morphaes-blog · 7 years
it’s 5am and i miss my alice dainard
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morphaes-blog · 7 years
hypnos has had way 2 many kids to keep up with but u can bet ur butt if morpheus dedicated time 2 seeking them out n getting to kno any of them he would fall in love
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morphaes-blog · 7 years
all text taken from the poetry book night sky with exit wounds by ocean vuong.
‘  in the body, where everything has a price, i was a beggar.  ‘
‘  he was singing, which is why i remember it. his voice — it filled me to the core like a skeleton.  ‘
‘  even my name knelt down inside me, asking to be spared.  ‘
‘  it is all i remember.  ‘
‘  i was alive. i didn’t know there was a better reason.  ‘
‘  i lost it all with my eyes wide open.  ‘
‘  do you know who i am?  ‘
‘  how easily a boy in a dress the red of shut eyes vanishes beneath the sound of his own galloping.  ‘
‘  i’m dreaming of a curtain of snow falling from her shoulders.  ‘
‘  snow scraping against the window. snow shredded with gunfire. red sky.  ‘
‘  show me how ruin makes a home out of hip bones.  ‘
‘  let every river envy our mouths. let every kiss hit the body like a season.  ‘
‘  if you must know anything, know that the hardest task is to live only once.  ‘
‘  if we make it to shore, i will name our son after this water. i will learn to love a monster.  ‘
‘  he laughs despite knowing he has ruined every beautiful thing just to prove beauty cannot change him.  ‘
‘  hey! you didn’t have to go this far. why did you go so far?  ‘
‘  sometimes i feel like an ampersand.  ‘
‘  everyone can forget us — as long as you remember.  ‘
‘  i hold the gun & wonder if an entry wound in the night would make a hole as wide as morning.  ‘
‘  there’s a lighthouse. some nights you are the lighthouse, some nights the sea.  ‘
‘  what this means is that i don’t know desire other than the need to be shattered & rebuilt.  ‘
‘  even tomorrow you will have today.  ‘
‘  you’ll never forget yourself the way god forgets his hands.  ‘
‘  the body is a blade that sharpens by cutting.  ‘
‘  my mother said i could be anything i wanted — but i chose to live.  ‘
‘  i am ready to be every animal you leave behind.  ‘
‘  and this is how we loved: a fifth of vodka and an afternoon in the attic, your fingers though my hair — my hair a wildfire.  ‘
‘  when our lips touched the day closed into a coffin.  ‘
‘  the year is a distance we’ve traveled in circles.  ‘
‘  we made it, baby. we’re riding in the back of the black limousine.  ‘
‘  i love my country. i pretend nothing is wrong.  ‘
‘  i’m holding your still-hot thoughts in, darling, my sweet, sweet ___.  ‘
‘  you want to tell him it’s okay that the night is also a grave we climb out of.  ‘
‘  you say thank you thank you thank you because you haven’t learned the purpose of forgive me.  ‘
‘  you’re so quiet you’re almost tomorrow.  ‘
‘  to love another man — is to leave no one behind to forgive me. i want to leave no one behind.  ‘
‘  even though he’s gone, i still want to be clean.  ‘
‘  if only the rain were gasoline, your tongue a lit match, & you can change without disappearing.  ‘
‘  he dies each night you close your eyes & hear his slow exhale.  ‘
‘  wait, i have something to say.  ‘
‘  as if my finger, tracing your collarbone behind closed doors, was enough to erase myself.  ‘
‘  to forget we built this house knowing it won’t last.  ‘
‘  it’s funny. i always knew i’d be warmest beside by man.  ‘
‘  don’t laugh. just tell me the story again.  ‘
‘  speak — until your voice is nothing but the crackle of charred bones.  ‘
‘  look how happy we are to be no one & still american.  ‘
‘  i’ll tell you how we’re wrong enough to be forgiven/  ‘
‘  say you’d kill for it.  ‘
‘  don’t we touch each other just to prove we are still here?  ‘
‘  silly me. i thought love was real and the body imaginary.  ‘
‘  i said yes because you asked me to stay.  ‘
‘  there is so much i want to tell you. how my greatest accolade was to walk across the brooklyn bridge & not think of flight.  ‘
‘  you will always remember what you were doing when it hurts the most.  ‘
‘  dearest father, forgive me for i have seen.  ‘
‘  once, i fell in love during a slow-motion car crash.  ‘
‘  i wrote a better hour onto the page & watched the fire take it back.  ‘
‘  this means you are not alone.  ‘
‘  don’t stay here. don’t cry anymore.  ‘
‘  i promise to stop soon.  ‘
‘  how come depression makes me feel more alive?  ‘
‘  i shouldn’t have, but he had the hands of someone i used to know. someone i was used to.  ‘
‘  i dreamed i walked barefoot all the way to your house in the snow. everything was the blue of smudged ink and you were still alive.  ‘
‘  here. that’s all i wanted to be.  ‘
‘  don’t worry. your father is only your father until one of you forgets.  ‘
‘  the end of the road is so far ahead it is already behind us.  ‘
‘  don’t be afraid, the gunfire is only the sound of people trying to live a little longer & failing.  ‘
‘  remember, loneliness is still time spent with the world.  ‘
‘  the difference between prayer & mercy is how you move the tongue.  ‘
‘  so what if my feathers are burning. i never asked for flight.  ‘
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morphaes-blog · 7 years
i wish i looked cute sleeping
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morphaes-blog · 7 years
sudden  burst  of  muse  so  i’ll  be  over  here  @fauneus
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morphaes-blog · 7 years
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HIS SOMNIFEROUS WAYS LEAVE THEM WANTING  grasping at the cusp of a reality, as evanescent as the morning mist that greets this reluctant gaze. that grecian sandman exists to overcharge the soul with hope so poisonous, bodies and minds are wracked with it, inspired by it. haunted on into the waking world where he waits on the periphery eyes narrowed in the light of the waking world that renders him useless.  independent morpheus of greek mythology. illustrated by isak.
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morphaes-blog · 7 years
 in  the  wake  of  carnage  does  he  remain  unflinching.   upbraid  voiced  through  a  disapproving  tut,  wintry  gaze  fallen  to  the  scarlet  permeating  concrete  beneath  them  and  threatening  to  bleed  into  his  sole.   it  merely  lifts   upon  the  glimpse  of  crimson   staining  the  corner  of  her  mouth,  a  near  act  of  tenderness  in  the  way  he  rids  her  of  the  blemish.   her  jaw  remaining  caressed  by  the  outline  of  his  fingertips.  ‘   i  do  hope  you  aren’t  expecting  me  to  help  dispose  of  this . . .    unruly  mess  you’ve  created.  ’
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@titstm    ♡ ‘d   for   a   starter  !
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morphaes-blog · 7 years
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Morpheus; son of Hypnos, leader of the Oneiroi
King Sleep was father of a thousand sons – indeed a tribe – and of them all, the one he chose was Morpheus, who had such skill in miming any human form at will. No other Dream can match his artistry in counterfeiting men: their voice, their gait, their face – their moods; and, too, he imitates their dress precisely and the words they use most frequently.  But he mimes only men… 
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morphaes-blog · 7 years
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morphaes-blog · 7 years
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#looking handsome
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morphaes-blog · 7 years
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click  that   ♡   for  a  starter  !   length  will  likely  vary  and  i  may  approach  you  for  plotting   beforehand.  
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morphaes-blog · 7 years
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morphaes-blog · 7 years
 i  do  fully  intend   to  start  making  progress  with  this  blog  today  and  contact  people  regarding  pre - established  relationships  and  /  or  plotting.
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morphaes-blog · 7 years
current   active   muse   list.
gary london  :  the secret service, @spytaught. morpheus  :  greek mythology, @morphaes. dave lizewski  :  kick - ass comics, @kickasses. adine normand  :  greek mythology, @fauneus.
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morphaes-blog · 7 years
“ you will not speak another word or you will be sorry. “
meme.  status  :   currently accepting  !   @sorcelle.
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‘  i  will  not  leave  feeling  penitent  for  standing  by  my  claims.  whether  you  agree  with  me  or  not,   we  both  know  that  will  not  change.  the  best  way  to  relieve  yourself  of  my  company  is  to  heed  my  words.   and  heed  them  well.   ’
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morphaes-blog · 7 years
SHORT STORIES, my favorite kind of poetry ( meme ).
❝ i heard you were doing good. ❞ ❝ you don’t grow your horns overnight. ❞ ❝ i promise, it gets better eventually. ❞ ❝ & we never talked after that. ❞ ❝ am i really, truly, that unlovable? ❞ ❝ don’t talk like you’re coming back. ❞ ❝ my most dangerous habit is trusting. ❞ ❝ we’re made of stars & stories. ❞ ❝ you didn’t have to do that. ❞ ❝ everything is poetry when you’re drunk. ❞ ❝ did i mean anything to you? ❞ ❝ real feelings don’t just go away. ❞ ❝ you came & changed the weather. ❞ ❝ when can you just be mine? ❞ ❝ there was no love, only lust. ❞ ❝ darling, stop wishing on dead stars. ❞ ❝ art is another form of screaming. ❞ ❝ silence is the most painful goodbye. ❞ ❝ what the fuck did you do? ❞ ❝ i’m drunk, dizzy & missing you. ❞ ❝ kiss me like you’re losing me. ❞ ❝ i don’t feel like smiling today. ❞ ❝ not all good people are innocent. ❞ ❝ we’re a disaster in the making. ❞ ❝ some things are better left unsaid. ❞ ❝ we really should’ve talked about it. ❞ ❝ i’m so glad i met you. ❞ ❝ i wish i knew you earlier. ❞ ❝ i fucked (pronoun/name) to our song. ❞ ❝ i dreamed of you this night. ❞
❝ you saw the messed up parts of me, & stayed. ❞ ❝ all i’ve ever wanted was for someone to save me. ❞ ❝ since you left, i have no one to talk to. ❞ ❝ i apologize for the nights in which i cannot breathe. ❞ ❝ everytime i look at you, i want to kiss you. ❞ ❝ we said no strings attached but now we’re in knots. ❞ ❝ there’s a difference between missing someone & missing having someone. ❞ ❝ for which f are you drinking? fuck, forget, or fun? ❞ ❝ my biggest mistake was thinking i could live without (pronoun/name). ❞ ❝ whenever (name/pronoun) rose to kiss me, i fell even more. ❞ ❝ i wish that ‘goodnight’ was followed by ‘i love you’. ❞ ❝ let’s smoke a pack of mentholds & talk about love. ❞ ❝ your deep, sleepy voice makes me feel like i’m okay. ❞ ❝ i read both of our horoscopes looking for an answer ❞ ❝ reality is the absolute last place i want to be. ❞ ❝ i didn’t expect that drunk kiss could mean this much. ❞ ❝ all i need is a late night drive with you. ❞ ❝ feeling pain is nowhere near as terrifying as feeling nothing. ❞ ❝ your eyes are the color of summer fading into autumn. ❞ ❝ you are the warmest home i will ever, ever find. ❞ ❝ the world is less scary when i am with you. ❞ ❝ i still can’t tell which of us was the victim. ❞ ❝ i just need an excuse to hang out with you. ❞ ❝ your expectations for me have been set way too high. ❞ ❝ i don’t want to feel this way about anyone else. ❞
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morphaes-blog · 7 years
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Little girls soften their father’s heart.
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