moonshineandladybugs · 7 months
If I made my own story about Beth being found by Anne (Jadis) to become a B for the CRM, would people be interested in her solo story? (Picture for attention)
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moonshineandladybugs · 10 months
An actual mood, 100% facts
9 years ago today i was having the biggest psychological breakdown in my life. it lasted at its peak for 2 weeks and lingered for another full 8 months. i barely eat, hardly slept, was hallucinating, constantly crying, didnt wanna talk. why? because fucking beth died on the walking dead
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Do you remember when fans were rioting for Beth and her return shortly after Coda first aired? Ugh, this takes me back. It even made it to the news on TV, I don’t think any other character from the show has ever receive this much attention
Agreed. Nor has any other “deceased” character gotten so much attention after leaving the show. They’re constantly mentioning her, posting about her, etc. And of course it’s been much heavier in recent months, but all throughout the seasons, they’ve done this. Again, not as heavily as recently, but they never let more than a few months go by without mentioning her or featuring her in some way. 
While other previously deceased characters have gotten SOME mentions from time to time, what you said is exactly correct. None of them have gotten this level of attention. Like ever. That’s significant. Xoxo! 💕
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Greg Nicotero has said in an interview: "I think it's already been revealed that Maggie's return is in the finale, and it tees us up so well for Season 11 that it's a little agonizing for me to not be able to talk about it. Because the last two minutes of the finale, people's jaws are gonna drop." I don't want to get my hopes up, because it could be something about Rick or the helicopter group, but this time I have a good feeling. Beth is coming!!! 😀
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For sure! I read this interview as well. The only thing I’ll say is that he suggests the “jaw dropper” moment comes through Eugene’s story line. So I’m not sure it will have to do with the ninja. But I’ve been spending a lot of time on symbolism around Eugene because I’ve thought for a while now that there’s a good chance she’ll come through his arc.
So I just think it’s equally possible that Eugene will run into her as that she’ll be the ninja. But other than that, I completely agree with everything you’ve said here. What else could be a jaw-dropping moment?
I’ve even considered Rick showing up, but as you say, we know about Rick. That would be a cool moment for sure, but not necessarily a jaw dropper. So I’m PRAYING to high heaven that this is her. This interview did make me very happy.😉 Xoxo! 😋
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Predictions: How 7x08 Foreshadowed S10-S15
Let me preface this by saying that I’ve had a lot of people asking me for predictions this past week or so. And here they are, but they may not be exactly what you were hoping for. I know everyone wants me to say what episode I think we’ll see her in, but especially given that the finale has been pushed back, there’s just no way to tell, guys. I wish there were.
That said, I think you’ll find this enlightening. I’m SUPER excited about what I found by re-watching 7x08. I just about had a meltdown. So buckle in. This is gonna be a lot to digest but I absolutely love the symbolism in this episode and what it portends for the future of our characters. Including Beth.
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Hell/Dark Tunnel Symbolism
Okay, today I want to talk about the hell or dark tunnel symbolism. It really came together for me in a big way during episode 10x10 and I want you guys to see what I’m seeing. First let’s talk about what it is. It often starts with water. We’ve said before that water = Beth, and that still true. But I believe water may represent something slightly bigger or more general than that as well.
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It struck me in episode 10x11 that when Ezekiel went to get Carol, she was at Daryl’s camp by the water. Now, Carol basically did in this season exactly what Daryl did after he lost Rick.
(Once again, Carol and Carol are very similar in their tendencies and how they deal with things. Both of them tend to shut down and become somewhat hermetic.)
It’s important to note that Ezekiel is the only one who could’ve convinced Carol to come back to civilization. This happened relatively quickly, because as soon as Ezekiel found out what happened, he went out to get her. She wouldn’t have come back for anyone else. The same was true of Daryl, and that’s what makes it sad. After Rick’s death, if Beth had been around, he wouldn’t have stayed out in the woods so long. She would come to get him and he would come back with her. But he ended up staying up there for six years because he had no Beth to come get him and bring him back, as Ezekiel did for Carol.
And yes, for the record, Carol did bring Daryl back in S9, but remember that he wouldn’t do it for her originally. He said no. She had to leave Henry with him overnight, trusting that Henry will be able to convince Daryl to come back. And who did Henry represent and remind Daryl of heavily? That would be Beth.
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But back to Carzekiel. I thought it was interesting that rather than just have her go off by herself into the woods somewhere, they purposely put her next to a body of water. I think water represents happiness, especially romantic happiness for our main characters. So, Beth definitely does = water, especially for Daryl. And I also think she equals water for other reasons having to do with the plot, including the helicopter group, which is purifying water. She’s a dynamic symbol.
But back to the dark tunnel symbolism. It often starts near water to show that the character is happy and that there surrounded by people they care about. That’s often romantic love, but it can also be other kinds, like familial love. After all, Rick was near water when he disappeared, which would suggest romantic love for Michonne losing him, but obviously not for Daryl and the others.
So again, we start no water, which represents happiness. Then something happens, usually the loss of someone the character cares about, and the character enters the dark tunnel or hell symbolism. This is often represented literally by a dark tunnel in the show.
We’ve also seen it represented by gas station more than once, and gas stations represent hell. So, these are all the same symbols. It represents a period of great trial, personal hell, or emotional/psychological darkness for the character. And again, this is usually because they’ve lost someone they cared about.
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Yet, we often see it depicted as having a light at the other end of the tunnel. This usually represents them being able to get that person back. Because of this, I believe the dark tunnel symbolism is usually used only when the character will eventually get the person they’ve lost back. In other words, a death fake out.
I’m going talk about all of the instances of dark tunnel symbolism I can think of. I’m sure there are some that I’ve missed, especially smaller, more subtle instances. I’ll just give you enough so that you can see the way that they do this in the show.
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TWD 10x12: Walk With Us - First Thougths
How did everyone like the episode? I thought it was great. Some kinda shocking stuff happened here. And as always, it was accompanied by lots of great symbolism. Let’s dive in!  
***As always, spoilers abound for 10x12 below. Don’t read until you’ve watched! You’ve been warned!***
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TWD 10x10: Stalker - Details
Let’s talk some details! I’ll start by mentioning all the little things we’ve noticed, and then I’ll get into connecting it all. You might want to grab a beverage. This will be kinda long.
***As always, spoilers abound below for 10x10. Don’t read until you’ve watched! You’ve been warned!***
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TWD 10x10: Stalker - First Thoughts
Wow! Just wow! Okay, in terms of moving the plot forward, this might seem like a low-key episode. And plot wise, it KIND of was. Or at least it feels that way on the surface. Really, what happened here will probably end up being super important.
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So, the episode pretty much held what we thought it would: no Beth sightings, but CRAZY symbolism. The biggest thing for me was the dialogue. I felt like every line was either a Beth repeat, or if not specifically that, just SUPER thematic and important.
As always, I’ll just throw out some of the things that jumped out at me most on first watch. Tomorrow, I’ll talk details.
***And as always, spoilers abound for 10x10 below. Don’t read until you’ve watched! You’ve been warned!***
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TWD 10x10: Stalker - First Thoughts
Wow! Just wow! Okay, in terms of moving the plot forward, this might seem like a low-key episode. And plot wise, it KIND of was. Or at least it feels that way on the surface. Really, what happened here will probably end up being super important.
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So, the episode pretty much held what we thought it would: no Beth sightings, but CRAZY symbolism. The biggest thing for me was the dialogue. I felt like every line was either a Beth repeat, or if not specifically that, just SUPER thematic and important.
As always, I’ll just throw out some of the things that jumped out at me most on first watch. Tomorrow, I’ll talk details.
***And as always, spoilers abound for 10x10 below. Don’t read until you’ve watched! You’ve been warned!***
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10x09: Squeeze - First Thoughts
Hey Everyone! How did you all like 10x09? I loved it! Thought it was fabulous. As per usual, today I’ll just give you some broad, first thoughts. Tomorrow I’ll do details and TTD. After that, I have some predictions. My peeps and I have been discussing what the spoilers told us all week and I have lots of connections to make. So, stay tuned.
***As always, spoilers abound for 10x09 below. Don’t click the ‘Read More’ until you’ve watched! You’ve been warned!***
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Episode 10x11 “Morningstar”: Sirius, the star that returns just before dawn...
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A theme in all of my theories has been how TPTB like to utilize synonymous symbols, for example how the symbols «bear» and «beer» really means  the same, and they are utilized in similar ways in TPTB’s use of symbolism. For example, both «beer» and «bear» ultimately points to the North Star, and it ultimately means «home».  I’ve  written about it elsewhere, so I won’t get into it here. The way it works is that one symbol alone does not tell the full story. It is  the symbols together that act like a secret language, where words make up sentences, and several symbols together can tell complex stories. The Sirius symbolism tells one such complex story. It’s been a long story, it started in 4x12 «Still», but now were about to see that story come to its fulfillment, and I suspect these next few weeks will be glorious for TDers!
The Sirius symbolism is without a doubt what I’ve talked about the most in terms of TD symbolism. It took a couple of seasons for me to figure out which direction of  TPTB wanted to take it, but I never doubted that I was on to something important, because TPTB consistently left enough breadcrumbs for me to follow, and there was no way they all could’ve been coincidences. I’ve written a master post on my interpretation of the Sirius symbolism here:
Since I’ve written so extensively on it earlier, I won’t go into detail, but the bullet points go something like this: Sirius is the brightest star on the night sky Sirius is affectionately called «the Dog Star» (hence all the dog symbolism around Beth) Sirius means «scorching, glowing» Sirius disappears from the night sky for a time, it’s «just gone»… Sirius eventually returns to the nights sky, it re-appears «just before Dawn» Sirius is therefore called «The Morningstar».
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Finally, we seem to be getting an onscreen pointed reminder of Beth with Carol looking directly at her painting.
I know we have seen this painting before, but in past scenes it's just been in the background, no character obviously and directly looking at it. What other reminders of her will we get... bring on 10b.
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I saw a post you had made awhile back pointing out 10x10 on the clocks around Beth and Daryl and even Emily and Norman having parallels to each other in some photo shoots. Fun fact about the 10:10 clock - it’s a marketing strategy too. Look up the 10:10 clock conspiracy. They do that to make the clock look like a smiling face. Celebs, businesses, cartoons, photo shoots, tv shows, movies, etc. do that to catch the eye on purpose. Not to be negative on it for Beth but just saying.
Yes I am aware of the default clock settings and how it's used in marketing to attract consumers to an item, it's aesthetically pleasing to the eye to have the clock hands in that position... I know others have made posts about this in the past.
However that doesn't mean that Beth's clock was just randomly and meaninglessly placed in the background (it's not advertising anything) except Get Well Soon!
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10 as a number also has many interesting meanings. It's considered a complete number representing the completness of order.
Beth's story portrayed her in many ways as a Christ figure with all the symbols around her and biblically the number 10 has many meanings such as:
In Genesis the phrase "God said" is found 10 times (indicating completness of creation)
God gave man the 10 commandments (indicating completness of the law)
On the 10th day of the first month the passover lamb was selected, it's sacrifice and blood was used to save the first born child of evey family that painted the blood on the door frame to the home. Jesus was the lamb that would take away the sins of the world. (This to me is a hugh indication that Beth will bring a cure)
God sent 10 plagues to pharoh and the Egyptians (indicating completness of judgement)
So the number 10 has a lot more to it than just a marketing strategy it's indicating a completness of story.
I'm still not sure we will even see Beth at 1010 as the clock does indicate soon, which means "in or after a short time" but I do think we will get a major clue.
One other point to keep in mind is the title of episode 1011 Morning Star (FASCINATING TITLE THAT IM SURE IS JUST HUGH COINCIDENCE) Not!!! 😒🙄🙂
I've been harping on about the Morning Star and the Bright Morning Star for a while now and so have others in Team D and how it equals Beth.
When I did a rewatch of season 1 and the cdc story i saw a blue print of 10 seasons before reintroducing a possible cure story.
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This is the first clock we see at the cdc 10:02 0r 10:10 on an anclock
Below is some of my 10:10 post which indicates season 5 was the half way mark to a new cure story being introduced and that the Morning Star would be back around the time we get to 10:10
This might be a bit hard to follow as it's just a small part of a large post but you can go read the whole post if you want more background information.
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Bright morning star.
Very long answer I know sorry... but you opened a can of worms as I've been wanting to post about the Morning Star title of 1011 and this question rolls into It.
In short 1010 is not just a default clock setting 😁😀☺
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These trading cards have been released because people will try to remember this scene when they see these cards and when they realize they didnt watch, they will think that it is somewhat pointless.I think we'll watch fladhback before Beth comes back. This may be daryl's recall.It would be emotional if he told someone how he couldn't save her.
Agreed. I think a major point of all the trading cards and Beth/Emily promotion is to remind us of her story line, since it’s been a few years. And when people think about it, they won’t be able to help but remember how disappointing it was, and how open-ended it seemed. I think that’s very much the purpose of all this promo. 
I’ve always hoped they might show us the missing 17 days before they show her to us. People probably still wouldn’t think she is alive. Just that they’re calling back to something. But then when they reveal her to be alive, it will just make more sense after seeing those missing days. So I hope you’re right, Nonny! Time will tell. Xoxo! 💖
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can't wait for the convo between judith and daryl regarding his new and improved vest :)) also, i am curious why of all the the weapons daryl could have chosen for 10B he chose one called the morning star. jesus (the savior) calls himself the morning star in revelation 21. jesus=beth. intentional connection?
Wow! I didn’t know this weapon was called a morning star. I was assuming it was a mace, but apparently there are subtle differences that make the two weapons distinctive. (Source)
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I love that! More biblical symbolism. And I can’t help but point out the improbability of a weapon like this being at Alexandria. I know it doesn’t exactly seem out of place in the zombie apocalypse, but this is a medieval weapon that would probably only be found today in a museum or private collection. My point is that the writers put it there intentionally. They could just have easily gone with gun, knife, club, or signature crossbow, you know?
And you’re right about the Book of Revelation:
“I Jesus have sent mine angel to testify until you these things in the churches. I am the root and the offspring of David, and the bright and morning star.” (Rev. 22:16, KJV).
In short, yes. I’m with you. Definitely seems like an intentional connection. 
Also, if in this scene, it turns out Daryl is going to battle some Whisperers that have sneaked into Alexandria, a more detailed interpretation is that the morning star (a.k.a. Jesus/a.k.a. Beth) will be used to fight and possibly defeat the Whisperers. Which is something we’ve theorized for a long time. Just saying. 😉
Thanks for sharing this, Nonny! Xoxo! 💗
@wdway @frangipanilove
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Articles About Coming Limited Series
Morning Everyone! This will be short. Today I just wanted to share a couple of articles with you. 
THIS ONE was posted last Friday, on the same day I posted my white church post, which made it kind of fun.
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It talks about some limited series projects AMC is doing that might “resurrect” dead characters. It’s just kind of interesting, because we’ve actually been hearing about these for a while now. The biggest one revolves around Abraham and Eugene. This is where them being on one of Al’s tapes might come into play.
Also, remember I said HERE that Abraham qualifies as one of the AMC/ABC actors. Though he’s left the show (and no, I don’t think he’s secretly alive or anything) he did one season of an ABC show and will now be returning to the franchise. 
(Others who have done the same thing include Lauren Cohan, Sydney Park and, ahem, Emily Kinney.)
But the thing is that it would make sense for them to do one of these limited series kinds of things in order to tell Beth’s backstory. Because even if she shows up in 10b as we’re all hoping, I really don’t see them interrupting the Whisperer narrative for 5 or more episodes to tell her back story. 5 is an arbitrary number. We have no idea how many episodes her backstory will take. But I feel like it will be more than just one or two. So a limited series would be perfect to show her journey from Coda to whenever she returns.
So this really isn’t anything groundbreaking. Nor is it evidence of anything. It just makes a lot of sense.
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A few days later, THIS ARTICLE came out, focusing on the idea of doing a limited series back story for Glenn. Which I also think would be awesome. ;D
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