moonside-hotel · 2 months
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more chalk art boards I've done for tastings
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moonside-hotel · 2 months
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Chalkboard art for wine classes
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moonside-hotel · 3 months
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Speed Urotsuki I drew in sharpie on a piece of cardboard at work
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moonside-hotel · 4 months
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when I realized I hadn't drawn urotsuki in years... i forgot my girlboything. I forgot my girlboything
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moonside-hotel · 10 months
There is a wild animal with sharp teeth and claws and ragged fur and blood oozing from its open wounds that keep getting re-opened every time it deigns to move its paws. Sometimes that animal, forcing itself to move through the searing pain, comes across a little water. That animal will lower itself down and drink. Sometimes that water is freshwater, refreshing and cool. And sometimes that water is muddy, in a puddle on the forest floor, stagnant. And the animal keeps moving until it finds water again. The animal cannot rest because it cannot find a suitable place to sit itself where it knows that the other animals will not tear its dying body apart as soon as it is discovered. The animal continues moving.
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moonside-hotel · 2 years
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moonside-hotel · 2 years
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moonside-hotel · 2 years
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moonside-hotel · 2 years
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There's this owl and kestrel livestream that I frequent these days. I'm really fond of Gylfie, the Barn Owl, and her dutiful loving mate Finn. I watched Gylfie brood her eggs during this mating season and I love the shape of her bread-loaf like body.
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They love each other so much...
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moonside-hotel · 2 years
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moonside-hotel · 2 years
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There was this one time I was looking at a mourning dove at this garden center and I was watching it just drink water and it was kind of making me a little insane like here is this beautiful wonderfully shaped creature with so much narrative and cultural conceptual weight so embellished as a symbol of peace and potential happiness just taking a sip from a beautiful rock water fountain and I was so overwhelmed in that moment I just stood there for like five solid minutes watching it drink water (It was very cute also)
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moonside-hotel · 2 years
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moonside-hotel · 2 years
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Um this is a really really good uh. “Clown Vodka” concept my friend Freyja and I came up with where uh um. Well the mouth is where you pour the vodka out of. And there’s no stopper. The “stopper” is actually just a wadded up bawll of handkerchiefs. So you have to lay it on the side. The eyes are glass the rest of the material is ceramic. 
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moonside-hotel · 2 years
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moonside-hotel · 2 years
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My laptop is almost complete...
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moonside-hotel · 2 years
You have to be gentle with the machine like you have to be gentle to the self. This car is a body like mine. A machine is made by humans and carries those same temperaments. It reflects the personality of the owner. The body is more machine than the machine, the machine is more human than the body. In this world both humans and cars are the same. Both only exist for function, not joy. To be bound by that fate is to live under the banner of the 21st century’s ideal of the catch-22 of living-to-work-working-to-live concept that is falling apart on itself. And that’s why my car broke down today
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moonside-hotel · 3 years
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my normal spamton image
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