mostpopularmagi · 3 years
John’s efforts at dowsing while the café (before being rudely interrupted by Anton) had highlighted a few hotspots of concentrated magic.  Two of the largest were a building downtown - which the tourist map had labelled as a nightclub - and another place in the theatre district.
He’d check out the nightclub later, but the combination of magic and theatre inextricably brought one family’s name to the forefront of John’s mind - Zatara.
There were other popular and famous stage magicians of course, but few blended real magic with stagecraft in quite the way that the Zatara family did, but it was John’s history with that family that gave him pause.  Before anything else, he needed to know if she was here.
Taking a cab to the edge of the theatre district, John decided to walk the last couple of blocks and was immediately aware of promotional posters stuck to bill boards and plastered like layered mosaics on boarded up shopfronts.
~ See the AMAZING & MYSTICAL ZATARA SIBLINGS! ~ Join ZATANNA & ZACHARY ZATARA as they perform SPECTACULAR MAGIC in their first-ever joint live shows!
Their shared residency begins soon at The Majestic Theatre.  Box office now open!
The some of the posters had clearly been up a while, as they were torn and peeling at the corners, so John had no idea when the shows had started, but the concentration of magic suggested that they were still going on… or something was. 
Finally reaching the theatre, the place was a hive of activity.  Work men in high visibility vests and hard hats were carrying timber and tools into the building through a side entrance, and the sounds of construction were coming from inside.  John had spent enough time around the Zataras to know that they often changed their shows, adding in new elements, tricks and sets to make sure things didn’t get stale (and to promote repeat attendance).  It was likely these guys were working on something similar… and something big by the looks of it, which might explain the high concentration of mystical energies.
Whatever was going on, John wanted a closer look.  Taking off his trench coat and rolling up the sleeves of his shirt, John lit his cigarette, grabbed an abandoned hard hat and cast a cantrip under his breath as he followed a couple of workers inside.  Some people looked his way, but quickly diverted their attention as the effects of the spell made them lose interest almost immediately.  
John chuckled to himself.  Sometimes it was more useful to be boring than to be invisible.  With his Cloak of Disinterest firmly in place, the Laughing Mage started his exploration of the building.
It had been, well there wasn’t another word for it, awkward going to visit Zatanna a few weeks ago. The women hadn’t been herself; she’d reminded him of when he’d been grieving for his own death. Drink, distractions and an overall lack of self-care.
And she didn’t have an Eddie Bloomberg to pull her out of it. So, shockingly, he’d somewhat stepped out. Cleaned the house, dealt with her agent and crew and set things in motion to helm shows in her stead while she recovered, however she could.
Between that and consistently checking in with her he felt spread somewhat thin but soldiered on with endurance built from years of solo tours in shitty dive clubs all over America.
One of his responsibilities was to ensure the design and construction of the new props for his show were going well. He performed a little differently from his cousin and everything needed to be perfect if he was filling in for her.  
So work was progressing steadily, the staff knew what they were doing; he’d been in the city long enough and required their services for his own performances to trust their discretion and work ethic.
That didn’t mean he wasn’t checking in near-constantly to make sure everything was going smoothly. Thus far it seemed to be a productive afternoon until he felt something, a small ripple, something a year or so ago he may have missed entirely but now his skills were honed. Not by his cousin but by skilled enough teachers that he knew there was something to investigate. With surprisingly politeness he excused himself from speaking with a foreman and began weaving his way between the construction workers, looking about with a casual air until he noticed something; or rather, noticed himself not noticing something.
He had to close his eyes and concentrate, apply a little of his own power but when he looked again he found he could keep his eyes on a hard-hatted figure moving through the workers. And from the profile and whips of blond hair he knew exactly who it was. Hard to forget a face that had been one of the key influencers in his younger years till, like Zatanna, he dropped him the moment Uncle Giovanni passed.
With sure steps he closed the distance, waiting till there was a gap between them and workers and deftly smacked the hard hat off the other’s head. “John Constantine. What the hell are you doing here?” he asked, tone carefully bland.  
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mostpopularmagi · 3 years
To say this was nothing like her cousin’s usual attitude was a gross understatement. She struggled to hide her confounding expression. ‘It can wait,’ he says. Not even a moment later, he decided he would prepare tea for them, which only furthered her suspicions. 
Her protests would be uttered without acknowledgement. 
Alice shot one back glance at her master before carefully hopping off her lap, landing carefully on both feet with a soft thump. She made her way towards Zachary, wrinkling her nose. A small grunt alerted the other to follow her towards the kitchen, a decent distance away from Zatanna’s sights. 
In a brief moment’s pause, she placed her fists against her thighs, tensing and relaxing against the grip on the black fabric. Soft breaths helped little when the tears threatened to mar her clear expression. Her mouth trembled, forcing her to raise a haste hand over it. Eyelids snapped shut, she mumbled the incantation without another moment’s hesitation.
“lluP ti rehtegot. esaelP. lluP ti rehtegoT.”
Zach was well aware past experience wouldn’t hint at him behaving anything like this, but, scary was it was to think sometimes, he wasn’t the same person anymore. Oddly enough it wasn’t the dying that had changed him, well it had but not for the better. No. It was Eddie. Eddie Frickin’ Bloomberg who should’ve left him a million times over had stayed, kept his heart open and would be within him forever. Maybe deep down that was all he’d really needed. Someone who’d stay.
And given he had what he finally needed, he supposed it was time he tried to actually do the same for other people. Regardless of what he and Zatanna had been through he knew she’d been close with Batman, Bruce Wayne, so he could hold off his news to help out, with the ring in his pocket she needn’t know his news for a little bit.    
“Alright Alice,” he said quietly, heating water with a quick spell and looking for a clean mug, “How bad are things?” the familiar would tell, lord knows Friede loved dishing on him when she could out of worry. “latroP ot ym snoitop draobpuc.” he muttered, a small portal opening that he put his hand through and came back with a phial of clear liquid in hand, “Just to make sure she actually sleeps later.” he told the rabbit.
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mostpopularmagi · 3 years
“Yeah, but doesn’t mean I should be getting hurt anyway,” Eddie returned with a shrug and inclination of tone. “Nuh uh, not true. I will take this abuse no more!” He flung his forearm over his eyes to shield himself in faux gasp; he was no stranger to the theatrics. “How ‘bout you make them just a little dumb? I want to be able to save you, y’know.” Eddie didn’t want a repeat of last year — he didn’t think he could take it.
Zach’s comment earned him a tighter embrace and a lingering kiss to the top of his head. “Well good, ‘cause you’re stuck with it.” Honestly, Eddie didn’t think he’d want to get rid of his powers even if there was a way. That meant he regretted it, and he really didn’t, despite the ever present loom of indentured servitude. “Maybe?” He asked incredulously, wide smile evident on his face as he looked over Zach. “Last time I checked we were both engaged, mister,” he pointed out with a quick and silly poke to Zach’s chest.
“Hmm, I guess.” he said lazily, a smile pulling at his lips. He chuckled slightly, pulling the other’s arm away and lightly pressing his lips to Eddie’s warm cheek, “Sure you will, cause you love me.” he murmured, his belief in Eddie staying still something of a personal revelation for him. “I guess I can do that.” his arms wrapped around Eddie’s trim waist again and he lent against him, just revelling in the other’s presence.    
“Best thing to be stuck with.” he said, ducking his head a little so Eddie didn’t see the flush his sappiness brought to his cheeks. “Fine, I guess I can give you some pampering too, but first carry me!” he whined, “I’m all achy from fixing that damn bridge.” he huffed a little as another thought came to him, “We’re gonna have to start telling people about us soon. Just doesn’t feel right, y’konw? The NOVA thing, Batman being dead... It don’t wanna try and make things about us, about me.” He made a face, “Oh God is this what being a good person feels like!?”  
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mostpopularmagi · 3 years
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Zatanna #14
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mostpopularmagi · 3 years
Clark hadn’t seen Zach in awhile, and their last interaction in Star City had been disconcerting. He’d certainly not been the young, excited kid that he remembered. He was not the type to give up hope in people, though, especially when he knew at their core there was something else. Still, they hadn’t had much interaction and he was surprised to open the door and see him. 
“Zach?” He looked worse for the wear, himself. He hadn’t taken the time to shave in days and the shadow of it was all over his face. “Do you want to come in?” He’d had plenty of people check in with him, and some of them he hadn’t expected, but this particular visit was high on that list of unexpected appearances. 
Wow. He didn’t think he could ever recall a time when he’d seen Superman, Clark, as anything other than clean shaven. He blinked a few times but otherwise kept a perfect poker face. “Hi.” he said, already feeling more awkward then he had standing in an empty doorway. “Sure.” he nodded, walking inside as he was offered.
“I dunno if you’ve met Friede.” he gestured to his dove who cooed at her name. Well, he might’ve met the plushie he’d clung to as a kid but not the real bird. “I uhr...” he cleared his throat, “I wanted to umm, y’know, just check in and... see how you are.” he said, stumbling over his words in a way that was unfamiliar of him. “Eddie and I were away during the mission...” Celebrating their engagement that he was still keeping kind of quiet.    
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mostpopularmagi · 3 years
Eddie lifted both brows in faux shock, though he couldn’t thoroughly keep back the small smirk that threatened his façade. “That’s so mean! Take it back, you hurt my feelings,” he pouted, but he didn’t mean a word. “Are you joking? I’m super prepared. “I expect you to make smart life choices if only to save me the great deal of worry.”
He snorted and smoothed his hair out with a clawed hand. “Think so? Don’t miss the ginger?” A laugh followed the nearly rhetorical question; if Zach wanted to answer truthfully so be it. In Eddie’s own truth, he missed it a little, but being a superhero was cooler. “Well. I can carry you and massage your feet, but I dunno about the grapes ‘cause I don’t think we have any. Unless you conjure some.”
“Pfft, I’ve hurt you worse before.” he scoffed, “Besides, you love you, you’ll let me say mean things I don’t mean.” Zach snuggled into Eddie, his fatigue made him a more affectionate, or that was what he told himself anyway. “Hmm, nope. Dumb choices are much more fun, and then you get to come and save me.”
“Hmm, I liked it, but this is who you are now. And I like you best however you come.” he mumbled into Eddie’s neck, the other probably feeling his lips curl into a smile against his warm skin. “Ugh,” he pulled back, “Fine, I can provide the grapes, but you’re still carrying, massaging and telling me I’m special.” Zach demanded, “Then if you do a good enough job I might return the favour.”
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mostpopularmagi · 3 years
She gestured a welcoming hand towards her parlor while opening the door all the way. Looking back at Alice, she reached down to scoop up the soft white rabbit. With a gentle nod, she shut her front door, turning back towards Zach by the time he made his way towards her parlor. 
The initiative to come see her was rare, but not unusual in the slightest. Hearing about Bruce’s death could have been his reasoning, noted by the mention alone, but even then, the disconnect between the cousins in recent years was left to be desired. She hadn’t spoken with Bruce since his brief visit to watch her decorate the theater for the holidays.     
Now he was gone. 
It wasn’t enough to say that her dearest friend left this Earth with unspoken words of gratitude. She wanted to ask for his advice at the time, mostly concerning how she can reconnect with Zach. Instead, she held her tongue. She’ll never know what he would have said. The thought left a burning twinge of guilt in the pit of her stomach.
“I’m fine,” she said, her vague reassurance betraying the smile she forced across her lips. In truth, her focus only caught wind of some of what he was telling her, save for him saying he had news to share. She finally took a seat across from Zach, Alice settled carefully across her lap. “Never mind that. I know you’re here for a different reason and I can tell you’re eager to share. Please, feel free to share this news with me.”
Despite what a lot of people probably thought, Zach was a pretty good observer; he needed to be to pull off half the more mundane tricks he did on stage. Watching Zatanna pick up Alice he could tell from her aura she’d recently cast a spell of two on herself. He’d guess one to tidy up her appearance.
In the past he’d likely not have cared and barged on with whatever he wanted but more recently he was trying to be better... Most likely Eddie’s influence. And while he’d had little interesting in building bridges via decorating a damn theatre, this was something no doubt grief-related.
He’d known Zatanna was close to Batman, but clearly it went deeper than he’d thought.
‘I’m fine’ well there was a bald-faced lie. Zach knew that version of ‘fine’ just as well as he knew that smile the moment they sat down. His gaze flicked to Alice for a moment; the bunny looked as concerned as a bunny could manage. “You know what, it can wait.” he said, sticking his hands inside his pockets and pulling the ring off that way; it would only say something more about how off she was if Zatanna didn’t notice.
“I am quite thirsty though, how about I make us both some tea?” he asked, rising to his feet he didn’t wait for a response before heading to look for the kitchen, “Alice can show me the way. And then I think we’ll have something else to talk about.” Like the fact that Zatanna reminded him of himself post his own resurrection.
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mostpopularmagi · 3 years
When: Present Day Where: Star City - Theatre With: Barry @scxrletspeedster​
“Thank you again! Goodnight!” he bowed as the curtain fell then sighed; betwee his own shows and covering for Zatanna, he was pulling upwards of 15 shows a week and it was wearing him out. Worth it though, his cousin wasn’t up to it right now and he’d done more in the past. Luckily not a single person had complained he was filling in for his cousin so he was taking that as a compliment all in itself. 
Getting back to Zatanna’s dressing room he’d barely pulled his gloves off when he saw he wasn’t alone. “Am I going to have to file a restraining order against you?” he deadpanned at Barry, his dove fluttering over to perch by the dressing room mirror. “I heard you got hurt in the mission with NOVA, good to see you up and about.” he added, a little more stiffly. Barry was nice so he should be nice back, that’s what Eddie would want...
“If you’re looking for Zatanna she’s a little busy right now. I’m filling in for the foreseeable.” 
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mostpopularmagi · 3 years
It wasn’t that Billy didn’t want to be on good terms with Zach. As a rule, he didn’t really like not getting along with people, and it was rare that someone was so off putting that he stopped trying. The two of them had just clashed. He hadn’t been able to handle the attitude, or narcissism, or whatever it was that prompted Zach to…be the way that he was. But Billy had started to study with Zatanna, even though that was very new, and it gave him a new incentive to try to make amends. Still, he didn’t expect to open the door and just see him there.
“Uh…well. Okay. You can come in.” He had a thing that would help? Billy had been trying to find a way to help his mother and to try desperately not to take it personally that he had yet to be able to. A new idea couldn’t hurt. 
“Thank you.” he said, voice uncharacteristically mild as he stepped inside and looked around. Drab, he thought, the word already on the edge of his lips but he pulled it back, just. “Based on our last conversation I’m assuming you trust I know a thing or two about hearts, magically speaking?” The guy had come across him using a lesser demon’s heart to get information about Neron after all. Even if he’d kept the specifics secret there was no getting around that part. “I learned that, and some other things from a woman called Selene. This though, is an invention of my own.”
He reached into his pocket and pulled out a small, circular plastic tub that would usually have some kind of body cream in it. “A balm that numbs the heart.” he explained, “Won’t solve any problems but might help things be a little more... bearable.” he shrugged again, not looking the other in the eyes cause that would make this awkward.  
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mostpopularmagi · 3 years
“Celebrating what?” He assumed it was something involving his show, though couldn’t guess at what it could be. Maybe a(nother?) international tour. A movie deal. Who knew? Whatever it was, he fully expected to hear bragging…or celebrating…about it in short order.  
“Do I look like the guy who goes to spas?” Josh just followed his lead. The last thing that concerned him was another person’s body or vice versa. He took good care of himself, and as far as anyone else was concerned…there was virtually nothing that he’d not seen at least once. “Never been in one in my life. Saunas, yeah. I did that whole retreat thing.” He couldn’t even remember if he’d mentioned it to Zach. They didn’t exactly talk much about Josh. Besides, ‘retreat’ was sort of a deceptive way to refer to it, anyway. He’d lost his mind and needed to disappear for a year. But what was the term for that? Retreat was fine. 
“Something very important.” he said with a small smile, it was almost shy and definitely far removed from his usual superior expression. “And I’ll tell you about it once we’re settled in.” He wasn’t about to blurt out some of the biggest news of his life before they were mid-treatment. There were standards to these things.
“I dunno. Is there a look for the kind of guy who goes to spas? You really shouldn’t judge so much in appearance it’s very unattractive.” And there was the usual smirk that came with him being a smart-ass. “Well this is much more than just some sauna. We’ll be having salt baths, massages, hot stone treatments maybe even a chocolate wrap.” he chuckled, “By the end of it you smell like a piece of chocolate yourself.” He padded down the white hallway and into the first room which was empty apart from then. “But first, we get out fingers and toes all nicely cleaned.” he took a seat in one of the plus treatment chairs and dangled his hand off the edge, fluttering his fingers, one of which had a ring on it.    
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mostpopularmagi · 3 years
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There are two different attitudes to the use of magic...
@maximoff-kaplan @sgtbbarnes107
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mostpopularmagi · 3 years
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mostpopularmagi · 3 years
While Alice kept Zach company, Zatanna quickly kept her focus on parlor. She waved a careful hand to shift the wine bottle from the coffee table and into her hand. It wouldn’t reach half-way until the aforementioned bottle slipped from her grip and shattered on the floor in front of her. 
The sorceress mumbled a curse, the front of her teeth grazing the top of her right fist. With her free hand, she snapped her fingers to rid the stained contents from her floor. “naelC eht tser,” she whispered to herself, waving her hand once more to remove the rest of the mess in her parlor. 
She glanced back at her outfit, clicking her tongue at the sight of the evident wine stains from the aforementioned spill. Another mumbled incantation allowed her to wave a hand over her face, the rest of her magic transforming the messy clothes into a fresh set of one of her black dress suits with pants. 
Once she reached her front door, Zatanna’s hand hovered over the doorknob for a split second. Her dark brown eyes flickered back to the haste efforts made to her living room and parlor. She took a deep breath through her nostrils, holding it for a few seconds before exhaling through her mouth. Finally, she opened the door, mustering a small smile at Zach. 
“Hi, Zach,” she greeted in a softer tone that was unlike her. “Sorry to keep you waiting. Please come in. We can sit in the parlor.”
Zach may not have been on Zatanna’s level of spellcraft, but he was probably much better than the other suspected; it wasn’t like they’d had time for her to see his abilities but... now he came to think of it, Zach wasn’t sure if Zatanna had ever seen him perform, both for an audience or using real magic.
Either way he knew enough to tell she was casting spells in there and if he were a betting man he’d wager she was either tidying up her house or tidying up herself, maybe both. It was the sort of thing he’d done on more than a few occasions; Zatara’s always needed to look perfect after all.
“No issue Cousin, Alice kept me company while I guess you tided up the place.” he smirked, “I can just feel the recent spell casting.” Unlike usual, there was a definite lack of bite in his words as he stepped inside, being careful to mind Alice of course. “Apologies for the intrusion, I doubt you’re at your best so soon after Batman’s death.”
He’d been out of the city with Eddie, celebrating their engagement... Something he needed to inform Zatanna about but was worried it would come off as boasting, especially now. He walked into the parlour and elegantly reclined on an armchair, resting his chin against his fingers.
“I’m actually here because I have some news but it can wait.” He was trying to be a better person after all, “How are you holding up?”  
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mostpopularmagi · 3 years
There wasn’t a moment that Eddie thought about what other people might think about them taking this step. He really didn’t care; he loved Zach and that was that. Sure, there might be moments where he’s a huge pain in the behind, but so were a lot of people that he knew. Eddie laughed out at the comment, though resorted to humming again, this time louder and deeper, the rumble slower.       
“Wow, only ten?” He returned humorously and nodded in agreement. “See, I told you to take your time and what do you do? The opposite. Look, you did this to me,” Eddie lifted a chunk of white hair and showed it to Zach before bursting into a rich laugh. “A fuss? What kind of fuss? I don’t think you want me pinching your cheeks.”
Zach snorted into Eddie’s shoulder, “You’re such a dumbass.” he told him, though his voice held nothing but affection. He let out a whiny noise and slumped against the other, more than certain Eddie could’ve taken all his weight and not budged an inch. “If you expect me to make healthy life choices that don’t cause us a great deal of worry then you’re not prepared for our future together.”
“And your hair’s looks better like that.” he added primly, finally stepping back and folding his arms, “Tell me I’m special, carry me to the living room and feed me red grapes while massaging my feet.” It would be a good start. Maybe they could binge something on Netflix? “All things any loving fiancé would do.”        
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mostpopularmagi · 4 years
There it was: the dismantling of the conjured fantasy within Zatanna’s conscious mind. Hearing Zachary’s voice on the other end of her door forced her out of her trance. She reached a free hand to rub against her knuckle, initially numb to the touch, pulling back when she felt the pinch of her nails against the sensitive skin. 
It wouldn’t be a few moments until she stirred, readjusting herself on the couch, lifting her leg from the arm, black pump finding its place on the hardwood floor. She outstretched her arms with a strained grunt, shifting her body into a seated position, back straightened. Her eyes scanned the floor and she spotted her familiar, Alice. A half-hearted grin formed across her expression. She reached a white-gloved hand towards the creature, patting the top of her head. 
“lleT mih ll’I eb thgir ereht.”
Upon hearing Zatanna’s command, Alice made haste towards the front door. She tapped the bottom with her foot to conjure a small opening, peering her head up to glance at Zach. 
Hello, Zach, said Alice, mouth unmoving but her soft voice was prominent from her thoughts. She’ll be right out.
As with most things, Zatanna was again ahead of him. He recalled the white rabbit from when he’d been around her as a child, but she certainly hadn’t been speaking then. Perhaps with time Friede would be able to do similar things? For now they spoke to one another in their own way (same with Xander and Ezra) and that was enough for him.
He nodded politely, it was always easier to be polite to animals than with people. “Thank you Alice. You’re resplendent as always.” he told the rabbit, bending at the knees to gently run a two fingers over her head. He realised he’d chosen the hand with the ring on it and the rabbit would probably catch on; if she was passing on messages she was certainly observant enough to. Not that it really mattered; he had come here to tell Zatanna about it after all.
This family had kept far too many secrets in the past for him to try and keep another.
He rose back up and crossed his arms, working to guess the wards on the house while he waited for his cousin to appear.
He’d managed to find about seven when she finally got to the door and he smiled (only slightly) at her. “Cousin.” he greeted, nodding his head, “I have some news I have to share with you.” Best not to preamble or he may lose his nerve.    
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mostpopularmagi · 4 years
It was going to take some time for Eddie to get used to being called ‘fiancé’. It was one thing to have the label while they were away on their vacation - an early honeymoon, so to speak - but now that they were back in the real world, and in the midst of a terrorist attack, no less, it felt much more heavier than during the initial bliss. Eddie could still feel his cheeks warm up at the sentiment, but it gave him many more jitters the longer it weighed on him.
Eddie leaned back against Zach and hummed at the contact, appreciative of the embrace. “Morning,” he returned; he nearly purred, though he did sigh at the question and lifted a gentle shoulder, grin wide and cheeks high. “M’okay. A lil’ tired, but good overall. How are you feeling?”
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Zach felt a little thrill every time he said the word, it was something so much more mature than boyfriend or even partner. Of course telling people, and that included some sort of pubic announcement (he was a celebrity after all) would probably be a more nerve-wrecking affair. But, that could wait. He shoved the thoughts of out his head and leant against Eddie’s back, “You sound like an engine.” he chuckled when the other hummed, squeezing against him just slightly.
“Feel like I went ten rounds with Sixth Circle Demon,” he answered dryly, “My own fault for fixing the entire bridge in one go.” Still it wouldn’t have helped to have left the job half-done, all the other magic users had been occupied. “Make a fuss of me, husband to be.” he cooed against the others ear.  
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mostpopularmagi · 4 years
“Usually there is whether there has to be or not.” But Zach never really used that word, friend, and Josh was surprised to hear it come out of his mouth. Maybe that was answer enough to the question. It wasn’t like he was going to press too much about it. He wasn’t one for long heart-to-hearts either, both because he rarely had the time or desire for them. He liked to focus on the present as much as he could. That tended to be where he was needed, where he could actually do something.
Josh took the bottle for him and looked at the label, which was perfectly meaningless. He didn’t know a damn thing about wine or champagne or any of the rest, except that with enough of any of it he could be drunk until he decided to purge it from his system. Once they were standing in front of the bougie looking building, he turned his head toward Zach. “I’m guessing this is the norm for you.” He had definitely never set foot in a place like that. 
“Well, I guess there could be. I am celebrating a little something at present.” But given the, understandable, dour atmosphere in the city right now he was trying to keep the shenanigans to a minimum. But a spa day in another continent was another matter entirely. The smile on his face as he talked about was a little different too, for one not a smug or nasty expression but just a happy one. “That vintage is probably worth more than some people make in a year, so enjoy it.” he added lightly.
He chuckled, “It wasn’t always, but now it is.” he’d barely stepped inside when two attendants rushed from out of nowhere to assist them, “Thank you Gretchen, could you prepare this bottle for serving?” he asked, handing her the one he’d been carrying, “Johnathan I take it everything’s ready?”
One attendant took his bottle, offering to take Josh’s too, while the other nodded and began leading them both down a grand hallway to a changing room, explaining they had the overnight stay prepped with treatments and dinner. Once inside the changing room, Zach didn’t hesitate to start stripping off and grabbed a fluffy robe and pair of tight shorts, to wear, “Ever been to a spa before?” he asked Josh, “All you gotta do is sit back, relax, eat and drink. Though I’d recommend a massage.”    
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