morrigan8472 · 10 years
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morrigan8472 · 10 years
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I felt a shadow above me.
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morrigan8472 · 10 years
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Illustrations for A Storm of Swords. “Beyond the Wall”, “Queenscrown”, and “Funeral”, by Charles Vess.
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morrigan8472 · 10 years
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morrigan8472 · 10 years
Wait, baric Dundarrian died for good and lady stoneheart took over? When did that happen?
…her jaw closed around a pale white arm. She shook it to make it move, but there was only death and blood in her mouth. By now she was tiring, and it was all she could do to pull the body back to shore. As she dragged it up the muddy bank, one of her little brothers came prowling, his tongue lolling from his mouth. She had to snarl to drive him off, or else he would have fed. Only then did she stop to shake the water from her fur. The white thing lay facedown in the mud, her dead flesh wrinkled and pale, cold blood trickling from her throat. Rise, she thought. Rise and eat and run with us.The sound of horses turned her head. Men. They were coming from downwind, so she had not smelled them, but now they were almost here. Men on horses, with flapping black and yellow and pink wings and long shiny claws in hand. Some of her younger brothers bared their teeth to defend the food they’d found, but she snapped at them until they scattered. That was the way of the wild. Deer and hares and crows fled before wolves, and wolves fled from men. She abandoned the cold white prize in the mud where she had dragged it, and ran, and felt no shame.
“You ride with the Dondarrion. The lightning lord.”“Lightning comes and goes and then is seen no more. So too with men. Lord Beric’s fire has gone out of this world, I fear. A grimmer shadow leads us in his place.”
“Lady Catelyn?” Tears filled her eyes. “They said… they said that you were dead.”“She is,” said Thoros of Myr. “The Freys slashed her throat from ear to ear. When we found her by the river she was three days dead. Harwin begged me to give her the kiss of life, but it had been too long. I would not do it, so Lord Beric put his lips to hers instead, and the flame of life passed from him to her. And… she rose. May the Lord of Light protect us. She rose.”
— AFFC, Brienne VIII
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morrigan8472 · 10 years
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cybersyncing said: ok but hear me out: The Hobbit where everything is the same except Bilbo has the personality of Martin Freeman
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morrigan8472 · 10 years
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Gif meme » anonymous asked: The Starks + 6 (full body shots)
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morrigan8472 · 10 years
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Tyler Posey in Snackpocalypse
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morrigan8472 · 10 years
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anita sarkeesian more like william… sarkeesian … look i cant have “it” on all the time alright
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morrigan8472 · 10 years
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Aang deals with cultural appropriation - (x)
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morrigan8472 · 10 years
the last time you touched a vagina you were five years old: and you were figuring out the mechanics of a body in a world where birth certificates do not include instruction manuals so during recess...
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morrigan8472 · 10 years
*seductively* water makes me wet
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morrigan8472 · 10 years
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Notable Mention Weapons: The Amulet Of Be Nice To Me and The Summoning Staff Of Quotes From Out-of-touch Black Celebrities
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morrigan8472 · 10 years
Do you know any good feminist or equality blogs to follow?
murderwhitepeoplemuslimfeministmisandry-mermaidthisisnotjapaneuthanizeallwhitepeoplewhitepeoplestealingculturereverseracism… thats all i think of at the top of my head! :)
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morrigan8472 · 10 years
Well, then, since it is not immediately obvious, allow me to explain. Women have much more power in relationships than men do. Not just by social convention (which, believe me, is power enough), not just because others are more sympathetic to their side of any story (which, believe me, is also more than power enough), but via the full weight and majesty of the law. Let us construct, in our heads, a hypothetical scenario. I shall use you and I as examples, just give some sense of the impact of these events on people’s lives. Let us suppose that we meet, by chance, in some gathering place in some city where, at some time in the future, we both reside. I am tall, handsome, muscular, well-dressed, and confident; you are pretty, intelligent, charming, and you get my jokes. Nature takes its course. About a year later, you decide that I am a good catch, the best of your available options, and you would like to be married. You drop hints, but I demur. I like you well enough, but you want children and I do not. Not to mention that I am still considering my options and am unready to enter into any sort of lifelong pact. (This is the branch point. This is where we tell the story of what you could legally do, were you so inclined.) You simply stop taking your birth control pills, without a word to me. This is not a crime, because legally, I have no right to know. They are your pills, and it is your body. After a couple of attempts which I did not know were attempts, you become pregnant. You may have attempted with other men as well. Let’s leave that matter unresolved for the moment. You do not tell me until you start to show. This is also perfectly legal. Once I figure things out, I offer to pay for half the termination procedure. You decline to undergo one. This, too, is legal. The law allows you the “right to choose”. I, however, have no such right. I do a little snooping, and discover unused quantities of birth control pills in the bathroom cabinet. Since they come in those neatly dated little wheel-things, I am easily able to deduce the exactly day you stopped. I terminate our sexual relationship post-haste. You are angry and accuse me of putting you in this delicate situation and then abandoning you. I demur, arguing that you placed yourself in this situation. Negotiations deteriorate. I demand a paternity test, not feeling very trusting at this point. You refuse. You can do that. You have the legal right, it’s your body, I cannot force you to undergo amniocentesis. You give birth to a daughter, and name her Zoe. I am named on the birth certificate as the father, simply because mine was the name you gave when they asked. I was not even there. Now, I have refused to marry you. I still have that right, in most situations. (Look up “common-law” marriage, a law that allows a woman to force a man to marry her.) So you legally demand that I provide you with the benefits of marriage anyway, to wit, a large portion of my income. You have the legal right to do this. It’s called “child support”. In court, I demand a paternity test, but am denied one. You see, because I offered to pay for an abortion, I acknowledged the child as mine. And my name is on the certificate. And, most important of all, the very court that is ruling on the matter receives a cut of all child support payments. (Bet you didn’t know that, did you?) Legally, the money is for Zoe, but the checks come to you, in your name. You can spend them however you like, with no oversight whatsoever. I’m not even sure Zoe is mine. Now I’m in a bad situation. But the story does not end here. The tanking economy causes budget cuts, and my cushy job as an engineer at a major defense contractor is lost. The only thing thing I can find to replace it is a job hawking cell-phones in one of those mall kiosks. This is not, however, grounds for reducing my child-support payments. The initial amount of them was determined by my income at the time, but legally, they are a right belonging to Zoe, and determined by Zoe’s need, so my income is not a factor. Now I cannot pay. I am a “deadbeat dad”, according to society. And the newspaper my photo is published in. And the website my picture is posted on. My failure to pay tanks my credit rating, too, with all its attendant woes. The economy loosens up a bit, and I reapply to my old firm. They’re keen to hire me, but they can’t. With a record of delinquent child support payments, I cannot pass the background check. Now my career is blighted, too. Many years have passed at this point, and I’m in deep trouble. Broke, no career prospects, poor credit, spotty criminal record (failure to pay child support is a misdemeanor in some jurisdictions), depressed, no means or confidence to attract another woman even if I could ever trust one again. But the story doesn’t end here. Desperate, I manage to find some pretext to visit you, and I steal some of Zoe’s hair from her hairbrush in the bathroom. I pay for a lab test out of my meager remaining resources. Zoe isn’t mine. I take you to court, and lose. Yes, lose. Because I had already been paying child support, I am the publicly acknowledged father. (If you do not believe this could possibly happen, I sympathize. It’s crazy. But google “joseph michael ocasio” and prepare to be shocked.) Okay, end of scenario. Look where we are. My life is indeed ruined. At no point did I have any power to stop it (except by remaining celibate my entire life). At every point, what you did, you had the legal right to do. You didn’t have to “get away” with anything. You could write a book about it, and nothing would change, because it was all legal. The only thing protecting most men from this fate is nothing but women’s lack of inclination to do this. They are entirely in her power. Would you accept being in an 1700’s-style marriage, where your husband owned everything, and had the legal right to beat you, simply because he was a “nice guy and wouldn’t do that”? That is precisely what men are being asked, no, expected, to accept. Is it any wonder we are distrustful and suspicious to the point of paranoia? It’s our only defense. The law will not protect us. The law is against us, straight down the line. Think about it. Try to imagine how that might feel.
Anon (via der-steuermann)
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morrigan8472 · 10 years
Imagine being in a relationship in which you are treated like an equal, consciously and unconsciously, sexually, emotionally, socially, romantically, without being bound by gender expectations, without risk of pregnancy (or having your...
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morrigan8472 · 10 years
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Kyle has slept in the kitchen ever since they redecorated his room.
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