I’m still alive!
crystalline-umbrella  aicatchthefall  maidslysbooty
Sorry I’ve been gone for a while. I’m not on hiatus, but my computer keeps overheating, so it’s been hard to get much done. You can still bug me, but it completely depends on if my computer cooperates. In the meantime, I’ll be able to more consistently chat/RP with you on Skype since it’s on my phone, so if we’ve talked or written together at all, feel free to ask me for it. :)
Hopefully going to be able to be on more regularly soon!
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Casual reminder about sending me memes;
If you are hesitant to do so because-
Our characters don’t know each other/don’t interact in canon
I don’t care
Send me the meme
Do it
You think I’m swamped with memes/replies
I probably am
I don’t care
Do it
Seriously, unless I say ‘don’t do it,’ do it
You assume that I don’t want to interact
What the even heck
Send me the meme
You think I don’t like you
Stop this
ILY, I promise
I will love you more if you send me the meme
Just kidding I will love you either way
But really
The meme
Send it
You’re afraid you might be breaking one of my rules by sending it
Check my rules
If you’re on mobile, drop me an ask and make sure it’s okay
If it’s all good, then send the meme
Tl;dr- Send me the memes.
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Would anyone be interested in starting a thread?
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      “I can’t say I know what a ‘busy night’ at a bar would be like,” the android replied. He shyly settled into the closest bar stool, and nearly yelped in surprise when the entire cushion spun beneath him. It took him a minute to reorient himself (and he had no choice but to squeeze the edge of the bar for dear life) before he spoke again.
       “I’m…still not sure whether it’s okay to show my face around too many people…” Even during the walk to the Black Needle made the android painfully nervous, hyperaware of every loud cackle and hushed murmur. Were they referring to his face, Clear wondered. Was there truly something odd about it, something uncanny that didn’t match up with every ordinary human?
       His worrisome thoughts occupied his mind for far too long, and the instant he noticed, Clear tried to shake them from his stream of consciousness. He was here to visit  Mizuki and have a good time, not worry about his problems and bring down the mood.
       “Ah, I’m sorry, Mizuki-san! I must sound so silly! Especially after you’ve been so kind to invite me to your establishment…”
Mizuki couldn’t hole back a small snicker as Clear was introduced to a bar stool for the first time. It was nothing malicious, just slightly amused. “A busy night would have those bar stools filled up, and a the couches and other chairs would likely have people, too. I put on some music, the bar’s going, some people come to the back for a tattoo. Right now I only have one other person working with me--he’s from my team--but hopefully I’ll have hired a second person soon. Once there are a few more busy nights anyway.” With patronage steadily going up again, Mizuki had high hopes that that wouldn’t take very long. As it was, he was unofficially keeping an eye out. Just in case.
When he noticed the android starting to look more anxious again, however, he returned to Clear’s side and sat down on the seat beside him. “You know,” he started slowly, “I’m glad you didn’t wear your mask. I don’t know if it’s strange, but I think I’d be a little nervous if I couldn’t see your face.” Another connection to Morphine. Though there was a lot that he couldn’t remember about that time, he remembered the dreams, sometimes hallucinations, of so many hooded figures who may have been people he knew or complete strangers, but as he was told later, they were indeed among the number of others who had been brainwashed. But worse were the faces he knew he’d seen but couldn’t remember: the people who had corrupted him, Dry Juice, and a few other small teams. He may have recovered from that time for the most part, but there were still small things that bothered him from time to time, and thought he hated to admit anything that could be perceived as a weakness, in this case, maybe it was best for both or them.
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Aoba huffed and smacked Mizuki’s arm, albeit rather playfully. “What kinda reason is that?” he said, sounding somewhat indignant. He wasn’t upset, though–he’d just been taken by surprise. Maybe he shouldn’t have been, all things considered, but it had been quite some time since he was a reckless teenager, after all.
“The only one I could come up with,” he replied teasingly. There really was no real reason other than that he’d wanted to, though he wasn’t sure why himself considering how long it had been since anything even relatively close to this had happened. Then again, maybe that was the exact reason that it had happened in the first place, that some part of him missed it and wanted to revisit that time if only for a little while.
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Mizuki shifted slightly closer again. “But it’s okay, right? You don’t hate it?” Maybe he wouldn’t regret kissing him like that, but once he’d sobered up, he’d likely want to hit himself for being this forward.
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Mizuki just chuckled in response to his friend’s blush. There really hadn’t been a reason that he’d done it. It may have been pure impulse, but Aoba didn’t look upset by it, so it was fine, right? So he just stayed at his close proximity and shrugged.
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“I dunno,” came a response that clearly hadn’t been thought out.”But...I kinda like that red on your face. It’s...I dunno. A good color for shading pictures and that sort of thing.” It was a strange conclusion he’d drawn, but it made perfect sense in his mind. But Aoba did look kind of cute like that when he thought about it.
Continued from here. 
It felt like it had been a long time since they’d gotten drunk together like this. Usually Koujaku would join them, sometimes other members of Dry Juice or Benishigure. It was rare that it was just the two of them. Aoba sometimes felt a little bad for not spending time with Mizuki more often, so it was nice to be able to do this kind of thing for once. 
Being an utter lightweight meant that it didn’t take much for Aoba to get drunk, and it was a little embarrassing. Still, he was drunk enough now to not let that bother him–he just enjoyed the buzz and Mizuki’s company. He’d not even noticed that his friend had been leaning closer to him for the past few minutes, and when Mizuki suddenly pressed a kiss to his collarbone it took a moment for him to process it. 
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When he did, his already slightly flushed face turned even redder as surprise registered on his face. “…:What was that for?” he asked, clearly flustered. 
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“A popsicle?” Well, now, that was almost as tempting as the prize she’d actually had in mind. She’d never had a popsicle, albeit she’d had ice cream cones before. A small hum rose in the blonde’s chest as she lead the way towards the corner store, simply tossing the stick of her once-lollipop into a sidewalk trash can.
“The corner store is where I got that one. Though, the candy store probably has huge bags of them if we want more later.” Noiz glanced towards Mizuki, her smirk from earlier having diminished into a cocky grin. “Think you could handle all that licking?”
How could anyone possibly be that excited about a popsicle? It was kind of adorable, actually. Maybe she should suggest these sorts of things more often. Sweet things certainly seemed to be a strong incentive. She’d be unlikely to really go anywhere with that, but it was worth noting. Just in case.
Mizuki grinned at the challenge and increased her pace to join Noiz’s side. “I can handle just as much as you can. Need me to prove it?” She stuck her tongue out at her friend as if that would prove her point. It was really just a game, after all. What harm could it do?
Girls? Girls! :D
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True, he probably could keep saying no. Assuming Noiz kept the offers where they were and didn’t escalate them. Which he was extremely prone to doing in desperate situations because why the hell not. Did he mention he wanted to smack the other earlier? Because now he really wanted to smack some sense into the brunette.
“Are you stupid?” The blonde merely blinked at Mizuki and sighed, nodding towards the now completely blacked out shop. “He left when we did. And it would be a half-assed pizza because he’d be more focused on getting dick, he was the most obvious virgin I’ve ever seen on college grounds.” There left another sigh and he stepped closer once more, grabbing the brunette’s collar to pull him even closer as he damn-near purred into his ear. “C’mon. Don’t you wanna play~?” He was not fucking losing this pizza or argument. Even if it got him a second bruised eye.
Noiz had assumed correctly that toying with the way he offered would lead the frat boy close to his breaking point. It really had been a long time... Noiz must have picked up on his increasingly indirect denials.
Mizuki could feel the heat rising further in his face and further down. Alright, so maybe he did want to play. A little. Sort of. But that would mean giving in and losing after all this. He’d be giving Noiz half a pizza and the satisfaction of winning this strange argument that really couldn’t have happened in any other situation that couldn’t possibly have happened in any other situation than two stressed-out students cramming for a late-night study session that both had somehow become too distracted to return to.
“Maybe you’re just the one desperate to suck someone off,” he retorted, trying to match the other student’s tone. “I guess you’re just one of those guys who are into doing that.” Which he didn’t actually believe.
[Insert Shoddy & Punny Title]
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      Well, since Mizuki was kind enough to give him permission, Clear shuffled closer to one of the framed sketches. He marveled at the smooth lines, the distinct shapes–it was almost hard to believe that a person was capable of making something like this.
       “Wow…is this one that someone got tattooed on them?” the android asked. “It looks absolutely lovely on paper, I can only imagine what it’d look like on a person…”
       As lovely as it was, Clear’s attention didn’t stay on the drawing for too long. His attention ricocheted from one corner of the bar to the next–first the drawings, then some team photos, to some interesting decor strategically placed throughout the bar. And then his eyes fell on the collection of liquor bottles lining the wall behind the bar, each one filled with a different colored liquid that caught the light in the most fetching of ways.
       “I can’t believe I haven’t seen your bar until now, Mizuki-san!” the android cooed. “I bet a lot of people come by to visit, don’t they?”
Mizuki beamed at the compliment. “That was one that a woman requested about a month ago. It went all the way down the side of her leg. Something that big always takes time, but in the end it’s worth it. Some of them even take multiple sessions depending on the size, complexity, and colors. That one only took a day, though, since she only wanted black ink. If you’re interested in that sort of thing, I can draw one up for you some time. Discount for friends if you want it inked,” he added. And on occasion he would give smaller ones for free if it was someone he was close enough to. Dry Juice tattoos, however, were never charged.
Following Clear’s gaze, the shop’s owner returned to the bar and casually leaned back, resting his elbows on the counter. He hadn’t expected that sort of question, and it took a moment to formulate the correct answer. Clear couldn’t have known that the number of customers correlated directly to the time since he’d been involved with Morphine. He was proud of himself, however, that talking about it indirectly seemed to have so little effect on him now beyond briefly glancing away slightly to the right before returning a steady gaze to the other man’s face. “It’s gotten more popular again now. Business was slow for a while after the shop was closed for a few months, but its picked up enough again now that I have  a receptionist again.” Mizuki thought for a moment then added, “You’re always welcome to stop by during business hours if you’re alright with it getting pretty busy some nights.” It was worth offering anyway.
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send me a ✿ and i’ll generate a number. 37. collarbone kiss
He wasn’t quite sure why he’d done it, but it seemed like a good idea at the time. Then again, a lot of things seem like a good idea after a few drinks. Mizuki had invited Aoba to his apartment above Black Needle after what had been a surprisingly busy week that had resulted in very little time for even a few quick texts between the Rib battle, an afterparty for their victory, and the participants and observers of a Rhyme battle that had happened less than a block away looking for something to do once the game at ended. With all of that finally over with, relaxing with one of his best friends was the perfect way to end the week.
And with Mizuki that often involved alcohol. What was supposed to be one or two drinks had turned into a few more than that, and he’d been leaning close  to his friend for the past 10 minutes now. Mizuki hadn’t been paying close enough attention to his own thought process to decide what had brought his impulsive decision on, and it had been quite a while since he’d done this sort of thing, but suddenly he’d found himself with his lips pressed to the other man’s left collarbone and not finding it strange at all.
The tattooist slowly rose up again, though he didn’t move back, and grinned at him. He didn’t regret it in the slightest, and he would be unlikely to when he’d sobered up either unless it made Aoba uncomfortable, though he wouldn’t have considered trying this sort of thing normally since he’d been a lonely teenager before the start of Dry Juice. Mizuki had calmed down quite a bit since then, though it seemed that certain tendencies seemed to manifest themselves from time to time.
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send me a ✿ and i’ll generate a number.
If the generator is being lame, just choose something that works for the muses.
aggressive/angry kiss
all over kiss
back kiss
cheek kiss
firm kiss
shy kiss
first kiss
forehead kiss
french kiss
gentle kiss
scar kiss
hand kiss
jawline kiss
last kiss
neck kiss
rain kiss
friendly kiss
chaste kiss
stomach kiss
underwater kiss
upside down kiss
spin the bottle kiss
an eskimo kiss
butterfly kisses ( eyelash kiss )
a kiss pressed to each fingertip
a kiss on the hairline
a kiss to the temples
a kiss to the corner of the mouth
a kiss to bruised skin
a kiss on the knuckles
Hot, Steamy kiss
Forced Kiss
Nose Kiss
Gentle Peck
Romantic Kiss
Eyelid Kiss
Collarbone Kiss
Chest/Breast Kiss
Kiss Along the Hips
Navel Kiss
Goofy Kiss
Forceful Kiss
Reunion Kiss
Then there’s tongue
Bear Hug
Sleepy hug
Cuddle hug
Unreciprocated hug
“Far too long since we’ve seen each other” hug
From behind hug
“Something scared me” hug
The Lift hug
One armed hug
The Leg hug
Friendly hug
The emotional hug
Failed hug
Run and Jump hug
Romantic hug
Side hug
Comforting hug
Family hug
Hug around waist
Clinging hug
‘’Don’t let go’’ hug
‘’I thought I’d never see you again” hug
Warm hug
Awkward hug
Cold hug
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Noiz didn’t really think too much on whether Mizuki was okay with public affection or not. Sure, he did care what he was and wasn’t okay with, but he also had a very strong urge to just show the Ribster off to the world as his. After all, he was quite the prize. Award-show-needing prize, in his mind’s eye.
“Didn’t I tell you money isn’t a worry?” Noiz hummed softly, reaching out to gently grip his boyfriend’s jaw and turn the brunette’s head towards him. “I’ll buy your whole bar, and you if I have to.” A smile formed across his lips as he held his boyfriend in place, the arm around his waist lightly squeezing just for a moment.
“The entertaining sort.” Smart ass. The teen only snickered at his own response and shrugged his shoulders lightly as if to act like he wasn’t thinking about anything inappropriate at all in any way, shape, or form.
“Buy me?” Mizuki regarded him with a frown, unsure how much he really liked the sound of that. But being held like that was starting to get the better of him, and he was getting an idea of how he might be able to get the conversation back under his control. “If you try that, there are a lot of things that you’ll miss out on, you know.”
Though it may not seem like it, he actually did have a plan that wasn’t exactly obeying when he backed Noiz against the wall of his job, not moving even an inch further back from him. “So many things. You won’t get anything further than just this.” And without further warning, Mizuki pulled him into a surprisingly deep kiss. It was only after he started that he realized that he was contradicting his idea that things like this in public, especially right in front of his shop, might not be the best idea, but maybe it just seemed like the fastest way to make his boyfriend stop talking.
May I have a kiss?
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“Noiz, when can’t you have a kiss?” Mizuki took his boyfriend’s hand and tugged him close. Smiling softly, he pressed his lips to Noiz’s. “You don’t have to ask, you know.”
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      Clear breathed out a silent sigh of relief as the familiar voice reached his ears. There was no telling exactly what would’ve happened if somebody else answered. Probably run off and take a rain-check–yeah, that sounds about right. Thank goodness that wasn’t the case; where else would Mizuki be, anyway?
       …Okay, bad question. Truthfully, there are many places Mizuki could possibly be, but that wasn’t important.
      “Yes, all thanks to your directions,” the android said with a chuckle. “Though, now that I’ve actually found it, I don’t think I’ll ever be able to miss it again. That sign is one of those things you can’t ignore.”
       He couldn’t help but oggle at the interior of Mizuki’s workspace. Everything was comfortably dark, the walls covered with intricate posters, framed sketches, and various photographs of people he could only assume were members of Dry Juice. Despite being a place for business, it was oddly cozy. He was feeling less nervous already.
       A little. Just a little.
“That was the point. I’m glad it worked,” Mizuki chuckled. He hadn’t thought that his sign was quite as attention-grabbing as Clear seemed to, but that wasn’t something he was about to complain about. As long as customers could find his shop, that was good enough for him. “Anyway, come on in.” He waved Clear to follow and started in toward the more comfortable section of the bar.
Something about showing off Black Needle to someone for the first time always brought with a it a surge of pride. Even if Clear did still look a little nervous. Maybe it was just because it was a new atmosphere, and not everyone had the same social tendencies that Mizuki did. That was part of what had started his team, after all: the need for people.
After a moment of letting his guest take in his surroundings, he stepped forward with a sociable smile. “You can take a closer look if you want. Some of them are just sketches, but a lot of the pictures hanging on the wall are tattoos that people have requested.” He pointed toward a few on the wall including an intricate green dragon, an abstract tribal pattern, and the bright red and orange phoenix he’d used to cover the Morphine tattoo. And of course his team’s tag art had its place on the wall behind the bar. That was the most important, after all.
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      As he meandered through the sparsely populated streets of the Old Residence District, Clear was….shall we say, pleasantly nervous. The kind of nervous that came with an edge of excitement to it. And could anyone blame him? This would be the first time he paid visit to Mizuki’s pride and joy establishment, the Black Needle.
       He’s heard things from his friends, that the place is a casual haven for all of the tattoo artist’s closes associates, and–well, Clear’s never been to a bar before! He doesn’t know what they’re like inside or out, what kind of people will be there, if there will be anyone there when he arrives…
       But what left him so excited, so anxious, was that Mizuki was willing to allow Clear into his personal space. Yes, they’ve spoken on numerous occasions on all things–the weather, various shopkeepers, the fall of Toue and Platinum Jail, Midorijima as a whole–but this was like visiting someone’s home for the first time. Clear had to mind his manners, lest he act out of turn and force Mizuki to resend his invitation.
       Finally, the android came to a stop in front of an ornate door, above which a sign read “Black Needle.” He made it; he actually made it. Clear steeled himself with a deep breath and a reassuring nod, and pushed his way inside.
       “Hello?” he called into the empty entryway. “Helloo~! Mizuki-san? Are you here?”
It was a good thing that Mizuki hadn’t fallen to the temptation of picking up the pencil lying by his hand on the counter in that one minute or so that he’d waited. If he wasn’t careful, even that short a mount of time could be long enough to get absorbed almost completely into his work, and there was a possibility that he might have barely even noticed the greeting. Luckily, he’d busied himself instead by double checking his inventory just to be sure that he’d be ready for when the night really got going, and that was a task that he was easily distracted from when it wasn’t exactly necessary.
“Is that you, Clear?” he called out as if there would be anyone else coming to look for him right now. His receptionist would have just walked right in and settled himself in, and customers normally didn’t greet him before they even saw him. The tattooist stepped carefully around the bar and out into the open area where he would be more visible.
Without even the music on yet, the Black Needle was quiet enough that he could actually hear his own footsteps as he approached the voice, which he found notable even in those few seconds it took to cross the room. “You’re a little early,” he greeted with a smile. “I guess that means you made it here pretty easily.”
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send me a ✧ and i’ll bold all that apply to your muse.
I would kill you. ✧ I would physically hurt you. ✧ I would attack you unprovoked. ✧ I would manipulate you. ✧ I dislike you. ✧ You annoy me. ✧ You scare me. ✧ You intimidate me. ✧ I hope I intimidate you. ✧ I pity you. ✧ You disgust me. ✧ I hate you. ✧ I’m indifferent toward you. ✧ I’d like to get to know you better. ✧   I’d like to spend more time with you. ✧ I’d like to be friends with you. ✧  I’m unsure what to think of you. ✧ I’m unsure how I feel about you. ✧ You are my friend. ✧ You are my best friend. ✧ You are my mentor. ✧ I look up to you. ✧ I respect you. ✧ You are my hero. ✧ You inspire me. ✧ You are my enemy. ✧ You make me happy. ✧ I want to protect you. ✧ I would fight by your side. ✧ I consider you an equal. ✧ I think you are beneath me. ✧ I think you are above me. ✧ I would lie for you. ✧ I would lie to you. ✧ I would sleep with you. ✧ I would sleep by your side. ✧ I would hug you. ✧ I would kiss you. ✧ You are family to me. ✧ I would die for you. ✧ I would kill for you. ✧ I would trust you with my life. ✧ I would trust you with my most precious belonging. ✧ I would trust you with a secret. ✧ I would trust you with my biggest / darkest secret. ✧ I love you (platonically). ✧ I love you (romantically).
Mizuki is definitely a little clingy in his head at times and wouldn’t say most of these aloud. The part about him being intimidated is directed toward Desire.
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@ crystalline-umbrella
The earlier half of the day had seemed like a better time to invite Clear to visit the Black Needle than a later time when the bar would be in full swing. He got the feeling that the other man might not like such a boisterous crowd, most of whom were a part of his rather extensive Rib team. For the most part they and the rest of the other patrons were well behaved enough, but they could certainly get loud to hear their conversation over everyone else’s plus the music. To Mizuki at least, it didn’t seem like an atmosphere that Clear would enjoy, so it seemed better not to risk it.
He wasn’t sure the other man had ever seen his shop before, and if he were being honest with himself. Mizuki still liked showing it off, especially since its post-Morphine revival. Even if to most people it seemed normal for a tattoo shop to display pictures of art or to have a receptionist or even serve customers, to him those were still a big deal, and just letting someone see that they were able to happen again was good enough for him. So why not Clear? Who knew if he drank--which most people did in Mizuki’s mind--or liked tattoos, but that wasn’t all that they Black Needle was for him. It was as much a home as it was work, and not just because he lived in an apartment upstairs.
“He should be here soon,” the tattooist muttered to himself as he checked the time on his Coil. He’d given Clear directions to the place a little while ago, and it was still a little early, but Mizuki always enjoyed company and tended to glance at the clock a little too often when he was waiting for someone if he wasn’t too absorbed in his work to notice time passing at all.
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"Have fun with the peanut gallery."
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He shouldn’t have been surprised to hear his receptionist snickering at him when he’d accidentally given a customer an innuendo along with the Sex on the Beach she’d asked for. Mizuki already knew he’d be getting some snarky comment later. He sighed at the accuracy of Sei’s comment.
“Yeah, I slipped up on that one,” he muttered after profusely apologizing to the girl. “But aren’t you tacking onto the whole peanut gallery thing yourself by commenting on it, too?”
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