morningannouncement · 9 years
Good Morning HSIG! )(ere are your announcements for June 15th, 2015!
1. The Summer Formal will be held tonight starting at 7:00 PM. Please be sure to wear the appropriate attire. 
2. Any student planning to go off campus before the dance needs to sign up in the front office.
3. Any student planning to stay on campus for summer break needs to sign up in the front office (Parents/guardians will be contacted). Any student leaving for the break is asked to bring all valuable items with them. 
4. The school year officially ends June 19th.
T)(at’s all for today, I’m Feferi Peixes, and I )(ope t)(at everyone has a great time at t)(e dance!
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morningannouncement · 9 years
Good Afternoon everyone! )(ere are your announcements for June 10th, 2015!
1. The staff would like to wish all of the students luck with their remaining exams.
2. This is a reminder that the school year officially ends June 19th (even though exams end this week).
3. Students that are planning to stay on campus for the summer break must sign the sheet located in the main office. Any student who does not sign the sheet by June 18th will have to contact their parents/guardians via the school’s landline for confirmation that they are allowed to stay.
4. Students who are planning take summer courses must sign up by the end of next week. Please contact an administrator for more information.
5. A reminder that the summer dance is next Monday, starting at 7:00 PM. Students will be permitted to leave campus that night if they are accompanied by their date, or a group. Students will be allowed to stay at the dance until 2:00 AM the following morning. To attend the dance students must be in a formal outfit, this means that no shorts, t-shirts, jeans, khakis, sneakers, or other every day attire. Any student not wearing formal attire will not be allowed into the event until they have changed.
More about the dance will be posted later this evening.
T)(ats all for today, I’m Feferi Peixes; I )(ope that everyone )(as a great nig)(t!
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morningannouncement · 9 years
)(ere are your announcements for May 25th, 2015!
1. To clarify information about our upcoming dance: The official date is Monday, June 15th. It is a black tie event, so no jeans, t-shirts, etc. It is highly encouraged that all girls wear a formal dress (such as a cocktail dress). 
2. There will be no classes today in honor of Memorial Day.
T)(ats all of t)(e announcements for today! I’m Feferi Peixes and I )(ope you )(ave a great day!
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morningannouncement · 9 years
Good Morning Students!
)(ere are your morning announcements for Saturday May 23rd, 2015!
1. All students that lead a club or sport must start meetings this week, if you have any questions, or do not have a meeting place, please see the administration. 
2. If a student needs help planning their schedule please see administration. 
3. All students are highly encouraged to be active in clubs and sports, if you need help finding a club to fit your needs, please see the ‘Sports and Activities’ board located in the office.
T)(ats all of t)(e announcements for now. I’m Feferi Peixes and I )(ope you       )(ave a great day!
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