mortallyradcherryblossom ยท 3 years
-Academic texts are critical, objective, specialist literature published in formal language by experts or professionals in a certain topic. This implies that they are founded on solid facts. The authors' feelings cannot be sensed through language or materials. Academic books are unbiased - they are not concerned with their readers' feelings.
-Thesis statement and outlining,It defines the scope and emphasis of your essay. It also informs the reader about what to expect from it.
-In summary and techniques in summarizing in a text, is when you convey the primary idea from someone else's work in summaries. For summaries, you must add citation information - consider of your citation as a way to indicate your reader where they can access the original or full version of the work you've summarized
- Paraphrasing and techniques in paraphrasing v.s quoting is when you paraphrase, you take someone's precise words and put them in quotation marks. You must rewrite a piece without affecting the meaning of the original text to paraphrase a source. Paraphrasing is the process of putting someone else's thoughts into your own words.
- In citing sources of information it, for books, include the author's name, title, location, publisher, and year of publication.
For articles, include the following information: article title, article title, volume, issue, date, page numbers, and doi or permalink.
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