moralhymn · 1 year
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Don't ask silly questions, Noctis. You might not always like the answer.
Which makes it even more humiliating that he kicked your ass, huh?
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What makes you think that it was humiliating, Noct? It’s what I’d call quite a turn on, honestly.
Ew ew ew!!
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moralhymn · 1 year
Bites his shoulder!
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Well, ow? If she wants him worked up, it's working---
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moralhymn · 1 year
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What makes you think that it was humiliating, Noct? It's what I'd call quite a turn on, honestly.
@painedprince WHY ARDYN FOOT SO BIG or why ignis chest so small
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Oh, you know what they say about guys with big feet---- but he is also a little bit slim, Noct.
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moralhymn · 1 year
@painedprince WHY ARDYN FOOT SO BIG or why ignis chest so small
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Oh, you know what they say about guys with big feet---- but he is also a little bit slim, Noct.
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moralhymn · 1 year
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moralhymn · 1 year
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Oh, of course -- I meant that I'm dashing. Handsome. Devilish. All of that.
Ah, but I’m irresistible. You know that.~
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Not a word I would use, no…
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moralhymn · 1 year
Me: Soooooooo, Ardyn, do you want to come back? Ardyn: Get me an Ignis to wreck and I will.
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moralhymn · 1 year
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moralhymn · 2 years
/casually smacks his hand on this blog. promptly doubles over coughing from all of the dust.
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moralhymn · 2 years
me, loudly ignoring ardyn as he works on banging a couple of pots together for all the attention he can get because it's almost three in the goddamn am you fucking asshole you did not need to wake back up and no you do not need to get laid right now. we will discuss it when i wake up from sleeping.
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moralhymn · 2 years
jesus mcfucking christ on a cupcake i come back to blow dust off of ardyn’s blog and shit has been reblogged by personals. okay then. keep your hands off thanks.
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moralhymn · 2 years
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Super secret cutscene, which we deserve.
Music for the atmosphere 
some commission info
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moralhymn · 2 years
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@moralhymn​: [ 𝐈𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐓𝐖𝐈𝐍𝐄 ] My muse laces their fingers with yours
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  𝐈𝐍 𝐇𝐄𝐑 𝐆𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐆𝐋𝐎𝐑𝐘, 𝐈𝐍𝐒𝐎𝐌𝐍𝐈𝐀 𝐒𝐓𝐈𝐋𝐋 𝐑𝐄𝐈𝐆𝐍𝐒. While in the depths of the Messenger’s heart, she feels confusion, even a lonesomeness that spreads throughout. People chatter about this or that, the onslaught of new faces amongst the city that were nothing more than fables. Royalty from another nation now merging together, the union that should bring peace. It was tiresome to hear the same reculcations Sayuri had known since youth, reciting manicured lines for those who sought the guidance of a divine being, or simply to understand their faith. The arrival of such a being is earlier than anticipated, crowds that disperse to witness the engimetic being they have only heard of in hushed whispers.
   For what seems like eons, she is able to breathe, inhaling the sweetness of the dusk air that strokes the confines of her being. Familiar faces that would pass, some that stop to speak of the current political climate, others that merely mind their own. It must be unnerving, to be among another who speaks on behalf of the raging seas.  Steadfast, her movements are swifting, every so often taking in the architecture of the massive halls. Pale eyes flicker as her features soften, “Chancellor…?” her voice calls forth. Fingers that interlink together, she pulls upon them as her smile begins to spread. Naturally, it was her duty to offer politeness but something else stirred within her stomach.
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   She could not place a name to the sensation, still it would gnaw away, rapidly with a hunger that could not be denied. There was no denying in proximity, their tongues would clash with another, scathing wit or sarcasm that eked but every then Ardyn would garnish laughter from her. A rarity for those who tried but failed, only met with the same coldness that came from those who held themselves above men.
   Sayuri head aches with the fortellings of the Accursed, to not intervene where she doesn’t belong, that is for the Draconian. Those of the tides were to bring slumber, the lull that kept the seas from devouring all that remains within their wake. Pleasantries that are exchanged, idle that hold no meaning, she beams with a brightness before swallowing the pit lodged within her throat. “I’m sorry to disturb you, it’s lovely to see everyone coming together” if only the truth could be revealed, the ire that runs thick like the flames that once overtook all she had ever known.
  The ripple of emerald that moves with her, swiftly she takes her leave but something stops her. A grasp that is familiar yet distant, fingers that run over jeweled knuckles, it dares her to fall into this momentary selfishness. She does not resist, instead her touch grows firm, holding like a vice. Tender, enough that it could eat away at the confines of her very soul, her mind fills with a cloud of confusion to stray from what is upheld if only for momentary bliss.
   Everything aches for an embrace, yearning that causes the back of her throat to run dry. None pay mind to the scene, it’s simply dramatics they decipher it to be but she can’t let go. Not yet, with every breath her heartbeat rapidly presses against her ribcage, so much that it feels ready to burst. With her other hand, she reaches forward brushing away strands of displaced locks, caressing against his jawline till her gaze breaks. “Charming as always, would you care to join me?” it’s a bold proposition for a being of her caliber. Rampant is the need to break free from watchful eyes, sincerity that seeps with how she refuses to break apart, an act of defiance she has never shown before. 
      “You can show me around, someone like you can make this entertaining for the both of us”  
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moralhymn · 3 years
casual reminder that ardyn’s chronic pain is always worse in winter months. if it’s too cold or he spends too long moving around, he often winds up with the threat of his knee or hip locking up. sometimes both. or, alternatively, the chance of his leg giving out on him. he walks with a swaggering gait to hide the limp but when it’s a very bad pain day, he prefers not to move as much as possible. his narcotics help alleviate the pain, somewhat, but sometimes the best thing he can do is sink into a hot bath and suffer for a time until he feels moderately able to move again.
physical therapy does not help very much; he’s tried it before, numerous times, but it doesn’t do much more than teach him how to move when he’s really hurting. on the days when his pain is so bad that he can’t even sit up ( and walking is laughable on those days; he literally has to get MTs to carry him around. ), he prefers to stay in bed. his assistant can bring him work to do at such times, of course.
ardyn IS able to power through the pain and he does so quite often - but at the risk of making it worse and compounding it later.
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moralhymn · 3 years
❛ I didn’t want you to fight alone. ❜ (Gilgamesh)
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              he doesn't want him to fight alone. here, at the end of the world, there is a ghost from his past, a ghost from two thousand years ago -- a ghost whose chest is slammed by a fist to toss gilgamesh backwards and away from him. ardyn's lips are tugged back in a snarl, bronze eyes ablaze with vicious fury.
              ❝ how dare you-- ❞ that is not a human's voice, too low and guttural to be human. ❝ you come crawling back after two thousand years, gilgamesh -- to what? TO BE MY SHIELD AGAIN?! ❞
              for he had had a Shield, once. just like his nephew. just like that boy who does not understand the precious gift he has been given in the form of his friends and companions. once, ardyn had travelled the lands; once, he had been a healer. once, he had been blessed by the Astrals, ready to give his own life and health to save the people of the lands he had once been ready to rule over.
              once, he had been ardyn lucis caelum -- prince and heir to the throne, the crownless king. once -- he had been so much more. 
              ❝ FUCK you, gilgamesh! ❞
              he has wanted to die for two thousand years. how dare he come back now, saying such a thing. how DARE gilgamesh come to his side when he had BETRAYED ARDYN SO LONG AGO? how fucking DARE he feel guilt for this now! how DARE he proclaim himself to be willing to protect him again! to DARE fucking say that he’d fight at ardyn’s side once more!
              the air crackled with power as red-tinged ghosts of weapons suddenly burst around the daemonhost, as black ichor began to spill in decaying oily fluids from his eyes and mouth. ardyn did not need to see his skin to know it had gone ashen, to see his teeth to know they appeared grimed, to look at his hands to see veins pulsing black and his nails gone the same shade of sable. he was ready to tear his one-time Shield apart with his own bare hands. the snarling in his throat was monstrous and vivid, a threatening noise filling the air.
              ❝ you BETRAYED me, gilgamesh! you were supposed to be my Shield! my protector! and you BETRAYED ME TO SIDE WITH SOMNUS! ❞
              did gilgamesh understand how it felt to have someone you trusted betray you? to show they had no faith in you or your abilities? in you as a person? ardyn was ready to see if he could shuffle this lingering spirit off of his mortal coil -- and he was going to make the attempt in the most violent way possible as he brought his hand up with those weapons rotating in readiness to be fired at the other.
              he was going to take him to pieces.
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moralhymn · 3 years
yes im always a little sick to my stomach with anger and rage. why do u ask?
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moralhymn · 3 years
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“Yeah, Halloween is great! I like your costume! Here! Want some sour candy?” 
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             it’s not a costume but the boy doesn’t need to know that. no need to frighten the lad, after all. well -- not yet at any rate. ❝ why thank you. i do enjoy sour candies. ❞
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