mortiz888-blog · 1 day
Xeriscaping: A Sustainable Approach to Lawn Care & Landscaping. #SaveYourGreen
Xeriscaping: A Sustainable Approach to Lawn Care In an era where environmental consciousness is on the rise, it's no surprise that sustainable landscaping practices are gaining popularity. One such approach that's gaining traction is xeriscaping. This innovative technique is not only environmentally friendly but also a practical and beautiful way to transform your outdoor space. https://youtu.be/apd82c6h5fI What is Xeriscaping? Xeriscaping is a landscaping method that focuses on water conservation, especially in regions prone to drought or water scarcity. The term "xeriscape" is derived from the Greek word "xeros," which means dry. This method promotes the use of drought-tolerant plants, efficient irrigation, and other sustainable techniques to create visually appealing and eco-friendly landscapes. Related Posts Why Choose Xeriscaping? - Water Conservation: Xeriscaping significantly reduces water usage compared to traditional lawns. By selecting drought-resistant plants and using efficient irrigation systems, xeriscaped gardens thrive with minimal water. This not only helps conserve water but also lowers your utility bills. - Low Maintenance: Xeriscaped gardens are low-maintenance, which means less time and effort spent on upkeep. Drought-tolerant plants require less attention, and the need for mowing, weeding, and fertilizing is greatly reduced. This approach allows you to spend more time enjoying your outdoor space and less time working on it. - Sustainability: Xeriscaping is a sustainable landscaping method. It helps reduce soil erosion, prevent the use of harmful pesticides and fertilizers, and supports the local ecosystem. It's a win-win for both your garden and the environment. - Cost-Effective: While the initial investment in xeriscaping may be slightly higher due to the purchase of drought-resistant plants and efficient irrigation systems, it pays off in the long run. Reduced water and maintenance costs will save you money over time. - Beautiful Designs: Contrary to the misconception that xeriscaping results in a barren, uninviting landscape, it can be incredibly beautiful. Xeriscaped gardens can be designed in a variety of styles, from desert-inspired to lush and colorful. With the right planning and plant selection, your xeriscaped garden can be a breathtaking oasis. Getting Started with Xeriscaping If you're considering xeriscaping your lawn, here are some steps to get you started: - Evaluate Your Landscape: Assess your existing landscape, including soil quality, sunlight exposure, and local climate. This will help you select the most suitable plants and design for your space. - Choose Drought-Tolerant Plants: Select native or drought-resistant plants that thrive in your area. These plants are adapted to local conditions, making them more resilient and easier to care for. - Efficient Irrigation: Invest in a drip irrigation system or soaker hoses to minimize water wastage. These systems deliver water directly to the plant roots, reducing evaporation. - Mulch and Soil Improvement: Use mulch to conserve moisture and improve soil quality. Well-amended soil retains water more effectively and supports plant growth. - Design Creatively: Create a design that suits your aesthetic preferences and the local environment. Xeriscaping offers numerous possibilities, so let your creativity shine. Conclusion In a world where water scarcity and environmental concerns are becoming increasingly important, xeriscaping is a sustainable approach to lawn care that can benefit both you and the planet. By conserving water, reducing maintenance, and promoting biodiversity, xeriscaping is a win-win for those who choose to embrace it. So, whether you're a seasoned gardener or a beginner, consider giving xeriscaping a try and watch your outdoor space flourish in a more sustainable and eco-friendly way. Read the full article
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mortiz888-blog · 10 days
How to Plant a Perennial 🪴 | Basics | Better Homes & Gardens
Perennials bought at retail outlets, such as garden centers and hardware stores are usually packed in pots or cell packs. Sometimes cell packs consist of biodegradable material. That means you can set the plant undisturbed directly into the soil. Here's how to easily plant your new perennial. #Plants #HowTo #Perennial #Basics #BHG 00:00 Introduction 00:05 Water Plants 00:09 Move away any mulch and dig a hole 00:15 Remove the plant from the container 00:24 Fill in with soil and add mulch 00:31 Water well Read the article: https://www.bhg.com/gardening/yard/garden-care/planting-nursery-plants/ Subscribe to the Better Homes and Gardens Channel: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=bhg Official Better Homes and Gardens Website: http://www.bhg.com/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mybhg Twitter: http://twitter.com/bhg Pinterest: http://pinterest.com/bhg/ Instagram: http://instagram.com/betterhomesandgardens How to Plant a Perennial 🪴 | Basics | Better Homes & Gardens Read the full article
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mortiz888-blog · 12 days
How to Plant a Perennial 🪴 | Basics | Better Homes & Gardens
Perennials bought at retail outlets, such as garden centers and hardware stores are usually packed in pots or cell packs. Sometimes cell packs consist of biodegradable material. That means you can set the plant undisturbed directly into the soil. Here's how to easily plant your new perennial. #Plants #HowTo #Perennial #Basics #BHG 00:00 Introduction 00:05 Water Plants 00:09 Move away any mulch and dig a hole 00:15 Remove the plant from the container 00:24 Fill in with soil and add mulch 00:31 Water well Read the article: https://www.bhg.com/gardening/yard/garden-care/planting-nursery-plants/ Subscribe to the Better Homes and Gardens Channel: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=bhg Official Better Homes and Gardens Website: http://www.bhg.com/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mybhg Twitter: http://twitter.com/bhg Pinterest: http://pinterest.com/bhg/ Instagram: http://instagram.com/betterhomesandgardens How to Plant a Perennial 🪴 | Basics | Better Homes & Gardens Read the full article
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mortiz888-blog · 13 days
3 Ways to Protect Your Dog from Ticks
Introduction As a dog owner, you want to ensure that your furry companion stays healthy and happy. One of the key concerns for both you and your dog is the presence of ticks, which can transmit various diseases. To keep your pet tick-free and safe, it's essential to take preventive measures. In this blog post, we'll discuss three effective ways to protect your dog from ticks, with a focus on the third solution: hiring a professional lawn pest control service. Regular Tick Checks and Grooming The first line of defense against ticks is regular tick checks and grooming. After outdoor activities, especially in grassy or wooded areas, inspect your dog's coat thoroughly. Ticks can attach themselves anywhere, but they often hide in warm, dark areas like the ears, between the toes, and around the neck and head. Use a fine-toothed comb to help locate and remove any ticks. When removing ticks, use fine-tipped tweezers and grasp the tick as close to the skin as possible. Gently pull upward with even pressure to ensure you remove the entire tick, including its mouthparts. Dispose of the tick properly by placing it in rubbing alcohol. Tick Preventive Medications Photo by Anna Shvets on Pexels.com Tick preventive medications are a crucial part of protecting your dog from these pesky parasites. Consult your veterinarian to determine the most suitable tick preventive treatment for your dog's age, size, and health condition. There are several options available, including oral medications, topical treatments, and collars. These medications work by either killing ticks on contact or preventing ticks from attaching to your dog in the first place. Administer the medication as directed by your vet, and be consistent with the schedule to ensure continuous protection. Professional Lawn Pest Control Service While the first two methods focus on your dog's immediate environment, hiring a professional lawn pest control service takes a broader approach to tick prevention. Ticks often thrive in outdoor areas, especially tall grasses and shrubs. Your yard can serve as a tick habitat, putting your dog at risk every time they venture outside. Professional lawn pest control services specialize in identifying and addressing tick hotspots in your yard. They use targeted treatments to reduce tick populations, making your outdoor space safer for both your dog and your family. Here are some benefits of hiring a professional service: a. Expertise: Professionals have the knowledge and experience to effectively identify and treat tick-prone areas in your yard. b. Regular Maintenance: Most services offer ongoing treatments to keep your yard tick-free throughout the tick season. c. Reduced Chemical Exposure: Professionals use safe and approved pesticides in a controlled manner, minimizing exposure to your pets and family. d. Peace of Mind: Knowing that your yard is being treated by experts can provide peace of mind and allow you to enjoy your outdoor space without worrying about ticks. Conclusion Protecting your dog from ticks is crucial for their health and well-being. Regular tick checks, tick preventive medications, and professional lawn pest control services are all effective ways to minimize the risk of tick infestations. While the first two options focus on your dog, the third option extends the protection to your entire outdoor environment, creating a safer space for both your furry friend and your family. By combining these strategies, you can ensure a tick-free and happy life for your beloved canine companion. Read the full article
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mortiz888-blog · 15 days
3 Ways to Protect Your Dog from Ticks
Introduction As a dog owner, you want to ensure that your furry companion stays healthy and happy. One of the key concerns for both you and your dog is the presence of ticks, which can transmit various diseases. To keep your pet tick-free and safe, it's essential to take preventive measures. In this blog post, we'll discuss three effective ways to protect your dog from ticks, with a focus on the third solution: hiring a professional lawn pest control service. Regular Tick Checks and Grooming The first line of defense against ticks is regular tick checks and grooming. After outdoor activities, especially in grassy or wooded areas, inspect your dog's coat thoroughly. Ticks can attach themselves anywhere, but they often hide in warm, dark areas like the ears, between the toes, and around the neck and head. Use a fine-toothed comb to help locate and remove any ticks. When removing ticks, use fine-tipped tweezers and grasp the tick as close to the skin as possible. Gently pull upward with even pressure to ensure you remove the entire tick, including its mouthparts. Dispose of the tick properly by placing it in rubbing alcohol. Tick Preventive Medications Photo by Anna Shvets on Pexels.com Tick preventive medications are a crucial part of protecting your dog from these pesky parasites. Consult your veterinarian to determine the most suitable tick preventive treatment for your dog's age, size, and health condition. There are several options available, including oral medications, topical treatments, and collars. These medications work by either killing ticks on contact or preventing ticks from attaching to your dog in the first place. Administer the medication as directed by your vet, and be consistent with the schedule to ensure continuous protection. Professional Lawn Pest Control Service While the first two methods focus on your dog's immediate environment, hiring a professional lawn pest control service takes a broader approach to tick prevention. Ticks often thrive in outdoor areas, especially tall grasses and shrubs. Your yard can serve as a tick habitat, putting your dog at risk every time they venture outside. Professional lawn pest control services specialize in identifying and addressing tick hotspots in your yard. They use targeted treatments to reduce tick populations, making your outdoor space safer for both your dog and your family. Here are some benefits of hiring a professional service: a. Expertise: Professionals have the knowledge and experience to effectively identify and treat tick-prone areas in your yard. b. Regular Maintenance: Most services offer ongoing treatments to keep your yard tick-free throughout the tick season. c. Reduced Chemical Exposure: Professionals use safe and approved pesticides in a controlled manner, minimizing exposure to your pets and family. d. Peace of Mind: Knowing that your yard is being treated by experts can provide peace of mind and allow you to enjoy your outdoor space without worrying about ticks. Conclusion Protecting your dog from ticks is crucial for their health and well-being. Regular tick checks, tick preventive medications, and professional lawn pest control services are all effective ways to minimize the risk of tick infestations. While the first two options focus on your dog, the third option extends the protection to your entire outdoor environment, creating a safer space for both your furry friend and your family. By combining these strategies, you can ensure a tick-free and happy life for your beloved canine companion. Read the full article
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mortiz888-blog · 20 days
The Ultimate Guide to Spring Lawn Preparation
Spring is just around the corner, and that means it's time to prepare your lawn for the upcoming growing season. Proper spring lawn preparation is essential for a lush, green, and healthy lawn throughout the year. In this comprehensive guide, we'll walk you through the essential steps to get your lawn in tip-top shape this spring. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vo_wVHD1RXk 1. Clean Up Your Yard Before you start any spring lawn care, it's crucial to clean up your yard. Remove any fallen leaves, branches, and debris that may have accumulated during the winter months. This step not only improves the appearance of your lawn but also allows for better air circulation and light penetration, promoting healthy grass growth. 2. Dethatching Thatch is the layer of dead grass, roots, and other organic matter that accumulates on the surface of your lawn. A little thatch is healthy, but too much can inhibit water and nutrient absorption. Use a dethatching rake or machine to remove excess thatch and promote a healthier lawn. 3. Aerate the Soil Lawn aeration is a critical step in spring lawn care. Aerating your lawn involves perforating the soil with small holes to allow for better air, water, and nutrient penetration. This helps to reduce compaction and encourages deeper root growth. You can rent an aerator or hire a professional to do this for you. 4. Fertilize Spring is the perfect time to fertilize your lawn. Use a high-quality, balanced fertilizer with the appropriate mix of nutrients for your grass type. A slow-release fertilizer will provide a steady supply of nutrients throughout the growing season. Be sure to follow the manufacturer's instructions for application rates. 5. Seeding and Overseeding If your lawn has thin or bare spots, spring is an excellent time for seeding or overseeding. Choose the right type of grass seed for your region and spread it evenly over the areas that need improvement. Water the seeded areas regularly to promote germination and establish strong, healthy grass. 6. Weed Control Spring is when many weeds begin to germinate. Prevent them from taking over your lawn by applying a pre-emergent herbicide. If you already have weeds, consider spot-treating them with a post-emergent herbicide. Be sure to follow the instructions on the product label for safe and effective application. Instagram Posts @greenteamlawnct https://www.instagram.com/greenteamlawnct/ 7. Mowing Photo by Bryce Carithers on Pexels.com As the grass begins to grow in the spring, it's time to start mowing regularly. Set your mower at the right height for your grass type and never cut more than one-third of the grass blade's length at once. This promotes healthy growth and helps prevent stress on the lawn. 8. Watering Proper watering is essential for a healthy lawn. Water deeply and infrequently to encourage deep root growth. Early morning is the best time to water your lawn, as it allows the grass to dry before evening and reduces the risk of diseases. Subscribe to This Blog For Updates 9. Pest and Disease Management Monitor your lawn for signs of pests and diseases. If you notice any issues, address them promptly with appropriate treatments. It's essential to identify the problem correctly to choose the right solution. 10. Regular Maintenance Photo by Streetwindy on Pexels.com Throughout the spring and the growing season, maintain your lawn with regular care. This includes mowing, fertilizing, and watering as needed. Keep an eye out for issues and address them promptly to maintain a healthy, green lawn. Conclusion: Spring Lawn Preparation By following these ten essential steps for spring lawn preparation, you'll be well on your way to having a beautiful, vibrant lawn throughout the spring, summer, and beyond. Remember that proper maintenance is the key to a healthy lawn, so stay committed to the care of your grass all season long, and you'll enjoy the rewards of a stunning outdoor space. Happy gardening! Read the full article
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mortiz888-blog · 22 days
The Ultimate Guide to Spring Lawn Preparation
Spring is just around the corner, and that means it's time to prepare your lawn for the upcoming growing season. Proper spring lawn preparation is essential for a lush, green, and healthy lawn throughout the year. In this comprehensive guide, we'll walk you through the essential steps to get your lawn in tip-top shape this spring. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vo_wVHD1RXk 1. Clean Up Your Yard Before you start any spring lawn care, it's crucial to clean up your yard. Remove any fallen leaves, branches, and debris that may have accumulated during the winter months. This step not only improves the appearance of your lawn but also allows for better air circulation and light penetration, promoting healthy grass growth. 2. Dethatching Thatch is the layer of dead grass, roots, and other organic matter that accumulates on the surface of your lawn. A little thatch is healthy, but too much can inhibit water and nutrient absorption. Use a dethatching rake or machine to remove excess thatch and promote a healthier lawn. 3. Aerate the Soil Lawn aeration is a critical step in spring lawn care. Aerating your lawn involves perforating the soil with small holes to allow for better air, water, and nutrient penetration. This helps to reduce compaction and encourages deeper root growth. You can rent an aerator or hire a professional to do this for you. 4. Fertilize Spring is the perfect time to fertilize your lawn. Use a high-quality, balanced fertilizer with the appropriate mix of nutrients for your grass type. A slow-release fertilizer will provide a steady supply of nutrients throughout the growing season. Be sure to follow the manufacturer's instructions for application rates. 5. Seeding and Overseeding If your lawn has thin or bare spots, spring is an excellent time for seeding or overseeding. Choose the right type of grass seed for your region and spread it evenly over the areas that need improvement. Water the seeded areas regularly to promote germination and establish strong, healthy grass. 6. Weed Control Spring is when many weeds begin to germinate. Prevent them from taking over your lawn by applying a pre-emergent herbicide. If you already have weeds, consider spot-treating them with a post-emergent herbicide. Be sure to follow the instructions on the product label for safe and effective application. Instagram Posts @greenteamlawnct https://www.instagram.com/greenteamlawnct/ 7. Mowing Photo by Bryce Carithers on Pexels.com As the grass begins to grow in the spring, it's time to start mowing regularly. Set your mower at the right height for your grass type and never cut more than one-third of the grass blade's length at once. This promotes healthy growth and helps prevent stress on the lawn. 8. Watering Proper watering is essential for a healthy lawn. Water deeply and infrequently to encourage deep root growth. Early morning is the best time to water your lawn, as it allows the grass to dry before evening and reduces the risk of diseases. Subscribe to This Blog For Updates 9. Pest and Disease Management Monitor your lawn for signs of pests and diseases. If you notice any issues, address them promptly with appropriate treatments. It's essential to identify the problem correctly to choose the right solution. 10. Regular Maintenance Photo by Streetwindy on Pexels.com Throughout the spring and the growing season, maintain your lawn with regular care. This includes mowing, fertilizing, and watering as needed. Keep an eye out for issues and address them promptly to maintain a healthy, green lawn. Conclusion: Spring Lawn Preparation By following these ten essential steps for spring lawn preparation, you'll be well on your way to having a beautiful, vibrant lawn throughout the spring, summer, and beyond. Remember that proper maintenance is the key to a healthy lawn, so stay committed to the care of your grass all season long, and you'll enjoy the rewards of a stunning outdoor space. Happy gardening! Read the full article
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mortiz888-blog · 24 days
Is Tenacity (Mesotrione) Pre-Emergent Recommended?
What is Mesotrione? Mesotrione is an active ingredient used to kill weeds both pre and post-emergent. If you have been anywhere on YouTube looking for lawn care tips on getting rid of weeds, you have seen videos talking about it. Probably what you have seen is the brand name, Tenacity. Tenacity is the brand name, Mesotrione is the active ingredient. Nowadays, there are generics available that are much cheaper, such as this 8oz bottle of Meso 4SC. Do not buy it until you read this entire email because I’m going to tell you who should use it, when to use it, and what results to expect. Mesotrione (Tenacity) For Warm-Season Turf First and foremost, I want to stress that Mesotrione is mostly NOT for warm-season turf. If you read the label, you will see that the only warm-season turf listed is Centipede. St Augustine grass is also listed, but that is on sod farms only, not residential turf. Even if it was labeled for St Augustine residential turf, there aren’t enough warm-season weeds that it controls to make it worth the investment. As a pre-emergent, it’s not too effective either. So don’t be tempted to waste money on this product, even if you see people in other groups breaking the label and using it on warm-season turf. The value isn’t there. As mentioned, it is labeled for use in Centipede grass. In this case, its post-emergent properties in dealing with Crabgrass, Goosegrass, and Barnyardgrass can be useful. If you are dealing with any of those problem weedy grasses and you have Centipede grass, then Mesotrione is a good choice. If you have other weed problems over and above, there are much better alternatives. As a pre-emergent, Mesotrione is only used at times of seeding. It is not a good pre-emergent for established lawns as it doesn’t last very long. It’s not a replacement for Prodiamine or Dithiopyr in your pre-emergent strategy. Pre-Emergent – Mesotrione for Cool-Season Turf For cool-season turf, Mesotrione is an effective tool, especially in the fall time when you may be thinking about seeding your lawn. That’s because Mesotrione is a pre-emergent herbicide that can be applied right alongside your grass seed and it will help to keep weeds from growing and competing with your seed but it will NOT harm your seed. The key here is that you have to apply Mesotrione BEFORE your grass seed germinates. If you apply once it’s germinated and starting growing, Mesotrione will harm it. This is why I always recommend using Mesotrione as a pre-emergent with your seeding and to apply it on the same day as you seed, then water it in. Don’t wait. Mesotrione will give you a good 3-4 weeks of pre-emergent protection which is plenty of time for your new grass to get growing and begin defending itself. Mesotrione is NOT a replacement for Prodiamine or Dithiopyr in established lawns. It doesn’t last long enough and will not perform as well in existing turf. Always keep in mind, the usefulness of Mesotrione as a pre-emergent is only in conjunction with seeding. Post-Emergent – Mesotrione for Cool-Season Turf Mesotrione is also an effective post-emergent weed control and if you purchased some because you needed it during your seeding project, then you probably have some leftover. If that is the case, then go ahead and use it up. It will kill lots of weeds that you face including dandelion and clover and is also good on weedy grasses like Crabgrass, Goosegrass, Creeping Bentgrass, Annual Bluegrass andBarnyardgrass. It also does pretty well on Yellow Nutsedge. Just remember, if you are going to use it AFTER you have seeded, you need to wait for 3-4 mowings or 30 days after germination. I’ve always considered Mesotrione to be a “specialty herbicide” meaning, it’s used when you have identified a specific issue in the lawn that only Mesotrione can address. This goes back to those weedy grasses. If you specifically have issues with Creeping Bentgrass for example, then purchasing Mesotrione is a good idea. However, if your primary weed problems come from broadleaf weeds like Creeping Charlie, Henbit, Spurge, and Plantain, then there are better, cheaper alternatives like Speed Zone which contains 4 active ingredients instead of just 1. In other words, Mesotrione isn’t a “general purpose” weed control for the most part. It’s used in specialty situations such as when you are seeding or when you face a specific problem like Creeping Bentgrass. Outside of that, it’s best to choose something else and save the money. I’ll be talking a lot more about this subject and many others relating to fall-time weed control, seeding, and pre-emergent. Subscribe to my podcast for even more detailed breakdowns over the coming weeks. I’ll see you in the lawn! Read the full article
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mortiz888-blog · 26 days
Is Tenacity (Mesotrione) Pre-Emergent Recommended?
What is Mesotrione? Mesotrione is an active ingredient used to kill weeds both pre and post-emergent. If you have been anywhere on YouTube looking for lawn care tips on getting rid of weeds, you have seen videos talking about it. Probably what you have seen is the brand name, Tenacity. Tenacity is the brand name, Mesotrione is the active ingredient. Nowadays, there are generics available that are much cheaper, such as this 8oz bottle of Meso 4SC. Do not buy it until you read this entire email because I’m going to tell you who should use it, when to use it, and what results to expect. Mesotrione (Tenacity) For Warm-Season Turf First and foremost, I want to stress that Mesotrione is mostly NOT for warm-season turf. If you read the label, you will see that the only warm-season turf listed is Centipede. St Augustine grass is also listed, but that is on sod farms only, not residential turf. Even if it was labeled for St Augustine residential turf, there aren’t enough warm-season weeds that it controls to make it worth the investment. As a pre-emergent, it’s not too effective either. So don’t be tempted to waste money on this product, even if you see people in other groups breaking the label and using it on warm-season turf. The value isn’t there. As mentioned, it is labeled for use in Centipede grass. In this case, its post-emergent properties in dealing with Crabgrass, Goosegrass, and Barnyardgrass can be useful. If you are dealing with any of those problem weedy grasses and you have Centipede grass, then Mesotrione is a good choice. If you have other weed problems over and above, there are much better alternatives. As a pre-emergent, Mesotrione is only used at times of seeding. It is not a good pre-emergent for established lawns as it doesn’t last very long. It’s not a replacement for Prodiamine or Dithiopyr in your pre-emergent strategy. Pre-Emergent – Mesotrione for Cool-Season Turf For cool-season turf, Mesotrione is an effective tool, especially in the fall time when you may be thinking about seeding your lawn. That’s because Mesotrione is a pre-emergent herbicide that can be applied right alongside your grass seed and it will help to keep weeds from growing and competing with your seed but it will NOT harm your seed. The key here is that you have to apply Mesotrione BEFORE your grass seed germinates. If you apply once it’s germinated and starting growing, Mesotrione will harm it. This is why I always recommend using Mesotrione as a pre-emergent with your seeding and to apply it on the same day as you seed, then water it in. Don’t wait. Mesotrione will give you a good 3-4 weeks of pre-emergent protection which is plenty of time for your new grass to get growing and begin defending itself. Mesotrione is NOT a replacement for Prodiamine or Dithiopyr in established lawns. It doesn’t last long enough and will not perform as well in existing turf. Always keep in mind, the usefulness of Mesotrione as a pre-emergent is only in conjunction with seeding. Post-Emergent – Mesotrione for Cool-Season Turf Mesotrione is also an effective post-emergent weed control and if you purchased some because you needed it during your seeding project, then you probably have some leftover. If that is the case, then go ahead and use it up. It will kill lots of weeds that you face including dandelion and clover and is also good on weedy grasses like Crabgrass, Goosegrass, Creeping Bentgrass, Annual Bluegrass andBarnyardgrass. It also does pretty well on Yellow Nutsedge. Just remember, if you are going to use it AFTER you have seeded, you need to wait for 3-4 mowings or 30 days after germination. I’ve always considered Mesotrione to be a “specialty herbicide” meaning, it’s used when you have identified a specific issue in the lawn that only Mesotrione can address. This goes back to those weedy grasses. If you specifically have issues with Creeping Bentgrass for example, then purchasing Mesotrione is a good idea. However, if your primary weed problems come from broadleaf weeds like Creeping Charlie, Henbit, Spurge, and Plantain, then there are better, cheaper alternatives like Speed Zone which contains 4 active ingredients instead of just 1. In other words, Mesotrione isn’t a “general purpose” weed control for the most part. It’s used in specialty situations such as when you are seeding or when you face a specific problem like Creeping Bentgrass. Outside of that, it’s best to choose something else and save the money. I’ll be talking a lot more about this subject and many others relating to fall-time weed control, seeding, and pre-emergent. Subscribe to my podcast for even more detailed breakdowns over the coming weeks. I’ll see you in the lawn! Read the full article
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mortiz888-blog · 1 month
Dethatching A Lawn: A “Deep Clean” For Your Green. #SaveYourGreen
Intro:  Keeping a green, perfect lawn that causes neighbor envy, can become a daunting task to many homeowners.  From mowing to aeration, the list is long, and the costs can add up to some real pocket pain. However, one of the least known about, and lowest cost, lawn tasks that can make a real difference has long been Dethatching a lawn.  Dethatching is a very long-practiced lawn care technique, and produces very reliable results.  So, let’s take a quick dive into the basics of dethatching, how often you should do it, and why you shouldn’t overdo it either. Related Reading What is “Dethatching” a Lawn Anyways? Dethatching a lawn is the process of removing a layer of dead and living material that builds up in between grass crowns and the ground. This layer of “thatch” blocks sunlight, harbors disease and organisms, and prevents the proper absorption of water and nutrients into your lawn’s soil. Removing this layer regularly, usually during Spring, allows your lawn's organic layer, known as the “Humus”, to be better exposed to sunlight, water, nutrients, and seed. Traditionally, dethatching was achieved with very extensive scouring of the turf with a metal rake.  Newer options include lawn mower attachments that use the inertia of your gas-powered machine to achieve the same results as manual raking. Many lawn care professionals have tools that mechanically spin blades, or “teeth”, into the soil to very effectively pull up even the deepest, thickest layers of thatch.   Any option will most likely include the process of cleaning up the debris removed from the ground and disposal away from the lawn. How Often Should You Dethatch Your Lawn. What is dethatching for a lawn? Lawn Dethatching companies near me. As mentioned before, allow thatch to remain in your lawn harbors pests and diseases, and also blocks sunlight and nutrients.  It is important to expand on this to really understand how your lawn really benefits to decide how often to do it. Pests: Insects, such as Sod Webworm and chinch bugs, use the cool, dark layer of thatch to rest and breed during the hotter months.  These pests feed on the crowns and blades of your grass. This causes Yellow, wilting spots on lawns. Disease:  all fungus thrives in dark wet conditions.  If water is allowed to “stand”, or pool, in areas of thatch, this allows Fungal diseases to thrive.  Fungus on lawns manifests in all sorts of colors and shapes, but most are very damaging to your lawn’s health. Sunlight: This one probably goes without saying much.  A thick layer of thatch blocks sunlight to the soil, grass root, and beneficial organic matter.  Without sunlight, grass has roots have difficulty participating in the process of photosynthesis. Nutrients:  The process of getting nutrients to your soil, and grass roots, includes various forms of absorption and adsorption.  Both of the processes are mechanically prevented from happening when blocked by thatch.  Even spreading or spraying fertilizer and other supplements will prove ineffective in this scenario. So the big question still stands: “How Often Should I Dethatch My Lawn?”.  In order to know how often to perform lawn dethatching, you must assess all the preceding factors regularly.  Along with checking for visible thatch buildup, you want to make sure water is not pooling, fungus is not forming, and insect damage is not present (especiall7 during the hotter months).  As long as these things are kept to a minimum, most lawn care professionals recommend dethatching once a season in Spring, before your first mowing.  Many homeowners and pros may perform a second dethatching in Fall, usually after the final leaf cleanup. https://youtu.be/CBvHBlFp1-s?si=sT-gi_MR6m4RD2xN Why You Shouldn’t “Overdo” It When Dethatching A Lawn. As with anything in life, being too “extra” when dethatching a lawn can prove to be detrimental.  The reason why can be analogous to brushing your teeth too hard.  At some point you are just removing the protective enamel and doing more harm than good.  With lawn dethatching, going too deep with your chosen tool, or not observing caution with the “pulling” up process, can rip your grass out by the roots and damage your soil.  In this case you would be approaching legitimate roto-tilling rather than dethatching. Conclusion Dethatching your lawn can be one of the least costly, and most beneficial lawn care tasks you can take as a homeowner.  While professional tools and techniques are worth the extra investment, it is well within your ability to DIY lawn dethatching.  Remember that leaving thatch in your lawn harbors pests and diseases.  You should think about dethatching in Spring, and possibly again in Fall, if your lawn needs it.  So remember, dethatching your lawn is like a “deep clean” for your turf. Related Posts Author Bio Michael Ortiz [email protected] (860) 213-4569 GreenTeamSave.com Mike Ortiz is a licensed Pesticide Supervisor in the State of Connecticut.  Mike has 22 years in the Landscape and Lawncare industries.  He has owned and operated his own Lawn Care Chemical company, Green Team Lawn Care, for 12 years now.  Mike has written expert articles for his own blog for over 6 years now.  Read the full article
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mortiz888-blog · 1 month
Dethatching A Lawn: A “Deep Clean” For Your Green. #SaveYourGreen
Intro:  Keeping a green, perfect lawn that causes neighbor envy, can become a daunting task to many homeowners.  From mowing to aeration, the list is long, and the costs can add up to some real pocket pain. However, one of the least known about, and lowest cost, lawn tasks that can make a real difference has long been Dethatching a lawn.  Dethatching is a very long-practiced lawn care technique, and produces very reliable results.  So, let’s take a quick dive into the basics of dethatching, how often you should do it, and why you shouldn’t overdo it either. Related Reading What is “Dethatching” a Lawn Anyways? Dethatching a lawn is the process of removing a layer of dead and living material that builds up in between grass crowns and the ground. This layer of “thatch” blocks sunlight, harbors disease and organisms, and prevents the proper absorption of water and nutrients into your lawn’s soil. Removing this layer regularly, usually during Spring, allows your lawn's organic layer, known as the “Humus”, to be better exposed to sunlight, water, nutrients, and seed. Traditionally, dethatching was achieved with very extensive scouring of the turf with a metal rake.  Newer options include lawn mower attachments that use the inertia of your gas-powered machine to achieve the same results as manual raking. Many lawn care professionals have tools that mechanically spin blades, or “teeth”, into the soil to very effectively pull up even the deepest, thickest layers of thatch.   Any option will most likely include the process of cleaning up the debris removed from the ground and disposal away from the lawn. How Often Should You Dethatch Your Lawn. What is dethatching for a lawn? Lawn Dethatching companies near me. As mentioned before, allow thatch to remain in your lawn harbors pests and diseases, and also blocks sunlight and nutrients.  It is important to expand on this to really understand how your lawn really benefits to decide how often to do it. Pests: Insects, such as Sod Webworm and chinch bugs, use the cool, dark layer of thatch to rest and breed during the hotter months.  These pests feed on the crowns and blades of your grass. This causes Yellow, wilting spots on lawns. Disease:  all fungus thrives in dark wet conditions.  If water is allowed to “stand”, or pool, in areas of thatch, this allows Fungal diseases to thrive.  Fungus on lawns manifests in all sorts of colors and shapes, but most are very damaging to your lawn’s health. Sunlight: This one probably goes without saying much.  A thick layer of thatch blocks sunlight to the soil, grass root, and beneficial organic matter.  Without sunlight, grass has roots have difficulty participating in the process of photosynthesis. Nutrients:  The process of getting nutrients to your soil, and grass roots, includes various forms of absorption and adsorption.  Both of the processes are mechanically prevented from happening when blocked by thatch.  Even spreading or spraying fertilizer and other supplements will prove ineffective in this scenario. So the big question still stands: “How Often Should I Dethatch My Lawn?”.  In order to know how often to perform lawn dethatching, you must assess all the preceding factors regularly.  Along with checking for visible thatch buildup, you want to make sure water is not pooling, fungus is not forming, and insect damage is not present (especiall7 during the hotter months).  As long as these things are kept to a minimum, most lawn care professionals recommend dethatching once a season in Spring, before your first mowing.  Many homeowners and pros may perform a second dethatching in Fall, usually after the final leaf cleanup. https://youtu.be/CBvHBlFp1-s?si=sT-gi_MR6m4RD2xN Why You Shouldn’t “Overdo” It When Dethatching A Lawn. As with anything in life, being too “extra” when dethatching a lawn can prove to be detrimental.  The reason why can be analogous to brushing your teeth too hard.  At some point you are just removing the protective enamel and doing more harm than good.  With lawn dethatching, going too deep with your chosen tool, or not observing caution with the “pulling” up process, can rip your grass out by the roots and damage your soil.  In this case you would be approaching legitimate roto-tilling rather than dethatching. Conclusion Dethatching your lawn can be one of the least costly, and most beneficial lawn care tasks you can take as a homeowner.  While professional tools and techniques are worth the extra investment, it is well within your ability to DIY lawn dethatching.  Remember that leaving thatch in your lawn harbors pests and diseases.  You should think about dethatching in Spring, and possibly again in Fall, if your lawn needs it.  So remember, dethatching your lawn is like a “deep clean” for your turf. Related Posts Author Bio Michael Ortiz [email protected] (860) 213-4569 GreenTeamSave.com Mike Ortiz is a licensed Pesticide Supervisor in the State of Connecticut.  Mike has 22 years in the Landscape and Lawncare industries.  He has owned and operated his own Lawn Care Chemical company, Green Team Lawn Care, for 12 years now.  Mike has written expert articles for his own blog for over 6 years now.  Read the full article
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mortiz888-blog · 2 months
The Dirt: Lilacs | The Dirt | Better Homes & Gardens
If you've always loved the smell of spring lilacs, here's some tips to make selecting and growing lilacs a breeze. Subscribe to the Better Homes and Gardens Channel: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=bhg Official Better Homes and Gardens Website: http://www.bhg.com/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mybhg Twitter: http://twitter.com/bhg Pinterest: http://pinterest.com/bhg/ GooglePlus: https://plus.google.com/114700401799581477045/posts Instagram: http://instagram.com/betterhomesandgardens# Read the full article
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mortiz888-blog · 2 months
The Dirt: Lilacs | The Dirt | Better Homes & Gardens
If you've always loved the smell of spring lilacs, here's some tips to make selecting and growing lilacs a breeze. Subscribe to the Better Homes and Gardens Channel: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=bhg Official Better Homes and Gardens Website: http://www.bhg.com/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mybhg Twitter: http://twitter.com/bhg Pinterest: http://pinterest.com/bhg/ GooglePlus: https://plus.google.com/114700401799581477045/posts Instagram: http://instagram.com/betterhomesandgardens# Read the full article
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mortiz888-blog · 2 months
Cost of Lawn Care Services: How Much Do Most Lawn Care Companies Usually Charge? #SaveYourGreen
Maintaining a lush, well-manicured lawn can greatly enhance the curb appeal of your home and create a beautiful outdoor space for relaxation and recreation. However, many homeowners are left wondering how much it costs to hire a professional lawn care company to keep their grass green and healthy. The truth is, the cost of lawn care services can vary widely depending on several factors. In this blog post, we'll take a closer look at what influences the pricing of lawn care services. 1. Lawn Size: The size of your lawn is a crucial factor in determining the cost of lawn care. Lawn care companies typically charge based on the square footage of the area they'll be maintaining. The larger your lawn, the more you can expect to pay. To get an accurate estimate, it's essential to measure your lawn's size. 2. Frequency of Service: The frequency at which you want lawn care services will impact the cost. Most companies offer a variety of service packages, such as weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly maintenance. Naturally, more frequent services will cost more. Some providers may also offer one-time services or seasonal clean-ups for a fixed fee. Related Posts 3. Services Required: Lawn care companies offer a range of services, which can include mowing, fertilizing, aeration, weed control, pest control, and more. The more services you need, the higher the cost will be. Discuss your specific requirements with the company to receive a tailored quote. 4. Geographic Location: Prices for lawn care services can vary depending on your geographic location. In areas with a high cost of living, you can expect to pay more for lawn care than in regions with a lower cost of living. Research local providers to get an idea of the average rates in your area. 5. Company Reputation: The reputation and experience of the lawn care company also play a significant role in pricing. Established, reputable companies with a track record of quality service may charge higher rates. However, their expertise can often justify the investment. 6. Seasonal Variations: Prices can fluctuate depending on the time of year. For example, services during the growing season (spring and summer) may be more expensive due to increased demand. Off-peak times (fall and winter) might yield lower prices and discounts. Latest Instagram Posts @greenteamlawnct https://www.instagram.com/greenteamlawnct/ 7. Customization: Many lawn care companies offer customized packages to meet your specific needs. These tailored plans can affect the overall cost, as you pay only for the services you require. 8. Contract Length: Some companies offer discounts for long-term contracts, while others prefer pay-as-you-go arrangements. Your choice can influence pricing. Cost of Lawn Care Services Near Me Photo by Karolina Grabowska on Pexels.com In general, basic lawn care services like mowing and trimming may cost anywhere from $30 to $60 per visit, depending on the factors mentioned above. More comprehensive services, such as fertilization, aeration, and pest control, can add to the cost. It's essential to obtain quotes from several companies and compare their services and prices to make an informed decision that fits your budget and needs. Remember that investing in professional lawn care can save you time and effort, enhance the health and appearance of your lawn, and increase the value of your property. So, while the cost may vary, the benefits are often well worth it. In conclusion, the cost of lawn care services can fluctuate significantly based on various factors, so it's essential to gather quotes and discuss your specific needs with lawn care companies in your area. This way, you can choose the best service that aligns with your budget and ensures your lawn remains green, healthy, and beautiful. Read the full article
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mortiz888-blog · 2 months
Cost of Lawn Care Services: How Much Do Most Lawn Care Companies Usually Charge? #SaveYourGreen
Maintaining a lush, well-manicured lawn can greatly enhance the curb appeal of your home and create a beautiful outdoor space for relaxation and recreation. However, many homeowners are left wondering how much it costs to hire a professional lawn care company to keep their grass green and healthy. The truth is, the cost of lawn care services can vary widely depending on several factors. In this blog post, we'll take a closer look at what influences the pricing of lawn care services. 1. Lawn Size: The size of your lawn is a crucial factor in determining the cost of lawn care. Lawn care companies typically charge based on the square footage of the area they'll be maintaining. The larger your lawn, the more you can expect to pay. To get an accurate estimate, it's essential to measure your lawn's size. 2. Frequency of Service: The frequency at which you want lawn care services will impact the cost. Most companies offer a variety of service packages, such as weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly maintenance. Naturally, more frequent services will cost more. Some providers may also offer one-time services or seasonal clean-ups for a fixed fee. Related Posts 3. Services Required: Lawn care companies offer a range of services, which can include mowing, fertilizing, aeration, weed control, pest control, and more. The more services you need, the higher the cost will be. Discuss your specific requirements with the company to receive a tailored quote. 4. Geographic Location: Prices for lawn care services can vary depending on your geographic location. In areas with a high cost of living, you can expect to pay more for lawn care than in regions with a lower cost of living. Research local providers to get an idea of the average rates in your area. 5. Company Reputation: The reputation and experience of the lawn care company also play a significant role in pricing. Established, reputable companies with a track record of quality service may charge higher rates. However, their expertise can often justify the investment. 6. Seasonal Variations: Prices can fluctuate depending on the time of year. For example, services during the growing season (spring and summer) may be more expensive due to increased demand. Off-peak times (fall and winter) might yield lower prices and discounts. Latest Instagram Posts @greenteamlawnct https://www.instagram.com/greenteamlawnct/ 7. Customization: Many lawn care companies offer customized packages to meet your specific needs. These tailored plans can affect the overall cost, as you pay only for the services you require. 8. Contract Length: Some companies offer discounts for long-term contracts, while others prefer pay-as-you-go arrangements. Your choice can influence pricing. Cost of Lawn Care Services Near Me Photo by Karolina Grabowska on Pexels.com In general, basic lawn care services like mowing and trimming may cost anywhere from $30 to $60 per visit, depending on the factors mentioned above. More comprehensive services, such as fertilization, aeration, and pest control, can add to the cost. It's essential to obtain quotes from several companies and compare their services and prices to make an informed decision that fits your budget and needs. Remember that investing in professional lawn care can save you time and effort, enhance the health and appearance of your lawn, and increase the value of your property. So, while the cost may vary, the benefits are often well worth it. In conclusion, the cost of lawn care services can fluctuate significantly based on various factors, so it's essential to gather quotes and discuss your specific needs with lawn care companies in your area. This way, you can choose the best service that aligns with your budget and ensures your lawn remains green, healthy, and beautiful. Read the full article
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mortiz888-blog · 2 months
How to Easily Make a Rain Barrel to Save Water | Basics | Better Homes & Gardens
Rain barrels are a great way to save water and money—and making a DIY rain barrel helps you save even more! For each inch of rain that falls on 500 square feet of roof, you can collect 300 gallons of water. Learn how to easily make one with just a few tools and start saving water today! #Sustainability #Water #RainBarrel #Howto #Basics #BHG Read the article: https://www.bhg.com/gardening/yard/tools/make-a-rain-barrel-save-water/ Subscribe to the Better Homes and Gardens Channel: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=bhg Official Better Homes and Gardens Website: http://www.bhg.com/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mybhg Twitter: http://twitter.com/bhg Pinterest: http://pinterest.com/bhg/ Instagram: http://instagram.com/betterhomesandgardens How to Easily Make a Rain Barrel to Save Water | Basics | Better Homes & Gardens Read the full article
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mortiz888-blog · 2 months
How to Easily Make a Rain Barrel to Save Water | Basics | Better Homes & Gardens
Rain barrels are a great way to save water and money—and making a DIY rain barrel helps you save even more! For each inch of rain that falls on 500 square feet of roof, you can collect 300 gallons of water. Learn how to easily make one with just a few tools and start saving water today! #Sustainability #Water #RainBarrel #Howto #Basics #BHG Read the article: https://www.bhg.com/gardening/yard/tools/make-a-rain-barrel-save-water/ Subscribe to the Better Homes and Gardens Channel: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=bhg Official Better Homes and Gardens Website: http://www.bhg.com/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mybhg Twitter: http://twitter.com/bhg Pinterest: http://pinterest.com/bhg/ Instagram: http://instagram.com/betterhomesandgardens How to Easily Make a Rain Barrel to Save Water | Basics | Better Homes & Gardens Read the full article
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