morgaaanmbti · 4 years
Random people: *talks about MBTI and Cognitive Functions*
INTP: *in a booming voice* WHO SUMMONED ME?
Random people: No one. We're just talking about MBTI.
INTP: I see no difference *then starts lecturing about how Cognitive Functions work*
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morgaaanmbti · 4 years
When non-Ni-doms slightly develop Ni
INTP: Whoaaaaa, is this how it feels like to see the future? I feel so great--
INFJ/INTJ: Wait till it gives you general anxiety
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morgaaanmbti · 4 years
Agreed. His Se was high asf
unpopular mbti opinion ☕
Whoever types him as INTx doesn’t know shit about Sensors (or cognitive functions, especially extroverted Sensing).
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morgaaanmbti · 4 years
Mbti Types and Intelligence
Hi everyone, wish you are having a wonderful day (sorry for any mistakes, I’m not a native speaker)
I recently read an article about who is the smartest type etc and I just totally disagree with trying to prove some types are not that clever and I believe that all types are clever but in different ways.
Well, that person wrote that introverts, intuitives, thinkers and perceivers are more intelligent. He said that N is the smartest function. After N, the smartest is I and T and P is the fourth smartest. Personally I understand his way of thinking but I still disagree.
So, this is the way I “judge” types as clever
Extraverted Sensing ~ Se
Se is smart because it understands the facts and the details in material stuff and it quickly takes immediate action when needed. In a new situation, it doesn’t take long for Se to actually understand the situation. It’s really easy for Se to be in touch with reality and what exists as a “live in the moment” function (ESxP dominant / ISxP auxiliary / ENxJ tertiary / INxJ inferior)
Introverted Sensing ~ Si
Si is smart because it has the ability to save and storage any kind of new information and not only that, but it’s also able to actually remember and use that information. Excellent memory, very specific, details - oriented and the most practical of all (ISxJ dominant / ESxJ auxiliary / INxP tertiary / ENxP inferior)
Extraverted iNtuition ~ Ne
Ne is smart because it loves exploring new ideas and thinks about the metaphysics. Ne reads between the lines and is really good at connecting information. Humorous, extremely curious, loves debating about the unknown, too abstract/colourful, super imaginative and aware of all aspects and possibilities of all situations (ENxP dominant / INxP auxiliary / ESxJ tertiary / ISxJ inferior)
Introverted iNtuition ~ Ni
Ni is smart because it believes that subjectivity is everywhere, so anything’s possible. Collects all the information it can get and then it connect the dots in order to understand and to find out what’s going to happen next. Mysterious, imaginative, future - oriented, Ni tries to create a specific plan that has to be accomplished. It thinks things through a lot and knows everything about something, really high existential intelligence (INxJ dominant / ENxJ auxiliary / ISxP tertiary / ESxP inferior)
Extraverted Thinking ~ Te
Te is smart because it actually does things. Really good at putting goals and achieving them through effective and logical decisions. Able to use the right information and thinks fast. Confident, practical, good organizational skills and has realistic expectations. Focused, hard working and really effective with what they do as they have a business - kind of mind (ExTJ dominant / IxTJ auxiliary / ExFP tertiary / IxFP inferior)
Introverted Thinking ~ Ti
Ti is smart because it uses clear logic to understand the world. Ti cares about “why” and “how” the world works that way. Really good at categorizing information, a lot of over thinking, believes knowledge is important not because it’s useful but because it’s just knowledge. Curious, open minded, and might have high mathematical intelligence. May see the word with a head’s - up display. It loves deconstructing things in order to see how they work (IxTP dominant / ExTP auxiliary / IxFJ tertiary / ExFJ inferior)
Extraverted Feeling ~ Fe
Fe is smart because it can see and feel the emotions of others. Empathetic and able to be manipulative sometimes. Social, loves discussing and sharing ideas with others. May know how you feel before you find out. Good at understanding the hidden motives of others and it can be a perfect psychologist. Really good at reading expressions, body language, sound of words and actually lie - detectors (ExFJ dominant / IxFJ auxiliary / ExTP tertiary / IxTP (inferior)
Introverted Feeling ~ Fi
Fi is smart because it is extremely self - aware, artistic, and potential aware. Really high emotional intelligence and sympathetic. Self - reflection, rich inner world, imagination, lots of monologues and sometimes it looks like idiosyncratic thinkers. It is extremely creative, symbolic and has strong ethics. Fi prefers looking at the meaning of things and knows how to read your values and make you feel brighter, since they see the good potential in you (IxFP dominant / ExFP auxiliary / IxTJ tertiary / ExTJ inferior)
So, as you see all types can be smart and wise and bright and sharp and everything. You just have to accept that and try to be the best person you can be.
Share love ♡
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morgaaanmbti · 4 years
you’ve heard of sugar, spice and everything nice
now get ready for…
Dominant Function
Fe - an insatiable thirst for attention
Se - party rock
Ne - an overwhelming surplus of diggity
Te - sadism
Fi - self-loathing
Si - that summertime, fall, wintertime, springtime sadness
Ni - the inevitable and irreversible heat death of the universe
Ti - nihilism
Auxiliary Function
Fe - codependent relationships
Se - the aesthetic
Ne - a fair amount of diggity
Te - strategy games
Fi - tarot cards
Si - terms and conditions
Ni - vision boards
Ti - constantly hurting people’s feelings
Tertiary Function
Fe - social manipulation
Se - the finer things in life
Ne - hardly any diggity
Te - bitchin
Fi - tragic backstory
Si - obscure obsessions
Ni - freakishly accurate hunches
Ti - some common sense
Inferior Function
Fe - moral flexibility
Se - unexplained bruises
Ne - no diggity
Te - angry crying
Fi - corporate slavory
Si - chaos
Ni - dystopian nightmares 
Ti - drama
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morgaaanmbti · 4 years
Quarantine is the best time to do this..
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how to develop functions
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morgaaanmbti · 4 years
Let’s just save some time, shall we?
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Si: learning step by step followed by application, strong awareness of details, comparison to experience to identify new objects.
Ni: futuristic visualizations, wakes up with the answer, confident pieces will slip into place, trusts intuitive hunches / patterns.
Ti: forms inner logical framework, wants all the pieces to fit and make sense, logically consistent, understands how things work, hacks the system.
Fi: awareness of self, awareness of attraction/repulsion, strong moral center, emotional objectivity, personalizes experiences (relates them to self through “identification”), resistance to others being “forced” to conform.
Se: awareness of potential within the environment, hands-on learning, confident in engaging the senses, accurately judges situations and knows how to make the right things happen, skilled in being opportunistic.
Ne: instant acceptance of and running with ideas, able to see multiple perspectives at once, quickly connects unrelated things, focuses on the big picture, detachment from sensory objects in favor of broad implications.
Te: impartial judgments based on productivity and factual concerns, easily creates systems other people of different backgrounds can use to achieve the same / tangible results, outward organizational skills (charts, maps, diagrams, improvement models), weighs importance / success on outcome.
Fe: impartial judging systems based on impact to society, skills of team building, thinks in terms of inclusion, believes everyone is equal and has value, skilled at bringing people together for a common cause, weighs importance / success on external values and whether others accept their methods.
Dom: This is their super power. They can do this in their sleep.
Aux: Able to do it, but cannot keep it up forever.
Tert: Knows they should be better at it, consciously works at it, but clumsy and often makes mistakes related to it in terms of over-simplification.
Inferior: Their active blind spot, the cause of most of their misjudgments, mistakes, and repeated bad behaviors, often a source of frustration, anger and/or humiliation when others draw attention to their lack of skill in this area.
- ENFP Mod
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morgaaanmbti · 4 years
Test the Strength of Each Cognitive Function - MBTI
Experience each function by doing the exercises below.  Select the four you find most natural.
Of those four, select the most natural and least natural to find your dominant and inferior function.
Se: Find something in your surroundings and notice the sensory details of it.  Next, find a way you can interact with your environment right now.
Si: Find something in your surroundings and focus on your impression of it.  What does it remind you of?  How comfortable are you in your environment right now?
Fe: Think about who you live with or someone close to you.  What could you do to help that person and make them feel better?  Talk to them about how you’re feeling and ask them how they’re doing.
Fi: Take some time to yourself and think about how you feel and what’s important to you.
Ne: Find something in your surroundings and consider it’s potential.  How could you change it?  What could you use it for that’s not it’s intended purpose?
Ni: Find something in your surroundings and consider what it represents.  What is it a symbol of?
Te: Plan how you’re going to do something systematically and write out the steps you need to take.  Consider how you would need to organize things to accomplish your goal logically and efficiently.
Ti: Watch a video of someone talking about why they think MBTI is inaccurate, and analyze what they say to see if there are any logical flaws in their argument.  Figure out what makes sense to you.
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morgaaanmbti · 4 years
The Core of Cognitive Functions - MBTI
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Since behavior does not indicate type, I will briefly describe each cognitive function by it’s core characteristics without including behavioral indicators.
Fe: collecting value information from without, using external value data to make judgements, based not on facts but on objective observance of what is valuable and not valuable, believes in collective right way of making feeling judgements, gathers information from varying external sources, distrust of personal value analysis
Fi: makes subjective value judgements based on personal analysis of what is valuable and not valuable, judges external value data subjectively to see if it lines up with what is valuable in their eyes
Te: gathers facts and data from without and judges logical information based on them, sees logic as objective and is distrusting of subjective logical analysis, logical data sources vary, believes there is a collective right way to make logical judgements
Ti: internal, subjective logical analysis, distrusts agreed upon logic if it contradicts what makes sense to them logically, collects information from without, but comes to judgements on logical data within
Ne: perceives meaning and ideas in the external environment, sees possibilities, sees connections and patterns between things in the external environment, seeks change and novelty, sees different ways of looking at things, looks at sensory data as a starting point and sees beyond it
Ni: perceives and generates subjective ideas and meaning, uses external perception as a starting point, but derives personal meaning and ideas that are less connected to the object than Ne, notices connections and patterns, has a sense of what will happen that arises from rapid pattern and connection analysis, pays attention to abstract concepts and symbolism
Se: perceives the external sensory environment objectively, takes in sensory data in it’s pure form without bias, seeks sensory experiences and novelty, focused on what’s going on around them
Si: perceives the external environment from a subjective standpoint (temperature, comfort, impression), compares present sensory data to personal past experiences, stores sensory data subjectively with impression data, pays attention to sensory environment and how they are personally affected and interpreting it, sensitive to internal states (hot, cold, tired, etc.)
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morgaaanmbti · 4 years
The Least Stereotypical Cognitive Functions Post Ever
Extroverted Feeling (Fe) - Helping people with everything!  I don’t let people carry things themselves, and if an old lady didn’t want me to help her cross the street, I’d tell her exactly why she should value other people’s help!
Introverted Feeling (Fi) - I never help anyone, because apparently I’m just too different!  Me, do something to promote harmony?  Not if I don’t want to!  I’m usually chill, but when I get passionate about something I WILL RANT FOR DAYS!!!
Extroverted Thinking (Te) - You, go there!  You, make me coffee!  You, stop smiling!  That’s right, I’m the boss, and you better do what I say, because I’m the bluntest, rudest person you’ll ever meet!  Care about feelings?  What are those?
Introverted Thinking (Ti) - Let’s debate things until you’re incredibly mad at me, and I have no idea why!!!  It’s so much fun, and I love being argumentative!  Also, I don’t know what smiling even is.  I tried to do a scientific study on the matter, but it was inconclusive.
Extroverted Sensing (Se) - I’m the most risk-taking person you’ve ever met!  Jump off a cliff and onto a plane that will take me over the ocean where I’ll jump into shark-infested water and somehow manage to not die?  Sure, sounds like fun!
Introverted Sensing (Si) - I never change anything!  I hate change.  Change is the worst thing ever!  I like my routine, my old teddy bear I had when I was a kid, and if we don’t have that one food on Thanksgiving every year I’m going to be heartbroken!
Extroverted Intuition (Ne) - I HAVE SO MANY IDEAS!!!  I never get anything done, because I keep getting more!  I can’t focus on anything for more than a
Introverted Intuition (Ni) - I’m sooooo psychic!  I can tell exactly what everyone’s going to do and say five years into the future, and I have a detailed plan for what I’m going to do in response!  I have no idea what’s going on around me, and you could probably draw a mustache on my face when I’m deep in thought about the meaning of the universe without me even knowing.
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morgaaanmbti · 4 years
Hi! I was wondering if you could give me a few tips on how to tell what’s the mbti type of a person without having to tell them to take the test! Thanks!
The most important thing you can do is listen to what they say instead of look at what they do.
Do they frequently mention how important they think it is to pay attention to what has and hasn’t worked in the past?  Do they find tradition comforting?  Are they good with details?  Most likely high Si and low Ne.
Are they great at brainstorming?  Do they love to look at things in a new light?  Can they see multiple ways of looking at many things?   Do they enjoy talking about far-flung, unrealistic ideas just because they’re interesting?  Most likely high Ne and low Si.
Are they good at knowing how events will develop?  Do they plan far into the future and fixate on a goal that is important to them?  Do they look for meaning and symbolism in things?  Most likely high Ni and low Se.
Are they great at jumping on opportunities?  Do they love physical thrills and material comforts?  Are they present, paying attention to what is going on around them?  Are they impatient and action-oriented, preferring to be spontaneous than to come up with a detailed plan?  Most likely high Se and low Ni.
Are they great at noticing logical inconsistencies?  Do they ask a lot of “why” questions and enjoy knowing how things work and why things are the way they are?  Do they often question the accuracy of the information they are given and refuse to accept anything that does not make sense to them?  Most likely high Ti and low Fe.
Do they often mention how important it is to help others?  Are they great at making other people feel at ease in social situations?  Do they express their feelings, opinions, and emotions in the moment?  Do they tend to focus on the group and encouraging everyone in it?  Most likely high Fe and low Ti.
Do they seem passionate and emotional but at the same time reserved in some way?  Do they have difficulty putting how they feel into words and need time to think before talking about it?  Do they often mention how important it is to them to have personal freedom and do what they believe is right?  Most likely high Fi and low Te.
Are they great at making plans and getting things done fast?  Are they impatient, competitive, and hard-working?  Do they often focus on accomplishing things the most efficient and logical way regardless of who gets offended?  Most likely high Te and low Fi.
Pick the two above that best fit the person you are trying to type and then think about whether the high extroverted function or high introverted function fits them better.  That should leave you with one type.  Hope this helps! :)
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morgaaanmbti · 4 years
Se or Si? - A Quick Way to Tell
Here’s a quick way to tell whether you use Se or Si.
When perceiving with your senses, which do you do more?
Answer 1: Notice sensory details and opportunities to take action.  Immerse myself in the moment.
Answer 2: Notice how things make me feel on a sensory level.  I am often reminded of the past when I see and experience things.
The difference is subtle, and I think that might be what leads to so much confusion.  In general though, Se perceives sensory things objectively (These are the sensory details and opportunities to act.  I am immersed in my environment.) and Si perceives sensory things subjectively (This is how I am impacted on a sensory level by things, and these are the memories I connect with these objects and experiences.  That reminds me of…).
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morgaaanmbti · 4 years
Ne or Ni? - A Quick Way to Tell
Here’s a quick way to tell whether you use Ne or Ni.
How do you perceive connections, meaning, and ideas?
Answer 1: I make rapid connections between things.  Doesn’t everybody?  The connections and meaning I see are obvious and inherent in the object.  I get ideas from objects, concepts, other ideas, etc.  The world around me inspires me.
Answer 2: I pick up on connections and find meaning in things that other people may not understand or agree with.  They’re personal to me and not obvious to everyone.  Ideas just come to me, and they aren’t always inspired by the world around me.
The difference is subtle, and I think that might be what leads to so much confusion.  In general though, Ne perceives connections, meaning, and ideas objectively (The connections I make and meaning I see should be obvious to anyone because they are inherent in the subject.  My ideas are inspired by the external world.) and Ni perceives connections, meaning, and ideas subjectively (The connections I make and meaning I see are personal and not obvious in the subject.  Everyone could see this a different way.  My ideas come from my internal world.).
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morgaaanmbti · 4 years
MBTI ~ How to self-type
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The first step to typing yourself is figuring out your cognitive functions.  If you’ve never heard of these before, they are what make up your main thought process.  They make up the main way you deal with things, both internally and externally.
There are 8 different cognitive functions, and they are as follows ~ Fe (extraverted feeling), Fi (introverted feeling), Te (extroverted thinking), Ti (introverted thinking), Ne (extroverted intuition), Ni (introverted intuition), Se (extroverted sensing), and Si (introverted sensing).  That’s a bit overwhelming, isn’t it?  Let me break it down.
Ne, Ni, Se, and Si are perceiving functions.  People use Ni and Si to observe information in their internal world and Ne and Se to take in information from the outside world.  Here is a super simple, incredibly brief explanation of each.  The gist of what you need to know to type yourself.
Ne ~ Perceiving possibilities in the external world, liking new things
Ni ~ Using your intuition to understand meaning and notice patterns in the internal world, having a vision for the future
Se ~ Perceiving the external world with your five senses, liking experiences
Si ~ Using your memory to compare something in the present to the past, seeing value in things that have happened before
Okay, that was easy to understand, right?  Which ones do you relate to the most?  Pick two (one extraverted, one introverted), and let’s keep going!  Fe, fi, te, and ti are judging functions.  These are used to make decisions.
Fe ~ Judging with morals from the external world, being good at sensing other’s feelings
Fi ~ Judging with morals from the internal world, understanding your own feelings and wanting to be true to yourself
Te ~ Making decisions by following a logical train of thought based on facts in the external world, seeks predominantly to accomplish things
Ti ~ Making decisions by following a logical train of thought based on reasoning in the internal world, seeks predominantly to understand
Again, pick two (one extraverted, one introverted).  Now that you know your cognitive functions, it’s time to put them in order.  The easiest way to do this is to first figure out if you are extraverted or introverted.  Throw out everything you know about introversion and extraversion, and ask yourself this question ~ Do I focus more on the external world or my own internal world?
That’s all there is to it.  You can get drained by being around people and be an extrovert.  You can get energy from being around people and be an introvert.  You can like to stay at home and drink tea and be an extrovert.  You can like to go out and experience things and be an introvert.  MBTI is about your thought process!  There are extroverted introverts and introverted extroverts.
Now, the last thing you need to do is figure out what your inferior function is.  One way you can do this is by looking at what each function is like as an inferior.  When a function is your inferior, it comes out when you’re stressed.  Since it is less developed than your other functions, when it does assert itself it can be turbulent and unpredictable.
You’ll probably relate to more than one of these, but pick the one you relate to the most.
Inferior Ne ~ Worried about all the things that could go wrong.
Inferior Ni ~ Focused on finding the deeper meaning behind things and may be paranoid.
Inferior Se ~ Reckless behavior or overindulgence in physical activities or sensory experiences.
Inferior Si ~ Upset by negative past experiences and seeks to reconcile them.
Inferior Fe ~ Outwardly expresses bursts of strong emotion and seeks external approval.
Inferior Fi ~ Preoccupied with overwhelming internal feelings and an inability to understand them.
Inferior Te ~ Blunt, impatient, and self-critical.  Seeks to fix problems and reach excellence.
Inferior Ti ~ Trouble thinking logically and preoccupation with uncovering the truth.
Once you know whether you’re an introvert or an extrovert and what your inferior function is, you can look at the picture below to find your type.  It’s the one where the last function is your inferior and the first function is an extraverted one (if you’re an extravert) or an introverted one (if you’re an introvert).  The middle functions will be the other two functions you chose.
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I hope this helped you figure out your MBTI personality type. :)  Thanks for reading!
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