mortalmaelstrom · 6 years
There wasn’t much that would have impressed the marvel of Death. Thane having seen Thanos in action, would have laughed at anyone trying to reach that level of dangerous in front of him. But he thinks, that there are people who don’t try hard enough to be the best they should. IN terms of fighting skills, he knows that few could actually match his donor. 
  “It must be hard, to find challengers if no one has their full powers here.   I…think.”
It sounds like something from a old movie. 
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Enkidu grew up in a family steeped richly in martial arts, traditions, and old fashioned ways. He continued to carry that with him, though there’s no doubt he exudes a certain aura that unsettles others. Be it his body, his demeanor, or in more familiar places, his reputation. 
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“I myself have very little in ways of anything beyond my own skill and body. You would be right--the kind of fights I’m looking for, would not be worth it if both warriors aren’t at their best.” he sighs, “I’m not one to settle, that’d risk overconfidence I’d like to avoid building.” 
“Who are you? Your look has me curious.” 
He’s seen strange things in the hollow nights, but nothing quite like him. 
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mortalmaelstrom · 6 years
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this new world broadens for dave as he stands on the sidewalk, his brows furrowing a fraction as he looks from the passing car to the man beside him. perhaps this place isn’t so different from his old-old home, if only because people are jerks and there are enough concrete buildings and people to make one feel invisible. what should be a comfort to anyone else only makes him feel like shit.
⚙ – you know when random people yell at you from their car its your legal right and in fact moral duty to tell them to eat shit and fuck all the hell off and then perhaps die if they were so inclined
“Heh. People who say such hollow things don’t even have the courage to leave their cars to say it to my face.” 
Enkidu was never really a fan of the city, “City folk tend to have such brash, greedy personalities. It’s really not my kind scene.” he continues. “And yet fate decided to drop me here. Things were becoming so fun back home, why’d I end up in a place like this?” 
Cracking his neck, he stretches. Dave was one of the first few people Enkidu became casual with, but he really didn’t see a need to be strict with the kid. If anything, he needed to remind him now and again he wasn’t necessarily unfamiliar with cities and technology. He just had a lot of traditional tendencies, though his small talk was awkward.  
“There has to be something I can dust myself off with that isn’t trash pickup. Any ideas?” 
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mortalmaelstrom · 6 years
She’s played plenty of fighting games and that’s exactly who this man reminds her of. Someone from a game of fighting. Street Fighter, Mortal Kombat? No, maybe not Mortal Kombat. EITHER way, she’s being protected. Even though she’s behind this tall man, they seem mighty persistent. Whatever Annastasia did, these bastards weren’t going to let her go without teaching her a ‘lesson’. Their words. 
Student? The hell I am, she wanted to argue, but luckily Anna bit her tongue. This time, she knew to keep her mouth shut and let whatever happen. If a fight broke out, she’d more than likely stand her ground. She knew how to fight! She fought in school ALL the time. Couldn’t be any different than fighting these grown adults, right? 
The hand behind him catches her eye. She’s suspicious. Of course she is. She has no idea what or who this man was. With Maxi tucked under her arm, she squeezes the skateboard tightly before cautiously placing her smaller hand onto larger ones. 
“LISTEN HERE, I don’t care if she’s your student or if ya’ll makin’ deliveries! SOMEONE’S Gotta teach her some manners, y’feel me?”
“Fuck you!” Okay, so maybe she couldn’t keep her mouth shut.
He scowls, “I insist you leave that to me--” 
(If I don’t take this back where it needs to go I’m not gonna be able to eat well today. I really don’t have time for this and I don’t know what I’m more angry about right now. Master, how did you deal with me when I was this stubborn?) 
One of them rambles about teaching him a lesson too, and suddenly there’s a cigarette butt pressed into his clothes as another tries to grab at the girl behind him. 
He snaps, face wrinkling, scowling.  
Still holding her hand, the boxes roped around his wrist put down below him, his elbow locks the reaching assailant’s arm to his body; the opposite leg lifts and kicks the man in the face with precise balance. In another coordinated motion, he rams his palm into the bound man’s face, breaking his nose. 
All with his eyes still closed. 
The third is so dumbfounded he doesn’t move, and with a simple “Tend to your fellows. Don’t waste my time with anyone else you could call on.” the giant man picks the boxes back up and pulls the young girl along on strides too big and hasty for her to feasibly keep up with. 
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mortalmaelstrom · 6 years
Every place had it’s underground, and sometimes one could wander into it thinking they could take a shortcut. Some were unfortunate enough to get lost, curiosity (or hubris) winning over their fears, or were looking to pick unsavory fights. 
It was a mixed drink of misfortune and those who intentionally did wrong, taking advantage of them. And for whatever reason the either of them were here, it didn’t appear intentional or desired. 
A staunch, large man stood between the girl and a pack of men who might as well be rats in the presence of such a beast. Gi over his shoulders, a small stack of boxed food tied together in a blanket and rope dangling from one hand. Any step they made were met with his own, protecting her with a wide stance. He didn’t bother opening his eyes to look at them, only giving a sleepy, one eyed glance to the young girl he was protecting. 
The sigh he let out failed to hide his annoyance. 
“She’s my student, I’m trying to make a delivery, I am not a monk and I certainly do not have the patience of one. One of those statements are a lie and I don’t suggest poking any further to find out which one it is.” 
A hand dangles behind him, gesturing for her to take his hand without word. Was he planning something? These hooligans seemed mighty persistent on being an annoyance. 
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mortalmaelstrom · 6 years
A peculiar set of footprints, a dance across the sands. Of various depths, a few hand prints in between. As precise as they were, it didn’t seem to be the work of someone who was simply just playing on the beach.  
Follow them and eventually you’d find who they belonged to. 
Breathing in and out slowly, Enkidu poises himself towards the ocean, eyes closed. Feet digging into the sand. Only one eye opens to look at the onlooker. Many men would consider a chained beast to be trapped inside his eyes. He relaxes, yet still carries a stoic air. 
“”I have a feeling you’re not here to challenge me. Rather, you‘re here out of curiosity aren’t you?” he can’t really help the tinge of disappointment in his voice. 
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mortalmaelstrom · 6 years
From what the taller man said, this sounded like a symbolic thing. He couldn’t imagine actually walking around with shackles on. Although Daylen isn’t going to press them for more details. This seems to be something personal, and he can’t butt into everyone’s life. No matter how much fate wants him to.
“I can’t say that I fully understand. Still, this sounds very important to you. How does one lose heavy shackles in the first place?” He doubted they could just drop off. Well, at least Daylen had a map of the city just in case.
“This isn’t what I expected but I still volunteer to help. Surely someone must have spotted them around here. We’re talking about something rather heavy and noticeable after all. Once we find them, will you be able to place them back on yourself? Or do you need someone else to apply the shackles onto you?”
The idea of applying shackles made him a little uncomfortable, but he’d do it if it was necessary. Daylen simply just came from an outsiders’ perspective and wouldn’t understand. At least he wasn’t mocking the idea.
“Hrm...no, sin isn’t the right word at all.” he mumbles. 
The whole situation has his head thinking in too many spaces at once for him to talk about this with a stranger. The next words follow quickly. 
“I’ve no need to burden you with details you didn’t ask for, you are a stranger to me after all. I do appreciate the offer of aid, but it may not even be necessary. Like you said yourself, it wouldn’t be easy to lose by many means. Really...” 
He shows Daylen the leather bracers around his wrists. 
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“I have a hunch they may have been lifted off of me. The car ride here, the hole in the center of the city before that, my mind and body were still drowsy until now.” 
(Hitting myself by accident sure woke me up. My body doesn’t feel too different, but I’m still tired and sore. I must’ve been resting after training before I was taken here.) 
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mortalmaelstrom · 6 years
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I’d like to get some more threads going on this boy, so I’m gonna start up another starter call, capped at 2! 
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mortalmaelstrom · 6 years
“Ah, my apologies. I assumed you were local.” A slight bow was given by the prince, eyes closed for a moment in embarrassment. (I cannot assume the others are not just as new I as I am, that was rather foolhardy…) Standing up straight, he listened to the other speak, their aura being strange.
Still, he was offering to be helpful, and thus allow Siegfried to be helpful in turn - two pairs of eyes and ears were better than one. A firm nod was given, particularly since this conversation prior to that had been particularly shameful.
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“That would be best. If there are two of us with a common goal, then we will be able to cover more ground as far as finding information. Additionally, we can both listen for activity concerning the festival.” Looking around, he wondered the best way to begin their search. “Perhaps it will be by the sea, since there is a summer theme…”
The knowledge he had about summer, and summer fairs, in modernity would lead him to this conclusion, and so he began walking down a road that seemed to have more beach themed shops. Making sure his companion was in tow, he looked back. “Forgive my rudeness. My name is –” What a strange moment, a feeling of dread in the pit of his stomach.
Ah, but…Was there much reason to hide. He had been forthright in Chaldea, even if the feeling of that Command Seal lingered in his throat. “My name is Siegfried.”
Enkidu gives the other a deep nod, and puts up a hand–awkwardly quickly. He rubs his wrist before tucking it back into his robe, looking troubled at the leather bracers around them.
(I’m still not used to my shackles being gone…looks like we’re both embarrassed now, for our own reasons.)  
“I thank you for the apology, but there is no need for it. The variety of people who come and go here is a lot to keep track of. I cannot expect even the keenest of eyes to know which leaf blew off the same group of trees after it’s already happened.”
Nodding back to him again, this time in agreement rather than courtesy, he follows quietly.
(What’s with that pause…?)
“Again, no need to apologize. I’m quite familiar with those that would prefer pseudonyms over their given names. I carry one myself; as a symbol of my atonement. The name I carry now is Enkidu. It’s a pleasure to meet you, Siegfried.”
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A small smile emerges in the corner of his face. As they continue moving, he stops to ask directions and questions about the festivities of others that would appear more familiar than they were. 
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mortalmaelstrom · 6 years
Daylen is someone who knows more about metaphorical shackles than anything real. It would only remind him of how the Saarebas were treated. Unfortunate that it wasn’t just humans who treated mages like garbage. Although his interactions with him had been very few; most of his information about the Qunari simply coming from Sten.
To be honest, he missed the man. It’d been a long time since he’d seen many of his companions. From the Wardens who followed him to Finn and Ariane.
It would be hard not to notice Enkidu. Daylen was a little stronger than mages were expected to be, but this man towered over him. Just how tall were they? It was a little intimidating to be honest. Although he couldn’t simply walk past, given the large figure was voicing their thoughts out loud.
“Are you looking for something? If you dropped it then it might be around here.” He had no idea it was about shackles, assuming Enkidu lost some everyday object. At least the mage was trying to help.
“I’m grateful for the aid, but I’m afraid it isn’t something I could’ve simply dropped.”
(Given their weight, they may dent where they’d have fallen. It’s not like they’re easy to take off, either.)
Enkidu would quietly appreciate anyone who approached him. It knew it was a difficult task for many–it was almost lonely, how much people had come to avoid him. He tried more to think of it as a test. And perhaps, a blessing, despite knowing how to start small talk, he wasn’t good at keeping it up for very long.
A lot of people in more city-like areas, he didn’t quite understand. Seeing someone much more simple, was comforting.
(The more I think about telling him what they are, the sillier it sounds to try to explain them to a stranger.)
A troubled sigh, furrowed brows.
“They were…weighted shackles. I imposed them on myself, both for my sins and my strength.”
He’s trying to remember what Chaos had talked to him about. Regarding the shackles, Enkidu wasn’t very good at explaining, but Chaos came to understand from his own perspective.
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mortalmaelstrom · 6 years
“Excuse me.” A hand was raised as he approached the other, a universal sign of both attention grabbing, and that he meant no harm. At least, it seemed that way to him. Still, the other seemed far more at ease than the Saber himself, so with his sword carefully hilted and no hand going near it, he approached.
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“This is…The Golden Ward, correct? I heard rumor of a summer’s end celebration around here. I had thought it may be simpler to find than this.”
His attention turns to him, eyes half-mast. Enkidu in all situations barely showed anything but a very stone-like aura. It would drive most away, this man being one a brave few. Just from that, and the more he observes Seigfried, the more Enkidu gets…excited? It’s not showing on him at all.
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“I’m still learning the area, myself. If anything is called the Golden Ward...considering how lavish some of the places I’ve seen here, this would be it.” 
(This man sticks out as much as I do. Looking for something seems like a better idea than wandering around aimlessly like this. Besides that, there’s something I sense about him...I really want to fight him. Shackles missing or not, if I’m right about how I feel, it’ll be fun regardless.) 
“...hmm” a thoughtful exhale. “I do believe I heard something about a beach. If it’s a celebration, then it’ll be making a lot of commotion. Those are very loose hints, it may be better to ask a local.” 
(That kinda gives him an opening to leave, huh? I want to know more about him.) 
“Perhaps we can travel there together. I’m curious about it too.” 
(If it’s someplace less fancy than these shops, it’d be more interesting to look at.) 
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mortalmaelstrom · 6 years
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Come meet your local martial artist, 7 ft tall and will probably be hating the feeling of his wrists being like 10 times lighter now. Starter call~, capped at 2 for that sweet self control. 
EDIT: Upping the limit to 3, meaning there’s two slots still open!  
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mortalmaelstrom · 6 years
@mortalmaelstrom liked for an event starter
      she finds herself sitting with a plate and a cup of tea, opting to watch the festivities close but still in relative peace with said plate piled high with premade smores – most of the plate, however, being comprised solely of chocolate than anything else with a good dent made in it already. she gestures to the plate with her cup, pointing it out to the other nearby and she could speak like a normal person but instead her nerves push her toward the silly side, herself being the butt of her joke this time.
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      ❝ well, i’m not opposed to sharing, dear. i suppose i do have a bit of a control problem. they’re just too good. ❞
Enkidu had been watching the jet ski’s in the distance intently, wandering about the festival aimlessly. Knowing how awkward his presence probably is--probably isn’t the right word, it’s a definite is--around such an event, he sought out somewhere less populated. Attention narrow on the waters, he didn’t really notice he was standing by her little picnic. 
(I wonder what it’s like to ride one of those things.)
Opening the eye nearest her a bit more, he lazily looks over her. And...uh. 
“I don’t recall asking.” he replies by reflex. 
(What are those snacks? Must be something from the west. Which means it’s probably way too sweet.) 
But...she did admit she made too many...it would rude to refuse, even if he didn’t know her. One for him, one for maybe others she could ask. Yes, yes. Maybe just one. That wouldn’t be too hard on his physique, would it? 
(She might get irritating about it if I don’t take one. No good to be so quick to judge, however.)
“Be careful not to overindulge yourself so much next time.” he takes one, inspecting it curiously. So much chocolate...looking at the dent already in her pile, his appetite dissolves completely imagining how much sugar that is. He couldn’t stand to eat that much of it in a million years. He’ll still eat it but...no, look away. Before you get too nauseated to eat. 
“What is this, made out of...?” he asks with uncertainty. 
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mortalmaelstrom · 6 years
(Well, isn’t this troublesome...if fate wanted me here to find stronger adversaries, I’d take it, but...I don’t even remember taking that taxi.) he thought to himself. (That’s a lot more suspicious than anything that could be considered destiny.)
Enkidu stares outward with eyes half open. Flexing his neck to loosen the crick in it, (Did I fall asleep in the car?), he wonders, bringing his hand under his chin in thought--
He hit himself under the chin, with a bit of surprising force. Not quite terribly, but he didn’t realize his shackles were gone. Staring at the leather bracers only for a split second before he looks around, twisting. 
Where did that taxi go?! Did somebody steal them? How’d they even get them off his wrists? 
“I didn’t notice they were gone until now, how shameful.” he muttered his thoughts out loud. 
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mortalmaelstrom · 6 years
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 “It would be too much to ask for another cup? Would it.” Still half a cup remaining of the previous liquid. He drinks it to 1/3 and then looks at his newspaper. While he could go back to the stall again that sold the instant coffee, he felt… lazy. 
But still, talking to himself was getting to a rather new low. 
Enkidu half opens an eye, a subtle brow raise to the other. 
(Is he talking to me, or talking to himself? I can’t really blame him, I do the same at times...) 
“Finish what you already have, no need to be greedy for what is easily replaced when gone.” he says it sternly, despite the indifferent expression on his face. His brows furrow, realizing that was a harsh statement to open with. “...there’s, always more if you want it.” he awkwardly adds, a bit lighter on the tone, giving one shrug of a shoulder. 
(I make it so obvious that I’m bad at this...practice isn’t too much of a bad thing. Come to think of it,a cup of tea would be nice right now.) 
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mortalmaelstrom · 6 years
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Gaien Enkidou aka Enkidu 
From Under Night In Birth, a Very Good, Very Fun Fighting game, with a visual novel attached to it
-A walking statue of a man, who says both some cryptic warrior shit and “Yeah, big time.” 
-One of like three adults in a fighting game filled with magic teenagers beating the shit out of each other
-His actual age is a fucking mystery
-Doesn’t know how to deal with his depression other than punching people and trying to find who could potentially kill him if they fight
-Is so good at this that men forget he exists out of sheer terror 
-Is called a bunch of scary shit and looks it, yet is pretty friendly and chill. 
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mortalmaelstrom · 6 years
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Come meet your local martial artist, 7 ft tall and will probably be hating the feeling of his wrists being like 10 times lighter now. Starter call~, capped at 2 for that sweet self control. 
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mortalmaelstrom · 6 years
Hello! I'd like to apply as Enkidu (Gaien Enkidou) from Under Night In Birth with no prior reserve! Application can be found either through / app or on the side bar!
Welcome to scenic Isola Radiale, Enkidu!
You’ll be housed in House 145!
You’ll retain your strength. You’ll also receive a set of leather bracers.
– mod spica
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