morkez-children · 11 years
fluffy fanfiction of ur otp
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hardcore smut fanfiction of ur otp
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68K notes · View notes
morkez-children · 11 years
Send me "Bed" if you want me in yours.
26K notes · View notes
morkez-children · 11 years
It's nice to meet you too! <-26 Characters
Hello! <- 6 Characters.
My name is Antnon Bukvar. <- 24 Characters
39 notes · View notes
morkez-children · 11 years
Hello! <- 6 Characters.
My name is Antnon Bukvar. <- 24 Characters
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I’d love to talk. <- 17 Characters.
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morkez-children · 11 years
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I'd love to talk. <- 17 Characters.
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Anyone wantsss to talk~?
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morkez-children · 11 years
Fine. <- 5 Characters
I tried to pursuade you. <- 24 Characters.
EYE have.
and EYE dislike IT. eye’ve BEEN trying TO convey THAT to YOU for SEVERAL minutes NOW.
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morkez-children · 11 years
Have you even tried tea? <- 24 Characters
It's quite good, honestly. <- 26 Characters
What’s wrong with tea? <- 22 Characters
Tea is a delicious herb. <- 24 Characters
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morkez-children · 11 years
Not if you put sugar in it.<- 27 Characters.
And it's only ground tea leaves and water. <- 42 Characters
What’s wrong with tea? <- 22 Characters
Tea is a delicious herb. <- 24 Characters
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morkez-children · 11 years
A Big Ol' Fantroll Ask Meme.
1. What is your favorite kind of animal, besides your lusus? 2. How do you feel about your place in the hemospectrum? 3. Which is your favorite quadrant? 4. What were your thoughts when you were planning your hive? 5. Do you have any memories of the brooding trials? 6. What do you think life will be like when you leave Alternia? 7. If you could have any blood color, what would it be? 8. Your matesprit and moirail are black for one another. Do you risk your quadrants with them to auspitize? 9. Have you ever wanted a different lusus? If so, what would they be like? 10. What are your INTERESTS? 11. What do you look for in a matesprit? 12. What do you look for in a moirail? 13. What do you look for in a kismesis? 14. What do you look for in auspitices? 15.What are your thoughts on self-pailing? 16. What are your thoughts on pailing out of quadrant? 17. What are your thoughts on pailing with morails or auspitices? 18. You’re going away on a very long trip, and you can’t contact your moirail very often. Do you let them have feelings jams with others while you’re away? 19. Is loyalty to the caste system a factor when choosing quadrant mates? 20. Is blood color a factor when choosing quadrant mates? 21. What are your opinions on Imperialism? 22. Have you ever have a friend leave Alternia? 23. Descripe your ideal redrom date. 24. Describe your ideal blackrom date. 25. If you could have any job when you leave Alternia, regardless of blood color, what would it be? 26. If you knew the Vast Glub was happening tomorrow, how would you spend your last night? 27. If you could ask your ancestor a question, what would it be? 28. If you could pass any advice down to your descendant, what would it be? 29. What factors do you consider when choosing clothes? 30. Could you sleep without a recuperacoon for a sweep? 31. What was your last Wriggling Day like for you? 32. What was last 12th Perigee’s Eve like for you? 33. Have you ever FLARPed? If so, what was your class? 34. Do you believe in magic? Do you believe in miracles? 35. If you could go anywhere in the multiverse right now, where would you go?
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morkez-children · 11 years
What's wrong with tea? <- 22 Characters Tea is a delicious herb. <- 24 Characters
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does ANYONE want TO hang OUT or AM eye JUST gonna DOWN another BOTTLE?
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morkez-children · 11 years
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Reblog if you are a Derse Dreamer
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Prospit Dreamers here
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morkez-children · 11 years
Well I don't. <- 13 Characters Maybe some tea instead? <- 23 Characters
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does ANYONE want TO hang OUT or AM eye JUST gonna DOWN another BOTTLE?
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morkez-children · 11 years
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I don't think alcohol is a thing you need, sir. <- 47 Characters
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does ANYONE want TO hang OUT or AM eye JUST gonna DOWN another BOTTLE?
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morkez-children · 11 years
fun fact the more *~*~*~innocent~*~*~* your character is the more i want to write filthy smut drabbles where they take 20 dicks up their butt
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morkez-children · 11 years
504K notes · View notes
morkez-children · 11 years
Reblog if you constantly worry that your RP style sucks in comparison to the person you're RPing with
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morkez-children · 11 years
As soon as the top was off, the aroma of chocolate ad other hard candies filled the air. He had made at least 20 different candies. Sweets just stared as she felt the candies. Shit, that's right, she's blind. Stupid anon.
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Sweets stood at the door of the other’s house for a moment. Looking down at his orange box of assorted candies before setting it down and ringing the doorbell, immediately running and hiding afterwards.
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