morganparkerx · 3 years
❝ thanks, ❞ they murmured, watching her with a small but fond smile. this holiday had always seemed so pointless to finn but this year he was happy to share it with someone as extraordinary as morgan. ❝ really ?? i crashed completely once i had access to one but i guess i didn’t– ❞ their words died in their throat as morgan began undressing, icy blue eyes unable to look anywhere else. that was a sight they’d never tire of. fighting the urge to follow her example, he cleared his throat and went to pour another glass of wine for himself. quickly downing it, he asked the question that had been on the tip of his tongue since the mention of a shower. ❝ fancy some company in there ?? or would you prefer i wait out here until you’re done ?? ❞ despite their previous brazen actions finn didn’t want to be presumptuous when it came to their time here together. he was happy to oblige either way, even if he had a firm preference.
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morgan smirked the moment finn stopped speaking — so abruptly, at that. whatever could have caused it?? maybe the fact that their shorts were on the floor. she hadn’t expected to have that kind of power over him, but she enjoyed it nonetheless. they stepped out of the discarded garment and kicked it aside for now, taking another sip of wine. there was a smug little smile on morgan’s lips as she considered how to further tease him, eyes on his the entire time. “mmm... it’s up to you. but just so you know,” morgan added quickly, the idea finally coming to them. she’d make them wait for a moment however, as she finished off her glass and set it down, before pulling off her shirt right in front of them. of course, no part of their body was on display that everyone didn’t see on the beach most days, but he was clearly as eager as they were, perhaps even more so. “i’m not fuckin’ you in there. i wanna savor this at least a little bit.” was that too direct?? possibly, maybe even a little crass as well, but this was called the love shack after all. both of them knew where things were headed. now, morgan could make that declaration all they wanted, but whether they’d be able to stick to their guns in there with a naked, soapy finn in there with them was a different question entirely. “think you can handle that??” she asked, turning around to head toward the bathroom door, cheeks rosy as she thought about the view she was providing.
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morganparkerx · 3 years
There was a reason why Morgan’s and Juni’s opinion mattered so much to Luna. She had found a friendship in both of them and with Morgan, Luna had felt a really good connection so there was no surprised that the comment did make her blush. “Are you kidding? I bet you’d look so beautiful in something like this. I’d love to make you something. Maybe another character. We’ll brain storm. You know, your blonde hair, you can be my Harley Quinn!” Luna chuckled when Morgan’s arms wrapped around her. She hadn’t really thought about it but in the moment, it felt right to say it. “Yeah! Is that ok? She had considered dating girls before but it never happened. not that she understood how she felt now. Morgan was gorgeous and Luna definitely noticed but she loved her like she loved Juni. Right? “And Khamani too. He’s …well, I really like him. The three of you are the closest people I have here!” 
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coming to the island, morgan hadn’t really expected to forge such strong connections, and so quickly too. but when it came to luna, something between the two of them just clicked, and morgan would be lying if they hadn’t caught themself thinking ‘where have you been all my life’ on more than one occasion. “oh i don’t know about th—” she started, about to be too bashful for her own good when a certain name caught her attention. “your harley, really?? i would love that!!” morgan’s face was very pink at the potential implications of that, but they tried to bury it and not be presumptuous. hesitant to let go, they gave luna one more tight squeeze before freeing her from their grasp. “it is okay?? of course luna, i’m absolutely flattered.” morgan grinned, stealing another quick glance at the other’s 'costume’ before she spoke up again. “ooh la la, khamani hmm??” she teased. “i think i know exactly what you mean. it’s the same for me. except well, finn instead of khamani.”
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morganparkerx · 3 years
Raj still hadn’t gotten used to the fact that one of his former students was on the island with them. Logically, it made sense. All of them were adults now, and even though he hadn’t actually kept up with any of them other than Morgan (just from the fact they ran in the same volunteering circles) they in a way were still his kids. As much as he hated teaching, all of those kids still held a special place in his heart. “That would be the Jurassic Bomb, I would normally ask to see some ID but I think that you’ve more than proven you’re from the Cretaceous era and look fantastic for your age,” he chuckled as he slid Morgan the drink, “Which I am sorry that you had to see my ass, I didn’t care about anyone else seeing it, but you having to was probably just as uncomfortable for me as it was for you.” 
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being on this island with their former teacher was strange as hell for morgan. for the most part they’d just been avoiding him, because obviously there would be no romantic feelings between them she hoped and there were certain topics they didn’t want to get into. in the beginning it was mostly just his arrest, and her curiosity on whether the volunteering she heard about now and then was in any way court-mandated. ever since the scavenger hunt though, there had been a glaring new reason to avoid him. luckily she’d been able to keep her distance that day, so hopefully the extreme sheerness of her own get-up wasn’t quite as noticeable to him as what he’d had on display. that would take things from awkward to mortifying. “jurassic bomb, it is. ah, you caught me, haha. that’s very flattering though, thank you. i do have a very in depth scale-care routine" morgan chuckled as well, though she couldn’t stop herself from saying the first thing that came to mind. “still making corny science jokes, i see,” they teased. taking a big, big sip of the drink, morgan hummed and nodded as they swallowed the large gulp so they could speak. “seeing that wouldn’t have been my first choice, but hey we both have to participate right?? really, they just should have never cast us at the same time. i blame chad for that horrible decision.”
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morganparkerx · 3 years
finn never really expected to win a reward let alone two in a row but they were quite proud of the feat. winning felt very different than just being handed things. with the two keys came the decision of who to invite, and when it came down to it, there was really only one person he wanted to accompany him and get to know better. it’d been something he’d been putting off since getting the first because of his own reservations but after the letter violet left him before leaving, he knew he didn’t want to make the same mistakes he made in the past. they still believed morgan would be better off with someone younger and closer to her home, however, finn knew that was ultimately her choice, not his. making that decision for her wasn’t fair. ❝ happy valentine’s day, beautiful, ❞ they greeted with a kiss to her cheek. ❝ having had to rough it out there all this time i’m sure you’d love to hit up the shower or tub or get some sleep on an actual bed. ❞ finn mused, offering them a glass of wine. ❝ but uh, we can do whatever you’d like. ❞ 
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february 14th. it was a day that hadn’t been too kind to morgan in the past, and they didn’t expect that to change this year either. until finn’s invitation to join him in the love shack. at midnight. on this date. she’d been so nervous all day long. this was different after all, this was premeditated. this was something that they could have picked anyone for, and they invited morgan. she couldn’t let herself think about anything else except the facts, that’s how she hurt herself before — letting herself think things that didn’t come to pass. hell, this invitation didn’t necessarily mean what they hoped, either, but they’d take things one moment at a time and let events unfold the way they were meant to. she closed her eyes and took a deep breath before stepping inside, smiling the moment she laid eyes on him. turning their head to focus on closing the door quietly, they gasped when they turned back and received a kiss, along with a whole stomach full of butterflies at finn’s words. “happy valentine’s day to you too, handsome,” she replied, standing on her toes and planting a sweet peck to their jaw in return. taking the glass of wine, they pressed their own lips together in thought at the different suggestions. ”as much as i’d love to sleep in a bed for once, i’m wide awake right now. a shower, however....” morgan stepped out of their sandals as they spoke, and unbuttoned their shorts with their free hand, apparently not wasting the time it would take to have this conversation and get to the bathroom first. “that would be wonderful.” the question was, would she be alone??
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morganparkerx · 3 years
task 04, part 02.
“emmie, huh??” morgan had been pretty nervous about this task, knowing they hadn’t really gotten to know their shipmates all that well. upon receiving the name she had to answer for though, she was a little relieved. emmie wasn’t someone she knew exceptionally well like juni, for example, but she at least had a fighting chance. “well let’s see...” @emmie-fitzgerald​
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Who is your celebrity crush? this is impossible, there’s way too many possibilities. uhh... kate mckinnon. 
What is your favorite color? guessing red for this one. just seems right.
What are 2 of your favorite hobbies? okay, one of them has to be reading. then for the second... fighting with pretty ladies??
What do you do for a living/what is your occupation? wild guess here, librarian. i feel like the way you shushed everyone and made us let you read in silence was very librarian of you.
Fill in the blank: “I am one of the world’s best ____” best at... focusing. all the lovely ladies on this island and you spend so much time readin’... it’s admirable, but i doubt most people have that kind of focus.
Fill in the blank: “I am one of the world’s worst ____” at flirting. i’ve been nosey.
It’s your night to pick a movie. Will you pick something action-packed, laugh out loud funny, or something in the family-feelgood genre? out of the three choices, you’re definitely a feel-good girl.
About what range is the number of shoe pairs you own: around 10, 20-30, 40-50, or 60+? 20-30, only because i imagine you as someone to hold on to old pairs and clean them up and take care of them.
When it comes to fashion, are you more about wearing what looks good or wearing what feels comfortable? definitely comfort.
About how long does it usually take you to get ready to go out: 10 minutes, 20 minutes, 1 hour, or >1 hour? 20 minutes, your beauty is very natural.
What cuisine is your favorite? chinese. i think you’re the type to curl up at night with a good book and chinese takeout.
Are you almost always early, late, or on time to events? late.
What is your favorite season in the year? winter. you seem pretty introverted to me, and winter is an introvert’s heaven.
Which metal do you prefer: gold, silver or rose gold? rose gold?
Are you more of a homebody or are you full of wanderlust? homebody, definitely.
Where do you rank on the competitive scale: not at all, only for fun things, or competitive about most things? competitive about most things i think.
Are you more logical and methodical (left brained) or creative and artistic (right brained)? oh this one is a difficult one. arghhhh, left brained!
When sleeping, do you consider yourself a bed and blanket hog? yes indeed.
If you could have a private music performance, what 1 band or artist would you have perform? i’m going to go cliche here... do you listen to girl in red?
Which version of shower singer are you: I don’t, I might if a song’s stuck in my head, or just about every shower is my own private concert. i wish i could be there for one of your showers because i’m sure it’s a fantastic show. musically. a concert. i’d only be there for the singing, to be clear.
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morganparkerx · 3 years
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FLORENCE PUGH for J.Crew | February 2022
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morganparkerx · 3 years
when she has too much time to think.
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morganparkerx · 3 years
Honestly it hadn’t taken much to convince the bartender to let Raj have a go at the bar, and before long he had gotten into the grove that he tended to get in at work - even occasionally flipping the shaker as he was using them just to show off a little. Was it a little weird doing this in a dinosaur costume? Absolutely. But it was fun and gave him a sense of normalcy that he had been looking for on the island since his fight with Rodrigue. “So I have two different dino-themed cocktails on the menu tonight,” he chuckled as someone walked up to the bar, “We have the Raptor-tail and we have the Jurassic Bomb. I personally recommend whichever one looks the best, but if you want to know what’s in them, let me know.”
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morgan wrestled with the dinosaur suit for a minute, trying to get their big protruding tail out of the way of taking a seat on the barstool. did men have these difficulties with a floppy appendage always getting in the way ?? the voice asking her what she’d be drinking was far too familiar for her liking, and everything in her wanted to go and continue avoiding her former teacher as long as possible, but thanks to this damn reptile costume, morgan was pretty well stuck, tail lodged in the opening on the stool’s back. “i’ll take whichever drink will make me forget the sight of your surprisingly bouncy ass cheeks the fastest, mr. v.”
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morganparkerx · 3 years
~ ~ ~ 
A soft giggle fell from Luna’s lips. Morgan’s compliment made her feel even more confident and glad she had chosen this for her talent. It was definitely a boost and her smile widened as she searched for the words to say in response. “You think so? Okay, now you’re just going to make me blush.” And Morgan did in fact make Luna feel warmer than when she had approached the group, the heat rising in her cheeks as she smoothed out the leaves of her bottom. “I’m so glad you like it, Morgan. Your opinion is probably the most important of all to me. Yours and Juniper’s to be honest.”
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“maybe that’s the goal,” morgan teased, not exactly shying away from things that might bring a blush to luna’s cheeks. it was difficult for them to contain the way they wanted to rave about the woman’s talent and beauty. especially the beauty. and talent. so maybe morgan was a little bit smitten. “i love it. i wouldn’t have any idea where to begin making something like this, and i don’t think anyone could pull it off quite like you.” they could easily think of someone that could pull it off of her, though. “wait, is that your answer for the ‘tell’ part ?? aw, luna...” without even thinking, she threw her arms around the woman and gave her a tight squeeze.
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morganparkerx · 3 years
being one of the lucky four to gain access to a real shelter, finn spent most of their downtime there, really only joining the others when it was required, like now. to others it may have looked like avoidance but he had a lot of rest to catch up on, and it wasn’t like anyone would be gone just yet. part of him did think maybe he should reach out to morgan but they hadn’t approached him since that day either, and he didn’t want to make things weird if it was just a heat of the moment thing. after all, there was a lot going on that day around them. he smiled a bit at the sight of her despite the clear attitude she approached with. ❝ funny. the cholesterol alone in that amount would be terrifying, ❞ they countered with a hint of a smirk. forgetting about the rest of the task for a moment, they pulled her aside. ❝ are you alright ?? you look like you want to kick me. ❞ a desire he could understand for maybe violet but finn wasn’t sure what he’d done to upset morgan.
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cholesterol ?? that’s what he was going with ?? morgan wanted to punch him, so why did that smirk make them want to kiss it off his face ?? letting out a huff, she followed their lead, still stomping through the sand. “i’m just peachy, finn. why would i want to kick you ??” she asked, almost managing to sound sincere. god this would be so much easier if she didn’t get a crook in her neck trying to look them in the eye. “things were pretty good between us, last i remember. it’s not like i’ve seen you lately to get mad at you. ya know, on this tiny island where i see everyone every day...” morgan trailed off, glancing down and shaking her head, feeling so stupid. they weren’t the girl that acted this way. “look, i get it, you had your fun. we can leave it at that. i just thought we were becomin' friends before that. i didn’t know what to expect after, but i didn’t take you for the ghosting type.”
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morganparkerx · 3 years
Xavier’s eyes widened as he didn’t know what to expect but felt like he was about to experience some golden prime time show and man was he not disappointed. Morgan was, for a lack of better words, incredible. No, really, Xavier was speechless but he did stand up and slow clap as if she was his padwan and he was the proudest leader of them all. Damn, she was good. “That is some serious Medieval Times shit and I’m going to need you to show me these things in case this is a social experiment and we’re about to me thrown to Zombies or something. Bruh, so good.” He grinned, still feeling the adrenaline but giving her the chance to reveal her crushes, agreeing with the admission and looking over at the chosen ladies who both seemed to be blushing. he waited for the group to break up and approached her. “You chose virtually two opposite people and i love it. Matter of fact, I love this. You, your swag. Giving me some very Fuck with me and I’ll steal your lamb but cuddle with it at night vibe.” 
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morgan couldn’t help but blush a bit at the compliment, mostly because they always tried to temper their thoughts about how badass it was — she wouldn’t want to get a big head. “absolutely!! anytime you want, i’ll show ya a few things, it ain’t too hard if ya know what to do,” she explained with a shrug, head tilting when he mentioned the zombies. perhaps a bit far-fetched, but they were glad they weren’t the only one to consider that this was all some experiment. “these will definitely help us survive the zombies. or dinosaurs. i’m leaning toward this being a jurassic island.” little did she know. after mentioning their crushes, they let out a deep breath, smiling, equal parts taken-aback and here-for the odd praise they were receiving. “well can ya blame me?? those two are hotter than wasabi. hahaha, thank you, i ain’t above stealin’ a lamb and cuddlin’ it. i like your vibe too.”
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morganparkerx · 3 years
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outfit → bored dino yacht club
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morganparkerx · 3 years
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COOKING WITH FLO | (1/28/22)
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morganparkerx · 3 years
thinking of a talent they could show hadn’t come easy for finn, stuck on an island left them with limited options. any instruments they could play were, of course, nowhere in sight, and it wasn’t like pens and paper were available at every turn, dashing his ideas of showcasing a drawing. they supposed they could lift something or someone as a show of strength but that felt a little basic, still, the only other thing finn could think of was boxing and the last thing he wanted was accidently knocking someone out. so, basic or not, he requested help from two of the girls for his so-called ‘talent’ once it was his turn. crouching from his standing position, he urged them to each sit on his shoulders and after some maneuvering was able to stand back up while holding each up securely. once they felt it’d been long enough, they crouched back down and helped the girls back to the ground with a quick ‘thanks.’ shaking out his arms, finn grinned. ❝ i honestly thought landing a bungalow would be my only highlight for a bit, but that might be a close second, ❞ he joked, taking a breath to prepare for the next bit of this. ❝ well, let’s get the tell part of this over with then shall we ?? ❞
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morgan had been very excited to see what finn would show off for their talent. she hadn’t had the chance to speak to him since their little waterfall adventure, and the longer their shared silence went on, the more the awkwardness of their next encounter grew, at least for morgan. and what were they supposed to think without hearing from finn, except that maybe he wanted to forget about the whole thing?? she knew going in that they could never want her the way she wanted them, but still... when they noticed a bit of a commotion among the others, morgan watched attentively as he crouched, wondering if maybe he was about to do a spinaroonie, until the two girls sat on his shoulders. her heart dropped, mouth falling open as she watched. she didn’t even enjoy the incredibly attractive feat of strength, not when her mind was racing and her heart---it was silly to feel that way, morgan knew, but they couldn’t help it. apparently all she was for him was a release, not even a worthy prop. they needed answers. kicking up sand as she stomped powerwalked toward the barge of a human being, she didn’t meet his eyes until she stood directly in front of him and did her absolute damnedest to not seem upset. “yes, let’s. how do you survive on this island without your five dozen eggs every morning??”
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morganparkerx · 3 years
“Juniper, you life saver.” Luna smiled as she added the finishing touches to her cosplay. Admittedly, it was the easiest she could think of especially considering where their current location was. It was also one people like Oliver probably expected from Luna since they’ve talked about it. Still, it proved to be a bit difficult. No red wig, no ivy, no makeup. She’d have to really sell the actually design to prove that she in fact, can make costumes out of a handful of materials. Palm leaves weren’t difficult to work with and she had spent the last couple of days getting perfectly shaped leaves for her design. While she enjoyed the running and organizing of cons, Luna loved dressing up the most. Seeing how much little girls loved seeing themselves in her made her the happiest. Secretly, she hoped she didn’t look too foolish as she approached the others decked out in her poison ivy cosplay. She cleared her throat, a proud smile pulling at her lips and flipped her hair. “Pamela Isley, here.  I am the new Eve. The mother of the men of tomorrow…” She turned slowly to show off her digs. “Aaannd this is my talent. I make cosplays back at home and I decided Poison Ivy was the easiest to show off for this challenge!” 
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“holy mother of wow.” the words came out quietly, and morgan wasn’t quite close enough for their voice to reach the goddess in green, so of course, they had to step forward and make sure she got all the compliments she deserved. “luna, this is incredible. you look incredible,” she reiterated the adjective, licking her lips as her eyes marveled at the sight of the cosplay. the talent that went into this would have left morgan speechless regardless, but the body beneath the costume was equally stunning. “the kiss of death would be worth it, if y’ask me.”
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morganparkerx · 3 years
when morgan was young, they were never the child that loved barbies and rainbows and princesses and pink — no matter how much everyone around them tried to force it. morgan was the little girl who liked swords, vikings, cowboys, video games, and superheroes. so in attempt to steer them away from all the things they loved, morgan’s father decided to take her camping. the goal of this camping trip was not to bond with his child, no, that wasn’t ever on her father’s agenda. the goal of the camping trip was to traumatize them so terribly with the harsh wilderness that they’d be pushed towards the soft, girly things he thought they should enjoy from the comforts of home, like disney and tea parties and baby dolls. oh boy did that backfire, morgan had grown to love everything ‘boy-ish’ more than she ever had before, and to top it off, now she had all these badass survival skills at such a young age.
that’s why when it came time to show off a talent, morgan did not fret at their lack of guitar, or paints for showing off their artistic side. they’d do something they were fairly sure no one else on this island was capable of. she spent most of the week gathering supplies and working in secret so she could hopefully surprise the other shipmates, and on the very last day with everyone gathered ‘round the bonfire, it was time for them to make their move. standing a large log upright near the fire and wedging it down into the sand, she spoke up to get everyone’s attention. “hey y’all, i think it’s about time i earned my granola bars. i’ll be right back, but in the meantime... keep a good distance from the log.” with that ominous warning, morgan trekked back up the beach and into the trees.
a few moments later, she came sprinting back out to the beach, brandishing a spear. “haaaaaa!!” once she saw a few people notice her return and that no one was near the log, she twisted her body and launched it at the target she’d set up from nearly thirty yards away with a guttural grunt from the effort. standing there now, morgan surveyed the others reactions and caught their breath, glancing back a few times to make sure the spear was still stuck in the log. “so, uh... i can make stone tools and weapons. did a lot of campin' as a kid, so i learned because i thought it was kinda cool. i made a couple extra in case we wanna try spearfishin' and such, might also be able to make some axes if we need ‘em.” their breath slowly coming back to them as they stepped closer to the group, they remembered the tell part of this. “oh, right. everyone here is hotter than a sweaty ass crack, but i ought’a give it up for the ladies. violet and luna, you can both step on me and i’d thank you for it.” she certainly wasn’t shy. of course, that was leaving out the two people on this island she’d actually had sex with, but morgan had their reasons.
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@shipwrecked-startnconfess @lunazuniga​ @livewithvi​
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morganparkerx · 3 years
“I know,” Juniper sighed with a rueful smile. She really didn’t know why she was so clumsy but it was a lifelong trait of hers and everyone who knew her was aware of it. Although it was easy to recognize Morgan’s sarcasm, Juni’s smile turned more genuine, “It wasn’t something I forced you into, remember?” Giving a small shrug, she then said, “I think it’s really going to be great for you being here. Even if everything the show itself is aiming for doesn’t happen, you’re finally taking some time to yourself!” Of course Juniper knew it wasn’t likely that the cameras would be too focused on people talking unless they were talking about something interesting. “I’m also happy you’re here because you’re the second familiar face I’ve seen here on the island. How exciting is that?”
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“yeah, yeah, i remember,” she replied with a playful disdain. “you’re right though, i know. even if i don’t walk away from this with love, i at least spent some time lounging around an island. — and the same goes for you too!! even though i’m confident you’re leaving this place with a special someone.” morgan wasn’t so certain about their own love life, even with it being a condition of ever getting home, but juni on the other hand?? they knew it was only a matter of time. “very!! i was wondering if you had run into finn yet. ...that is who you mean, right??”
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