more-complicated · 2 days
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Adam Zagajewski, “Try to Praise the Mutilated World”, Without End: New and Selected Poems
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more-complicated · 6 days
You wish you could show them the new world, naturally|but you’re a ghost, and so is their world, and you failed|and you wish they would duet the cicadas|and you wish you could apologize for the things that weren’t your fault|like the half-life of lung mold-lining|moments after the things that were your fault|like decaying in all the other ways, or being a wretched and sinful thing, or failing|but to you the loss was by your own hands|like you died there beside them instead of freeing them too| | |and you made it that way on purpose, naturally|because that’s what cowards do|stupid, fickle and fretful thing|even after the soil reaches well past half-life radioactivity|content to hide forever from consequence|tin-canned love as a vessel for botulism|shameful and sickening|land-locked dry motionless into frozen state|compressed to stress-cracks by the weight of the world. The whole world, spinning, dizzying motion sickness.| | |Narcissus was preoccupied, naturally.|The winged one lunged at horrific mirror mimic Narcissus and it was fair to each when either was cut.|Atlas’ “dying” breath was a gasp in horror and then the burning, rotting world fell with him.| | |Creator shook its head in contempt at the sight of the ghost of Atlas, hiding beneath a pile of long-forgotten recycling like a roach, damned to live eternally with that singular instance of shrugging.
this is beautiful thank you
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more-complicated · 10 days
heart so heavy
stone in the grass
i turned it over
and everything painful crawled out
i want to put it back
i want to put it back
i want to let what's underneath turn to rot
and the scary things
to stay out of sight.
i turn every stone over instead
i get my festering wounds
exposed to day light
exposed to the rain and the wind
just pouring out this pain
just pouring out my heart ache
until maybe they can start to heal
and maybe the wild flowers will grow there too
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more-complicated · 11 days
umm how to be a dog by andrew kane. btw.
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more-complicated · 11 days
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I.B. Vyache, “The Rotting Dollhouse” from Conversations Over Sanguinaccio Dolce
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more-complicated · 11 days
I always want more more than anyone can give most of all myself all I can do is live
I want to raise mountains and rush moats I want to pull at heartstrings and strain throats
I give, I give, I give I take and take and take I want it all to mean something for everyone’s sake
so sing and scream cascade and cry let rivers run let birds fly
I want to be one of them I want it all I want to run as far as I can I want to fall
So please catch me even if I’d like to feel the earth I’m still afraid but not of being hurt
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more-complicated · 11 days
always concerned how they see me read me out of context twist me til I'm missing it I promise you can believe this It's the end of the sentence.
yes, maybe its carefully thought up always with the consideration ill come on too strong too much, too frank, too right, too wrong
aggressive, is that the word you used? or too rude? I don't often think enough even if I think too much sometimes I'm /nice/ enough and every time /nice/ means nothing gets done
Still, I didn't make it up as some sharp send-off only a statement of fact "I don't want to hear any more of that."
sure, I smile at people so they don't think I'm unfriendly even if I am yes! I add exclamation marks just so you know I'm interested even if I'm not I'm trying really fucking hard, ok? I'm tired, it's all I've got. and maybe I'm a little less than ok
maybe I'm painfully earnest maybe I mean it when I say, "I care too much," or maybe I just don't care enough I say I'm trying my hardest I'm not lying even if I never believe it
please don't read me wrong because I used to be a blank slate one you could project any words on now there are things I put effort to make known
now you make an effort to see my side I can't be the only one to apologize I can't be the only one who cares about holding this together
but why would I care, about keeping the peace? so many words all cheap
at some point I’ll tire of it all you won't see my exclamation points anymore all my faked friendly smiles or my carefully crafted words
you won't see me that's how this always goes
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more-complicated · 20 days
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Heather Havrilesky, How to Be a Person in the World
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more-complicated · 20 days
i'm like a stray dog in a lot of ways but i will not elaborate on that
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more-complicated · 20 days
im my own dog
my own owner
my own cage
my own leash
my own hand
i am fastening my own collar
and i am holding tight
just in case i decide to run.
I am trying to be patient with myself.
I am trying to be gentle with myself
even when i scare myself
even when i pull
even when i do something
that isnt good for me.
i try not to yell
i try to make myself understand.
i try to be patient
i am a dog.
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more-complicated · 20 days
instead youll make yourself miserable.
instead you will sit so quiet in your cage
you will never get on the soft furniture
you will stay on the cold floor
and you will stay out of the way.
your teeth will ache in your mouth
and your voice will strain in your throat
but you will not bite
you will not bark
youre a good dog. right?
and you will sit inside yourself
and you will be your own cage
If I were a dog
would you pet me
Would you guide me home
Would you let me
Get my muddy paws
on your lovely car seats
If I were a dog
Would you put a collar on my neck
Chase me if I ran
Tagged me, take no chance
Would you try to keep me
Would you be patient when I bark
Would you be gentle when I whine
Calm when I mess up
Or would you make me learn to beg
To keep my mouth shut
To walk with tail between my legs
Cower when you yell
I dont chew the furniture
I sit in my cage and I'm still
I'm a good dog
Would you love me if I was a good dog?
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more-complicated · 20 days
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more-complicated · 20 days
If I were a dog
would you pet me
Would you guide me home
Would you let me
Get my muddy paws
on your lovely car seats
If I were a dog
Would you put a collar on my neck
Chase me if I ran
Tagged me, take no chance
Would you try to keep me
Would you be patient when I bark
Would you be gentle when I whine
Calm when I mess up
Or would you make me learn to beg
To keep my mouth shut
To walk with tail between my legs
Cower when you yell
I dont chew the furniture
I sit in my cage and I'm still
I'm a good dog
Would you love me if I was a good dog?
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more-complicated · 29 days
I want the pain to be gone
To grow away from it
Instead ive grown around it
Like a tree grows around an object
Until it becomes the core of me
And even if the pain gets smaller and smaller
What is going to fill up that space
Or will I just have
A rotted hole
Inside me
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more-complicated · 29 days
I just want this hurting to be over
I just want to have grown past it
But it's still here
All the time right now
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more-complicated · 29 days
I'm so afraid of children because I dont want to be a person who has any sort of impact over how they grow up and how they feel. And im just so scared of hurting them
I dont ever want to be the reason a child hurts it scares me so bad I can't. I just hurt so bad and I dont want to be the reason someone has to carry that pain around for the rest of their life.
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more-complicated · 29 days
So why is it ive learned
The only thing im good for
Is being hated
Being the center of the problem
So much that I just /need/ to solve them
You cant tell me anything
Without recieving advice
About some optimistic way to fix it
Even when in my own life
Im saying "ok." I'm pounding my fists on the steering wheel
And saying maybe I just shouldnt go.
I cant fit in with the men or the women
And thats about everyone to them
The ladies and gentlemen.
The one or the other then.
I'm pathetic and I'm threatening
I'm disgusting and I'm weak
I'm I'm I'm.
Thats all I can think about
I think about how I dont want to touch them
For fear it might actually mean something to someone
For fear it might actually make an impact
Leave a lasting impression
I want to go
And I want to leave
no footprints
I want to ghost along a name in someones life
A memory that cant be tainted with new ones
But I never thought they liked me in the first place
So I stay away
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