Suddenly his freckled cheeks were turning a deep shade of pink, matching exactly how you felt.
Lucky for both of your sakes, Ominis retracted his hand to open up his textbook, seemingly not picking up on his best friend's discomfort. He quickly got lost in his essay with a soft frown forming before admitting, “I hate Transfiguration. Do you know what Professor Weasley said the other day about my teacup? That I have to envision it. Merlin, felt like an eternity of silence before she realized her mistake. Then afterward she said I don’t have to practice it if I write two extra inches. Basically, I’m being punished for her inability to think before she speaks.”
“That’s awful. She’s given me four extra inches and three detentions for no good reason,” Sebastian whined.
“You transfigured Leander into a bird,” Ominis deadpanned.
“Yeah? And? He deserved it. Weasley only punished me because she favors the Gryffindors.”
“Leander shit on my desk,” you recalled, “It was disgusting. I think the detentions are well deserved.”
“I’m not the one who shit in your desk.”
“No, but you’re the one who turned him into a bird.”
“Surprised you even noticed the bird in the first place with all your tedious note taking.”
You couldn’t stop yourself from muttering under your breath, “Bastard.”
Ominis raised his eyebrows. You and Sebastian were often bickering, but you rarely ever used such a malicious tone. “I don’t have to separate you two, do I?”
“You might need to if your wife keeps trying to set me on fire with her eyes.”
Oh, how you wanted to tear him to shreds. In fact, your body twitched, reaching for your wand. Ominis felt you jerk beside him and skillfully grabbed your forearm just in time. His voice was tender, but he was still chastising you, “Come now, you know we don’t hex outside of the Undercroft. Besides, it’s just Sebastian. He merely enjoys riling people up. Don’t give him the satisfaction.”
“Fine,” you agreed bitterly and set your wand on the table with a loud click, making sure to have it point toward Sebastian so he knew he was on thin fucking ice.
You had expected Ominis to release you after agreeing to his terms, but his hold lingered. The pads of his fingers shifted until they found the pulse in your wrist. Knowing your heart rate must seem alarmingly high to him only made you more nervous. Then his hand trailed up to your hand. Fingers lacing with your own.
“You stopped breathing. Are you okay?” There was a genuine look of concern across his features. It reminded you of how he doted over you in the Scriptorum. You felt awful for making him worry, but your mouth couldn’t exactly form words at the moment. He squeezed your hand gently, offering comfort.
“Merlin, Ominis, she looks like she’s about to keel over. Maybe try asking a girl before you hold her hand,” Sebastian chastised.
“Oh,” his defeated tone as he released you made you swoon. He hadn’t wanted to let go. “I’m sorry. How rude of me.”
“Nearly killed her,” Sebastian said with a chuckle.
“It’s okay!” You insisted.
Ominis frowned. “I just thought since. . . Sorry. I shouldn’t have assumed.”
“It’s okay, really. There’s no need to ask. Don’t listen to Sebastian.”
The culprit snorted across the table, mumbling to himself, “Yeah, do go around taking my word for it, I’m just the one being forced to witness you having a stroke.”
Your wand snatched your wand from the table. “Shut it, Sallow.”
“You’d risk detention with Scribner for me?” His heart flew over his chest. “Mrs. Gaunt, I’m flattered.”
Ominis sighed heavily, now understanding the true root of the tension between you and Sebastian. “So, you know about how she’s taken my name.”
Your mouth fell open in shock at how casually Ominis stated such a thing. He had made it sound as though you were officially married. Taken his name, Merlin. Sebastian grinned maniacally and leaned forward with his elbows on the table as if ready to hear the latest Hogwarts gossip.
“Oh, you already know about her notes? Intriguing. How long have you known?”
Now it was Ominis’s turn to turn pink as he admitted, “A couple of months, I suppose.”
You covered your face with your hands, mumbling into them, “Sallow, you promised you wouldn’t tell.”
“I didn’t tell! Ominis brought it up.”
“After you called me Mrs. Gaunt!”
“Is that not the name you go by? Because your history notes say otherwise.”
“There is no need to be embarrassed by it,” Ominis promised, holding his palm upright for you to take.
Which you did, greedily and without coaxing. This second time around you were prepared for the sensation and were able to keep a level head. Well, perhaps level wasn’t the right word since you were shaking to the point of vibration. This time, you wanted to prove that you were okay with his touches. You planned on swiping your thumb across the back of his hand or you humming in content when you squeezed him.
Ominis did not let you get that far. As soon as your fingers interlocked with his, he was pulling your hand to his lips and leaving just a feather of a kiss against you.
“And that’s my cue.” Sebastian’s chair ground against the poor flooring with fever as he stood, collecting his things. “You two have managed to soil my favorite spot in the library. Cheers.”
“Am I not allowed to cherish my wife in public?” Ominis questioned with a devilish smile. Your stomach was doing flips.
“Just snog in the privacy of the Undercroft like normal human beings, and for the love of Merlin, send me an owl first so I know not to be there.”
a link to the final part
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moonpascaltoo · 4 days
Stay Right Here
Pairing: Ominis Gaunt x Reader (gender neutral)
Word Count: 7689
Warnings: Fluff, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Mature 18+, Graphic Depictions of Violence
Description: Part 3 of All You've Done and Let Me See. You don't have to have read All You've Done, but you do need to have read Let Me See. Anyway, takes place directly after Let Me See.
Someone was pounding at your door. Squinting your eyes open, you peer through the curtains at the pink and purple sky, the sun just starting to rise. The pounding stops abruptly, and you assume whomever it was had left, deciding to try again later. Shoving your face back into the crook of Ominis’s neck, you close your eyes once more. His arms squeeze you unconsciously, groaning a bit in his sleep as he cuddles you closer. 
You’re only given a few moments of tranquil peace before the knocking starts up again, startling you into awareness. Sighing, you relish the feel of Ominis’s bare skin a second more, eventually detangling yourself from him and getting up. Swiping his discarded shirt from the night before, you button it clumsily, unconcerned with being presentable for your visitor. 
Trudging downstairs, you walk slowly toward the front door, griping to yourself under your breath. What could someone possibly need this early? Opening the door, you rub the sleep out of your eyes before looking at the figures before you. Sebastian and Anne stood on your doorstep, grinning like fools, delighted by your disgruntled face. “What are you two doing here?”
Sebastian scoffed, rolling his eyes at you. “What do you mean ‘What are we doing here’? You’re getting married.” 
Your sleep addled brain took a bit to process his words, furrowing your brow in confusion as you observed Anne’s giddy smile. “...Today?”
Anne chuckled. “That’s what Ominis’s letter said. Did he forget to propose?”
Shaking your head, you glance back and forth between them, noting the bag Anne carried. “I thought he was joking.” 
You heard an offended noise come from over your shoulder, Ominis walking up behind you, already dressed and fiddling with his cufflinks. “I would never joke about marrying you.” 
“Not about marrying me, you silly man, about marrying me today. How are you already dressed? You were dead asleep two minutes ago.” 
Finally satisfied with his cufflinks, Ominis places a hand on your waist, kissing your head in greeting. “Well, darling, I used a little something called ma- Is this my shirt?”
Ominis stops talking abruptly, feeling the fabric between his fingers as a light blush dusts his cheeks. “Are you- What else are you wearing?” 
Ominis looks scandalized at your lack of clothing, placing himself in front of you, blocking Anne and Sebastian’s view. “Why would you answer the door like this?!” 
Rolling your eyes, you peek out at your friends. “My love, it’s just Sebastian and Anne, nothing to worry about.” 
Ominis scoffed at you, baffled by your carefree attitude. “Darling, what if it hadn’t been Anne and Sebastian? You’re practically naked!” 
“And who’s fault is that?” Your tone is flat, eyebrows raised in accusation. Ominis sputters at you, ears growing red in embarrassment. 
Anne and Sebastian watched the two of you bicker, glancing at each other knowingly. “Merlin, they’re so in love.”
“It’s a bit disgusting, isn’t it?”
“Do you think this is their version of foreplay?” 
“I don’t particularly want to find out. Anyway! Should we get this show on the road?” Sebastian pushes past the two of you, waltzing right into your house uninvited. Grabbing the bag from Anne, Sebastian places it on your dining room table, calling to his sister over his shoulder. “Anne! Could you please help the lovely bride find something suitable to wear.” 
You huffed in annoyance, crossing your arms dramatically. “I can’t just get married in this?”
All three of your companions objected. A chorus of ‘No’, ‘Hell no’, and ‘Absolutely not’ had you rolling your eyes and trudging back upstairs. “Alright, alright, fine. I’m going.” 
Anne trotted after you, commenting on the large mirror in your room. “Merlin, what could you possibly need that for?”
You blush, quickly grabbing your wand and transfiguring the mirror back into a bureau. “Don’t, uh, don’t worry about it. Help me find something to wear.” 
The two of you combed through your closet, selecting something nice, but not overly dressy. It would just be the four of you, so you didn’t feel the need for formal attire. Once you were ready, you walked into the yard, the sun painting the sky in bright morning hues. Ominis stood staring at the colors, snake around his shoulders. He was facing away from you, but turned in your direction at your approach.
Ominis sucked in a breath, enchanted by the sight of you, bathed in the morning light. He smiled at you sweetly, voice nothing more than a mere whisper. “Hello, my love.” 
You walked up beside him, grinning, taking his hand before turning to Sebastian. “Alright, get on with it.” 
Sebastian shook his head fondly, muttering about your impatience under his breath. You and Ominis stood side by side, reciting your vows, Ominis never taking his eyes off you. Once you’d finished, Ominis squeezed your hand, silently asking you to look at him. Turning your gaze to him, you found a small, adoring smile gracing his lips, those same lips mouthing a quiet ‘I love you’, as your small herd of cats came bounding out of the bushes, rubbing up against both of you. Sebastian made direct eye contact with Anne again, mirroring her amused smile at the ridiculously sweet scene. 
When it came time, Sebastian produced a small box from the bag. Cocking your head, you look at the box curiously, gasping as Sebastian opened it to reveal a beautiful set of rings. You turn your wide eyes to Ominis, unoccupied hand coming up to cover your mouth. His smile widened, squeezing your fingers again as he spoke. “Do you like them?”
“Do I-...My love, when-” 
“You weren’t the only one planning a surprise.” 
Tears pooled in your eyes, the reality of the situation sinking in. You got to marry this wonderful man, fortunate enough to love and be loved by him for the rest of your life. “Sebastian, hurry up so we can put these on. I want to kiss my husband.” 
Sebastian rolled his eyes, but refrained from arguing, clearly recognizing the excitement on both your faces. He concluded the ceremony, Ominis slipping the ring on your finger, kissing it delicately, before allowing you to place his. He didn’t wait for Sebastian’s permission, grabbing the back of your neck as soon as his ring was on, kissing you lovingly, struggling to control his happy grin. 
The four of you celebrated for a few hours, eating breakfast and catching up, Sebastian and Anne bidding you farewell in the early afternoon. As soon as they disappeared, you and Ominis wasted no time running back upstairs, giggling in giddy excitement as you undressed each other. He kissed you like he’d die without you, smile persevering, teasing words slipping out in a playful tone. When you're finished, you lay together in quiet contentment, savoring the cool touch of the new additions on your fingers.
Both of you had taken the week off work, spending your ‘honeymoon’ lazing about the house or taking short trips to London or Hogsmead, just generally enjoying your time as newlyweds. 
A sharp knock sounded at your door, interrupting the quiet morning filled only with your soft conversation and the steam from your coffee. The both of you stood, walking to the door as Ominis teased you, playfully demanding to know your outfit before opening the door. Rolling your eyes fondly, you tell him he’s being ridiculous, opening the door as he settles behind you, left hand on your hip. 
You don’t recognize the couple standing in front of you, both tall and striking, clearly very wealthy from their state of dress. “Hello? How can we help you?” 
The woman says nothing at first, pointedly staring at Ominis’s hand on your hip, ring clearly visible. Raising an eyebrow, she scoffs, eyes flitting up to look at your husband. “So this is where you’ve been? How…quaint.” 
Ominis’s hand tightened on you instantly, pulling you back against him protectively. The young man beside her smirked condescendingly, eyes roaming the inside of your home, setting you on edge. “Excuse you-“ 
“What do you want, mother.” 
The woman sneered, an evil glint in her eyes. “My, my, still rude as ever I see. No matter, we simply came to…chat.” 
Ominis bared his teeth, pulling you further into him. “We? Who is ‘we’.” 
Her sneer turned to a sly smile, voice purring as she answered. “Marvolo came to visit as well.” 
Ominis placed his other hand on the door, knuckles white as he gripped the wood, preparing to slam it shut. “We aren’t interested in chatting. I believe I made that quite clear when I renounced the Gaunt family and my birthright. Now, if you don’t mind, I’d like you to leave our property and never return. Good day.” 
Ominis attempts to close the door in his mother’s face, but Marvolo’s foot shoots out, preventing Ominis from getting too far. “Really, Ominis. After we put so much effort into finding you? You’d deny your own family an audience? Such a rude child. Clearly living in this hovel has done you no good these past few years.” 
Ominis grinds his teeth together and you can feel his anxiety rising. His grip on your hip is almost bruising, making sure no space remains between you. “You are not my family. What. Do. You. Want.” 
His mother sighs dramatically, as if she were speaking to a toddler. “Well dear, if you must know, your fiancé has grown weary of waiting for your return, so your brother and I came to fetch you. Don’t you think it’s about time you stopped playing house and came home?” 
Your husband growls dangerously, breathing becoming erratic as his rage builds. “Well mother, I’m delighted to inform you that I’m already married. So your trip here was a wasted one.”
He tries again to close the door, but is once again stopped by Marvolo, his brother’s hand now also pushing the door open. “Marvolo. Get your filthy appendages out of my fucking house.” 
His brother chuckles darkly, a chill creeping up your spine. You itch to run into the kitchen, where your wands lay uselessly, but fear the consequences of leaving Ominis alone with his vile relatives. “This…sham marriage is of no consequence to us. Easily taken care of, annulled or…otherwise.”
Ominis snarls at his brother, arm now wrapping around your middle, shoulders hunched over you protectively. “Threaten my spouse again, and your severed head will decorate our dining room table.” 
Ominis’s mother sighs again, boldly looking at you as she shakes her head. “Boys, really, there’s no need for that. Ominis dear, just let us in so we can have a civilized conversation about this.” 
Your husband’s voice is low and dangerous in your ear as he answers her. “Absolutely not.” 
She sighs in disappointment, but you can see the tick of her mouth, pulling the corner into an almost smile. “How unfortunate. Then I suppose you’ll have to come out.” 
Without warning, Marvolo casts the Cruciatus Curse, hitting you square in the chest. You can barely hear Ominis’s panicked shouts over your own screams, and suddenly you’re being ripped away from him, body hitting the grass as you’re tossed onto the front lawn. Ominis tries desperately to get to you, following the sounds of your agony. Squinting your eyes open, you see Marvolo restraining your husband, who fights wildly in his grip. His mother saunters over, calmly casting Imperio on Ominis, instantly ceasing his struggle, face blank. “Now dear, that’s quite enough. Let’s return home, shall we?”
She turns to you as you lay twitching in the ground, haughty smile denoting her condescension. “You were a fool to believe yourself worthy of a pure blood. I leave you alive only as a courtesy to my son, as he would likely do something drastic if you died. Take this as a warning, should you decide to pay us a visit.” 
With that, she put a controlling hand on his shoulder, apparating back to the Gaunt estate. The last thing you see is Ominis’s neutral expression pointed in your direction, tears streaking from his eyes as he mindlessly allows his family to take him. 
You lay on the ground a few more moments, breathing heavily as the feeling slowly returns to your body. Once you can move your limbs again, you push yourself up quickly. There was no time to waste, even as your body screamed at you to stop, you sprinted into the house. You stumble your way into the kitchen, opening your potions cupboard and downing a couple Wiggenweld potions, pocketing the rest. 
Most of the pain subsided, and you got to work quickly, writing a hasty letter to Sebastian and Anne, explaining the situation and that you were heading straight there. Your hands shook slightly, the letters wobbly as you wrote, a few stray tears falling on the page, blurring the ink. There was no time to start over, so you sealed the letter, presenting it to your owl and begging it to fly as fast as it could. The wise bird took off instantly, disappearing out the window in a heartbeat. 
Making sure to grab both wands from the table, you curse yourself for being so careless, knowing this could have been prevented if you’d just been more prepared. You prayed Ominis was alright, navigating his surroundings would be much more difficult without his wand. 
Sprinting outside, you barely remember to lock the door behind you before you’re taking to the sky, speeding in the direction of the Gaunt estate. 
Ominis informed you of the precise location of his childhood home after moving in, if only so you’d keep your distance from it. He wanted to be sure you knew its location, to avoid stumbling into their wicked talons accidentally on your many ventures. 
Now, you were especially grateful for his forethought, though your current purpose was in direct contrast with his intent. You flew for hours, fear driving you forward, cursing your broom for its slowness. Tears flew out behind you, the harsh winds whipping them away as soon as they formed. Merlin you hoped he was unharmed, and if he wasn’t, the Gaunts would pay dearly for their idiocy. They clearly held no idea exactly who their son married.
Eventually, you spot the estate, a massive house, dripping in grandeur. However, you knew it for the lie it was. Ominis had also confided that his family lay on the brink of destruction, Salazar Slytherin’s wealth having long run out. The betrothal they’d attempted to force him into was solely to absorb his fiancé’s family wealth, and carry on the Gaunt name. 
The family had yet to marry off Marvolo, as his particularly strong penchant for cruelty, ended several engagements prematurely. You weren’t surprised, thoughts circling back to your brief interaction that morning. It stood to reason that the Gaunts now placed all their faith in Ominis to regain their lost riches, knowing they wouldn’t have bothered retrieving him had Marvolo been a viable option.
You land softly, just behind the tree line, keeping an eye out for any hidden persons or traps. All seemed quiet, which you knew was never a good sign. Creeping around the side, you find a low window, unlocking it skillfully and slipping inside. You cast Disillusionment prowling through the halls, looking for signs of Ominis. Eventually, you spot a house elf scrubbing the walls of a long corridor. Sneaking up behind the elf, you snatch the back of his rags, dragging him into a dark corner as you release your invisibility spell. Pointing your wand at his throat, you pull him close to growl dangerously in his face. “Where. Is. My. Husband.” 
The elf shook his head violently in fear, lips moving but no sound coming out. Glancing at his throat, you see a nasty old scar splitting the front of it, registering that the Gaunts had removed the poor thing's ability to speak. A part of you felt terrible for inflicting more terror on the sad creature, but it was quickly swept away by the growing urgency to find Ominis and get out. 
The elf lifted his fingers, snapping them in an attempt to apparate. Ancient magic pulsed at the end of your wand, feeling your desperation and preventing the house elf’s escape. You looked at him now, eyes wide with unshed tears as you pleaded with him. “Please, where are these vile people keeping my sweet Ominis?” 
The elf stopped his struggle, watching you intently for a moment, glancing down the corridor towards the opposite end. You gesture in the same direction with your head, eyes flitting to the side before looking back hopefully. The elf nods slightly, squeezing your wrist in silent confirmation. A shuddering huff escapes your lips, as you haul the elf against you, crushing him in a brief hug. “Thank you.” 
Quickly releasing the house elf, you ignore his shocked stare as you cast Disillusionment tearing down the hall as quietly as possible. You inspect each door you pass, finally stopping before the very last one, a heavy lock securing the handle. If Ominis was in any of these rooms, it’d be this one. 
The lock was complicated, and it took you far longer than you would have liked to unlock it, but you heard the quiet click and hastily pushed the door open. Closing the door quietly behind you, you turn and immediately have to dodge a book being thrown at you. You look up from your crouched position at Ominis, shirt unbuttoned and hair disheveled, like someone had been running their hands through it. Ominis’s chest heaves, sightless eyes wild as they search for the intruder. You try to call for him, but are swiftly dodging a pillow streaking towards you, Ominis throwing anything he could get his hands on. You glance over at the bed briefly, spotting a beautiful woman with dark hair in a nearly sheer slip dress, the thin straps falling off her shoulders, eyes closed and seemingly asleep. 
Your stomach drops, heart breaking at the thought of your husband’s infidelity. Struggling to pull air into your lungs, you barely avoid another book whizzing past your head, Ominis spitting angry words in your direction. “Marvolo! You fucking son of a bitch. Take me back to my spouse now!” 
His chest heaved angrily, pausing his assault a moment, trying to gauge where he thought his brother had gone. Pushing your anguish down, you call to him quietly, though you can’t hide the bitterness in your tone. “Ominis. It’s me.” 
Surprise flits across his face, before it crumples into intense relief, a sob ripping itself from his throat. “My love, you’re ok.” 
He feels his way toward the sound of your voice, reaching out for you blindly. You don’t let him touch you, instead shoving his wand into his hand roughly before turning back toward the door. Voice cold and devoid of all emotion. “Let’s go. If you even still want to.”
Before you can get too far, Ominis catches your wrist firmly, tugging you back towards him a step. Turning your head, you look at his worried face, eyebrows furrowed in concern. “Darling, what-”
At that moment, you both hear a quiet sigh coming from the bed, both of your heads whipping toward it, and you watch as the sleeping woman shifts slightly before settling again. Realization dawns on Ominis’s face, neck snapping back to you frantically. His hand squeezes your wrist tightly, preventing you from moving away from him as he speaks in a panic. “My love, it’s not- please, it’s not what you think. I- She- My brother locked me in here with her, and-” 
You can see the fear blatant on his face, his other hand reaching for you, trying desperately to pull you closer. “She-She tried to…have me, but-! I-I didn’t let her. I knocked her unconscious, so-...my love, please.” 
Ominis was hyperventilating, hands shaking violently, his face scared as he begged you to believe him. Your heart swelled in relief, ashamed that you’d even considered his betrayal. Moving into his arms, you wrap yourself around him, holding him the way you’d longed to since he’d been taken. “I’m sorry. I-I shouldn’t have assumed-”
“No- darling, it’s alright. I understand why you’d think…anyway, let’s get out of here. I’d very much like to go home now.” Nodding in agreement, you both sneak out of the room, locking the door behind you to avoid suspicion should someone walk by. Ominis leads you back towards the entrance, glancing around before pulling it open quietly. 
You’d just made it down the steps, hurrying toward the front gates, almost home free, when you felt something wrap around your throat and yank you backwards. Choking, you lose your concentration on Disillusionment, you fall to your knees, gasping for air as the spell retracts back into Marvolo’s wand. Ominis rushes to your side, hands frantic as he asks if you’re alright. 
You look back at the steps of the estate to see Marvolo and his mother, as well as Ominis’s father standing imposingly, framed by the intimidating Gaunt estate. Mrs. Gaunt smiles haughtily, eyes sharp as she sneers down at you. “Going so soon? You didn’t even say goodbye.” 
Peeking out from behind her legs, you see the house elf from earlier, glancing at you in shame as dark bruises formed on his skin. Your heart wept, vowing to return for him at a later date. You stand, facing the three wizards in front of you, planting yourself between Ominis and his family. “We’re going home.”
Mrs. Gaunt laughed wickedly, twirling her wand idly in her hands. “My dear, Ominis is home. If you think that shack of yours is worthy of him, I’m afraid you’re sorely mistaken. Likewise, if you think you’re worthy of him…well, that’s just plain embarrassing.” 
Snarling, you feel Ominis take your hand, the cold metal of his ring grounding you. You look her in the eyes, determination settling behind them. “I said- We’re. Going. Home.”
The smile dropped from his mother’s face, an ugly sneer taking its place, as she pointed her wand at you. “Fine. Have it your way.” 
All hell breaks loose, spells flying violently from all sides. You and Ominis work like a well oiled machine, attacking and defending as needed, slowly backing toward the gate. If you could just get to the treeline, you could apparate home, far away from the Gaunt estate. 
The Gaunts followed, spells violent and unrelenting. A stray bolt flew past you, striking the gate behind you in a loud crack, drawing your attention away from the battle briefly. Ominis’s mother took the opportunity to cast Bombarda, splintering a tree directly behind you. Ominis watches helplessly, the world slowing as the shrapnel streaks toward you with deadly accuracy, his wand picking up its trajectory. He screams your name, arms wrapping around you protectively as he spins your bodies, physically shielding you from the sharp spike. 
You feel his body jolt against yours, a pained grunt pushing past his lips as something large strikes him. Looking up in shock, you push at his chest, trying to pry yourself from his arms. “My love, what-”
His arms tighten around you, refusing to let you pull away from him, voice pleading in your ear. “Don’t look. It’s- I’m alright, my darling, just-just stay here with me.” 
The Gaunts cease their attack, watching the scene before them unfold. Ominis’s breathing becomes labored, and you fight against him harder, panic rising in your throat, choking you. “Ominis please, let me-let me see.”
His knees buckle as he focuses all his strength into the arms holding you, and you both slowly sink to the ground. Tears stream down your face, and you feel wet drops hitting your shoulder, Ominis’s voice steady, a small smile on his face in contrast with the sorrow in his heart. “I’m sorry, my love, I don’t-I don’t think I’ll be able to stay with you much longer.” 
You sob against him, anguish tearing at you, begging him to let you go. “Please. L-Let me go get help-”
“No. It’s ok. Stay right here.” Ominis’s voice was growing weak, chest shuddering with the effort to keep breathing, laboriously pushing as many words out as he could. “My darling…my t-time with you was the-the happiest I’ve ever been…even now, I would-I wouldn’t change a thing.”
His mother strolls up casually, voice amused and eyes excited as she watches you hold her dying son. “What a shame. He would have been so useful.”
She walks back towards her house, humming cheerily, smiling in satisfaction. She makes it all the way to the front steps before she stops, turning to look over her shoulder at you once more, delight coloring her smug words. “I would kill you, but now, I think the pain of watching my son die, knowing your efforts were in vain, would be a more delicious ending to this ludicrous fairytale.” 
Laughing once more, she and the rest of the Gaunts turn to stroll back into their house, the door slamming in finality, echoing through the courtyard. Silence follows, only broken by your heart wrenching sobs, muffled by Ominis’s shoulder. 
Ominis, kisses your temple lightly, arms growing weak around you, body leaning heavily on yours as the seconds drag by. He brings his lips back to your ear, voice barely above a whisper, forcing the words out. “I love you.”
Slumping against you, his body goes slack, and with your body finally freed, you claw desperately at your pockets, fingers fumbling with your Wiggenweld potions. You almost drop them on the ground, but you manage to wrangle Ominis to be lying in your lap, tears blurring your vision as you rip the cork out of the bottle.
You held the bottle to his lips, begging him to drink it, but his jaw remained slack, breathing shallow. Bringing the bottle up, you fill your cheeks with as much liquid as possible, pressing your lips to your husband’s, siphoning the potion into his mouth. 
Once all the liquid slid down his throat, you bring a hand to his face, voice raw as you wail at him to open his eyes. When nothing changes, you drop your head onto his chest, weeping into it as you listen to his fading heartbeat. 
Without warning, Anne and Sebastian appear before you, only taking a second to absorb the situation before springing into action. Sebastian gently pulls you away, cradling you against him, letting you cry into his shoulder as you beg Anne to help your dying husband. 
After Anne’s curse had been lifted, she’d made it her life’s mission to help heal others suffering from similar ailments. She’d been a nurse at St. Mungos for several years now, one of the best, if anyone could help Ominis, it would be her. 
Anne got right to work, wand pulsing with healing magic as she muttered over him. Your hands gripped the fabric of Sebastian’s arms as he held you up, whispering reassurances into your hair, trying his best to quell your hysteria. Once Ominis was stable enough, the Sallow twins looked at each other silently, having a brief eye conversation before apparating you both away from the Gaunt estate. You and Sebastian appear in your house, alone. Looking around frantically, you're about to ask where Ominis and Anne were, but Sebastian answered before you could get the words out. “They went to St. Mungos. He’ll be alright. Trust Anne, ok?”
Face crumpling in anguish, you collapse onto your couch, sobbing into the palms of your hands. Sebastian sits next to you, pulling you against him, rubbing your back and letting you soak his shirt. 
You’d gotten an owl from Anne early the next morning, tearing the parchment open in your haste to read its contents. You hadn’t slept a wink, the bags heavy under your eyes, blinking to stay awake. Anne wrote that Ominis was stable, but hadn’t woken up yet, inviting you to visit if you were feeling up for it. You didn’t need to be told twice, shaking Sebastian awake from his place on the couch, apologizing as you begged him to take you to the hospital. 
He obliged immediately, also eager to see his best friend. Upon arriving, you grab Anne in a death grip, sobbing your gratitude into her shoulder. She shushes you, playfully reminding you that you and Ominis were her family, and she’d be damned if she let anything happen to either one of you. 
You sat at Ominis’s bedside, stroking his cheek sadly as you gazed at his sleeping form, his heart beat strong and steady. Sebastian stood leaning against the doorway, watching you silently. “You’re going, aren’t you?”
You huff humorlessly, never taking your eyes away from your husband’s face. “Am I that predictable?”
Sebastian chuckles quietly. “Nah, I just happen to know you pretty well. Go, I’ll stay with him. Give them hell.”
Kissing Ominis’s forehead tenderly, you stand, sparing him one last longing glance. You walked toward the door, eyes staring at nothing in particular as you stopped briefly, shoulder touching Sebastian’s. “They’ll wish that’s all I gave them.”
Without another word, you walked silently out the door, exiting the hospital completely before apparating away.
A storm brewed outside the Gaunt estate, lightning striking the trees around the house as you stalked through the front gates, not even bothering to conceal your presence. Casting Bombarda, you blow the front door right off its hinges, ribbons of ancient magic whipping around you in your fury as you strode into the foyer. Marvolo Gaunt comes running from the second floor, appearing at the top of the grand staircase, a look of alarm painting his features. He shouts, brandishing his wand at you, only able to get the first syllable of a spell out of his mouth before you shatter a vase against his head.
Snarling in rage, you quickly cast Accio, dragging him screaming down the stairs, making sure he slammed into each one. His body crumples at the bottom, groaning in pain as you stalk over, looming above him, eyes glowing dangerously. 
He looks up at you, face bloody from his newly broken nose, and tries to raise his wand at you. The heel of your boot comes slamming down on his hand, snapping his wand, and a few fingers all at once. He wailed again, tears springing to his eyes as he pathetically begged you to stop.
Sneering down at him, you bear your teeth, voice a low hateful hiss as it slips past your lips. “Stop?…You tried to take the love of my life from me…and you want me to stop? Let me tell you something, you worthless little insect, you have no idea what I’m capable of. I’m going to make the Cruciatus Curse look like a walk in the park.” 
Marvolo looked at you in fear, trembling and pleading with you for mercy, but you had no mercy to give. Casting Flipendo, you slammed him down on his back, pointing your wand at his knee cap and shattering the bone beneath the skin, permanently crippling him. He screamed in agony, hyperventilating as hysterical sobs wracked his chest. 
Using your wand, you magically drag his limp body behind you, relishing the pathetic chorus of whimpers as you search for the other two Gaunts. Servants cower away from you, shoving their bodies as far into the dark corners as they could. You paid them no mind, focusing solely on the three Gaunts who’d wronged your sweet husband. 
Ancient Magic billowed around you, shattering every door and window you passed, the tendrils almost sentient as they searched for their targets. 
You found the other two quickly, wood splintering everywhere as their afternoon tea time turned to raging chaos. Mr. and Mrs. Gaunt stood abruptly from their seats, wands at the ready, but they never got the chance to use them. Using your wand, you violently slammed Marvolo’s broken body onto the carpet at their feet, the young man letting out a pained yelp on impact. 
His mother covered her mouth in horrified shock, eyes raking over the damage you’d done to her eldest son. His father was the first to act, raising his wand to attack, spell on the tip of his tongue. You quickly cast Diffindo, slicing straight through the front of his throat, stealing his ability to speak in much the same way he’d done to his house elf. His hand flew to his throat as he began choking on his own blood, but you weren’t finished, using Accio to drag him forward. 
Mrs. Gaunt recovered from her shock, pointing her wand at you in an effort to cast the killing curse, words leaving her lips much too late. As soon as her husband sat on his knees before you, you recklessly cast Depulso in her direction, slamming her spine against a marble pillar and causing the spell to hit the ceiling harmlessly. She slumped on the ground, unconscious for the moment as you turned back to Mr. Gaunt. 
Terror shone clear in his eyes, lips flapping uselessly as no sound passed them. Blood gushed heavily from the tear in his neck, your fingers gripping his hair roughly, ripping out chunks as you yanked his head back. The tip of your wand grew hot, a small fire springing to life at the end of it. The Gaunt patriarch shook his head desperately, eyes darting between your wand and your emotionless face. Ignoring his silent pleas, you brought your wand to the wound on his throat, cauterizing the skin in an ugly scar. His mouth opened in a silent scream, tears of pain streaking from his eyes, hands clawing at your arm uselessly. 
When you finished, you tossed him by the hair onto the ground, stepping over his trembling form as you prowled toward his wife. 
Ominis’s mother lay slumped against the pillar, moaning in pain. You cast Confringo on a nearby chair as you stalked forward, fisting a splintered leg in your hand. Mrs. Gaunt looked up at you weakly, eyes never leaving yours as you stood over her, watching you crouch down to her level. Her breath shuddered out of her, eyes flitting to the bodies of her husband and son, her lips trembling as she attempted to speak. “Wait-”
You don’t wait, instead, you reel back ramming the sharp wood into her side as far as it’ll go, in exactly the same spot she’d struck Ominis. She cried out in pain, hands grasping at the wood in an attempt to pull it out, voice a quiet sob as she tried to speak. “Who-Who the hell are you?”
You ground the stake deeper, pulling another wail from her lips before leaning in to whisper dangerously in her ear. “You really should have done your research before showing up at my house. Of all the foolish mistakes you made, your first error was failing to learn exactly who your son married.” 
Leaning back you look her directly in the eye, letting the truth slip brutally off your tongue, relishing the horrified realization on her face as she processed your words. “I killed Victor Rookwood. I slaughtered Ranrok and his loyalists. I wield magic so powerful it’d make your fucking head spin. The dumbest thing you could have done is piss me off.” 
Getting as close as you can, you make sure she can see the dark malice in your eyes. “You’re beyond lucky my husband is still alive. I would set the fucking world on fire for that man, and if he’d died, today would have gone very differently for you.” 
Standing to your full height, you glare down at her, eyes crazed as ancient magic pulsed off you. “If you ever show up on my property again, you’ll wish I’d killed you instead.” 
Without another word, you stalked back the way you came, making it all the way to the destroyed foyer before noticing slight movement behind one of the large pillars. Whipping your head over, you prepare to spit your ire at the figure, but are met with the wide eyes of the Gaunts unfortunate house elf, peeking out at you from behind the tall column. 
Your shoulders relax, fire dimming a bit as you observe the frightened creature. You walk over slowly, stopping a healthy distance away, the poor thing shrinking back when you get too close. Several emotions tore through you all at once, but you try as best you can to keep your voice as calm and soothing as possible. “You serve the whole Gaunt family, don’t you?” 
The house elf stares at you a moment, nodding shyly.
“I am technically a Gaunt. Would you like to come with me?” You hold your hand out to him in invitation, providing him the option to escape this cruel life of abuse and neglect. He hesitates only a moment, before slowly creeping out from behind the pillar, placing his trust in you as he takes your hand gently.
Smiling at him, you both stride out of the Gaunt estate, apparating back to Ominis. 
Ominis woke up a few hours later, blinking blearily, eyes heavy from being unconscious for so long. He sits up slightly, hissing at the pain in his side as he fumbles around, searching for his wand, relieved to find it sitting on the bedside table. His wand pulses, giving him a general idea of the layout of the room, but leaves him confused by the unfamiliar surroundings. His wand pulses again, and he spots you over by the window, back to him. Calling your name quietly, he expects you to whirl around and run to his side. Instead, you seemingly hadn’t heard him, figure silent as you stood unmoving from the window. He tries again, voice a little louder than it had been. “My love?” 
You turn to him slowly this time, stubbornly retaining your position by the window. His heart shattered as he finally heard your quiet sniffling and shuddering breaths. Sitting up abruptly, he ignores the pain in his side as he reaches for you, frantic with concern. “My darling, what-”
“Lay back down.” Your words are quiet and commanding, an angry bite behind them. Your arms remained crossed over your chest, refusing to move closer.
Ominis falters a bit, wondering what he’d done to make you so upset with him. He tries again, desperate for you to be next to him, but you’re already ripping into him from across the room. “What possessed you to do something so stupid.” 
Realization crossed his features, his eyebrows furrowing sadly. “I understand you’re upset, but-“
“Upset? Ominis, I’m fucking furious.”
He opens his mouth to speak, but you continue ranting, words spoken in quiet rage. “Don’t you ever take a hit like that for me again. I can’t- Ominis, I can’t handle this a second time.” 
Ominis exhales shakily, he can hear the agony in your voice, and he wants so badly to tell you what you want to hear, but he knows he can’t. He’d be lying to you, and that was something he wasn’t willing to do. “I’m sorry, my darling, I can’t…I can’t promise you that.” 
“Please, Ominis.”
Tears trickle down his face, as he shakes his head. Your pleading hurt him, he very rarely denied you anything, but he would deny you this. “My love, I can’t make that promise. I won’t. I refuse to live a second without you. I’ll throw my body in front of yours every single time. If someone dies between us, it will be me.” 
A violent sob wracks your body, knees buckling slightly, and Ominis snaps. He’d had enough of the distance you kept from him, resolving that if you wouldn’t come to him, he’d go to you. Throwing the blankets off, he gets up and strides over, uncaring of the pain in his side as the need to comfort you consumes him. 
His arms envelope you, crushing you against him, physically showing you he was still there, still with you. Your hands hold a death grip on the back of his shirt, burying yourself in his chest as you wept. “You didn’t even let me try to get help!” 
Ominis squeezes you to him, words watery as he whispers in your ear. “If I was to die, I wanted it to be in your arms, not on the cold ground alone.” 
Wailing loudly, your knees give out, losing the ability to hold your grief any longer. You sank to the floor, Ominis sinking with you, perfectly mirroring your position from when he’d been wounded. You stayed like that for a long time, neither of you noticing Anne and Sebastian standing briefly in the doorway, having come to visit Ominis. 
They watched you hold onto each other for dear life, wiping their own relieved tears. Anne grabbed her brother’s hand, squeezing once before they turned to leave, deciding to come back at a later time. 
Eventually, your tears stopped, and the two of you wound up cradling each other on the hospital bed. Ominis laid on his back, your ear pressed against his chest, right over his heart. The occasional sniffle escaped you, and every time, the arm around your waist would squeeze you and a pair of lips would press themselves firmly against your forehead. 
There was a long period of silence before either of you said anything, your throat raw from crying, but after a while you spoke, no real bite to your words. “I’m still angry with you.” 
Ominis let out an amused huff, kissing your hairline a few times before responding. “I know.” 
Closing your eyes, you drifted off, finally allowing your body to relax now that he was safe and you were back in his arms. 
Months later, you and Ominis attended one of his work parties, laughing and making polite conversation with his colleagues at the Ministry. You stood tucked under Ominis’s arm, squeezing his waist subtly, silently asking if it was time to leave. Ominis didn’t outwardly react, smiling pleasantly at whatever mundane story was being told, but his hand ran purposefully down your arm in agreement. 
He started to wrap up his conversation, and just as you were about to excuse yourselves, one of his coworkers glanced behind your shoulder, eyes going wide. “Oh! What a surprise! Mr. And Mrs. Gaunt, an honor to have you stop by. Master Marvolo as well! Always a pleasure to have you.” 
You felt Ominis stiffen beside you, arm tightening protectively as he reached for his wand. Turning to face them, you watch your estranged in-laws smile politely at the man in greeting, eyes nervously darting towards you. 
The man, having had one too many glasses of fire whisky, mistook their anxiety for unfamiliarity, proceeding to introduce you cheerily. “My apologies! I didn’t realize you had yet to meet your son’s new spouse. My daughter and her husband also eloped, it seems to be a common trend amongst couples these days.” 
Smiling kindly, his colleague spoke your name, also introducing you as the ‘Hero of Hogwarts’, singing your praises loud enough for everyone to hear. Mrs. Gaunt was the only one who could stand to look at you, her husband looking past you and Marvolo staring at your feet, leaning heavily on a cane. She smiled pleasantly even as her lips wobbled slightly, her eyes watching you hesitantly. “Hello dear, lovely to meet you at last.” 
A wide grin stretched across your face, bearing your teeth, a subtle threat only the Gaunts would understand. “Yes, wonderful to make your acquaintance. I’m sorry to cut this meeting short, but my husband and I were just leaving…enjoy your night.”
All three of them visibly flinch as you take a step forward, you reach down and take Ominis’s hand, intertwining your fingers as you pass them. You throw a glance over your shoulder to see all three of them watching you warily, you flash them a wicked smile in warning, enjoying their terror as the color drains from their faces. Turning back around dismissively, you and Ominis exit the building, apparating home once you’re outside. 
Unlocking the front door, you step over the threshold, only to be yanked back by the hand holding yours. You squeal in surprise as you stumble into Ominis’s chest, his free hand cradling the back of your head as he crashes his lips into yours. 
Ominis kisses you passionately, licking greedily at your bottom lip, demanding that you open up for him. You do, and he moans into your mouth as his tongue caresses yours gently. He takes a step forward, pushing you farther into the house so he can enter and kick the door shut. The hand holding yours releases you in favor of snaking around your waist to haul you closer. 
Giggling, you tear your lips away for a moment to tease him. “My, what’s gotten into you?” 
Chuckling lightly, he places another lingering kiss on your lips before replying. “I suppose witnessing you scare the shit out of my horrible family really does something for me.” 
Laughing in amusement, you let him kiss you a few more times. “My love, how could you possibly tell if they were scared or not?” 
He pulls back slightly, stopping only a breath away, his eyes hooded with lust as he speaks. “I could hear it. I don’t think my mother’s ever been so terrified in her life.” 
You open your mouth to comment, but his lips press themselves urgently against yours once more, his hands traveling down to palm your ass. “Enough about them. Right now, I would really like to take you to bed, and not come out until the morning.” 
“So impatient tonight, Mr. Gaunt.” 
“My love, If you don’t start walking up those stairs this instant, I’ll show you ‘impatient’.” 
“Oh, you promise?”
Ominis groans and grinds his lower body into you, head dropping to rest on your shoulder. 
“You’re going to send me to an early grave, you wicked creature.” 
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