mosaicofmypast · 1 year
“You must be the person you have never had the courage to be. Gradually, you will discover that you are that person, but until you can see this clearly, you must pretend and invent.”
— Paul Coelho
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mosaicofmypast · 1 year
“In three words I can sum up everything I’ve learned about life: it goes on.”
— Robert Frost
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mosaicofmypast · 1 year
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mosaicofmypast · 1 year
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mosaicofmypast · 1 year
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mosaicofmypast · 1 year
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VSCO - calliechaffinch
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mosaicofmypast · 1 year
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mosaicofmypast · 1 year
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mosaicofmypast · 1 year
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mosaicofmypast · 1 year
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mosaicofmypast · 1 year
“I’ve seen a lot of beautiful things with a heavy heart.”
— Albert Camus
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mosaicofmypast · 1 year
“Deep in your wounds are seeds waiting to grow into beautiful flowers.”
— Niti Majethia
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mosaicofmypast · 1 year
Truth is that the heart needs more forms of love from your partner than just romantic love. It needs the nurturing and unconditional love like the one that comes from a parent. It needs the love that helps you achieve your maximum potential, that empowers your virtues and is patient with your flaws like that of a teacher. It needs the love of a friend who will listen without judgment, who will laugh with you and be your confidant and accomplice. It needs the devoted love of a healer who will tend to your wounds and hurts and never turn a blind eye to your suffering but rather help the healing process knowing all the time the healing and the timing is all yours. Love is more than just romance and passion, and sooner or later it will die out if you do not nurture all the other faces of love. For if love has a thousand faces, how bland would it be if my love for you were the same one all the time. 
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mosaicofmypast · 1 year
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👁️ ✨
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mosaicofmypast · 1 year
“The moment you feel like you have to prove your worth to someone is the moment you absolutely and utterly have to walk away.”
— Alyssia Harris
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mosaicofmypast · 1 year
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mosaicofmypast · 1 year
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