moonteazi · 6 years
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Women of “Butterfly” (LOOΠΔ)
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moonteazi · 7 years
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Seventeen as Philippines Mythological Creatures - 13/13
“An infant-like creatures that eat the living and terrify children. There origin (some says) are aborted fetuses from mother’s womb who took revenge of not giving them birth, or babies who died before receiving baptism.”
creds to the au
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moonteazi · 7 years
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Seventeen as Philippines Mythological Creatures - 12/13
“A Sarimanok is a magical, mythical flaming bird who brings good luck to anyone who are able to catch it. Some say it is a pet of Engkantos (environmental spirits).”
creds to the au
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moonteazi · 7 years
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Seventeen as Philippines Mythological Creatures - 11/13
“Sirena is a mermaid, a sea creature with a human upper body and a fish tail instead of lower extremities. They attract fishermen and tourists. Sirenas are reportedly often seen ashore by fishermen, especially in the towns bordering the Pacific Ocean.”
creds to the au
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moonteazi · 7 years
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Seventeen as Philippines Mythological Creatures - 10/13
“Shapeshifting demon, humanlike by day but transform into different monstrous form at night. By day, they look like a beautiful, silent maidens dwelling in a simple nipa hut, but by night Bird they become a terrible fiend that feeds to human flesh and blood. Aswangs appear at night to prey upon unwary travelers or sleeping people. It is said that they have a peculiar liking for the taste of human liver.”
creds to the au
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moonteazi · 7 years
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Seventeen as Philippines Mythological Creatures - 9/13
“One-eyed giant who is always laughing, is strong, but dim-witted. This Philippine folklore giant lives in forest and woods. It is a happy and a playful cyclops.”
creds to the au
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moonteazi · 7 years
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Seventeen as Philippines Mythological Creatures - 8/13
“A half-man and half-horse creature, terrorizes women. Actually, they are summoned by shamans or landlords to secure and protect their house.  Tikbalangs are very playful with people, and they usually make a person imagine things that aren’t real. Sometimes a Tikbalang will drive a person crazy.”
creds to the au
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moonteazi · 7 years
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Seventeen as Philippines Mythological Creatures - 7/13
“The nuno is described to be a small old man with a long beard, and differs from a DUWENDE or dwarf of Philippine folklore. The nuno is a goblin easily angered and will do harm to those who damage or disturb his mound. If an invader destroys the nuno’s home by kicking it, the offender’s foot will become swollen.”
creds to the au
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moonteazi · 7 years
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Seventeen as Philippines Mythological Creatures - 6/13
“They are a type of fresh water mermaids, but instead of having fish tails they have eels and/or water snakes for tails and the upper body of a human female having alluring face, curvaceous body and long flowing hair.Vicious to adults but gentle to children are considered the protectors of springs, wells and rivers. They bring rain, and thus fertility, but are also thought to bring disasters such as floods and drought.”
creds to the au
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moonteazi · 7 years
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Seventeen as Philippines Mythological Creatures - 5/13
“Mischievous little creatures who can shower good or bad luck to mankind. Duwende are goblins, hobgoblins, elves or dwarfs. They are little creatures who can provide good fortune or bad fate to humans. They are known to be either good or mischievous, depending on how homeowners treat them.”
creds to the au
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moonteazi · 7 years
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20 by Seventeen lyrics Couple Case on Redbubble left/right
I’m quite satisfied with this even though this is not what I imagined, in my head it was way cooler and prettier. Lmao designer probs.
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moonteazi · 7 years
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Seventeen as Philippines Mythological Creatures - 4/13
“Shapeshifting demon, humanlike by day but transform into different monstrous form at night. By day, they look like a beautiful, silent maidens dwelling in a simple nipa hut, but by night Bird they become a terrible fiend that feeds to human flesh and blood. Aswangs appear at night to prey upon unwary travelers or sleeping people. It is said that they have a peculiar liking for the taste of human liver.”
creds to the au
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moonteazi · 7 years
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Seventeen as Philippines Mythological Creatures - 3/13
“An environmental spirits with ability to take on human form, forest spirits or elves. Mostly females who dwells in trees, mountains, seas, etc., also believed to be gods or demigods.”
creds to the au
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moonteazi · 7 years
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Seventeen as Philippines Mythological Creatures - 2/13
“A modern kind of ghost, particularly those living in Balete Drive in Quezon City. Witnesses of the White Lady advise motorists to avoid the street at night, especially if they are alone. If it is necessary to travel the route, they advise that the backseat of the car is fully occupied and that no one should look back or look in any mirrors. The apparition wears a long night gown, has long black hair but has no face or one covered with blood.”
creds to the au
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moonteazi · 7 years
Before anyone would come at me....
I had permission to use their AU. I was svntnx and you can see my TA in their blog asking for permission. 
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moonteazi · 7 years
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Seventeen as Philippines Mythological Creatures - 1/13
“Kapre is a filthy, black, hairy giant who likes to smoke huge rolls of cigars, and hide within and atop large trees, particularlyBird the balete and old acacia or mango trees. A Filipino bigfoot, it scares away little children who play at night. If you’re stuck in a place and you keep going around in circles, you’re said to be played around by a Kapre. To escape its control, you must remove your t-shirt, and wear it inside-out. They usually depicted with a cigar as large as the trunk of a tree.”
creds to the au
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moonteazi · 7 years
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Quick vector illustration for today~ This is how I imagine WJSN unit when they will have unit songs. Someone actually made one like this and I’m shook we have the same idea!
I’m a fan of WJSN, I actually liked Momomo (the beat tho I haven’t read the lyrics) but I came into the fandom before Secret Era when they were just about to comeback. I feel like WJSN can do more and starship is holding them back and I think that starship should let them have unit songs in the next album as a way to let each members get more lines and show that they CAN sing.
PS. I want to put this in a mockup of a album. I might do it later and post it hihihihi ~
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