moonykiarchive · 5 years
Hi there!
Here I come with fluff!! A brand new chaptered Taekai fic that I’ve been wanting to share for so so so long... maybe you remember me talking about it all those months ago. Well, it has begun! It is here!!
I really hope you’ll like it. It’s a Witchcraft!AU (because your local idiot here likes Fantasy stuff) ♥ with just a little pinch of spooky (it’s the season!) ... I just... tried.
I hope you’ll like it.
Summary: Once upon a time in a haunted forest lived a powerful warlock, a moody Potions Master who loved to dance under the moonlight, couldn't take care of plants and always liked a good dramatic exit.
One day, said warlock -whose name was Lee Taemin- crossed paths with a pouty, snotty brat named Jongin.
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moonykiarchive · 5 years
I’m sharing this but I need you to be careful about it.
It's a story about Taemnini but mostly about Jjong & about depression & it's sad & if you've read my work "Until your distress sleeps", well... this one hurts more. So please, just be careful. Only read it if you feel like you need the hurt right now. I know that sometimes, I need the hurt. I needed the hurt to write it. So I'm sharing it if someone needs the hurt, now or later. That's it. Thanks for your attention  & I love you all. (& soon I'll share some soft, fluffy Taemnini again, don't you worry.) 
Summary: Some days, memories of Jonghyun come back. & everything Taemin did to get better suddenly seems to disappear before his eyes. & all that is left is the unbearable pain.
Jongin is here, always. Even when he knows that he's not enough.
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moonykiarchive · 5 years
The Fanboy!AU came to an end & I just wanted to thank again every single one of you who read it, liked it, shared it, talked about it, waited for it, supported me through our little journey!! ♥
You’ve all made me incredibly happy.
I wasn’t really serious about it when I started but it quickly got so much love that it was a little overwhelming. & I think I gained a lot of readers because of it... I know at least that I gained friends thanks to it. So, this AU... it means a lot to me.
Thank you for your kindness & your love. I hope to see you all again through another story.
With all my tenderness,
🍯 .
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moonykiarchive · 5 years
I Promise you
post 50 / 50
(co-written with my dear friend Dani ♥)
“when will you be home? =3= i miss you so much.”
“I’m on my way. I’ll be here in half an hour.”
“that’s so long.”
“I’m sorry Nini, should I drive as fast as possible?”
“noooo!! you must drive safely & come back to me in one piece!”
“... idiot.”
“Be patient, I’ll be there soon. And I can’t talk anymore. I’m in the car.”
“i can’t wait. i made chicken!!”
“Ordering chicken isn’t ‘making’ chicken, Jongin-ah...”
“shut up, drive, & stop teasing me. get your ass back to me.”
Taemin is laughing out loud in his car. He puts his phone away & leaves the parking lot to drive to their apartment.
It’s bigger than the one he used to share with Jinki, back in the days. Taemin likes it even more because they chose it together, decorated it together & most importantly, live there together. Taemin still feels overwhelmed with warmth every day when he comes home to the place he shares with Jongin & their dogs. When Jongin is there to welcome him & hold him close, it’s even better. But even when Jongin is away, for concerts, galas, or other work responsibilities, Taemin still likes to push the door open & see Jongin’s shoes in the entrance. He likes seeing Jongin’s mug in the kitchen sink. He likes laying on Jongin’s side of their bed.
It took them a while to be able to move in together. Taemin remembers how careful Jongin was at first... how nervous he was when he first told his fans that Taemin was his friend… how they had spent countless nights sharing their fears and comforting each other.
“so, it’s tomorrow.”
“Yes, Jongin, I know,” Taemin tries to keep the anxiety out of his voice. No matter how many times he has reassured Jongin that everything will be fine, he can’t help but feel nervous about tomorrow’s announcement.
“how long do you think it will take them to recognize you?”
“I don’t know. For those who follow me too, maybe an hour…”
“are you sure you’re okay with that? once they know who you are, we can never take it back.” Though he tries to sound casual, Taemin can tell that this worries Jongin more than anything else, but he knows, even if Jongin doesn’t, that he will never regret this decision. He turns around in Jongin’s arms and brushes his fingers against the other’s cheek until his boyfriend meets his gaze. He holds it for a long moment before putting as much conviction into his voice as he possibly can.
“Yes, Nini. I’m sure.”
They took baby steps after that, each carefully planned by Jongin. They never came out publicly, but Taemin is practically certain that most of Jongin’s fans have figured things out. Jongin always says that Taemin is a friend, a very close friend, his very best friend, but Taemin knows that they’ve been reckless in public more than once.
“What are you going to do?”
“nothing,” Jongin answers calmly. “if someone asks, i’ll tell them we’re friends, just as i always have.”
“We don’t look like friends.” Taemin gestures to the picture lying in front of them, a clear photo of them locked in a tight embrace.
“friends hug. i hug my members all the time & no one says anything. well, they do, but no one takes them seriously. the same will happen with us.” Jongin sounds more confident than he feels, but he knows that Taemin isn’t used to the press like he is & he doesn’t want him to worry. It’s not as though they can take it back so the best thing to do now is continue denying the rumors until the reporters get bored and leave them alone.
And they did. Eventually. Sometimes Taemin gets tired of being careful, of making sure never to kiss Jongin in public, but he knows it’s for the best. He also knows better than to complain about it to his boyfriend because no matter how reassuring he tries to be, Jongin still worries sometimes.
“they know, you know…most of them, at least”
“Of course they know, Nini. They’re not stupid.” Taemin sighs as he prepares to repeat a conversation that he swears they’ve had a thousand times.
“maybe we should just tell them.”
“Jonginnie. You know we can’t. It wouldn’t just affect you. Think of your members.”
“i know,” Jongin sighs in frustration. “i just feel like such a liar sometimes.”
“Hey,” Taemin keeps his voice soft as he runs his fingers through Jongin’s hair. “It’s not like you hide me completely... & you know it’s easier this way. You don’t have to worry about it hurting your career or your dreams, & we get to be us.”
Jongin smiles at those words but keeps his eyes on their intertwined fingers. “it’s not fair to you though…”
And Taemin knows that this is what he’s really worried about. He knows that his opinion matters more to Jongin than anyone else’s. He turns Jongin’s head gently towards his to make sure that his boyfriend knows that he means what he’s about to say.
“I am perfectly fine with the way things are, Nini. Do I wish that I could touch you and kiss you in public? Sure. Do I wish that we could be open and not have to worry about being accepted? Of course I do. But this is the way things are right now, & I’m okay with that. I would rather have this life that I live with you, secrets and all, than have our relationship be the thing that takes away your dream. I love you. And as long as we’re together, I’m happy.”
Jongin trembles a little as he tries to hold back the tears threatening to escape his eyelids. He wants so badly to respond, but he doesn’t know what to say so he pulls Taemin closer and presses their lips together with as much passion as he possesses, hoping that it’s enough.
Taemin smiles to himself as he gets off at the right exit, bringing him closer to the home he shares with Jongin. Having already let his mind wander to memories of their relationship, he can’t help but think about when they first moved in together, smiling again when he remembers the first time Jongin saw his office.
A soft knock at the door brings Taemin’s attention to the man standing in the doorway with a mischievous grin on his face.
“looks like someone has a favorite…” Jongin smirks as his eyes scan over the multitude of things with his face on them currently set around the room (he doesn’t yet realize that his boyfriend has another box to unpack). Taemin blushes a deep red and looks down at the Jongin poster he had been about to hang up.
“Like you didn’t already know,” he mutters without looking up.
“mhmm,” Jongin agrees, “but i like to be reminded.” His smile is more genuine now as he enters the room fully. “wait, isn’t this from this year?” he asks, holding up a piece of merch from the newest line.
“I can’t help it.” Taemin pouts as his blush deepens, but his boyfriend just giggles.
“ahhh, you’re so cute, taeminnie! the fans will love it when i make the apartment tour!”
“Yah! I’m not leaving this stuff up when you show your fans our place! We don’t want them thinking your ‘roommate’ is a creep.”
Jongin just laughs, thinking about how happy he is. Finally, he gets to live with Taemin. He’ll get to see him more and take care of him better. Everything is working out for them. He was a little worried that Taemin would be annoyed at pretending that they were just roommates, but he’s been nothing but understanding, even borrowing Jinki’s spare bed to put up for the video everyone said they had to make. Minseok did it when he left the dorm so now it’s Jongin’s turn.
“Do you think anyone believes that we're actually just roommates?” Taemin’s teasing voice pulls Jongin from his thoughts. He’s long since stopped worrying about scandals, but he also knows how obvious they sometimes are.
“of course not,” Jongin scoffs. “but it doesn’t matter. at least things stay under control this way.”
Taemin hums in agreement as he feels strong arms wrap around his waist. He tilts his head up to look his boyfriend in the eyes and smiles contentedly. He’s happy to be home.
As soon as Taemin gets home, Jongin has to fight their dogs to get to his boyfriend. But he likes it. They kiss & hug & Taemin showers while Jongin gets the chicken & prepares everything for a movie night. They end up snuggling together on their couch, talking about their days through half of the first movie.
Then Jongin hands Taemin an envelope. He’s smiling like a kid & Taemin raises one eyebrow.
“What’s this about?”
“a surprise.”
Taemin opens the envelope to find two concert tickets & he grins & then kisses Jongin.
“YESSS!!! Damn, I feel like the last tour was forever ago!!”
“it was just last year...”
“It felt like forever anyway. I don’t need your opinion, Jonghyun’s going to agree with me.”
Jongin laughs loudly & Taemin shifts closer to him.
“Is there any news about your next solo album? I’ve also been waiting forever for thaaaat~”
“it’s a secret.”
Taemin freezes & suddenly pushes Jongin away to look at him with wide eyes.
Jongin stays silent & wiggles his eyebrows & Taemin looks offended.
“Tell me! Tell me everything! Right now!”
Jongin laughs loudly & gets up to take their dirty dishes to the kitchen. They’ve both completely forgotten that the movie is still playing.
“i can’t, it’s a secret~~~”
“If it’s a secret, then that means it’s happening, right? FUCKING FINALLY! There’s something to be secretive about!”
“i don’t knoooow~”
“Jonginnie! Stop teasing me!” Taemin yells & follows Jongin to the kitchen. “Last time I asked, you said your solo comeback wasn’t happening yet... so if you say it’s a secret now, then you know SOMETHING!”
“who knoooows~~~?”
Taemin presses himself against Jongin’s back, wrapping his arms tightly around his waist, & presses his face to his boyfriend’s shoulder blade & starts whining.
“Nini, I’m your sweet, lovely boyfriend. I deserve to know! Tell me everything!! What do we know already?”
“we know that it’s confidential & even taeminnie can’t have any information!” Jongin teases with a snort.
“Oh my god, it’s really happening!”
Jongin chuckles & turns around to bump Taemin’s nose.
“i really can’t say anything.”
His voice is soft this time & Taemin tilts his head with a small smile that looks cute at first but turns mischievous very quickly.
“We both know I’m going to get you to tell me everything. I have ways. You know it; I know it; everyone at SM knows it.”
“yeah, i’m counting on that...” Jongin whispers against Taemin’s lips.
He kisses him quickly & breaks their hug to turn and walk back to the living room, humming a soft melody that Taemin doesn’t recognize. Taemin quickly follows, his eyes shining with intent at all the evil thoughts forming in his mind.
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moonykiarchive · 5 years
I Promise You
post 49 / 50
!! NSFW !!
Taemin finds it difficult to rate his favorite things to do with Jongin because everything he does with Jongin is his favorite thing. But sleeping with Jongin, having Jongin’s arms wrapped around him with Jongin’s breath tickling his ear and Jongin’s hands stroking his waist, is very high on the list.
Jongin’s skin is soft & warm in a way that makes his arms so comfortable. When they’re both shirtless & Taemin gets to feel not only Jongin’s defined muscles against him but also the incredible smoothness of Jongin’s chest, he reaches a level of happiness rarely equaled.
So, whenever Jongin tells him that he can come sleep over if Taemin wants, it sounds like a chorus of angels singing hallelujah.
Taemin is getting used to Jongin’s chest by now. He manages not to choke too hard every time Jongin takes his shirt off. He still gets breathless & he still obsesses over the two beauty marks on Jongin’s ribs & he still spends at least ten minutes reverently caressing Jongin’s shoulders & chest & arms & everything each night he can... but he’s getting better at not feeling like he’s going faint.
One evening they’re on Taemin’s bed & Jongin is sitting against the headboard. Taemin is sitting on Jongin’s lap & they’re kissing each other breathless when Taemin’s hands slip under Jongin’s shirt. His fingers are trembling slightly & his heart is thundering in his chest because tonight, Taemin wants more than usual. He wants to have sex with Jongin. He really does & it makes him feverish. He hopes Jongin wants it too.
Taemin leaves a myriad of kisses along Jongin’s jaw & cheek. He strokes Jongin’s chest with the pads of his fingers & attempts to pull Jongin’s shirt off. He hears a small laugh & glances up to see Jongin smirking at him. Jongin kisses Taemin’s nose before he helps him. Once they’re both shirtless, Taemin sighs & leans forward to trail his lips across Jongin’s shoulders & collarbones. It makes Jongin shudder a little. He’s ticklish & Taemin likes it a lot.
Then Jongin closes his arms around Taemin & pulls him closer. He holds him tightly & kisses up Taemin’s neck, all the way to his chin, then his mouth, whispering sweet nothings in between each slow press of lips.
“tae... your skin is so soft...  i love it so much...”
Taemin begins to shift against Jongin’s legs. They’re both wearing sweatpants & there’s no way to hide how aroused they are. Jongin doesn’t want to anyway. He sets his hands on Taemin’s waist & pulls him closer until they’re grinding against each other & he sighs happily. His fingers slip past the waistband of Taemin’s sweatpants & slowly slide down to cup Taemin’s ass. He takes his time & he looks hesitant as if he’s waiting for Taemin to stop him. But Taemin doesn’t. Instead, he pushes back into Jongin’s palms & kisses him deeply. Jongin smiles against his lips & holds him closer, closer, closer until their chests are pressed tight against each other.
Taemin moans softly into his mouth when their hips meet & he thrusts hard against him.
Jongin leaves a kiss on his nose, then he pulls back just enough to look at his boyfriend, but Taemin is avoiding his eyes. He stares at Jongin’s chin instead & swallows with obvious difficulty. Jongin purses his lips & slowly starts to withdraw his hands from Taemin’s pants, but his thoughts of having to stop die with Taemin’s next whisper.
“Please, make love to me.”
Jongin grins & nods & embraces him firmly. He runs his hands along Taemin’s body, stroking his back & grasping his arms & caressing his chest, all with a giddy enthusiasm that makes Taemin giggle. Jongin is a little overwhelmed for a moment with all the things that he wants to do to him & he doesn’t know where to start.
He brushes his fingers against Taemin’s cheeks & cups his face in his hands, forcing Taemin to look at him. Taemin’s cheeks are pink & his eyes are shining & he’s absolutely stunning. Jongin kisses him twice before he manages to get a grip on himself & he smiles at Taemin.
Taemin frowns slightly & he looks a bit confused by the sudden stop of the wonderful things that they were doing. He’s also a little overwhelmed because Jongin is looking at him like he’s precious, like he’s everything.
“i love you.”
Taemin gasps. He stares at Jongin in shock & receives a gentle smile in return. Taemin’s lips are trembling & his eyes can’t focus, they’re darting around Jongin’s face as he blinks too quickly & his heart feels like it is about to explode into a thousand tiny pieces.
“Say it again.”
Jongin giggles.
“i love you.”
Taemin kisses him hard & he’s trying not to sob because that’d be pretty stupid, he thinks. But he kinda wants to sob. Jongin wraps his arms around him again & turns them over until Taemin is lying on his back & looking up at him. He looks disheveled already, a deep blush spreading across his face and a wide grin on his lips. Jongin settles himself between Taemin’s legs & kisses him fervently until their lips are swollen & even redder than Taemin’s cheeks.
“Say it again. Please.”
Jongin is busy trying to take Taemin’s pants off, but he stops to look up at him. This time, he’s smirking.
“i love you, taemin-ah.”
Taemin purses his lips & Jongin can see & hear the way he holds his breath & he finds it adorable. Then he presses kisses to Taemin’s smooth skin, trailing from his chest all the way down to his hips, while he pushes those damn sweatpants off.
“i love you, i love you, i love you,” he murmurs in between each reverent kiss.
It’s back as if it had never left. That feeling in Taemin’s heart that he’s going to faint from too much happiness.
Jongin leaves him naked, laid out for him to see & Taemin doesn’t even have time to be embarrassed because Jongin kisses his thighs & strokes his calves & tells him that he’s gorgeous, beautiful & a dozen other praising words.
It’s really difficult for Taemin to follow what’s happening. He’s clearly overwhelmed. It gets even worse when Jongin shifts to sit on his hips, completely naked, with a smug little grin. Taemin gasps & his hands immediately grip Jongin’s thighs before he moves them up to his ass & he can’t help but stare at Jongin’s hard dick, right there in front of his nose. 
“Fuck, this is really happening...”
Jongin chuckles & bends down to kiss him. Taemin’s skin is flushed & it feels like it’s burning. He’s trying to touch every inch of Jongin’s glorious body. But his hands still & he gasps loudly when Jongin’s hand begins to stroke them both together.
Taemin stammers about lube in his nightstand’s drawer. He’s not sure how long he’s going to last when he’s so damn turned on & just the sight of Jongin hovering over him naked makes him feel like fireworks are exploding in his chest.
Jongin moves. He kneels between Taemin's thighs & leaves a kiss on one of Taemin's knees before he slowly presses one slicked finger into him & Taemin is already moaning softly & murmuring nonsense because it feels so good & Jongin smells so nice & everything is fucking perfect. He clings to Jongin’s back & Jongin leans forward to nip at Taemin’s neck.
“Say it-... Jongin...”
It takes a few seconds for Jongin to understand what Taemin wants because he’s too busy taking in the sight of his boyfriend sprawled under him with two of Jongin’s fingers now up his ass. But then he smirks again.
“i love you.”
He curls his fingers & Taemin lets out a loud, lewd moan. Jongin feels invincible.
It only takes a few more minutes before Taemin starts begging. His cheeks redden as he pouts & Jongin knows he’s upset about pleading for more, but he likes how Taemin can’t help it. He also likes the desperate whimper that Taemin lets out when Jongin withdraws his fingers. He likes how Taemin is already dripping precum & how he is sweaty underneath him & how he looks almost lost. He likes when Taemin looks up at him with dark, blurry eyes.
Jongin is trembling & it’s difficult just to open the damn condom. He’s starting to get nervous because he doesn’t want to mess this up & Taemin is really!! so gorgeous!! By the time he finally steadies himself & rolls the condom on, Taemin is looking at him with a little smile playing on his lips. He’s been touching himself while waiting & Jongin is ready to combust at the sight.
Taemin spreads his legs even wider & he lets go of himself to wrap his arms around Jongin’s shoulders.
“I’m waiting...” he simpers.
Jongin chuckles & leaves a small kiss on Taemin’s nose before he aligns himself with Taemin’s hole & the little sigh that Taemin breathes out when the tip of Jongin’s erection presses against his ass is divine.
“sorry about that,” Jongin says with that insufferable, sexy smirk on his lips.
Taemin opens his mouth to retort, but Jongin pushes in & Taemin can only gasp, his back arching off the mattress. It’s been a while since he last had a boyfriend & Taemin feels his heart fluttering. Jongin is big & hot & fuck it’s good. The groan that Jongin lets out makes it even better.
Once he’s inside Taemin fully, Jongin leans in to grasp his neck & kiss him intensely & he feels Taemin’s heart beating loudly against his chest. Taemin’s breaths are short & he’s clinging to Jongin’s entire body & when Jongin begins to thrust his hips, Taemin’s head falls back onto the pillow.
Taemin calls Jongin’s name like a mantra, his body writhing against the mattress & he looks at Jongin with desperate eyes so Jongin moves faster. Taemin is perfect, perfect, perfect. Everything about him is perfect, from how beautiful he looks to how soft his thighs are against Jongin’s hips. His voice is perfect even when it breaks. His moans are delightful. His ass is so damn hot & tight that Jongin is losing every ounce of his sanity as he breathes against his lips.
Taemin is begging him to go faster & deeper, his voice stuttering against Jongin’s ear & Jongin loses his rhythm for a few seconds before he obeys. Then Taemin’s grip tightens & his voice grows more acute until it wavers in little whimpers.
“Jongin... I love you... Fuck... I love you so much... I love you...”
Jongin buries himself deep inside & stills his movement to kiss Taemin breathless. It only takes a few seconds before he hears Taemin whimpering in confusion & disappointment, but Jongin needs just a moment to calm down because his heart feels like it’s is exploding.
“Jongin... please… what-...”
Jongin’s hands travel all the way down Taemin’s body & he hooks one of Taemin’s legs on his elbow & lifts it up as he thrusts into him again & Taemin nearly screams. Jongin pushes himself up on his other forearm to watch as Taemin eyes widen, his moans growing louder. Jongin smirks.
Taemin is a whimpering, begging mess under him, barely able to keep his eyes open as he tries to look at Jongin.
“touch yourself, love... please touch yourself for me...”
Taemin nods between gasps & he’s trying to tell Jongin that he’s close, he’s so close, everything is too much. Jongin continuously prodding his prostate is too much. Jongin leans down to kiss him & tells him to let go because he’s close too & he can’t last much longer, not when Taemin is That Gorgeous.
& Taemin comes. He clenches around Jongin & comes all over both of them with a broken cry of Jongin’s name & it’s so damn good that he sees white for a couple of seconds & he’s pretty sure his heart actually exploded this time. He feels Jongin coming inside him, & he watches as Jongin’s beautiful face twists with so much pleasure that the sight leaves Taemin breathless.
Then Jongin falls onto him & Taemin holds him close, tightening his hold until his muscles are almost too tense. He tries to calm his breathing as Jongin presses lazy kisses to his neck, his jaw, his cheeks.
Taemin really wants to control the surge of love & adoration blooming inside of him, but he can’t so he whispers everything to Jongin with closed eyes & a trembling voice. He grimaces when Jongin pulls out of him but lets out a contented sigh when Jongin tightens his arms around him.
“i adore you...”
Taemin blindly searches for Jongin’s lips & kisses him like he wouldn’t survive without his lips.
“Jongin, I need at least one more time today.”
Jongin starts laughing & leans back to look at him. Taemin looks both flustered & serious, it’s adorable.
“i didn’t plan to stop right now anyway...”
“Good. Then kiss me again.”
Jongin does. He cuddles Taemin for a few long minutes after he takes off the condom, but they’re both quite quick to start grinding against each other again & Taemin loses his mind once more.
Maybe, one day, he’ll get used to Jongin making love to him. Just enough so that he doesn’t feel like fainting.
“say it again.” Jongin teases.
Taemin blushes & kisses Jongin’s plump lips.
“I love you.”
Jongin grins so beautifully that Taemin’s heart clenches.
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moonykiarchive · 5 years
My lovelies,
Here I come to dust off this blog & have a little talk! ♥
In case you haven’t seen the previous post I made yesterday, I am back with a chapter from Magnolia Boy. First of all, thank you for all the reactions, likes, kudos, comments I got on it. It was really heartwarming seeing all of you rejoice with me. It was really important to me to come back with a chapter from this fic since it’s my main, most important work.
Now, where are we?
For those who asked, my arm is getting better. It’s not completely perfect yet, but I do believe we’re getting there. I can now write, as long as I’m careful about it, take breaks & don’t push like I did last year. I promise to take care of it (& myself in general) so that I don’t have to put us all through a long wait like the last few months. I’ll probably be a little slower to write than I used to, but I will keep producing things.
Next up will be the Fanboy!AU. I haven’t forgotten about it. The next two posts to bring this AU to an end are done & only need some final edit from my beloved friend who works so hard to correct all of my texts. Cheers to her for being amazing. ♥ So, I will soon post them. Probably around next weekend...
Then, maybe you remember that project I told you about like... last February or so & that was supposed to come out in April. Oh my, I started it so long ago already. That’s something to look forward to. I haven’t forgotten about it, nor ditched it. I won’t give you a date like I did once because I want to save myself from the crushing anxiety of deadlines but I keep working.
I have other things I want to work on & my mind is boiling with ideas but as I said, I’ll take it easy & slow. Magnolia Boy comes first anyway.
Thank you all for waiting & coming back to our forest so quickly.
Please take care of yourself & don’t forget to smile.
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moonykiarchive · 5 years
My dears!! I am back at last!!
It’s been so long & I am so sorry. Thank you all immensely for waiting & I hope you’ll be happy to come back to our lovely forest ♥
Summary:  Deep into the forest, a nymph is born from a tree. Jongin likes apricots, hiding in trees, playing with fairies, and taking care of plants. Then his quiet, lovely life is getting turned upside down when his closest friend, Kibum, gets a crush on an elf. Foreigners enter their land on wolves and all the little folks get extremely excited over the Royal Family. The most unexpected event being that Jongin, too shy to approach anyone alone, might also fall for one of those pointy ears beings.
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moonykiarchive · 5 years
Love love love fanboy au!!! I’m just curious on if there’s ever a time where taekai’s relationship almost gets caught or exo’s fans are curious about their interactions online? Or does Jongin’s star status ever threaten the relationship?
Hi, my dear.
I am sorry that it took me so long to answer you… & I hope you’ll still be able to see that message at some point.I’m not completely healed yet (it’s taking forever …….) but I still wanted to take some time to write you an answer because I started to feel really bad with how long I kept you waiting ugh…
First of all, thank you so immensely for this message! I’m glad you like the Fanboy!AU so much.I remember I felt a little shy when I got your message because that was just the time when I decided to bring this story to an end & it somehow made me feel anxious. There are only two posts left for it that I still have to write & share.
But anyway, here is for your questions:
Jongin is struggling to decide what he can do about his relationship with Taemin considering he’s an idol & after a while, it gets really sad to constantly stay inside & hide… So, Nini goes to Jongdae because Jongdae is the one (1) member who’s had a LOT of relationships & somehow managed by some freaking magic!! to never get caught!!!! 
& Jongdae goes all Rafiki on him, trying to advise him as wisely as he can & be like “basically you’ve got 2 options, mate… either you hide in plain sight or you go under the radar & pray no one ever finds you…..”& Jongdae has tips to stays under the radar (because that’s His Thing) but the problem is that they can’t ever get too relaxed & confident because if they do get caught… well… that’d be really bad because Jongin would have to publicly come out as gay & uuuh are we ready for that? The other option being to let themselves get caught immediately, come out as friends & hang out & if they’re careful enough & people get suspicious they can just deny everything again&again… & in both options, there are pros & cons so Nini has to make a choice.
So Jongin is here processing all of this & trying to figure the best way to deal with it & Taemin is a little shy about it, just saying that he’ll support whatever Jongin decides but he doesn’t feel that good about choosing since it’s Jongin’s career at stake & he doesn’t want to impose a choice on him ;; (what a sweetheart).
Jongin eventually goes with option number 2 because it somehow feels easier & less stressful to decide by himself how & when they’ll be seen. It gives them more control. & SO just picture this!!! Jongin finally taking his Taeminnie out!! IN A RESTAURANT!! them just walking around!! them going on (subtle) DATES!! & of course, once some pictures come out, fans are quite quick to recognize ig user kimtae!!! the one who made the Love Shot dance cover!! the one Chanyeol is following!! the one who got so many videos liked by Kai!!
So Taeminnie is invaded on his ig by people asking him tons of questions & he’s all “uh-ho…”
Taemnini sitting on Taemin’s bed, looking through all the comments flooding on their ig about those pics of them eating ice cream together & trying to figure out how to calmly say they’re friends & Jongdae is screeching at Jongin because “I told you not to be alone with him at first, you dumbass!!! You should have taken Chanyeol with you or like… anyone really!!”
“but i wanted to be alone with taeminnie =3=“
“… Why are you like this, Jongin-ah? Why?”
But then Taeminnie appears briefly in a zkdlin ig live & that’s when Nini explains that he met Taemin somehow (he’s staying really vague about it) & they started to talk about dancing & they became friends & then, asking people not to be mean to Taeminnie because some sent quite mean comments to him already & that’s not okay.
Them starting to interact on social media & Jongin deciding that now that it’s all out it’s okay to follow Taemin’s ig, right? So he does just that & Chanyeol throws a TANTRUM & Junmyeon is here shaking his head like…
“Didn’t Jongdae tell you to be careful?”
“but everyone knows we’re friends now… why does it matter?”
“BECAUSE!! JONGIN!! You follow none of your other friends!! You big idiot. That’s so suspicious!!”
“… i don’t wanna follow you, hyung =3= stop insisting.”
So yeah, from here a small bunch of Intellectuals would probably suspect them of things & support them silently but Jongin still is very careful because he truly doesn’t want Taemin to get in trouble & Taemin is a lot more careful about what he posts on his ig too.
But every time he gets a comment of someone asking him if Jongin is doing okay, if he’s happy, if he’s smiling enough, Taeminnie gets really, really soft. It makes the few mean comments he still get so insignificant.
I’ll probably answer the last question in the very last post of the Fanboy!AU, which I wanted to write to wrap up the story ♥ So I hope you’ll be okay to wait even more. I hope this post gave you some comfort after waiting for so long. Once again, I’m truly sorry I was silent for so long.
Thank you for your support & for sending me this lovely message… truly.
I hope you’re doing alright ♥
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moonykiarchive · 5 years
I come here to tell you about a little project I’m putting together if any of you is interested. I talked about it on my Twitter already.
I’d like to send a couple of postcards to some of you... with a tiny Taemnini prompt written on it. As some sort of love letter, ehe 💌
If you’re interested in maybe receiving one (I’ll be making a draw), please click here.
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moonykiarchive · 5 years
Hi there my lovelies,
I’ve updated my masterlist with a bunch of little AUs I’ve put on twitter those last few days.
It’s really difficult for me not to be able to write lately... & uploading those little stories helps, even if it takes me a lot of time to share them with one working hand.
So yeah, it’s a little bit of content for you to check out if you want to until I’m able to properly write on my laptop again.
I hope you’re all doing well.
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moonykiarchive · 5 years
Hello❤ do you maybe happen to know why was The Golden Mirror taekai fanfic deleted?😖
Hi dear,
I’m afraid not... I never talked to the author, unfortunately. The Golden Mirror was one of my favorite Taekai fics & I was really sad when I noticed it was gone... ಥ_ಥ
I’m sorry that I can’t help. This story is greatly missed in the fandom... I have no idea why sometimes authors choose to delete their work. ╥﹏╥
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moonykiarchive · 5 years
Hi my lovelies,
It’s been over a month that I haven’t posted anything & I just wanted to say that I’m sorry but my arm isn’t completely healed yet. It’s doing better but I need a bit more time.
I haven’t forgotten about you, nor my stories & I can’t wait to be able to write again. I miss MB so much.........
Sorry for the inconvenience.
I hope you’re all doing okay. 
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moonykiarchive · 5 years
I Promise You
post 48 / 50
They go back to Taemin’s dance studio. Jongin is the one who asks for it & Taemin is delighted with the idea of dancing with Jongin again.
The little grandma who owns the place offers them rice crackers & spends 45 minutes telling Jongin what Taemin was like as a kid & it doesn’t matter how much Taemin whines & tries to pull Jongin away so they can actually dance, she keeps talking & Jongin enjoys it all a lot.
“you really were feisty!”
“I still am!”
Jongin giggles as he agrees.
It becomes a habit of some sort. Sometimes, they go back there to dance together & Taemin is always slightly emotional because that’s where they kissed the first time! That’s where they started dating! He has gotten very flustered every time he has listened to Oh La La La ever since that day.
They dance to many songs there in their little shelter. They talk endlessly. They cheer each other on. Jongin praises Taemin & Taemin compliments Jongin back.
Sometimes, it gets a bit heated because Taemin swiftly loses his mind when Jongin starts sweating & breathing heavily & he gets really needy for kisses & hugs & some grinding & just about anything he can have. So Jongin gives up on trying to behave quite quickly. He stops gritting his teeth & clenching his fists & he just walks to Taemin to kiss him any time he wants -which is often & a lot- because there’s no need for him to pretend he’s not going crazy at the sight of Taemin rolling his hips like his life depends on it. After a while, more kissing than dancing happens in the studio, but neither of them cares.
One day, Taemin looks at Jongin with pleading eyes & a pout & he asks if Jongin can finally, finally keep his promise to him & Jongin is very confused as to what he most likely forgot & Taemin has to remind him that one day, months ago, he said he would sing Promise to him again, when they meet. They met & even started dating & kissed & Taemin gave him a massage! but he still hasn’t gotten to hear Jongin singing Promise exclusively to him. How unfair is that?!
Jongin laughs for a solid two minutes. He does his cute high-pitched laugh that gets Taemin to smile stupidly & want to pinch his cheeks (he does pinch Jongin’s cheeks). But then, Jongin sings for Taemin & he lets Taemin record him for whenever he wants to hear Jongin sing to him.  It always makes him feel quite strange to sing alone, without any of his members. He’s not sure if it feels good or bad. It’s simply strange.
Jongin is really proud & happy when he sees the way Taemin looks at him. Then Taemin wraps his arms around him, kissing him passionately & holding him close on the floor of their dance room.
“Jongin, it’s happening again...”
“uh? what is?”
“I won’t be able to break this hug. You’ll have to do it at some point.”
Jongin giggles & he’s peppering kisses in Taemin’s hair while holding him even tighter.
“i forgot my crowbar at home, i think we’re doomed.”
Taemin bursts into laughter & kisses Jongin’s neck.
“Can you sleep at my place tonight?”
Jongin forces Taemin to loosen his hold on him. Taemin starts whining & Jongin is smiling & he leans in to kiss him. He kisses him slow & so tenderly that Taemin ends up blinking like a lost, confused owl.
“Is that a yes?”
“damn right it is.”
“Perfect then.”
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moonykiarchive · 5 years
Small update:
My health is getting bad again so I’m having a slow-down in everything. I am sorry about that & sorry that I keep rescheduling stuff. I’m unable to write atm but I hope I’ll be able to get back to it soon.
The Fanboy!AU will soon come to an end. I plan on going to the 50th post ♥ but that will be it. Truth be told, I never intended for it to be this long & now, it takes me too much time that I would rather spend on Magnolia Boy & the little project I’ve been talking about for months (BWM).
The last post will be long to write so be patient with me, please.
I can’t wait to be able to come back to you with more content. It’s really saddening me every time I find myself unable to share anything or having to make decisions based on my health instead of on my wishes.
@ the person who sent me such a lovely message on anon this morning about said Fanboy!AU: thank you immensely. I will try to answer you asap but I want to do it properly & give you long, cute & funny answers to your question & for now, it’s difficult.
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moonykiarchive · 5 years
no offense but two characters running from the authorities and then one of them pulls the other in a dark, small alley to shake them off and they’re both breathing hard and there’s not much space there and they’re looking at each other while trying to hold back chuckles and one of them brings their finger to their lips playfully in a ‘shhh’ motion while smirking and oh no now they’re looking at one another’s lips and one of them whispers “i think the coast is clear now. we could leave.” and the other says “yeah. we could.” but they’re still looking at the other person’s lips and neither make a move to go and they can feel each other’s breath against their skin and. y eah
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moonykiarchive · 5 years
I Promise you
post 47 / ???
Waking up in Jongin’s arms is the softest thing Taemin has ever experienced. Jongin really doesn’t want to open his eyes & he’s squirming against him & moaning softly & hugging him with all the strength of a sleepy man & Taemin isn’t completely awake either but he’s already melting with love. Then Jongin yawns so cutely, it shouldn’t be allowed & Taemin snuggles even closer to him & leaves dozens of kisses on his swollen cheeks.
“mhmmm... ‘morning taeminniiiiie~”
Jongin blindly searches for Taemin’s lips to give him a kiss because he can’t open his eyes just yet & Taemin laughs quietly.
“Good morning~”
Jongin hides his face against Taemin’s neck & sighs.
“this is the best.”
They cuddle for a moment & Jongin doesn’t want to think about what time it is, or going back to work & other upsetting things like that. He simply enjoys the warmth of Taemin’s skin in the morning & when he finally blinks his eyes open, Taemin is smiling at him & he’s so beautiful that Jongin’s heart clenches.
When they finally decide to get up because both of their stomachs are growling, Jongin reluctantly checks his phone, but there are no new messages & it’s not that late yet... & he’s so relieved that he doesn’t have to hurry & leave that he throws his phone back on Taemin’s bed before following him to the kitchen.
Jinki’s already there, making breakfast, & he smiles at them.
“I saw Jongin’s shoes in the hallway so I made breakfast for three.”
Jongin bows to him & says thank you & offers to do the dishes & Taemin snorts.
“You want to do the dishes?”
“as a thank you, yes...” Jongin pouts.
“I’ve heard that you don’t do dishes very well, actually...”
His tone is teasing & Jongin pinches his ribs.
“i’ll be very careful and i’ll do it perfectly, you’ll see!”
Taemin cackles, then sits down & moves his chair as close to Jongin’s as possible & Jongin stops pouting.
They talk about Jinki’s job through breakfast & Jinki can’t help smiling & rolling his eyes as he witnesses how Jongin & Taemin keep touching each other in any way they can. It starts with Taemin’s hand in Jongin’s hair, stroking it softly. Then Jongin caresses Taemin’s back. Then Taemin steals a kiss. Then Jongin rests his head on Taemin’s shoulder. They do it so naturally, it’s ridiculous.
In the end, Taemin helps Jongin wash the dishes (to make sure it’s done properly) & he does that thing that Jongin adores. He’s drying a plate with a towel when he starts humming ‘Universe’ & he looks like he doesn’t  even realize what he’s doing & Jongin starts smiling because his boyfriend is truly the cutest. Jongin tries to be quiet while washing just so he can enjoy Taemin’s voice & at some point, Taemin even starts to whisper the lyrics until he stops abruptly & coughs.
“pleaaaase go on~”
Taemin chokes.
“This is embarrassing!!”
“it’s not, your voice is so sweet!”
Taemin squirms away to hide behind Jongin’s back & Jongin laughs.
“please please please, sing more for me!”
“I want to crawl in a hole right now.”
“nooo~ taeminnie, please!”
Jongin lets go of the glass he was washing & turns around to face Taemin’s embarrassed look. He kisses his nose & smiles at him.
“you sing far better than i did when i debuted with exo...” He jokes.
“You can’t say things like that!”
“but it’s true...”
“Even if it is! Don’t say it!”
Jongin laughs & kisses Taemin’s nose again.
“i’ll stop if you sing.”
Taemin rolls his eyes & pouts.
“But you can’t look at me.
Jongin’s face lights up like a Christmas tree & he turns around, going back to washing the dishes as he waits. It takes a couple of minutes before Taemin tries to overcome his embarrassment & starts humming again. Then he sings, very softly, ‘Sing for You’ & Jongin bites his lip to contain his smile.
When he’s done, Taemin hugs Jongin’s back to hide his face & Jongin spends at least five minutes thanking him & praising him until Taemin lets him turn around. & Jongin kisses him a lot.
Then Jongin spends the whole day humming ‘Sing for You’ with a little smile on his face & Jongdae really wants to know what’s going on with his sudden interest in that song but Kyungsoo forbids him to ask because it’s obviously private.
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moonykiarchive · 5 years
Fic Writers
That feeling where someone reads your multichapter fic and comments on each chapter gasping and and celebrating along with the story reblog if you agree
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