morononoke · 4 years
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[[ To those who came to the Crown art party…thank you so much!! ]]
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morononoke · 4 years
[[ Hey guys! I decidedly tried my hand at carrd because I wanted a nice and neat place with all of my RP and AU info… I plan to add more and spruce it up later but I managed to get down a lot of what’s hidden in my tags somewhere. ]]
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morononoke · 4 years
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AU and RP doodles. \o/
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morononoke · 5 years
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A lovely night of dancing and merrymaking at the Little Ladies’ Promenade with @bloodsworn-marshal, @naldthal, @oathswornshield, @naldthal, and so many others from across Eorzea!
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morononoke · 5 years
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After an interesting vision during the rising, Rabbit brought Knives to the foot of that same Sultan tree- and paid her respects to her ancestors. Paid tribute- and Knives, declared his claim and role as new heir to the family. Just a line of scribs, keepers of history and lore- but it was a proud legacy to have.
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morononoke · 5 years
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Extras ^^/
Special thanks to them, and everyone else involved in this RP!
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morononoke · 5 years
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The most apt way to describe it- truly was “awakening”, for to contrast this sense of awareness was akin to being asleep and awake. the world shifted. A viel peeled back to give everything a layer of texture Nanamo was only partially aware of. 
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The aether in the ground beneath her feet- the aether in Pippins hand which rested on her shoulder- the MASSIVE wellspring in the Ancient Sultan tree behind it- all of it- pressed in, surrounded her and nearly overwhelmed her. She couldn’t imagine not knowing it was there- all this time.
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The very aether in her veins, how it resonated with the gem in her keeping now, it felt like her very blood was singing to it and it back to her. 
This sense of power- both humbled and terrified her. But like with all things, she had to show restraint, patience, and self control. Now she realized WHY the mage had asked her- to order them- they knew this would happen. And by making the order, the only one responsible for how Nanamo would change- would be her. This burden was hers to shoulder as with everything else.
But thankfully...
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She was not alone.
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No matter how heavy, there would always be those to which she could find support and strength. She knew that now.
And so in the shadow of the sultan tree- a new black mage was christened.
Taking the Black (final part)
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morononoke · 5 years
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Taking the Black (pt 3)
Nanamo weighed many things that day, and looked to Pipin for assurance that when she made her decision- he’d stand by her.
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she would be forever changed. that much this man was sure of. But if Nanamo was willing- the gem would be hers.
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And so she gave the order. To relinquish the gem the mage kept in his keeping. 
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- the moment it touched her hands. everything changed.
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morononoke · 5 years
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Taking the Black (pt 2)
Rushing to his Sultana’s side, Pipin Tarupin confronted her about her sneaking about, and hiding her exploits with the arcane from him. Pipin - ever the caring sort, worried this was because perhaps Nanamo truly didn’t see him as worthy enough to be her Blade- as his father had been. to which she implored him- it was exact opposite of his fears.
She tried to explain that with the war at a stalemate- Nanamo wished to use this time to prepare herself for whatever may come. to that end she worked tirelessly. This result manifest in her skills growing faster than her mentor had anticipated. Her affinity for magic undeniable. So much so.. she had casted something beyond the usual limits of her peers.
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It would seem the mage- having no other choice, revealed himself as a practitioner of the ancient form of sorcery known as Black Magic.
Nanamo’s interests in the arcane was well timed, as due to the exploits of the Warrior of Light- a resurgence of practitioners were now being more accepted in society once again. They could practice in the open once more, with proper restraint of course. The Black Mage who was her teacher felt it was time, it was fate- to pass into the hands of the Sultana, something ‘else’ that may have well have been her birthright -just as much as her crown was. 
The soul gem of a black mage. It would would channel the burning of her aether- and safeguard her life as her powers grew. Without it, Nanamo was well on her way to self immolation without knowing!
But taking the gem was not something she could do lightly. She would be forever changed- and so the mage asked she consider with seriousness. even knowing her condition, the man was reluctant to hand it over- so if the Sultana wanted this- she would have to order him using her full authority. That way he could not deny her. 
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What would she do?
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morononoke · 5 years
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Taking of the Black (part 1)
 A photoshoot of an rp I got to take part in with Pipin who was ever so kind as to join us.In summary; ((some spoilers ahead for Shadowbringers BEWARNED))
In lieu of the upcoming war with the garlean empire; Nanamo had begun thinking on the prospect of taking up a martial art of her own. Out of all the Grand company leaders and allies of the Eorzean Alliance- she was the only one without a class. And though her trust in Pipin as the new Flame General is assured, Nanamo still felt compelled to do more this time around. She was too young before, during the calamity, but now having regained a new sense of confidence and responsibility as the ruler and protector of Uldah- she takes it upon herself to train in secret at the Ossuary. 
As time passed she discovered a true affinity for it. which perhaps should have bee more expected than originally. For the sigil of Uldah incorporates the Flame of Magic- the icon for which the name of her royal line derives from since ancient times. As an Ul, it would seem arcane prowess was always there- waiting for her in her very blood. As her skills grew- her output became more prominent, and through a twist of fate- her escalating ability was timed just right for a fateful encounter to occur in her favor.
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The rising had come, and that day Nanamo came to the sultan tree after practice. There she prayed- for many things. For guidance, for protection, she thanked the tree for both in kind as well. She prayed for the continued strength and wisdom to do what was right as well.
Unaware she was being watched- by two sets of eyes. A birdy had told the new Flame General about the straying sultana’s habits. And so he had come to be a silence watcher- but as Nanamos prays came to a close, she sensed one of the watchers at her back. Demanding they reveal themselves- a man clad in blakc stepped forward. He was revealed to be a teacher at the Ossuary, her own in fact.
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There- in the shadow of the sultan tree, Nanamo was confronted with her slowly amounting delima. As her power grew- this mysterious ache began to build in her body. Originally she wrote it off as simply the over all strain of balancing her responsibilities- but there was more to it. During the conversation, Pipin had accidentally been seen by the mage- and suspecting an assassin, it was Nanamo who took up her staff and fired a warning shot. Pain flared in her chest, and as her staff clattered ot the ground, Pipin revealed himself- and the Sultana’s mentor made a very important decision. 
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morononoke · 5 years
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After being “escorted” back to the palace- ...a suspicious merchant emerges, and maaay have tried to sneak by a certain someone.
When in RP this nanamo has a more sneaky alias than Lady Lilira and is known in the sands as “Scuffs”- adventurer novice and mage trainee. Always wearing that ugly mask!
Something tells me Pipin can still tell its her if she’s not careful.
((thanks again for these lovely pictures!))
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morononoke · 5 years
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....aaand fun is over. 
(( found a specific lala today and snagged these funny pictures. @bloodsworn-marshal thanks for taking them with me!^^/))
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morononoke · 5 years
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“Burn brightly! while we still can! this moment of respite was well earned. As fleeting as it is... Let me smile and enjoy this sight incase the tomorrow doesn’t come.”
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morononoke · 5 years
It seems my cousin cannot have a small break without being found out. Mind you- she best try and not speak so candidly out loud.
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Happened to be visiting Mateus still while I was taking screenshots and ran into a certain familiar someone… @morononoke! It was fun and we took some silly little shots while I was still there~
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morononoke · 5 years
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Bed time is best time~
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morononoke · 5 years
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So today dear...
I got a new hobby- are you- 
-oh!..I see you approve~
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morononoke · 5 years
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“...Knives I’m not going to lose my boobs will I?... turn all slimy and glowy eyed? right? Riiight?”
“Yes dear you just have a nasty fever is all.”
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