morganmoore-tlg · 7 years
Turning Pages |The Lone Island|
"Ooo how lovely!"
I take the fish tail and hug it affectionately.
It is so beauuutifulll...
*Watches the cold light in wonder.*
(Thaddeus) "DIEE!!!!!"
*The little boy stabs Flynn in the background.*
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morganmoore-tlg · 7 years
Turning Pages |The Lone Island|
(Thaddeus) "No Mooshie No!"
*Turns to see Caligula come running over with the mermaid tail.*
"Brother! There you are, I was wondering."
I respond feeling rather lost without him.
What the bloody hell is going on right now?!
The little boy takes a swing at the rogue demon.
It was somewhat amusing to say the least.
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morganmoore-tlg · 7 years
What is to Come |The Lone Island|
"Yes, at this point why even bother with this universe!"
I wave my hand flippantly.
"There is much more potential through those portals."
There better be!
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morganmoore-tlg · 7 years
What is to Come |The Lone Island|
"You chose a heck of a time for it!"
I snap at him before stopping the arrows mid air and sending them shooting back at our attackers.
*Looks him over intrigued.*
"What happened to you?"
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morganmoore-tlg · 7 years
What is to Come |The Lone Island|
*Frowns at the folk coming through the latest portal.*
I do not wish to go there...
*Ignores the red head's scolding.*
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morganmoore-tlg · 7 years
Turning Pages |The Lone Island|
The little shit complies.
For now..
I follow him outwards to the massive mess outside our scene.
I chirp quite pleased at the vast misery surrounding the island.
(Orca) "Ithan!"
She runs over to the brainwashed one shocked.
(Orca) "Are you ok!? What happened??"
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morganmoore-tlg · 7 years
Turning Pages |The Lone Island|
"You are going to take me to one of these portals."
I urge.
Only then will I escape this hell hole..
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morganmoore-tlg · 7 years
Turning Pages |The Lone Island|
The wounded creature shows me these portals.
They fascinated me so, much more than this world ever did.
The other one calls for me to hide in a cage.
*Scrunches nose.*
"Very well then, you may go."
I cast a spell on him to FORGET before teleporting to the other on with an eager look on my face.
"I have a better idea."
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morganmoore-tlg · 7 years
Turning Pages |The Lone Island|
I respond coldly.
Is it already the end? Well that was a bloody waste!
The second twerp gets away, or at least tries to.
*Teleports in front of him and punches him down to the ground.*
"Do that again little shit, and I'll break more than just your nose!"
The other one was looking rather lost in the fog.
I questioned his intelligence.
Either way I'll have to mind wipe them both before they are aloud to leave.
It's already hard enough keeping my cover as it is without this loud mouth running off to tell his friends.
*Sits on top of the one on the ground, straddling his hips and leaning down on his chest thoughtfully.*
"Tell you what, I'll let you go if.. you tell me what exactly the big bad is out there?"
I only need one of them for now, and at this point loyalty is more a value to me than intelligence.
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morganmoore-tlg · 7 years
Turning Pages |The Lone Island|
I sit on the stool enjoying the blissful feeling that the drugs ensued.
"Mhmm... take a look outside sweety and I'm sure you'll put 2 and 2 together!"
I respond rather amused at the young boy's questioning.
Ithan on the other hand, seemed more focused on backtracking what I just took.
"Where is my room?"
I ask the two impatiently.
It was not comfortable here.
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morganmoore-tlg · 7 years
Turning Pages |The Lone Island|
I roll my eyes at the two when they discuss the latest phenomenon.
"Come on!"
I urge them impatiently before we eventually make our way to the Medicine room.
*Grabs a bottle of pills and downs them before Ithan makes a sad attempt at playing doctor.*
*Once the drugs set in my disposition becomes a whole lot lighter.*
"Nothing nowwwwwww."
Fucking human.
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morganmoore-tlg · 7 years
Turning Pages |The Lone Island|
I almost STRANGLE the loudmouth when Ithan tries to distract me in the right direction.
"Not without this one!"
I aggressively swing my arm upwards and force him towards me.
I cannot afford to have him ratting me out to his little friends.
"Why don't you help Ithan find the way?"
I grind my teeth impatiently.
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morganmoore-tlg · 7 years
Turning Pages |The Lone Island|
*I make a face at the two morons before me.*
"Ithan is it? Shut the fuck up."
I snap at the annoying little bitch before addressing the other one.
Morgan did NOT remember him ;)
"Show me where the sick bay is, I must go."
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morganmoore-tlg · 7 years
Turning Pages |The Lone Island|
*Spews out a lungful of water all over the place.*
*Snatches the paddle and tugs the little twat into the pool with me.*
"Which one of you cunts fucked up my hair?!"
I snap at both him and the motionless body before getting out of the water myself and wringing by hair dry.
*Looks around startled.*
I forgot how puny this place was..
I snap and whack the motionless one awake.
Why could I not be woken up during Moorthor like everyone else?!
"You two, explain yourselves and this place!"
I command having a lot to learn in a very short period if I were to keep my cover.
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morganmoore-tlg · 7 years
Turning Pages |The Lone Island|
*Struggles under water trying to break free.*
Air! I need Air!!!
My heart pace quickens as I stuggle against the darkness shocked and confused.
Why is he doing this?!?!
I had never been so scared of water in my entire life!
*After a few moments I stop stuggling and just.. float.*
**Two bubbles float up to the surface and pop.**
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morganmoore-tlg · 7 years
Turning Pages |The Lone Island|
"Oh.. I thought it was because of the hair."
It's always because of the hair ;)
He kisses my ear and I kiss his back.
"It's kind of cold in here."
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morganmoore-tlg · 7 years
Turning Pages |The Lone Island|
I respond to Ithan's question though it was all a lie.
This was awful, this place smelt like shit and the water was fucking cold.
Ithan commented about being clean but if anything I felt dirtier now.
"I didn't know you enjoyed the water so much?"
I try to deflect from my own foul mood as he swims over.
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